Relief in Sight For Eastern Part of ffikffirf)? of HARRISBURG iflllllll TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 12 SO COLD CITY OPEN 110 SCHOOL UIISIO BE DISMISSED TODAY This Is Anniversary of Coldest Weather in History of the Local Bureau WAS 1 BELOW THIS MORNING Ordinary Thermometers, How ever. Registered as Far Down as 6 and 8 This is the anniversary of the cold est day in the history of the city's weather bureau. Two years ago to day, the official weather report says, It was J 4 degrees below zero. To-day at 6 ». m. the temperature was 1 de btee below zero, the lowest weather in two years. That Is the official figure, but many ordinary thermometers that did faith ful duty in outlying sections of the city went way down in their hearts this morning. At Rutherford Heights, for "nstance, the mercury showed 4 de grees below zero. Across river reports ot from R to S degrees below were heard. So cold was it that even the con sumptive children who arc being cared tor in, tho city's open-air schools < on I tin t stand it and the schools were dismissed about 10 o'clock. They will ?'.?*, be reopened until Mondav.' The 1 ttle boys and girls who have spent the winter days in the open wrapped in their bank"ts have been able to stand every other kind of weather, but the zero and below kind made them shiver too much. The Penn school building is closed 10-day because the heating apparatus can not be made to work. Only four of the rooms are open. lee areas in the river are growing quite rapidly and it is believed the entire Susquehanna will be frozen over at Harrisburg within the next twentv four hours. Relief From Intense Cold Now Promised By Associated Ptess New York. Jan. 14.—Relief from the Intense rold leather which lias held the Eastern and New England States in it* grip for the past two days is promised to-night or to-morrow. To day. however, near zero weather or below still prevails along the Middle and North Atlantic seaboard. Reports from the "West early to-day indicated that the rising temperature which brought relief there yesterday would reach the lake regions to-day and weather forecasters say they are ex tending eastward. While the cold wave has been sweeping this country, Europe, too, had felt a drop in temperature from Norway to Southern France. Vienna, Berlin and many other German cities report unprecedented drops in the temperature. Drift Ice is running in 'he Danube river and in Paris busi ness for the past twenty-four hours has been at a standstill. In London recent harsh weather conditions are held responsible for a serious rise in the death rate and an epidemic of In fluenza. Cable dispatches last night from Milan stated that heavy snows are falling In the Alps and the Intense • old has driven wolves to prev on cat tle. 43 Below in New York In New York State the lowest tem perature reported—4S degrees below zero—was at Harrisvltle. Few towns in the northern and western sections of the State reported temperatures higher than 20 degrees below zero early to-day. New York city which seldom experiences below zero weath er. touched a record mark at midnight at four degrees below. The number of dead officially recorded last night was nine, but police and health offi cials believe the total will greatlv ex ceed that figure. Hundreds have re ceived treatment at hospitals and thousands of homeless men and wo men have been sneitered in mission [Continued on Page 8] ft Late News Bulletins JOHN H. McILHENNY ON PRISON BOARD John H. Mclllienny was re-appointed to servo on the Dauphin County Prison Board by the Dauphin county <-ourt this afternoon The term Is for three years. The County Commissioners settled the tie voting dispute in Elizabeths lie o>er il.e electon of a borough as 'U f>oßlng , 7. 01 m "■ Boiiawi tz, the Republican, over George P. Lytcr, the Democratic candidate: Joseph \. Koons, former mercantile appraiser, was sworn In to-da.v as deputy appraiser $13,000 EXPRESS PACKAGE STOLEN \ Pittsburgh, Pa.. *F&n. 14.—1t Ixvuhio known 10-dftv that n arfe containing 513.000 was stolen from the offl.-e or the Vnitcd States i'Tr* ° ,, : p ?" y Councils,llle. Pa., Monday night. The monev h > » Pittsburgh bank to the Second Natonal Bank or Connellsville Ix press company .let,stives and the police are looking neUsrUle yttn ' * < lerk ,ht " l "* press <>wl,| l>any's offlw « I™.