Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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The woman never lived who put as
much faith in her husband as she
puts In the holding qualities of a step
With a pail of hot soapy suds in
one hand, a scrubbing brush in the
other, and grim determination to
conquer a fleck of dust on the picture
moulding, she will cllmh to the top
step of a ladder as wabbly and in
firm and treacherous as the more
talked of ladder by which one reaches
social distinction or fame.
Neither did any woman ever own
a step-ladder that hadn't the spread
ing qualities of a hen. A step-ladder
belonging to a nmn has a greater
stability than its owner; one belong
ing to a woman shows its utter dis
regard of her by falling apart the day
after she buys it.
Neither does any woman ever own
a step-ladder if there lives a neigh
bor within ten blocks who has one to
lend. Mrs. Lysander John Appleton
has kept house thirty years and never
owned a stepladder; she always bor
rows from her Most Tntlmate Friend.
As a result of the blind faith every
woman puts In a step-ladder, Mrs.
Appleton has brought suit against
her Most Intimate Friend for $50,000
With her arms and legs done in
plaster casts, and a bandage tied
| Broadwau |
|h Jones rii
?! ______________
| { From the Play of f\'
| { George M. Cohan jo
ll ::
}! B V So
V | Witli PkulojrspW from Seenii is the PUjr I V
■Copyright, 1013, by C. W. Dillingham Company,
Not BO unsteadily that he failed en
tirely to reach the goal Jackson tacked
across the room and found the win,
dow. His friendly escort was still evi
dently in his mind, for from the open
window he now waved a genial hand
kerchief, whispering meanwhile
Night-night," as If the hearty spirit,
which induced the words would take
them to the sidewalk ten score feet be
low. \
Having performed this sacred rite
of friendship he regained the center of
the room, looked about him as if curi
ously. and then went unsteadily to the
grand piano, upon which he placed his
elbow with a nestling search for com
fort which seemed to indicate a firm
decision to lean against the instrument
and go to sleep without delay. This
would never do, for when his slumber
became deep he would be sure to lose
his balance. Rankin saw the deep ne
cessity for rousing him from his inten
tion. i
"Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones," he urged,
tapping him upon the shoulder.
Jackson looked up, sleepily, as if as
tonished at the Interruption of his
slumbers. "Hello," he said good na
turedly, "who's there?"
I 'lt s Rankin, air," said Rankin. '
"Who's "Rankin, sir?'" The tone waa
that of tolerant curiosity to learn a to
tal stranger's unimportant identity.
"I'm the butler, sir."
I "Butler?"
' "Yes, Mr. Jones; the butler."
This seemed to rouse his master and
he looked him over with some show of
Interest "A butler!" he exclaimed In
tones of deep reproach. "Aren't you
ashamed of yourself? When you were
a little boy your mother had great
Families Are Buying
"Sunkist" Oranges
by the Box or Half-Box
Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of
ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges.
Have this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and
"between meals." Cleanest of all fruits—never touched
by bare hands. All the pickers
and packers of "Sunkist"
oranges and lemons wear
nclean, white cotton gloves. Ifta*
Ml 11 ' "Sunkist" oranges are the fin
yjkjjjj] est, juiciest oranges in the world.
Tree-ripened, fiberless. Not a seed
in "Sunkist." Buy them by the box Ofl*
Mof or half-box. That is cheaper than buy
ik&A i n £ by the dozen. They keep for weeks.
Vmsl Ask for "Sunkist" lemons— so full of juice
J- Tulf at *k ey go farther than other lemons. Try "Sun
& M kist" lemonade—hot or cold. Lemons add flavor
Hi to fish, meats and salads.
s II Get Rogers Silver with
£ 0 "Sunkist" Wrr
H| Cut the trademarks from ' range and
nU\ lemon wrappers and send them to. . coft'er27dif
ferent premiums, all Rogers A-l Standard Guaran>
jtifi'' teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design.
For this orange spoon send 12 "Sunkist" Orange or |j|
jJ iU ill« Lemon Wrappers and 6 two-cent stamps. "Red Ball" £|
( !' Ml orange and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist." j£
II If Biiy "Sunkist" Oranges and Lemons n
l| 'ijj at Your Dealer's i
In '/Jf Send your name and full address for iJQvI TOItJI
I* illy free premium sheet and Premium Club jJpyXnttf Ki
\ M Plan. Address all orders for premiums sMH
vk M/ California Fruit Growers Exchange
\jjjjjP 139 N. Clark Street, Cbieuo, ID. (148)
■, . ;T m i|«fi ~pjii i m
[across one eye, giving her the ap
pearance of wlnVing the other, she
relates the following grounds for
"For thirty years 1 have borrowed
a. step-ladder from my Most Inti
mate Friend, and though 1 broke it
the first time I borrowed it, she liaa
never apologized to nie for having
such a poor ladder to lend.
"It was so rickety when I borrowed
'it last Spring that I had to hold on
with my hands and wash the windows
with my feet. 1 have had to use it
six years upside down, and last month
when I borrowed it to stand on to
reach my preserves I found the only
way 1 could cllmp it was by'balancing
myself on my head. I have had to
become a contortionist; I have been
deluged with jam and hot suds, and
have been the target of dlshpana and
bars of soap and scrubbing brushes
thrown at me by the top round; but
I remembered that Friendship Is a
Priceless Pearl, and never complained.
"Yesterday, when I was on the top
round, the ladder spread without pre
liminary warning and landed me in
a jar of apple butter. Then I deter
mined to bring suit for damages, and
1 have decided further than that—un
less this woman gets a new step
ladder to lend, we will drive her from
the neighborhood."
hopes of you—thought yon were going
to be president of the United States,
or something like that."
Rankin bowed Impassively; he did
not deny it
"Now," said his employer with the
deepest of reproach, you've disappoint
ed everybody. You've turned out to be
nothing but a butler. You ought to be
ashamed ol yourself!"
Rankin was not offended; Instead
his air was that of triumph. "Ah, but
see who's butler I am, sir!" he ex
"Who's butler are you?" inquired
Broadway, apparently with idlest curi
"I'm your butler, sir."
"Oh, you're my butler?" This seemed
not to be especially astonishing,
though deeply interesting to the mas
ter of the house.
'Tes. sir."
Broadway looked at him with a glad
emile, then with an earnest and enthu
siastic gravity. He warmly shook his
hand. "I congratulate you, Rankin.
I'm very fond of my butler." His sen
timent rose higher and he patted Ran
kin on the cheek. "I love my little but
ler. You must come out with me some
night, Rankin."
"I should like to. sir," said Rankin
Broadway became gay, mysterious.
He looked at Rankin slyly and himself
essayed to whistle some bars of the
wedding march. "I know something
you don't know," he cried irrelevantly.
Rankin listened with respect and
close attention. His curiosity was al
most painful.
But his master did not satisfy it.
"Now I'll bid you good-night, Rankin.
Nightie, nightie!" Genially he waved
his hand at him, laughed, whistled an
other bar or two and elaborately made
the starboard tack toward the door of
hla bedroom.
Rankin made no protest; he knew
better. "When do you wish to be
called, sir?"
"Oh, that's so, I must be called," his
master granted after a second's deep
and serious thought. Then, in a deep
study; "Now, let me see—when do I
wish to be called? What day Is it,
"It's Thursday, sir."
"Thursday? Well, I tell you what
you do, Rankin. You call me on Sat
After this entirely unexpected sug
gestion to the little butler whom he
loved, he found a devious course Into
his bedroom and Rankin, after he had
watched the door close, he^rd the key
turn in the lock. He sank into a chair,
even his composure utterly destroyed.!
In the distance a church-clock
chimed. Rankin counted the slow
strokes. "Five o'clock in the morn
ing!" he said helplessly. y/
Wallace was a mid-morning visitor.
He came In briskly, inquiring of the
very much puzzled butler for the very
elegant apartment's* master.
"He's not yet up, sir."
This apparently had not the least de
terrent efTect on the young caller. He
Urged his firm athletic frame through
the short hal! into the dim illumina
tion of the flat's reception room. It
■was evident enrugh that he had no In
tention of departing, simply because
the master of the house had not yet
risen. Rankin understood that and did
not gainsay him. Wallace had his
privileges as the best friend of the ten
ant of the flat.
"Shall I tell him you are here?"
"Tea," said Wallace firmly, "and tell
him that I want to see him right away.
It's very important. Do you under
stand ?"
Rankin had already read the morn
ing's papers which were lying In a
neat pile on the table. He longed for
fuller news than theirs.
"Yes, sir." But he hesitated slight
ly. Broadway was an indulgent mas
ter—still, strange things were happen
ing; he was doubtful. "He said ha
: didn't wish to be disturbed till Satur
day, sir."
Wallace was not Impressed. "Thai
doesn't make any difference. You tell
him I want to see him."
"Yes, sir." But the perfect servant
still hesitated, filled with curiosity
about the previous night. Wallace
might enlighten him. "He didn't get
Dome until five o'clock this morning.
He attended some big dinner-party, 1
'Tes; I was there —I was there! Go
on and call him! Tell him lam wait
ing. I'm going to have a heart to heart
talk with that young man."
"Yea, sir," said the butler without
hastening, for he saw that Wallace
had picked up a paper from the neat
pile he had made of all of them npon
the table.
"Great Scott!" Wallace cried, dis
mayed. "Here it is on the front pageT"
"I beg pardon, Mr. Wallace, but is It
all true, sir?"
"The story in the morning papers,
sir, about—er—his engagement?"
"1 don't know. Someone rang me trp
and told me of it. It's what brought
me here. I want to find out if it's
true. I left the dinner at 12:30. The
engagement, I am told, was announced
shortly after I had left. Were you up
when he got home this morning?"
"Yes, sir."
"Did he talk of it at all?"
"He—couldn't talk so; very mnch,
"Tipsy V
Rankin nodded very solemnly.
"Stewed, sir."
"Did he come home alone?"
"He came In here alone, but a crowd
was serenading him upon the sidewalk
for ten minutes after he arrived. It
was the wedding march they tried to
sing. I couldn't understand why they
chose that until I read the morning's
papers, sir."
"Well, what do you think of It, Ran
Rankin shrugged his shoulders, but
did not reply. His instinctive loyalty
to his employer, his perfect knowledge
of his own proprieties prevented that.
"Oh, come on," Wallace urged. "You
can tell me. Just between us now."
[To Bo Continued.]
Father of Former Mayor and Pres
ent City Highway Com
Following a lingering illness, John
P. Fritchey, 902 North Third street,
the lirst man to run an engine over
the Northern Central Railroad and
father of ex-Mayor Fritchey and the
present highway commissioner, El
mer E. Fritchey, died last evening at
9 o'clock.
Had Mr. Fritchey lived until Jan
uary 25, he would have been 85
years old. He retired from railroad
activity several years ago after work
ing for years for the Pennsylvania
Born in Chambersburg, Air. Fritch
ey resided in this city the greater
part of his life. He married Miss#
Annie M. Moon, of Coxestown. She
died six years ago. He is survived by
the following sons:
l>r. John A. Fritchey, the former
Mayor; Elmer E. Fritchey, highwav
commissioner; Dr. C. Albert Fritchey,
of this city, and Ross H. Fritchey, of
San Francisco, and two daughters,
Miss Viola and Miss Geneva Fritchey,
at home. Mr. Fritchey was a mem
ber of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and a member of the Zion
Lutheran Church. No arrangements
for the funeral have yet been made.
Recommends More Work
in Army Aeronautics
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 9.—"lt is time to
Jump right in and catch up with the
European nations in aeronautics," says
Rear Admiral Blue, chief of the navi
gation bureau of the navy, in a recom
mendation just submitted to the House
Committee on Naval Affairs for lib
eral aviation appropriations.
"We expect to go ahead much fas
ter In the near future," the admiral
explained. "The English, French and
German nations have a great number
of machines, dirigible and heavier
than air. Situated near each other as
the European nations are one would
naturally expect them to have many
more air craft than we, and conse
quently more experience in the de
velopment of them."
Bunbury, Pa., Jan. i>.—Dr. Henry W.
Stough, evangelist, finds much diffi
culty In getting ladles to observe the
rule of "remove your hats when en
tering the tabernacle." Several ladies,
resenting the orders of ushers to re
move their hats have loft the taber
nacle In anger. Dr. St&ugh made this
tlie subject of his discourse.
i ... . ' - ■ . . - *• / ;
Announce For a Few Days
I A Clearance Sale
i ' .? ■w.
Of Ladies Waists and Underclothing
In a Great Variety and at Special Prices
THIS Clearance Sale affords saving opportunities on seasonable merchandise that
is needed just now for personal use. These opportunities are made possible be
cause of our desire to close out all broken lots and we have therefore sacrificed
| profits and made great reductions. The celebrated Vassar underwear included in
this sale is as you know the very best line of muslin underwear manufactured, and at
the prices quoted there are many bargains awaiting you.
WAISTS, 7Q f WAISTS, $1 40 WAISTS, (to oc
98c Values at ... . 1 $2.00 Values at $3.00 Values at
Made of Voile, Lawn, Linon, Batiste Made of Voile, with low neck, raj- Lingerie Waist* of Voile Net Ba
and Percale in high and low necks, lan sleeves and trimmed with pearl t ,« t . m.v, «.„/! Lw ' i,.
lonjf and short sleeves. All elzes. Very buttons. Also Silk Crepe waists with tlste and uwn, high and low necks,
latest models. Undoubtedly the great- low neck and short sleeves and lace long sleeves, some with frills and
est values we have ever given. trimmed. All sizes. others lace trimmed.
Chiffon Blouses, . . QQ Fur Trimmed Blouses, QQ
$5.98 Values at ffO.VO $? 5Q Value# a| '
' r »» ™ Shadow Lac. low
all sizes. High grade blouses and are very special at prices neck and long* sleeves. These Blouses sold at $7.50 in New
quoted. York stores and are an extraordinary value at above price.
All our Crepe de Chine, Silk, Chiffon, Shadow Lace and Net Blouses in all the
latest models and popular colors that formally sold from $6.98 to $18.50 at
ONE-THiRD off marked prices.
Muslin Drawers Vassar Night Gowns
Drawers trimmed with embroidery, some lace trimmed, Vassar Nightgowns in Crepe, Nainsook and Cambric, lace,
some with flounces, all sizes. Special at embroidery and ribbon trimmed. Special at
19c, 39c, 59c 69c, 79c, 98c
Regular 29e value Regular 59c value Regular 75c value Regular 98c value Regular 51.25 value Regular 5t.75 value
Vassar Corset Covers Vassar Skirts
Vassar Corset Covers, some tight-fitting, some blouse style, Skirts in Muslin and Cambric, very neatly trimmed with
very prettily trimmed with lace, ribbon or embroidery. embroidery and lace.
39c, 49c, 79c 39c, 59c, 89c
Regular ttOc value Regular 89c value Regular 51.25 value Regular 75c value Regular 98c value Regular $1 25 value
, '
Vassar Combinations Vassar Princess Slips
Vassar combinations of Corset Covers and Drawers in Nain- Vassar Princess sllns that nre without n n».n n n
sook and cambric lace and ribbon trimmed; all sizes and lat- vassnr fnncess slips that ore without question the best lit
est styles. ln,f '"P® made. Lace and ribbon tlmmed; all sizes
89c $1.98 98c $1.35 $1.98
Regular 51.25 value Regular 53.00 value Regular 81.50 value Regular $2.25 value Regular S3 00 value
All the very best and latest models In Messaline, Crepe de Chine and Charmeuse;
jersev tope and in the newest shades.
$1.98 $2.25 $2.75
Regular 52.50 values Regular 52.98 values Regular $3.50 value*
All Our Remaining Stock of Crepe de Chine Underwear at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
The New Store For Women 9 N. Market Square
Hot From the Wire
Chicago. —The Kellogg-Mackay Com'
pany, Chicago, manufacturers of boil
ers and radiators, was placed in the
hands of a receiver to-day. Liabilities
were given as $1,500,000 and assets
"somewhat less."
l,i)|H»rte, Ind. Mrs. Clara Hess, In
diana's only woman Justice of the
pence, was married at Wheaton, 111.,
to-day, to William K. Anstelss, who two
days ago was appointed chief of police
of Laporte.
Milwaukee. Wli. Merchants of
(his city who make a business of fur
nishing homes for newly married
couples, to-day estimated that the
dearth of marriages resulting from the
new Wisconsin eugenics laws is costing
them nearly SIO,OOO a day.
Denver, Colo. Dr. R. B. Moore, chief
chemist of (lie United States Bureau of
Mines in Denver, announced last night,
in executive session of a meeting of
mining men, three methods by which
the cost of extraction of radium from
ores had been reduced 75 per cent,
itladlmon, Wl». ln the two years
Digests all food, absorbs
gases and stops fermen
tation at once.
Wonder what upset your stomach —
which portion of the food did the dam
age—do you? Well, don't bother. If
your stomach is In a revolt; If sour,
gassy and upset, and what you just ate
has fermented Into stubborn lumps;
your head dizzy and aches; belch gases
and . acids and eructate undigested
food; breath foul, tongue coated—Just
take Pape's Diapepsln, and in five
minutes you will wonder what became
of the indigestion and distress. Mil
since the workmen's compensation law
went into effect, employers of the State
have paid as Indemnity to injured
workmen and their dependents the sum
of 1386.554.73.
Greenville, Tex. Farmers of this
section announced to-day that they
would build a railroad eight miles long
to bring their milk an 1 other perish
ables to market here because the rail
roatl would cost less than a good high
way. The right of way, which lies en
tirely through property of farmers In
terested In the project, will be donated.
New Orleana, I.a. Plants of the In
ternational Distilling Company and the
United States Industrial Alcohol Com
pany were practically destroyed by
(Ire to-day. The loss was estimated at
$750,000. Officials of the company
stated the plants were fully Insured.
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 9.—Jonathan
Leaver, of Turbotville, Northumber
land county, has brought suit for a
divorce against his wife, Mary A.
Leaver, ol' Sunbury, on the grounds
of desertion. He is 87 years old and
she is 60 years old.
lions of men and women to-day know
that It is needless to have a bad
stomach. A little Diapepsln occasion
ally keeps the stomach regulated and
they eat their favorite 1 foods without
If your stomach doesn't take care
of your liberal limit without rebellion:
If your food is a damage instead of a
help, remember tho quickest, surest,
most harmless relief is Pape's Diapep
sin. which costs only fifty cents for a
large case at drug stores It'B truly
wonderful —it digests food and sets
things straight, so gently and easily
that It Is astonishing. Please don't
go on and on with a weak, disordered
stomach; It's so unnecessary.—Adver
i&sk Notice JL
Rheumatics J27».
«FO«E Diicorered at Last, a Cure For L/ '' U '
Rheumatism *
We want every chronic Rheumatic to throw away all medicines,
liniments and plasters and give Rheum-tabs a trial, no matter what
your doctor, druggist or friend may say, no matter how prejudiced
you may be against advertised remedies, go at once to C. M. Forney,
the druggist, 426 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa., and get a box of
Rheum-tabs, they are guaranteed to help you or money refunded.—
•Those Odd Sun) 9
which joux little boy or girl put* iqto
this bank will grow and will go a long
way towards self-help as they J tot
older. The day will come when they
will look back upon their early saving
days with gratitude and delight. Start
to-day—NOW! If it's only a dollar,
make a start. Tour bank book 1*
here waiting foi; you.
First National Bank
224 Market Street