Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 08, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 Piles Quickly Cored at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure— Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. The Pyramid Sratl*. Many cases of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy without further treatment. When it proves Its value to you, get more from your druggist at SOc a box, and be sure you get the kind you ask for. Simply fill out free coupon below and mail to-day. Save yourself from the surgeon's knife and Ita torture, the doctor and his bills. FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 40* Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a sample of Pyra mid Pile Remedy, at once by mall, FTREE, in plain wrapper. Kama Street City.... State YOU HAD A NECK flafm AS LONG AS THIS M 1 M FELLOW AND HAD II SORE /111 THROAT fi] TILT IVITONSILINE ft ll WOULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT. A quick, safe, toothing, heallnc. flntlseptte rcllet foe Sore Thro»t, briefly ieecrlbes TOHSILINE. A •mall bottle ot Tonalllne l»ta longer than moat any ot S«e Throat. TOMSILIHC relleTes Soro Mouth and Hoaratnesa and prevents Qutnay. lie. ni Mk. Hoapltai Sin tI.M. All Praftlfta. Twa TOWIILWt COWAHV. . • Cxilw, OMe. | W hat Gorßaa Makes Gorgaa (>uarantefi. 0-PflflC /BREAKS A\ COLD) \ OVER / VjjighV/ An Unrivaled Remedy for the Grip. ~~~ \ I Small chocolate colored tab- I lets. Easy to carry. Easy • to take. 25c GORGAS' DRUG STORES 111 X. Tliirt! Street Open All Day and All Night. PENNA. STATION Open from 7 a. m. until 12 p. m. Pennsylvania's Best More heat without the wasteful use of coal is possible when you ! burn Kelley's Coal Because it is clean and because <t is good coal. Two of the best' pires for the average furnace is Kelley's hard egg and stove. These are uniformly sized and rich in heat units—the best mined In Pennsylvania. Egg, $6.45 Stove. #6.70 H. M.KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third St 10th and State Streets. Cumberland Valley Railroad ! TIME TABLE In EfTect November 30. 191J TRAINS leave Harrlsburg— For Winchester and Martlnsbura at 6:08, *7:52 a. m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburc Car I lisle. Mechanicsburg and Intermediate ! atatlons at 6:03, *7:52, *11:63 a. m l •1:40, 6:32, *7:40. *11:16 p. m. " I Additional trains for Carlisle and Mecbanlcsburg at 8:4« a. m„ 2:ls. 6:10. 9:30 a. m. For Dillsburg at 6:01, *7:62 and •11:63 a. m., 2:18. *3:40. 6:32 and «:3o p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally ezceot Eunday. H. A. RIDDLE J. H. TONQE. G. P A. Sust. N Is Guaranteed for u ?®k ISffilys 3 lieves almost Instantly —sSm. BOROAS* RBIAIX STORKS II 1. M lb—r*ua. K. K. Mailoa Try Telegraph Want Ads. THURSDAY EVENING, TO SHOW INSIDE OF WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC Clergy, Mayor and Chief of Police Will Be Asked to Witness Initial Performance The much talked of moving pictures, entitled "The Inside of the White Slave Traffic," are to be brought to Harrls burg next week, under the auspices of the Sociological Society of the Review of Reviews, of which Mrs. O. It. P. Bel mont. Mrs. Carry Chattman Catt, and other prominent society women of New Tork are members. The pictures will ' be shown In the Majestic Theater each ; day during the entire week. The great amount of publicity ac corded these Alms in New York, where , the police department attempted to suppress them, caused some fear in the mind of the local management that the pictures might be simply a sensational > concoction derived solely for the pur- j pose of making money, and performing an Injury to society, but investigation ; proved the contrary to be the fact. In i every city outside of New York where • these films have been shown, they have i been given the highest kind of en dorsement, as teaching a lesson and delivering a warning as no spoken sermon or written essay could do. So far as the opposition goes that these pictures met in New York, a $50,000 law suit brought against the metropoli tan police department, by Mrs. Belmont and her co-workers, carries with it the I charge that the antagonism of the ! New York department was created for the selfish purpose of hiding from pub lic view a very bad condition which the department allowed to eXist. The