wmzmmmim SMI/IUEL L. HAMILTON 60ES TO PORTO HICO Former Harrisbnrger Is Appointed Manager For R. G. Don & Co. Samuel L. Hamilton, the eon of Major and Mra. Thomas W. Hamilton, former'y of Harrisburg, living in Erie, Pa., has just been appointed manager for R. G. Dun A Co. In Porto Rico, with headquarters In San Juan. Mr. Hamilton was a member of the Har."lsburg Htgli School class of 1907, hut vras graduated from the Erie High School. For three years he was con- with the Bradsteet ottlee at Erie, but about eighteen months ago resigned to accept a position with R. Q. Dun *• Co. in Philadelphia. In January. 1913, he went to Porto Rico and was teacher of English literature in the San Juan high school and more recently in charge of the public schools of Corozal, P. R. When R. G. Dun & Co. decided to open an office In Porto Rico, Mr. Ham ilton was offered the position of man ager for them. He accepted the posi tion and for the past two weeks has been in New York completing arrange ments with the heads of his firm. He will sail for Porto Rico on January 10. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Ludlngton and sons, Frank and Dwight iAldington, Jr.. have returned to Baltimore after a Holiday visit with Major and Mrs. Frank R. I«elb at "The Terrace#," New Cumberland. Miss Lillie Fager and Miss Bella F. Fager, of Walnut street, are spend ng the month of January with Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel Kunkel, Second and Fors ier streets. Mrs. Calvin Etcer, of 261 Boas street. Is home after a pleasant visit with Mr*. E. G. S'nafor, al Newport. ■' " WILL. D. ' TEACHER OF Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo ISIS GREKX STREET INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE v / N FURS Ready to Wear Made to Order and Remodeled. Gentlemen'M Far-lined Coats. Sklna for Millinery Purpoaea. R. GERSTNER PRACTICAL FURRIER 218 LOCUST STREET Opposite Pout Office. Bell phone. V * For Stinging Frost Bitten Feet For that numb sensation that comes with the cold, or for that stinging feeling, tb- ' you feel when entering a warm room, there is nothing that will give you relief more quickly than OIR FROST BITK CURE After a few applications of this remedy you will notice quite an irassfp^i 1 - '» 25c the Bottle Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET STREET UCDQIiCV estat e Here at pres nLKOnL I ent prices isn't going to ————— last much longer. If you are contemplating the purchase of a lot for your home; we not only advise that you look over Hershey real estate before you de cide, but request the privilege of being per mitted to show you the advantages of living here. UrPQUITV aveanun iq u e propo flLlwllEi I sition which we want all ————— l prospective home build ers to know. It is unique from many stand points, least of which is the fact that here you have city conveniences combined with subur ban delights of living. There are many other conveniences here which make life in this de lightful town really worth while. UV«DQI4I7V Real Estate here is in nEilwilEi I expensive. Six hundred ——————J dollars will buy a lot of 40 feet frontage. There are reasonable re strictions with which you are asked to com ply—restrictions of the nature which you will heartily endorse for they enhance the beauty of your home as well as materially in crease its value. urocurv Your concl usion about flEiltdriL I Hershey will be the same as that of hundreds of inhabitants here. Hershey is the one place to live to get all of the best out of life. Lots range in price from S6OO upward for 40 feet frontage. Reasonable restrictions for building—protect your home. Representative always on the ground. Phone or write. Hershey Improvement Co. HERSHEY, PA. '* *V'-- "• SATURDAY EVENING, MISS SUM'S POEM 1 LIKE lUCEH Harrisburg Girl Abroad With Travel School Writes Im pressions in Verse '| Miss Julia Owen Stamm. daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm. of ; this city, who is touring Europe with . the Balderossl Travel School, was in Switzerland a few weeks ago and ; wrote the following verses as she looked for the first time on i Lucerne: Lake Lucerne I Clearly in thy limpid depths I Mirrored you return ! Snow-capped peaks—majestic mounts ■ That guard you, Lake Lucerne. Your moonlit bridges span you like i So many silver beams, , | And or) a rise against a hill, I A monastery leans. : Where monks at close of toilsome days. Sore tried and deep depressed. Gaze down upon your waters calm And gain a Heavenly rest. i The wearied tourist comes at length To rest upon your shore; And in the golden summer months The city people pour j Into your many hostelrles. Whose lights at night make seem Your shaded slope a Fairyland, j Lucerne! You glorious dream! JULIA OWEN STAMM. Fun For Young Folks at Miss Witmer's Party \ surprise party was held at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shrenk. New Cumberland, in honor of Miss Lena Witmer. The young folks en- Joyed games and music, followed by I refreshments. In attendance were Miss Witmer. Miss Rhoda Fink, Miss Aline Huber. Miss Esther Getz, Miss Fairy Fetrow, Miss Helen Zimmerman. Miss Lillian Waugh, Mis-s Elsie Spangler, Miss Elsie Kline, Miss Goldie Daner, Miss j Annetta Wlkel, Miss Mary Hurst, Miss Naomi Spangler, Charles Hoover.