Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1914, Image 9
' SECOND SECTION. . &% FRIDAY EVENING, • P AGES9T O 6 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Go Armed Against Stomach Trouble A Start's Dyspepsia Tablet Carried In Tftrar poise or Vest Pocket Will Ekiable Toi to Always Keep Yonr Stomnoh In I/tne Dost let all sorts of stomach trou bles, dyspepsia, gastritis, mal-nutrl tion, dysentery and vertigo make life a constant torture and an ultimate failure. The man who Is going to uruo- Oeed to-day must have his body, as veil as his mind. In perfeot working order. Stuart*s Dyspepsia Tablets are a necessity to the man who would always have his body in subjection to his will. T Eat When I Will, What I Want, Be cause After Each Meal I take a litttle SUiurt's Dyspepsia Tablet," Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets furnish Just those elements—pepsin and other ingredients— that the normal stomach secretes for the digestion of food. One or two of these tablets will completely digest the heartiest meal without any aid from the stomach. At the same time they tone up and invigorate the enfeebled stomach so that it is soon in a healthy condition again. Prudent men always have a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on. hand. They make digestion certain no mat ter what or how much is eaten. Don't think because your stomach is usually all right that you don't need them. The policeman carries a revolver not because he needs it all the time, but because when he does need It, he needs It right then. When you want relief from indigestion, you want relief at once. Be armed against stomach troubles with a box of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets, 50 cents at any drug store. Successful men everywhere endorse them and rely upon them.—Advertise ment. BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—the sub stitute for calomel—are mild but sure laxative, and tlielr effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish tt brought out these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do tho good that calomel does but have no bad after effects. The don't Injure the teeth like strong liquids or calo mel. They take bold of the trouble and quickly correct It. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It Is best not to take calomel, but to let. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tahlets take Its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lasy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tahlets when you feel "loggy" and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits. At 10c and 25c per box. The Olive Tablets Company, Columbus, O. At all druggists.—Adver tisement. ITEETHI Do Yonr Teelh Need AHen'ion ? We will be glad to have you vis it our office and our honest advice will save you money and save your teeth. No charge, for examination. We make teeth that must fit and look natural and give satisfaction. Fainlese extraction included when plates are ordered. Your old plates made over or repaired. Gold or porcelain crowns, bridge work and all kinds of tilling. comfortahle offices, sani tary throughout. - Irfidy attendant. Bell Rainless Dentists 10 Itorth Market Square, Harrlsbnrg Hours: 8 a. m. to !> p. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. I ll—W I II I Ml !■■■! II—« Don't Wait Until It's Too Late Join the Christmas Savings Club At Once The time for closing will soon be «V. UNION TRUST CO. of Penna- UNION TRUST BUII,DINK —|pr Join the Joiners Hundreds Are Joining the Christmas Savings Club Every day—Be one of them* Better join at once. UNION TRUST CO. OF PENNA Union Trust Building FUIVEHAI< DIRECTOR * HARRY M. HOFFMANN < Successor to J. J. Ogelsbv) UNDERTAKER 110 NOHTH SBCOWD STREET CHARmES TO HEAR OF YULEIIDE WORK Co-operative Plant Carried With Better Results Than Ever Before • How the co-operative charitable work In the olty was developed and Increased during: " thi last ' twelve months will be embodied In the annual report of the Associated Charities that will be presented to the board of gov ernors at the annual meeting in Feb ruary. The statistics are now being oomplled. The Christmas-tide and holiday sea son work was particularly productive of splendid results; the dispensing of charity on a 00-pperatlve ac complished more effectively than ever before. The various churches, the Telegraph's Full Stocking Club, the State collegians, the Technical high school students, the various charitable and philanthropic organizations, the Sunday school classes and little pri vate clubs, all co-operated with the Charities in such a way that