motion pictures of the White Slave Traffic are based upon actual , conditions as discovered by the society i of which John IX Rockefeller. Jr., was the active head. To make doubly cer tain the fact that these pictures are Instruments of good instead of evil. Manager Hopkins, of the Majestic Thea ter, has persuaded the Sociological So ciety to give an invitation exhibition of the films on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock, when all of the clergvmen of • Harrisburg. the Mayor. police chief . and their assi^ants.and representatives ' of all the newspapers will be asked to | witness the pictures and give a frank opinion of their merits. New Council Organized For Year at Selinsgrove Sptcial to The Tflrgt jpk Selinsgrove, Pa., Jan. S. —New helmsmen took the wheel of Selins grove borough here Tuesday night. Dr. William H. Ulsh was made president. 1 Newton Catherman moved that the old council adjourn, and thereby Harry Weis. Elmer Kong. Professor Allison and Catherman quit as borough ooun cilmen. Burgess Miller then took charge of the meeting. The newly elected councilmen are: Harvey S. Sterner. John C. Thompson, Dr. A. C. Spangler and McClellan Wenrlch. MEN'S LEAGUE CELEBRATES J.ebanon. Pa., Jan. B.—-Observance of the first anniversary of the Men's League of Trinity Evangelical Luth eran Church, on Tuesday evening, as sumed the proportions of a mass meet ing of the men of the Lancaster con ference of the church, guests being present from several counties. Harry Hodges, of Philadelphia, made the ad dress. G. H. Moyer, of Palmyra, and the Rev. H. Branson Richards, of this city, also spoke. • 1 This is Guaranteed to Stop Vour Cough Tlabe this I'iimlly Snpply of Cough M rup ut Home unci Sure S3. This plan makes a pint of better cough syrun than you could buy ready made for $2.50. A few doses usually conquer an ordinary cough—relieves even whooping cough quickly. Simple as it is, no better remedy can be had at any price. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2J4 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle: then add the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant taste and lasts a family a long time. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means business. Has a good tonic effect, braces up the appetite, < and is slightly laxative, too. which is helpful. A handy remedy for hoarse ness. spasmodic croup, bronchitis, bron chial asthma and whooping cough. The effect of pine on the membranes is well known. Pinex is a most valu able concentrated compound of Xorwe gian white pine extract, and is rich in guaiacol and other natural healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this combination. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup remedy has often been imitated, though never successfully. Tt is now used in more homes than any other cough remedy. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptlv refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Co,, Ft. Wayne, Ind. IN BED SIX WEEKS WITH COUGH A Tainaqua, Penn.. womau, Mrs. Christ Stein, who was thought to be dying with . consumption wrote this letter after Goff's Cough Syrup brought her around. "Seven years ago I had a cough for six weeks, I had doctored with two doctors and tried everything I could think of. Nothing helped. I was nothing but a living skeleton and friends and neignbors said I was dy ing of consumption. I was that weak I could not move out of the bed, »o one day I heard of Goff's, so I sent and without the i least thought that it would do any good, i for I thought nothing cotild help me any ! more, but the first done so much good thst i I sent and got two bottles until I had taken • that. I was like a new woman. I am ; never without it in the house ever since. Anybody that speaks to me that has a cold I always tell them to go and get Goff's. | "My four children had the whooping cough. I thought they would choke on me. I I had a doctor for them, tried everything,! nothing helped. I got Goff's, it cured." , State of Near Jeraey, I Connty of Lam<l*n ( Tbe undersigned. S. B. Goff, President 8. B. Go lt k Sons Co.. helng dnl.r sworn sci-ordlnt to Isw. doth depose snd ear. thst the letter now before htm Is the original letter recelred from Mrs. Christ Httln. Ta - maqua, Ps., and I, aa Notary Publl*, certlfr that the above ts a true statement of the facta In the original letter. ■worn and subscribed before me, this Bth day of De- I remher, 1013. L J. WEBLIY THOMPSON. Notary Public. JS. B. GOIT. GOFF'S COUGH SYRUP rXDERTAK KRS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer 313 Walnut St. Dell Phone XAJESTIC To-night Annie Russell in the old English comedy "She Stoops to Conquer." Saturday, January 10. matinee and night—"Within the Law." All next week—"The Inside of the White Slave Traffic." OHPHKI'M Keith Vaudeville—.Every afternoon and evening. OOI.OBi 1 Al. Vaudeville and Pictures—Every after and evening. ANNIE RUSSEL.I, Miss Annie Russell and her comedy I company, composed entirely of English • players of distinction, will present to night, at the Majestic Theater, Gold ; smith's delicious comedy. "She Stoops jto Conquer." Goldsmith s humor can I be spoiled by maladroit and insufficient acting. Well acted, the piece is a treat. The actual event of Miss Russell's pre sentation is, according to America's j most enlightened critics, an always creditable and delightful representa l tion of a play that has abounding hu morous situations, compacted technique, • literary distinction, and a polish of workmanship almost totally absent ' from the many passing plays of the de- I generate and mushroom drama.—Ad vertisement. "WITHIN THE LAW" Few plays of recent years have been so enthusiastically praised by the ex acting dramatic critics of New Tork and Chicago as Bayard Velller's absorb ! Ing new human interest drama of mod ; crn metropolitan life. "Within the Law, whicii is to be offered here on Saturday, matinee and night, at the Majestic Theater. "This plav," says Acton navies in the New York Evening Sun, "Is set forward ton the program as a melodrama, and i the man who writes the advertisements calls It 'a drama of the minute.' it is both. —Advertisement. "THE INSIDE OF THE WHITE SLAVE TRA FFIC" The most interesting, compelling and gripping motion picture ever produced is Samuel H. London's 111 m, "The Inside iof the White Slave Traffic," which i conies to the Majestic Theater for one i week—four performances dallv be ginning next Monday. "The Inside of the \\ hite Slave Traffic" depicts every phase of the white slave traffic, from the shrewd, clever and diplomatic, yet conny methods used to ensnare their young and Innocent victims and hold them in their clutches until death is the only avenue of escape.—Advertise ment. C'l.AnK UOOU COMEDIAN It's the wise vaudeville critic who says the Urpheum's best bill is here this week, of the popular tvpe of entertainment have something to re joice over this wek and that thev are jolce over this week and that the'v are vance sales that are reported at the box office for the remainder of the c ' nrk - of t'lsrk and Ham iiton. who heads the offering:, is a com edian of the first class, combining mental and physical agility with a cer tain irresistibility whimsically that has made him one of England's favorite musical comedy stars. Mabel Hamil ton is pretty and versatile. On this same offering EHda Morris Is scoring with a clever singing specialty; Andy Kae is a big favorite with a rattlii i monolog of good laughs and good s ?u SS ' and tbere are three or four others of almost equal merit and im portance.—Advertisement. SEVEN CASTELLUCHES ,f eV ? n Castelluches. who rank with the foremost novelty comedians appearing in vaudeville, are slated to i . r J first a PpearaJice at the Colonial to-day, heading an offering that looks as though it will measure up strongly with the one that proved j so popular during the early purt of the ! w?m K« f,"? port,n ,«\, th ' 8 bl * attraction will be Pierce and Maizee, comedy song ■ and patter artists; George Moore a comedy juggler, with interesting ind unusual feats. "The Great Game," ii? ! Vav A be a ®P ecial feature to | tisement Way of ' m °vies."—Adver- U VICTOR!