Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 12, 1914, Image 1

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Police Authorities in Mew York Are Clea
No. 10
Ministerial Association and Church
Council Urges Mayor to
Act at Once
Mayor Royal Has Not Yet Acted
on Matter; Decision
Expected Soon
Committees from the Harrisburg
Ministerial Association and from the
Civic Council of Harrisburg Churches
called upon Mayor John K. Royal this
afternoon to ask that the pictures de
picting white slave methods at the
Majestic theater be suppressed.
The Ministerial Association ad
journed their meeting this morning in
the Y. M. C. A. building to go to the
theater to see the pictures. They had
rin Immediate session after the show.
For an hour and a half the min
isters discussed whether or not the
pictures had a bad effect. It was
contended by the bigger majority of
Ihe speakers that the parade of evil
as depicted in the series would have a
had moral effect on the minds of the
young. As one snid, "It never betters
the people to display evil before
Few Vote* Against Measure
Several of the ministers contended
that to the average young persons
these pictures would do good as they
would be warned against being trap
ped into evil ways. Only a few votes
were cast against the motion to ask
for the suppression of the pictures.
The committee could not nee Mayor
Royal immediately after the meeting
HB he was at the time engaged in
police court. While tho Mayor was
trying cases, the ministers waited to
see him at a lunch place across the
On the committee appointed by the.
ministerial association to see the
Mayor were tho Rev. H. 15. Curtis,
chairman; the llav. 13. Victor Roland,
Ihe Rov. John If. Daugherty, the Rev.
I Jr. W. N. Ya tes and the Rev. George
F. Hc.haum.
The executive committee from the
Civic Council of Churches called on
the Mayor. On this committee are
the Uev. John H. Daugherty, the Rev.
[Continued < « f'uge l>]
National Conference
on Race Betterment
Ends Sessions Today
By Associated Press
Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 12. —The
first national conference on race bet
terment. which has been holding ses
sions here since last Thursday, entered
this morning upon the last day of its
meeting. Arrangements were made to
hold three sessions so as to complete
the program before midnight. Many
subjects were up for discussion and
they were the most varied in nature of
nny day since the conference began.
"The causes of the declining birth
rate," and "segregation" were two of
the interesting subjects taken up.
Eugenic, selection of healthy moth
ers and provision for the cost of bear
ing and rearing children should be
made if the race is to survive, accord
ing to Dr. J. McKean Mattell, of Co
lumbia University.
The restriction of the propagation
of feeble-minded persons is necessary
it the production of defective delin
quents is to be avoided, declared
Hastings H. Hart, of New York.
By Associated Press
Baltimore, Md., Jan. 12.—Close on
the abolition at the Maryland House
of Correction of the striped suit, flog
ging, "cuffing up" and solitary eon
ltnement, comes the announcement
that within a short time a moving
picture outfit will be established in the
institution. The next step in reform
will be the establishment of ft. school.
Late News Bulletins
At 3 o'clock tills afternoon Mr*, l ulu Dunlup. of 208 South Sec
ond street, was held for court under S3OO ball, charged with keeping
u disorderly house.
DLsts of disorderly houses similar to tliat tiled by Col. Hutchison
were Included in the reports of Koundsman James McOann, City De
tectives Harry White, Joseph lbacli and John Murnane. Sergeants
Amos D ravens t-adt and Thomas J. Rodgcrs and Patrolman Manrice
Owens and others to the court this afternoon. These re|>orts do not
deal with the po<«iblc existence ol gambling houses or where liquor Is
sold or furnished in violation of the law, tlie chief or police tuning
embodied these matters In his own report.
While repairing electric wires at Tldrd and North streets tills aft
ernoon, Irvin Snyder, aged 25. a 'incrnan, employed by the Harrisburg
Light and Power Company, fell f-om a limb of a tree to the ground, a
distance of nearly fifteen feet. His right wrist was broken and Ills face
and body badly bruised.
Tokio, Japan, Jan. 12.—A se-les of 350 slight earthquakes shook
the town of Kagoshima, at the s uthem end of the Island of Klushiu
to-day. They were followed by the eruption of a volcano on Saknra, a
small Island in the gulf of Kagoshinio, where two villages were burled
In ashes.
Pretoria, Union of South Africa, Jan. 12.—The shooting of dyna
miters at sight is to be a feature of the martial law to be proclaimed
to-morrow throughout the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The
proclamation will be of a most drastic character.
Philadelphia, Jan. 12.—Mrs. Daisy ITlrlcll Opic Grace, whose hus
band, Eugene H. Grace, died early to-day at Ncwnan. (Ja., from a bul
let wound Inflicted nearly two years ago, declined to have anything to
say regarding his death.
Win Not Tell What His Next Move
Will Be in Getting Slayer
Back to Matteawan
Generally Agreed in New York
That Thaw Stands Excellent
Chance of Obtaining Bail
Ry Associated Press
New York, Jan. II. —Attorneys,
alienists and others who have been
participants in the trials and insanity
hearings of Harry K. Thaw received
the news of the commission's report
filed at Concord, X. H. t yesterday that
he Is sane, with conflicting emotions
—some expressing pleasure at the
findings, others reiterating convic
tions that Thaw would be a menace
if released.
William T. Jerome, who was district
attorney when Thaw killed Stanford
White and who has since continued
to oppose every move to have him de
clared sane, refused to discuss the
commission's report. He said he did
not care to discuss his next move to
have Thaw returned to Matteawan
from which he escaped five months
Dr. Austin Flint, alienist for the
State in the prosecution of Thaw, and
who has repeatedly asserted that
Thaw was insane, declared that he
feared for his life if the release of
the prisoner was granted without re
strictions. Dr. Flint went over the
history of Thaw's life and attempted
to show that, he might be a' model
citizen for a time but that temptations
of drink and a desire, for revenge
would lead him back into his danger
ous self. He concluded his statement
[Continued on l'aae 7]
Police Are Given More Opportun
ity to Gear City of War
ring Gangs
By Associated I'ress
New York. Jan. 12.—Thirty mem
bers of East Hide gangs to-day will be
gin serving live-day workhouse sen
tences, and "Dopey Benny" Fein,
leader of a. band that bears bis name,
and three of his lieutenants are being
held without bail on a direct charge of
homicide in connection with the mur
der on Friday night of Frederick
Straus. A bullet tired by members of
Fein's gang at an enemy, struck Straus
as he was passing a hall where the
gangsters and ther friends were hold
ing a dance.
The murder of Straus, who was a
prominent German politician and as
sistant clerk of the city court, came
at a most inopportune time for the
gangster. Hhe police dragnet to clear
the city of professionals needed just
such an occurrence to increase Its
scope to Include the members of war
ring srangs who have terrorized the
East Side for several years. Fein and
[Continued on Page 7]
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 12. Secretary
Bryan returned to-day from a ten
days' speaking tour through the Mid
dle West.
Secrets of Tenderloin Bared in Court To-day by
Chief of Police Show 28 Alleged Houses of 111 Fame
Without aAy delap In the receiving or delivery or mail, the Harrlaburg general Post Office IK installed in its
j temporary quarters at Third and Locust streets, after removing from the I'ost Office building which is to un
dergo repairs. Some of the post office boxes were not accessible for a short time after midnight on Sunday
| morning, but these were all ready by 8 o'clock Sunday morning. The general delivery went on without inter
, ruption. The fact that the registry and money order business is now on the first floor, many people like
I the temporary Poßt i (ffice better than the old one. The contractor is expected to start repair work on the old
building some time this week.
Shake-up in Po ice Circhs
Is Coming; At Least Ten
Slated For Removal, Is Rumor
A shake-up in police circles involv
ing the removal of from ten to a
dozen patrolmen, one lieutenant and
la sergeant Is pending. It was reported
I about the city offices to-day, and it
would not be surprising if a resolu
tion providing for the contemplated
ichanges were Introduced at the meet
ing of council to-morrow afternoon.
I While none of the couneilmen would
discuss the matter, It is said that J.
1 fjfiward Worden may be removed
, from the lieutenancy to give place to
(Joseph P. Thompson, for years a
i lieutenant on the local force, but more j
recently engaged in private detec-1
tlve work in the city. It was also said
that Thomas P. Rodgers might be re-[
. moved as sergeant, but who his pos
! sible successor may be is not known.
Man Who Led Their Fight in Alle
gheny County Says That
Palmer Is a Boss
Democrats throughout Harrisburg
and Dauphin county who have been
hoping that a factional war on the eve
of a gubernatorial election might be
avoided shook their heads to-day when
It. became known that Secretary Wil
liam B. Wilson was to be pushed for
the nomination by Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer regardless of anyone
else. This decision by Palmer was
[CoiiUnucct on Pay*' 9]
Eugene Grace Dies From
Wound He Mysteriously
Received Two Years Ago
By Associated I'rrs.i
Newnan. Ga., Jan. 12. Eugene
Grace filed here at 1.4 3 this morning
from the bullet wound he mysteri
ously received in Atlanta nearly two
years ago. He had suffered from par
tial paralysis since shortly after the
shooting and had been in a serious
condition for several days.
