Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 21, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Better Bargains and Bigger Values Than Everl
®BBmg2& In This, The Greatest and Best ef All Sales j
To-morrow Will Be a Record-Breaking Bargain Dayf
Daily at Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Girls' Winter Women's Kid Women's Kid II
5.30 P. M. Winter Coals, Serge Dresses, . Coats, . Gloves Gloves \
c , t . :1 | Worth up to ft) m ftr Worth up to ft Jg QC Worth up to fyM nc 150 Pairs ofp/v 100 Pairs of ft A S 1
Satardays at ss,oo ' £or \§ H. 50, IC | $3.50,
A n V, VV "'lff II VI),T! Made of all wool ilf 1 One-piece Serge til I ~ Made of all wool iff M— — C J 3S P GloVesmWl!■ clasp Kid G/OVeS if mW I C»
9PM Choice ~ Dre.se., Choice of RI u e Chinchilla. fof > frr > C>
■ of Black or Blue and ' n Blles - Black - Blue or Brownand all alzes. Size. 6to 14 yeara. - SI.OO Value. Black & Colors & Sizes. Black & Colors. $1.25 I faille. C 1
Our $30,000 Garment Stock at Tremendous Reductions—There ACleanSweepof all Women's 8
Has Never Been a Sacrifice Sale Like This Blouses-Remarkable Prices 1
S ARABIAN LAMB, URAL LAMB AND PERSIANA Choice of % and Full Length "£"£ TZTL*. 1
Q SALTS URAL LAMB COATS SJ}'= SALTS ARABIAN LAMB Jfcl/= Finest Persian* Coats 815= aiuizes'' 0 value u|l f!
© VALUES TO 516 FOR——V= COATS, VALUES TO S2O FOB—VALUES TO 525 fffl t053.00. Cl AQ $4.00. CO LO J
§ C„ w pu* « ££"""* —" • " Choice for—f .1? Choice for-» ]>*.*? J,
g Hundreds of Astrakhan, Boucle and Mixture Coats A u clean Swee P of Women's Newest §
© Women's and Misses' d»0.95 I Women's and Misses' (top fin I Women's and Misses' tf*o 75 I Women's andMisses'fM 475 Neckwear at Less Than Wholesale 2
I I I ..i'wjioi | JBSft 511 i CKt tmmttow 1
g Extra Large Size Coals for Extra Large Worn ;n at Clean Sweep Prices ftff
§ Women's and dJP.OO I Women's and (&Q.so I Women'sandfo* \ .75 I POO Fittvd,, , H / $
Q Misses' Suits, !b{J= \ Misses' Suits, SS= M/sses'Su/7s,Xl 1 = A»/sses'Sui/s,SlS== Neck4ar vaiut up'to styMS "vXeTtofi
Q Values to sl2 for- | Values to $16.50 for+> | t/a/ues to $22.50 for V *■■*•= | Values to s3ofor*>>
§" r Tremendous Reductions on All Extra Large Coat Suits. Sizes 3T to 51 -w Women's sweaters >s4
| Men's Winter Suits & Overcoats and winter over- Infants> c *p s §
Q An enormous clearance of all Suits and Overcoats that means Record- 1 M e Y er ? ! tables of ! nfa, ? ts ' caps just slightly I 511 O
O Breaking Bargains for Men and Young Men. COfltS soiled, but you will find values to SI.OO. O
« To-morrow at 19c. O
g CLEARANCE LOT NO. 1 CLEARANCE LOT NO. 3 T r|wp< , t l> r :~ 3
@ $8.50 to sl2 Value Winter sls to S2O Winter Overcoats, i? M - n Here Are Real Clean Sweep o
O Overcoats and Winter Suits . Fancy Mixtures Quoted Prices on Desirable Furnishings S
§\i <6J. *7tZ At fiO CA Boys' Overcoats at $1.49 for Men and Boys R
/ml ■Cr Vvevll Values to $3.00. Small Sizes. Men[s Shirts and Draw- blue Hsndkerchiefn. X
O ———_—— -— _ © rs - Value to 50c OQl* devalues 4' ®
O CLEARANCE LOT NO. 2 . Th p Boys' Overcoats at $2.49 *lc g
g $lO to sl2 Value Winter Suits 2"! u! BUSiIMSS si s(i v.1w.... $ 6 .00. Sl„. S IS r..,. Men', and Boys' Su»- Bo ys -Flannelette P.-S
0 and Winter Overcoats Pan,s, Values to $3.00, at . . |
1 At $6.75 SSB-IH-. v £
S -.... Pants. Values to $2.00, at ... . »"t Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats,s3.oo at I values, *
(f, ■ IL Wk| X' JL Arm m. values to $6.00. Small Slzee ■ a
| l |N one Hundred Pairs Fine Rib-lined Cor- qa Boys' Norfolk Suits at $2.90 I 11 \<feJ X
g duroy Pants. Values to $3.50, at , , W»vl) That Would Cost You S4.SO Elsewhere |
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 21. —Chief of
Police Staley was notified yesterday of
the theft of an iron gray horse,
weighing about 1,100 pounds, from the
stable of G. D. Budderke at Blue
Ridge Summit on Monday night.
Speriai to The Telegraph
Sunbury. Pa., Jan. 21. —Charles Ed
ward Russel, a great Socialist lecturer,
author and writer, spoke to over 600
persotw at. Sunbury Monday night and
told them how he had seen eighty
children trampled to death in the re
cent disaster in a public hall nt Calu
met. Mich.
Quick Action Prescription
Cures Colds in a Day
The best and quickest prescription
known to medical science for colds and
coughs is as follows: "Prom your drug
gist get two ounces of Glycerine and
half an ounce of Globe Pine Compound
(Concentrated Pine). Take these two
Ingredients home and put them Into a
half Pint of good whiskey. Shake It
well. Take one to two teaspoonfuls af
ter each meal and at bed time. Small
er doses to children according to age."
Be sure to get only the genuine Globe
Pine Compound (Concentrated Pine).
Each half ounce bottle comes | n a tin
screw-top sealed ease. Anv druggist
lias it on hand or will quicklv jjet it
from his wholesale house. There ;ire
many cheaper preparations but it don't
pay to experiment. This treatment is
certain. This has been published here
for six winters. Published |, v the
Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories of
Chicago. i
Reading Club Formed
For Benefit of Members
Dillsburg, Pa., Jail. 21. —A reading
club with twenty-one members has
been formed in Dillsburg. Each mem
ber is required to purchase a late
book of fiction or other popular sub
ject and after reading his own book
it is passed on to the next member of)
the club in alphabetical order, no one j
to keep a book longer than two weeks.
The books selected are "The South-1
eruer." "Peg o' My Heart," "Tern- j
barom." 'The Millionaire," "John |
Sherwood." "The Broken Halo," "The,
White Jvlnen Nurse," "The Fool and I
His Money," "The Hous*' of Happl- I
ness." -Th- Iron Trail." "The Heart
of the Hills," "The Amateur Gentle
man," "Samantba on the Woman
Question." "The Inside of the Cup,"
"Hagar," ''The Story of
Waitstill Baxtar," "A Son of the Hills,"
"The Keeper of the Vineyard" and
"V. V.'s Eyes." The members of the
club are Mrs. M. J. Bailey, Kathryn
Mumber, Mrs. W. D. Brougher, Mrs.
Jame Williams, Mrs. Charles Sidle,
Miss Gretna Beitzel, Mrs. M. W.
Butcher. Miss Myrtle Mayberry, Mrs.
A. C. Hartman, Mrs. J. H. Wolf, Mis*
Retta Bauman. Miss Kesta Firestone,
Mrs. Logan Bailey, Marietta Menear,
Ethel Rearick, Laura Williams,
Grace Butcher, Mrs. J. B. Spera, Dr.
W. L. Crawford, M. C. Thumraa and
R. B. Nelson.
London. Jan. 21.—The sudden ill
ness of Baron. ss May de Pallandt. for
merly Marie Dugas, of Chicago, caused
an Indefinite adjournment to-dav of
tb. suit brought against her by' Dr.
Ernest Villiers Appleby, formerly lec
turer at the Vnivoralty of Minnesota,
for the recovery of $20,000.
Chicken Thieves Operating
in Vicinity of Dillsburg
Special tv The Telegraph
Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 21. Thieves
have been making almost nightly raids
on chicken houses in this section for
the past three weeks. There is:
j scarcely a farm within a radius of
four miles of. Dillsburg that has not'
I visited recently and many fowls j
j taken, in some Instances as high as
■ forty and fifty chickens at one place
. in a night.
At the home of Jacob Sheffer, near
I here, all the chickens he owned were
stolen. Several farms were visited
and com hauled away several nights
ago and when the thieves were
tracked along the road the party
found a large rooster with his legs
tied lying in the road, but lost trace
of the thieves.
Sulzer Will Testify
at John Doe Inquiry
By Associated Press
New York. Jan. 21.—William Sulzer,
former Governor, now an assembly
man, was the chief witness cited to
appear this afternoon at the resump
tion of the so-called John Doe inquiry
into political graft, especially as con
cerns State road construction. During
thep eriod before and after his re
moval as governor Sulzer made
charges against his enemies, but he
did not take the stand at the im
peachment proceedings, and his ap
pearance to-day was the first under
oath. It was understood that District
Attorney Whitman insisted that the
witness sisu a waiver of immunity.
mosey for cemetery
! At the annual meeting- of the stock
' holders of the East Harrlsburg Ceme
i tery Association, yesterday, a fund of
| $6,150 was added to the surplus set
I aside for improvements. The fund now
~ totals $14,400. Directors elected were:
j John H. Mcllhenny, S. A. Reeme, 8. S.
| Miller, D. 11. Swope, Edward N. Knupp,
Clayton M. Hershey. The directors
elected these officers: President, John
11. Mcllhenny; secretary and treasurer,
Joseph A. Miller; superintendent, Ed
ward M. Knupp; assistant superinten
dent, Albert Farllng.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 21.—William
Übby, of Philadelphia, owner of the
moving- picture palace at Pen-Mar
Park which was destroyed by the
heavy snowfall of two weeks ago,
when- the roof fell in and the sides
of the building fell out, was at tho
mountain Monday and decided to re
build the structure on a larger scale
than ever.
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa.. Jan. 2,1. —The Rev. A.
A. Kroh. of Zlon United Evangelical
Church, is conducting a series at evan
gelistic meetings at the church In
White Oak street. A number of con
versions have resulted from these
meetings and the services are well at
The Rev. ,T. E. lleberling, of
St. Paul's Evangelical Church, is in
tho second week of a series of services
whirh are interesting and well at
tended. 4
Annville, Pa.. Jan. 21.—At the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the Annville National Bank a board
of seven directors was chosen. An
drew Kreider, the president, heads the
directorate in point of service, having
■ | been elected for the forty-first con
secutive year. The other officers are:
i Vice-president, Judge C. V. Henry;
cashier, George W. Stlne; solicitor,
Samuel T. Meyers; teller, F. A. Henrv,
and clerks. Clay Deaner and H. M.
Bowman. The board set aside $5,000
as a dividend and added a sum to the
undivided profits and surplus fund,
making the total over $130,000.
After the Age of Fifty
From this age the human system
gradually declines and the accumulated i
poisons in the blood cause rheumatism
in Joints, muscles and back. These
warnings should be promptly relieved
and, serious Illness avoided by using
the following prescription which comm
from a noted doctor and is said to have
, no equal In curing rheumatism and re- ,
storing physical vigor. Good results!
come after the first dose. "From your
druggist get one ounce of ToriH com
pound (in original sealed package) and
one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparllla
compound. Take these two Ingredients
home and put them into a half pint of
good whiskey. Shake the bottle and
take a tablespoonfui before each meal
ana at bed-tlmn.*' If your driißsrint
does not have Toris compound in stock 1
he will get it for you In a few hours I
from his wholesale house. Don't he
r JKI ,ak ? "i D a,Pr, t medicine
instead of this. Inslut on JiaviiiK tho'
genuine Toris compound In the original!
one ounce, sealed, yellow package, pub
lished by tl.o ( <l<'l>e Pharmaceutical
• laboratories of Chicago. 1
JANUARY 21, 1914.
Thinking of Quality
! These days, most men when they think of a smoke, think of
King Oscar 5c Cigars
It's the way quality always affects the mind. Its influence
is simply irresistible. Think of soap, silver, flour and what
! not and the quality kinds arc the ones you instinctively,
j think, of.
| It's a good thing, too.