* Johannesburg, Union or South Africa. .lan. 14—Sccrctarv Wain of the Federation of Trades. an«l a hand or Irreconcilable comrade eS th ° ,ra,,es ~B" h, ' n ' 'lefy the polled H Paso. Texas. Jan. 14.—Mexican rederal troops stationed at I,as Vegas opposite Del Rio Texas, have been surrounded by rebe* and an attack te momentarily expected. The federal garrison | s small nf y, H A'. ~7 fo 1 r,,,t » l request for the return to Mexico filler . Salvador >larcado, win commanded the federal troops at OJlnaga. together with his comrades who crossed into American terri tory, Is to be made to Uie United States government bv General A.,~1 by'hlniMtolday. Merfoan mtnUiteF «ar. according to an announced ... ( ~B ernP Switzerland, Jan. 11.—The assistance of the great powers In the prevention of another war between Greece and Turkey Is I by rjremier Klentherlos Ventaelo*. of Greece ' Thepramter de* eJares that his government considers such a calamity most probable since tlie advent as Turkish minister of war of Enver Bev Providence, R. 1., Jan. 1 I.—-Pi re in die Manuracturers* hnili I lno> " «7 en -story brick structure. occupied by thirty jewelry nianuiactu*' SWMRS? * IOSS ° f $100,,)0 ° u, - (lav anil the enftjreed Idleness <»r With the Progressives from Philadelphia to-day came a decider! ♦ or of boosting William Draper Lewis. of Philadelphia candidate for governor, l,cwis Is here, but says hi ,OPk ' an , I ' l - —The market closed strong. The shorts scram bled to cover when bullish oin rations were resumed on a large Heavy buying onlers were executed all around the room Prices mounted I to 2 points above yesterday's closing * FLUID'S BOOM FOR GUOR IS EIHED BY HIS DAUGHTER Big BuD Moose Laughs When She Says He Won't Be Candi date and Admits It iPINCHOT FOR U. S. SENATOR # £m % fiftt M ■ *-- jjPP rE GiFFORD PTNCHOT Talked of for United States Senator William FUnn will not lie a candi date for governor of Pennsylvania. His daughter. Miss Mary Flinn, said so this morning and the ex-senator said that it "went." The question of whether Flinn would bo a candidate or not was the topic uppermost among the Washington party men gathering here to-day for [the two-daj conference beginning at I 3 o'clock this afternoon. When the Pittsburger was asked about the boom in the presence of bin daughter and a few of his personal friends he laugh ed, but before he could make any re j ply Miss Flinn said: "Mr. Flinn w ill I not be n candidate f>>r governor." F'linn laughed and said "Tlint t;"es. , That's my guardian." (•roiiii Meeting I tiring the morning it was planned to have a meeting of the chairmen of the six groups organized. These groups correspond 1o the divisions of the Democratic State committee, but the trains were held up by the cold and only a few members got here. They had a talk with State Chairman A. Nevin IJotrich and discussed things. The group chairmen are Arthur Dunn, Scranton: W. H. Sponsler, New Bloomtield: John Rev, Norrlstown; A. W. Hagenbuch, Allentown; jr. T. Stokes, Coudersport: Dex X. Mitchell, Punxsutawney. Three districts have not been organized. Members of the legislative com mittee held informal conferences to talk over matters and it was stated that the program of 1912 would b» brought down to date, but in the main it would stand with addition of a dec laration in favor of woman suffrage. Pinrliot Here Gifford Pinchot. mentioned for sena tor, arrived during the morning and [Continued on Pa<rc 8| VICE-PRESIDENT AGREES TO HEAR DEMANDS OF MEN By Associated Press Albany, X. Y„ Jan. 14.—Clifford S. Sims, vice-president and general man ager of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company, wired from Scran ton. Pa., last night that he would meet | representatives of the employes in Al- ( bany Thursday to consider certain de mands of the men. About 5,000 em ployes of the road have voted almost unanimously to uphold their union leaders in any decision they make after the conference. The men demand the reinstatement of certain discharged | employes and Improved conditions. HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14, 1914. ( SOME OF VILLA'S LATEST TRIUMPHS 1 . .i **H"———^ . ~ * bird s eye view of the country about O.iinaga. showing the disposition of the Federal and Rebel troops, previous to the taking of Ojinaga by the rebels, nnd tlie proximity of the operation to the United States border. 