RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES SONS OF men ! WILL HIVE BMIQIIET Installation of Officers of Dills burg Camp Will Take Place on Monday SERIES OF REVIVAL SERVICES Funeral of Mrs. Frank Sheilar Took Place at Dillsburg This Week By Correspondtnct Dillsburg. Fa., Jan. 10.—Washing ton Camp. No 777. Patriotic Order j Sons of America. «>f Dillsburg. will j hold an installation <>f officers on Mon- 1 day night which will be followed by a ' banquet at the Hotel Central. A full] course turkey dinner will be served. \ —The Rev. .M-i card and Mrs. Arabella Sweigard, died on Wednesday. -Miso Marguerite Cal-i lahan. who has been ill with diphthe ria, is convalescing.—Mrs. L. S. Mar-; shall entertained on Thursday evening at the H. P. S. Club in honor of Mrs. j E. L Shope, of Harrisburg, and the i Misses Kohtus, of Millersburg.—Mr. i and Mrs. Homer Dunkel and two daughters, spent Christmas holidays' with relatives in Penbrook. The genuine Kffvk Bakers Cocoa and | ||\ Baker's Chocolate/ J have this trade-mark on every ||:E3T*buisheo WALTER BAKER & CO. LTQ I I7SO DORCHESTER, MASS. SATURDAY EVENING, . York Springs Widow Fights For $75,000 Estate in Court Property Willed to Her by Husband as Reward For Mar rying Man 25 Years Older Than Herself By Special Correspondence ( ' York Spring?. Pa., Jan. 10.—Mrs. Benjamin Watkins. a York Springs girl, laughter of Mrs. Mary Lory, of this place, is fighting in the New Jer sey courts at Camden for 1 75,000 of her husband's estate, which she says was to be her reward for marrying a man 25 years older than herself. Ac cording to the widow, who lives in; Merchantville, when Watkins pro-j posed marriage to her in 1910 she re-1 fused him because lie was much older than she. The woman was then 25 and Watkins more than 50. Finally he promised that if she would marry j him would will lier his estate amount-j ing to $75,000 upon his death. Wat-1 kins died some months ago and had , carried out his part of the agreement Two Masons Are Presented With Gold-headed Canes By Special Correspondence Mifflintown. Pa.. Jan. 10. E. J Pennell returned to the University of ' Pennsylvania on Sunday, where he is a i student in the law school. Missed , Berth# and Anna Scott entertained at cards in honor of Miss Bettie Mayer. I Miss Jane Banks gave a tea to about j forty friends.—Mrs. D. M. Crawford, 1 son and daughter spent a day with the former's sister, Mrs. James Speddy, in Altoona.—Miss Euphemia Strouse has returned to Drexel after spending a week with her mother. Mrs. Philip ! Strouse.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill re turned to their home at Madison, Wis., after a two weeks' visit in town. —Mrs. Stewart Keeling and daughter. Miss Margaret, of Germantown, are guests of Sirs. Van Irvin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClellan entertained at a sauerkraut dinner.—Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph McCauley and daughter spent a day among Tyrone friends. —At a reg ular meeting of the llifflintown Lodge of Masons. John S. Graybill. formerly of town, but now of Lancaster, and Henry S. Scholl, of town, who have been Masons for fifty years past, were presented by their brother members with handsome gold-headed canes.—• C. W. Mader, signalman at JO tower, Duneannon. has been transferred to Mifllin on the new electric system, and will move with his family in the near future. Son of Mrs. B. F. Junkin Honored by D. A. R. Chapter Mifflintown. Pa.. Jan. 10. —General Thomas Mifflin Chapter D. A. R. of Mifflintown presented Master William Jackntan Junkin. son of their registrar, Mrs. B. F. Junkin. with a beautiful colonial silver spoon. The front of the handle contains the names of the thirteen original States and the spinning wheel, with the let- ] N. S. D. A. R. with the engraving "Home and Country.'*. On the back of the handle is engraved the initials "W. J. J.". the bowl contains a pic- j ture of the new Memorial Continental | Hall.—Twenty-four new class chairs | have been placed in the recitation 1 room of the Mifflintown High School. —Mifflintown Council has reorganized i with these members: Guy Auker, G. | Frank Bausum. C. Dorf Ellis, re-elect- | ed: new members. E. E. Magtll, Sam-| uel Hart. Robert Doty, William Zeig- . ier. president, and C. B. Crawford, I clerk and solicitor.—William P. Rit?.