Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Former Harrisbnrger Is Appointed
Manager For R. G.
Don & Co.
Samuel L. Hamilton, the eon of
Major and Mra. Thomas W. Hamilton,
former'y of Harrisburg, living in Erie,
Pa., has just been appointed manager
for R. G. Dun A Co. In Porto Rico,
with headquarters In San Juan.
Mr. Hamilton was a member of the
Har."lsburg Htgli School class of 1907,
hut vras graduated from the Erie High
School. For three years he was con-
with the Bradsteet ottlee at
Erie, but about eighteen months ago
resigned to accept a position with
R. Q. Dun *• Co. in Philadelphia. In
January. 1913, he went to Porto Rico
and was teacher of English literature
in the San Juan high school and more
recently in charge of the public
schools of Corozal, P. R.
When R. G. Dun & Co. decided to
open an office In Porto Rico, Mr. Ham
ilton was offered the position of man
ager for them. He accepted the posi
tion and for the past two weeks has
been in New York completing arrange
ments with the heads of his firm. He
will sail for Porto Rico on January 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Ludlngton and
sons, Frank and Dwight iAldington,
Jr.. have returned to Baltimore after a
Holiday visit with Major and Mrs.
Frank R. I«elb at "The Terrace#," New
Miss Lillie Fager and Miss Bella
F. Fager, of Walnut street, are spend
ng the month of January with Mr. anil
Mrs. Samuel Kunkel, Second and Fors
ier streets.
Mrs. Calvin Etcer, of 261 Boas street.
Is home after a pleasant visit with Mr*.
E. G. S'nafor, al Newport.
WILL. D. '
Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo
/ N
Ready to Wear Made to Order
and Remodeled.
Gentlemen'M Far-lined Coats.
Sklna for Millinery Purpoaea.
Opposite Pout Office. Bell phone.
V *
For Stinging
Frost Bitten
For that numb sensation that
comes with the cold, or for that
stinging feeling, tb- ' you feel when
entering a warm room, there is
nothing that will give you relief
more quickly than
After a few applications of this
remedy you will notice quite an
irassfp^i 1 - '»
25c the Bottle
Forney's Drug Store
UCDQIiCV estat e Here at pres
nLKOnL I ent prices isn't going to
————— last much longer. If
you are contemplating the purchase of a lot
for your home; we not only advise that you
look over Hershey real estate before you de
cide, but request the privilege of being per
mitted to show you the advantages of living
UrPQUITV aveanun iq u e propo
flLlwllEi I sition which we want all
————— l prospective home build
ers to know. It is unique from many stand
points, least of which is the fact that here you
have city conveniences combined with subur
ban delights of living. There are many other
conveniences here which make life in this de
lightful town really worth while.
UV«DQI4I7V Real Estate here is in
nEilwilEi I expensive. Six hundred
——————J dollars will buy a lot of
40 feet frontage. There are reasonable re
strictions with which you are asked to com
ply—restrictions of the nature which you
will heartily endorse for they enhance the
beauty of your home as well as materially in
crease its value.
urocurv Your concl usion about
flEiltdriL I Hershey will be the
same as that of hundreds
of inhabitants here. Hershey is the one
place to live to get all of the best out of life.
Lots range in price from S6OO
upward for 40 feet frontage.
Reasonable restrictions for
building—protect your home.
Representative always on the ground.
Phone or write.
Hershey Improvement Co.
'* *V'-- "•
Harrisburg Girl Abroad With
Travel School Writes Im
pressions in Verse
'| Miss Julia Owen Stamm. daughter
, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm. of
; this city, who is touring Europe with
. the Balderossl Travel School, was in
Switzerland a few weeks ago and
; wrote the following verses as she
looked for the first time on
i Lucerne:
Lake Lucerne
I Clearly in thy limpid depths
I Mirrored you return
! Snow-capped peaks—majestic mounts
■ That guard you, Lake Lucerne.
Your moonlit bridges span you like
i So many silver beams,
, | And or) a rise against a hill,
I A monastery leans.
Where monks at close of toilsome days.
Sore tried and deep depressed.
