Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 15, 1914, Page 14, Image 14
14 Shopping Plans forTomorrowWillßeMade After Reading This List of Friday Specials r~~~r~T 3 •i c 71 Men's Bath Robes " ' j f . " January Clearance of Furs and TnmmedHats Phone Orders Filled. Friday A 1 T > ± — t~~; —— j — 'r**»r;TY*^ w Women s Croats <ti nn Toilet Goods Meus $7.50 blanket bath robes. , vbi.UU 25c witch hazel cold cream. Fri- Ji S Women are more interested in coats and furs than any day only 2oc arnica cream, i-nday only, clothes. But we must plan far ahead of the calendar, and rp i r r 25C Purity cold cream fhT m , 'T that's why the first real -old snap of Winter finds us adjust- Towels T OWeling 25c Punt) cold ecu. 1-nday NlghtShirtS W these stnekv l>tad ' cd Ti.rlc«h ' l»tl, °"'oc' Palm' Olive' coid'cream Fri Men's 75c heavy flannelette night Tk, ' towels, he.nracd ready for use. Fri da , V Shins. Fridav only M, A fj/ |L FlirS of Ol1«1ltV ReHlirf-rl day only, 3 for «H> da> onlj 33£ M.n'<t «i m i i a dffm 15c* Purs liquid toilet soap. Fri- Men s SI.OO extra heavy and extra " ¥, inches m. a litv for w „onl lone flannelette shirts Fridav K, ' ' **■* iVABMfSK $16.50 fancy black fox scarf. January Clear- $37.50 seal rat scarf. January Clearance v 'o mcnes, good C|uaI lot j^tnctal day only ac ° & - W' 1 ance price $14.50 price SU7 50 I Fridav onlv 1 for »> "»#» I V, , i, , , , „ . Onlv .. 79<i» W / \ ¥ «!lIM/ $39.50 large black fox pillow muff. January . $45.00 moleskin scarf. January Clearance use. ( «d) j,o iu Found roll absorbent cotton. Fn- - * \t J Vlf (ifJAy Clearance price *27.50 price $82.50 19c bleached Turkish bath towels j i <(>. -Mens $1.50 flannelette pajamas. it r $39.50 seal rat pillow muff. January $55.00 large fancy moleskin muff. January u - - ' AaJC , • l J Clearance price $30.00 Clearance price $40.00 large size, colored borders and hem- Peroxide. best grade. I-riday only, '-net i " i i•" lOf •% % r « -v 1 1 med readv for use. Friday only, sizes Bto 14 Friday only! V ll|| Womeil S CoatS ReduCed each...: and 32 oz .20? • a > ■> 10c red border toweling. 17 inches White fine and Tar rmicrli «v-riin ° or J * or SM.OO 1 $16.50 double-faced chinchilla coats in navy, $25.00 eponge coats in taupe, navy and black, A . ® D P ft S Men's Store Street Floor I plush collar. January Clearance prce. . .SIO.OO raglan sleeves, fancy back, button, trimmed, Wide, extra quality for general USC. Friday only 15ft § \ \ $18.50 chinchilla coats, in navy and black, P'" collar and cuffs. January Clearance Fridav onlv vard ti<'■/»& o- TT .. T-Trm»*- (v 1/ IMF plush collar plush button trimming. price ■ $16.00 y .> . • ... c n\iiieiius iioney cream. IIHM> { l| January Clearance price $12.50 $27.50 wool corduroy coat, fancy cut model $3.95 colored bed spreads ill pink Fridav onlv 10c i JVlen S 100 IRHMfenJ \) $18.50 navy and black zibeline coats, drop j" mahogany plush collar and cuffs. ~ . Krirl-iv nnlv " . O I W P VUflla \ shoulder, cut plush collar and cuffs, silk frog Clearance price $18.50 and blue, CUt comers. 1 rilld} onl\, .*>C and 10c toilet soap. rnday i Men's 58.50 Mackinaw top coats fastening. January Clearance price.... $12.50 $37.50 black brocaded velvet coat, drop s£.(>{) only, 2 packages for «5c I a T J 1 ma -1\ A $22.50 Arabian lamb coats. Skinner's satin shoulder; Skinner's satin lining, large fur col- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. j ' • . waterproof. I'riday only . . Jj?6.