Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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<Are You a Boy Scout ?j
v The Boy Scou
| Book Will T
% The book is yours almost for the asking.
C Regular retail price $2.00.
g Present it at the office of The Harrisbarg /
\ Telegraph together with 1
J mmd the book Is yours.
, Act quickly as tha number of copies is i
\ limited. <
I Nam# •» i •• • «>!• • |
AMmm «■ , .
; Date
! If book is to be mailed, enclose 5 cents extra for f
j- u*j~u~ jii_r\jr
Resinol stops
itching instantly
THE moment Resinol Ointment WMm
touches any itching skin, the afflTOll l ISfrW
itching stops and healing
begins. With theaidof Resinol Soap,
it quiekly removes all traces of
eczema, rash, tetter, ringworm. 2c
pimples or other tormenting, un- s < Vkw
sightly eruption, leaving the skin
clear and healthy. It is equally S/ ">7j X
effective for sores, boils, burns, red, y J
rough hands, dandruff and piles. ft ££/'
Kesinot Ointment is so nearly I ¥/
canbeused 7 Mr /
<m exposed snrfsres withoat /\/ J?
attracting undue atteation.
Rgeiunl hasbeao pr««.rfbed by dortert
for Itycam A!ldr\>*sn*w Heiinol Mmf ' "~T;- - MM
Ointment <SOc- »nd U.GOi. R«ltiol f /?k£ i p^dga)
Soap (tse.). For trl»l die frer. wrtte I SMJM I .-*»-■ Z!'*"* BK
to PepL !>-S, Resinol. Battimare, Md, I. ■J'l HraLr
11 We Have Excellent Facilities |j
if For Printing Promptly |l
|| LAWYERS' 11|
| Paper Books
jf The Telegraph Printing Co. |
I S Printing Binding Designing Photo Engraving § S
fc Ifeiyb Lamps \
V A Rayo Lamp is one thing needed m
for a cheerful and pleasant home. J
Its soft, white light is the best for your N
3 eyes, and its attractive appearance—solid \
brass, nickel plated—makes it an orna- i
ment in a room. .1
■JJ Can be lighted without removing chimney I
or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. A
J Simple, durable, economical %
For sale at all dealers.
Huge Exposition Palaces Fast Nearing Com*
pletion In San Francisco.
* JaH
Copjrlsht. mi, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition.
VI pT™ ° no ° f t ! le <™navcrse arcades of the Palace of Education at
I .mi Pa "®™ a ~ Paclflc Kxpos'tJon. looking toward the United States Pre
sidio military reservation. The Presidio adjoins the Exposition ground.
t«ta that ° PPOnunlU<>3 for < h « international drill con
te«U that will be held by the troops of all nations in 1915. In the center of (he
are S ! ,OWn /° me ° f 1110 rax * tr<?ea which will be set out upon the
Exposition (rounds and courts.
Letter List
the Post Office, at Harrlsbursr, Pa., fot
the week ending' January 17, ll'l*:
readies' IJst Mre. Mildred AttWks,
Miss Clth Col. Mrs. Rrlndusin Crisiati,
Mrs. Richard Davis, Mrs. H. Dyer, Mrs.
Fred Eiktnan. Mrs. <;. \V. Fnirchilds.
Mrs. Warren Foltz, Miss Annie Fore
man. Mrs. Frances M. (lilrov. Mrs. .lane
Gray don. Mrs. Elizabeth Gross. Miss
Cira Hartley, Mrs. George Janney cji.
Sirs. Sarah Johnson. .Mrs. Anna M. Kel
ler. M'ss Alice G. Kendall, Mrs. K F.
Kling. Miss Dydia Kntz, Mrs. Joan
Daren. Mrs. John R. Dashle: Mrs. Nora
Dentner. Mrs. Emma C. hong, Mrs
Cyrus l.yter, Mrs. ifT. Marov. Autre
linl Michele. Mrs Harrv \Mollpr Miss
Mary E. Myers. Mrs. William Nell, Mrs.