It is doubtful if very many small folks j were forgotten this year by Santa. One of the highest undertakings in which the Charities assisted and the proceeds of which will be handled by , this body, Is the Red Cross Christmas seal campaign. The returns of the seal sales are not yet all In but it is safe to aay that between 240,000 and 250,000 were sold. At Christmas time the Associated Charities provided the names for 655 of tlio Telegraph's stockings; to the .State collegians who organized a char ity campaign In this city, the names of forty-nine families which were pro vided with groceries; three families with coal, and fourteen with olothlng; twenty-six tickets for baskets were distributed for the American Rescue Workers, and eighteen Individuals and churches were provided with recom mendations of names for folks who needed clothing. The smaller clubs this year co-op prated more than ever befor® and In one instance the "W. W. Club," an or ganization of pretty Allison Hill girls, ranging from thirteen to flfteen years, did particularly good work. Tho girls prepared all the necessary clothing for the seven children of a widow's family, providing the things that had been suggested by the Charities. RECEPTION INVITATIONS ISSUED Mechanicsburg. Pa., Jan. 9.—lnvita tions have been issued for th© annual reception given by the Woman' Club of this place, to be held on Thursday evening, January 22, from 8 to 11 o'clock, at tho Business Men's league. A largo number of people from Me chanicsburg and out of town will he present. HAND BADDY (TT Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 9.—Miss Ruth' Garrett, Smith High street," an employe of the Blddle dry goods store, met with a serious aocldent when she fell on the porch at her home and cut her hand on a piece of broken glass. Tt was cut so deeply that: a number of stitches were re~ quired by the attending physician In dressing the wound. Semi-Annual Reductions on All Merchandise HATS SIO.OO now $7.00 SB.OO now $6.00 $7.00 now $5.00 $5.00-$6.00 now, $i1.50 $4.00 now $12.75 gjj $3.50 now $2.50 $3.00 now $2.00 Our entire stock un derwear 25% off. Gloves Reduced Clothing V 3 Off NECKWEAR $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 « Knitted and Crochet, $1.75 $2.50 and $3.50 Silks, $1.50 $1.50 and $2.00 English Crochet $1.25 $1.50 and $2.00 Silks, SI.OO SI.OO Neckwear .. 50c and 75c Neckwear, 350, 3 for SI.OO Sweaters 25% off. Semi-Annual Shirt Sale SIO.OO Silk Shirts, now $6.50 $7.00 and $6.00 Silk Shirts $4.50 $5.00 and SB.OO Scotch Silk and Wool Shirts, $3.50 $5.00 Silk Shirts, $3.50 $2.50 and $3.00 Plaited Shirts, soft and stiff. cuffs $1.50 $1.50 and $2.00 soft ami stiff cuff shirts SI.OO SIDES & SIDES Com nion weal Ih Hotel Building II .\ K HI S B l it <; YOUNG POINTS 10 mm BALANCE Says That He Will Not Draw Out the State Money All at Once, But as Needed State Treasurer Robert K. Young last night supplemented his warning to bankers that the time was coming when he would have to withdraw money of the State's general fund from all but active depositories by a statement in which he said that he did not expect to take out the money ex cept when it was absolutely necessary to meet the demands on the Treasury. He said that his warning should be understood by bankers who are ar ranging at this time for their bonds for State deposits and reiterated his fear that the balance would go very low during 1914. "I do not intend to make a whole sale call on banks for funds, but I wont to warn them," said he. "To day, for Instance, there is about three quarters of a million in the active depositories and they have given bonds for three millions, on which they are paying." It is estimated that about 225 active depositories are hit. The 100 or so in active depositories of the sinking fund, which amounts to about SBOO,OOO, are' not affected. Only those with gen eral funds are likely to be called upon. The Shrinking Balance Just how the general fund of the State, which a few years ago was over ten millions, has been shrinking be cause of the lavish legislative appro priations, is illustrated by this table of the balances at the end of eight months of 1913: May 31 $8,377,861.63 June 30 7.791,957.47 July 31 7,449,166.39 August 31 6,452,003.01 September 80 . . 5,774,299.01 - October SI 4,798,017.80 November 30 .. 6,765,497.50 December 31 . . 5,601,847.18 Tho Jump in November was due to the close of the fiscal year and the effort to break all records in receipts. Some large payments were also made in December, but this is the slack sea son in State receipts, and the balance may go down to $3,000,009. Mr. Young says: Young's View "Owing to communications from various banks during the last twenty four hours, I conclude there Is a mis apprehension on the part of some with reference to the statement given to the press yesterday by me relating to the subject of State deposits and the general condition of the Treasury. The withdrawal of State funds from inactive depositories has been a mat ter of necessity to meet the disburse ments of tho State government. It seems to have been the financial policy of the legislature for some years past, if they have a financial policy, to diminish the balance in the State Treasury by making appropriations In excess of the annual revenues. "Withdrawals from inactive deposi tories will be made from time to time only when necessary to meet the pay ments due from the State. This not a matter of policy on the part of the Treasurer, but a matter of necessity. If the revenues should exceed the pay ments, no settled plan of withdrawals from present inactive depositories will be followed. Not many years slnoe, in fact, a.t the time of the completion of the building and furnishing of the State Capitol, the balance in the gen eral fund of the Treasury was about $13,000,000. This balance has steadily decreased since that time until now it has reached the sum of about $5,000,000 or $6,000,000, varying some what from month to month. No trans fer of funds from inactive to aotive depositories has been found to be necessary during the last week and may not be necessary again for some weeks to come. My statement of yes terday was made with a view to In forming the public in general, and bankers In particular, of the diminish ing balance in the Treasurv and to state my conviction that a point may be reached during the present year when it will be necessary to carry all of the general fund In the a.ctlve de positories in order to meet current expenses." Two Pennsylvania Couples Married at Hagerstown Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 9. Miss Blanch May Westenhaver and Harper M. Snavely, a young couple from Her sliey, Pa., wore married yesterday at the parsonage of the First. Baptist Church, in this city, by the Rev. K K Thomas. Miss Pusan Wlrth, of Hershey, Pa. and Parker Stover, of Hummelstown," Pa., were married yesterday morning b , v f j2. e R ?, v - E - X- Thomas, pastor of the First Baptist Church In this city. Tied Into e Knot From Rheumatism Certain Way to Cure Rheumatism nn<l Slop l'alu* lu a Few Huura. Got a package of Tennel. Watch the clock, and in 48 hours if your pains are Are You 'lied Into a Rheumatism Kuotf Tennel Stops It In 48 Hours. not absolutely gone, banished for good so that you don't feel a twitch any where, we will agree to refund your money without question. Tennel is a marvel. It is new. It is different. It contains not a drop of opiates, habit-forming drugs, salicylic acid or alcohol. , It is a wonderful tonic, too, and gives a hearty appetite. Nothing like It has ever been produced. It is equally successful not only In rheumatism, but also in gout, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. Get a paekage of Tennel today and see the difference In 48 hours. The Tennel treatment, consisting of a bottle of Tennel at SI.OO, and a box of Tennel Capsules at fiOc, is sold under guarantee by Edward Gross. < \ M.I I'oruey, Geo. C. Potts. 001 l Keller. t=JWARK DOWN SALE —w'lich involves only new, known-quality mer chandise—which includes every suit and overcoat in our stock, black suits included—in which there are no alteration charges —in which satisfaction is guaranteed just as fully as if you paid full price—and in which former prices are quoted instead of so-called "values/* enabling you to know the actual saving H Copyright 1913 The Home otKuppenheimv of real money that is now yours. 11 I Well=meaning friends have tried Our policy of a complete clear ■ to sy npathize with us on account of ance at the end of each season is the sole ■ the "poor weather," "slack business/' and sufficient reason for this sale. You'll I etc. But the fact is that we have re- see all sorts of goods at all sorts of reduc- I corded a larger volume of business dur- tions now, but here you'll find only new, H ing the year 1913 than in any previous high-grade merchandise at the exact ■ year of our history. savings quoted below. |\ sls Suits & (19 Cn\ A: up P E NHEIMER I \ Overcoats \ Smts & Overcoat, I ■ V ™ *** VUftlO are all included in this SALE at the same ■ N.B. \ reductions from former low prices as I m I d* OA O • ■ O _|-i_ are in force on all the other good Eg I X «D ZU olllts GT CP 1 1 II \ makes which wc carr y- When you ■ ■ ray \ M Wl ■ \ can buy such fine garments as ■ ■ JDOVS X F\ ■ ABB 111 A ll I _ The House of Kuppenheimer S| I J \ Uvercoats \ produces at anything less I 1 ■ 1 111311 our re & ula >* prices, it's I I In |II AC an opportunity not to be I \ $25 Suits & s9l rA\w ked ' ,oS>y,he I MARKED DOWnN* Q \ I $3.50 Suits & Overcoats, $3 V/VCrCOaIS X \ cSs ■ $5 Suits & Overcoats.. . $4.25 \ \ I S3O Suits & CA\ I $7.50 Smts & Overcoats. .'. ... $6.25 \ flirovrmifc \ ■ SIO.OO Suits & Overcoats $8.50 \ i/vercoais w x I ~ THE LIVE Mechanicsburg Council Committees Are Appointed Special to The 'telegraph Mechanicsburg, PR., Jan. 9. — evening the first meeting: of the bor ough council for the year, following the organization, waa held and these committees were appointed: Finance, Roller, Schaub and Rich; highway, Myers, Bittinger, Adams, Fink and Ritter; ordinance. Fish, Adams, Moh ler; light, Fisher. Mohler, Fish, Mus ser and Morrette; water, Adams. Schaub, Ritter, Kaley and Bittinger; railroad, Morrette, Fink and Bit tinger; sewer and sink, Bittinger, Fish, Ritter, Mohler and Mueser; property, Fink, Kaley and Adams; public safety, Schaub, Ritter, Rich, Koller and Ka ley; pavement, Mueser, Morrette, Schaub, Fisher and Myers; Are, Rich, Myers and Koller; printing, Mohler, Fink and Fisher; poor, Kaley, Musser, Morrette, Rich and Fink; appeals, Ritter and Fisher. New Officers of Woman's Relief Corps Installed Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 9.—Yes terday afternoon the Woman's Rellerj Corps held the annual meeting and the president, Mrs. Mary A. Zlnn, in stalled the following officers: Presi dent. Mrs. Mary A. Zinn; senior vice president, Mrs. Alice Starr Hauck; junior vice-president, Mrs. S. 8. Dlehl; chaplain, Mrs. H. S. Mohler; treas urer, Mrs. L. Brieker; secretary, Mrs. Emma —. Rhinehart; conductor, Mrs. Margaret Eberly; assistant conductor, Mrs. J. Barnhill; guard, Mrs. Eliz abeth Moyer; color bearers, Mrs. Frye, Mrs. Sue Brieker. Mrs. Sheffer, Mrs. Harry Suavely; pianist, Mrs. H. S. Dlehl. SISTER S MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Jan. 9.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Erb, of West Marietta, an nounce the marriage of their sister, Miss Margaret C. Groh, to Joseph C. Moore, of lvinderhook, the ceremony being performed at Hagerstown, Aid., on Saturday, December 27. The wed ding was a complete surprise. FOR DELICATE CHILDREN l A Mother's Letter to Mothers. Mrs. E. W. Cooper, of Bloomfleld, N. J., says: "My child, seven years old, had a bad cold and was weak and quite run down in health. She had been in this condition for about six weeks when I began giving her Vinol. It was a wonderful help to the child, I reaking up her cold quickly and but.ding up her strength beside. I have also found Vinol a most excel lent tonic for keeping up the chil dren's strength during a siege of whooping cough." Vinol is a wonderful combination of two world-famed tonics—the medi cinal body building elements of cod liver oil and iron for the blood, there- I fore it is a perfectly safe medicine for children, because It is not a patent medicine, everything in it is printed on every package, so mothers may know what they are giving their little ones. Therefore we ask every mother of a weak, sickly or ailing child in this vicinity to try Vinol on our guarantee. George A. Gorgas, druggist, Harrls burg, Penna. Vinol is sold in Steel ton by T. Prowell. P. S. Our Saxo Salve is truly won derful for Eczema. We guarantee it. —Advertisement. Special After-New-Year Redactions We have a large selection of exclusive Importations In tho very finest grade of materials. For the next thirty days we will make. In tha latest styles and designs, any $35 suit for f2S| S4O suits for 930f SSO suits for $35. Style, fit and workmanship guaranteed. P. CO ' Custom Tailor 1 Fell Phone 2627 320 Herr Street ID ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN HEAD-GOLDS MD CATARRH 60- THY IS! Breathe Freely! Clears Stuffed up, Inflamed Nose and Head and Stops Catarrhal Discharge. Cures Dull Headache. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to i try It—Apply a little In the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads. at any drug store. This sweet, frag rant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swollen membranes which lines the nose, head and throat; clears th© air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake to-night struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Ca tarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith—just once—ln "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. , —Advertisement.