Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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LOST Between Hamilton and
Broad, on Second, or between Broad
and Third, fur nerk piece. Thursday
evening. Reward if returned to 1700
North Second street.
IX)ST ln Kaufman's Store, this
morning;, black leather purse, contain
ing *15.n0 In gold, $ll.OO paper money
and silver. Reward if returned to
Office of Telegraph.
H , ■■ ==*
Help Wanted —Male
product, Harrisburg anil Eastern Penn
sylvania. Mate age, experience, mar
ried »r not. also salary expectations.
J}., care of Telegraph Printing Co.
AN experienced butcher to drive m»«t
wagon; must conic weil recommended.
Apply 226 Chestnut street.
AT ONCR, tinsmith. A-pply 213 Cres
cent street. J. Lewis Knox.
BOY, about 14 or 15 years old, to
learn th" manufacturing Jewelers
trade. Must be lionest and well recom
mended. Apply to L. Kam sky, Koom
11, 28 North Third stieet.
FIRE destroyed property S. E. corner
Fifth and Kelker streets. The price
lor the plot is reduced —desirable cor
ner—size. 15x54. Bell Realty Co., Berg
lier Building.
FOR private family, experienced but
ler, also white chef, waiters# bell l>o> s
unci kitchen help. Kmploywent Bureau,
f»li North Second.
and counties west of river. Uox 1.30,
Heip Wanted —Female
A CLEAN! Christian girl to do house
work: family of three; good home. Ap
ply in person to Mrs. It. J. Slniington.
Inquire at Palmer's Store, lilghspire,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; must be
v eil recommended. Address It. NY. A.,
457, care of Telegraph.
GIRLS WANTED— Steady employ
ment and good pay. Apply at Devlne
Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., Sixteenth and
State streets.
MIDDLE-AGED, respectable woman,
who wants home. Duties are light. Call
lor particulars. 1304 Market street.
WOMAN of education and refinement,
for a position requiring energy ana
tact. Inquire Room 410, Patriot Bulld-
Help Wanted—Male and Female
Jobs. $65 to $l5O month. Harrisburg
Examinations soon. Write Immedi
ately for free list of positions now
available and Spring Examination
schedule. Franklin institute, Dept.
S6IJ, Rochester, N. Y.
Situations Wanted —Male
BY colored man, position as butler in
private family, or house man. Call, or
address. 132 Liberty street
POSITION as collector or traveling
agent. Apply 1545 Swatara street.
YOUNG man desires office position;
experienced; high school graduate; ref
erences. Apply A., 461, care of Tele-
E i'ii ph.
Situations Wanted —Female
AN experienced stenographer desires
position: lias five years' experience;
can give best reference. Address 0.,
462, care of Telegraph.
OOIiORED woman wants day's work.
Address 141- William street.
POSITION as housekeeper for respec
table widower by young woman of re
finement. or as lady's companion. Call
1845 Herr street.
WOMAN wants office cleaning, or
day's work of any kind. Call 1818 Ful
ton street.
WOMAN wishes position as cook in
private family, or general housework;
lio washing. Address A., 466, care of
YOUNG lady wishes position as
stenographer, competent and with ex
perience. Best references. Address S.,
456. care of Telegraph.
Agents Wanted
LIVE AGENTS are coining money
selling our useful articles at 100 per
cent, profit. Write to-day. The Knoble
Novelty Co.. Duquesne, Pa.
Business Opportunities
ANY Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press syndicate. <9B, Lock
port. N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In five years in the
mail order business, besan with $5
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
<ock. 555 Lockport, N. Y.
Business Personals
11. \Y, LATIIE, iiuardiUK Stable and
Nntionrl Traunfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul,
lug 11. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
_ r FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine
Jlair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell,
IS 60.
v. ith best material and by expert help,
bend us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck. 220 Woodbine street.
BIG LOT of unredeemed Overcoats
for sale and masquerade suits Cor hire.
Phono 1251 J.
Y\ ANT TO RENT, three or four rooms
furnished, or small flat, for housekeep
ing; must be good, aJno reasonable;
■will be permanent, A. J. Schumann,
General Delivery, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANT to buy established rooming
house, or rent house suitable for same;
state price anil location. Address X.,
458, care of Telegraph.
1815 Whitehall
Fronting Reservoir I'ark
A throe-story brick dwelling
Cone of a pair) with nine roorns--
bath and trunk room—steam heat.
Gas and electricity—cemented
cellar with hot and cold water
and closet.
Front bay window—front and
back porches and balcony.
Paved street and alley.
House is papered and in good
Possession in thirty days.
Lot 23.6x121 ft.
Price $4,700; part cash.
Miller Bros. & Baker
Federal Square Harrisburg
J WANTED, at once, live ton* of red
a clover hay. Address Stouiter Poultry
Farm. P. O Box 2!4. Harrisburg.