James J. O'Rrien. Mrs. S. Walter Par
sons. Mrs. Plouso. Atnj Rhodes, M|:. s i
Mary Hieglar. Miss Catharine Kotiler,
Miss Carriu iShafT.'r. Mrs. Mnrv K. Stiv
der. Maud Spencer iD. K), Miss Adcie
M. Sterr. Mrs. J. J. Stewart, Mrs. J.
Todd, Mrs. Frederick Ulrich, Miss
Daisy Wagnerj Mis. Maggie M Wal
ters. Miss Sue E. Weaver, Mrs. Sarah
Wilson, Margaret Winner.
Gentlemen's hist John Batts,
Charles Berry, All Been. Mr. Coombs.
Harvey Daveler, James Devine. Perva
Demitru. M. Dunbar. George Edwards.
Predelliani Egish, John N. Ellis, Rav
mond Emsel, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fre.v,
J. J. Funk. Sheldon W. Funk, Charles
!B. Gunis. John S. Give. Clarence Gor
i man, Benjamin Green, Frank Hall. Jo
t seph Hamilton. M. E. Handford, Daniel
iZ. Hames, R. N. Hloryel, G. A. Houck,
Shoop N. Jacob, John E. Johnson, John
I W. Koomes. Sam Deevey. W. E. Dentz
i Jiminie Lucas. E. E. MUldleton, Millard
j Myers, Edward C. Porter. S. G. Preston,
|C. W. Ritter. Hon. J. S. Ruthegue, C.
A. Severance, C. E. Steinmetz, Max
Streets, Hiram McG. Summers. N. A.
Turtle. G. S. Vogle, C. C. Watson. Mar
din Webster, John M. Wert. C. M.
White. C. T. Williams, Hon. John Wil
liams. 'William Wingtield, W. N. Young.
Firms Campbell Bros., Crow In
dian Medicine Co. (2). Charles Faust
Cimmisary. Fromma Garage. George C.
Bennett Co.. International Commission
Agency. Messrs. Fisher & Kert. Rau
Bros., The Myfler Building, The Kam
poluton. J. M. Ward &- Son.
Foreign F. C. Aldrlch. J. B. Ar- j
mour. S. D. Armour, M. B. Bakpr, Louis
Moor Birhler. F. K. Brlcker. W Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martrick. Molnar
j Marl. Fraticoexo Midlle, Andrew Sichl 1
! Kiril Workeff, Sturin Zucob, Tanisija
Persons should invariably have their
J V.
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
is the only guarantee that you have the
prepared by him for over 30 years.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria.
Sold only in one size bottle, never In bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company, pr«t.
mail matter addressed to their street
and number, thereby Insuring prompt
delivery by the carriers.
Boston, Jan. I'l.—Graves will be de
nuded of their monuments unless the
atones are paid for promptly, if gran
ite manufacturers have their way. The
legislative committee on judiciary to
day took under consideration a bill
presented on petition of the manu
facturers which would give the seller
of gravestones a lieu »11 bis product
similar to that permitted to retailers
of furniture.
: The Personal
i Surplus Fund
Practically every big business
institution sets aside a
portion of its earnings to
be added to a surplus fund.
If the maintenance of such
a fund is deemed advisable
by those who have almost
unlimited facilities for !
obtaining * money, isn't it
l'ar more important to
you to adopt the same
The most convenient form
of the "personal surplus
fund" is a time deposit
account here, to which you
can set aside portions of
your earnings from time
to time. Interest is
j compounded at the rate of
3 per cent, annually.
222 Market Street
Dress JiaKiny|
Prepared Especially For This Newspaper MjjOf l(j]
by Pictorial Review
Vor general wear this comfortable
coat of heavy cloth will be found very
serviceable, as It is semldressy as well
M practical. The lower front may be
finished in either round or square ef
A comfortable, semidressy coat that
ran be used for general wear is a very
necessary garment this season. The
rough finished cloths are used for the
development of this model, but it is
also chic carried out in plain broad
There are two or three different ways
of finishing the coat, and the home
dressmaker should remember that it is
in working out the details that much of
the smartness of a model Is achieved.
The lower front edges may be round
or square. The rovers, extending from
the collar to the hem of the coat, are
decidedly new.
The coat is belted at the back, the
large sleeves are fitted into the droop
Cleanses tender little stom
ach, liver, bowels with
out injury
Every mother realizes that this is
the children's ideal laxative and physic,
because they love its pleasant taste
and it never fails to effect a thorough
"inside cleansing:" without griping'.
When your child is cross, irritable,
feverish, or breath is bad, stomach
sour, look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, give a teaspoonful of "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few
hours nil the foul, constipated waste,
sour bile and undigested food nasses
I; This New Illustrated Book for Every Reader |
.1 Oil figji PRESENTED By THE J|
pl lljf/ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH (If)/ [=={ j
i! See the Great Canal In Picture and Prose IffJl j;
j] Read How You May Have It Almost Free !!
J ' Cut oat the aliove coupon, and present It at thtu office with <k> '
! ! he ™. lß opposite the style .elected (which covers!
ii i ft* 2f the S o,< of P* ck,n »« expreaa from tin? factory, cheek
; j ft S SKULLS- expe^se »«—>
i! PANAMA Th,s be *«tl ful bl* volume la written by Willi* J.J!
> Abbot, a writer of International renown, and la!!
1 1 >. »«» » tlle ac knowledged atandard reference work of thai I
It rANAI sreat Canal Zone. It la a aplendid large book of"
vmiALt almoat 500 pages. Bxl2 Inches In size; printed' l
. In Picture and from new type, large and clear, on special paper ! '
; Prose bound In tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped
i > Illustrated ln Bold, with Inlaid color panel; contains morei i
1 » Edition than 600 magnificent Illustrations, Including beau- "
I > tiful pages reproduced from water color nitidis. • 1
j • in colorings that far surpass any work of a slml- I
lar character. Call and see this beautiful book I "-XHififtsiio i
I . that would sell for $4 under usual conditions, but ■ <
, , which Is presented to our readers for ONE of tlia #1 A A i
II above Certificates, and <iJ)I.UU '
J j Sent by Mmll, Postage Paid, for 51.40 and 1 Certificate. !
I iiiiit»ititinnnnninitiititttiii»im 1
f ~
v ■
JANUARY 21, 1914.
ing shoulders and finished with deep
cuffs and the collar may be round or
It requires 3% yards of 54 Inch mate
rial or yards of 44 Inch goods to
make the coat. If a contrasting mate
rial Is used for the collar and cuff?. 1
yard 36 Inches wide will be mr
To cut the coat place the bu> md
collar with edge marked by triple
"TTT" perforation on a lengthwise fold
of the material, belt on a crosswise
fold and remaining pieces wltji line of
large "O" perforations on u lengthwise
thread of the material.
The front of the pocket Is indicated
by large "O" perforations. In begin
ning the construction of the coat first
adjust on front upper edge along cross
line of single small "o" perforations.
Turn under front edge of front on
small "o" perforations to form facing.
Plait front (at upper edge), placing
"T" on small "o" perforation and tack.
Close under arm seam as notched;
close shoulder seam. Sew collar to
neck edge, . center backs even, and
bring large "O" perforation to corre
sponding large "O" perforation In front.
Adjust strap to position on back aB Il
lustrated, with center of strap over
small "o" perforations, and pass belt
Close the sleeve seam as notched,
then turn under the lower edge on sin
gle small "o" perforations and roll back
on double "OO" perforations to form
cuff. Sew in annhole as notched. Th»
coat may be closed In either single or
double breasted effect.
| I » • iLttVt 01^
f KCIIT A >" fo 1
• , , * OOCKttI
■J J?