- | man bought the late Christian Ben- j der tract of land In Turbett township. ! with a house and barn, for $7OO. i George MeClure bought a 19-aere tract of woodland, consideration $l7O. j —A 10-acre tract of woodland was j bought by John Boyer for SSO. JR. O. U. A. M. OFFICERS Newton Hamilton, Pa., Jan. 10. —»'• Mr. and Mrs. Hartzel Temple, of Al- j toona. visited at the home of his par- ; ents on Tuesday.—Mrs. James T>ath- ' erow and son Fred, of Altoona. spent Saturday at the home of J. W. Lath erow. —Misses Ruth Watts and Mil dred Wilson visited Hsrrisburg on Sunday.—Joseph Warum and James! Clark, of Lewistown, spent Tuesday evening in town. —Mr. and Mrs. Uw retice Carbaugh spent several days with John Zellers at Voungstown, , Ohio.—-George Albert Daniels and Miss ' • Mara Bowen. both of this place, were married Thursday evening. Januarv 1, ! 1914. by Dr. J. R. Dolling. Miss I Martha Gearhart was a visitor to New port on Thursday.—M. C. Craig, of New York, spent the holiday season at home.—Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kauffman I wtre v isitors to Millerstown.—Hazel! Wharton, of Altoona. spent several i days at the home of O. M. Sechrist.— ] Mrs. James Smelker and daughter, of' Bellwood. spent Wednesday at the ! home of J. M. Smelker.—The follow- ' ing are the officers of the Junior Or- i der United American Mechanics for the next six months: Past councilor, I 1... C. Bowen; councilor, C. C>. Smith; \ ice-councilor. R. H. Norton: record ing secretary. H. W. Bollinger; assist ant recording secretary, L. C. Valen tine: conductor. C. L. Anders; warden. , J. S. < 'arson: inside sentinel. N. S. ' Pressler; outside sentinel. S. C. Wil- I son; trustees. E. C. Graham. S. C. I Wilson and J. M. Miller: chaplain, H. B. Shaver.—J. H. Leffard. T. H. Wilson j and H. B. Shaver attended Masonic | lodge in McVevtown Tuesday evening. —T. F. Sechrist was a visitor to Al toona on Tuesday. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Iby making a will in his wife's favor, I but since his death three brothers ,! have put in a claim for part of the Restate. —Guy Pearson has gone to New i Kingston. Pa., where he will take a course in a business college.—Alonzo 'Hoffman has sold his 67-acre fruit i j farm to Edward Krouse, of Gettys | burg, for J. 1.500. -Good sleighing Is ! now being enjoyed north of town j about eight inches of snow having I fallen in the last few days.—A number I of the young people of the town held a dance in the Bunk Hall one evening recently. Those present were Mrs. Q. 'W. Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey j ! Neel.v, Misses Ruth Myers, Miriam | Gardner. Rcba Emmert. Edna Her- Bhey and Emma Pearson and Ralph ,starry, Karl RhenfTer. Norman Starry, Raymond Starry and Ralph Lischy. ' Ex-President of Lebanon Valley College Preaches Sermon at Annville Church By Special Correipondence Annville, Pa., Jan. 10.—The R«v. Dr. and Mrs. H. T*. Rupp, of Manas sas Va,, visited friends here on Sun day. Dr. Rupp was formerly presi dent of Lebanon Valley College. He preached the sermon at the evening services in the United Brethren Church. While here £*r. Rupp was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kreider.—William Himmelberger, a printer, employed in New York, spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank •Himmelberger.—D. G. Brandt on Tuesday slaughtered a large porker. When the hog was dressed, it weighed 530 pounds.—The Rev. and Mrs. J. Rauch Stine, three daughters and two sons, of South Bethlehem, and Mrs. Samuel Stine, son and daughter, of York, Pa., were guests of George W. Stine.—Allen and Mae Meyer visited in Reading Tuesday.— Miss Helen Brightbill has returned to College at Poughkeepsie, N. "1.. where she will resume her studies after spending the holiday at the home of her parents.—The Auf Weider Sehn Club was entertained on Monday aft ernoon by Misses Mayme and Florence Christeson.—Prof, and Mrs. D. Albert Kreider. of New Haven, Conn., were the guests of the former's parents. Airs. Joseph H. Kroider.—- Mrs. C. E. Shenk and son Alfred, spent several days with her parents ;it Rachmansville. Z| o „ United Evan geliep! Church elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Super intendant, Lincoln Rupp; assistant su perintendent. Grant Blouch; secretary, 'rank Bussard: assistant secretary, Sara Ensniinger; treasurer. John Graybill; organist, Elsie Condran; as sistant organist, Martha Long. U. S. Army Cavalryman Visits Father at Newville hy Special Correspondence j New villi-, p a ,. Jan. 10.