* THEATER Henry M. Blossom. Jr.'s great Ameri vehlJPt i° f VY'J'K life ' "Checkers." the ; \ ehicle in which Thomas W. Ross, the a r tor, has for so many seasons starred throughout the countrv, has been adapted for motion pictures and under the direction of August Thomas ai e tho? ln h e 1 s t i PlayWri^ht ' dramatist and author, has been produced In a si\-act silent motion drama bv the All star £ eat ure Corporation. "Checkers" will ■ t , ! h h |°. W ,? fo , r t,ie this city at this theater to-morrow. Thomas W of OS »rhi, m i? elf ,'. s to , be ®een >n the "role of, JVi . rs ' and su PPorting him is an all star cast of popular theatrical L" V mT '" clU(3ln K Gertrude Shipman katherine i«a Salle, William A Will liams, ( harles Graham and others —Adve^t*sc!nent! >iCt " reS " e Donations Received For Children's Home The managers of the Children's In ustrlal Home gratefully acknowl ugo the Jollowing donations of monev n.l articles for the comfort and pleas ire of the inmates: Cash from Mrs. Mary Burnite, echmcal and Central high schools, homas T. Ueirman. United Ice Com anv benevblence fund, Pine Street resb.vterian Church: George A. Gor as. infant department. First Pre tbv .-rian Sunday school, Steelton; union thanksgiving collection. Lutheran hun hes on the Hill; union Thanks iving, Grace Methodist Church; mis- £ at L Reformed Salem Church; H. B. Met ormick Sunday school class. Pine Street Presbyterian Church; Mrs. Helen Dull s Sunday school class Pine Street Presbyterian Church; Mrs.' Mar garet Martin's Sunday school class Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Louis .Neiffer. \ ance MoCormick, W. E Seel and Mrs. Fickes. The donor of books, clothing, food, jellies., cakes and gifts include- Mrs. Hardy, A Friend. Mrs. Edwin Herman, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Cameron Bair, Mrs. Charles Bover Memorial Lutheran Church, Bates & Co., S. F. Sellers (Steelton), Miss Deet ers. Mrs. Evans, Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. C. M. Forney, Mrs. C. 1. Fisher Mrs. A. P L. Dull, Mrs. Hartman, A iFriend, Miss Mary Cameron, Anna C | Doe line, Mrs. J. Hess, Messiah Luth eran Church, Miss Fannie Ebv, Mrs I Henry McCormlck. Ladles' of the ;Board, Mrs. Y. Smith. Mrs. S. Greon ; field, Mrs. H. Hippie. Mrs. J Ebv | Mrs. Shuey. Mrs. William Moeslin'e", , Mrs. Anna Midlen. Mrs. William Ruth erford. A. C. Smith. J. Hargest, K E Bates, Mr. Mader, William J. Schu bauer, A Friend, Mrs. M. F. Albert .Miss Bert Maeyer, Miss Clara Samnle' 'Mrs. C. c. Groff, Miss Lucy HCrr Mrs Henry Knull, Mrs. .John Fllckinger. Airs. Charles Marked, Mrs. Elizabeth Wllbar. Mrs. Edward Rlnkenbach. Charles Bover, Friends at 1714 State street. School. Mrs. Fry. c. A. Lsuiion, .Mrs. Kmma Schlndleri Memorial Lutheran Church, Hershey V. M. C. A., A. C. Stamm. Mrs. Anna Doehne, Miss Mary Cameron. Mrs Dr G. Belly, Mrs. Dr. Y. B. McAllister! Bates & Co., Mrs. Edgar Hess' Sun day school class, Mrs. William Hare Messiah Lutheran Church, Mrs J C Stine's Sunday school class, John liof fer, the Outdoor Boys' Club, Memor ial Lutheran Church. Bates & Co., Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, I. Q. A' Rutherford, Bethany C. E. Society for children, Mrs. A. G. Wildman. 'Mrs. :A. P. S. Dull, Mrs Fry, „irs. L. Bru bakor. L. H. Harklns, Miss Rachel Rriggs. Mrs. 1). Troutman (N>wp«r*. Mrs. Joseph White, F. F,. Stouffer Dives. Plimeroy £ Stewart. Holmes Seed Compan; , Zion Lutheran Kundav school, Rlchnrd V. Fox. Mrs. A. L. Pelgleman, R. E. Bates. J. Hargest. A." C Smith, -Mr. Mader. Bacon A Co., Mrs. Jtjhn \Y. Bowman. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' You can please all of the people some of the time; you can please some of the people all of the time; but you can't please all of the people all of the time. (With apologies to Old Abe.) We never hope to please all of the smokers all the time with any one brand of cigar. The big majority of them, however, will find permanent enjoyment in CUBAN BABIES SA Cigar Made to Fi Full of quality to fit the man of particular taste. Finished jn a Sumatra Wrapper to fit the fellow who's fussy 891 a bout the looks of his smoke. X . 6 —Short in size to fit the fellow who wants to bit 'er up a good ||l| I many times a day. ||j?pj J 1 —Mild, so the nerves won't be set on edge. |p|| § Made from the clippings of our Moja 10c and King Oscar 5c ci- Kill gars, which are too small to be made into a regular size 5c cigar. IPm| So they are well made, in a Sumatra wrapper, just about half • the regular size, and for that reason you get 'em p|fp 2 for 5c H Buy a quarter's worth today—-burn 'em up, judge 'em by quality—and well, you 'tl buy a box tomorrow. All Trustworthy Dealers Sell Cuban Babies JOHN C. HERMAN & COMPANY Harrisburg, Pa. 13^ Edison would never have invented tlte electric light if he