~ Wanted to Rent
„ I acres ground, more or less. Call or
write. C. O. Smith, 2115 Greenwood
. I street. Harrisburg.
Rooms For Rent
a ! FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
- tlte; all convonlences, Including phone;
- reference required. Apply 1015 North
i. I Front street.
- FURNISHED ROOM; ten minutes' to
t | center of city: gentlemen preferred.
I- [Coll at 1208 Walnut street.
Apartments For Rent
u i DKPIRABLE housekeeping apart
s,ment; four rooms, hfetli and large stor
. • age locker in basement; tiled entrance;
I bay window front; Immediate posses
sion. Apply Penna. Realty A Improve
- . ment Co., 132 Locust street.
r|l i g
Rooms Wanted
BY young couple, two rooms In nice
location, either furnlehed or unfurnlsh
■ ed, preferably in private home Can give
' A 1 references. Address R. P., It.. 460.
• care of Telegraph.
TWO OR THREE furnished rooms for
1 light housekeeping, for man. wife and
• child 5 years old. State price and lo
cation. Address P. O. Box 434, Harris
burg. Pn.
Real Estate For Sale
NO. 125 PINE STREET must be sold
> i on account of Illness l3 rooms and 3
baths city steam heat plot, 26x
105. Price greatly reduced.. Bell Realty
. Co., Bergner Building.
A VERY desirable residence located
at 220 North Fifteenth street 3-story
j brick, qontainlng 9 rooms and bath
cemented cellar gas range fur
. nace porch front and rear drive
alley on rear side entrance. Price
J attractive. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut.
BEAUTIFUL Cloverly Heights lot,
new residential section, twenty by one
; hundred fifty feet. Terms, thirty-live
dollars cash and one dollar weekly.
, Price, one hundred seventy dollars. Big
, bargain. Address 8.. 467, care of Tele
; graph.
INVESTMENT New property
brick all improvements tenants
• pay rent yielding 8.5 per cent, after
deducting taxes, water rent, Insurance.
Price, $1,700 and $2,300. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
i corner Fourth avenue and Market
• street, New Cumberland; good stable;
size of lot, 50x100 feet. Easy terms.
■Apply J. H. Reiff, Attorney, or F. C.
; Hoover.
$2,250 WILL BUY a brick house on
: Cumberland street, near Capital street.
Also Herr street brick house nine
■ rooms and bath. Price, $2,700. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
THREE-STORY brick dwelling; front
and rear porches; all Improvements;
good condition. Possession at once,
" owner leaving city. Call 1946 Green
. 1 street.
' I THE biggest, the best, the cheapest
• on Camp Hil! Heights. Call Bell phozie
20 4SL.
634 HARRIS STREET 3-story
brick and frame 9 rooms and bath—
! all Improvements—lot, 16x95. Brinton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
Real Estate For Rent f
j MECHANICSBURG. very desirable
home, centrally located, best neighbor
hood In town; all improvements and
| conveniences, including bath, he'at, ga*
I electric lights: large lawn and porches;
i j hardwood throughout; twenty minutes
: to Harrisburg; many trains and trol-
I leys every day; commutation cheap;
; rent reasonable; splendid suburban
. j home for Harrisburg business or pro
fessional man; possession April 1. Wal
ter L Houck, 321 South Market street,
j Mechanicsburg. Pa. Bell phone 121 A..
; nut street, near Fourth street, three
stories and basement, elevator service,
size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit
able for most any business or manu
facturing, in heart of business section.
Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street,
j Harrisburg, Pa.
j Large house and two acres of
land at Lawnton s">s oo
1251 Market Street.
! NEW 6-room house* with stables
| near Twenty-third street, at Edgemonti
! % mile north of Penbrook, and to cars
> j Rent. $6.00. Address G. S. Hartman, 3S
| North Twelfth street, Harrisburg, Pa. '
J THREE-STORY brick house. No. 2110
Derry street; 8 rooms and bath; all
I conveniences; back and side yards;
; most pleasant place in the East End.
Call 2102 Derry street.
23.1 BOAS, 8 rooms and bath;~all im
proveinents; immediate possession. Ap
ply 267 Cumberland street.
Real Estate Wanted
| ABOUT a 10-room house on North
I • Front or North Second street. Rent
Department, Miller Bros. & Baker, Fed
: j eral Square, Bell phone 1595.
1 I WANTED to lease, with privilege of I
buying, suburban place, two to ten
. | acres, near trolley. Full particulars
I first letter. P. O. Box 162. Camp Hill.