«>o lined, large roll shawl collar. January Clear- ' ar * January Clearance price $25.00 Austin s. sponge carpet cleaner, I D p & s Men's Store Street- Floor ance price $15.00 $50.00 pony s>kin coats. Skinner' satin lining. cleans carpets on floor. Fridav onlv, $20.00 Salt's plush coats, kimono sleeves: January Clearance price $30.00 t «; Skinner's lining. January Clearance price, $55.00 pony skin coats, brocaded satin lining. \A/Vw<4-/-v ' j • MM $18.50 January Clearance price $35.00 VV niie VJOOQS D., P. & S., Street Floor, Front. \ X 1 * Q" 11 ..$20.00 Salt's astrakhan coats in navy, taupe $65.00 near seal coat, large rolling collar; lViUSlin—rlllOWS" anil I,lack ' shawl collar and cuffs of plush: Skinner's lining. January Clearance price, SI.OO fc.nglisll lOUgcloth, 10 yards • Skinner's satin lining. January Clearance $45.00 , • . r ■ •. _ O 1 1»" 0 i- c price $16.50 $75.00 near seal coat, brocade satin lining, a piece. one to d customer. I I I ir\r»nc 131aniV.eTS $30.00 black brocaded velvet coat, fur collar, large silk frog fastening. January Clearance TTriHnv nnlv niei-r vul I LSI UUUU3 W' peau de cygne lining. January Clearance price, price $55.00 uiuy, piece .j.h, 25c saline; navy and black 6^c ' jB - ,nch ll » bl e^ h ed muslm; j $18.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. I I white India lillOll, .50 in. I grounds, neat styles. Friday only, ue thread. !• riday only, yard, 5? * * j wide, line sheer quality. Friday I yard 10V 52.00 feather pillows. Friday only, yard. 8<; 39c corduroy, silk stripes, color- only, each ~.. $1..>0 r\rt INleeclle VV Ofk. $1.25, $1.30 find f °°, pla i" 7°' , bU ' C f ' lan dhags, stamped ad Fiction, Soiled 25c I Ivofdv *** si" shades. I r ridav onlv, vard 1 a black and white, red and leadvmade for embroidering. Ln- r>f* ors on b'- Friday only, yard.. 150 1 d 5 l ■ )^ IC * "0 10c to 15c flannelette, neat and i Friday only $4.1{9 day only 100 CoVOrS, 65c 51.25 Farniers' satin, 54 inches nainsook, 36 inches fancy styles. Friday only, yard. Dives ' r ' omeroy & ste,wa '''- st ree ' Floor. 25c stamped pillow tops, all sizes The tit]cs i nc i udc _. wide, black only, yard 09C wide - Hne q ualit >'> , soft mercerized 2<* and shapes and stamped for embroi- v l t' n . . _ , . finished. Friday only, yard....Bs Remnants of poplin, crepes, I \\r > oi- . dering Friday only I.> vaienune Colored IJreSS CxOOds 250 white cotton voile for waists ratines, silk muslins and voiles at i W OHien 3 50c stamped pi n ow '* on ' Hnen ol,nsel for Detensc ' $2.00 and $2.50 coatings, odd lots, f d(^ eess f s - 40 , wide - i " s l7 rt '' a r pr r and Petticoats or burlap.^ beau, m designs. Fri- " ragu,,,an 54 inches wide, shades tau and navy. Dives, Pomeroy * stewan. street Floor. 1 ° ll a Deserters Pr.'rlnv w r A sutikM oniy, vara »v \\<h.»rt 1-nit <l-irt< Kri day only rliuaj Oni}, Jara ipi.uu Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. d rvoT 85. 25c to slSo stamped library K.se of Koscoe Payt.c 75c Ashland broadcloth, 54 inches lewelrv—Silverware . T scarfs on linen, white and natural. Batidbo.x vvi( l ei shades navy and dark navy. tt , „ \\ on,e,, s gmgham pet .coats, tad- Red Cross Girl Friday only, yard :19<- HOUSeWareS rOc long coat chains, different ored flounce. 1-ridav onlv ... • - i«/ 2? 10 ... . .. -- * , settings. Friday only Women's gowns, "high# neck and 25c to $1.50 stamped center pieces Closing Aet /jc shepherds checks, 42 inches .trolls toilet paper with holder. gold filled and sterling silver long sleeves, low neck and short on linen, rep-and burlap, 27 inches Brazenhead, the Great wide. Friday only, yard .... rings. I'riday only 10c : sleeves. $1.50 value. Friday only, in diameter, good styles. Friday George Helm 89c serge, 54 inches wide, all . galvanize watei pails, hri 2?c brilliant" brooches. Friday j on i y 12%$ to 750 Best of a Bad Job wool, shade of navy. Friday only, cake "fH ° m' Vl ' 1-1 1* V Women's Waists Uivee, Pomeroy At Stewart, Third Floor. Ambition of Mark Truitt vard 58<r day only 14<; . si ver pa ei uispoon?-. j ... . ... ac J- SI.OO pebble ratine, all-wool, shade 59c wash boilers. Friday only dozen. 1-riday only J3<? , \\ omen s waists in gingham, per- Ordeal .... ' ' . SI.OO and $2.50 mesh bags, slight- ; cales, soisette and batiste, SI.OO to | Fumitlire Halcyone dav^lTva^ 0 "'" a " " aVy " 75L" $2.98 dustless ash sifters. Friday ly damaged, h ridav only ... SI.OO silver com purse and vanity \ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. ' ..cat ta e>. IKa - N , An Affair of State colors Fridav box. Friday only Her Heart's Gift SS) and wS ratine 50 bowls. Friday only 49<i 'So to odd pieces of sterling ... , SO./3 mattresses, tnday only The Moth an( j inches wide. Fridav onlv $1.50 seven-piece berry set. Fri silver such as fancy forks, spoons. W OlTien S $'2.!33 Fetters of Freedom varx j ' day only 98c etc. Friday only 59c . j . $13.50 brass beds. Friday onlv Half a Rogue ' 59c steel club skates. Friday only D . P. & S.. Street Floor. Center Aisle. $T!95 Cathedral Courtship Black Dress Goods W omen's white cotton maline 110- $2.95 bed sprines. Fridav onlv Hearts Courageous ! 50c serge, 46 inches wide. Friday ust mo r > usl c'o^l - button union suits, sizes 42 and 44, * «•><•.<» cr °y Affair only, vard 35ffr \'l' 'l' t'- 50c white muslin curtains with Women's 50c white cotton ribbed . golden oak and mahogany It Never Can Happen Again wool. 40 inches wide. Friday only, Lno X i * !'• I'ui'i' ruffled ed g e and pink rose border; ! vests and pants, medium weight. rockers - Fnday only .... #8.75 , Blue Flower yard 49> "btelamps.com -2*4 vards long. Fridav only, pair, Fridav onlv, each 39C mahogany rockers. Friday Petticoat Rule 75c black Panama. 50 inches wide, P 1 "®' % , Vil'.'*' - i 39c , . f , only $3.50 1 e Price j all wool. Friday only, yard ...550 i ' Colonia turn eis. r |da> I 25c to 39c remnants of drapery Men's' Underwear Dives, Pomerqy & Stewart, Third Floor. Voting Wallingford $1.25 unfinished worsted, 54 in. °"!^e P Po e me r 'oy & Stewarl, Basement^ materials, satine, scrim and cretonne, Men's J eager cotton fleece lined Marie Claire wide, all wool. I< riday only, yard Ito 3-vard lengths. 1< ridav onlv, shirts and drawers, broken lines. _ * Celebrity , ... , yard and 20f* Fridav onlv. each 25<* Linen an t^ie asc -'i """' r • i at •joating, nu ie.. yXfCtICS RllbbpfS 25c fancy satine for comfortables I Men's $1.50 Egyptian cotton vel- ,f T Am Affair of Dishonor V'dc. Friday only, yard .. .95* JMCTICS RUDUerS and draperies. 