hadn't tried something new. ITALIAN'S INTERESTED Italians of the city are interested in the coming appearance of a newly or ganized company of musical enter tainers at one of the local theaters. One of the men in the company, Yince Orsini, has composed a song which will he sung for the first time. The song Is entitled "Io Canosco un gran Signore." In the company are V. Or sini. saxaphone player; Marco Vecchi noni, baritone; Salvatore Cucci, llut)e; Frank Julians, clarionet; Luigi Maz zarelli, cornet; Alice Barbush, trom bone; Joe Scot, soprano saxaphone; Earnesto Llston Coxe, tenor soloist. WEIMER RE-ELECTED Sfecial to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 8. Ex-Mayor Edgar A. Weimer was re-elected as president of the Lebanon County Game and Fish Protective Association at the annual meeting of that body. The PANAMA CANAL—WEST INDIES Good accommodation! still available (or the first cruise of the world-famous S. S. " Grosssr Kurluerst"* Jan. 14 $l6O up an NORTH GERMAN LLOYD ■ Second and Third C'ruUfi. ITAK <*uba. Jamaica. Panama, Venezuela. Trinidad, $175 upHfIMK Barbados, Martinique. St. Thomas, Porto Rico, and Bahamas—2o days. Mar. 19 Cub , Panama, Jamaica, Porto Rico —lll days. $l3O up {aSksß/1 The "Grosser Kurfuerst" it the ship of which you have read so much —famous for comforts, seaworthiness and, like all Lloyd ships, her splendid cuisine. HHH Rates Inelnde nirnln and berth aboard «blp ifi|r Write for beautifully Illustrated booklets, cabin plans, etc. OELRICHS & CO., Sen. Agls., 5 Broadway, N. V. [Creme ~! j J. SIMON _ JSimon] PARIS | j The only preparation which removes absolutely s S Chapping, Roughness and Redness, \ ) and protects the hands and face against the winter winds. { ) SIMON'S Powder I Maurtoe LEVT, sole U. S.. Agent, < \ JtIIMJW O Soap I 15-17, W«at 38th B', NEW-YORK ? r * Good Coal Means Less Coal Bay only piod fael sad you'll bar Itn. Good coal KlTea off bra) ateadlly and the coasnmptloa la lea a than It wonld be If mixed with alata ' and other Impurities which decrease heat value. To bay our coal Is to buy good coal, it coats no more r try It* J. B. MONTGOMERY BRANCH OFFICE. ROTH PMONFX MAIN OFFICE. •IT CAPITAL ST. DUIII mUnD THIRD AND CHESTNUT 9TS [other officers are: Vice-president. | Frank E. Krause; secretary, Robert J. ! Light; treasurer, Sumuel R. Seabold; prosecuting attorney, Paul G. Adams district attorney of the county; execu tive committee, Charles E. Gebbard John H. Cilley, Albert S. Craumer. A. V. Miller, Jacob A. Orth. Men Charged With Murder Released on $2,000 Bail Selinsgrove, Pa., Jan. S.—Yesterday afternoon in the habeas corpus pro ceedings for the release rrom prison of Harvey Willow, Luther Kratzer and his son Ralph, principals in the New Year's day tragedy which resulted in the death of George Spade, of this place, bail for each in the amount of #2,000 was furnished and accepted by the court. The case is scheduled for trial at the February term of court. JANUARY 8.1914. OVERCOME BY GAS Grover Bowers, 18 years old, a mes senger boy, of 112 South Second street, was overcome by gas last night when the wind blew out the light in his room after he went to bed. Bowers COUGHS Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing coughs, deep coughs, all kinds of coughs. Go to your doctor, he knows best, and ask him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold for 75 years. Order Coal By Telephone and have it delivered quickly. We are just as careful of the orders that come over the telephone as we are of those given in person. .You get exactly the coal you ask for. These disagreeable winter days don't waste time going to our office. Just call one of our offices and we will deliver the coal any time you want it. As we have over 100 horses and many wagons you get quick delivery. Try us next time. United Ice & Coal Co. Forater <S Covrdrn Third & Boas ISth & Chestnut Hummel A Mulberry ALSO STEELTON, PA. MOJi 1 1 illOc CIGARS 1 Can you afford to smoke 10c Cigars? Is it extravagance to indulge in some thing that gives you a full return in pleasure and satisfaction. Moja 10c Quality Is Worth the Price Made by John C. Herman & Co. wa» found unconscious by his roon mate, whose name is Freimau« Bowers was revived at the Harrisbui Hospital, where he said he left the g burning for his roommate after havii put up the window.