10 Jeff Simply Got Mixed Up on the Word Federal >: By "Bud" Fisher " r~- ~ 7 I " I ( \ *®' T WHAT* wo*M= Y€~r J twr TH* pffoßMuk | *me* hockta *© sorjs ] f SAV » WIW S *«"• eesM ciMsa / u>s* *o***R.e«* *«ha%OW«*l>J \ T . LtJH , . x -1 - J *«**•*»«*. / M.,T«I L«*>- / -J V ' FOR v,lua. I | AftoOT ArrtWAN .j f N [ NUT J r 1 / 7 I=6OG«(VU _ ■■■ I 1 ' / Cppytwfttvr VSTMt Co. WILMINGTON BALKS ON CARPENTER DEAL Owners Announce Their Intention to Stand by Present • Leader Announcement from Wilmington this morning that Tom Brown and Peter Cassldy, owners of the Trl-State franchise, would stand by President Carpenter at the meeting at Philadel phia on Tuesday, is looked upon by Harrisburg owners as an indication of another tight which may bring about a dissolution of the Trl-State League. It is really up to President Carpen ter. If he keeps his promise and will retire fracefully there will be* noth ing else for Wilmington to do but trail along with the majority. If Mr. Car penter insists on fighting, then it will be necessary for a unanimous vote of the representatives to put him out, and this cannot be had it Wilmington refuses to recede from to-day's an nouncement. A dispatch from Wil mington says: "I can't see why we should oust a man who kept us on our feet for so long," said President Thomas M. Brown, of the "Chicks," in discussing the matter to-day. "President Car penter has two more years to act in the office given him, and it seems un fair that he should be taken out." "Will you back Carpenter at the meeting next Tuesday?" Mr. Brown was asked. "I positvely will, and I can say as much for Mr. Cassidy," Mr. Bro00 feet. Katzman stuck to his seat and in righting the aeroplane made a complete loop. MOW LIFTING RECORD By Associated Press New York, Jan. 17. —George Taam brias established a world's record in weight lifting at the annual games of the Greek-American Athletic Club last night. Taambrias lifted a dumbbell weighing 104 pounds from the floor up above his head twenty-three times and shattered the former record of eighteen times for the event which he established in 1910. He was com pletely exhausted by his effort and on the twenty-fourth attempt failed to raise the weight off the floor. Taam brias is slightly under the average height and weighs 160 pounds. BRESSLER TEAM READY The Bressler Athletic Club reorgan ized last night for the ensuing year, electing the following officers: Mana ger, John Brunner; assistant mana ger, Harry Papenfuse; captain, Wal ter Houck. The manager has already begun to prepare the schedule for the coming season and Is willing to bear from all fast amateur teams. Address all communications to Harry Papenfuse or John Brunner, Bressler, Pa. XKIDIG FIVE WON The Neidig Memorial basketball five defeated the Reily Hose tossers at Oberlin last night; score, 37 to 31. In a second game the Enhaut Silent Five won from the Memorial Scrubs; score. 27 to 18. JUNIORS TAKE LEAD IX INTERCLASS SERIES The Juniors won the Interclass game at Tech high school yesterday; score, 61 to 14. This victory giveß the Juniors the lead with a clean record. WAYNESBORO EASY FOR CENTRAL HIGH Patrician Girli of York Were Out classed by Harrisburg's Star Five Record scores were made in the basketball games at the Chestnut street auditorium last night. Central high buried Waynesboro high with a score of 100 to 3; and the Central high girls walked away with the game from the Patrician girls of York, score 25 to 2. The Central-Waynesboro battle was not even a good practice game. Waynesboro was not in Harrisburg's class and while the visitors showed plenty of pluck they never had a look in, and the points scored by Waynes boro were simply gifts. The battle between the girls' teams was at times rather rough and some things happened that were not ac cording to basketball rules. "Ike" McCord who refereed the game had his troubles. The star local players were Miss Hlnkle and Miss Rauch, and Miss Hos tetter and Miss Smith played a good game for York. The summaries: Central. Waynesboro. Rote, f. Harbaugh, f. Yoder, f. Wright, f. Gerdes, c. Anderson, c. Fast, g. Man berg, g. Fisher, g. Keim, g. Field goals Rote, 14; Yoder, 11; Gerdes, 7; Fast, 8; Fisher, 4; Rlnken bach; Anderson. Foul goals Fast, 10 of 12 called; Anderson, 1 of 9 call ed. Substitutions Central, Bowman for Rote; Rilikenbach for Fisher. For Waynesboro—Ginrich for Harbaugh; Clugston for Keim. Referee, Garner, j Scorer, Sites. Timer, Hall. Time of halves, 20 minutes. 1 Central High. Patrician Club. Melville, f. Rohlman, f. Velder, f. Hostetter, f. Rauch, c. Smith, c. Hlnkle, g. Carroll, g. Shaffer, g. Selak, g. Field goals Velder, 4; Rauch, 4, Hinkle, 4; Hostetter. Foul goals Hlnkle, 3. Referee, McCord. Scorer, McAllister. Timer, Hall. Time of halves, 20 minutes. Orpheums Took Game in Casino League The Orpheurnß won last night's Casino League game, defeating the Monarcha by a margin of 188 pins. The scores: ORPHEUMS Miller 162 174 137 473 Achenbach 180 127 177 484 Jones 191 191 164 546 Trace 231 137 150 518 Wilson 178 170 212 560 Totals 942 799 840 2581 MONARCHS Bushey 167 155 177 489 Paul 140 167 139 446 Ogelsby 142 122 173 437 Weber 137 202 159 498 Atticks 208 181 134 523 Totals 784 827 782 2393 Casino league Standing W. L.. Pet. Orpheums 29 13 .688 Alphas 27 18 .600 Monarclis 23 22 .611 Cardinals 21 24 .466 Colonials 17 25 .404 Giants 15 .30 .333 Schedule for Monday: Alphas vs. Orpheums. JANUARY 17, 1914. Mine Explosion Kills One; Injures Four Special to The Telegraph Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 17.—An ex plosion of gaa in No. 1 shaft of No. 8 colliery of the Pennsylvania Coal Company to-day killed Georffe Clem ens. 29 years old. Four were injured. They are: Thomas Dauk, burned, right arm fractured. Condition serious. Harry Dongher, driver, burned and bruised. John Mascavage, laborer, burned about head, face and body. Harold Dougherty, miner, burned, cut and bruised. Clemens met instant death when he walked into a body of gas with a naked lamp. The other men were thrown about by the force of the ex plosion and a slight fall resulted. GOVT SUPERVISION INEVITABLE Special to The Telegraph Salt Lake City, Jan. 17. E. O. Sel way, of Montana, addressing the Na tional Wool Growers' Association yes terday, declared government supervis ion of the public domain was inevita ble and advised his hearers "not to oppose public sentiment." AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC THEATER * APP ''' l MONDAY, JAN. 19, ,T™ m Tuesday, J,n. 20 - S*„ T ».«ht The Sensational Melodramatic Sue- RETURN OF YOUNG AMERICA'S cess of Years, WESTERN HERO "A Girl of the BILLY THE KID Underworld" Four Acts of Western Life In the I nays of Old. A Thrill and a Shot A Sweet, Wholesome Story, Showing a Minute. How Love Wins One from n Mfe of Crime. Special Bargain Prices. PRICESs Mat., 10c, 25e; Eve., 10c, Mat., 10c, 20c; Eve., 10c, 20c, 30c, 50c. 20c, 30c, 50c. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21 JKra&r THE FIRST AND LAST WORD IN MINSTRELSY AL. G. FIELD Greater Minstrels 2S YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SUCCESS 98 Outliving, Outclassing All Competitors. Professor Maltcrs and his Gold band head the parades of the Minstrels, nud offer two free concerts dolly. at 11a. m. and at 7 p. in. I'ItICES: Mat., 25c, 50c. Eve,, 25c, 50c, 75c, 91.00. ' iT| M 4 LAST CHANCE TO SEE W " * * 1"* /% 7—GODOWSKIS—7 1 ( Not * Cigaret)/ EDDY T RIO _ MARION HARRISON A DANCER - ln SURROUNDED BY A CLASSY VAUDEVILLE SHOW Smokers ASK for King Oscar Cigars because their nickel ENTITLES them to Kinj Oscar Quality. The brand that has been regularly good for Z years can't help inspiring regularity in \ smoker's taste. 5c W APS A BIG SURPRISE The Waps were a big surprise in the Elks' League last night, defeating the Athletics by a margin of 28 pins. PRINCE STREET HALL BOXING THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1914 H. H. HKNSRIi Manager JOHNNY GRKINBIt, of Lancaster, vs. FIGHTING lIOH, of Allcntown j Tim Droney, of Lancaster, VI. Eddie Kldk. of New York Young Runnel, vs. Tommy Sharp Young Brnnnby vs. Jlnimy Frascr Harry White, vs. Young Holier Preliminaries Are Subject to Change PRICKS 25c to fI.OO > / AMUSEMENT!) EVERY DAY 19 BARGAIN DAY VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY TOILS OF VILLAINY, S Acts. A COMIC KEYSTONE TO-DAY. Remember this U Klncmacolor Day. ADMISSION 5c *■ ———,—^