Grace was wounded at his Atlanta
home in .March, 1912. Police sum
moned by telephone found him' in a
o< mlconscious cor ditton. At the hos
nital he accused his wife, Mrs. Daisy
°pie Grace, of the shooting. Mrs.
Trace was found at the home of
Grace's mother hero and arrested on
•his accusation I.ater in the game year
she was tried on a charge of at
tempted murder and found not guilty.
At the trial Grace, brought Into the
courtroom on a cot, made a statement
in which he said he had been shot by
his wife for the purpose of securing a
large amount of life Insurance which
he held. Mrs. Grace stated at the
trial that her husband had been
wounded in a struggle between them
for possession of a pistol and that she
had left him and gone to Newnan in
the belief that he, was not in a serious
Soon after the trial Grace left his
Atlanta home to live with his mother
in New nan. His death, physicians said,
was due directly to uraemic poisoning,
which set In about the wound in his
The only other name heard in con
nection with the shake-up is that of
Thomas Nalen, a policeman under
Mayor Fritchey, who was reappointed
when Royal began to rtfmove Repub
licans to make way for his friends.
There was also a report about the
courthouse to the effect that the police
force might be increased to seventy
members and that in this case the of
fice of polico captain would be cre
ated. It is understood in that event
John M. Welsh, lieutenant of police
on the Pennsylvania railroad, would
jbe a candidate for the new position.
It is said that Highway Commission
er Fritchey has presented his reslgna
|tion to Councilman Lynch, but
whether or not it will be read before
council to-morrow is not known,
Residents Will Urge School Board
to Grant Use of Plot For
This Purpose
According to several prominent resi
dents living in the upper section of
the city, the West End this next sum
mer is to have an additional play
ground, if plans that were announced
this morning prove successful.
Residents in North Third street
from Keily to Harris within a very
short time will ask the Harrisluirg
School Board for permission to take
charge of the board's plot of ground
at Third and Relly streets to convert
the lot. Into a public playground. The
money for the equipment the West
Enders purpose raising -by subscrip
Announcement of the scheme was
made this morning by Thomas M.
Mauk, a well-known resident of the
West End.
"It is a shame to leave the ground
unused," said Mr. Mauk. "The West
End needs playgrounds, and every
effort will be made to lit up the Third
and Reily streets plot for the purpose.
If the ground is not sold. It is believed
the School Board will allow the
equipping of the plot for playground
Kansas Boys and Girls
in Good Habit League
Dodge City, Kan., Jan. 12. Boys
and girls of Dodge City are engaged
!n social strife, and all is due to the
activities of the young women In
forming "good habits club. Each
member of the club took a vow to de
cline the attentions of any young man
who drank, smoked, gambled or
When the young men heard of the
formation of the club they planned to
yield to the demands of the young
women. Then they organized at a
secret meeting and Issued a cpunter
ultlinatum, stating that "girls who
wear rats, drug store complexion, silt
or hobble skirts will not be consid
ered acceptable company."
One clause In the vow of the young
women forbids them to attend any
party or social gathering to which a
young man not conforming to the re
quirements of the "godd habits" club
has been invited.
Five-minute Blizzards Hit Gty
in the Face Early
Winter, real winter is here and to
The first genuine <-old snap of the
new year and tlie flr.st rough winter
weather lias hit the city. Throughout
the country the temperature has been
going down steadily since Saturday.
In the forty-eight hours there has
been a fall of from two to thirty-two
degrees in all parts of the country.
The local weather bureau reported
that the temperature would drop to
six degrees to-night and that It would
continue cold and fair for several
The cold began to arrive last night
with a wind that made it seem colder
than it really was. The lowest tem
perature last night was 32 degrees;
at 8 o'clock this morning the mercury
was 2ti degrees.
Seemed Like u Blizzard
Snow Hurries that seemed like a
blizzard for a short time came along
this morning putting the city into a
white blanket that the warm sun
whisked away by the middle of the
morning. It was clear for a few
hours and shortly after noon the snow
came on again.
Weather Foreaster Demaln said tills
morning that the cold would continue,
[Continued on Page 7]
A member of the family at the
home of Mrs. Annie Anderson, 822
I Strawberry street, this morning
dumped hot ashes against the side of
the • house in the rear of the Fred
Lack tailoring establishment, 30 Dew
berry street, causing a lire which did
damage to the amount of SIOO. The
blaze started this morning shortly
after 10 o'clock. An alarm was sent
In from Box 131, Fourth and Walnut
streets, but a defective part in the box
forced the alarm to strike 13. A new
alarm box was immediately placed. It
will be known as Box No. 342 instead
of 131.
Alderman Aaron M. Landis, of 1417
North Third street, announced this
morning that he will remove his office
from his present quarters to 209 Cal
der street. He will move Thursday
The First National Bank of this
city, according to a Washington re
j nort. has accepted the new currency
| plan. National banks are required to
I nrcept the law within sixty days.
I State banks can accept if they want to.
By Associated Press
Koeslln, Germany, Jan. 12. The
water receded along the coast of the
Baltic to-day and ended for the pres
ent the danger of the villages which
have been inundated for several days.
The residents who had taken refuge
on the surrounding elevations, return
ed to their homes, but are in want.
By Associated Press
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 12.—David Laird,
Indian commissioner, former minister
of the interior, and first governor of
Northwest Territory, died here to
day, aged 81 years. 1
One Man Alone Suspected of Owning Nine
Places; Co.onei Hutchison Gives Names of
Owners, Proprietors and Locations of Joints
Under Surveillance.
Whole Community Stirred Following Lecture
on "Social Evil" by Baltimore Surgeon;
Fight Will be Continued Until "Red Light"
District Has Been Closed in This City.
Secrets of the Harrisburg tenderloin were bared this morning
in the court of Dauphin county.
Names of owners, proprietors and locations of alleged houses of
ill repute, were returned to the court by Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison,
chief of police. The report shows that there are twenty-eight houses
and one hotel where commercialized vice is suspected.
This remarkable report coming from the head of the City Po
lice Department followed the recent lecture of Dr. Kelly on the
social evil and the resulting demand of the Telegraph that vice be
wiped out and the "Red Light" district in Harrisburg closed at once
and for all time.
The report made by Colonel Hutchison is as follows:
Although I have no evidence of any open violation of the law, I am now
InvcNtljciitlug a number of placet! which h> common rumor and report current
In the coinitiunity are believed to be bawdy aiid disreputable houaea and to be
conducted mid maintained by the following pcraona:
Marie Lockwood, 101 Filbert atrect. Aaaeaaed owner. Charlea G. Gilmer.
Goidlc Hamilton, 103 Filbert atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Charlea G, Gilmer.
HCNMIC Itaymond, 105 Filbert atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Charlea G. Gilmer.
Annie Peck, JOT Filbert atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Mary C. Black.
Pearl Wllaon, 109 Filbert atreeta. Aaaeaaed owner, Mary C. lllack.
Mollle Hugha, I Mollle ( rum I. 701 feonth atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Mary
Tlllie Dale, 708 South atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Charlea G. Gilmer.
Katlier Albright, 70.% Mouth atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Fannie Kpateln.
lillllc Howard, lIR Cowdcn atrect. Aaaeaaed owner, Annie Sheln.
Mary Crawley, C'owdcn and Strawberry afreet*. Aaaeaaed owner, Ben Pruaa
Mary C'rnwley, 18 Cowdcn Mtreet. Aaaeaaed owner, B. F. Atklnaon.
Katie Whltle. Cherry atrect. Aaaeaaed owner. H«»*a l.ampa*.
Jennie Weaver, 300 V* Cherry atrect, Aaaeaaed owner, Itoaa I,am pan.
Daiay Bowem, 310 Cherry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, 4 John \V. Brumbaugh.
Alice Miller. 317 Cherry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, JeaMe lied rick.
Fiuina Stlnicr, 3-7 Cherry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, Jeaac llcdrlck.
Itoaa Antonla, 3*-i9 Cherry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, Jeaac liedrick.
Blanche Turner. 828 Cherry atrect. Aaaeaaed owner. .Icnae Hedrlck.
Maggie Wllaon, 110 Dewberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, A. Cleveland,
l.ntfle Weaver. 13.1 Dewberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner. Clevelaud.
Annie Mcrahley, 123 Dewberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, \. Cleveland.
Cat brine George, 130 Dewberry treet. Aaaeaaed owner, Jeaac liedrick.
Ilnth Clark, 132 Dewberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, JCNMC ITcdrlck.
Kuth Dlckaon, 134 Dewberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, Jcaae llcdrlck.
Irene Klrby. 310 Mulberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner. JCNBC Hedrlck.
Sylvia Florence, 311! Mulberry atreet. Aaaeaaedl owner. JCNMC llcdrlck.
Blanche Barnea, 318 Mulberry atreet. Aaaeaaed owner, John W. Brumbaugh.
[Continued on Page 7]
1 Ministerial Association Praises
Stroup, Royal and Chief
of Police
I ..ate this afternon the City Minis
terial Association In a session at the
Young Men's Christian Association,
passed resolutions commending Dis
trict Attorney Stroup, Mayor Royal
and Chief of Police putchison for their
efforts to raise the moral condition of
the city by wiping out vice in all its
various forms in Harrlsburg.
The resolution was offered by Bishop
James Henry Darlington, Harrlsburg
diocese, Protestant Episcopal Church,
and was passed almost unanimously.
Family of Ten Rescued
From Fire; One Is Lost
Special to The Tele graph
Shippensburg, Pa., Jan. 12.—As a
Reading freight train was passing
Chanibersburg Junction, two miles
south of here, at 6 o'clock yesterday
morning. W. E. Bowers, a brakeman,
discovered the home of James Eutsey
on tire. Stopping the train, he has
tened to the house just in time to res
cue the family, consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Eutsey and eight children. The
woodwork is suposed to have caught i
fire from a defective flue. j
Seven small children were dropped
from the second story window into the 1
arms of Bowers, but In the excitement
the mother became bewildered and
overlooked one. Earl, aged 5, and leap- j
ed from the building with her hus-'
band just in time to escape the fall-1
Ing roof, under which the child was
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 12.—More than
1,200 banks now have applied for;
membership in the new federal re
serve system, and scores of letters con- J
tainlng legal applications from other
I anks reached the Treasury Depart
ment to-day. Every section of the i
country is represented.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Jan. 12.—Al
though the National Society of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
will not hold Its twenty-third annual
convention until April, plans for the
forthcoming meetng are to be mapped
out at a meeting here of the National j
Bctard of Management of the organiza
tion on January 21. j
For Harrisbnrg nnil vicinity 1 Fair
anil colder io-nlght anil Tuesday,
ullb a cold navri lone«t tem
perature to-night about 6 de
ne reen.
For Kastcrn I'enna) Ivanlai Muck
colder and generally fair to
night and Tuesday) cold wave In
north and well portion*; high
north went winds.
The river will fall slowly, except
local risen may occur dnc to Ice-
There will he a decided Increase
In Ice during the next forty-eight
General Conditions
The disturbance that was central
over Manitoba, Saturday morn
ing, has moved eastward along
the northrrn border with Increas
ing Intensity and appears this
morning as a storm of great mag
nitude and energy with Its center
near Montreal. It has caused
llglrt to moderately heavy snows
nnd high winds In the Lake re
gion and Ohio Valley and thene*
eastward to the Atlantic coaat.
and Is followed by a strong area
of high pressure that now covers
the central and southern portions
of the country with Its center
over the Upper Mississippi Val
ley and Is attended by the cold
est weather of the winter to date.
There hns been a general fall of
2 to 32 degrees In temperature
throughout the United States
since Saturday mornlag.
Temperature! 8 a. m. ( 27.
Sunt Rises, 7i2U a. M.i sets,
p. m.
Mount Full moon, to-day.
Hlver Stage i Three feet above law
wa'ter mark.
Yeaterday's Weather
Highest temperature, 80.
Lowest temperature, 2ft.
Mean temperature, 28.
Normal temperature, 21).
Clifford Earl Walty and Flora Mover,
Miko Petronecs and Mary Nonevlck.
People Have
hait In
Advertise 1 Goods
Advertised goods of standard
make are the most salable goods.
The public looks on them as
something with a fixed and tan
gible value.
People reason that if a manu
facturer is willing to spend
money in advertising he has by
that token faith ■in himself.
They know that all the adver
tising in the world will not make
them keep on buying an article
unless It has merit—and they
know that the manufacturer Is
figuring on the Itepeut Sales for
his profits.
A local dealer who pushes the
goods a manufacturer is making
known through the column* of
the local newspaper is moving
with the tide of demand.
He is swimming down stream
and the going gets easier as be
moves along.
The public follows the man who
gives it what It wants when It *
wants It!