Lost LogT STRAYED OR STOLEN-—Black Aurora* cat. from No. 17 North Thir teenth street. Liberal reward if re turned to above address. Help Wanted—Male age ( 4c posuge. Railway, care of Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS man to represent us in m locality, whole % atone P Kriwp<md«nce Scho<X, Readin*, Pa. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS, thorough preparations. $5- Returned it not appointed. ? u i c S r ,' A American Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get My free booklet. Y-872. telle how. Write to-day—NOW. ltarl Hop kins. Washington. D. C. I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvering ?»£- rors; no capital; tree instructive book let, giving plans of operations. U-. »■ Redmond. Dept. >6B. Boston, Mass. ICB laborer* wanted. Call Twentieth £nd Derry streets, to-morrow morning, [oyer Bros., Twentieth and Derrj streets. 5 LOCAL representative wanted. No canvassing or soliciting re< J u 'T e income assured, Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-910. Marden Building, Washington, D. C. MEN. prepare as Firemen, .Brakemen, Electric, Motormen, Colored car porters. Hundreds put to worn »#» to $l5O month. No experience neces sary. 500 more wanted. t lrl v' v Pennsylvania. Ohio and New Jof. 11 roads. Steady work. Write Inter Rail way. Dept. 279, Indianapolis, Inu. MEN to distribute samples; city and countrv. Send reference and stamp, u. E. Merchant, Mgr. (Dept. is.). Qulncy, Mass. MEN to sell our seed and nursery line. Big profits. Pay weekly. First National Nurseries, Rochester. >. i. MEN to solicit orders for tea, coffee, laundry goods and other groceries. Ap ply Great Atlantic and Pacific lea Co., 1808 North Third street. ORGANIZERS to solicit members and organize lodges. Order of Owls, South Bend, Ind. RAILWAY MAIL and Clerk- Carriers. Thousands needed. Splendid salaries. Examinations soon. I con ducted examinations. Trial Examina tion Free. Write Ozment, 64-U, St. Louis. Mo. RAILWAY MAIL CLERICS WANTED. *9OO first year, promotion to SI,BOO. a.x aminatious February 31 In eveiy State. Common education sufficient vouching. Full information free. Write for booklet C-87 2, Earl Hopkins. V, ash ington, D. C. _____ SHOEMAKERS WANTED Opera tors on pulling over machine, Misses and Children's welts. Also pullers on women's Worker —Come read* _„ for work. Carlisle Shoe Co.. Carlisle. Fa. YOUNG man to learn the Life ance Profession. Address R-, «91, care of Telegraph Office. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT In spare time at home. Mail order business don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. SB.OOO-SIO.OOO yearly easily made. Our eystem insures success. Unparalleled; become established. Valuable book free. Interstate Realty Co., Pittsburgh. Help Wanted —Femate A LADY can earn SIO.OO weekly copying letters, spare time at home. Booklet, 10 cents in silver. Tells how. Commercial Copying Association, Washington, P. C. | An experienced bookkeeper; niust be well recommended. Call at 801 l £> r ° s - Mfg. Co., Fourteenth and Howard streets. . ANY lady can earn SIO.OO weekly, copving letters, spare time, at home. Booklet, 10 cents in silver, tells how. Capital Letter Writing Co., Box 364, Washington. D. C. , EXPERIENCED girls on all parts to make Infant soft soled shoes and moc casins. This factory has had no Idle days for fourteen months. Steady work guaranteed, and 10 per cent, share in profits. Harrisburg Leather Products Co., 1420 Wyeth avenue. GIRL for general housework; sinall, private family. Apply 1925 North Sec ond street. . GIRL or woman for general house work; must have knowledge of cook ing; reference required. Call evenings, 1701 North Second street. LADIES, sewing a\ home. Material furnished. No canvassing. Steady work. Stamped envelope for particu lars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. 