Petticoat Clearance $1.50 PETTICOATS—KeIIy green, American beauty and Copenhagen. Silk messaline flounce and •tq soft mercerized satine tops, at • SJC $2.50 and $3.00 HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS —Colors only—no blacks. Wide models for PQ women who prefer conservative styles, at OtJQ One Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. SUIT OPPORTUNITY WOMEN OF HARRISBURG —meaning reductions that bring every woman and miss in this territory values that stand "head and shoulders'* over any we have thus far offered this season. Our Entire Stock of High Grade Suits Included in the JANUARY CLEARANCE $6.98 $9.98 $11 98 $1398 For $12.50 and sls For sls and $lB For S2O to $25 For $25 to $55 There is every fashionable suit a woman could desire. From navy and black serge to the high class novelty weaves that have made our suit showings conspicuous from a style and value viewpoint. All sizes—so easy for you. to be fitted from this extensive assortment. Every sale SI.OO Brassieres, Clearance, 59c Ba X •-- —***&"'—■ *■ it, o « e Vvo« v-e\V V u .tC.O- w T* tl\V „ ani «» aPP *rU«*« YOl t , and ArVfty «« * *££ I ' " About 200 Men's Winter Suits About 309 Men's Overcoats At Clearance Reductions The man who needs a suit or overcoat must give this matter his immediate attention. Reductions are all the way from 15 to 40 per cent. and what makes the sale all the more important is the FINE, NEW, CLEAN, UP-TO-DATE GARMENTS. In this sale we are offering you our own regular stock which is in every particular of the best standard. 6 of the Lots in the Sale, Advertised —Space Doesn't Permit of More 27 YOUTHS' SUITS, cassimeres and cheviots; brown, tan, gray, oxford—stripes and $4. 95 mixtures; $6.90, $7.90 and $8.90 suits. Few | i t == men's suits in lot. Clearance price j 52 MEN'S SUITS that were $7.90 and $9.90, 1 in worsteds and cassimeres; blue, gray, tans lk C OS and brown; in two and three-button sacks. " 4 = Clearance price . . 48 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S ALL- ~| WOOL SUITS, in worsteds, serges and cassi- Af meres; three-button conservative 2-button - J young men's and soft roll English models; » •== formerly $9.90 and $10.50. Clearance price ... - 97 MENS~AND YOUNG MEN' ALL- ] WOOL WORSTED AND CASSIMERE j SUITS, that were $12.50 and $13.50. Newest 1 #5 models and cloths, well tailored; blue serges i C3•- included. In this lot about twenty slim and I stout suits. Clearance price J $6.90 and $7.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG ] MEN'S OVRCOATS, 15 in this lot; gray and 65 brown cassimeres, in short and long models. Clearance price 38 OVERCOATS for men and young men, i newest shawl and notch collar models, chin- | i.. r chillas in blue and gray; cassimeres and Shet- I. SCO 7R land cloths in every color; belted and full j " # backs; $12.50 and $13.50 overcoats. Clearance 1 price J On Sale on Third Floor—Bowman's Children's 69c to $1.25 Sweaters 39c to 69c The Clearance Sale offers an unusual offer of children's sweaters, high or V-neck, with pockets. Six months to --year sizes. These sweat ers are In maroon or rod. One Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman'ft. TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CALL 1991-ANY'PHONE.'#' FOUNDED 1871 J3jQuma4i4 HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK This Is Weather For Furs But These Prices Are Reduced Because It Is Our January Clearance This season we have shown the largest assortment of furs in the history of the store. As you well know the weather has been mild and the sale of furs has not been as brisk as it should have been. The re sult is a large stock of furs on hand which we must dispose of before Spring, and enables you to buy these furs now and lay them away until next year. And you will have plenty of winter weather ahead now. LEOPARD SETS large NATURAL RACCOON pillow muff and throw scarf. SETS animal effect scarf, A ere s__.oo, $17.98 large muff with head and tails, now, per set .... v r & BLACK POINTED WOLF VVerc ?18 '°°' $15.98 SETS—were $25.00. Clear- Clearance price, ance price, per $19.50 RED FOX SETS large se^.' , .. muff, animal effect scarf. Were \ ICUNA SETS—large pil low muffs and scarf. Were $ lB -°°- $ 23 -°° aiul $30.00. SIB.OO to $25.00. CI C QO Clearance price, (tOO CA Clearance price. $10.5*0 $14.98, ° U These Fine Fur Sets Reduced $75.00 Mole and Hudson Seal for .$62.50 $55.00 Genuine Mole Sets for .$45.00 $160.00 Fine Mink Set for $140.00 SBO.OO Russian Fich Sets for s(>—.oo CHILDREN'S FURS Our entire stock of children's furs is now reduced to extraordinary low prices. One Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. Great Clearance Sale of Wall Paper 2hc a roll a roll I.OT N'O.^l —Consists of about 10,000 rolls of wall papers that a | / were 7 J /4c and 10c. Fine papers for bedroom and / kitchens. Sold with borders to match, at, roll /2 M)T No. 2—Consists of wall papers that were 10c to 18c a roll, m t / in satin stripes and floral effects and fruit tapestry papers. / Extra special in the Clearance Sale at, a roll 5c ami • /^t, IA>T XO. 3—Consists of fine wall papers that were 18c to 30c a roll consisting of plain oatmeals and felt papers, chambray <a « roll Jasper slr 'P e - antl £° ld Papers of parlors. Choice, per lip SPECIAL NOTE: Estimates will be given for paper hanging. Our wall paper expert will help you design any room in the house. One Sale on the Fourth Floor—Bowman's. Clearance Sale of $2 to $2.50 All Wool Ratine, yd. 90c Ratine is one of the most popular fabrics and the fact that we are placing this quantity of a -wool ratine in the Clearance Sale at a yard should attract every one who wants the ma tei lal at a small price. I hese are in navy, brown, Copenhagen and cadet. 56 inches wide. AH Silk Striped Wash Silks, 19 in. wide, Extra Special, yd. 19c Basement Bargains For the Thrifty Housewife 49c Self-Wringing 1 5c Nesco Perfect 19c Nickel - plated i 15c Japanese Cups Roaster, , Sugar and Creams, j and Saucers 50 3.>0 390 I 90 ! ZZ. I 60c a dozen White = u„, k i ...... I sl.lO set of Mrs. j Porcelain Dinner Plates, 35 $ $3.49 790 400 r .n„ ri o i mt ,i" ,a. o„i r. k. . ! 25c arul 30c Brooms j White Porcelain Tea 59c (aaHamzed labs, b9c Spice Cabinets. __ only 60 in the lot, Cups, one dozen, 390 i 39f 150 100 Attention Mothers! Boys' Overcoat Clearance Boys' $4.50 Overcoats, $2.98 This sale of overcoats couldn't come at a better time. The winter weather is on in earnest. The mild weather up until now has left us with a big stock of overcoats, and we are willing to cut the price to dispose of them. There are 54 overcoats in the lot; ages 8 to 17 years. These coats are made of heavy weight fancy cassi meres with military and shawl collars and belts. Boys' Overcoats in and gray mixed cassimeres, shawl and military collar. Ages 4 to 17 years; were $1.98. fkO ■ Clearance Sale price Boys' Suits —Plain and Norfolk styles. Ages 5 to 17 years; mate rials are fancy mixed cassi ineres. Were $2.98 An OC and $3.98. Clear ance price « On Sale on the Second Floor- Bowman's. 8c Cheesecloth, 2Vfcc Yard This is a much finer grade of cheese cloth than is usually sold at (Sc a yard. Full 36 inches wide. Full pieces. 18c, 15c & 12% c Muslin, yd. 5%c This muslin is suitable for under wear, sheets, or pillow cases. Full pieces, slightly imperfect, but so small it will not interfere with the wear. • 20c Ticking, Yard, 10c This ticking is damaged In the center of the piece. The hurt oc curred in the mill, but won't effect the wear. On Sale on the Second Floor — Bowman's. 45c & 50c Scotch Madras For Curtains, 29c yd. The most durable of all window draperies. 40 and 45 inches wide, arab color only. On Sale 011 the Fourth Floor— Bowman's JANUARY 13, 1914. 50c Flannelette Underskirts, 25c Gray and white with umbrella ruffle. SI.OO Flannelette Gowns, Pink, light blue and Bray striped patterns, round, square or high neck —trimmed; sizes 15 to 20. Full lengths and full widths. 39c Knit Petticoats at 21)f* Gray or natural color. Ninety petticoats in the lot. One Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. iT?yyf y y? ▼▼▼▼▼▼T T▼T T" ► < ; Clearance Muslin Wear ; ; 550 Garments Near Half Price ; k CORSET COVERS of nainsook, lace or embroidery ► trimmed, beading and ribbon. 1 Q < ► Were 25c to 29c. Sale price. . * 1 i/ C < ' MUSLIN OR CAMBRIC DRAWERS bleached or < * unbleached, tucked ruffle, were 25c. 1 C ► Sale price 1 DC < * CORSET COVERS of nainsook, embroidery *1 g "* trimmed. Were 25c. Sale price luC 4 On Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. Guaranteed Brass Beds Reduced For Clearance $14.00 Guaranteed Brass Bed, $9.75 SIB.OO Guaranteed Brass Bed, $12.75 $12.00 Guaranteed Brass Bed, $8.75 $22.50 Guaranteed Brass Bed, $16.75 SIB.OO Guaranteed Brass Bed, SIO.OO $35.00 Guaranteed Brass Bed, $17.50 These Odd Chairs Reduced $4.00 Genuine Leather Seat Dining Chairs, $2.00 $3.50 Golden oak cane seat dining chairs, $1.75 $4.50 Early English dining chairs, $2.25 $2.50 leather seat dining chairs, $1.25 Sample Buffets Reduced to Clear $32.00 G. O. Buffet. One only, $19.75 $26.50 fumed oak buffet. One only, $18.50 ' $29.00 golden oak buffet. Only one, $20.00 50c Window Shades, Clearance Price, 39c Don't miss this bargain if you need any window shades. These are oil opaque window shades, on Hartshorn rollers, strong and durable. Dark green. Complete with brackets and nails. Sire 36x72 inches. Regular price 50c. Clearance price, 39c. On Sale on the Fourth Floor—Bowman's. Open Stock Dinnerware—Half Price We have six different patterns in open stock dinnerware in odd lots. These lots wo want to close out in order to make room for the spring stock. There are many dishes in these lots that you will be able to make good use of. Excellent patterns. Prices are half. SI.OO ii dozen 4-inch bread and butter platen, a dozen 50c $1.25 u dozen 5-inch pie plates, a dozen 830 $ 1.50 a dozen 7-inch Dinner Plates, a dozen 91.00 91.78 a dozen Soup Plates, a dozen 00c 250 a dozen Meat Disheo, a dozen 18c 30e a dozen Meat Dishes, a dozen 20c a dozen Mchl Dishes, a dozen 25c 70c a dozen Meat Dishes, a dozen 35c 08c a dozen Meat Dishes, a dozen 49c 91.25 a dozen Meat Dishes, a dozen 63c $1.25 a dozen Covered Vegetable Dishes, a dozen 63c 91.69 a dozen Covered Vegetable Dishes, a dozen 85c On Sale In the Basement—bowman's. ■2sc and 38c Curtain Nets and Laces Clearance Prices 17c and 27c a yd. if you want to buy some good materials for your spring curtains this is a big opportunity to save money. We place in the Clearance Sale to-morrow a large quantity of ecru not and laces suitable for sash curtains. They are 35 to 47 Inches wide. Were selling up until now at 25c to 38c a yard. Sale price, a yard 17c and 21c $2.49 English Breakfast Cloths, $1.59 Just 50 cloths in the lot.. These are imported direct by us.. Colors are rose, old blue and' green. 19c Baby Blankets, Clearance Price, 10c Twenty-four blankets in the lot. First come first served. 25c Turkey Red Table Cloth, Yard, 18c This material is 58 inches wide and the best quality to be had at the regular price. , , One Sale on the Main Floor—Bowman's. Men's SI.OO Underwear, 59c The January Clearance Sale brings remarkable values in Men"s Un derwear. To-morrow we place on sale 20 dozen men's medium and heavy weight wool shirts and drawers, plain and ribbed. Also tan Merino shirts and drawers. Regular price SI.OO per garment in the Clearance Sale , 59c Men's 50C Winter Underwear, in plain and heavy ribbed cotton, shirts and drawers; AM 25 dozen in the lot. Clearance Sale ,wWV Men's 50c Work Shirts —Medium and heavy weight; plain npj blue and black. Clear- JjrJO anee Sale price One Sale on the Mai 3 Moil's 50c Ureas Shirts—Made of good quality percale. Coat atyle, cuffs attached. Clear- OC ance price AfvC Men's 10c Half Huae—ln black and tan, double heels and toes. Clearance price. 4 /#* pairs for 25c, or, pair.. .. N , in Floor— Bowman's.
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