Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 20, 1914, Page 14, Image 14
14 In This January Clearance Are . The Season's Foremost Coat Styles in Women s $1.50 to $3.00 Shoes at • This Clearance of Women's Outergarments f27 fair that were formerly $1.50 jls fair that were formerly $2.50 Women can pick up rare bargains in this lot of reduced coats the 19 fair that were formerly $2.00 jll that were formerly $3.00 j styles of which are varied enough to offer a wide range of fabrics and colors 111 this lot are broken sizes and discontinued styles in patent colt, $20.00 black and white and black and brown coats, plush col- metal calf and black kidskin in lace and button shoes lars ancl cuffs - January Clearance price SIO.OO . Also Men's $2.00 and $3.00 shoes, all leathers. January Clearance trs . . CO "" *£& JRk * $25.00 black, navy, brown, Copenhagen and mahogany eponge Women's $2.50 tan calf patent colt Men's $4.00 winter shoes, tan calf, gun coats, box pleated backs, yoke effect with drop shoulders. January and gun metal calf button shoes, stitched metal calf, patent colt and tan storm learance price $15.00 v, and welted soles, goud stylish shoes, not calf. All good stylish shoes with hand- $16.50 brown and taupe astrakhan coats, drop shoulder, velvet ((^ all sizes of every kind but all <£l fIC welted soles. All" sizes ig the lot but collars. January Clearance price $12.50 \) sizes in the lot. Special llot 0 f every kind. d»0 QC $20.00 taupe and brown full length astrakhan coats, shawl col- \ Women's $3.50 gun metal calf shoes, Special...". lars. January Clearance price ... $15.00 J \ N button and blucher lace stvlt, made on Boys' $1.25 box calf and tan grain $20.00 Salts astrakhan coats, Saltex»plush collars and cuffs, y(\ \ \ \ good stylish lasts with Cuban heels, leather shoes, blucher lace style with three-quarter length. January Clearance price #15.00 !1 \ \ \\ Not all sizes. <£F QQ heavy stitched soles. QO $20.00 brown and navy cut chinchilla coats, simulated belt, I\\ \ \\ Special vi«*/0 Special SfOC plush collars, button trimmed. January Clearance price .. $15.00 V\\ W omen's $4.00 tan and' black storm Misses' $1.50 black kidskin shoes, lace . , $25 -°° " av - v imported striped novelty coats, drop shoulders, man- \\ \ calf lace shoes, made on full toe lasts styje with patent leather tips, heavy msh cut January clearance price $10.50 with heavv Goodyear welted oak leather st,tcllcd sole <- Si * cs U V> * QR C i $ n P " T ' t 'i; ee " c l uarter . or full len g th - regular : JKSBSSffM soles. A good run of sizes. *0 Qn Special »OC slcev «i r f ™ llars -, J anuar >' Clearance pnee $17.50 • / AHI S„ Pr iat »pZ.yU -r, uu . T $22..t0 brown and taupe boucle cloth coats, inlaid velvet col- W V • Rubbers and Leggings lars, yoke front and back. January Clearance price *15.00 lIBjUBW 1 At en s winter weight dress shoes Women's 50c rubbers for high or low $18.50 black broadcloth coats, squirrel collar, three-quarter ir '"••• ■XL 111 . )0 * ca • ,n " Icta ' ca 'f> and patent heels. All sizes 2 ]/ 2 to 8. OQ_ length. January Clearance price $15.00 f , . . i. , j Co,t ' aU r ;°odyear welted soles. All Special $20.00 brown and navy boucle cloth coats, velvet collars, Girls S-.00 gun metal, patent colt and sizes but not of every kind d* "1 /\f" 111 11 u 4. • 1 " 1 t /■•*% ~ w black kidskin lace shoes, heavy stitched Special .. $1.95 SI.OO one-buckle arctic grey lan sleeves, button trim back. January Clearance price ... $15.00 ▼ , , lie- ->T/ A « _ _ 1 wool lined Wltll heavy roll 7Q _ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. soles ™tl, low heels. Siees Men's $3.00 tan winter calf shoes, soles. Sizes 7to 11. Special . . . 