[ gttt e . '3
No. 5510. Sizes 3 1, 34. 36, 38. 40, 41
and 44 bust measure. Price of pattern.
15 cents.
out of the bowels and you have a well,
playful child again. When its little
system is full of cold, throat sore, has
stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion,
colic—remember a good liver and
bowel cleaning should always be the
first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know
a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child
to-morrow. Directions for babies, chil
dren of all ages and grown-ups are
plainly on each bottle.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent
bottle of "California Syrup of Figs."
Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get
the genuine, made by "California Fig
Syrup Company." Refuse any other
fig syrup with contempt.—Advertise
"TIZ" fixed my sore, swollen,
sweaty, calloused feet
and corns.
Ah! what relief. No more tlrcii
feet; no more burning feet; no mor<
swollen, bad smelling, sweaty feet. No
more pain in corns, callouses or bun
ions. No matter what ails your feet or
what under the sun you've tried with
out getting relief. Just use "TIZ."
"TIZ" 1b the only remedy that draws
out all the poisonous exudations which
puff up the feet: "TIZ" Is magical;
"TIZ" is grand; "TTZ" will cure your
foot troubles so you'll never limp or
draw up your face In pain. Your shoes
won't seem tight and your feet will
never, never hurt or get sore, swollen
or tired. Think of it, no more foot
misery; no more burning corns, cal
louses or bunions.
CJet a 25 cent box at any drug store
or department store, and get instant
relief. Get a whole year's foot relief
for only 25 cents. Think of it! —Ad-
We eat too much meat which
clogs Kidneys, then the
Back hurts
Most folks forget that the kidneys
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a flushing occasion
ally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, sever*
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidney
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidne-v
region, get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from ajiy good drug store here,
take a tabiespoonfui in a glass o(
water before breakfast for a, few day?
and your kidneys will then act finc-
This famous salts is made from tlm
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and is harmless t<
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acids in the urine so it nc
longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks whe
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.—Advertise
Of All A ges ;;
Om to Dr. PbUllpe far grwt-elaaa dental
wark, became mj reputation ku p«t ne
la the (rant rank. My «rr fmii «•
perlence baa enabled ma ta adopt the
Boat thorough tad palnleH Bethode of
performing dental operation*.
Day by day my practice baa Inereaaed
under tba direct eaperrlaion of mjeelf,
CNTII. I bad to employ three graduate
aaa'ntanta who are of mperlor ability.
It will pay you to hare aa do yoor wore.
Poa't worry abeut payment a, ar
rangementa cam be Bade ta aslt
Plata*. IB and op.
Crown aad Bridge Work, IS $4, SS.
Pilling* la allrer alloy, enamel. 00c op.
Gold, tI.M) up.
Boat Work, Beat Material. Lowaat Prloea.
Written guarantee with aay work.
820 Market Street j
Ofttoe Honra: Dally, Mt A. K. «a • I
t. X.; Sunday*, II to 4. f
The lergeet aad moat thoroughly I
equipped office In city. J
Branch OUtiaa Baedlng and Jkfladalfhla. i
■ ■ H| are curable. All klni
B■ H ■ ■ B| mean auffering and
WM I ■ danger. TheCAUSI
■ ■ B la alwayn internal.
I ILa Dr. Lronkardt'l
■ ■mw hemro|D
tablet* produce amaaing reeulta by attacking th«
INTERNAL CAUSE. The pile* are dried up ana
Krraanently cured, t* daya' treatment; 0.00.
t. LEONHARDT CO, Buffalo, N. Y. (freebook)
Sold by Kennedy Medicine Store, Harrlaborfl
i. A. McOurdp Steelton. and dealer*.
Quick Relief for Conglia, Colds and
Hoarseness. Clear tlte Voice—Fine foi
Speakers and Slngera. 25c.
10 N. Third St. Penna. Station
(Succeaaor to J. J.' Ogrlaky)
Try Telegraph Want Ads