Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Awakening of Church People
i Help to Better Condition
Higher Call to Service Being Felt Among Harrisburg Con
gregations; Many Revivals Are Now On
TUe season of revival and evange
listic services in the city churches,
which is now well under way, should
this year have a different meaning
than in any other year, in the opinion
of a prominent church worker.
"A higher call for service has been
felt among the church people of the
city during the past year," this nian
said yesterday. "Movements for the
advancement of Christ's kingdom have
l>een started with enthusiasm, which ,
is carrying theip onward for the bet- |
terment of conditions of the city." I
Attention was called to the fact I
that the chuches have revived the old I
federation forming a civic council. 1
which Is to enlist churches and church I
workers in the cause of civic righteous- ;
ness. He spoke of the work of the j
Allison 'Hilt Men's Christian Assocla- ]
tion, which is bringing a religious in- |
tiuence into the lives of many men |
who have been indifferent. The no- ■
license campaign started by the Worn- j
nn's Christian Temperance Union with :
more seeming chance than ever was i
taken as another encouraging feature, i
"All of these things point out to i
me," he said, "a growing interest in
i hurch work and a change of feeling :
among the scoffers and the indifferent
which should make the 'Go-to-church j
Sunday' in March a great success. The i
revival services now in the churches !
seem to indicate a greater Christian ;
enthusiasm than has been shown in j
Memorial —The Rev. L. c. Manges, I
i I>. 1).; 10.30 a. m.. "Our < ibligation to
the First Great Law": 7.30 p. m., the
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Traub, re
turned missionaries from Africa, Willi
Hpeak: Sunday school, 2 p. m.; men's j
prayer meeting, 10 a. m.; Junior Lu
tner Eeiiguc, 5.30 p. in.; Senior Lu-I
Iher League, 6.30 p. m.
jjion—The Rev. S. Winfield Her
li'an; 10.30 a. in., "l.iving Sacrifices";
7.30 p. m.. "The Blessedness of Suffer
ing"; Sunday school, 1.45 p. in.; Men's
< 'lass, 1.50 p. m.; men's devotional'
liour, 10 a. in.; senior catechetical!
class. 6.30 p. m.
Calvary The Rev. Edward H.!
I'aar; 11 a. m.. "Isaiah's Appeal to!
7.ion: 'Arise, Shine!'" 7.30 p. m., |
"Christ the Morning Star"; Sunday!
school, lo a. m.
Trinity, Camp llill—The Rev. Dr. !
K. D. Weigle; 10.30 a. m.. "The Boy I
Jesus in the Temple"; 7.30 p. m.,
"Xonconforniity to the World"; Sun- !
«!ay school, 9.15 a. m.
Messiah The Rev. Henry \V. A.
_ ianson. Holy communion, 10.30 j
r.. m.; 7.30 p. m., holy communion,
perm on by the Rev. .1". C. Billhelmer,
Jj. D.; Sunday school 2 j>. m.
Redeemer—The Rev. K. Victor Ro
land. 10.30 a. m.. "Communing!
Worthily:" 7.30 p. in.. "The Abundant j
Life;" Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.;
junior Christian Endeavor. 3.15 p. m.; i
senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. in. i
The holy communion morning and j
evening. Baptism of children at 2
p. m.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, !
D. IX 10.30 a. m.. holy communion; i
7.30 p. m.. "The Natural Growth of j
the Boy Jesus;" Sunday school, 2 j
p. m.: men's Bible class, 2 p. m.;
Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m.
Holy Communion—The Rev. John !
Henry Miller. 10.45 n. ni. and 7.30 I
p. in.; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; I
Luther League, 6.30 p. in. Cate
chetical class. Monday. 7.30 p. m. Mis- !
sion study class. Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. i
Zion. Dauphin The Rev. H. C. I
Holloway. 10.30 a. m.. "God's Pres
ence for the .New Year;" Sunday!
school. 9.30 a. m.; Luther League, I
6.15 p. m.
Augsburg The Rev. A. Maxwell,
Stamets. 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.;
Men's Eeague. 9.30 a. m.: Sunday
school, 2 p. in.; Christian Endeavor,
6.30 p. ni.