Gaze down upon your waters calm
And gain a Heavenly rest.
i The wearied tourist comes at length
To rest upon your shore;
And in the golden summer months
The city people pour
j Into your many hostelrles.
Whose lights at night make seem
Your shaded slope a Fairyland,
j Lucerne! You glorious dream!
Fun For Young Folks
at Miss Witmer's Party
\ surprise party was held at the
, home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shrenk.
New Cumberland, in honor of Miss
Lena Witmer. The young folks en-
Joyed games and music, followed by
I refreshments.
In attendance were Miss Witmer.
Miss Rhoda Fink, Miss Aline Huber.
Miss Esther Getz, Miss Fairy Fetrow,
Miss Helen Zimmerman. Miss Lillian
Waugh, Mis-s Elsie Spangler, Miss
Elsie Kline, Miss Goldie Daner, Miss
j Annetta Wlkel, Miss Mary Hurst, Miss
Naomi Spangler, Charles Hoover.
<iscar Wickel, Lester Zigler, Russel
Sype, Harold Drayer, Leroy Mlllward,
George Spangler. Russel Huber, Mel
vln Campbell, William Nauas, Harry
Older people were present also, In-
I eluding Mrs. Anna Schenck, Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman Sohenk, Harry Fink,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Schenk and Harry
Detrich, all of New Cumberland.
Miss Annie Suter Weds
Charles McCleaster
Miss Annie Suter and Charles Mc
; Cleaster, well known residents of the
Hill, were married this morning at 8
j o'clock in St. Francis' Catholic Church
|by the Rev. Father Carey. The bride
j wore a traveling suit of navy blue
I cloth with hat to match and a corsage
bouquet of violets. The maid of hon-j
I or. Miss Cecelia Suter, was attired In
' a costume of blue with toque to har
monize and Augustus Waldschm*dt
j was best man.
A wedding breakfast was served at!
the bride's home, and after a south
| ern trip, Mr. and Mrs. McCleaster will
make their home In Harrisburg.
Cards, Music and Supper
at the Rankle Home
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Runkle. of
11411 Berryhill street, delightfully en
j teriained the following guests at their
| home Friday evening. The happy
| hours were spent with cards, music
' and a buffet supper served to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter M. Swope, Mr. and Mrs.
I Clarence Enck, Mr. and Mrs. John
Klnter Miller, Mr. and Mrs. I. W.
I Atchley, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. McElhose,
' Mr. and Mrs. Runkle.
The Soloists WiH Be Mrs. Roy
G. Cox and Hugh A.
The first free organ recital of this
season given by Frank A. McCarrell,
organist of the Pine Btreet Presbvter
an Church, will be held Tuesday even
ing, January 13. In the church. Mrs.
[Roy G. Cox. soprano and Hugh A.
Hanna, tenor, will be the soloists. Mr.
Hanna has recently come to this city
trom Pittsburgh, where he sang in
several of the leading churches.
The recital program will Include:
Prelude and Fugue in C minor; "Nun
komm der Heiden Heiland" (Choral
Prelude). J. s. Bach; soprano solo.
"Ridonani de la Calma," Tostl; a pas
•orale suite, "Sunrise," "Rustic Dance,"
"Sunset." "Thanksgiving"; "Funeral
March and Hymn of the Beraphs,"
Gullmant: soprano and tenor duet,
"The I.ord is My Light," Buck;
"Christmas in Sicily." Yon; Concert
Overture in F, D'Evry.
Captain Ziegler Dines
Members of His Company
After the regular weekly drill held
h*st night at the City Grays' Armory,
Second and Forster streets, the mem
bers of Company I, Eighth Infantry,
National Guard of Pennsylvania, were
tendered a dinner by Its commander.
Captain Frank E. Ziegler. The com
pany appeared In dress uniform, mak
ing a fine appearance, and paraded
about fifty men. Among the guests
were the field and staff officers of the
regiment located in this city.
The enlisted men werp measured for
the new woolen olive-drab uniform.
United State Army pattern, by an em
ploye of the State Arsenal, and ex
pect to be equipped in a few weeks.
These uniforms will be worn at the
annual Inspection held by the govern
ment early in the Spring.
Captain Ziegler Is enlisting the com
pany to the maximum strength al
lowed by law and has recently pur
chased considerable new field equip
ment for his command.
