Sl™ Ml This Mammoth Sale Is the Talk of the Entire City! I Satnrdaysuiitii9P.M.j Brings Forth the Biggest Bargains of The New Year""*®! I iron sweep of Qn Sale Wednesday at 8.30 O'clock AF (in ' A clean sweep of § o1 50 Extra Suits women L | 65 Women's and Misses'slo, sl2 & sls 5J*V—- Silk Cloth'and Evenina i 8 One Rack of Suits, Odds and Ends, /fo/V AA nn AT oillTO i Uil== WlllV, VIUIII dllU LVCHIIIIIj g jjj mostly Blues and Grays; sixes 41 to 51; lkH»v" uUA I will I w TOT > » q S S2OOO and^2roo er Sale B price° r sls '°° ' I? 0 lot c . onsiste of Fancy Mixtures, Bedford Cords, All Wool Serges. Coats DfCSSCS O O $25.00. Sale Price, . are all satin lined. The colors are Black, Brown, Grey Mixed and a few Navy TTr 0 o P ocrnlar tmnn F-rtr a «*.« a* Blues - Sizos for Women and Misses. J Women's and Misses' up to $6.00 One- ttO £Q © 0 ™ ® / r _ / n Grip Supporters for, 1 A 0 Corset, sale Women s Muslin Gowns Women's House Children's Dresses SPECIAL —Women's Neckwear Women's Silk Hose a pair lUC J3 Q pr "' e ' * One lot of too Women's Fine Wrappers One lot of 135 Children's One" 6 10t P oT Women? Hwid 150 pair of Women's All Pure Women's Hose Supporters, all A A Muslin Gowns, lace or embroidery One lot of Women's Flannel- Washable Dresses, made of per- Bome Newest Neckwear, made of Thread Silk Hose, silk garter top, g"!° rB jJ^ Ueß UP t0 3 " iC ' ISc n Rrpular o.( i r.a (»rprqnp trimmed, high or low necks; ette House Wrappers in all sizes; cales; all sizes 6to 11 years old; lace and silks. These are manu- manufacturers' imperfect; values _______ irf> § r..: $3.89 69c 49c ~ 3 " 37c E r rE3 " 45c —- 49 c O _________ a p J sa.oo. Sale price colors. Sale price, a pair, Sale price, .. . Z"C g 1 £Tr?.T. Startling Savings in This Great Clean-Sweep Sale ol AD 1 If—is WEN ' S ' MEN'S and Boys' WINTER SUITS, OVERCOATS and PANTS | 8 C— . I Men's Pants at ' M^-S^ U IT,AND OVER- RA | MEN'S PANTS 1Q BOYS-LONG OVERCOATS >A! S l~ «•'« awa,WC E-Hr —*&M "-i25_ >L ® $3.49 i | ' §000000(^300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(^000^0000000^^0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B.M/I/ PTJAYERS WEFXX)MEL> Melbourne, Australasia. Jan. 6. The American baseball teams now vis iting here were officially welcomed by the Lord Mayor of Mefbourne at the town hall to-day. Most of the promi nent people of the city were present. j The | I Best Remedy for I ! Chapped Lips J and Hands | I Nfeiseline 1 R«C- U. t. Pat. Of. ; Camphor Ice Are your Rp« roqgh and torrl Are your hands chapped, J cracked and smarting? ! Vaseline Camphor Ice BRINGS quick relief. For tale every where. In tubes and tin boxM. | Interesting Vaseline" booklet H mailed free en request. H Chcscbrough Mfg. Co. ij 17 SUM St.. New York City || J TUESDAY EVENING, COM. HEIR TAX WIS 510.771.4S Register of Wills Danner Com pletes 1913 For State Departments Auditor General and State Treasurer. The amount this year was consid erably behind that of last year, the banner year, when more than $2 8,000 was collected. F>ll I We have perfect confi * ■—dence in Ayer's Pills. We believe they are the best liver pills ever made. We wish you to have this same confidence in this medicine. The best way is to ask your own doctor all about these liver pills. Then follow his advice. Sold for over 60 years. "5,^ The tax is paid in from estates upon which there are collateral heirs and the Register of Wills deducts 5 per cent, for his own services In handling the money. The estates are all ap praised and during the year $269.38 was paid out for appraisers' services. Orwig Begins as Special Auditor.— Special Auditor S. H. Orwig to-day began the auditing of the books of the Prothonotary, County Jtecorder and Register of Wilis for the past year. Mr. Orwig started on the books of ex-Prothonotary L. B. Worden first Realty Transfers.—The realty trans fers In city and county yesterday In cluded the following: William M. Curry to Carrie L. Walton, Tlummels town, $1,306; Joseph Howarth to An ton Serhic, Steeltnn. $1,300; Minnie J. Houek to J. R. Enders, Susquehanna township, $335; Susan Dodge execu tors to Katie B. Miller, Jackson town ship, $719; H. J. Forney to Minnie J. Houek. Susquehanna township, $125; 1.. D. l.andis to Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Second and Mary's street, $20,000; Samuel Mcllhenny et al. to Gilbert Day, 670 Schuylkill street, $1,750. Wants $2,000 for Vnrtqiiited Ijove. —Suit for $2,000 for alleged breast of promise was begun to-day by Lubica Mlsic, who claims that notwithstand ing the fact that Prank Capin pro posed to her July 5, 1913, he never even mentioned marriage since. Now and then she asked him about the HARRISBURG !&£&s£ TELEGRAPH date, but he never Rave her satis faction, and Anally told her that he never meant to marry her. It all pained immeasurably, beyond the value of mere money, but she thinkß she should have some redress, and accordingly wants $2,000. Month of Money.—City receipts dur ing December. according to the monthly report prepared bv Clerk Clarence Webber, totaled $50,626.23. The expenditures amounted to $55,- 593.89, which materially cut Into the city's balance. Confer on Fee Hills. —At a meeting this afternoon County Controller H. W. Gough, County Treasurer Railey and District Attorney Stroup conferred relative to the method of including | the mileage of witnesses In the fee I bills. The amount for nil the fee bills for any one court will be lumped and a voucher drawn for it by the County Controller and the County Treasurer will pay it out as the bills are pre sented without getting the Controller's O. K. on each separate warrant. The question of mileage will be left to the District Attorney, who will keep this as a matter of record. In this way there can be no question raised as to the proper amount to allow for mile age. Financial Report. County Treas urer Bailey and his deputy, J. E. Rutherford, are busy on the prepa ration of the county's annual financial report. This will likely not go to the County Commissioners for a couple of weeks. tioiitrh Still Busy.—Notwithstanding the fact that County Controller H. W Gough yesterday afternoon took the oath of office as County Controller he was busy to-day with Marlon Verbeke, clerk to the City Controller, finishing up the city's annual report. This need not be ready much before Feb ruary 1. The Controller didn't take the oath until after a hurried trip in an automobile to have his bond ap-1 proved. The court had left chambers | when the bond was finally ready fgr approval. After this was done Mr. | Gough went to the Prothonotary's | office and Prothonotary H. F. I loller: administered the oath. Begin Mandamus.—While the plan j of action has not been definitely an nounced. it is understood that an amicable action to require the County Commissioners to turn over to Auditors John W. Cassell and Francis | Reigle the books of the county for 1913's auditing. C. 11. Bergner and F. B. Wickersham have been retained by the Auditors. It is understood that because of the fact that a vacancy on the board exists by reason of Poor Dl- i rector Walter's resignation, application j may be made to the Dauphin County 1 j Court for the appointment of a mi nority member before initial steps are taken. Controller Gough, it Is said, is willing to allow the Auditors to take over the books if they wish. I Pen Sentence*! For Two— Daniel Car : mlcHael and Paul Nlckwowlch will be i behind the bars of the Eastern Peni . penitentiary just as soon as Sheriff Harry C. Wells can complete arrange ments for escorting them to Philadel phia. Carmichael, who pleaded guilty to several charges of forgery, got from two and a half to five years In the penitentiary, while Nlckwowlch got from eighteen months to two and a half years on several larceny charges. Other sentences Imposed by President Judge Kunkel included: J. H. Dlnkle, larceny, two months: George L. Edle blute, larceny, Huntingdon Reforma tory; Charles Swartz. larceny as bailee, nine months, and Frazler Wright, Ave months for larceny as bailee. As soon as a deed of transfer for the property of Adams estate In South Second street below Mulberry arrives from the faraway island of Dongopo in the Philippines, the last of the prop erties which the Pennsylvania Rail road wishes to acquire before begin ning the proposed freight station In South Harrisburg, will be purchased. JANUARY 6, 1914. I This deed, which calls for the transfer of the property to the company for I $15,000, was sent to Lieutenant Robert | Adams, an heir, who is stationed with the United States Marine Corps in the I Philippines. | The sale of the other property in question, that of I/. D. Landis, at | Mary's and South Second streets, has , been closed for $20,000. Hy these transfers the proceedings instituted | , by the Pennsylvania Railroad Incident to condemnation action will be wjth drawn. HIKE TO ANNAPOLIS By .Associated I'rcss Baltimore, Md., Jan. 6. —Bearing a huge petition requesting the legis lature to pass a bill providing for the STOP SICK HEADACHE OR NEURALGIA PAIN Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve at Once—lo Cents a Package Nerve-racking, splitting or dull throbbing headaches yield in Just a few moments to Dr. Jameo' Headache Powders, which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It's the quickest, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache and neuralgia misery is needless. Get what you ask j for. —Advertisement. submission of the woman suffrage question to the voters, about a scora of women started on a twenty-eight mile hike to Annapolis this morning. OLDEST "DRUMMER" QUITS tf.v -Associated Press \ Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. G.— George A. Olney, who is said to be the oldest traveling salesman in the United States, formally "quit the road" last night after a service of fifty-eight years, when he was given a banquet 111 Kansas , ' 'ty traveling men. He is i 9 years old. ' For Stinging Frost Bitten Feet For that numb sonsation that comes with the cold, or for that stinging feeling, that you feel when entering a warm room, there Is' nothing that will give you relief" more quickly than OUR FROST BITE CURE After a few applications of thUC remedy you will notice quite an improvement In the circulation in the affected parts. 25c the Bottle : Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET gfTREET 5