95, Mil waukee, Wis. LADiES "Work at home making neckwear; $3 dozen; experience unnec essary; dime for pattern instruction. Pearl Mfg. Co., 25 Salamanca, N. Y. LADIES, $6-$8 week making plain aprons home. No canvassing; legiti mate; we pay you; particulars and full sized sample apron sent for 25c. Do mestic Supply House, 1232 Schoneld Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. MADAM You can make $20.00 per week introducing articles that every woman needs and buys. Experience or capital unnecessary. Brearley, Man ager, 801 Weightman Bldg., Philadel phia. Pa. SEVERAL CANVASSERS to take srders for the (Royal Coffee Company's goods) in Harrisburg and surrounding towns. Experience not necessary. Ap ply Monday afternoon, John Diehl, Rear i~3 Herr street. SEWING MACHIN'S operators, also earners, to make aprons, etc. Harris >urg Apparel Co.. over City Star liaundry, State street, rear entrance. TWENTY more thoroughly experi inced operators on power machines, fennings' Manufacturing Co., 414-lb state street. TWO capable, educated women for (usiness training; permanent position or those who qualify. Call mornings, toom 410 Patriot Building. REAI, ESTATE FOR SALE York County Fruit Farm ADJOINS THE FA It - FAMOUS COCKLIN PEACH ORCHARDS 1% miles south of BomnaiiNdale, on the rond to SlddonaburK, 18 acres of cultivated ironstone soil, 9 acres second-growth woodland line fences are In good condition. FRUIT AND BERRIES 400 peach trees, mostly 3 yrs. old. 76 apple trees, 4 to 12 yrs. old. 10 cherry trees. 50 bearing plum trees. 3 Rearing apricot trees. acre in raspberries. 2,000 strawberry plants. 850 grape vines, have yielded 3 crops. 400 blackberry plants. BUILDINGS 6-room brick house with base ment. cellar, in good condition. Frame ground barn hog pen chicken house and wagon shed. ponscaiston this first of April If sold shortly. >- Price: —Bargain figure. Term*: —H cash; ft mortgage at per cent. Miller Bros. & Baker FEOEHAL SQUARE, HARRISBURG SATURDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Female WANTED A good German flrl for general house work. Apply, 430 North street, City. WANTED l2 girls over 16 years of age. Apply, Silk Mill. WHITE woman for general house work 111 small family. Apply 41S Boas street. WOMAN for general houaecleantng one day each week. Prefer person liv ing: near Second and North streets. Give references. State address, price and weekday available. Address Box 485, care of Telegraph. Help Wanted —Male and Female MEN AND WOMEN GET Government Jobs. $65 to $l5O month. Harrlsburg Examinations soon. Write Immedi ately for free list of positions now available and Spring Examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. S&IJ. Rochester. N. T. Situations Wanted—Male MIDDLE-AGED white man of good character, wants position as houseman: understands care of boiler. Wants good home. Address A. A C. t care of Tele graph. YOUNG man, 18 years of age. wishes any kind of work. Address Tony Mack, 1116 North Cameron street. City. YOUNG boy desires position of any kind. Address 319 Buckthorn avenue. Situations Wanted —Female LADY bookkeeper, with five years' experience In single and double-entry, desires to secure a position. Address A, 483, care of Telegraph. REFINED and competent woman would like housework: no washing. Ad dress 2047, care of Telegraph. RELIABLE white woman desires washing to do at home. Apply 1518 Walnut street. SMALL washings to do at home, or any kind of cleaning In the evenings. Call 804 Capital street. YOUNG colored woman desires day's' work or light housework. Apply 1723 North Seventh street. Agents Wanted MR. MAIL ORDER MAN, BEGINNERS. ESTABLISHED FIRMS, DEAL with responsible corporation. We manufacture and distribute best sellers. Factory prices. Classy proposition. Start sparo time. Quick returns. Small capital. Absolutely no fake scheme. Write for free prospectus. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CO., INCORPORATED. 46 E. FIFTH, PITTSBURG, KANSAS. WIDE-AWAKE agente are coining money with our easily demonstrated Specialties. Write to-day for particu lars. Sample and new Catalog. Dlonisio Novelties Wholesaling Co., 309 East street, Baltimore, Md. LIVE AGENTS WANTED! Household article In big demand. Hustlers can make $25 to SSO a week. Very easily sold. Write to-day to The Francis Company, 34 Collom street, German town, Philadelphia. AGENTS Best, newest household article on the market. Big profits. Success assured. Investigate Immedi ately. Something- substantial. The Wal lace Supply Co., A 2, Loyalsock, Pa. STORY OF MEXICO. New Epocli Making Book. Thrilling, Sensational, Timely. Low Price. Sells on sight. Big Terms. Sample Book Free. Act Quick ly. Universal House. Philadelphia. AGENTS A great proposition. Easiest and best selling article on market. Large profits. Write to-day. Carbon Specialty Co., 32 East Ridge street. Lansford, Pa. SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary Skin Soap has everything beat for profits; we protect you in territory; sample and premium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS for a money-maker. Some thing new. Fast seller. Sure repeater. Particulars free. F. and