For Sale
! STOCK and fixtures of grocery store
, -elegant location enjoying a busi
■ neps of from $20,000 to $25,000 a year—
i rental. $35.00 —will be sold at inventory
stock will invoice approximately $2,-
' j 00i.i.00. This Is one of the best grocery
propositions in the city, Jiavlng been
- i in existence for over forty years—rea
' i son for selling, retirement. Brlnton
\ j Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
1311 five-passenger Cadillac Touring
I Car, special paint, 1914 body design,
nickel trimmings, tires new all around;
mechanical and paint condition Al. |
i Standard and extra equipment, inquire I
| 107 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. |
' KINNELL Chain Bottom Emergency ]
I Shoes and Red Tip Neversltp Emerg-
I ency Horse Shoes. Also a large line i
;of Neversllp Red Tip Calks. Beware of !
the Icy streets. Harrisburg Harness & I
Supply Co.. Corner Second and Chest- ;
{ nut.
| WESTERN PONY, fairly broke; can |
Ibe driven by lady; set of names. l -, run- i
about; ruber-tlre buggy. practically
new. Whole outfit, $160.00. Address
I Mrs. A. P. Simmers, Hoffman Apart- I
| mcnts. Fifth and Market streets.
6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar- I
anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's
largest department store building. De
nominations SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, $5,000.
For information address A. S. Wiest,
Box 72, Harrisburg. Pa.
HARDWARE and Housefurnlshlng
Store, strictly up-to-date: good estab
lished cash business, and a payor. Un
less you mean business, don't answer
this ad. Addres "Hardware," care of
Daily Telegraph.
! PEN of Black Orpingtons, cockerel
■ and four hens. Price, SIO.OO. Five White j
Orpington hens, $1.50 each. Three Sil-!
I ver Laced Wyandotte hens and cock-
I erel. $5.00. Mary E. Hartman, Marys
ville. Pa.
i ANTIQUE solid cherry, glass front,
corner cupboard, and walnut hall rack.
jAlso a set of truck automobile tools.
305 North Market street, Mechanlcs-
I burg, Pa.
For Sale
r located, established more than fifteen
years, can be purchased cheap for cash
' ? r i* 1 " 1 ? 18 to BU,t buyer. Apply Robert
A. Carl, n North Market Square.
STANDAR Edison Phonograph, ln
, eluding stand, horn, two and four
. minute attachments, and 20 records, i
I Cost S7O. Will sell for $25. Call 2180
Brookwood street. City.
THREE slightly used, 88 note. S7OO
Player Pianos. One at $395, one at
$445 and one at $495. Terms to suit.
Come see them. Winter Piano Store, 23
North Fourth street.
ONE bay horse, one roan mare, both
good animals; safe and sound; work
wherever hitched. Call, or address, G.
V. Coble. Camp Hill, R. F. D. No. 1. close
to Spangler's Mill.
CHEAP, one high-grade Peninsular
range, complete; only been used a few
. months. Reason for selling, no use for
It. 236 Woodbine street. Bell phone
2609 J.
AT GABLE'S. 111, 113 and 117 South
Second street. Redtlps, Can't Slip,
Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp
horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes.
FOUR Ell Terry clocks. Grandfath
er's clocks. Many other antique mantle
clocks. All in good condition. Some as
i low as $1.50. Call 1441 Shoop street.
] ONE Edison Phonograph, 200 records
and other equipment. Price, S2O com
plete. Cost new about SIBO. Winter
Piano .Store, 23 North Fourth street.
—— 1
..ONE font of 10 pt. and one fo*it of
12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype
Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
ELEVEN good organs. Your pick at
$5 each. Winter Piano Store, 23 North
Fourth street.
AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square,
with table. Address A.. 402. care of
POOL ROOM and Cigar Store. Ad
dress P., 465, care of Telegraph.
._ FOR SALE CAitDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office
„ WHITE French Poodle dog. Call 171
North Fifteenth street.
For Rent
FOR RENT Desirable offices In the
Telegraph Uullillnit, singly or en-sulte.
inquire at Business Office.
AVE have stable room for 7 horses at
Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. New
building—everything complete. United
Ice and Coal Co., Forster and Cowden
secured at ihe Telegraph Business
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private :ooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Pen;-". R. R.
I.\ 3-story hrlck building, rear 40#S
Market street.
Household goods In clean, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Dleuer, Jeweler, 408 Market St. |
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for j
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to S3. Wagons, 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 I
Broad street. Both phones.
MOI CY TO LOAN or Rfial Estate |
security in any amounts and upon any!
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. j
Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa.
] j
Money to Loan
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
Furniture Packing
A. H. SHRENK, 1906 North Sixth |
street, Bell phone 39'JW, experienced 1
Packer and Unpacker of i urniture, j
China and Bric-a-brac.
CLESS On Wednesday, January 7,
1914, George W. Cless, aged 45 years.