73c o). . pecia blucher style made on high full toe last Bovs' 60c rubbers with heavy roll ed"e Infants 25c soft sole lace shoes in with two heavy soles, Goodyear welted, soles.' Sizes 11 to 2. AO* special ... ... >pecial Children's 50c rubbers, sizes 5 OC, Infants :>oc soft sole lace shoes 111 j Boys' $2.00 box calf and patent colt to Special * 1 /-pv f -r r . * white, pink blue, tan and black kidskin. I shoes blucher lace style with heavy Girls' 75c black jersey overknee leg- V £111(1 IWO OT S\ KlflH All sizes, Ito 4. stitched soles. Sizes to d»-I or gings. Sizes 13 to 5 Ofl Special i Special 1 .OO Special Children's $1.25 gun metal calf and Boys' $2.50 gun metal calf button Children's" SLOO cloth velvet and ier- Adjusting stocks and getting rid ot the odd pieces for a clearaway for the Feb kidskin shoes, made on broad toe lasts j shoes, made on high toe lasts with heavy sey leggings in red, grey'and blue A Q ruary Sale. Sit Mol S, Sp C edal 68 C Solts - $ 1.90 Sizes 4to 8 years. Special I One $39.00 golden oak buffet. January One $16.50 brass beds, January Clearance too. .. pec id! I special Dlves , Pomeroy & stcwart> street Ploor Rear Clearance price 1 $529.50 price $11.05 One $35.00 golden oak buffet. January One $29.00 brass bed. January Clearance Clearance price . $29.50 price $19.50 17- T T> 1 r>- t-x . One $29.50 walnut bed. January Clearance One 22.50 brass bed. January 'clearance opoci3.ls in i iiio Lx)ngcloth Broken Sizps RovV price $19.50 $15.00 j 1* 71 * 1 ' One $55.00 mahogany chiffonier. January One $.->9.00 parlor suit. January Clearance PflQ ( )thpr VV fllfp C innn Q \\T' A TT r\ 1 * Clearance price $39.00 price ' . s;{<).oo 51.00 English longcloth. 10 yards a piece. Special, Winter HatS RedUCed PieLC |o "v "i : L '• Tt? 1 d* 1 T T 1 . Two $6.98 brass customers. January Clear- One $16.50 upholstered chair. Tanuarv C ial rard nainsook, 36 inches wide, mercerized. Spe- Zsc $1.23 VJueS ( 25c a »" flearauce price ..' 'JwiS* .' Two $19.?0 brass beds. January Clearance One $16.50 upholstered rocker January 15c pajama checks, 36 inches wide, good quality, for men's Felt hats'in red blue liln-k price Clearance price SM S underwear Special, yard !><• , ' Ue ,V b U Lk - H Dlv „, Pom , roy s „ >v .n. Third Fl..r, * 2oc white voile, 40 inches wide, in remnant lengths, extra cina brown, ieduced to tttEF quality. Special, yard ty felt hats raduced to 250 s P ecS^ c . ln<i^ '! non :^! ncheswWe ; a . shee :. qua r , B^. «"»«''?, "»»• liats :ii th GROCERY ECONOMIES 25c plain white and fancy Klaxons, 36 to 38 inches wide, 01 OXN n 1 educed to . . . .!,><♦ |fl many good patterns. Special, yard ....' Grev, blue and brown chinchil-JH Bleached Caliloinia Seedless \orkshire Celery sauce, jar, Wagners pork and beans, 25c plain white sherette lawn. 36 inches wide, a good ,a ,iats reduced to 2JW raisins, package, quality for waists and dresses. Remnant lengths. Special, Rah Rah hats reduced 2.V HPT 230 flaV ° red Cl iyi < , b ° Ui r!nl: Pecan nuts, lb 190 yard i- Cloth Polo hats reduced t025< # * ' Washed currants, package, "° ' ~ English walnuts, lb. .. fanCy Whlte gOOdS and COtt °» Cre P eß ' fecial vd Dlves, Pcneroy & Stewart Fourt. * V j T Filbert,, lb. . ,0, 10e . Cross Aisle. U ' c 1 i . • •o-u- i 1 a . asi n,cdlh ' sieaKs, cur -25c plain white stripe pique for shirts and one-piece | e e ( ieu raisins, package, ti? r j eSj cutlets, soups, for zest and Oriole Cake Mix dresses. Special, yard 10? ~~ Fresh cream cheese, lb., 22$ piquancy it has no equal. Bot- Demonstration of Oriole New Mourning Hats Cooied w5 fancy white I'laxons, 36 inches wide, good patterns and P Swift's Premium hams, lb., S3 p k ' 3 . cul nilTc I e'' aii d ' k cd'"' i n ''li quality. Special, yard i2/t Jl__ T u. 1 H * 1 1 Penn Mar table syrup, jar, cuus n 'aue anu Daktu in l.i Plisse Crepe irOm lmpOrtoQ MOQGIS 15$, 2 for SSO minutes. Cake mix makes Just received a new lot of Plisse crepe, 30 inches wide neat TI • Sweet oi soui pickles, doz., Brinser s fresh cornmeal, loal and layer cake without stripes and patterns, used for night dresses find underwear. C ncw m H« r nmg hats are duplicates of the latest bag 10<; worry. Special, yard 'tench and English models, descriptions and photographs of rresh Aoi way mackerel, I-resh distilled vinegar, bot- Cruller mix makes delicious T _ which it was our privilege to secure. In our showing are the each ....... 5f tie ... 10<- home-made crullers, add water, January Clearance Dress Trimmings »• creations, artistically .Hmmcd t „, ''.. .. pm '.. w fo^^'^'.^ 58 '.. °%l nw Io pro . Silk Belting, m fancy and ors, values to 50c. Special, w,t l tl,c Ilevv cre P c ,ancic s that give a distinctive touch without Niana brand telephone peas, Manzanita asparagus, 2 cans gress in the grocery section. plain weaves, values to 50c. yard I 2 making them conspicuous. 2 cans for for 250 i>., P. & S., Bascmont. Special, \ard ' ,;l " fringes in black, white Mourning Hats of peau do soie trimmed with silk and dainty folds " Silk Uraids and Guin.ps, va,ues SS (JV HEALTH REPOHT IS SUBMITTED TO CITY 1 Continued from First Vage] authorizing the reappointment of the old members of the board Superin tendent Bowman also presented the annual report of the Board of Health and Dr. Raunick, the city health officer. The report is a voluminous one and is probably the most Complete docu ment of the kind issued in v the five years of the board's existence in that it contains tables of statistics of deaths, COLGATE'S RIBBON DENTAL CREAM Safe, efficient, delicious—profit by its regular twice-a-day use. COMES OUT A RIBBON—LIES FLAT ON THE BRUSH TUESDAY EVENING, births, contagious diseases and many other matters connected with the de partment. Here are some of the im portant recommendations: Further and better changes In the Central high school so as to relieve present unsatisfactory tem porary conditions for housing and instructing pupils under dual ses sion plan. "Carrier" Isolation Prbmpt isolation, even if but rarely possible in private home, of the so-called disease "carrier," the person suspected of carrying disease germs about on his per son or clothes. Co-operation of family physician with department In promptly reporting cases merit ing dismissal from school by school inspectors. General overhauling of sanitary hospital; regret that no municipal loan providing for new structure was passed. I'rgent need of a county wortc house to care for tramps ami others who heretofore occupied the old lockup under the Court house and which hod been dosed by order of the Hoard of Health because of Its unsanitary con dition. The recommendation for the erection of the workhouse is made to the County Commission ers. Importance of considering com munity contagious disease rate as well as community health rate; question of Individual as well as community economics involved; results obtained by proper en forcement and obedience to quar antine regulations. Creating of office of contagious disease nurse; benefit to estah- Ifshment and maintenance of quarantine In the way of advice and friendly tips to family, etc. Necessity of visit by nurse to homes of'chlldron absent for sev eral days in connection with the school Inspection. Thirteen poor district "phy sicians of city appointed by Poor Board to be adjunct of city Board of Health. Boost Boy Scouts Boost for Boy Scouts particu-' larly and co-operation of the pub lic generally in conduct of an nual Fall Clean-ITp Week. Creation of office of social ser vice nurse as a feature In aiding In the reduction of Infant mor tality by co-operation and edu cation along the proper lines in the upbrlncring of babies. Inspection and regulation of restaurants, bakeries, ice cream and candy establishments. Similar supervision and inspec tion of barber shops, cigar fac tories. etc. Imperative needs for additional working force. Imperative need for increased appropriation. pel capita expenditure last year, ac cording to government census sta- HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH tistics, was below average per capita cost when compared with other cities of same class. Division of milk and meat in spection. plumbing and building Inspection recommended; more closely allied under broader head ing of bureau of health and sani tation with bureau chief in charge. Abolition of the Department of Milk and Meat Inspection and (Teation instead of a department of food Inspection; the new de partment to lie provided with a chemist to make necessary bac teriological examinations. Closer co-operation of building inspection department with de partment .of health and sanita tion; early and radical revision of 4 building code; assistant to plumb ing Inspector; sealer of weights and measures to include inspec tion of market places. Physician to board at regular salary to Insure regular service and not only during smallpox out break. In addition to discussion of these recommendations In full in Its report Dr. Raunlck goes Into details as to financial, health,' contagious disease and innumerable other statistics. The Financial Report The financial report shows the amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending April 1, 1914, and the unexpended balances January 1: Salary health officer, assistants, clerk