Trinity —The Rev. R. L. Melsen-I
lielder. 10.30 a. in., "A Son's Answer
to a. Mother's Question;" 7.30 p. ni.,
"'Herod the King;" Sunday school, 1 j
and 2 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 ;
p. m.
St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Sny- ]
der. 10.30 a. in.. "Mark; A Char-!
acter Study;" 7.30 p. m., sermon to j
men: Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m.
Bethlehem'—The Rev. J. Bradlev!
Markward. 10.30 a. m„ "The Most of
Life;" 7.30 p. m., "The Cynic's Ques
tion:" Sunday school. 1.45 p. m.:
Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. in.
Market Street The Rev. \V. H. i
Dallmau; 10..10 a. m.. "The Grand Cor
relates of Life"; 7.30 p. m.. 'The Uni
versal Brotherhood "; Sunday school.
11.30 a. m.; young people's meeting,
6.30 p. m.
Tabernacle—The Rev. J. Wallace
Green. 10.30 a. m. sermon bv the
Rev. W. H. Gotwald, D. D., of Phila
delphia; 7.30 p. m.. by pastor. "The
Play of Memory"; 11.30 a. m.. young I
people's meeting, 6.30 p. m.
First—The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10.30 |
H. m., "The Necessary Essential"; 7.30 i
I>. m., "Balancing Life's Ledger "; Sun
day school, 11.30 a. m.
_ Second.—The Rev. Albert Josia'h I
Green. 10.30 a. ni., preaching. 7.30 j
p. m.. "The Silent Witness"; Stindav;
school. 12 m.; R. Y. P. U„ 6 p. m.;
special preperations are made for the
Lord's day services.
West End—The Rev. W. W. Clip
pi nger. The Rev. W. H. Gotwald. D. D
will preach at 7.30 p. in.; Sunday
nchool, 10.30 a. m.; young people's
meeting 6.45 p. m.
St. Paul's —The Rev. E. Luther Cun
ningham. 10.30 a. m.. "Our Unsub
dued Possessions"; 7.30 p. in., cove
nant meeting and communion; Sun
day school, 12 in.
Nagle Street—The Re\. C. S. Rice
will preach at 10.30 a m. and 7.30
)>. m.: Sunday school, 1.30 p. ni.; C .E..
6.45 p. m.
Fourth Street—The Rev. William N.
Yates. 10.30 a. in.. "Where the Sin
ner Must Go"; 7.30 p. m., "Where
the Sinner May Go"; revival prayer
service. 10 a. m.; Sunday school ] 40
p. m.; Jr. C E., 3 p. 111.; Sr. and Int.
C. E., 6.30 p. m.
Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. W
Getz. Sunday school. 9.30 a. m.; Jr!
c. E., 6.15 p. m.: Sr. c. K., fi.45 p . m .
7.30 p. m., "A Trumpet Call."
Green Street—The Rev. C. H. Grove;
10.30 a. in., service and special sermon
for old people; 7 p. m., communion:'
Sunday school, 2 p. m.; rally dav and
cradle roll service, 2.30 p. ni„ address I
by Miss L. <). Forney; C. E„ 6.30 p m '
Maclay Street—The Rev. Jay C. i
Forncrook; preaching. 11 a. m." and,
7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 9.45 a. in."
<'. K., 6.30 p. in.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
The Rev. William 11. Worrall. 10.45
ii. m. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school,
;i.4. r > a. ni. Saturday evening prayer
service, 7.45. Tuesday evening prayer
service, 7.45. Annual missionary con
\ention, beginning Januarj- 15, 7.45,
end closing January 18; afternoon
meetings, 2.30.
Church of the Brethren—The Rev
Mr. Bright, from Ohio, will preach at
1 I a. ni. and 7.30 p. m .; Sunday
school, 10 a. 111.; Christian Workers.
k.30 p. ni. Mission Sunday school'
Fourth and Macltfy streets, 3.15 p in
St. Paul's—The Rev. H. B. Pulsifer. I
Marietta, Pa., in charge. Morning 1
| prayer, sermon and holy communion
| at 11; Sunday school at 2.30; evening,
I prayer and sermon at 7.30.
| St. Augustine's—The Rev. W. Bur
i ton .Suthem, Jr. 11, a. ni., morning
! prayer.' litany and sermon; 12.30 p. m..
i Sunday school.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. (
I Sawyer. 8 a. in., holy communion;
1 '1 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; j
I - p. m., Sunday school: 7.30 p. in.. I
I evening prayer, followed by a.cantata.