36 inches wide, 3to ; vet ribbed union suits, slight impcr- andNapkinS Captain of the Grey Horse Iroop scs ' o«""»y * ..tewart, street oor. Men's sl.7n one buckle arctics 6-yard lengths. Friday only, vard, ; fcctions. Fridav only SI.OO mrl . r „;,,„i (ok ,„ r Diva s Ruby with heavy black wool lining, all 19c " 3 ' C bleached table da- Social Buchaneer q t C - , ■ Fridav onlv «K| in $1.50 Oriental figured couch cov- j Women's and Men's mask, 58 inches wide, good patterns. Professor's Mystery DfOKen blZe C Women's 75c Goodyear rubbers, ers; 30 inches wide, 3 yards long. ; Hosierv Friday only, yard 19(» Y , >r Corsets, including Warner's Rust re g U lar and storm cuts for high Fr day only $1.39 ! Mercerized damask napkins, 30x20 Combined Maze Proof and Rengo Belt. $3.50 and heel shoes. Friday only 45* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. W omen s 12,'/ 2 c black cotton fleece j nc i les good pattern and qualitv W hen Dreams, Come True $4.00 value. Friday only $1.95 Children's 50c rubbers, sizes sto hued hose, seamless. Friday onl), hemnled readv (or use , Va lue SI.OO $2.00 values. Friday only M.59 1« !4 . Friday only 35* - Kanchmg tor Sylvia Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Handbags Women's 25c black cotton fleece a dozen, hriday only, each If Midlanders Leggings __ . . _ ' , lined hose, out size, fashioned feet. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor. Q f t^e Guerillas npi T Women's and children's blark Clean Up of Odd Styles Friday only 19* Impossible Boy 1 tie J atlUary Handbags, former prices, $1.50, Men ' s 25 , < : b lack silk Hsle hose ' T v., p. & s.. street Floor, Rear. only 45^ $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 seamless, slight imperfections Fri- 1 ancy LvinenS . O 1 £ , to SB.OO. Fridav onlv, to $1.48 day only \~y 2 f 5c and 10c fringed damask doil- £ \T \ j. Children S Olioes " Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, street Floor. i es , 6 and 9 inches square, good pat- crepes V elveteen 1-' 1 • 1 Children's $1.75 gun metal calf, Girqjes and Sashes tern. Friday only 2y 2 $ $1.25 brocaded crepe, 40 inches t/lTlbrOl(l0n0S high cut bu " on shoeS ' made on full Silk girdles and shashes, fonner IVfT' WW<=*Jir anrl 89c to $3.50 soiled and mussed wide, colors old rose and cham- toe lasts with heavy stitched soles, prices, 75c, SI.OO to sc.oo. Friday , fancy decorative linens, including pagne. Friday only, yard 69£ ° D., p. Hear. on Knit Goods Men's and boys' 12/ 2 c, 19c and 25c doilies, centerpieces, etc. Friday only wide, odd shapes of blue and wine. Qtmot rnrook 1 ri • r j four-in-hand, string and bat ties and to $1.69 Friday only, yard amp es o -nit goo s touques, shield and band teck scarfs. Friday, d., p. &a, street Floor, Rear. D-. P. &a, street Floor, Front. Low bust, long hip corsets, 50c jackets, tarns automobde hoods. 5t value. Friday only . 39* n ay on y, a price. Men's odd initial white B and J brassiere, slightly soiled. DreSS Buttons hemstitched handkerchiefs. Friday % None exchanged. $1.50 value. Fri- Dress buttons, former prices, 25c, Men's 19c plain and colored silk * pA Brassieres made of all-over em 50c to 52.00 per dozen, mixed handkerchiefs. Friday only. Vw WVW broidery. 39c value. Friday only, Dire*. Pomeroy ft Stewart, street Floor. | D.. P. ft S.. Men's Store. Street Floor. j Dives. Pomeroy it Stewart, Street Floor^ THURSDAY EVENING, HAFRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 15,1914.