12 The Annual Embroidery Sale Opens qri 7 , o i r* % J c -j. T1 To-morrow With Dainty Styles J" he Greatest Sale of Men s Suits and at Attractive Saving? Overcoats Ever Held in Harrisburg CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES SCALLOX%™F C LOUNCINGS Choice Lots from Such Famous Wr BATISTE FLOUNCINGS , £L , Makers as Hickey-r reeman, of distribute interesting values in the daintiest of T"\ \ -g TT • i \\ T' 1 * I I patterns and this year's offerings are no excep- lvOCJT.oSt6r,flriClllirSll- W ICKWIXO, ning Spring wardrobes which will include £ * T * f~\ 1 plenty of embroideries among the other mate- Ol I 011 l J&GQXXYQX if Bli rials. Buy the goods now while the prices spell O J O J|B| "j j Cambric Embroiderv Edgings and lnser- 69c value, 27 inches wide, yard Stocks -in the Store's wWm 'I !!l tions — q ßc value, 27 inches wide, yard 49f! , U j Iff "'//ffP \ n 10c value, Ito 4 inches wide, yard 12j4c value, 2to 6 inches wide; yard ... 49c value, 45 inches wide, yard 29f f IfOfl 4-p.pf £ 1 ' mm^ J « Cambric Corset Cover Embroiderv — 75c value, 45 inches wide, yard ... . I v V>lUCllUol 15c value, 17 inches wide, yard .. . .. 10 11 PI.AIN BLUK UNFINISHED WORSTEDS, BLACK UNFINISHED WORSTEDS, BLUE SERGES, PLAIN Remnants of 25c White Voile, 40 inches tiM Enali hin '» l a m " J • /tt ft\\V\ BLACK CHEVIOTS, FANOT SCOTCH MIXTURES, BLACK AND WHITE SILIC PIN STRIPES, FANCV TAR wide. fine quality for waists and dresses. Special vard thC P lecc lr*#l\\A\ \\ BLACK CLUB CHECKS, FANCY BROWN SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, GREY AND BLUE FANCY WORSTEDS, - 'A SEAL BROWN DIAGONAL CHEVIOTS, BLACK AND GREY CHALK LINES, NAVY BLUE WORSTED 25c Fancy White Checked and Striped Flax- w {d c UOC l\\M\w V "H CHEVIOTS. ons; 38 inches wide, beautiful pat- 1 0//?r ' 5 1 - 39 Nainsook, 36 inches wide 10 AO I Styles include: English anil Regular Models, 2 and 3-buttun Sack Coats, Princess and Double Warp Serge 111 terns and qualities. Special, vard... *»/•** \ards to piece for ' 5/OC \ V *1 Linings, Trousers—plain or cuff bottoms. 25c Plain Flaxons and Sheerette, |2//2 C I " sl-65 English Longcloth,' lO yards'to a piece, O' ' \ The Overcoats—'values to.s3s.oo—at $15.00, SIB.OO and $20.00: 36 inches wide. Special, yard , 36 inches wide. Special, 1 1 O II \ BLUE CHINCHILLAS, GREY CHINCHILLAS, BLACK CHINCHILLAS, BROWN CHINCHILLAS, BLACK 17c Plisse Crepe; 29 inches wide; used for piece «Pl«lS/ j MELTONS, FANCY BROWN MIXTURES, FANCY GREY MIXTURES, GREY MELTONS, GREY BANNOCK underwear, neat crinkled effects. ia_ PVPI- I ',, • V ! 4 yards diagonal, $2.00 value, 4 yards shepherds check, $3.00 sleeves, to wear under the coat ... .. .SL«B iia\ C C\tl nau. 1 lie goods aie all irnported and 'iro ' Thursday only $1.3» I value, Thursday only $1.89 Mens and Womens $3.50 and $3.98 fine wool ol -1 ~„.,i;,,- 1„ . 11 1 , . I ya'' da lnixetl suiting, $6.00 2hi yards diagonal. $3.75 value, sweaters with roll collars, V necks, sample garments il line quailt) . beautllully made and exceptionallv value, Thursday only $3.00 Thursday only $2.:t9 Included •• ••• • ■■•••••• $2.79 | nu . n,-J P f» f l L, (1,;, 11 yards serrfe, $2.23 value, 1 2ii yards coating, $7.50 value. Men s and Women s heavy Shaker knit coat sweat- 4) 1 pIICLCI 111 tills Special sale. Thursday only $1.48 Thursday only *3.75 ; • $3.79 inP"T Ull Switches in single stem, flat stem and three ;ai WTT:?S>&I . .'jISS U 1 strands, complete assortment of shades including i mixed gl ey S which are usually SO scarce; 20 to 34-incll \—J 1C JO V>UUvJ.O Misses' and Boys' $2.50 coat sweaters, maroon and h\\ \ lengths. - ! 4 yard serge, $2.00 value, Thurs-1 2Vb yards worsted, value, ""^Boys l '"sV.6o jerseys,' striped sleeves,' school' color'* luvv'a \n evncrl hair ic 1,«,- c \U, \ , r-. dar °" ly $1.39 I Thursday only 51.89 sizes 6to 14 years $1.0« WWW expt-I I nail tliess>ei is lieie 11011 l l\e\\ York Cltv 2 1 , i yards serge, $3.13 value, 4 yards Panama, $3.00 value. Women's golf vests— \YV. in chargfe of the demonstration and is slmwino- <■!■.« Thursday only $2.1« Thursday only $2.25 SI.OO value at \Vy 1 * *£ i- • ucmuiistrdtion, ana IS SllOWing the 4 yards broadcloth, $6.00 value, 4 yards serge, $3.40 value, $1.50 value at SIOO ' \±J J latest tasnions in hair dressings. Thursday only $4.«9 Thursday only $2.35 $1.98 value at S|Y»O ~tf u> ni .._ B p. memv „ , vo . U1 „ ~ 3 yards fancy serge, $2.25 value. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Men's $3.50 golf vests at !!$l!»8 W h'omeroj Ac Stewart—Street Floor, Front. i Thnrminv oniv .It 45 • vinn.. I Special Sale of Woolen Yarns Specials in Black Silks binest grades at close to half price White Rose, Utopia and Lion . SI.OO black met&Uine, 36 inches wide. Special, yard .......... 89< . brands. A A $1.25 black Peati de Soie, 36 inches v wide. Special,-yard 98ctc Men's heavy blue cheviot work shirts, collar attached, sizes 14 to 18. Special ... 39rt ▼ ▼ Ccli vj 11UC U 1 CI I V Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart, Men's Store, Street Floor. A garment the cold cannot penetrate —an absolute T j a 1 TS~ 1 t/. « necessity for driving and motoring in cold weather. Hats and Caps That Keep the Kiddies' :::::::::::::::::: K * The New Styles in Ears Warm $2.50 grey mocha gloves, seamless lined, $1.85 I 11l The style, have f„,Un.d folda and gg "i;«S MOUTnillg MlllinerV ull down over the ears. Many styles in cor- ? 504. Wool Gi OV es ; ° Boys'fur polo hats with ear tabs; white, brown and black $1.49 Children; 8 26c wool gloves 160 n . T) fi c , , ' , „ t Children s oOc lined Rauntiets 39<- IJIVCS I OHIOrOV & rVIPWArt SpPOnfl hr mnt Dives, Pomeroy to Stewart. Second Foor, Front—Throe Elevators. Men's nnd Boys' wool glove* 25c and 50c: ' ' ' r lUUt, F 1011 l ~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Store, Street Floor. II * WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG *&&& TELEGRAPH . j. /J.,.- . "JANUARY 14, 1914.