8 1 Jlnaril HARRISBURG BUNKS BECIBE TO ACCEPT OIEW CURRENCY PLAN Steelton, Hummelstown and Hali fax Institutions to Come Under Provisions Although formal action has not been taken by all the boards of direc tors of the various banking institutions in llarrisburg. the llarrlsburg Na tional, the First National «nd the Mer chants National Banks have all de cided to accept the provisions of the new currency act. It was learned that the Steelton National, the Hummelstown National and the Halifax National Hanks have decided to come under the provisions of the new act. While there has been more or less objection on the part, of the. local bankers to many of the provisions of the bill, they all seem to feel that it is their duty as public-spirited citi zens to accept the provisions of the act and do all in their power to make it effective. Under the provisions of the act, every institution is compelled to sub scribe to stock in the new regional reserve bank to the extent of 6 per cent, of its capital and surplus. The sentiment on the part of local insti tutions seems to bp generally in favor [Continued on Page 21 Price of Eggs Goes Up as Mercury Goes Down With the drop in the mercury the price of eggs has soared. The fluc tuations have been commensurate with the degree of heat or t»old that pre vails. This morning strictly fresh eggs were quoted at 40 and 41 cents a dozen. Last week they were 35 cents. I GOOD ICE BIT NO FLAG BECAUSE OF WEAK SPOTS At Wildwood, it was announced this morning from the office of the City Park Commission, there is plenty of of good ice and skating is perfectly safe if— Danger signs are regarded. J. Raymond lloffert, assistant su perintendent of the park commission, stated this morning that there is plenty of good ice on the upper and lower ends of the lake but that there are several weak spots in the central part of the big pond. Because of this weak ice no red flag will be flown to day. The dangerous ice will be mark ed so that all may avoid it, said Mr. Hoffert. OLD ITALIAN MERCHANT DIES: STARTED AS VENDOR Lewis Paganelli, the tirst Italian to start business in this city, died at his home, 1221! Bailey street, last night. Mr. Paganelli was one of the best known of the Italian merchants in this city. He started as a peanut vendor in this city more than flftv vears ago and later engaged in the fruit busi ness. For years lie has been noted for his philanthropy and kindness to other Italians who came to him for assistance. Burial will be made in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery Saturday morn ing following services from St. Fran els' Roman Catholic Church at 9 o'clock. PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED fly Associated Press Sofia. Bulgaria, Jan. 14.—The Bul garian parliament was dissolved to day by the premier. Dr. V. RadoslavofT, tiecauso it refused to pass a pro visional appropriation bill. A new chamber must In- elected within two month*, according to the constitution. FIRE IN VARNISH SHOP BENEATH ST.ROOMING HOUSE Blaze Occurs Just Before Noon; Started in the Cellar From Rue j Fire in the store of Webster Watt l& Bros., dealers in paints, varnish, oils and wallpaper, 26 South Third street, at noon to-day, did damage to the amount of $6,000. The blaze started in the cellar, caused, It is believed, from a defective | furnace Hue or crossed wires under a stairway. The stock iti the stor& '.s covered by insurance. "Bud" Day Miller, of Twenty-first ami Derry streets, a member of the Friendship Fire Company, broke bis left leg (luring the fire, when the nozsile of the hose he was holding got away from him and knocked him down. He was taken to the Bavrisburg Hospital. Above the wallpaper and varnish store is an apartment house leased to Miss Rebecca Martin. The second floor is occupied by Isaac Grove, con | stable In the Third Ward, and Charles ! ltaines. The apartments on the third | floor are occupied by Miss Martin. I The apartment dwellers suffered slight i loss from smoke and water. I The Are was first discovered by I Webster Watt, manager of the store, | when the stol-e suddenly filled with clouds of smoke. Flames soon began ,to burst through the floor from tho j cellar. Firemen I)o Good Work An alarm was sent In from Box 4. Third and Market