WE INVITE EVERY THIN MAN AND WOMAN HERE EVERY PERSON IN HARRISBURG AND VICINITY TO GET FAT AT OUR EXPENSE hf illif .it (lie Km»(" Hnrftol makes Pan). Pmlih People Plump an <1 Pupiilar This is an invitation that no thin man or woman con afford to Ignore. We will tell you why. We ure going to ► earnest—the mild season up until now has left us with a great stock of clothing which we must dispose of at once, before the spring goods arrive. You can- not do better in values than procure one of these suits i \ or overcoats at our reduced prices. i 1 $22.50 & $25 Suits, SET*... $15.75 i j ► , There are 26 suits in this lot. All high grade and from the b««t 4 ] L. JJI? Materials are silk finished eassl meres, velours and diagonals. ► The very latest models and the best colors. < SIB.OO & $28.00 Suits, ssrr... $13.75 ; These high-grade suits are selling: rapidly. If you want one be sure ►to come early to-morrow morning. Materials are the finest worsted*. < ► casslmeres and serges. Finest hand tailored and hand finished suits < ► sls &$16.50 Overcoats, "Z"""' $11.75 • *»« . A^ ut 40 high grade overcoats in the lot. Sizes for men and vouths. i y Materials are cheviots, kerseys, chinchillas and velours. Conservative 4 models as well as the ultra-fashionable models. Grevs, blues browns y and mixtures. ' M < " $lB to 522 Overcoats, IST" $13.75 < Hand tailored overcoats from the best maker. 42-irch belted coats, i ► and 48-inch chinchilla coats, and 49-Inch coat with shawl collar. Many 4 styles of coats. , k These Other Clearance Lots in the Men's ' | Clothing Department On Sale Tomorrow clearance sale of clearance sale of i MEN'S, SOFT AND STIFF MEN'S SMOKING JACK-' HATS in all correct shapes. ETS in grays and browns. 4 ► Former prices were $2 and Former prices were $5 and i ► $2.50. Clear- A<| 1 Q $3.98. Clear- An «| £ < ► ance price. .. «P 1•1 J7 ance price ... ► CLEARANCE SALE OF CLEARANCE SALE OF < ► MEN'S SOFT AND STIFF MEN'S ODD VESTS, in < ► hats in all the correct sizes 36 to 44. Taken from 4 i y styles. Former price was sl. SIO.OO to $25.00 suits. 4 Clearance 7C « Clearance 0/\ P"cc /DC price 01/C< ► Clearance Sale of Men's Trousers 1 ► $2.00 lined cor- -■ $1.50 lined cordurov Q«V " ► duroy trousers, «J> 1 oO«7 trousers 05/0" ► $2.00 worsted and cassimere $2.50 and $3.00 worsted and < ' ► trousers C C cassimere AH 4, ► at V 1 »vw trousers ..... Cp X 4 'Clearance Sale of Mackinaw Coats' Men's $8.50 Mackinaw Coats 96.50 * Boys' $8.50 Mackinaw Coats $6.50 4 ► Men's SIO.OO Mackinaw Coats $7.75 j ► On Sale on the Third Floor, Bowman's. ; Sale of Samples ► Women's Merode Underwear < Nearly every woman in Harrisburg knows Merode Under- i y wear, made by Lord & Taylor, one of the biggest concerns in i ► the country, well known for the quality and style of their gar- i ► ments. We have procured a portion of the samples of their i ► underwear. These two great lots go on sale to-morrow < ► 'SAMPLES OF WOMEN'S MERODE UNDERWEAR in < y medium and heavy weight cotton, bleached and peeler color. 4 , y Vests, pants and union suits. Regular price SI.OO. IJO 4 Sale price < SAMPLES OF WOMEN'S MERODE UNDERWEAR, me- i K dium and heavy weight cotton, white and peeler color. ' Vests and pants. Regular price 50c. .Sale o/\ i y P"ce £ti)C i ► On Sale on the Main Floor, Bowman's. 4 Death of Dr. J. F. Bowman, Millersburg Physician Millersburg, Pa., Jan. 14.—Dr. John F. Bowman died at his home In Union street on Tuesday niorntnp, after an illness of a dfey. Although the doc tor's health had not been good for soine years, his death was a shock to the community. He was 73 years old and is survived by two sons, F. G. and Ralph Bowman, also one brother, S. S. Bowman, and three sisters. Misses Lou and Margaret, of Millersburg, and Loss of Hair Is Accepted As the First Indication of Old Age Don't Look Older Than Your Are. Although frequently accepted as such, thin, wispy hair does not neces sarily Indicate approaching old age. Instead It Is more often traceable to i the hair destroying effect of dandruff and hence becomes a *matter o( mere personal neglect. Incipient loss of hair, with Its ulti mate chronic form, is not considered by the majority of people with suffi cient seriousness. Both are looked upon as inevitable, when as a matter of fact, there is no more need of los ing one's hair, or having thin, scraggy locks at sixty than there la at six teen. Proper and Intelligent care of the hair is all there la to It. To combat dandruff contagion, loss of hair and Itching scalp, Herpiclde Is the logical preparation to use. Thousands of people are using New bros Herpiclde with Infinite satisfac tion for the troubles Incident to loss Mrs. Fahnestook, of Chester. He waa a member of the Heptasophs and Sy rian Comraandcry, Knights of Malta, of Millersburg-. The funeral will take place from his late home on Friday at 2 p. m., in charge of his pastor, tho Rev. Mr. Skeath, of the Methodist Church. RAILROAD SERVICE HALTED Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 14.—The en tire railroad service ®f Portugal was suspended to-day owing to the declara tion of a general strike by the em ployes. About one-third of the rail '-roads belong to the State. of hair. To acquire light, fluffy and beautiful j hair —hair that has the natural sheen and luster which are such an aid to feminine good looks, Herpiclde is | strongly recommended. Acknowledged as the leading scalp | prophylactic and dandruff eraalcator, j Herpiclde produces the most satlafylnc results when used intelligently ana j persistently. The odor of Herpiclde is delightful to all. Tour dealer knows the merit of this wonderful scalp prophylactlo and will guarantee it to do aa claimed or return your money. It is sold every where in 50-cent and SI.OO size bottles. . Applications may be obtained at the better barber shops and hair dressing parlors. The Herpiclde Co., Dept. S., Detroit, Mich., will send a trial bottl* of Her piclde and booklet telling all about the hair to any address upon receipt of ten cents In postage or silver, to cover the cost of packing and mailing. Ken nedy's Medicine Store, special agent* —Advertisement. 3