Mr. and Mrs. Bricker Hosts
When Glee Club Sings
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Bricker were entertained at cards at
their residence, 305 South Seventeenth
street, last evening. During the games
Professor Swelgert and the Ruther
ford Y. M. C. A. glee club of sixteen
members arrived on the scene, sing
ing several selections to the delight
of the guests.
A late supper was served to the
singers and T,. M. Davis, Mrs. L. M.
Davis, A. F. Rexroth, Mrs. A. F. Rex
roth, Mrs. John Lonenecker. James
Snyder, Miss Margaret Miller, Oscar
Stevens. Mrs. Oscar Stevens, G. O.
Sarvls, Frank Mountz, Mrs. Frank
Mount*, Charles Forman, Mrs. Charles
Forman and daughter, Mrs. A. H.
Smith, Miss Mayme Smith, Miss Mar
garet Smith'. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brick
er, Paul and Chester Bricker.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mflhorn are occu
pying their new residence at Riverside.
Mrs. James McKendree Rcily left to
day for her home at Buffalo, X. Y.. af
ter spending two weeks with her sister
at Secong and Plr" streets.
Mrs. J. flarry Steele entertained the
Alumni Association of the Harrisburg
Hospital Nurses at her home, 444 South
Thirtenth street, Thursday evening.
Mrs. William H. Lyter. of 1006 North
Second street, is improving after in
juring her knee in a fall at New Cum
berland, a week ago.
Miss Caroline McFarland. of Svlvan
Terrace, is visiting at Philadelphia and
cities of New- Jersey for ten days.
There was a small attendance at the
meeting of the Flower Guild of the
Harrlsburg hospital yesterday, and only
routine business was transacted.
Those present were Miss Mary Hiest
er. the president, Miss Leib, Miss Anne
McCormick. Mrs. George Kunkel, Miss
Margaret Williamson, Miss Frances
Bailey, Mrs. Henry M. Stine, and the
Miss Eleanor Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dillingham, of
Spokane. Wash., have been guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm,
at Thirteenth and Reese streets.
I At the regular semi-monthly meet
ing of Harrisburg Circle. No. 356, Pro
tected Home Circle, at their hall, 1205
North Third street offices, for the com
ing term were installed. These cere
monies were In charge of the District
Deputy A. J. Edwards, assisted by Miss
[ Bessie Fallor. who acted as supreme
| guild. The officers are as follows-
Past president, Mrs. Daisy Tvson: presi
dent. Lawrence Show-alter; worthy vice
president, Mrs. Sarah Cassatt: treasur
er, Mrs. Irene Rice: accountant W F
1 Nye: guardian. Kenneth N. White"
chaplain. Miss Virgie Shearer: guide'
Miss Catharine Miller: companion Miss
Carrier Shearer; watchman. Charles
Snyder: sentinel, W. W. DeSilvey. Af
ter the meeting a number of members
from Dauphin Countv Circle, No S'S
headed by S. S. Foutz. their organizer'
were entertained. Refreshments were
served after -which the members spent
the remainder of the evening in danc
Reservations of
Board of Trade Auditorium,
Assembly Hail
And Committee Rooms
Conventions, entertainments,
dance*, committee meetings, etc..'
mar be made upon application to
Commonwealth Trust Co.
Left For New York
And will be back January 17, with
a large assortment of -nring goods
and advance styles.
Funeral Director and Embalmcr
313 Walaut SI. Bell Phone
«H 1 80-PEEP
Mrs. Roy G. Cox Will Be Mother
Goose; Jerry Hamilton
as Jack
More than 250 adults and children
have signified their desire to aid in
the search for the lost Princess
Bu.Peep, to be presented at the Ma
jestic Theater. January 30-31, under
the direction of the Sunshine Society.