! "The Story of Bethlehem."
I St. Andrew's—The Rev. James F.j
| Bullitt; morning prayer, ante-com
| munion and sermon, 10.30; Sunday J
school, 1?: evening prayer and sermon, j
1 7.30. The monthly children's service!
| wilt not be held.
Mt. £alvary, Camp Hill —The Rev. j
jO. H. m-idgman; Sunday school. 9.15: 1
1 morning prayer and sermon, 10.30. j
j St. Chrysostom's, New Market —The
I Rev. O. H. Bridginan; Sunday school,'
|2; evening prayer and sermon, 3.30. )
i Harris Street—The Rev. G. F. •
Schaum. 10.30 a. m., "An Efficient'
I Church; What Is the Evidence?"; 2
; p. m., Sunday school: 6.40 p. m., C. E.;
j 7.30 p. m., evangelistic service. "How j
| Much Owest Thou?"
Park Street—The Rev. J. R. Sellers. 1
Preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.JTO p. m.;
; Sunday school. 9.30 a. m.; Jr. C. E„
6 p. m.; C. E. prayer meeting, 6.30
p. m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist— |
Board of Trade llall, Sunday, 11a. m. j
! and 7.30 p. m.. subject, "Sacrament." '
j Testimonial meeting, Wednesday, 8 j
I p. m. Free Reading Rooms, 103 North
Second street. 1.30 to 5 p. m. daily,
j also Monday and Saturday evenings.
Pine Street—The Rev. H. B. King,
! pastor of Calvary Church. Willi
I preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;j
Sunday school, junior department at;
! 1.30, senior department at 1.40 p. m.: ,
C. E., 6.45 p. m.
' Calvary—The Rev. Harry B. King; j
(preaching, 10.15 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., I
Iby the Rev. W. J. Campbell, State 1
I secretary V. M. C. A.: Sunday school,!
19 a. m.; C. E.. 6.30 p. m.
Capital Street —The Rev. Thomas j
H. Amos: preaching. 10.45 a. m. and j
7.30 p. 111.: Sunday school, 12.30 p. m.;
C. E.. 7 p. 111.
Olivet—The Rev. Francis H. Laird: |
10.30 a. ni., sacrament of the Lord's!
ISutfper will lie administered, new
j members will be publicly received into
Church fellowship, children may IK- I
j presented for baptism; 7.50 p. m.. 1
1 "The Favorite Sung"; Sunday school, j
2 p. 111.: C. E.. 6.30 p. m.
| Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur-!
1 lis: 10.30 a. m.. "Extinguishing the
j Spirit": 7.30 p. m., "Where Responsl
! hility Rests": Sunday school, 1.45!
j p. m.: C. E„ 6.45 p. m.
| Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer. j
I The sacrament of tlM> Lord's Supper j
j will be adininisteren in connection
! with the morning service at 10.30.
There will be a short sermon on
] "Jesus Only." In the evening at 7.30 I
■ the subject will be "No Man Cared
! For My Soul." Sunday school, 2 p. m.: i
I Christian Endeavor, 6.15 p. m.
j Fifth Street —The Rev. B. H. Hart.
I Praise meeting. 9.50 a. m.: morning!
i sermon at 10.30. subject, "The Selfish]
Argument for Service;' Sunday school. !
2 p. m.; Junior League. 3 p. ni.; Ep
worth League, 6.30 p. m.; evangelistic
I services, with choir of fifty voices, at j
j 7.30. subject, "The Tragedy of Frus- j
I trating the Grace of God."
Ridge Avenue —The Rev. J. H 1
j Daughcrty. 10.30 a. m., "A Neglected!