—Mr. and I Mrs. H. A. Snyder, of New Florence. !1 a ; >r. and Mrs. John Handshe-w , an,i daughter, and Mrs. Edward | Shaner and son. of Harrisburg, spent i a few days with their parents. Mr. -and Mrs. B. Frank Hutton.—Misses \ era and Mary Fleming and Miss I -Minnie Snyder, of Mercershurg. spent a few days with Miss Helen Killian.— i Edward Xehf, son of Solomon Nehf | who spent the past three vears as a j cavalryman in the United States Army, being stationed in the Phil . lppine Islands and China, visited his I father for a few days. He left on Monday for Texas, where he has re enlisted and will be in the Eighth I'nited States Cavalry.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kby and daughter have re turned from a week's trip to Barre, Vermont, and Quincy, Mass.—Mrs. J. W. Skilling and children have re turned to thier home in Austin, Pa., after a visit to the former's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mickey.—The fourth entertainment in the Citizens" Lyceum course will be held on Tues day evening. January 13, in the opera house, when the Hussar quartet will be the attraction. New Year's Dinner and Reunion at Lingle Home By Special Correspondence Graiitvillc. Pa., Jan 10.—Dr. H. W. Shirey sold his property to Dr. John L. Groh, of Lebanon. Dr. Shirey Is a physician of ability and his many friends are sorry to see him leave. Dr. Groh has already assumed charge of his practice here.—Mrs. Thomas Shuey has been on the sick list, but is improving.—A New Year's dinner and family reunion took place at the house of Irvin Lingle. The following were present: Mrs. Lingle and Mrs. Roe buck, the grandmothers of Mr. Lingle; also Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hetrich, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Litigle and son Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hetrich. Mrs. William Hetrich, of Shellsville, is critically ill with pneumonia.—A wedding dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lingle in honor of their daughter Annie, who was recently married to Charles Boe shore. NUN FUiS THROUGH PUTE6UISS WINDOW Adams County Poor Board Re elects All Old Officers For New Year GYMNASIUM IMPROVEMENTS Prof. Roth Elected President of Superintendent's Department of State Educational Association By Special Correspondence Gettysbnrg, Pa.. Jan. 10.— J. Her man Bream has leased the store room and residence and purchased the store of Jacob G. Slojaaker, in York street, jiind took possession on Monday.— Ex tensive improvements have been made to the college gymnasium during: the Christmas vacation.—The annual ban quet given hy the management of the Reaser Furniture Company ti> its em ployes on Saturday evening was held In the banquet rooms" of St. James' I/Utheran Church.—The poor board of Adams county met Monday afternoon and re-elected all the old officers for the coming- year.—Abraham Scott one of the town's oldest residents died at his home Monday afternoon.—Edward Hewitt slipped and fell through the plate glass window in front of the Gettysburg Candy Kttchen.— Martin and Albin McSherry have secured con trol of the Garden Auditorium in | York street, and will have roller skat jing Wednesdays and Saturdays.—Pro- Ifeasor H. Milton Roth was elected [president of the superintendent's de partment of the State Educational As jsociatlon at its meeting in Pittsburgh I last week. Miss Mabel Loose Voted Popular Girl of Jonestown By Special Correspondence Jonestown. Pa., Jan. 10.—Harry Ritz ha* opened a cobblershop In the j little room adjoining the Heilman ( House.—Mrs. Milton Kline is seriously jill with blood poisoning and her son George is ill with an attack of typhoid I pneumonia.—Ralph H. Gerberich is | confined to bed with an attack of {pneumonia.—On Tuesday while John H. Spangler was riding a horse to water he was thrown to the ground, injuring his left arm and side severely. —During the past week a medicine show )ias been in the hall, last even ing Miss Mabel Loose was voted the most popular girl in town.—On Wed nesday evening the Glee Club of the Annville College had exercises in the ! hall.—The play "Hezekiah's Country Store" will be rendered Friday and Saturday evening for the benefit of I the high school.—The Rev. Mr, jSehierer. of Northampton county, who I was recently elected pastor of the i \\ aimers-Jonestown Reformed congre gations, moved here on Monday.