streets, and the entire central district responded. With in a few minutes after the arrival of the firemen the rear of the storeroom, used for storing oils and varnish, was flooded and a more serious outburst of fire and possible explosions were thus averted. The fire, occurring during the lunch eon hour, hundreds of people crowded around the scene of the blaze. Water from the hose freezing on the pave ments caused dozens of people to fall and greatly impeded the work of the I firemen. j After a half hour's fighting the flames were under control. Couldn't Take Injured Girl Home I Mibs Annie Wolf, of 26 South Third street, slipped this noon on an icy pavement in front of 414 South street, where a. Are occurred -Monday, and sprained her'ankle so badly she could not walk. She was taken to the home of a friend at 29 South Third street! by State Highway employes, who were ; passing In an automobile when Missi Wolf fell. Because of the fire in the Watt store, j just under Miss Wolfs home, it was j Impossible to take her there. RAILROAD INQUIRY RESUMED ! Philadelphia. Jan. 14.—The Inter- State Commerce Commission inquiry! Into transportation rates and practices! of the anthracite coal carrying rail-' roads and coal companies, which was! interrupted in November by the sudden j death of Commissioner John H. Mar- j ble, was resumed here to-day with; Commissioner C. C. MeChord conduct-j ing the proceedings. FAIX KILLS IJNFM.W Suffering from Internal injuries re- ' celved in a fall from a tree at Third j and North streets several days ago, ' Irvin Snyder, a lineman for the Har- | rlsburg Light and Power Company, j died last night at the Hnrrisburg • Hospital. Funeral services will be; hold Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock ' I from hfs home. 2123 Herr street. I Burial will be made in the East Har- I rlsburg Cemetery. I»H. SPITZKA OIKS New York. Jan. 14.--Dr. Edward I Splt/.ka, noted alienist, who testified as, to the insanity, of Uulteau. slayer oTi President Garfield, died'lit New York. ' EOSS OE LIFE IN KAGOSHIMA NOT AS HEAW AS BELIEVED Former Japanese Minister Says Only Ten Were Killed and Thirty Injured in City By Associated Press Tokio, Jan. 14.—Official reports this afternoon from southern Japan, where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have caused heavy loss of life, panic and great property damage, are that the eruption of the volcano of Sakura- Jima, which has caused the. most devastation. Is abating. Just how heavy has been the loss of life cannot yet be estimated. Sakura, where the greatest loss of life undoubtedly oc curred, cannot be visited because the eruption of Sakura-Jima continues. Kagoshima. the nearest big city to Sakura, while It suffered great dam age from the earthquakes, does not appear to have sustained a severe loss of life. H. Ijnln. former Japa nese minister to China, who lives in Kagoshima. sent a dispatch to the for eign office in which he said that ten persons were killed and thirty injured. Other telegrams report that the bar racks. governor's residence and the temples were among the buildings wrecked in Kagoshima. The soldiers are camped in the squares of the city, while the population has sought refuge in the shrines and temples in the hills. Americans Reported Safe AH Americans who were In the vicinity are safe. Word to this effect was j-eeeived here by Carl F. Deich maif" l? the American consul at Naga saki. Sakura-Jima, at the height of its eruption, is pictured in reports as a terrifying mountain of fire. The air for miles around is thick with ashes and smoke. The police and soldiers of Kagoshima, soon alter the disturb ance began, made many rescues from the Island of Sakura. The people at first did not seem to realize their danger and were slow in trying to escape. It is feared that many were killed before reaching the seashore. Thousands, pursued by a I rain of fiery stones, knelt on "the beach, half submerged In water, and gesticulated wildly to the steamers and fishing boats for aid. One small steamer saved 300 persons, while the other boats also did noble rescue work. The cruiser Tone reported yes terday that Sakura had been entirely I evacuated. Repairing Railroads I Official advices from Kumarnoto, 1 dated yesterday, reported the place j shrouded with ashes from the erup tion of Sakura-Jima. Energies there i are directed toward the repair of the i railroad so that water and rice may i be sent to the hungry refugees near | Kagoshima. In Tokio this morning a sulphurous i odor in the air was followed by j squalls, thunder and rain. The storm ! is attributed to the disturbed meteoro ' logical conditions resulting from the ! earth disturbances in the south. 