• Means of Grace"; 7.30 p. 111.. "A Start-)
I ling Announcement"; Sunday school,
j 2 p. 111.; class meeting, 9 a. in.; Ep-1
: worth League, 6.30 p. m.
| Epworth The Rev. Frank W.
j Leldy, D. D.: 10.30 a. m. sermon by
the Rev. A. G. Boyles; 7.30 p. m. ser- i
mon by the Rev. Dr. S. C. Swallow;!
Sunday school, 2 p. m.: Junior Ep-)
worth League, 3 p. m.; Epworth
League, 6.30 p. m.
' Stevens Memorial —The Rev. Clay-1
(ton Albert Smucker. D. D.: 10.30 a. ni., j
"The Face of Jesus Christ": 7.30 p. m.. 1
! "Fractional Folk": class meeting, 9.30
а. m.; Sunday school. 2 p. m.: Senior
and Intermediate Epworth Leagues. -
б.30 p. m.
Grace —The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D.; i
'preaching, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m., |
by the Rev. M. W. Prince, D. D., late
professor in Dickinson College; class
meetipg, 9.30 a. m.; Sunday school and
j Men's Bible Class, 1.45 p. m.; Ep
jworth League, 6.45 p. ni.
j Curtin Heights The Rev. A. S.
j Williams; 10.30 111., "Come Down
| From the Cross": 7.30 p. in., "Method-
I ism's Theological Ideal"; class meet
ling and Junior League. 9.30 a. m.;!
;Sunday school. 2 p. m.; Epworth ser
j vice. 6.30 p. m.
Harris—The Rev. I. B. Turner; j
preaching, 10.45 a. m„ by the Rev. J.
Harvey Anderson. D. D.. who will also
conduct communion service at 8 p. m.: 1
Sunday school, 1.30 p. m.; C. E., 6.30
p. m.
St. Paul s The Rev. Robert W.!
RunLyan; 10.30 a. m.. "The Peace of:
God": 7.30 p. m., "Confession of Sin,"!
revival service: Sunday school and
Men's Bible Class, 1.4p p. m.; Ep
worth League. 6.45 p. m.
Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper,
D. 1).: 10.30 a. 111., "The Battle is the
Lord's": 7.30 p. m., "God's Call to the
Unsaved": Sunday school, 1 p. m.:
C. E.. 6.30 p. 111.: evangelistic services,
3 p. m.
Deny Street —The Rev. J. A. Lyter.
I). I).: 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., pub
lic worship and sermon: Sunday!
school, 2 p. m.: C. E.. 6.30 p. m.
St. Paul's, Wormleysburg The
Rev. G. B. Renshaw; preaching, 10.45
ii. 111. and 7.30 p. m.: Sunday school.
9.30 p. 111.: Junior C. E., 5.45 p. m.; i
Senior C. E„ 6.30 p. m.
Sixth Street—The Rev. P. H. Bals
baugh: praise service, 9.45 a. in.: Sun-i
day school. 1.45 p. m.: Junior C. E.,
(5.45 p. in.: Senior C. E.. 6.30 p. m.: j
worship, 10.30 a. m. The Rev. B.
I Sait7.man will preach at all services.
J First—The Rev. J. T. Spangler;
1 10.30 a. m., "The Church's Supreme!
.Program"; 7.30 p. m., "An Evangel-1
istlc Program": Sunday school, 1.45 I
p. 111.; C. E., 6.45 p. m.
Otterhein The Rev. S. Edwin 1
Rupp; 10.30 a. m.. communion service: I
7.30 p. m„ "Father's Good Gilts": Sun- |
day school, 2 p. m.; C. E., 6.30 p. m.
A meeting for men only will be
held under the auspices of the Young
Men's Christian Association to-morrow
afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The speaker
will be the Rev. Edwin E. Curtis, pas- 1
tor of the Westminster Presbyterian
Church. He will deliver an evange- ,
•listic address that will have to do- with
"Salvation and Service." Doors will
open at 3 o'clock. A song service will
be under the leadership of the asso-j
elation chorister. W. H. Kautz.
! Rev. Edwin McCord Mnlock Is
Presented With Token
of Remembrance
Members of the James Boyd Men's
Bible Class, organized at Paxton
I Church by the Rev. Edwin McCord
Mulock. last night gave a farewell
dinner to Mr. Mulock, who leaves for
| a charge at Ypsilantl. Mich., this
I month, it being the largest gathering
ever held by tlje class, which Includes
| many of the men of Paxtang. The
! dinner was held in the Sunday school
; room of the historic church and W.
G. Dickman. the president of the class,
presented Mr. Mulock with a (fold and
platinum chain and poeketknife on be
-1 half of the members of the class. Mr.
Mulock made a feeling response, in
which he expressed his great regret
■at the severance of the ties which
! bound him to the church and es
! peclally at leaving the Bible class
i which he had organized.
Several members of the class voiced
their sorrow at the retirement of Mr.
I Mulock both as teacher, pastor and
; neighbor, the speakers including How
! ard A. Rutherford. H. L. Holmes, Sr.,
Dr. D. I. Rutherford. J. A. Rose,
County Treasurer A. H. Bailev. W. S.
I Kunkle and F. H. Squires. The latter
j lived for a time in the city where
Mr. Mulock will make his home and
told the class what it was like. H. A.
Rutherford's remarks brought out the
interesting fact that Paxton Church is
j probably the second oldest churcfi
building in the eastern United States
and gave incidents in the pastorate of
the thirteen men who have filled the
pulpit from the days of "Fighting Par.
son" John Elder of Colonial davs. He
also referred to the fact that three
pastors served over thirty years. Par
| son Elder's term being over flftv-two
| years.
The dinner was served at a table
I in the form of a St. Andrew's cross
; and decorated with red and white
carnations. About sixty were present,
j including members of families who
I have attended Paxton Church for gen
! erations.
| Officers of the rlass are; Teacher,
the Rev. Mr. Mulock; .president, W.
G. Dickman; vice-president, J. E.
i Rutherford: secretary. H. W. Crouse;
[ treasurer, Edward Davis, and libra
; rian, Harry Fitting. #
j Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer;
; holy communion services, 10.30 p. 111.;
i evening' services. 7.30: Sunday school.
, 1.30 p. m.: young people's service, 6.45
i p. 111.
j Second—The Rev. Harry Nelson
Bassler; 10.3n a. 111.. holy com 111 union;
7.30 p. ni., communion sermon; S*n
| day school. 1.45 p. m.; C. 10.. 6.30 p. m.
Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles
May: 10.45 a. in., holy communion;
7.30 p. 111.. holy communion and ser
imon; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.: Hei
| delberg C. E.. 6.30 p. 111.
| St. John's—The Rev. G. W. Hart
. man: communion. 11 a. m. and 7.30
p. m.: Sunday school, 9.45 a. 111.; C. E.,
6.30 p. m.
St. Matthew's, Enola The Rev.
iW. R. llartzell; preaching, 10.45 a. m.;
! preparatory service, 7.30 p. m.; Sun
j day school, 9.45 a. ni.
State Street The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier; 10.45 a. m„ "Persistent Well
doing"; 7.30 p. m., "How Shall We
Escape?" Sunday school. 9.3f a. m.;
Junior C. E„ 6 p. m.; C. E„ 6.30 p. m.
Many people last night heard the
i Rev. John illiam Minges, the evan-
I gelist, at Fourth Street Church of
Christ, preach on "The Wisest Man
jin Harrisburg." The song service was
j led by Mr. Rockwell. Mrs. Minges
! song a solo.
To-morrow's "Pleasant Sunday Aft
j ernoon" of the Allison Hill "Men's
j Christian Association will be featured
with an address by E. F. Weaver.
| chairman of the devotional committee
jof the association and one of the
leading spirits in that organizations
I work. Mr. Weaver s talk will be of
{an evangelistic character. He is su
i perintendent of the primarv depart
ment of the Derry Street United
! Brethren Church and is also an officer
| of the Dauphin County Sabbath School
! Association.
Revival services which will last two I
weeks will start in the Brethren in |
; Crust Chapel to-morrow evening at
7.30 o'clock. Elder Lafayette Shultz,
of Canada, will conduct the services.
The Rev. H. H. Gotwald, D. D,, of
Philadelphia, will preach in the morn
ing at the Tabernacle Baptist Church
j and in the evening at the West End
Baptist Church.
At the St. Paul's Episcopal Church
the Rev. H. B. Pulsifer. of Marietta,
! will preach both sermons.
Frank Hoffman Gets
Golden Eagle Jewel
Frank C. Hoffman, past grand chief
ol the Knights of the Golden Eagle,
was honored at a banquet held bv
representatives from inanv parts of
the State at the Hotel Dauphin last
night. Mr. Hoffman was presented
with a gold jewel mounted with the
monogram of the order.
The presentation was made bv
i Thomas Tubler. of Reading. Ira P
! Bixler, the present grand chief, acted
as toastmaster and called upon the
guest of honor and many others for
short speeches.
Among the visitors were Supreme
Chief John P. Shappell and Supreme
j Vice-Cliief John W. Ford, of Phila
delphia; Supreme Master of Records
John B. Trlbler, Baltimore; R. H. Cut
lift", Boston, and D. L. Gallagher.
Philadelphia, grand master of record.4
of Pennsylvania.
Colombia Not Likely to
Get Big Sum From U. S.
By Atsociatfd Prtss
Washington, D. C\, Jan. 10.—State
Department officials said to-day that
j while material progress was being
I made In effecting a settlement with
I Colombia over the partition of Pan
! ama, probably by the payment of a
! cash indemnity, yet that reports that
1 a treaty had been drafted fixing the
! sum at $25,000,000 were entirely un
warranted and that no understanding
had been reporte das to the sum Co
lombia might receive.
IJy Associated Prtss
Washington. D. C., Jan. 10.—Chair
man Elliott, of the New York, New
Haven and Hartford board, and Attor
ney General Mcßeynolds resumed con
ference to-day in an elTort to reach an
agreement for reorganization of the
1 road.
I BUM new
t State Fire Marshal Says That They
Should Be Eliminated
by Managers
|l . . j
| ; Plain Remarks on the Subject by 1
i j the Chief Prober of
State Fire Marshal Joseph L. Bald-!
win has called upon the producers j
of moving picture films and the mar,-I
agers of "movie" show places to re- I
fuse to make any displays of tllms:
which contain views of firebugs at!
work or which have any suggestions '
of incendiarism. He says the idea is !
had and as much care should he ;
shown in excluding such films as
those which suggest robbery or mur- j
"The advancement in methods of j
educating the public in subjects in
which they are interested is mani- |
fested by the great number of moving 1
picture exhibits now used pertaining
to health, safety, agricultural im
provement and in the crusade being j
made for fire prevention." said he to
day. "The latter is a topic that is
of equal importance to a community
as Is its health, as it means above all,
cleanliness, carefulness and not only
the preservation of property, but
also the pervention of loss of life.
Moving pictures amuse, educate and
interest the public and are growing
more and more in use and care should
be insisted upon that in their produc
tion no subject be permitted that will
appeal to the evil minded. Promoters
should not be allowed to produce or
display any picture showing the In
cendiary about to set off any device
to cause a fire in a building or to
make display of any of the various
means knotvn to be used by firebugs.
Such pictures appeal to children and
the unscrupulous, as everyone
knows, and th» ideas depicted should
not have anything harmful."
Body of General Buckner
Is Taken to Frankfort, Ky.
By Associated Press
l.ouisville, Ky..Jan. 10. —The funeral
train bearing the body of General
Simon Bolivar Buckner, who died at
his home. "Glen Lily," near Munford
ville, Thursday night, arrived here at
noon to-day on its way to Frankfort,
where burial will take place late tA
day. In Louisville the funeral party,
including the late General's relatives
and friends from his home town, were
joined* by tlxe pallbearers and repre
sentatives of several military, histor
ical and civic organizations.
The list of pallbearers comprises
many persons prominent in military
and political circles from various parts
of the country, who were intimate
friends of the last surviving lieutenant
general of the Confederate army.
Services at the gr~ve in Frankfort
will be conducted by ihe Rev. Dr. J. C.
Minnigerode and the Rev. Dr. Charles
Ewell Craik, both of Louisville.
Lykens Young Woman Taken
to Hospital For Operation
Special to The Tclegrafli
Lykens, Pa., Jan. 10. Miss Mar
garet M. Young, one of Lykens - most
prominent young women, was taken
to the Jlodico-Chl Hospital where she
underwent an abdominal operation
yesterday for a cancerous tumor. The
latest reports were that her condition
was very serious. Miss Young is liv
ing with her mother and brother Wal
ter. and is prominent Sunday school
and church worker.
By .Associated Press
Concord, X. H., Jan. 10.—A read
justment of freight rates on the Bos
ton and Maine Railroad, allowing an
increased rcvPnue, will be allowed by
the New Hampshire Public Service
Commission, it was announced to-day.
The commissioners say that unless in- !
creases in revenue are permitted,]
bankruptcy would seem inevitable.
( h Relief
\V(VJIr J From Night Coughs
\ \s_ liyS y Some people cannot lie down without cough
yTl ing. They suffer from night coughs, difficult
W breathing and "stuffing up" in the nose and
bronchial tubes. They need the healing
properties of the harmless, helpful herbs contained in
GofFs will relieve the "choked up" condition of the throat, loosen and
raise the phlegm and soothe and heal the inflamed membrane of the
respiratory organs. It will bring relief from night coughing and
promote restful sleep.
Perhaps you are a night-couiher. Take Golf's Cough Syrup and get relief. Golfs
is pure—made entirely from narmleas herbi; not one drop 01 grain of any injurious
drug in it. It brings freedom from all Coughs, Colds,
Bronchial afflictions, inflammation and irritation of the
throat and prevents the development of Pneumonia.
For children it is the SAFE cough syrup for Croup
Try a 25-cent bottle at our Risk. Your f T
money back by the dealer if it is not I \ f \
perfectly satisfactory. I
I •
. Good Coal Means Less Coal
Boy only good fnel find yon'll fcny lean. Good coal (ITM off heat
■teadlly and tke consumption la leaa than It would be If mixed with alate
and other Impurities which decr«u« heat value. To box our eoal la to bay
good coal. It coat* no more—try It.
Because its use will improve^^^.
the appearance of my hair Jjr
and prevent its untimely loss
Here is one New \ ear resolution that your pride, if nothing else, should make you keep. Even
aside from pride, which every one should have, the actual monetary value—in business life—of
a neat and well-kept appearance throughout the year, can hardly be overestimated. Keeping the
hair sightly is not difficult, but it requires some effort. ■
Dandruff is a contagious, hair-destroying disease. When not effectively treated it causes the H
hair to die and come out, some every day. The loss at first may not seem very alarming, but, I
unless checked, the final result is the same, a complete loss of hair. M
To preserve the hair and prevent its coining out, thousands depend upon the regular and
intelligent use of Newbro's Herpicide. The absence of the scale like accumulation called dandruff,
together with the clean, healthy condition of the hair and scalp all testify to the virtue of Herpi
cide, as a scalp prophylactic. Possibly the best evidence of the value of Newbro's Herpicide is
found in one's comb, no longer burdened with the dead hair which is constantly falling from one
head infested with dandruff.
Men, because of their greater exposure to dandruff contagion need at least a little Herpicide
almost continuously. In the case of a woman, it is her duty to make the most of her natural charms, •
and in this connection, the care and preservationof her hair is all important. As a rule, one ceases
to marvel at the great improvement that follows the use of Herpicide. Its wonderful effective
ness, indicated by the increased brilliancy, gloss and life of the hair has been proven by innumer
able users everywhere.
Herpicide is of such excellence as to commend it to persons of the greatest refinement—intel
ligence and discrimination. It contains no grease, does not dye or darken the hair and on account
of its exquisite odor is a delightful hair dressing. You arc sure to like Newbro's Herpicide, and
also recognize its unusual merit.
One application of this remarkable and well-known toilet requisite is usually sufficient to
convince the most skeptical of its great merit. A trial size bottle together with a booklet vi
telline all about the hair will lie sent to any address upon receipt of ton cents in post- X ■Xv* •«. V® 1
age or sliver. e
Newbro's Herpicide is sold everywhere in two sizes—soc ami SI.OO. . e cA c,®- 4 .•*" • •
Satisfaction Guaranteed or money returned.
Applications at the best barber shops and beauty parlors.
♦'WW 6 •••■
Kennedy's Medicine Store -
Special Agent.
New England Bankers
Favor Boston as Center
By Associated I'ress
Boston, Mass., Jan. 10.—Secretaries
SlcAdoo and Houston, the special com
mittee on reserve bank organization,
pave New England bankers a two- j
hour hearing to-day to complete the 1
presentation of their views on the ]
establishment of a regional banking
district in this section.
A New England regional reserve
district, with its center at Boston, was
favored almost unanimously by those
who appeared.
fly Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Jan. 10.—If no
more smallpox develops in the deten- i
tion camp at Delaware Breakwater for ;
sailors from the battleship Ohio, the
quarantine will be raised on January i
! 17, when all hands will return to the'
J ship. No case has developed In the j
Delaware camp since January 2.
JANUARY 10,1914.
| FREE TO YOii —MY SISTER •ring from Woman's^Allmenta! 1^
} J"iuw woman's sufferings.
I will mall, free of any charge, my keiwlml
f Biol with full Instructions to any sufferer from
f woman's ailments. 1 want to tell ill worn en about
K this cure-rot, my reader, for yourself, your
t • ••-% d ® u ß" ter j y°ur mot her, or your sister. I want to
f ' 1 tell you how to cure yourselves at home with
f • U » out the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand
i •MMfc'WS .' - I women a sufferings. What we women know (ran
' r : s'•<'' 1 MMrttte*. we know better than any doctor. 1
1 P 1 know that ray'home treatment Is safe and sure
k MllilllL-v 4 fev-JRS|i > 1 cure for laucorrtoaa or WhltliMiicharjaa, Ulceration. Oit-
I .'» 1 «rF«lli«« of th» ffontb, fnfuM. Scanty or Paiaful
% " 1 / "'Wa. Utarina or (harian Tamara. or Srowlht; olw oaina lo
kick in 4 bowalt, k*trin| iotn (1011111, nirtoainm,
\SG? # «&•- '• 4#: M iHltaf u, tha apina, malancholr. daiira to erf, hot
\ x # .£ flaalaaa, ■aariHti, kMnai. and bladdar troablai sbara cauiaf
V. '' Jr krvaaknauat pacaixr toour sex.
vXSf't J' -. < WFi aatlretr trn to prove to you that you can cure
'■ •' . yourself at home, easily, quickly anil
i''' surely. Remember, that.it arlll coal you nothing to
give the treatment a complete trial: and if you
wish to continue. It will cost you only about 12 cents a week or leas than two cents a day. It
! will not Interfere with your work or occupation. Jaat not ma roar nana and addraaa, tell me how you
suffer If you wish, and I v.ill send vou the treatment for yourcm". entirely free.in plain wrap
per, by return mall I will also send you froa of coal, my book—"WOMAN'S OWI MEDICAL ADVISER" with
explanatory Illustrations show tng whT women suffer, and how thev can easily cure themselves
I at home. Every woman should have i't, and learn to think for liaraalf. Then when the doctor says—
"You must have an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured
themselves with my home remedy. It curea ill oM *r loaif, To Mothort of Daogtlori, I will explain a
sJmple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, Green Sickness and
Painful or Irregular Menstruation in youiig Ladies, Plumpness and health always results from
its use.
Wherever yon live, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly
tell any sufferer that this Norn Traalmant reall v coroa all women's disease*, and makes women well,
strong, plump and robust. Jail tand at roar Wdriai, and the free ten day's treatment is yours, also
the book. Write to-day, as yon may not see this offer again. Address
MRS. M. SUMMERS. BexH * " Notre Dame, Ind., %t. B.A.
Announcement to die Public
F. W. REUWER—Registered Plumber
will continue business at 1928 Logan street.
I wish to thank my many patrons for their many kind or
ders and will give all future work my personal and careful at
Bell Phone 1110 L Estimates Cheerfully Given.
V *
Your Friends Smoke
Why Not You?
A smoker's delight is to find a cigar to suit his indi
vidual taste.
happy combination of quality and fragrance which satis
fies the smoker who is used to "black" cigars, as well as
the man who likes the mellow smoke.
Made by Jehn C. Herman & Co.
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