All the world loves Mother Goose,
and that she is to be Mrs. Roy Cox.
who made such a success of the part
in "The House That Jack Built," meets
with general approval. Mrs. Cox Is
a member of the Pine Street Presby
terian Church choir and possesses a
voice of wonderful power and
strength. Her son. Jack Goose, has
grown up and helps support his
mother by the aid of a wonderful
Jerry Hamilton will be Jack Goose,
and his ability to act in addition to
his singing will make him a most
powerful acqusition. That Mother
Goose and her son .Jack devoted all
their time to the welfare of Ro-Peep
will be readily understood when we
consider that Mrs.George W. Reilv. Jr.,
is to be Ro-Peep. A happier selection
I could not have been made, as she
| possesses a most pleasing soprano
voice In addition to a really girlish
Many more surprises are coming as
the names of the cast are unfolded.
There is the king, the queen, the lords.
Red Riding Hood, Roy Rlue and. most
important of all. our only villain, the
, Old Woman in the Shoe. Every mem
ber has been selected with great care
and the complete cast will unfold one
of the best amateur line-ups ever pre
sented in the city.
Mrs. Homer Black. the president of
the Sunshine Society, and Mrs. Charles
F. Etter. chairman of the entertain
ment commitee, are sparing no details
that will bring success. Few societies
wait two years to appeal to the pub
lic. but such is the case with the Sun
shine Society, who is 1911, after pre
senting "The House That Jack Built,"
under the same direction, placed a
part of their money on interest, there
by making it possible to scatter sun
shine two years in a most silent
200 Enroll as Members
of the Choral Society
Great interest is being shown In the
work of the Harrisburg Choral So
ciety, wheh starts rehearsing for the
annual production on next Tuesday
night. More than 100 members have
enrolled for the work, and more are
expected before Tuesday night. A
large number of new members will be
on the lists this year.
Deep concern is shown among those
connected with the work of the so
ciety over the continued illness of Dr.
W. W. Gilchrist, who for twenty years
conducted the work of the society. His
connection with music In this city was
so close that he is deeply missed.
Members of the Choral Society are
feeling themselves fortunate in having
secured so capable a man as Dr. J.
Fred Wolle to conduct the work this
year. Dr. Wolle will be here on Tues
day night to start the rehearsal of
"Elijah," which is to be given this
Zemb• Temple Arrtmges
Four Ladies' Nights
Members of Zembo Temple, Ancient
Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine, have decided to have as spe
cial features of entertainment four
ladies" nights, on the third Wednes
days of the months of January, Feb
ruary, March and April, lifHfin their
new hall. The first event will be on
the evening of January 21.
i The committee appointed to arrange
an informal program of music, danc
ing and refreshments includes W. A.
8011, chairman; B. W. Demming, F. C.
Neely, H. W. Baker and C. C. Hoffman.
Mrs. Miller, of 327 Hamilton street,
gave a delightful dinner to out-of-town
guests. The rooms were beautifully
| decorated in roses and ferns.
Songs were given by Miss Laura
j Knight and M. M. Glnsburg, after
which music and dancing were en-
Joyed by the following guests:
Mrs. C. K. Miller, Mrs. H. O. Warfel,
Mrs. E. B. Dunlap, Mrs. Miller, Miss
Jennie Anderson, Miss Laura Knight,
Miss Viola Hamaker, Miss Edna Miller,
Miss Cleo Miller, C. W. Xew
Tork; C. Wilson. Lancaster; Mr. Ross,
York; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Vandyke,
Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Albright and
family, Pottstown; 1.. Gones. Allen
town; Mr. and Mrs. C. Shear. Phila
delphia; C. W. Miller, H. O. Losch, B.
R. Kerstetter, M. M. Ginsburg. Mrs.
Miller was assisted by Miss Hammaker
in receiving.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather last Sunday and by numer
ous requests, the cantata, "The Star of
Bethlehem." by F. Flaxington Hark
er, will be repeated by the choir of
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church to
morrow evening. A piano and organ
selection will be played at the time of
the offering.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lehman, of
Cumberland, lowa, have returned to
their home after a three months' visit
among relatives in Newville, Shlre
manstown and Harrisburg and vi
cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman are
closely related to the Eichelbergers
and Boldossers, old Cumberland coun
ty families. This is their first visit to
the East in fifty years.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Ross, of
1618 State street, are registered at the
Hotel Astor, during a stay in New
York city.
B. Bloom, of 233 State street, is
spending a week in Xew York city.
Miss Laßue Rltter, of Newport, is
visiting Miss Helen Kelley, at 1900
North Second street.
Miss Cora Young entertained ten
I guests last evening In an informal way
at her home, 599 South Front street,
j Miss Alice Boughton has returned
to Philadelphia after visiting Miss
Edith Bentzel, at 925 North Second
Mr. and Mrs. B. Handler and son,
Bernard Handler are spending a week
in Philadelphia and New York city.
Miss Louise Plank has returned to
her studies at Emmitsburg, Md., after
a holiday visit with ther parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton H. Plank, 1423 North
Front street. »
Miss Betty Pyle has returned to
Maryland after spending the holidavs
with Mrs. Jay C. Saltzglver, 709 Green
Miss Emmeline Stevens has returned
to Washington, D. C., after a holiday
stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Stevens, of the Arcade Apart
Mrs. Isaac N. Motter returned yes
terday to Frederick, Md.. after a visit
with her daughter. Mrs. Frank A. Rob
bins, Jr., of 1517 North Second street.
ha* removed his parlor* fnni 812 v
IThlrd St. to 90S N. Second SR.
» Biggest and Best of All 1
| Monday Sales |l
The First Bargain
| 25th Anniversary |l
hf pr I
D 3 The biggest and most successful sale of our business in this city! 3 I
Be here early Monday morning when this sale starts 9 o'clock. I I
5 $3.00 Quality Black MONDAY $4 AND $5 Silk Hatter', 1 MONDAY GJL
£ Plush Hats Plash Hats 44 I
Plenty „!c. | iff, .JJj, 1T."." 'I _ I
shapes of heavy velour plush. ■ Xr styles. I
5 $2.00 and $2.50 Black MONDAY $3.00 Far-Edged Velvet 1 MONDAY FE I
3 Silk Velvet Hat, Hat, OQ §1
All styles, small, medium and T V Splendid soft crown shapes for ft I
large, made of the best Lyons young girls: edged with black or I»lll _ ■
silk velvet. brown fur.
50 $5.00 Lyons Velvet Hats 1 MONDAY $4.00 Brown Moleskin 1 MONDAY
These are the finest Black Silk Si 59 Plash Hats j CO Ico I
£ lelvetI elvet of I I Brown Hau ar * ln «•- r I —— ail
them with hand-blocked crown; ■ mand and hard to get. No other ■ 55 ■
all the swell shapes. store has any good shapes at any JLwmm I
J price. JJg ■
$4.00 Black Clipped 1 MONDAY $3 Black Beaoer Hats ] MONDAY **'■
WWW# _ These are the best Moscow I
JJj The first time these have been U Afl" Fur Beavers and we have them I
hat fo7 aU r kinds A o n f VVV in all the good shapes for La- |V|II H
fig rough weather. dies, Misses and Children. N
§ $5.00 Veloar Hat, ; MONDAY J S .OO White Beaver, MONDAY |L
Theme are genuine imported 1 I*l Best Moscow Fur Beavers, $1 44-1
Austrian velours, soft and thick, I nice large and medium shapes; I II
all oolors and all style*. pure snow white. C/ 5 H
S $1.50 Black Felt Shape, MONDAY $1.50 and $2 Felt Hat, 1 MONDAY ~ |
French felt, soft finish, for Finest soft finish French Felt -9W [Z II
girls or blocked shapes for mid- Hats for Girls, including two- II
die-aged women. toned Felt Hats; worth $2.00. Mlvr V II
| d
| Monday Specials in Trimmed Hats l|
Plash Hat, so' 88 POKE HAT * SRT 44 .
Best Hatters' Plush and Mole- W am Made pf best black silk velvet, W mmm
skin Plush Hats, trimmed in rib- with fur or marabou trimming l__l 22
SJ bon. fur and flowers. and flowers. Hvmb
s a
5 $5.00 Draped Velvet ] MONDAY $4.00 Velvet Hats 1 MONDAY
Tarbans (A CC Splendid shapes of black silk \ J 5/1
Our own hand-draped, of best t W velvet, trimmed in fancy feath- I mhs
black silk velvet, for middle- f ■ 1 ■ _ ' '
C/J aged women. They are trimmed ' ers anf ' r,bbon trimming.
with satin ribbon, aigrettes and
§ $7.00 Plume Hats ) MONDAY Misses' Velvet Pokes 1 MONDAY 5
Black Velvet Hate, with two jC M A A Shirred ribbon facings in all _so 66
nice black French ostrich r*P/B "*_* colors, fur and marabou f
plumes: the greatest bargain . . §I A
cn ever offered. I M.9— b!UIdS an<l VelVet
5 $4.00 Mi»eS Felt Hat, MONDAY $4.00 Girl,' Velvet Hat, | MONDAY |
K"* *\|| For girls 8 to 10 years old; Xfi
o0 nice new soft Felt Hats, U«D ■ *J|I , - ... , \ -«9 ■ Oil
*2 • I handmade of silk velvet, shirred [*r ■
for young girls, with satin rib- ■ brims and tam crowns; any color I
bon bows and velvet flowers. or black.
§ SIO.OO and $12.00 French Room Models _ MONDAY |
5 Twenty-five of our Pattern Models taken from our 1L W m 1 §
French Room and put on sale for this Monday on our MM MM
second floor. Your unlimited choice
— iii ——
Modern Tales For Children Will
Be in Charge of Miss
Mary Snyder
Another interesting meeting of the
Story Teller's League will be held
Tuesday evening, January 13, in the
hall of the new city library, the pro
gram starting promptly at 7.20
"Modern Stories for Children" will
be the subject of the program, with
Miss Mary Snyder in charge. The
numbers include "The Elephant's
Child," Kipling, told by Miss Snyder;
"The Little House," from Barrle's
"Peter Pan," Miss Cordelia Brenne
man; "The Search for a Good Child,"
Maude Llndsey, Miss Florence Carroll;
"The Boy Who Dreamed the Spring,"
Raymond Alden, Miss Carolyn Reiley.
Among the pleasant events planned
for the visit of Miss Kllpatrlck of
Baltimore, who will be the guest of
Mrs. Philip T. Meredith next week, are
a bridge and tea. Friday afternoon,
January 16, with Mrs. Meredith
hostess; a matinee bridge, Saturday
given by Mrs. William Henderson, of
25 North Front street; Monday Mrs.
Frank D. Carney will entertain Miss
Kllpatrlck at luncheon and Tuesdav
Mrs. Carl Willis Davis will give a mat
inee bridge at Clendenin. her country
place, with Miss Kllpatrlck the honor
JANUARY 10, 1914.
Banquet Give nin Honor
of Holidaysburg Man
There was a banquet given last
evening at the Russ Brothers' ice
cream plant. Sixteenth and Walnut
streets, in honor of George Cunkle,
of Holiidaysburg, a successful fruit
dealer and frequent visitor to the city.
Mr. Cunkle is related to the members
of the Arm of F. S. Morrow. An elabo
rate banquet was served in Mr. Mor
row's retail parlors of the plant. Mr/
Cunkle is a Jolly good fellow, who
usually gets what he wants. The boys
put one over on him last night, tak
ing him by complete surprise.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Russ, Mr. ahd Mrs. Walter De-
Mara, of Xew York; S. H. Morrow,
Miss Mabel Morrow, Mrs. John Derr,
Phillipsburg; Walter Morrow, New
port; Mr. and Mrs. William Russ and
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Russ
and daughter, Frances, Mrs. John
Lupton, Miss Ida Lupton, Miss Ada
Lupton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mor
row and children, Stewart, Kathryn
and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ful
During the evening an exceptionally
good musical program was giwen bv
the guests. Following thto ther6
dancing which continued until garly
this morning when the guests were
taken to their homes in automobiles.
Engagement Announced
of Miss Elise Haldeman
Sirs. Richard J. Haldeman has an
nounced the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Elise Haldeman to Dr.
William E. Wright, of 204 West State
street, this city.
The bride-elect Is a daughter of the
late Richard J. Haldeman, a former
congressman, and a granddaughter of
the late General Simon Cameron. Dr.
Wright, a native Virginian, has re
sided here for a number of years,
where he is numbered among the suc
cessful physicians of the city.
DR. B. S. BEHNEY, Dentist
Has removed to 202 Locuat fitreet