20 BELOW IN TWO TOWNS i By Associated Press Scran ton. Pa., Jan. 14. —The lowest I temperature In two years was reported' from various places in nartheastern | Pennsylvania to-day. At 7a. m. these , figures were given: Scranton, 8;! Gouldsboro, 20; Clarks Summit, 12; Ararat Summit. 20; Moscow, 12; Car bondale, 11; Montrose, 14, all below zero. GORJSI) TO DEATH BY BULL i Scranton. Pa., Jan. 14. Fred I Schoonover, a carpe'nter employed on j the farm of Dr. Hand, at Waverly, Pa.,: was gored to death yesterday by a > prize Holstein bull. Schoonover had! been warned that the animal was] clcious, but he laughed awav all sug ! gestlon of danger. j PRESIDENT HOPES TO HIVE CONGRESS ACT ON BILLS HE FAVORS Wilson Wants Measures to Have His Stamp of Approval Be fore Being Acted Upon " Py Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Jan. 14. —Presi- dent Wilson conferred to-day with congressional leaders on trust legisla tion. He talked in the forenoon with Chairman Newlands and Democrats of the Senate inter-State commerce com mittee, and reserved the late afternoon j for a second conference with Chair man Clayton and Democrats of the House judiciary committee. To the latter committee the Presi dent had given a preliminary outline of the ideas before Congress recessed three weeks ago. To-day the Presi dent was prepared to discuss with the two committees which will be in charge of trust legislation, specific points in his program. So far as Is possible, it is the in tention of the administration to ob tain from these committees bills upon which they arc all agreed, and before the measures covering the desired field are introduced it Is the President's hope that he may be consulted and that the bills will be launched with the stamp of administration approval, just as was the case with the tariff and currency. An effort will be made to distinguish for the business world those measures which have the backing- of the Presi dent and those which may represent the individual views of members of Congress, though the Presidents friends in fongress hope to reduce the number of personal bills to a mini mum. It was said to-day that the Presi dent's forthcoming message satisfies the trust views of every member of the Cabinet, and that these members in close touch with the business world believe the industry of the country will find healthful reassurance In it. It is the President's purpose to strive [Continued oil Page 2] | Whole Story Untrue, Says President of West End Club Report "There is not one word of truth [in the entire story," said President 'll. A. Douglas, of the West Knd Re publican Club, this morning in replv to a newspaper article published to day to the effect that the charges had been preferred against William Shees ley, chairman of the club's board of trustees, and Thomas Marshall, vice president. The article mentioned asserted that the club is In "the throes of bitter In ternal warfare" and that one faction favors the serving of liquor on Sun days in the clubhouse while the other is opposed to it. "The meeting last evening," said President Douglas, "was well attended and entirely harmonious. Not only were no charges presented, but there was no debate at all on the matter in question. There is no internal dis cord. One member who was defeated for office in the club some time ago I did endeavor to stir up hard feeling,! but he received no support and that has been over long since. "The West End Club is growing nu merically and is prosperous. There is no charge pending against any mem ber, and I have not heard of any un der discussion. The report as it ap peared in a newspaper to-day Is n lie out of the whole cloth and 1 stand ready to prove it as such." 12 PAGES. * POSTSCRIPT. ill STEMS PICK ! OP Fllim "S. 0. S." j CULL FROM COBEQIIID Hopes Are Still Entertained For Safety of Crew and 120 Passengers ONE VESSEL IS NEAR WRECK ' Debris Began Coming Ashore on Yarmouth Side of Bay of Fundy This Morning By Associattd Prei.r ,St. John, N. 8.. Jan. 14.