FRIDAY EVENING, HABRIBBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 16, 1914, f To-morrow Another BIG SATURDAY aflT" SPECIAL SALE OF T| T/ ITiriJiiliyr nrill rurrrn rnr Women's, Men's & Chi'dren'sCoatSweaters KAUFMAN S CLEAN SWEEP SALE jSmKS-es- g-s M.OO v«lu«, tor T™* Bigger Bargains Than These That Go on | pM. _ _ _ _ »1.55 value, tor MvV Sale To-morrow Have Never Been Offered. Wo^^ MenVtoatSwettters *s4.69l 7f°" of ,h \ Bi * S , aU °' l he 11 A Clean Sweep Coats and Suite I rlislc barment to. S Mock J j 77ie items offered for to-morrow are the BEST VALUES if yuse Dresses, Kimonos, Girls' j; ii you ever have seen and will Surely Crowd our Oarment ij J ™ jes an{ * Bath Robes> Section with Eager Buyers—New additions of both Suits i| Come and share in the Biggest and Best |: 6 Coa : !; the Yd ■! Women's and Misses' Women's end Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' :! ;L Women's percales and flan- p* Children's flannelette full mmt < Suit* Suits Suits ;; $7.50 $9.00 $12.00 $15.00 i| Women's flannelette andfVQ GIRLS' WASH DRESSES, mm - \j: B,zeß wJrWiSFMi sUes: tsiS&USSZ&t BiM " :: |! crepe kimonos, full length. l|Xf siies 2to 6 years old; 25c I i EXTRA SIZE SUITS FOR EXTRA LARGE WOMEN AT CLEAN SWEEP PRICES j; Values up to $3.50, for t/W va j ue / '• " ■ 1 1 " j:: 11 \ " \ Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' " Women's full length flannel- Women's flannelette and \ ♦ Winter Coats Winter Coats Winter Coats Winter Coats ||sgs-.^4Bc| i $5.00 $7.50 $12.00 $15.00 ij [ Children's wash dresses, HA I Women's house dresses, )j: j :: ;j made of percale and ging- / made of gingham and per- \ j EXTRA SIZE COATS FOR EXTRA LARGE WOMEN AT CLEAN SWEEP PRICES i; ham. Values up to $2, for ■ ca | e . Values up to $1.50, for 5j * 1 1111 ——' J r— —-—————— » > :[A Clean Sweep of All Girls' Winter Coats—Sizes 2to 14 Years 1 ! ». SII 7Q- ENTIRE STOCK DIVIDED INTO 4 LOTS l for V* up to $4.00 for ® t/V !; ♦s7 RQ * 4 ?? ,0 HBO For GirU ' $5 00 10 I Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, for 360 P W r dl/ 3UI flic Utbl IVldlif! 75c Mens Fleece Lined Underwear, for 55 1 PricM All I % «y- r - „ __ SI.OO Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, for vii Ud Trousers For Less Than Half. Grecque Corsets every pair fully guaranteed KSLWf 3 Z C r„Z ■■■ %% _ . ' SI.OO Men's Percale Coat Shirts, for ...550 I' Ji Striped rCLtICy Cheviots 15c Men's Brighton Garter, for f2.50 Conet for .$1.98 Worsteds Cassimeres Mixtures fLlma?' 50 SI.OO Trousers at' . s< ! $1.50 bS££L A Great Saturday Sale of All Boys' Suits Floor, Rear. /V_ * _ $4.00 Trousers $5.00 Trousers 5Q Overcoats at Real Bargain Prices — —' ' ' ' I Boys' Overcoats, $2.51 l 1 Men's New $20.00 $22.50 value Chinchilla $lO AA \ .. 1016Y " r * n « 19c Overcoats plfa.UU a(i\a\ Values to $5.00 !!*" 'joc «AA MA • r, .. \ft \ Made of good heavy Casgtmere Boys' 51.50 value Cordis- "' e\/\ 100 Men S Suits ' ©fl IV3k\ with ronverttblp collar; handsome- roy knickers ...,90c values to dJ7 CO ®® en sew $lO 0® Value Black and Oxford (JJC AA $15.00 at.«P'* —Overcoats at SD.UU «... W \ ... . C ■ ( - wm v|ju« to 7.0 B.y»' Norfolk Suits >1 $2.50 .iie"i".oo Choice of the Finest Mixt Overcoat in the i u ,^ nl «»,, „ ," u ';r l ™r"" *"•"** |C^ 3 oU * e, V oyS> nC " l '" a ® vercoa * s, J larrisburgers Elected Historical Officers Benjamin M. Nead, of this city, was lected president of the Pennsylvania 'ederation of Historical Societies yes erday. at the annual meeting held in lie State caucus room in the Capitol. Two representatives attended the teetlng from most of the thirty-two ounty and local historical sooieties 'hich are members. were re CASTORIA For Infants and CNMm Bears tne „ - fbi Kind You Have Always Bought 81gn < J ure ( ceived on many subjects relating to the work of the societies of the State. Other officers elected were: t The Rev. M. D. Lichllter, Harrisburg, first vice-president; State Senator Wil liam D. Sproul, Chester, second vice i president; Charles I. Roberts, Allen -1 vice-president: Dr. S. P. " Heilmandale. secretary; State I librarian Thomas Lynch Montgomery, treasurer. » Th® executive committee elected is > composed of Messrs. Nead, Hellmari. I Miss Martha Bladli. • Clark. Philadelphia; Dr. Hugh Hamll- ton Harrisburg; Benjamin F. Owen, Reading; B. Frank Eshleman, Lancas- J i? r * * Richards, Lebanon, - McKlnley - ONXiY SO MORE VICTROLAS Remain to be sold'on our llber&l Club Plan. Get yours this week. J. H Troup Music House, 16 South Market Square.—Advertisement. SIVEDDERS IN"JO? EX) Two brothers. Franklin and James Marks, of 2004 State street, were in jured last night when an automobile | ran Into their sled at Twentieth and State streets. The accident was un | avoidable. The boys were coasting and collided with the automobile. At ' the Harrlsburg Hospital it was found ' that Franklin's Injuries consisted of a fractured right shoulder and several broken ribs. James has many bruises. BETLISS OFF FOR PALESTINE Special to The Telegraph f Kiev, Russia. Jan. 16.—Mendel Bel- a liss recently acquitted of the "ritual f murder" of the Christian boy. Andrew- t Tushinsky, left here, accompanied by his family, for Jaffa, in Palestine. r Huron de Kothschlld, who manifested y great interest In the trial, hns , bought a a small farm In Palestine for Beillss. t $25,000,000 to Be Given States For Good Roads Special to The Telegraph Washington, Jan. 16. —The House good roads committee reported a bill appropriating $26,000,000 government funds for assistance to the States In ttie construction of good roads. Apportionment to the States is to be made on a basis of population, acre age and rural mileage. Each State Is appropriate for roads annually an amount equal to that allotted to it by the government. w jjß&fc Let me send you FREE PERFUME ■JM a!? WHte today for a testing bottle of ED. PINAUD'S LILAC lllr, *{)• .fofM'* ■»<>•* perfume, every drop at tweet T tmr & the living blottom.For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. aSntiSri v\ ./ iSjrl F,ne • fter *n«vlng- All the value It In the perfume you don't \V Zißl 1 pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality is wonderful The h¥~" ~nf « price only 75c. (601 ) .Send 4c. for the little bottle-enough Rv 7 AnMjjjM tor 50 handkerchiefs. Write today. . \ * PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M «Li ED- PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK 5