Funeral services will be held Satur
day, January 10, at 1:30 P. M., in the
Fifth Street Methodist Church, the Rev. ;
B. H. Hart officiating'. Burial Paxtang J
Cemetery. Relatives and friends are
invited to attend without further no- j
I tice. The body can be viewed this i
levelling between 7 and 9 at his late
residence, 538 Camp street.
FOLTZ On Wednesday. January 7, i
1914, Mrs. Eleanor E. Foltz, wife of
Andrew B. Foltz.
Funeral services will be held Satur
day afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, from her
residence, 114 South street. Relatives <
and friends are invited to attend the | i
services at the house. Burial private i
In the Harrisburg Cemetery.
PHARO -On Tuesday, January 6, 1914,
at Philadelphia. George W. Pharo.
Funeral services will be held Satur
day, January 10. at 10 A. M„ from the)
chapel of Hoover & Son, Undertakers, i
1413 North' Second street, the Rev. J.
Pease officiating. Burial East Harris
burg Cemetery. Body can be viewed
I at. chapel. Relatives and friends are In- |
I vited to attend without further notice, i
I Railroad men are invited to attend. !
Railroad News, please copy.
Card of Thanks
MRS. W. G. GARNER wishes to thank
her friends and neighbors for their
many kindnesses during her sad be
reavement owing to the illness and
death of her husband.
122 Susquehanna Avenue.
Knola, Pa.
WHEREAS, the lion. George Kunkel. i
| President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. j
| M. McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, of
i Oyer and Terminer and yuarter Ses
sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju-
I dlcial District, composed of the County
|of Dauphin, having issued their pre
cept, bearing date the 6th dav of De
cember, A. D. 1913, to me directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer
;and General Jail Delivery and Quarter
Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg
| for the County of Dauphin, and to com- I
inence the second Monday of January,
1914, being the 12th day of January,
11914, and to continue two. weeks.
I Notice is therefore hereby given to
: the Coroner, Justices of the Peace..Al
dermen and Constables of said County
of Dauphin that they may be then and
I there In their proper persons at 10
o'clock In the forenoon of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, exami
nations and their own remembrances,
to do those things which to their of- ]
flee appertain to be done, and those
who are bound In recognizances to
prosecute against the prisoners that
are or shall be In the ja.il of Dauphin
County be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand at Harrisburg, j
the 9th day of December. A. D. 1913,
being the one hundred and thlrtv
eighth year of Independence of the
United States.
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Pa. Decem
ber 9. 1913.
In the Dir.trlct Court of the United
States, for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No.
2597 ln the Matter of Angeio A
Boschelll, Bankrupt.
To the creditors of Angeio A. Bos
chelll, of Harrisburg, In tile County of
Prices Moved in Halting Fashion
Within Narrow Range; Bonds
Were Irregular
By Associated Press
New York. Jan. 9. Speculation was
on a reduced scale to-day, and prices
moved In a halting fashion, within a
narrow range. Although the list soon
recovered from the early depression,
the lack of recuperative power shown
by a few share prevented the general
market from making much progress up
Filing of a suit to prevent payment
of the Union Pacific extra dividend
tended to check speculation based up
on distribution of assets of Union Pa
cific and other companies. Profes
sionals, who experimented on the short
side, encountered buying orders at a
range slightly below yesterday's close,
and covered. At noon the list showed
a preponderance of small gains.
Bonds were Irregular.
Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY,
Arende Hiilldlng,
New York. Jan. 9.
Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Gold Mines . 20% 20%
Amal. Copper 71 Vi 72 V*
American Beet Sugar 24 24 \j
American Can 30 % 31%
American Can pfd. . 91% 91%
Am. C. & F 45 45
American Cotton Oil 38 89
Am. Ice Securities . . 24% 24
Am. Locomotive ... 32% 32%
American Smelting. 63% 63%
American Sugar ... 103 % 104%
Am. T. & T 118% 119
Anaconda 33% 34%
Atchison 94% 94%
Baltimore & Ohio .. 89% 89%
Bethlehem Steel ... 30% 30%
Brooklyn R. T 88% 88%
California Petroleum 23% 23%
Canadian Pacific .. 207% 207
Central Leather ... 27% 28%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 60% 60%
C. M, & St. P 100% 100%
Chlno Con. Copper .38% 38%
Col. F. &• 1 3 0 30%
Corn Products .... 9 % 9 %
Erie 28% 28%
General Electric Co. 140% 141
Goodrich, B. F. pfd. 82% 83
Great Nor. pfd 125% 125%
Tnterboro-Met 60% 60%
Lehigh Valley 149% 150
Missouri Pacific .... 24% 26%
New York Central . 90% 89%
N. Y„ X. H. &H. .. 75% 76%
Norfolk & Western. 100 100%
N. Pac. x d 1% ... 109% 110
Penna. R. R 109% 110%
People's Gas & Coke 124 124
Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 87% 87%
Pressed Steel Car .. 27% 27%
Ray Con Copper ... 18 18
Reading 169% 169%
Rep. Iron & Steel 20 20
Rock Island 13 12%
Rock Island pfd. .. 19% 19%
Southern Pacific ... 91% 91%
Southern Railway . 23% 24%
Southern Ry. pfd. . 76% 77%
Tennessee Copper . 32% 32%
Texas & Pacific .... 14 15%
Texas Company ... 135 1 36%
Union Pacific 156% 157%
U. S. Steel 58% 59%
Utah Copper 49% 49%
Va. Caro. Chem. .. 30 30%
! Wabash 2 % 2 %
I Wabash pfd 8% - 9
AVestern Union Tel.. 59 59 %
I Westinghouse Mfg.. 66 66%
Woolworth 94% 94%
Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY,
Arcade Hull dine
Chicago, 111., Jan. 9.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
May 91% 91% 91'4 91%
July .... 81 81 % 86' *8 87 %
May 65 % 65% 64% 65
July 63% 64% 63' i 64%
May 391 4 :;9= t 39 39%
July 38 % 38% 38«,« 38%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia. Jan. 9. Wheat
Steady: No. 2, red, export elevator, 93%
| W94c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export,
; 98M199C.
j Corn Steady; new. No. 2, yellow,
I natural, local, 68%@69%c; do., kiln
; dried, local, local, 70@71c.
Oats—Steady; No. 2, white,
Bran Market firm; winter, per
j lon, $26.00®f>26.50; spring, per ton,
| $26.00#25.76.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
! powdered, 4.15 c; line granulated, 4.05 c;
1 confectioners' A, 3.95 c; Keystone, A,
3.95 c.
Butter The market is lower;
western, creamery, extras, 38c; nearby
prints, fancy, 39c.
Eggs The market is lower;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases. $9.60 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $9.45 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free case 3, $9.60
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.45
per case.
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16#
17c; young chickens, 15@>17c;
broiling chickens, 15 H© 17c; old roost
ers, 12®13c; ducks, do., spring
ducks, 16@17c; geese, 15@17e; turkeys,
I 17® 19c.
Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 18c; do.,
medium sizes, 15ffil8e: do., light
weights, 12@14c; old roosters, lac;
roasting chickens,fancy. 19fti 19 </,c \ broil
ing chickens, fancy, 20@23c; do., fair
14@16c; turkeys, fancy, 2S@2sc; do.,
common. 18®20c; ducks, ll©19c; geese
11018 c.
Potatoes —Firmer; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 83<&' 85c; New York, per bushel,
786'80c; Jersey, per basket, 20©50 c. I
! Flour —The market is steady; winter,
clear. $3.75<&4.U0; straights, Penn
sylvania, $4.15@4.30; western, $4.25®
4.50; patents, $4.50&4.85; Kansas,
traight, Jute sacks, $4.10®4.30; spring,
1 sts, clear $4.005>4.20; straight,s4.2u it
4.40; patents. $4.5004.66.
Hay The market is firm; tim
othy. No. 1, large bales. $18.60® 19.00;
No. 1, medium bales, $ 18.00® 18.50; No.
2, $ 17.00(R) 17.50; No. 3. $1 I.oo® 15.00.
Clover mixed: Light, mixed, $17.00®
17.50; No. 1, $16.00® 16.50; No. 2, $14.50
® 15.50.
By Associated Press
I Chicago, HI.. Jan. 9. Hogs Re
i ceipts, 20,000; strong. Bulk of sales,
|8.20®8.36; light. $8.00®8.30; mixed,
$8.00®8.60; heavy, $8.00®8.40; rough,
$8.00®8.10; pigs, $6.75@8.10.
| Cattle Receipts. 2,000; steady.
Beeves, $6.75®9.40; Texas steers. $6.90
@8.00; stockers and feeders. $5.00®7.46;
cows and heifers, $3.50@8.40; calves,
$7.50® 11.50.
Sheep Receipts, 12,000; slow. Na
tive. $1.90®6.20: yearlings, $6.00®".1b,
lambs, native, $6.85®8.35.
Legal Notices.
Dauphin, and district aforesaid, a bank,
NOTICE is hereby given that on the
2d day of January, A. D. 1914, the said
bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such;
and that the first meeting of his credi
tors will be held at the office of the
lteferee, 5 and 7 North Third street,
Harrisburg, Pa., on the 19th day of
] January. A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M„
i al which time the said creditors may
| attend, prove their claims, appoint a
I Trustee, examine the bankrupt and
transact such other buslnesu as may
i properly come before said meeting.
Referee In Bankruptcy.
January 9, 1914.
THE Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders for the election of Directors
for the ensuing year, and such other
business as may properly come before
(•aid meeting, will be held In the Di
rectors' Room, Commonwealth Trust
Company, 222 Market Street. Harris
burg. Po., on Tuesuay, January 27, 1914,
at 2 o'clock P. M.
December 26. 1913.
Superintendent William B. Mc-
Caleb in Conference
This Morning
I Batter train facilities and additional
[ I bridge Improvements were urged by
members of the Lancaster Chamber of
Commerce at a conference with Super
• intendent William B. McCaleb, of the
I Philadelphia Division, at Ijincaster,
this morning.
For some time the l-ancaster Cham
ber of Commerce lias been active In a
movement ior a new passenger station,
but that Is said to be an improvement
In the distant future. The Lancaster
folks, however, want an early morning
train to stop at Lancaster. According
to the present schedule Ijancaiter peo
ple cannot get to Philadelphia before
9 o'clockTn the morning without leav
ing Lancaster at 2 a. m.
Mayor Frank B. McClaln, as spokes
man for the Lancaster committee, will
ask that the train arriving at Lancas
ter at 5 a. m. be allowed to stop at
Lancaster. Four trains pass around
the cut-off after 3 a. in., and
It is the purpose to have one of these
trains go through the city. A request
will also be made for an overhead
bridge over the Pennsylvania Railroad
tracks at the College avenue exten
Engine Ituun Away. Hagerstown,
Md., Jan. 9. Jumping the track on
the Western Maryland Railroad while
a freight, train was climbing the moun
tain »toward Pen-Mar, an engine broke
loose and plunged down a steep em
bankment nearly turning over. The en
gineer and fireman escaped injury by
Itnllfin Crushed to Death. Hagers
town, Md., Jan. 9. An Italian work
man employed at the construction
camp of P. McManus. on the West Vir
ginia side of the Potomac river ot
Powell's Bend, where the new Cum
berland Valley Railroad bridge Is being
constructed across the stream, was
crushed to death when a derrick fell.
The Italian's skull was crushed.
Joseph Wood Retires. Philadel
phia, Jan. 9.—Announcement was
made to-day that Joseph Wood, first
vice-presictent of the Pennsylvania
lines west of Pittsburgh and a director
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany and other railroad corporations,
had presented his resignation as an
executive of the lines west to take ef
fect February 1. Mr. Wood's wife
died recently and he felt it imperative
that he should give up the responsi
bilities of his office. Mr. Wood if. 66
years old.
William Zeller, aged 74 years, a re
tired Reading Railway supervisor, died
at Reading yesterday.
Harrlsburgers attended the funeral
of the late Samuel V. Martz, at Sun
bury, to-day. Trainman Martz was
killed near Sunbury on Tuesday.
W. N. Pierce, president of the Broth
erhood of Federated Hallway Employes,
has returned to Altoona.
Announcement was made yeßterday,
at Altoona, of the marriage of J. Ed
ward Decker, of the Pennsylvania Rail
road freight department, to Miss Mar
garet Peters, of Hollidaysburg, on De
cember 20.
Standing of the Crews
I'hilailelpblu Division— l 29 crew first
to go after 12:50 p. m.: 117, 126, 130, 101,
123, 125, 106, 120, 101, 113, 119, 107, 108.
Engineers for 103, 104, 118.
Firemen for 107, 118, 119, 129.
Conductors for 106, 118.
Flagmen for 104, 107. 11S, 1225.
Brakemen for 119, 120, 123, 126.
Engineers up: Newcomer, Keane,
StetTy, May. Speas, Walker. Hogcntog
ler, Gray, Grass, Dolby, Sober, Sellers,
Selfert, Hubler, Simmons, McCauley,
Firemen up: Winters, Neuliauser,
Achey, Shive, Layman, Gillums, Ten
nant, Hartz, Klineyoung, Welsh, Deit
rich, Winand, Emriek, Neidinger. .
Conductors up; J. C. Ropp, J. H. My
Flagmen up: Umholtz, Buyer, Hart
Brakemen up: Sliope, Hill, Huston,
Mumma, Dengler, Simons, Baltozer,
Gilbert, Brambridge. Murray, Brown,
Dowhower, Wynn Cox, Busser, Neff,
Collins, llogentogier, Carrol.
Middle Division —l 7 crew first to go
after 1:30 p. m.: 22, 23.
Marysville: 8, 2, 1.
Engineer for 1.
Conductors for 8, 23.
Flagman for 1.
Brakeman for 17.
Engineers up: Howard, Bowers. Al
bright. Bennett, Ulsli, Havens, Hum
mer, Tetternian. Free, Garman, Kauff
man, Knisley, Clouser.
Firemen up: Stober, Dysinger, C. E.
Miller, Lilian, Masterson, Reeder. Par
sons, Kepner, Rapp, Rupp, Kline.
Hoover. S. S. Hoffman, Mumper, Whlte
sel. Gunderman, M. W. 'A. Hoffman,
Paul. K<ihr, Wagner, Shettel, Knauh,
HolTman, Henderson, Murray, Bruker.
Broselmann, Beisel.
Conductors up: Wenrlck, fagan.
Brakemen up: Murray, Walmer,
Shearer, Durr, Borhman, Monmiller.
Dare, A. M. Myers, Harner, Foltz, Mus
sor, Edwards, Melllnger, Quay, Scher
ick, Klmberling, Eley, Elcnelg, Walk,
Kistler, Stall 1, Delhi, Putt, Blessing.
A nr<l Crews— To go after I p. m,:
Engineers for 2800, 574. 1758, 14,
Firemen for 1816, 1270.
Engineers up: Blosser, Mallaby,
Rodgers, J. R. Snyder. Loy, Rudy,
Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab, Sallzman,
Kiihn, Pelton. Shaver, Landis, Harter.
Die ver
Legal Notices
NOTICE Letters of Administration
d. b n. c. t. a. on the Estate of Reglna
C Mitchell, late of Harrisburg, Pa., de
ceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims
will present them for settlement.
Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a.
NOTICE The annual meeting of
the Stockholders of the State Capital
Savings and lrfian Association will be
held at the office of the Association,
No 108 North Second street. Harris
burg. Pa., Monday. January 26, at 11
o'clock A. M.. for the general transac
tion of business.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore subsisting be
tween Frank W. Reuwer and Ross
O'Brine. under the firm name of
Reuwer and O'Brine. was dissolved on
the 2d day of January, 1914, by mutual
NOTICE Is hereby given that. C. E.
Keys will not be responsible for d«bts
or "bills contracted by the wife, Mrs.
Nellie Mac Keys.
(Signed) C. E. KEYS.
THE funeral of Brother George W.
Cless, a member of Harrisburg Lodge,
No. 383, Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen. will be held to-morrow
(SATURDAY) afternoon, at 1 o'clock.
Members are requested to meat at his
late residence, No. 5.38 Camp street, at
the above hour and proceed to the Fifth
Street Methodist Cl.urch, where services
will be held.
Members of all sister lodges are cor
dially Invited to attend the service.
Burial will be made In the Paxtang
Transportation, by street car, will be
Attest: — President.
' ,V p: JP alr - Eyde, Keever, I
k <T.^ PP '.? al ? r, « Ford ' Klearner, Craw-;
I . , ost 4 or ' SchUfor. Kauch,
' if ack *y. Cookerley, Maeyer, 1
■ ' Shea'"' eU ' ° e "y. Har t. Barker,
I D,v, »*®-— ~ 01 crew first
I ln»*«K p - m ' ; 238 > 23S - 20s . 216.
1 203, 238, 217, 221, 234, 226, 214, 223, 240,
' Engineers for 203, 214, 223. &6
Firemen for 203, 214, 228, 225.
Conductors for 208, 233.
I 940 men /or J23, 226, MB - 8M > 23B ' I
i Flagmen up: Krow, Cooper.
stfh£™ up ;, Wetzel, Galfount, 1
" p.vJf m r! ort| Albright. riurd. Hardy,
wt Der P < ? tt - I'oblnson, Wolfe,
Wbeatfle'd, Blair, Jones. Titus, i
S' Crook, May, Umberger,
w.ij. Br^ Myers,
artlt oDlviaton—llo crew first to gu
alter 2.10 p. m.: 105, 123, 115, 111, 116,
i Engineers for 105, 27.
Flrenmn for 110.
, Conductors for 123, 111
r f lagman for 115.
j Brakeman for 123.
■ »n !»'.« ?',? nivlslon—l li i-rew first 11>
go after 3:.J0 p. m.: 7, 3.
■ 59 Ji 53 t " bolind ' after 1 p ' m " : 60 - 84> r ' 7 '
- Helpers crews: fr'reed, Ferner.
Conductors up: Smith.
r ma K n nK K n e?tner UP: W ° land ' lApe ' VVlb *-
i rv ,i'l l,e f? e iJ l 'P : Anders, Moyer, Blnga
■ , ," er / Hoffman, Fulton. Ham
h„, "• S° r Js Hollenbach, Dower, Hen
■ />ohler Snarter, Stephens,
1 Bheiler. Auns|,a, h ' Kellv . Nye.
• i n ? r ® , ot , 7lt n HE : McQuade, Pagtp. Tay
i L i a^ Maxton, Sherman, Kn
l Carlln U w * r »* r . Ely. Felix,
, s**"' J ?, ver » R e *ch, Snyder, Hoover
| McHenry, r F n 4ethy ePhenß ' Kp,ey - Hess '
Steelton Dancers Are
Divided Over Virtues of
Old and Modern Steps
The fate of the tango, the turkey trot,
the hesitation and the whole crowd of
"fad" dances will be decided for Steel
ton people to-night when judges will
watch experts at these dances and ex
perts at the old waltz, two-step and
schottische and give a verdict on a
subject that has divided Steelton danc
ers into two warring camps.
; At the first annual ball of the Bald
i win Hose Company to be held in the
German Quartet Club hall judges
picked by Earl Shoop, brother of John
Shoop, chief of the fire department,
s will award prizes to the best tangoers
r and the best waltzers. A vote will
then be cast to decide the merits of
. the two dances. There will be a band
for tangos and an orchestra fur the
» By Associated Press
Superior, Wis.. Jan. 9.—The llrst
i National Bank of Superior was closed
to-day at the orders of the comptrol
ler of the currency, according to an
nouncement of President C. F. Ad
ams. The cause of the closing of the I
• institution is not definitely known.
The. bank, according to the last!
, statement, had deposits of $315,000. |
By Associated Press
> Philadelphia, Jan. 9.—According to
a statement given out to-day by the,
' Association of Bituminous Coal Op- '■
erators of Central Pennsylvania, a |
committee of that body is considering j
• the question of bringing damage suits'
against the United States Mine Work
ers of America, as an organization and
individually, for alleged violations of |
a contract existing between the op-1
erators and the union miners in the I
t Central Pennsylvania soft coal fields, j
That Irritating
r Itch —ms
| can be promptly relieved if |
you seek the right remedy. |
Your Eczema may be the 1
result of a variety of causes, f
but whatever its origin— $
whether from improper diet jl
or hereditary—there's one re- j
liable, guaranteed palliative— ES
Ex - Zema -Fo I
It is odorless, colorless and can
not stain the clothing. A pure, *
liquid preparation for outward ap- M
plication, guaranteed to give quick
and permanent relief, or money
refunded. A printed agreement
to this effect goes with every
bottle. This is the only Eczema
Remedy that is sold with such a
guarantee. Put up in 50c and SI
Jj For sAJJi by
Kellor's Drug Store, 205 Market
street; Grunden's Drug Store, 933 North
Sixth street; William F. Steever, Four
teenth and Walnut streets; John H.
Park, 621 Race street; Thompson's
Pharmacy, Sixth and Maclay streets;
ICitzmlller's Pharmacy, 1326 Derry
. street. ,
i.id others upon their own namei
Cheap rates, easy payments, confides*
> ttal
Adams A Co.. It. <O4. S .V Market «•*.
Horses For Sale
1 All in first-class condition. We
\ have more than we need for the
United Ice & Coal Co.,
Foruter and Cowden St*.
• . . •*
If legal rates and easy terms, combined with HONEST METHODS, is
J, what you are looking: for, you have found the place.
ATION. We "make good our promises. Come and see u». write
phone to
Pennsylvania Investment Company
To Worklnvmeit aad Housekeeper!
(10.00 and Upward* No Publicity
At Legal Rates
Strictly confidential. Private room for ladles.
Bell Phone 0 N. Market Sqnare Take Elmtn
j Llceaaed by the State of Pennsylvania,
17 Jewel Hamilton Watch,
with a 20-year Gold*
filled Case, on Credit.
On Easy £]£ CA $2.19 a
Payments vlvjwV Month
SPECIAL—A Pass Card Case will
be given free to every railroad man
who will cull at our office.
Now during this sale—is a splen
did opportunity to buy a fine watch.
We would like to have you call at
our store and let us put this guaran
teed 17-jewel 20-year gold-f.lled
Hamilton Watch at your inspection
for only $16.50.
Don't miss this special. Mr. Rail
road Man. We want your account.
National Watch &
Diamond Company
The Old Reliable and Original
Watch and Diamond Credit Honse.
Room 208 Bergner Building
Entrance 4 N. Third St.
i %
j A scientifically constructed
j roofless plate. Giveß lasting
J comfort and satisfaction. Hy
| glenic. Cannot be had elsewhere,
j We are the originators of Roof
less plates. Do not be deceived
by others. Come in the morning
and go home at night with a new
set that fits perfoctly.
! Plates repaired on short notice.
310 Market Street.
I • M»en Days anil Evenings.
Don't Wear Bifocal Glasses
of the old style cement kind when you
can get them ground in one piece.
Most oculists and opticians will tell
you they have to charge a certain ex
orbitant price. I can furnish you the
genuine invisible bifocals at a price
that will surprise you. If you are no v
wearing this style of lens and braa*
one let me duplicate the broken one
at a price that will make you a cus
tomer of mine In the future. Seeing
is believing. To see well Is to have
your glasses made by
! With H. C. Clastcr, 303 Marttet St.