M. Co., 738 Redgate avenue. Norfolk. Va. Salesmen Wanted LARGE financlat house wants sales man to sell high-grade, guaranteed, first mortgage bonds of SIOO.OO denomi nation. Must have ability and ac quaintance in locality with Investors. Permanent position and unlimited op portunity for large earnings. Address, with references, Realty Bond & Finance Co., 42 Broadway, New York. EXPERIENCE unnecessary; easy work, bis pay. Write for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn; position assured. Address Dept. 417, National Salesmen's Training Associa tion, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. MEN who desire to earn over $125 i per month, write us to-day for position as salesman. Every opportunity for advancement. Central Petroleum Co., | Cleveland, Ohio. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED to cary line of cigars on road. SIOO p6r month and expenses. Experience not necessary. Continental Cigar Company, Wichita, Kansas. Business Opportunities SIOO CAPITAL secures District man agement of most sensational, sure and rapid selling article now on the mar ket. New and non-competitive. SIO,OOO per year easily possible. You handle your own money. Only men of experi ence having highest grade references will be considered. "Burns," 153 Schil ler Bldg., Chicago, 111. WILL grant exclusive selling rights of nationally advertised high-grade patented specialty in big demand to party in position to operate on large scale. Very unusual opportunity. Ad dress Myrick Specialty Co., 429 Heed Building, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE, a limited amount of shares of 6 per cent, preferred stock in well-established, growing company in city, manufacturing business. Address H., 471, care of Telegraph. PARTNER WANTED Must strong and not afraid of work; $600.00 required; money secured; exceptional opportunity for right man. Contractor. 484, care of 'Aelegraph. FOR BALE Planing mill and shash factory at Coatesvllle SI,OOO needed Also several grocery stores in Harris burg. Particulars at Bell Realty v Co., Bergner Building. ' ADVERTISERS SPECIAL sc per word places your ads in 133 different magazines. Send copy now for next issue KinK> Magazine, Box 1316, Lit tle Silver, N. J. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par port N* Y Syndicate, 798, Lock- MOVINC, PICTURE THEATER WANTED or hall or opera house to rent for same. State full particulars. P- O- Box 94, Ellzabethtown, Pa. SIOO.OO WEEKLY PROFIT In spare time at home. Mall order business don t worry about capital. Boyd IT Brown, Dept. E, Omaha, Neb. JEWELRY STOCK and fixtures. Can be seen and Inspected any time. Rea son for selling. 111 health. W. C. Note stine, Duncannon, Pa. ** o -® OO '•> Ave years in the mail order business, began with $S Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- Lockport. N Y. Business Personals HAULING W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of nianos. safes, boilers and general haul. !s, k ' H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and W oodblne streets. Bell phon* No 2503 R. HARDWOOD FLOORS Of all designs. Old floors made new. Ask for catolog. J. M. Bmith, 2219 Brookwood street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 1391U Business Personals Harrisburg Paste Work* Ul N. ( amrruu Street PAPERHANGEKS', billposters' book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Groes, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrlaburg, Pa Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell. 1860. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Cluck. 220 Woodbine street. Rooms For Rent MacDANIBLS APARTMENTS Furnished complete fo hi ousekeep ing, one reasonable apartment of two rooms with bath, heated, gas or coal range, hot water supply. Stationary tubs in kitchen. 1417 Market street. THREE fine unfurnished rooms, with bay windows, electric and gas, suitable for housekeeping, on State between Thirteenth and Sixteenth streets; very reasonable. Address R., 48#. care of Telegraph. FURNISHED ROOMS, eingle or en suite; all conveniences; Bell phone; second floor; reference required. 406 •North street. FURNISHED ROOMS, eingle or en site; all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 101# North Front street. THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms; all conveniences. Call 2456 North Sixth street. TWO unfurnished rooms; gas, bath and hot water heat. Apply 226 South Second street. SECOND FIjOOR room; use of bath and phone. 440 North street. Bell phone 1085 L. Rooms Wanted AT ONCE, two unfurnished rooms at reasonable rent, centrally located. Ad dress B„ 488, care of Telegraph Boarders Wanted TWO respectable boarders in a pri vate family. Railroad men preferred. Apply 1930 Wood street. Harrlsburg. LOi'ULSG Three rooms separate. Boarding by the meal, day or week. Apply Mrs. T. A. Snyder, 1001 North Second street. -— . TO BUY, second-handed elevator, ca pacity about 1,500 pounds. Hershey Creamery Co., llarrisburK, Pa. Apartments i'or Kent DESIRABLE apartment, consisting of four rooms and bath and locker; all modern conveniences; everything com plete for light housekeeping; steam heat, etc.; fronting on Ixicust street, two squares from Market Square. Penna. Realty Company, 132 Locust street. \ FRONT apartment, consisting of two rooms and private bath; ail modern conveniences; steam heat, electric light, plenty of hot water. Possession Febr uary 1. Penna. Realty & Improvement Company, 132 Locust street. • Wanted OLD GEESE feather beds. Best cash priceß paid. Address C. F. Dickinson, General Delivery, Harrlsburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale (200) ACRE (farm) East of Sunbury, (1) mile to Danville (12,000) business population, halt milo to Trolley handy to Philadelphia and Reading Railroad main valley to Bloomsburg. Two houses, one ($2,000) line home, bank barn for (20) head of stock, (neW) outbuildings, large crystal springs, one part heavy timbered, (woodland) valued manufac tured ($2,000). Cultivated two ways (500) Elberta peach orchard, apples, cherries, plums, quinces, grapes, (60,- 000) selected strawberry (SUO) rasp berry plants, hot beds and crops in cluded. Joins l$18,000) stock farm. Business demands moving away. Time is limited and (half price) sacrifice only ($2Ol an acre. (Photographs). In quire during special telephone hours (7 to 8) mornings and evenings (whether sold) before you start? Bell 11-R. and United 140-E. Geo. B. Os trander, Danville, Pa. PUBLIC SALE Friday, January 23 • —Farm of 232 acres with good build ings lOO acres of clear farm land elegant water located one mile west of Losh's Run Station and along the main line of the Pennsylvania R. R. Also all the stock, consisting of horses, cows, hogs and chickens, and all the farming Implements. Farming imple ments nearly new. Sale at 1 o'clock. Real Estate sold first. Train leaves Harrisburg for Losh's Run at 10:25. Terms made known by Frank Dapp, Box 235, Penbrook, Pa. FARM of A. S. Speece Estate, at Speecevllle, Pa.: "00 acres, with good buildings; running water at buildings; 16 acres orchard; 25 acres second growth timber; 175 acres cultivated land; N. C. R. R. runs through farm; station on border of farm; twelve miles from Harrisburg along Susquehanna river, S6O per acre. Apply Walter and Howard Speece, Speecevllle, Pa. A 36-ACRE FARM close to the P. & R. Yards at Rutherford. Pa. 7- room frame dwelling, with large hall. Bank barn that will accommodate all the crffps and 15 head of cattle, chicken house, pig sty, etc., all in good condi tion. Nice apple and peach orchard. Price, $2,900. Morris Wagner, Hum melstown, Pa. FARMS FOR SALE 72 acres, seven miles from Harrisburg. near trolley and railrc*d, along Hummelstown Pike. Good, fertile soil; water supply along the entire farm; for fruit or poultry no beter location can be found. M. A. Fought, 272 North street, Harrisburg, Pa. 1237 AND 1236 BAILEY STREET —' 1237 is a 2ft-story brick 6 rooms lot, 14x68 rents for $12.00 1235 Is an adoining vacant lot 14x68. Price for both, $1,750.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. BRICK DWELLING, with store room. Store fixtures and stock will be sold separately. Store room rents for $15.00 per month, including heat. Her bert B. Hess, 208 North Fourteenth street, Harrisburg. PORCH HOT T SE. 1216 North Second street, ten roonjs and bath, steam heat, gas and electric light, cement cellar hardwood finish, convenient location. Possession given April Ist. Apply on premises. I RIVERSIDE property for sale on easy terms —price, $1,950 2ft-story frame house plot, 21x150 also other Riverside property at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. | NO. 125 PINE STREET must be sold on account of illness l3 rooms and 3 baths city steam heat plot, 26x 105. Price greatly reduced. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. INVESTMENT New property brick all improvements tenants pay rent yielding 8.5 per cent, after deducting taxes, water rent, insurance Price, $1,700 and $2,300. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $1,700.00, EASY TERMS, 1443 Zarker street; 2ft-story frame dwelling; all Improvements; good repair; rents for $15.00. Backenstoss Real Estate Co 1425 ft Derry street. 2552 LEXINGTON STREET 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath and steam heat —lot, 17ftx95 porch front and rear. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut street*. THREE-STORY brick dwelling; frontj and rear porches; all Improvements; good condition. Possession at 'once, owner leaving city. Call 1946 Green ' street. LOTS! LOTS OF LOTS!! THE biggest, the best, the cheapest on Camp Hill Heights. Call Bell 'phona .(0481A HARRISBURG TELEQK3LPH) Real Estate For Sale ! TO a small family, residence No. 2122 A Moore street; all Improvements. Call Bell phone 3048 L Real Estate For Rent BUSINESS PROPERTY, No. 402 Wal nut street, near Fourth street, three stories and basement, elevator service, ] size, 23x80. L<ease for two years. Suit- ! able for most any business or manu- , facturlng, In heart of business sacUon. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street, Harrlsburg, Pa. _ FOR RESIT Large house and two acres of land at Lawnton 125.00 7 North Thirteenth street, apart ment 30.00 840 S. Fourteenth street 16.00 1814 N. Cameron street 10.00 J. E. GIPPLK. 1251 Market Street. NEW 6-room houses with stables, near Twenty-third street, at Edgemont, % mile north of Penbrook, and to cars. Rent, $6.00. Address Q. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street, Harrlsburg, Pa. 1 THREE-STORY brick house. No. 2110 ! Carry street; 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences: back and aide yards; u*ost pleasant place in the East End. Call 2102 Derry street. DWELLINGS NO. 42 and No. 44 South Court avenue, with conveniences; rent, $16.00. Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street. THREE-6TORV brick house for rent: front porch; all Improvements; gas and elfectric light: good location in a promi nent street. Call at 846 Muench street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE THE "ZOLLINGER" HOME 2109 N. Third Street—3-story brick —10 rooms —bath—furnace —lot, 60x200. Mil ler Bros. & Baker, Federal Square, Bell phone 1595. PLOT 50x295, on South Cameron street, with three-story brick ware house thereon building well con structed —• modernly equipped. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. A T WO- AND-ONE-HALiF-STORY brick; all conveniences; cement base ment and paved street. Apply 132 North Summit street. COUNTRY home; all conveniences; 2% acres ground; graded schools with in walking distance. Address A., 486, care of Telegraph. Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO RENT house on Alli son Hill, for family of three, before February^J^^Call^OiSTJßelh^^^^^^^^^^ For Sale NEW 1913 Regal Coupe, electric equipped, will be sold reasonable to quick buyer. Hoft'er & Garman, 18th and Kelley Streets. FOR SALE FORTY, FEET of oak office parti tions, large safe, sanitary, double ped estal. flat-top desk, office tables, bent wood chairs, cabinets, Royal typewriter, etc. All In first-class condition and can .be bought at a money-saving price. Second Floor, 206 Market street. 6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's largest department store building. De nominations 1100, SSOO, SI,OOO, $6,000. For Information aodress A. S. Wiest, Box 72. Harrisburg, Pa. HARDWABE and Housefurnlshlng Store, strictly up-to-date; good estab lished cash business, and a payer. Un less you mean business, don't answer this ad. Addres "Hardware," care of Dally Telegraph. 1913 SIX -PASSENGI! R Studebaker, electric lights and electric starter, at a bargain. Also a number of other used car bargains. Crispen Motor Car Company. S. C. Rhode Island Red Cockerels, from Crowther and Tompkins, $15.00 and $25.00 a setting eggs. No better blood to be had. O. H. Watts, Millers burg, Pa. AT GABLE'S, 111, 113 and 117 South Second street, Redtlps, Can't Slip, Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa. 1 10-FT. wall counter, 1 6-ft. floor counter, 1 14-ft. floor counter, 1 8-ft. show case. Apply J. A. Kramer, 912 North Third. _ UPTOWN RESTAURANT, good busi ness; reason for selling, leaving city. For information call Bell phone 1079 J. MILK ROUTE, handling 40 to 55 gal lons per day. Good reasons for selling. Address R., 493, care of Telegraph. PURE-BLOODED English Pit Ter rier. Apply P. D. Irwin, Camp Hill Pharmacy. AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square, with table. Address A.. 402. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Sale or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE, 4-inch by 5-inch Plate Camera, good condition, for chickens or best offer. Address F., 494, care of Telegraph. For Rent FOR RENT Deairablc offices la the Telegraph Building, ningly or en-suite. Inquire at Uuaiaeee Office. STORE ROOM at 231 North Second street, now occupied by Harrisburg Carpet Co.: also 8-room apartment on second floor, same address; city steam heat. Possession April 1. Apply at 217 North Second street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penr-. R R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 ;road street Both phones. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. SIOO,OOO TO LOAN on first mortgage on good city property, repayable In small Instalments. Debt cancelled and mortgage satisfied on death of bor rower. W. C. Howland. Johnstown, Pa. Furniture Packing FURNITURE PACKING A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North Sixth street. Bell phone 399W, experienced Packer and Unpacker of Furniture, China and Bric-a-brac. Died FILE On January 16, 1914, Harry I. File, aged 50 yearn, 6 months and 28 days. Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late restdence, 918 South Twenty-first street. The rela tives and friends are tnvtted to attend without further notice. Burial in Pros pect Hill Cemetery. , MARKETS RECOVERED THEIR EARLY LOSSES j Canadian Pacific Only Prominent Issue to Oppose Down ward Trend By Associated Press Ne* York, Jan. 17.—The market closed easy. Profit taking continued to-day, and there was renewed bear selling, but recessions were small and trading was dull. Some stocks recov ered their early leases, only to give way again later. The aggressive mark ing up of low-priced shares, which oon : tlnueil yesterday after the advance in i the leaders w&« checked, was not at i tempted to-day, an dthe market was 'flat. Canadian Pacific, which rose two points was the only prominent Issue ito oppose the downward trend. An : nouncement that the Minneapolis and ! St. Louis had arranged an extension of i notes due next month caused the four | per cent, bonds to rise three points. | Bonds were Arm. Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY, Arcade Building. New York, Jan. 17. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines . 21% 21*4 Amal. Copper 74 73% American Beet Sugar 27% 26 % American Can 33% 32% American Can pfd . . 9* % 94 % Am. C. A F 47% 47% American Cotton Oil 40 % 40% Am. Ice Securities. . 24% 24% Am. Locomotive ... 35 35% American Smelting . 67% 66% Am. T. & T 120% 120% Anaconda 35 35 Atchison 96% 96% Baltimore & Ohio . . 92% 92% Bethlehem Steel ... 36 36 Bethlehem Steel pfd 75% 75% Brooklyn R. T 89% 89% California Petroleum 26% 26% Canadian Pacific .. 211 211% Central Leather ... 26% 26% Chesapeake & Ohio. 64 64% C.. M. & St. P 102 102% Chlno Con. Copper . 39% 39% Corn Products .... 11 ' 10% Erie 30% 30% Erie Ist pfd 43 43 General Electric Co. 145 144% Goodrich, B. F 20 20 Great Nor. pfd 127% 127% Great Nor. Ore subs. 38 38% Illinois Central 111% 111% Interboro-Met 15% 16% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 60% Lehigh Valley 153% 162% Louis. & Nashville . 139% 138% Mex. Petroleum .... 56 56% Mo., Kan. & Texaa . .21% 21% Missouri Pacific ... 27% 27% New York Central . 91 91 N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 76% 76% Norfolk & Western. 103% 104 Northern Pacific .. 25% 26% Penna. R. R 112% 112% People's Gas & Coke 124% 124% Pittsburgh Coal ... 19% 19% Pressed Steel Car .. 31% 31% Reading 169% 169% Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 23% 23 Rock Island pfd. .. 24% 23% Southern Pacific .. 93% 93% Southern Railway . 25% 25% Tennessee Copper . 38 "38 Texas Company ... 139 139 Union Pacific 157% 157% U. S. Rubber 59% 59% U. S. Steel :. 62% 62% U. S. Steel pfd 109 108% Utah Copper 51 50% Va. Caro. (Them. .. 32% 31% Western Union Tel.. 59% 59% Woolworth 97% 97 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY, Arcade Building. Chicago, 111., Jan. 18. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat — May 92% July 87% Corn — v May 65% July 64% Oats—• May 39% July 38% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, Jan. 17.—Hogs—Receipts, 15,000; strong; bulk of sales. 825®840; light 8050835; mixed 815@845; heavy 8100845; rough 8100820; pfgs 676@815. Cattle—Receipts 200; steady. Beeves 6700950; Texas steers 650(0810; west ers 6250790 stockers and feeders 5100 775; cows and heifers 3500850; calves 750© 11.75. Sheep Reecipts, 1,000; weak. Na- i tive 4900605; western 4800615: year lings 5900715: lambs, native 6500815; western 6850815. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. Jan. 17 Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 95@95%c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 99% c ©sl.oo %. Corn Steady: new, No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 69%©70% c; do., kiln dried, local, 71072 c. Oats —Steady; No. 2, white, 45% ©46 c. Bran Market firmer: winter, per ton, $27.50028.00; spring, per ton, $26.25026.75. . Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 4.15 c; fine granulated, 4.05 c; confectioners' A. 3.95 c; Keystone, A, 3.95 c. Butter The market Is firm; western, creamery, extras, 3oc; nearby prints, fancy. 38c. Egga The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. $10.20 per case: do., current receipts, free cases, $9.90 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.20 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $9.90 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 150 16c; young chickens, 15 016 c; brollim? chickens. 15% W 17c; old roost ers. 11012 c; <;ucks, 15016 c; do., spring ducks, l«017c; geese, 16017 c; turkeys, 17019 c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18 %c; do., medium sizes, 15018 c; do., small 12014 c; old roosters, 13% c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 19019% c; broil ing chickens, fancv. 20023 c: do., fair 14018 c: turkeys, fancy. 24©25 c; do., fair, 21©23 c; ducks, 11017 c; geese, 11017 c. » Potatoes Weak; Pennsylvania and Eastern, per bushel, 63085 c: New York and Western, per bushel, 78080 c; Jer sey. per basket, 20050 c. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $19.00 0 19.50; No. 1, medium bales, $18.60019.00; No. 2, $17.00017.80; No. 3, $14.00016.00. Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $17.00® 17.60; No. 1, $16.00016.50; No. 2, $14.60 ©16.60. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT By Associated Press New York, Jan. 17. The statement of the actual condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $43,111,- 650 reserve In excess of legal require ments. This is an increase of $10,922,- 660 from last week. The statement follows: Loans, $1,913,064,000; increase, $25.- 584,000. Specte, $370,105,000; increase, $24,- 661,000. I^egal-tenders, $86,091,000; decrease, $1,637,000. . Net deposits, $1,816,599,000; increase, $48,609,000. Circulation, $44,631,000; decrease, $612,000. Banks' cash reserve In vault, $894,- 896.000. Trust Companies' cash reserve In vault, $61,300,000. A--regate cash reserve, $4(6,196,- 000. Excess lawful reserve, $43,111,660; increase. $10,922,650. Trust Companies' reserve with Clear ing House members carrying 26 per cent, cash reserve, $£9,632,000. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLB aad ethers upon their own names Cheap rates, easy payment*. confides t)i|, Adams « Ce* K, Ml • X. Market (« JANUARY 17, 1914. THE CONDITION of THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. at Harrisburg, In the State of Pennsyl vania, at the close of business, Janu ary IS, 1914: fcESOURCES Loans and discounts $673,499 93 Overdrafts, secured and un secured, 50 65 U. S. Bonds to secure cir-» culaUon 100,000 00 Other Bonds to secure Pos tal Savings 7,000 Oft Bonds, securities, etc 276,780 15 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 48,000 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents), ... 5,468 45 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings „ Banks 21,422 59 Due from approved reserve agents 138,036 38 Checks and other cash _ Items 7,701 63 Exchanges from Clearing House 10,341 86 Notes of other National Banks 2,840 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 393 07 L»awfiil Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie *17,575 00 L. eg a 1-tender notes 31,000 00 „ . 43,575 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6 per cent, of circulation) 6,000 00 Total *1,345,109 71 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in *IOO,OOO 00 Surplus fund 200,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid... 22,295 48 National Bank notes out _ standing 98,300 00 Due to other National Banks, 8,876 36 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 4,528 04 Due to approved reserve agent; 89,695 !>9 Dividends unpaid 1,609 00 Individual deposits subject to check 512,546 11 Time certificates of de „ Posit 353,335 31 Cashiers checks outstand „ lng. 8,444 02 Postal Savings deposit, .. 979 40 Total *1,345,109 71 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: j, I, H. O. Miller, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. O. MILLER, _ ~ . Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17tli day of January, 1914. M. G. POTTS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. M. DONALDSON, P. 11. VAUGHN, • JOHN F. DAPP, Directors. —( I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OUR SPECIALTY IS BONDING CONTRACTORS Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Company JOHN C. ORR, Agent Bell 084. 222 MARKET STREET This May Happen to You Life, limb and sight are of all capital the most exposed to anni hilation or Impairment. Injuries and sickness cut down earnings and increase expenses j One person In every seven Is ln j jured every year. There are so many risks you ; must carry; why not let us carry the risk of accident and sickness which you can't. The new policies of the General Accident are strictly up-to-date and will help the clouds roll by. I. MILLER, General Agent j r * For Sale—Drug Store and Fixtures A BARGAIN Retiring; from business and becaus* of razing of building I offer con tents of my Drug- Store, consisting of Fixtures, (McLean's) Soda Foun tain, (Lippincott's Iceless) Drugs, Patent Medicines and Sundries at 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Terms to suit responsible party. E. E. HECK, OTH AND LIBERTY STREETS, PI'ITSIiIJRGH, PA. FOR SALE Modern Three-Story Brick House 221 Forster Street Forty feet front, side yard, and alley in rear. Bath rooms on second and third floors. Complete water heating system and three open fire grates. Thirteen rooms and large hall. Gas and electric fixtures. Front porch set back fro'm street. More than a dozen closets. Near town's center —no perpetual car riding. Inquire of W. S. Young or H. McCormick, Jr., Cameron Bldg., Second and Walnut Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. jB/cli^lsrsflLE] I 40 HEAD 5 ; (B. F. HOFFMAN, ICE AND COAL DEALER | SEVENTH & CAMP STREETS, HARRISBURG, PA. (just received one carload of fine Horses, (ranging in age from 5 to 8 years, some mated blacks and grays, weighing from ' 1 11100 lbs. to 1550 lbs. FINE HORSES AT ALL TIMES Brood mares 1500 pound*, alto about 25 head of good acclimated horses ready to go to work, in age from 5 to 12 years; they will be moneymakers for you. g . ' Private Sate Every Day I 1 18. F. HOFFMAN, ICE AND COAL DEALER I niIBBER STAMnn Jfll SEALS & STENCILS |#V Hm" MFG.BYHBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 \ I 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V Real Estate For Sale 1827 Boas street, 3-story. Never occupied, 8 rooms and bath. All im provements. Side entrance. Con crete walks. Cement cellar. Price, *2.100, on easy terms. Cheap, 1829 North street, 3-story frame, 9 rooms and bath. All im provements. Side entrance. Front and back porches. Grass plots. Brice, *2,000, on easy terms. Chas. Barnhart FOR RENT Two Desirable Offices In Hoard of Trade Building. Apply Real Estate Department Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street i FOR SALE FARMS & DWELLINGS 40 acres, miles from MarysvtUe, frame house, bank barn, running water, good land, price *4,000, In cluding stock and furmlng imple ments 106 acres: 96 ai-res clear. 2 dwell ings, bank barn, good condition, land level, loam soil, all kinds of fruit, running water, 2 miles from rail road, 6 miles from Sunbury or Dan ville, Northumberland county, Pa. Price, *6,000. 1805 Green street, 3-story brick, all Improvements, side and rear en trance. 1600 Hunter street, 3-stor.v frame, corner, rent *14.U0 per month. Price. *1,500. Bargain. H. M. BIRD UNION TRUST BUILDINO djji For Sale Second Street Property near Wal nut —good Investment certain to appreciate —almost 30 foot frontage. No. 135 Pine Street, with plot 26x 105 —desirable residential district No. 11l Chestnut Street large residence centrally located—very easy terms. No. 701 N. Sixth Street brick corner property facing Capitol Park. Three-story brick building, 40x70, with plot 50x295—0n Cameron Street near Mulberry Street Bridge. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. THE Harrlßburg Polyclinic Dlapen* cary will be open dally except Suaday at 3 P. M„ at its new location. 1701 : North Second street, for the free treat -1 ment of the worthy poor 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers