Qoooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 Ire A&nfiras Srmi-Hnnual & | fSsSlft eian ' • s&lE* mSom Takes a New Start To-inoiTOW--Doo rs Open 8.30 O'clock 18 JO/, Wa Greater Price Reductions and Bigger Bargains Than Ever Hi 10a 1 £ZT WE MUST UNLOAD OUR BIG STOCKS OF WINTER MERCHANDISE T jf Women's and Misses' Coat Suits. sf|CCArl r □.-««.« p n ,, nnn i«h CrSflnu H I Another Big Sale Friday of Women's d*f" A A © 5 worth $8 to $lO for U C° u P° n for Friday and Misses , 510 00 10 sls flo SI» # VV | k m ' (BRING THIS WITH YOU) # Q St S® £?J? r and fS : Wife 38 Another Free-for-AII Broom Sale Coat Suits *|| S , , . ' . ' 1t! t , C 1 ' . ' Only 39 Suits to be sold. Made of all wool materials. Choice of Black, Brown A I black JMllt, Size lb. I J JsiUe WUItS, Size 44. Uot Necessary to Make Any Purchase and mixtures (no Blues). All sir.es in the lot, but not all sizes of each color. X g GIRLS' 51.50 RAIN $1 QC 40C Four-String Brooms EFJLAH QC MARIBOI 1 © CAPES Dresses. Worth 3 I .nil - Coats. Wo.fb up fo fI.V jKI m ® r ' DoU © © ££§ Ijl,, up t0 53.50, for FAD I fll . ri All $7.50. For— Sets Jl © C t s . sor t w l colors and all sizes. J' I - —made with Kaglan sleeves. LlltO V © For Raln'collt "ivorth&O QC READ THIS CAREFULLY One Size 3t Hudson Seal A C § © M%m p, A $5.00 The First 200 Ladies anr Jill 1 Skinner Sati'n lined. SI II | I * ° I /C Choice of Black or Navy, and all sizes. 100 Men iHII j Worf/i Jor 8 «lfflP ■ Women's and Aj AA entering our store Friday morning at 830 o'clock, v,nen we I Sere „-y.f/ re Messaline Af\ *' , © X £*l ||fll open, will bt! given a> ticket entitling them to purchase one R Worth lIV/a dIOICO Of X S W^ 11 S,IM > 6 Dress Skirts. »f these 40c Brooms for I<*. lup fo $3.50. Hql* glaCk Or 'fWi " © fo 14 years Worth $2.50, for Y TO CHILDREN-ONLY ONE TO A For > Mm\ © i [Fur Coats Less Than Vi Price Clean Sweep of All Women's and Misses' Dresses' This List of Fridav 1 © FrcVi Coney Skill Coats with Opossum Black P.., SM» Oo»., .» inch.. ,„„g; V "SS! " $3.69 $9.75 ClPflfl SwPPn RafaaJno <■ © Cllai and Cuffs; size -| (\ prV sizcs :J0 autl ,0 : "| AAA Dresses for Dresses for k3 W "t?P -Ddl £■» cElllS o»; former price vr II foimer prico JL JL• UU II ( hoi oof Black, Navy, Brown and Copcn- || A wide range of stylos and colors and all I I Hji. Dwami XI JL O4AAII II O /iea,i Sweep Price, . . II Clean Sweep Price, . . I I ha,gen and all sizes. II sizes II U D 111 l dfll6 ■fOHI p5 3l ObWU U CSQCiC I ——— ' 1 Women's and Misses' SB.OO /\/\ Women's and Misses' $25, -4 f* 1f , , JS Bown Marmot Coat 48 inches long; size Hudson Seal Coat, 48 inches long; size and SIO.OO Serge and Silk S3O and $35 Handsome Yv OIHeD S 1 ert'Sle lUu Children's flail -0 ao; former price SSO. AA 36; former price $75. AA Dresses for Evemng Dresses for... aU( j P] anne lette House nelette Nipllt Gowns, © Clean Sweep Clean Sweep Assorted colors and all sizes, but not all Mostly one of a kind and all beautiful nvr«!>if>« vnlnnc A A si/f'S 4- fn S vomto /vlrl . 3J9 A p_ ice Pri „ e sizes of each stvle and color. styles; assorted colors. Vcliueb ° years OiCl, fS. ® ' ••• ••••••• Pnce , to $1.50, for ... 50c value, -J w mi ■ . ' (Slightly imperfect.) for BiA C ean Sweep of All Women's and Misses' Suits A ClGan SWBGD Of Jjfr Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' r 250 pieces of Women's Men's and Women's Jn. f C 1 l uit ; n ® ui l -J2m Jr«n Mil I IIICDV " Neckwe " val " I 1 |f| 11 Mil rK T nes up to SI.OO, 23c Z u '^ m . 51.79 8 JC jf •""" jL mU ~ each, All colors, all sizes. Z f§ Assorted colors and $12.00 Assorted colors and sizes; Assorted colors and sizes; Assorted colors and sizes; One Lot Of Untlimmed Huts, C A _____ - ira it to ."i!ts.(H> values. $10.50 to SIB.OO values. $18.50 to $23.50 values. $25.00 to $30.00 values. Values tO $1.50 fOr JS O Extra Size Suits for Extra Large Women at Clean Sweep Prices Boys ant. Girls \\ 00l -00 paiis of Children's H ' 2 OneLotofUntrimmedHats. I ft. Coat Sweaters, values fast Black Ribbed g O TT. , - . . 7 values to $2.00, for > ■UC up to $1.25, QQ C Hose all sizes; Q- g $ A Clean Sweep of Every Women s& Misses Winter Coats fOl xi,J g Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' 'vaJues'to $3 S m fbr S9C HZZZZ^IIIZ^ZZI ~ 8 O winter CoatS Winter Coats Winter CoatS Winter C ° atS Tr - Children's Wool Leg- Women's Leather O' S 0 ■> ™ 50c s™iu? 12'S «^' ka 'i2S | © Assorted colors and SB.OO Assorted colors and $12.00 All styles, all colors; $10.50 All sizes and styles; $20.00 $4 00 to $5 00 Trimmed I Aft ' A gfk. to $9.00 values. to $14.00 values. to SIB.OO values. to $25.00 values. * ' ' j| .|||| , . 77" ~ X A Extra Size Coats for Extra Large Women at Clean Sweep Prices Moii s Brighton Oar- Mens I ereale V w ——— tors, all colors, 15c Dress Shirts, coat styles, V O . $6.00 to $7.00 Trimmed HatsM fin value, for, a Hy, 50c value, all O ® A Clean Sweep of All Girls' Winter Coats—Sizes 2to 16 Years for * —, l>ail ' siz, ' s ' fur § O ENTIRE STOCK DIVIDED INTO 4 LOTS O S *<% on For Girls' S4JO to $4.50 Winter *ll &Q For Cirls' $7.50 to $9.00 Winter j SO Women's Swiss Handkerchiefs, JOO pairs Children's Women's Fleeced JJ 2 f2.89 Coats ft.oy Coats values 12i/ 2 c and 15c, for, Good Quality MusUn Lined Bibbed Vests and X o $3.89 For Girl »' s6 ' soWinter $6.89 For GhW mo to. MM Winter each 5C Pants, 50c value, | Jg >■ Sizes 2 to 12 years. foi' w O > t y i infants' caps 100 Infants' Flannelette Dress- 0« O Q Manic lliSntor Men's Cordurov 'TAA Boys' Bloomer Pants, one lot of infants' ing Sacques, 15c value, for, each, —j O 5 mens Winter s ' 14c . 100 Muslin 75 pairs Of Women's |o X fluorrnate a 4 » ams Values al to 75c; soiled; for Petticoats, lace or em- Viliirva ill. x 8 UVerCOatS at ——— BOV«' Knit Toaucs. S nyssrMtiio 2« -=■ 39c • 79c § O iIU tn 42 V*ZZI Pants Value. at at _ One lot of: Infants' dlb \'c' Tv'-ni 1-ziv "Pon-fa Flannelette Long Ki* W * Jso_ys iviucJi.('i I antb, uionos; soiled; worth i ftn WflsViflblp Srhnol T)rp«?«tp<? 13 § [Men's Kersey Winitr I' Men's Winter Reefer Coats] . 39c s °'" 1 s f^ 6 to 14i J a | ue^ up t0 s2 ;°°: 79c 15551551 F,, " mcl " I' § Overcoats at am PA I W:th Storm || v .) I Clli,dren ' s vcu-et * ' 1 ' lvalue, for, 1C l ctto Pajamas, 50c 25c g S With Astrachan S/-»" Collar. Va.ue Jk/*9w Kh ' $1.39 ? r r j p hl Ho k 8e f' l T°t rt ' each value,for ,Bj S Shawl Collar Vi— to $6.50, at... at '' : ',VV" allies; to 50 Ladies' Full Length Crepe Ki- ========= 8 > * Boys Gray Chinchilla 20e, for — JQW. monos, plain colors; SI.OO value, £€}/» AI , . V 1 , t1 .., ', . T3 ... A i ——— Overcoats with as- for iMcn s and Boys Silk Men s and Boys JVler- Jk S Men's Winitr Suits and Young Men s Waller Overcoats I trachan shawl collar, a I children's Vnderwear I * I our-in-liand Neckwear, I I Mufflers, all col-1 a vJ a i ■ rk7 50 value C? 0 TPH one lot of chii- damaged, val- ~ j? O Overcoats at AQ TA Vjlueatosß.so QC at :. 5M./0 £i P,c^ Li a n nl One lot of C-B Corsets, SI.OO KQp ues up to 25c, Q c ors, .5c value, , n 99= At . . . s£•_ Boys' Percale Blouse fg%T!L , S2 value, for WC for tor < i q \vl lll t>pol (• iiffs |
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