SPORTING NEWS Mercer B. Tate Favers Transfer; Has Great Faith in Reading Believes a More Compact Circuit Will Bring About Old- Time Rivalry in Pairing of Teams Owners of the Harrlsburg Trl-State franchise ere more than pleased with the proposition to transfer the Atlan tic City franchise to Reading, believ ing that It will mean a compact cir cuit and a l'tg saving in expenses. Referring to the transfer. Mercer B. Tnte said: , "Atlantic City helped to cut down the profits last season. It was a good tenm under the direction of Manager Johnfnv Castle, and if you will look over the scores you will And that they lost two-thirds of the games by one run. Had they been representing another town things would have been different. ALIENTOWN 10 SI; FAVORS SIX CLUBS till Coughiin Has Announced His Intention to Quit the Game Allentown, Pa.. Jan. 10.—Tri-Stato baseball will again be featured in this city and the backers will put forth every effort to have a winning team. At a meeting last night enough money was subscribed to take care of last season's deficiency and to give the owners a good sized nest egg to start the coming season. It is probable that Bill Coughlln will not lead the Allentown team next season. He has a business to look after and has announced his intention of quitting. The owners have made no intimation as to who will succeed Manager Coughlin. It Is understood that Manager Heckert. with a view to establishing a record for himself, will make a' bid for the place. Several capable men were tenta tively mentioned for manager and it is said under the new management itnd blood to be injected into the lofcgue some tine applications had been received. Another meeting is to be held next «*eek, when some definite financial and sporting proposition is to he agreed upon as Allentown's offer to the league this season. The meeting last night revealed that the money is here for a team and all ttaf.t is wanted is a management on the part of the. circuit that will give thp fans good baseball. The owners also took a positive I stand against the re-election of Charles ' Carpenter as president. Changing Wire Service Connections From Front to Rear of Buildings Substitutions of the electrical con-; lections for house and office service: ire being made throughout the city's .uslness section from the front to the •ea rof the house. The work is being done by a corps if men of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, as a part of the gen >ral plan to eliminate the wires and joles in the business district. L.KOPARDS WINNERS The Leopards were winners in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. League, winning 'rom the Lions by a margin of 81 pins. I MILLER X TIRES Grip the Road Like a Cog-Wheel STERLING AUTO TIRE CO. 1451 Zarker St VULCANIZING Capacity 1H to 'J Tumm, sl,o3o—Bod} fllld grCfltCT profits K * ,r " to you. We want to show you this REO two-ton truck. We want to point out to you, feature by feature, the points of superi ority that Reo experience and organization alone have made possible—the impregnable armored frame, the Reo radiator, the Reo hydraulic speed governor, the powerful Reo motor, cushioned cleverly against vibrations and road shocks. A few minutes spent "talking truck" with us may be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Say when. THE HARRLSBU RG AUTOMOBILE: CO., Distributors, Third and Hamilton Streets. REO MOTOR TRUCK CO.,' Manufacturers Lansing, Mich. SATURDAY EVENING, "Atlantic City is st the extreme end of New Jersey ajul no team made any money when they played there. Aside from the long jump, the fact that every team, had too much At lantic City put a damper on the en thusiasm. Placing the 'Buds' In Read ing will give the Trl-Stae a good cir cuit with easy jumps and the teams can be paired off in such a manner that old-time rivalry will exist. Har risburg would have York, Reading and Alientown would flght it out, and Trenton and Wilmington would be the contenders farther east. I am for the transfer." SCHOLASTIC TEAMS HAD LIVELY SPORT Central, Tech and Steelton Each Landed Decisive Victories Last Night Three scholastic games along with husky bunches of scrub players and the Methodist stars furnished plenty excitement in basketball last night. The Central champions had a walk over with the Tamaqua High five, win ning by a score of 65 to 18. In this game Fast and Fisher were Central stars, with Rote putting up his usual game fight. Between the halves the Central Scrubs won from the Methodist Boys; score, 2 8 to 9. At York last night Tech High won by a score of 4 5 to 23. Tech put up r sensational game with Tittle, Ebner, Stewart and Schefter playing a fine game and Beck showing star work. Tech was in the lead at all times. Steelton High was in the game with a vengeance, too. and won from Leb anon High; score. 42 to 19. It was all Steelton. I-ebanon being outclassed at every stage of the game. Krout was a big sensation. Between the periods the Steelton High scrubs de feated the Methodist scrubs; score, 24 to 21. Airncliffe Amateurs Organize For Sport; Will Have Good Team The Airncliffe Athletic Association j met in the Telegraph building last ! night and organized. This aggregation i will make a special bid for amateur honors this season and has planned ian interesting program, which will |be announced later. Officers elected were: President. Wellington G. Jones; 1 vice-president, Kemper Bitner; secre tary and treasurer, Kdgar Schlayer; ' manager. Kdgar Schlayer: assistant manager and captain, Paul Klster. The line-up of the team will be an nounced at the meeting to be held two weeks hence. A uniform was adopted last night and bids will be asked to • equip the team. The first game win : be played with Steelton Athletic Club on Saturday, April 25, at Steelton. ==gea=-aB The Globe-Wernicke Business Show Is Now Being Conducted At Our Store Business is changing growing swifter, bigger, more extensive, more precise, and more exacting. And business methods are changing also; they must to keep up with the mark of progress. -J of lat ! £ cars ' ?« ob r^ ern i c H e Filln s Equipment has theme and motive:—First, to demonstrate the efficiency, tention was called to a Globe-Wernicke device or method advanced iar and last in efficiency and economy, and the economy and the permanence of Globe-Wernicke Filing that saved them time, trouble or money, many business men have been too busy to keep up with Equipment; second, to demonstrate its practical applica- Or maybe you have a puzzling office problem to solve, 1 . And the result is that there are thousands of offices tion as a short cut to better results; as a solution to or are annoyed by improper attention to details or by er m all parts of the country that are overworked and over- puzzling office problems; as a time- trouble- and money- ratic filing. A few moments spent at our Globe-Wernickt ' whelmed with detail, because of the need of Globe- saver for all business and professional men. Business Shoto will probably reveal an effective solution ernicke !• lling Lquipment. Perhaps you think your office is run as efficiently and of your trouble. You will find it helpful as well as in rViTw m - f n £ tsl l ei '' have * he masons for the economically as is possible. Others have felt the same teresting. You will not be urged to buy—this is a Ullint G!obe-\\ ernicke Business Show. There you have its wav about their offices but have been glad when their at- not a selling event. Come, in your interest. Standardize Your Office Now With Place a Untftlo beside . __ your desk for convenl- 1 ."l • ■ * • They combine the oon« cntly filing those let- p ill TI CX AMr venfenoe of the flilnc ters and references that £ iillic I it ILI I Ulllcll L cabinet with th* pro now litter the desk but © W tectlen of the safe, are too useful or too The ample Interiors oan valuable or too personal he fitted with Olobe to trust to the general J, . mr mm mi m> _ Wernicke Files, shelves &e T B °tU It Costs No More Than The Ordinary Kind $£ and drawers of sizes * Globe Cabinet Bate Is and styles to suit your made In (Ire sizes, ma exact needs Made In / ~ M . . , hogany. oak or ollvs wuh t s uii?n d teriorr od Globe-Wernicke Filing Equipment is built on the "unit" principle. Once properly installed, it grows with "™ n flal,l, " r your business , unit by unit. The unit idea permits the small office to apply to its affairs the same filing devices as are so widely used by the corporations. Let us demonstrate this fact to you. : T ' VtTJ FiUng DePd ° f Bn;r ° fflce has been P rovided for in Globe - thnt the largest factory of its kind in the world stand* behind its IfegT; Wernicke Filing Equipment. And every Globe-Wernicke device for guaranty; that you can secure additional equipment at any time HPI * W nn y purpose, is the most suitable of its kind. Globe-Wernicke steel from stock. Globe-Wernicke goods are standard, not made to order, yet ' i SDm > n « the custom of modern Businesses to adopt Globe- ciollv made for you. The variety of our stock sizes and patterns O iFjHlnll ? Wernicke devices throughout their offices. Experience has proved their permit you to select a design and finish that will harmonize with pffi ftctAftoiidW US ° an tUSCt " not standarciize y° ur offic* equipment.' the rest of your office equipment which will give the office a dftsir- Filing Cabinet* Standardization simplifies and keeps your system* uniform, which al) ' e atmosphere of prosperity and good management. It stimulates Sectional Bookcases They are the Standard means highest efficiency and greatest economy. Standardisation means helps your office force to better work. Call and investigate. *° na °° cnses of the world. Thou- * " Every office needs its sands of modern offices ESSET .i-uITST S ! J?J use thfim of ■ * dooks or tscnDlc&l and David W. Cotterel wsi EIPd"inTSS 105 North Second Street 18 North Court Street iK^KddeVS'a ,ectlon at 1 tlm « u the large or small. library grows. WILL TRAIN YOUTHS FOR LAWX TENNIS Xew York, Jan. 10.—Lawn tennis players will be caught in early youth and trained to be the McLougtlllns of the future, according to the plan voted on last night at the annual meeting of the West Side Tennis' Club. The members favored the sugges tion of the National Association that AMI'SEMEXTS /"~ " \ EVERY DAY IS IMRVAIN DAY VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY % Mlaiilnrril Foot" anil "A (illnipne of I .on \iiKt-leH," Two Krynlonr Ple turea. "Tlic lli)«p of San .Innn," "The Hend \\ niter,'' "The Sandman,'' "Niagara Knlla." ADMISSION 5c * AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC THEATER, "" --'."J * TO-NIGHT—I, *ST s TIME—THE GREATEST MEI.ODHASIATIC SUCCESS "WITHIN THE LAW" 111 BAYARD VEILI.ER. A PI,A * THAT HAS M ADE MiI.I.IONS THINK. I'M ICES i 23e, 30c, 73c, •1.00. 91.50 Entire Week Toil 19 Beginning Monday, IL* Motion Picture Sensation of the Age FHODUCED I'HOM ACTUAL FACTS BY SAMUEI, H. LONDON FROM HIS IN VESTIGATIONS OF THE Inside of the White Slave Traffic i FOI R EXHIBITIONS DAII.Y—2.OO. X3O, 7.30, ».00. AI.L SEATS TO ALL PERSONS, S3 Cent*. NO CHILDREN UNDER 10 ADMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. "1 (eel that every person, especial- "I aee nothluft but u moral leaaon, ly iclrlw, Hhoitld aee tbem for their eapeclally MO for young glrla." M. own protection."—Clilef of Police H. Beruhnrd, Chief of Police of Al- Blnder, of York. lentown. r _ L- ■" LAST DAY TO SEE THE BIG Anniversary Week Bill I DON T FAIL TO SEE HEADED BY PIERCE & MAIZEE Clark and Hamilton 7 CASTELLUCHES 7 DON'T FAIL TO SEE GEO. MOORE FATIMA s*-io? NEXT WEEK * Bgauasßtnio telegraph the club open the way for at least 200 junior members to Join. SIDLE PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL Marysville, Pa., Jan. 10.—Last even ing at a meeting of borough council, postponed from Monday last on ac count of a technical err.or in the cer tification of names to the County Com missioners of Perry county, a complete organization was made. J. A. Sidle was elected president, and other of ficers chosen were: Vice-president, Or. G. H. Epley; treasurer, Frank D. Rupley; street comissioner, Jacob D. Carmichael, and borough solicitor, Scott S. Leibv. The councilmen, all having been chosen at the last election, drew lots for terms, with the follow ing result: Two years, Simon Lick, A. D. Plickinger and W. H. Robinson; four years. . A. Seidle, F. W. Geib, W. L. Roberts and J. F. Baltz. They were sworn in by Justice of the Peace \V. H. Baughman. Railroad Boys Want City Championship Harrisburjr will clash with the Penn sylvania Railroad Young Men's Chris tian Association five at the Armory to-night in the first of a scries of games for the city championship. These contests were made certain after prolonged negotiations and un usual interest is manifested in the outcome. The railroaders will have the back ing of a larjje crowd of rooters from the association basketball league and Rote's friend from Central high school will be on hand to boost this plucky star, who is looked upon as a comer. Both teams will be even in weight. The game starts at S.lo and will be followed By dancing. President Fultz Tells Players to Sign New York. Jan. 10. —David L. Fultz, president of the Baseball Players' Fra ternity, back l'rom Cincinnati after a satisfactory conference with the na tional confmission regarding the play ers' contracts, is notifying all mem bers of the fraternity by mail that they are now free to sign contracts. "This method is 'necessary," said Fultz, "for the players agreed origi nally to pay no attention to orders published in the newspapers. If I had given out a statement that the players were eligible to sign, many of them probably would not have' ac cepted the announcement as official. Hence the notifications that are being mailed as rapidly as possible." BITS OF SPORTS llarrisburg scholastic teams are cut ting some figure in basketball. Rote will have little trouble in land ing a good college berth when he leaves high school. lie is Considered one of the best all-round athletes HarrisVurg has ever produced. The Ilershev five defeated Altoona Young Men's Christian Association last night; score. 35 to 14. The Hares defeated the Hounds in a lively bowling match at Casino alleys last night; margin, 320 pins. The Mlddletown tossers defeated Hllzabethvllle last night; score, 36 to 25. Jake Daubert has been offered $30,000 to sign with the Pittsburgh Federal League team. Guy Cooper, a right-handed pitcher from the Petersburg, Va., League club, was signed by the New York American League club. Cooper was secured by draft. Laßt season he pitched in 24 games, winning 16 and losing 5. He hit .360 in 37 games. Football practice was started at Yale yesterday when a dozen candidates for thev center and quarterback positions reported at the Yale cage for work. The practice marked the first appear ance of Frank Hinkey, '96, as head football coach. Oberlln High won from Mlddletown High in a one-sided basketball game last night; score. 50 to 25. The Bears defeated lAfayette bas ketball club at Cathedral Hall last night; score. 33 to 28. WASHINGTON WILL SEND TEAM By Associated Press Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 10.—The Unl \ ersity of Washington will send two I eight-oared crews to the Poughkeepsie regatta this year. Hiram B. Conlbear, director of aquatics, announced to-day. JANUARY 10,1914. Sunday School Teams Will Play Monday The Pine Street Presbyterian Sun day School Bowling League Will open the heason Monday night at Bonny mead alleys, when Mrs. H. B. Duli's class will play bowlers from Frank Palmer's class. The league will include two other teams from the classes of Mrs. H. B. McCorinick and H. B. McCormick. The prize will again be the silver cup presented by H. B. McCorinick, and won twice by Mrs. John Y. Boyd's class and once by Mrs. H. B. Dull'fe class. ] TKCH HIGH FIIKSHIKS WOX INTKKCLASS GAMK The Tech High Freshmen won the interclass basketball game yesterday afternoon, defeating the Sophomores, score 32 to 19. The line-up antf lum inary : Freshmen Sophomores Harris, f. (Elssner) Diffenderfer, f. Holt/., f. Gregory, c. (Killinger) Sourbler, g. Miller, c. Davis, g. Yoffe, g. McCurdy, f. Garonzik, g. Field goals—Harris, 6; DlfTenderfer, 2; Gregory, 6; Holts, 1; Miller, 1; Yoffe, KUlinger, 4. Fouls—Gregory,! King Oscar Cigars as good to-day as they vere yesterday and as good to-morrow as they are to-day. Such is the assurance of this quality nickel smoke uniformly good tor 22 years. 5c < 6; McCurdy, 3; Garonzik, 2. Referee —W. Sohfffer. Tinier —Yoder. Scorer —Lloyd. Time of halves—2o minutes. Standing of Teams W. L. P. C. Juniors 1 0 1.000 Freshmen 1 0 1.000 Sophomores 0 2 .000 EDUCATIONAL MAKE NEW YEAR" RESOLUTION to enroll next Monday In Day or Xlght School. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IS S. Market Square, Harrlsburg, l'a. HARRISRURG BUSINESS COM.KUE full Term, Tiirmlnr. Sept. it, lUIB. DAT AND MUIIT Individual Instruction. Civil Service. 28th Year, MB Market St., Ilnrrlnburg, Pi. J. R. GARNER, Principal. f Is Guaranteed to be for OOKNB, ■ V WJB M ■r'ALT.USES and BUNIONS. Rf Moves Instantly 2f»c GORGAS* RKXAIX STORES ID N. 3rd St.—I'm on. R. R. Statin* 9