and stenographer, telephone watchman, plumbing board, bacteri ological tests, contingent appropria tions, etc., $8,098.14, with an unex pended balance of $2,165.97; garbage collection, $32,112; unexpended bal ance, $8,635.76; milk and meat In spection, $2,448; unexpended balance, $694.43; plumbing inspection, $1,550; unexpended, $434.28; a total appro priation in all divisions of $44,208.14 and a total unexpended balance of $11,920.43. The receipts, Including transcripts of birth and death certificates, water and ice certificates, licenses, permits, fumigating, sale of horse, special ap propriation, poor directors, fines for sanitary and garbage violations, $1,263.14; milk and meat inspection, licenses, fines, etc., $2,490; plumbing inspection, registrations, examinations, etc., $79.75; a total of all receipts of $3,842.89. Fifty-eight prosecutions were made during the year, five of which were civil proceedings, the city winning four and losing one; of the other fifty-three seven were for quarantine violations, eight for milk violations and thirty eight for other sanitary violations. Fines amounting to $245 were im posed. Results of Tests In discussing the results of the ice cream Investigation and bacteriological tests conducted by the department Dr. Raunlck says that thirty-six samples were tested. "As a result of our Investigation," says he in this connection, "we would rtxommend that all places where ice cream is made or sold be licensed and subjected to regular Inspection. '* During the year 30.796 loads of ashes, 6,416 loads of garbage and 848 dead animals were collected by the Pennsylvania Reduction Company, the city garbage contractor. In reporting upon vital statistics Dr. Raunlck states that the total number of deaths in 1913 was 958, as com pared with 956 in J912; 95 of these were nonresidents In the hospitals; based on the estimated population of 69,079, the resident death rate for 1913 Is 12.49 per 1,000, as compared with 13.69 per 1,000 In 1912; total number of births, 1,382, an Increase of 44 over last year. In a dozen or more interesting tables Dr. Raunlck sets forth how Harris burg stands among other cities in vital statistics, the detail of deaths and births by days and months, the causes, etc. In conclusion the report of the Board of Plumbing Inspectors Is ap pended. Plumbing Inspector P. J. Bradley reports that plans and speci fications for 325 buildings were car ried over from 1912; during 1913 plans and specifications for 806 build ings were received, malting a total of '1,130; of this number 10$ were ap JANUARY 20, 1914. proved, leaving 327 yet to be decided upon. TO URGE PEACE IN MEXICO Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 20., —The In ternational Peace Union, whose head quarters are here, is arranging to ask all the peace societies of the world to send telegrams on the same day to Provisional Pr sident Huerta and to Venustlano Cavranza. the Constitution alist leader in Mexico, requesting them to agree to an armistice, "pending which their rival claims and the real Interests of Mexico shall be submitted to arbitrators. " "1MB" If COSTIVE, BILIOUS. WHY AND UPSET—DIME ABO No odds how much your head aches; and Bowels of all the sour bile, gas m !nH r .t»«^ oU Hu. re fr ° m C ?.?. Stl ' *»<' clogged-up waste which is prodi patlon, indigestion, biliousness, a "Cas caret" to-night straightens you out by: * n ß' '•" e misery. morning. A 10-cent box of Cascarets kee Clean your stomach, liver and bow- your head clear, stomach sweet. li\ els to-night; end the headache, bilious- and bowels regular and you feel bu ness, dizziness, nervousness, the sour, for months. Don't forget the childr gassy stomach, backache and all other —their little insides need a gen distress; relieve your sluggish Liver cleansing, tpo. 10 CENT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE JOHN MITCH ULU SLATED AS ELLIS ISLAND CHI I Washington, D. C., Jan. 20.— J0l Mitchell, second vice-president of tl American Federation of Labor, w probably be the next Commissioner Immigration at New York. FRENCH MINISTER TO PROTES' By Associated Press Paris. Jan. 20.—The French fo eign office to-day Instructed tl French minister to Mexico to protc to Provisional President liner against the suspension of the payme of Interest on the Mexican public del