— Gerhart and Bachman are having the two partitions torn out between the two rooms in their hardware store making it all into one large sales room.—Miss Clara Nlssley, of Harris burg, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Wil liam H. Bross, of town. Lecture on "The House That Jack Built" by Minister By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa., Jan. 10.—Charles E. Bretz has returned to New York after I a pleasant visit with his parents. Mr. land Mrs. George R. Bretz.—Miss Ber- j tha Keller, of Harrisburg, was a re-; cent guest of Miss Ruth Irene Grubb. I —Miss Mary Harris Irwin was guest] [at a tea party recently given by Miss' ; Banks at her home In Mifflintown.— Mrs. James Cochrane, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting her father, Levi Smith, has returned to her home, ac companied by her father, who will re main indeflnately.—Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Blatzer were Al derman and Mrs. William Bayles and Miss Katharine Reed, i f Harrisburg. —Harry Myers, of Altoona, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George W. My ers, for a few days.—Miss Ruth Jones has gone to Johnstown where she will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Warren W. Worthington.—Frank P. Whitmer. of the Whitmer News Agency, spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. —The Rev. J. C. Collins, D. D., pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, gave his celebrated lecture, "The House That Jack Built," at Academia last evening.—Eleanor P. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, has been taken to a Philadel phia hospital, where she will be op erated upon for an affection of the eyes.—George K. McCKntic visited his cousins. Miss Jean Kerr and Mrs. Mary K. Johnston, this week. Their niece. Mrs. Harry J. Bentley, of Car lisle, was their guest on Thursday.— Joseph Miller, of Factoryvllle, visited friends here.—Mrs. Samuel A. Sharon is entertaining Mrs. Homer B. Ragan, Mrs. Windham Phinny and her baby daughter, Elizabeth Sherman Phinny, all of New York.—H. Cheston Frank of Harrisburg, visited his mother, Mrs. J. C. Frank, on Thursday.—Mrs. Ed ward G. Sheafer entertained her mother. Mrs. Calvin Etter and her sister, Mrs. H. S. Kelley, of Harris burg Week's Special Services in Lewisberry Church Lewisberry, Pa., Jan. 10.' —W. S. [Hammond is spending a few weeks'in Washington, D. C.. the guest of his sons, Edward and Bennett Hammond. —Mrs. Laura Kline is visiting her sls iter, Mrs. Howard Wright, of Harris burg.—Mrs. Wilbert A. Parks, of York, in spending the week in Lewis berry. •»—The Rev. D. L. Dixon began special meetings in the Methodist Episcopal Church on last Sunday even ing. The meetings to continue every evening at 7 o'clock. —Mrs. Jacob Fet row, who Is 111 due to paralysis, is improving.—A prayer meeting will be held this afternoon at the home of Miss Elmira Foster—Walter Sealover, who has been ill for som weeks, is convalescent. —Miss Ethel Laird and cousin, Miss Gertrude Updegraff, and Bruce Nebinger returned to the nor mal school at MiUersville after spend ing the holidays with their parents.— A farmers' institute will be held in the town hall on January 30 and 31. On account of the inclement' weather the communion services that were to have been held in the Methodist Episcopal Church on last Sunday morning, have been postponed until January 18.—Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shettel were recent gueets of their daughter. Mrs. Ralph K. Elicker. and Mrs. Shettle's sisters, the Misses Brat ten. of Harrisburg.—Mrs. W. S. Nor tenheim and daughter Caroline, of Philadelphia, ar« guests of Mrs. Nor tenheim's mother. Mr*. W. S. Ham- L mond. $373,661 Worth of Horses Sold at Ephrata Stables 2,540 Head, or 116 Carload Disposed of During Ephrata, Pa., Jan. 10. —During the year 1913. 116 carloads of AVestern ' horses were sold at public sale at Will . Leber's sale and exchange stables in ! Kphrata, at prices aggregating $373,- j 661.50. These horses numberer 2,540. I Resides these. Mr. Leber sold 275 ac i climated horses at public sale and 1,- , Personal News Items 1 From Nearby Towns in | Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence II ain uir l*t«M n Miss Katharine Nissley lias returned to Smith c ol lege, Mass.. alter spending several , weeKs with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | J. P. Nissley.—Mr. and Mrs. William | IS. Ney spent several days in Pnua delphla.-'The Men's Bible Class oil Zion Lutheran Church, will hold • its sixth anniversary on Sunday after noon. January 11.—The Glee Club oil the Rutherford Y. M C. A- sang in the Lutheran Church on Weunesoay even-( ing.—Ohas. Holsberg lett for Vort avne, lnd., after spending several weeks with bis mother, Mrs. Fidelia Holsberg.—Miss Kditli Freed, of Ber wln, Pa, spent several days with her uncle, Dr. M. L. Nissley. Beed W ai mer has returned to Philadelphia af ter spending a week with his mother.) Mrs. Elizabeth Walmer.—Miss Salliei Henderson is spending the week ln| Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. Snow, of > Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John S. Goshert. Mr. and Mrs. George Hotter left for their home in I lAfayetter. lnd., where Mr. Hotter is professor in Biology at Purdue I ni versity, after spending several weeks wit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hoffer.—Miss Nelda Hummel returned to the Cumberland Valley State Normal School at Shippensburg. after spending several weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hummel. —Mr. and Mrs. William Ruser, of Hershey, spent several davs with Mr. Buser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells Buser. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rrinton, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Mrs. Brin ton's parents, Mr. an Mrs. L. W. Eber sole.—Mr. and Mrs. Delos James re turned to their home in Woodstock. 111., after spending several days with Mrs. James' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. I Walters. | MlddlebiirK—J. P. Stetler spent Sun day with friends at Mt. Union. D. E. Kreanier, who lias been visiting his family for several weeks, left for Du Quense, on Sunday.—Mrs. Anthony Her man. of Beaver Springs, spent Sunday at the home of Jacob Herman. —Mar- I garet Cooner left for Williamaport, I Mondav, where she will resume her studies* at the Willlamsport Commercial College.—Miss Anna Steel, of Altoona, is visiting at the home of Joseph Oreese—Roscoe Steininger and George Drees e left on Wednesday for Belle fonte where they will attend the Belle fonto Academy. Milo Ilassinger left for State College on Tuesday. At torney Emanuel Pawling, of Seliris grove, was a caller at the News of fice. on Saturday.—Dr. and Mrs. John Amig spent Sunday at the home of J. J,. Marks.—Dr. Joseph Sallada and famllv. who have been visiting friends in Middleburg for several weeks left for their home in Benton, on Friday.— Sue Toole, teacher of the Middleburg 'primary school, spent Sunday with her parents, at Freeburg. Mr. and Mrs. George Steininger entertained friends at a turkey dinner at their home, on Saturday night. Joseph Potter left Monday for Philadelphia where lie will resume his studies at the Medico-Cliir urgical College. Fred Stetler, of Northumberland, spent several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stetler. : Hindnnuclr The snow and rain storm on Saturday did not prevent I matlmonial affairs for two weddings were celebrated. —Dr. Groh, of Leba non has begun to practice medicine at Grantville in place of Dr. Shlrey Samuel Snyder, of Hummelstown. visit led Professor K. K. Snyder.—Rudy | Brehm lias a force of men tearing awav the old lock at the Union canal. ! opposite Valley Glenn.- —A wedding l dinner was served on Sunday to invit ed guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lingle. in honor of thir daugh ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Bashore. Mexico Banks Kauffman, of Mi ft lintown, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Kurtz.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frank announces the birth of a daughter, on January 6, 1914.—Thomas Übil visited friends at Burnham. on Sunday. Miss Vanarda Kurtz is ill.—Miss Naomi (pas tier visited friends at Mifflin, on Sun day.—Samuel Bashore. of Mt. Pleasant, made a business trip to Mexico. 011, Tuesday. Charles Farleman made aj business trip to Mifflin, on Tuesday— l Mr. and Mrs. Haas visited friends at their former home, at Freemont.— William Kleck, of near Center, socnt Tuesday In town. Dr. and Mrs. Long, f Mifflin, passed through Mex ico, on Tuesday. Dalmalla -Miss Ellen Messner, of Tnwner City, visited her mother, Mrs." Anna Messner. recently. Miss Lenore Watts, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with relatives. Miss May Williams, of Scranton. was the guest of J. O. Paige a few days. Earl Deppen. of Sunbury, visited his uncle, C. S. Dep nen. on Monday. I. J. Batdorf, of Harrisburg. transacted business in town, on Tuesday. Miss Hazel John son returned home after visiting at Sunburv and Northumberland. Miss | Mary M. Bubb returned to her books on Tuesday at the Bueknell University, I/ewisbiirg. J. B. Farley, after spend ing a few weeks' vacation, returned to Washington, D. C„ where he is em ployed by the government. H. S. Witmer attended court at Sunbury this week as a juryman.—Michael Wiest. of Harrisburg, spent Wednesday in town. x™ Cumberland—Mrs. David Kie bautrh attended a dinner at the lionie of Miss Sallle Shets at Shiremanstown on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. William T. Sinythe have returned to their home at "Montandon, Pa.—Mrs. Schmidt en tertained at cards on Monday night.— Mrs. Hemminger, of Carlisle, is the guest of Mrs. KeebaiiKh and Mrs. Lola Oyster. Mrs. William Reed was at Stiippensburg this week. where she was summoned on account of the ill ness of her father.—Mrs. Cora Draw baugh, of this place, and John Markley. were married at York, on Sunday, and moved to a farm at Cly. York county on Monday. Mrs. T. R. Nevin and son. Traver, returned from a visit to her parents in Steelton. —E. C. Dewey, en tertained his Sunday School olas« of young ladies at his home in Third street, on Wednesday.—T. R. Nevin was at Landsnberg to visit his nar ents this week.—Mr. and Mrs. John Loner went to housekeeping In their nretty new house at Hillside, which has Just been completed this week. Hershey Mr. snd Mrs. R S. Rutikle. of New York State, spent a few hours here.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl R Mavs, announce the birth of a baby s:lrl. The Rev. O. G. Roniig will de- Bta'e of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas Connty. *«. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Is aeilor fiartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A. Co., do ne business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay : the aum of ONE HUNDRED HOT-LANS for I each anil every rase of Catarrh that cannot )>• cured by the usa of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENtY. J Sworn tn betore me and subscribed In my I presence, this 6th (lay of December. A. D., ISS6. { Seal. A. TV. OLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly upon ibe bl'vd and mucous aur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENET * CO., Toledo. O. j Sold by all Drugelsta, 75c. TaVe Hill's Family Fills for constipation. £ I JANUARY 10, 1914. s, of Fine Western Animals 1913 at Good Prices 220 head of horses to Philadelphia and 600 mules to PPottsville. J. G. Get/., another Ephrata dealer, shipped twelve carloads of horses and mules to New York and six carloads to Rich mond. Va. He also had shipped to Ephrata twelve carloads of mules from Missouri, to be sold in this section. liver an address on "Character the <'hief Knd of Education," to the High School scholars on Thursday morning. —The Rev. Haul D. Witman, of Ann ville. delivered an address at the Men's Club, on Sunday afternoon. The Rev. O. G. Roinig Is conducting revi val services at luilon Deposit. Miss Kdna l.andis entertained at luncheon on Monday evening in her rooms at the V. W. C. A., in honor of Miss Mary Nissley, of Middletown. Miss Mary Hurcli returned from Wllliamsport, where she spent her holiday vacation. —Albert Hill visited his parents at Frostburg, Md.—Miss Lottie Conrad vis ited relatives and friends at Dauphin. —Mr. and Mrs. .Ino. Spancake announce the birth of a baby girl.—Waller Asn enfelter spent a few days In Phila delphia.—The Rev. Joseph <\ Fields, of Lebanon, will deliver an address at the Men's Club on Sunday afternoon.— Miss Margaret 1 .eit hetser and Clayton Snavely spent several days in Phila delphia. Thorn pnontovm. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Smith were guests of Frank Smith. —Miss Mary ,l. few days. Harvey Mendenhall. of Harrisburg, made some calls in town on Monday. Mrs. B. Harris is spend ing a week with her sister, at Lewis town. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colyer, of Loganton, are spending some time at William Colyer's. Morgan Steele, of Tyrone, is visiting Mrs. A. G. Logan.—■ Mrs. Lena Kramer, of McAUstervllle, spent a day with her parents. M«ry»vllle. Miss Mildred Rupley, 266 Peffer street, Harrisburg. spent several days this week with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. F. Geib. Miss Mary Taylor, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. John T. Glass. Mrs. W. A. Reamer and grandchildren, Cathe rine and Eva, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ellenberger, on Sunday. Miss Mabel Eppley and Frank Roberts attended a card party at the home of Mrs. H. A. Hass, at Overview, on Thurs day evening. Frank Leonard left this morning for Lancaster, where he will spend to-day and Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Roberts, Mrs. Addle Lttlen and Mrs. R. L Adams attended the funeral of D. M. Bailey, at Carlisle, on Thursday. Miss Alva Shearer is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. James Martin. Kreanier. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. i barles Lent*. a baby girl. M. P. Hummel. Herman Leitzel. Henry Saurs and Amnion Benfer transacted business in Middleburg on Tuesday. Reno Ran, of Lewistown, transacted business here on Tuesday. Roy Meckley and family visited H. J. Fenton, in Sunbury, last week. Mrs. W. E. Sampel is vis iting her parents, at Selinsgrove. Homer Hummel visited friends In Sun bury over Sunday. Clyde Bolig and family, ol Northumberland, visited Thomas W. Dietrich, on Sunday, Dr. A. H. Herman, of Middleburg. made a business call on Monday at this place. —A. H. Blouch and Frank Thomas were at Middleburg on Tuesday. Miss Anna Hummel left for Bloomsburg on Mon day to go to college. WorinleyNlHirK. Miss Sallie Geiger, of Philadelphia, has returned home after spending a few days with her brother, Wesley Geiger. and family. Miss Eckert, a trained nurse from New York, Is spending some time with her mother and sisters, in Second street. Miss Edna Eckert is spend ing her vacation visiting in the West. —J. Ort lias been confined to the house for some time with la grippe. Mt. Joy. Milton M. Leib, who has been serving as a juryman in the Lnited States District Court, at Phila delphia, for the past three weeks re turned to his home. John E. Schroll and Samuel H. Miller spent a few days in Philadelphia. Miss Marie DeLong spent several days with friends at Harrisburg. William B. Miller, of Altoona. spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. David C. Reist. The Rev. A. Lehman, of Palmyra, was a visitor in the family of the Rev. H. S. Gabel for several days. Miss Ethel O'Connor, of Pittsburgh, an J Miss Salome Feeser and Miss Eva Steigelman. of Harris burg, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Getz. Mr. and Mrs. C. G Rohrer, of New York City, and Dr. E B. Wright and family, of Harrisburg, spent a week with the family of Wil liam Bigler Detweiler. Edward Rich ards, of Coatesville. is the guest of bis father. Dr. Frank L Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Longeneeker gave a party in honor of their daughter Kathryn. on her eighth birthday. George Trostle and Miss Ruth Stokes won the prize for the finest costumed SSHW®' a JV,',, Mias Trene B Sheetz and \VUliam Ellis received the honors for the best comic costumes at the mas querade dance at the Mt. ,lov riall Miss Kathryn Gingrich entertained the Indies' Bible Class, of the United Evan gelical Sunday school, at her home, oti Tuesday evening. Dr. Paul Gabel. a dentist of Dayton, Ohio, spent several days in town with his parents, the Rev and Mrs. 11. S, Gabel. J. Rouse Burns and Mrs. Addie Knight, of Philadelphia, were guests of the latter's parents Mr and Mrs. John Hallowell. Mrs. Caro line Martin, of Philadelphia, spent sev eral days in town. DUll THROBBING OS ILENTJEADUES Don't SufTer! Get a 10-cent Package of Dr. James' Headache • Powders Now You take a Dr. Jamefc Headache Powder and in just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering—it's so needless. Be sure you get Dr. James' Headache Powders—then there will be no disap pointment.—Advertisement. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED We devote our time exclusively to the scientific examination of the eyes and fitting of glasses. We do high grade optical work and can guarantee every pair of glasses sold by us. Reasonable prices for all repair work. Gohl Optical Co. 8 N. Market Square SCHOOL TEACHERS BUT STEREOPTICON Will Have a Cabinet of 700 Slides For Educational Purposes EVANGELISTS AT SERVICES Three Members of Stough Party to Speak at Northumber land Churches Northumberland, Pa., .lan. 10. Teachers ol the local schools havo purchased a lirst-class stereoptlcon machine for educational use. A cabi net of iOn slides on educational sub jects was also purchased. The teach ers expect to Increase the value of the machine later by (he addition of a moving picture attachment. Three members ol' the Stough evangelistic, party, which is conducting a campaign In Sunburv, will address the local Lvangelical. Methodist and Baptist congregations on Sunday morning.— Misses Rhoda and Dorothy Lilac. 6f WlHiamsport, were guests at the. homo o r Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruch and Mr. and Mrs. George Cook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. i'. Russell and son. Ralph left on Saturday for a. pleasur* trip to Florida. Young Mr. Russell will also go to Cuba before returning home.—Mrs. Lou Hartman. of Milton, and Miss Janet Kerlin ha.v* returned home after a week' visit at Quogue, L. 1., and New York city.—Homer 1,. Spangler. of Lebanon, Pa., spent Mon day and Tuesday with his brother, the Rev. Paul M. Spangler.—Announce ment has Just been made of the mar riage of Miss Sarah Kaler, of Coburn Pa. and Frank Pinges, of Akron, Ohio, at the home of the bride's unci" p. S. Hackenburg, in this place, on December 31. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Paul Spangler, of the Baptist Church.—Mrs. F. R Bat ten, of Scranton, lias returned home after a visit of several weeks with relatives In this ulaee.—Jacob Straub, of Point township, went to Philadel phia, on Tuesday to reoeive treatment for a cataract in his right eye. He was accompanied by Dr. C. E. Rutter. CLASS MEETINGS AT LEMOYNE Lemojne, Pa., Jan. 10.— On Thurs day evening the Ascholas class of the Lutheran Church met at the home of the teacher. Miss Mabel Baker.—The L. S. Class of the Lutheran Church met at the home of Leander Baker.— The Philalathea Class of the Evan gelical Church met in the church on Tuesday evening. The Ladies' Aitl Society of the Lutheran Church held a meetinK in the church on Thursday evening.—Beula Deck, of Bethel, re turned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Harry Snyder.— Mrs. L .M. Jones ami daughter Ivy have reached home after spending a month in California, returning by the southern route and spending a few days in Mexico.—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Burke, of Harrisburg, returned home after spending some time with the lat ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kunkle.—Mrs. Harry Sharpe ill at her home in Kossmoyne Frances Sutton, who has appendicitis, is improving. Koker returned to his home in Myer.sT town after spending some time with his sister, Jlrs. Robert Stupp.—Bor ough council met in the council cham ber on Tuesday evening and elected these officers: President, AA'arren Fishel: treasurer. Harry Zimmerman; secretary, Harry Leach. "mßfler SICK, SOUR STOMACH Moveacids.gasesand clogged waste from liver and bowels Get a 10-cent box now. That awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain in the pit of the stomach, the heartburn,- nervousness, nausea, bloating after eating, dizziness and sick headache, means a disordered stomach, which cannot be regulated until you remova the cause. Tt isn't your stomach's fault. Your stomach is as good as any. Try Casoarets: they immediately cleanse the. stomach, remove the «our, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases: take the excess bile from the liver and carry ofT the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Then your stomach trouble IP ended. A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning—a 10- cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget the children—their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. hut norm Makee t.ortim (>naratrteea, O-PAAC f BREAKSA\ (COLD) \ OVER / \NIGHT An Unrivaled Remedy for the Grip. I Small chocolate colored tab lets. Easy to carry. Easy to take. ' 25c GORGAS' DRUG STORES 16 N. Tlilrtl Street Open All Day and All Night. PENNA. STATION Open from 7 a. m. until 12 p. m. | Jl CHAS.H. MAUK Bl UNDERTAKER Sixth and Kelkar Streets Largest eatahliahment. Beat facilities. Near 1 0 you at your phone. Will go anywhere at your calf. Motor aervice. No funeral too small. None too expensive. Chapela, rooms, vault, ate., uaad wltk sut cbar|e. 5