—The faint Purr of an "S. O. S." call from th« missing steamer Cobequld wu picked UP «t several points in the Bay of Fundy at 10 o'clock this morning and revived hope for the safety of the ves sel and the 1 20 people on board. The wireless was not sufficiently strong or continuous to give the loca tion of the vessel, but Indicated that she had survived a tempestuous night and that there waa still a chanc® f„r her passengers and r-pew. The Canada Northern liner Royal : George caught the cry t,f distresa three time* and heard the steamer Ladv T-.aurier replying, asking for the lo cation of the Cobequld, but no re sponse from the Cobequld could be made out. The Lady L&urler went out from Halifax yesterday to take part in the search and ought to be near the wreck to-day. It is still believed that the Cobequld struck on one of the Grand Manati ledges ajid that Captain Howson mistook the point for Brier Island, when he first called for assistance at daylight yes terday. During the forenoon wreckage began to come ashore on the Yarmouth side of the Bay of F\indv, it. was appar ently from a steamer and made plain from the weathir conditions during the past twenty-four hou#s that some vessel, perhaps the Cobequld. was on the ledges of Grand Mauan and that part, of her upper works had been swept away. The weather conditions were a little more favorable for the sea roll for the Cobequld. to-day. although a dense mint still hung over the waters. The snowstorm had passed,' but the tem perature remained several degrees be low zero and a 30-knot northwestern whipped the sea. Hope for the vessel rests chiefly on the efforts of the United States Revenue cutter Woodbury and the Canadian gocernment steamer Lady Laurier. For Hsrrlsburg and vicinity i Fair, slightly warmer to-night lon pal temoernture about' A degrees; I Thursday fair and warmer. For Eastern Pennsylvania) Fair, not quite ao cold to-night) Thurs day fair, warmer; moderate winds shifting to southeaat. The river and Ha tributaries will fall slowly, except local rtaea will occur where the channel be- I'omea clogged with lee. The quantity of Ice and the area of ' frosen anrface will continue to Increase. General Conditions Mght local snowa occurred Tues day from the Lake region east ward to the Atlantic coast. Rains and snows have fallen In the Pa cific States, except Southern Cali fornia. and a moderately heavy rain occurred In Southern Florida. Klsewhere In the United .States the weather has been fair since last report. It Is slightly colder la the Atlantic States, the line of zero tempera ture extending southward Into New Jersey and F.astern Penn sylvania this morning. In the central Talleys, the l ake region and the Plains States there haa been a general rise of tempera ture, being most decided over the Northwes-tern Lake region and In the Missouri aad Upper Missis sippi valleys. Temperature! a a. m., sero. Snni Rlaes, 7)23 a. m.; sets, 4i5«l p. m. Moon i Rises, Biol p. m. River Stagei 8.1 feet above low water mark/ Vesterday's Weather Highest temperature, 15. Lowest temperature, H. Mean temperature, 12. Normal temperature, 'M. MARRIAGE LICENSE!) Arthur G. Bateman, Wleonlsco, anrt Florence I Thompson, Lvkens John .1 Fulton and Clara A. Taylor Wernersville. "Sello-Grams" Live dealers and manufac turers are flashing daily "SELL OGRAMS' to the public through the advertising columns of this newspaper. They arc inspired by the spirit to contmerce —exchange. These advertisers believe they have goods or service that vou want. They frankly tell you so; and then let you decide for your- 1 self. When you come to think about it is there not a frankness and a fairness about this way of do ing business that inspires confi dence? It Is playing the great busi ness game In the open. To the student of affairs there Is no greater light on business conditions than newspaper ad- j vertislng. It Is frequently the best read- i Itig In the paper. It Is generally the most helpful. Glance over to-days "SELLO GRAMS" and see if there Is not a personal message to you. The Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association. World Bulding New York, wants to help general advertising to use newspaper advertising to better advantage Correspondence is solicited. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers