12 Close to a Thousand Brand New Suits and Overcoats ON SALE TO-MORROW ; I" ' . • Joining Our Regular Stocks of Men's Winter Clothing In the Greatest Clearance Sale the Clothing Section Has Ever Held 1 587 Suits and Overcoats- from Hickey-Freeman, of Rochester I 348 Suits and Overcoats from Hirsh-Wickwire, of Chicago At Savings Considerably Greater Than Those Usually Offered in Big Events yn r The names of Hirsh-Wickwire and Hickey-Freeman need no introduction in Harrisburg, for they are f ' uuJ conceded here and everywhere to represent the standards around which all other makers of good clothes / build their lines. The prevalence of unseasonably warm weather throughout the country left heavier stocks / B than ought to have existed, even in these houses of sterling worth, so to us and to you comes an advantage of extraordinary merit. , A Men sOvercoats--Values to $35 The New Balmacaans--Values / „ BLUE CHINCHILLAS, GREY CHINCHILLAS, BLACK CHIN- • JL JL VJ jf\ [// /-^B CHILL AS. BROWN CHINCHILLAS, BLACK MELTONS, FANCY ■ ~ BROWN MIXTURES, FANCY GREY MIXTURES, GREY MEL- BLACK AND WHITE SCOTCH 'TWEEDS, BROWN AND \ If /r i TONS. GREY BANNOCKBURNS, GREY VICUNAS SCOTCH GRFY X*> \ J PLAID BACKS, SCOTCH BROWN PLAID BACKS BL\CK WHITE MIXED HOMESPUNS, FANCY SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, 9 J FINISHED WORSTEDS, IMPORTED BROWN HOMESPUNS, BLACK AND WHITE MIXED HOMESPUNS, PLAIN SEAL i Wj® BROWN PLAID BACK CHEVIOTS. BROWN MELTONS, PLAIN GREY MELTQNS, DARK GREEN JjCTN \K Styles include: Shawl, Regular and Convertible Collars, Belted and AND GREY MIXED HOMESPUNS, LIGHT TAN AND WHITE I "JB Plain Backs; Plaid Backs and Silk Lined; Fancies and Staples. MIXED TWEEDS. \ \l u Men's Winter Suits-Values to $35.00 $12.50 - $15.00 - SIB.OO - $20.00 ffl\M SIZES TO FIT ALL MEN "J B Stouts, Longs, Shorts and Regular Sizes zwJ PLAIN BLUE UNFINISHED WORSTEDS, BLACK UNFINISH- GREY AND BLUE FANCY WORSTEDS, SEAL BROWN DIAGO- /l/\ Y ED WORSTEDS. BLUE SERGES, PLAIN BLACK NAL CHEVIOTS, BLACK AND GREY CHALK LINES, NAVY \ o J WW*>k FANCY SCOTCH MIXTURES, BLACK AND WHITE SILK PIN BLUE WORSTED CHEVIOTS. ' \ SIRIPES. FANC\ rARTAN PLAIDS, FANC \ SCOTCH SILK MIX- Styles include: English and Regular Models, 2 and 3-button Sack I L KES. PLAIN STEEL (jKIA CASSIMERES, DARK GRE\ AND Coats, Princess and Double Warp Serge Linings, Trousers—plain or cuff I , i \Bw BLACK CLUB CHECKS, FANCY BROWN SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, j bottoms. L^L-J | 'i ' _ TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG 66966? TELEGRAPH JANUARY 13. 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers