Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 06, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
2 - -=— -. ■- ■ ACTIVE CHURCH WORKERS OF SNYDER CO. 11. I. ROMIG Special lc> The Telegraph Beaver Sprints. Pa.. Jan. ti.—The percentage of the population of Sny der county which is attending Sunday schools is larsrer than that of any other county in the whole world, ac cording to a report just issued by Fl. I. Tlomig, secretary of the Snyder County Sunday School Association, who has held that ofllce for the last thirty successive years. This fact owes Its origin, says Secretary Romlg, to the fact that all of the officers of the association arc energetic workers, who sincerely believe that the Sunday school is accomplishing the greatest work for humanity. Secretary Romlg, of the association, lias been very active in church work. ' His record follows: Superintendent of T.utheran Sunday School at Beaver Springs for twenty-one years: leader of choir in Lutheran Church at Beaver Springs for twenty-five > ears: served two terms as deacon and twenty-ciglit years as secretary of the council of the delegates to every one of the six world's Sunday school conventions and all of the International Sunday school conventions. X. B. Middleswortli, the president of the association, is the grandson of the famous Captain Xer Middles worth. The other officers of this great association which is taking care of Snyder county's great Sunday school work are: President. Xer Middles worth. McClure; vice-president. If. B. Moyer, Freeburg: secretary. li. I. Ro mig. Beaver Springs, and treasurer, R. P. Haines, Mlddleburg. One-half Bottle of the Great Kidney Remedy Accomplishes Results When I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp-Root. I was in great distress day and night. Before 1 received sam ple by mall, 1 went to our best doctor (and he is second to none in this vicinity) and told him how 1 felt. He - put me up a bottle of medicine. 1 was about a week taking the medicine, but was no better than when I began. I then began your sample bottle, and before I got through with it, I felt a change. The scalding sensation did not bother only a few times in the middle of the day. 1 would not have believed such a small quantity would have done so much, but before It was gone I learned that our druggist kept Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and so got a large bottle for one dollar but actu ally worth one hundred dollars. I only took one large tablcsyoonful three times a day and before I had taken one-half bottle I was all right und have been since. Gratefullv vours, GEORGE S. CHAPLIN, Asha It. I. State of Rhode Island. County of Washington. ' es: Personally appeared Geo. S. Chain plin, to me well known, and made oath that the foregoing statement by him subscribed is true. E. R. ALLEN, Notary Public. Letter to x • I>r. Kilmer & Go. Bingliainton, X. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, X, Y„ for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. Yon will also receive a booklet of valuable information, teling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Harrisburg Tele graph. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores.—Advertisement. Last week I visited a boy scout patrol and found fifteen bright-faced earn est lads listening to a talk by their scout master. "Take care of your teeth" he urged; "You can't grow up to be strong self-reliant men unless you have good health, and good teeth mean good health. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a ' day and visit your dentist twice a year —it is insuring your health and happiness when you are grown men." The Scout Manual puts care of the teeth first among the things a boy should know if he wants good health. And every boy should realize that Good Teeth —Good Health will take him far along the road to suc cess in school, in sports, in business and in pleasure. The :wi e-a-day use of Col- I Ste's Ribbon Dental Cream— -8 dentifrice with the delicious flavor —keeps the teeth clean, and the mouth healthy. "Vbu too should use cocfiorcs BifrßOH oetnat cream TUESDAY EVENING, N. B. MIDDLESWORTH | WEST SHORE NEWS TANGLE IN ELECTION OF NEW COUNCILMEN Perry County Commissioners Say Return From Marysville Was Illegal A much delayed election rumpus has arisen In Marysville. On Monday when the borough council met for the purpose of organizing it was discov ered that one of the now councilmen, Simon Lick. had not received the commission of his election. Dr. G. H. Eppley. secretary of the old council, got into communication with the county commissioners, from whom he learned that the returns had not been made in the proper order. In making out the tally sheet to be sent to the county commissioners there was not room to place Dick's name and his vote. These were placed on a sepa rate piece of paper and sent to the commissioners. They say that this was not legal, and so did not Issue a I commission to Lick. Now they de- I clare that the election of none of the councilmen was legal. The other eouncilmen are W H. Robinson, W. L. Roberts. J. S. Bolae. A. J. Seidel, A. 1). Flicklngcr and F. W. Geib. As a re sult the organization of the new coun cil has been tied up Indefinitely. Presi dent Judge Slbert will be asked to unravel the tangle. PREPARING FOR C. E. CONVENTION AT MARYSVILLE Big preparations are being made for the second annual convention of the Perry County Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, which will be held in the Trinity Reformed Church, Marysville, on Thursday, January 22. The Trinity Reformed Church has an nounced committees and delegates as follows: Delegates to convention. Miss Katherine Roberts and Mrs. C. B. Smith; advertising committee. Miss Louise CoiT and Edgar Smith; enter taining, Miss Emma Roberts and Miss Carrie Smith; musical. Miss Marian Wagner and W. L. Roberts. IN HONOR OF BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long enter tained a number of tbeir friends near Overview on Monday evening in hon or of their son Charles' seventeenth birthday. A very pleasant evening was spent in games and music, after which the following guests partook of an oyster supper: Misses Alice Mus ser. Sadie Cumbler, Mary Blosser, Jane Miller, Carrie Forsythe Anna and Bessie Long. Sarah Eppley, John Winters. Benjamin Long, Oscar Little, James Forsythe, George Addams, Ed ward Byers. Charles Haas, Walter Long, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Shearer, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long. SKATER BREAKS SlIOl LDER Harry Dcckard, son of H. J. Deck ard, Front street. Marysville. had his right shoulder blade fractured on Sat urday when he fell while skating on the river. Deckard had his other shoulder blade broken several months ago while playing: football at Mechun- Icsburg. CIVIC CLFH ORGANIZED At a meeting of the Marysville Civic Club last evening these officers were elected: President, Mrs. 1,. C. Wox; lirst vice-president, Mrs. J. G. Eppley; second vice-president. Mrs. Pearl Hip pie; recording secretary. Miss Ruth Meyer; corresponding secretary. Miss Mary Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Theophi lus Shakespeare. BOROUGH COUNCIL ORGANIZED New Cumberland borough council organized last evening and elected the following officers: President. H. Z. Parthemore; secretary. Kirk F. Wire; treasurer. Joseph M. Houck; borough solicitor, J. 11. Roiff; supervisor. M. L. Baker; borough constable, H. B Stone; surveyor. A. B. Rupp. FAREWELL RECEPTION On Monday evening the members of the St. Matthew's Reformed Church of Enola tendered a farewell recep tion in the church auditorium on Monday evening to Mrs. J. C. Weirich and family, who have been residents here for the past six years and will leave this week for Harrisburg where they will reside. GOSPEL CAEW TO ASSIST Enola P. R. R. Y. M. c. A. gospel crew will go to Altoona Sunday, Janu ary 11, where they will assist at the services of the Altoona association. CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY John A. McMeen. of Enola, assist ant yardmaster on the eastbound hump in the local yards, celebrated his sixty-second birthday at his home in Columbia road. MINISTER TAKES NEW CHARGE Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa.. Jan. 6.—The Rev. Ira W. Kllck, pastor of the Zlon Lutheran Church, has resigned to accept the call to the Lutheran Church at Strausstown, Berks county. The Rov Mr. Kllck succeeded the Rev. Mr. Rex and while here did much good work. The new charge consists of the follow ing parishes: Blue Mountain Church Rehrersburg, Sharlesville and Schaef (orstown. Three Days' Snow Breaks Down Roofs and Trees Special lo The Telegraph Beaver Springs, Pa., Jan. 6. —Snow has fallen here every night for three nights and the trees are breaking under the great weight. The roofs of several houses and barns broke down. In Smith's gavage the proprietor was forced to take his automobiles out of I the shed and the roof broke in within ; a half hour. Announcement Is Made of Wedding at Baltimore Special sa The Telegraph I Meclianicsburg. Pa.. Jan. 0. An- I nouncement has been made of the I marriage of Mrs. Emma R. Roop, of ! Harrlsburg, and A. K. Seiber, of Me- I chanicsburg. in the city of Baltimore, : Aid., on Saturday. January 3. The [ honeymoon will he spent In Florida, i following which they will reside In • Mechanicsbtirg. Mr. Seiber is a well . known citizen, having many interests jin this place, lie is president of the I board of school directors. Plies Cured in « to 14 Pays Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMEXT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. —Advertisement. "Sunny Jim" Has Nearly 100 Conversions at Meeting Special to The Telegraph Lewisburg, Pa.. Jan. 6.—The evan gelistic meetings conducted by the Rev. James T. Uwe, better known as "Sunny Jim." which started In Lewis ! burg Sunday, December 28. have re sulted in the conversion of ninety ! seven persons up until last Sunday j evening. Yesterday at noon the evan gelist and his party went to the plant of the Lewisburg chair works, em ploying about 300 men. where a ser vice of half an hour was held. The meetings will continue during this week. SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICERS Special tc The Telegraph Annville, Pa., Jan. 6. —At the an nual meeting of the board of man agers of Christ Reformed Sunday School the following officers were elected: Cradle Roll superintendent, Mrs. A. C. M. Heister; primary super intendent. Miss Anna M. Saylor; as sistant primary superintendent. Mrs. M. F. Ratdorf; organist, primary de partment, Miss Ruth AVhiskeyman; assistant organist, primary depart ment. Miss Edna Haak; junior super intendent, Miss Virgie A. Whitmer; superintendent senior department, Georg* W. Stein: secretary, Harry M. Bowman: assistant secretary, Ralph Berry: librarian, W. S. Seabold; pianist. Lloyd Fegan: assistant pianist. Miss Edna Haak; superintendent of home department. Miss Mary Batdorf; assistant superintendent of home de partment, Miss Sallle Beaver. ADDITIONAL PARLOR CAR TO HAURISBLRG VIA READING RAILWAY Commencing Monday, January sth, train No. 95, leaving Philadelphia 1.25 p. m.. arrive Lebanon 3.5? p. m.. Har risburg 4.40 p. m., will have Harris burg Parlor Car.—Advertisement. The Globe-Wernicke Business Show Is Now Being Conducted At Our Store Business is changing—growing swifter, bigger, more extensive, more precise, and more exacting. And business methods are changing also; they must to keep up with the mark of progress. vOf late years, Globe-Wernicke Filing Equipment has theme and motive: —First, to demonstrate the efficiency, tention was called to a Globe-Wernicke device or method advanced tar and last in efficiency and economy, and the economy and the permanence of Globe-Wernicke Filing that saved them time, trouble or money, many business men have been too busy to keep up with Equipment; second, to demonstrate its practical applica- Or maybe you have a puzzling office problem to solve, l . na the result is that there are thousands of offices tion as a short cut to better results; as a solution to or are annoyed by improper attention to details or by er m all parts of the country that are overworked and over- puzzling office problems; as a time- trouble- and money- ratic filing. A few moments spent at our Globe-Wernicke whelmed with detail, because of .the need of Globe- saver for all business and professional men. Business Show will probably reveal an effective solution Wernicke filing fcquipment. Perhaps you think your office is run as efficiently and of your trouble. You will find it helpful as well as in n\ uu; "*• ? n " tst } el l> Y9* hav ® the reasons ior the economically as is possible. Others have felt the same teresting. You will not be urged to buy—this is a tellinz Lilobe-Wernicke Business show. There you have its wav about their offices but have been glad when their at- not a selling event. Come, in your interest. Jjjg Standardize Your Office Now With NsiP 9lobcrWim>ieke ISP* UrufUe * Cabinet Sa£e» Place a Uniflle beside , _ _ your desk for conv»nl- 1 * ■ They combine the con cntly filing those let- IHflHtfY M nillMmAVlt venlence of the filing ters and references that JL I it 111 l llil IfTll B cabinet with the pro nov: litter the desk but © tectlen of the safe, are too useful or too The ample Interiors can valuable or too persona! be fitted with Globe flCeXi'iFS It Costs No More Than The Ordinary Kind HHsSFSI and drawers of sizes * Globe Cabinet Safe la and styles to suit your . made In five sizes, nia exact needs Made in . , hog-any, oak or olive with" l suei a & a te&rr od Globe-Wernicke Filing Equipment is built on the "unit" principle. Once properly installed, it grows with Breen flnlßh your business , unit by unit. The "unit" idea permits the small office to apply to ils affairs the same ■ filing devices as are so widely used by the corporations. Let us demonstrate this fact to you. feygS i Filin ff need of any office has been provided for in Globe- that the largest factory of its kind In the world stands behind its if —" E kjjt Wernicke Filing Equipment. And every Globe-Wernicke device for guaranty; that you can secure additional equipment at any time j4l i p ;.'i an y P ur P°Be, is the most suitable of its kind. Globe-Wernicke steel from stock. Globe-Wernicke goods are standard, not made to order, yet (£-5; FP"""" * nd rilin S devices are so varied and so wonderfully efficient, your business needs can be suited as if the equipment were espe- is£?\ SHMj Wjfi * that »" doming the custom of modern Businesses to adopt Globe- cially made for you. The variety of our stock sizes and pattern* [| ,1 Wernicke devices throughout their offices. Experience baa proved their permit you to ae'lect a design and finish that will harmonize with 1. - gj Filing Cabinet* Standardization simplifies and keeps your system* uniform, which Bb ' e atmosphere of prosperity and good management. It stimulates Sectional Bookcases They are the Standard means highest efficiency and greatest economy. Standardization mean* and helps your office force to better work. Call and investigate. ' of the world. Thou- Every office needs lt» Bands of modern offices ___ reference Library for Mm David W. Cotterel sSSIi liability. They are JL with the latest designs made In all steel and ? f modern office furnt ln wood with steel In- —. , _ _ _ ture, being built with the'°requlMH 105 North Second Street |l 18 North Court Street end sanitary" leg bases. ments of any buslneaa ' 11 . c . an h . B adaed to a —large or email section at a time an the library STOWS. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPII Lebanon County Officials Appoint Their Assistants Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 6.—ln tho pres ence of a large assemblage of friends the new county officials were inducted Into office yesterday morning at a ses sion of court. Harry P. Strupp, who succeeds John A. Bollman ns sheriff, I appointed Wlllam 1* Krunner, a news paper reporter, as his deputy: Francis 1 M. Rothermel, who succeeds Ell Wal laco «s prothonotary, appointed as his deputy Alfred K. Mills, of Annville, who at the last session of the legis lature acted as private secretary to Di\ T>. P. Gerberich. president pro tcm of the Senate. Dr. Gerberich's son is married to Mr. Mills' sister. Coroner John J. Light. who succeeds himself in that office, reappointed J. Herbert Manbeck, a newspaper man. as his deputy. Jacob D. Miller, of this city, was sworn In a director of the poor. Union County Sheriff and Prothonotary Sworn In .Special to The Telegraph Lewisburg. Pa., Jan. 6. J. F. Hauk enberg. of Vicksburg, and C. Pale Wolfe. of West Lewisburg. entered into their official duties ns sherifT and prothonotary, respectively. In the Union county courthouse here yester day morning. Both were elected at the last election on the Republican party ticket against opponents in both the Democratic and Washington par ties. These two changes are the only ones at the courthouse here, both tho treasurer and register and recorder having one or more years to serve. THIEVES ROB BLIND MAX Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 6.—When Harry McElhenny, a blind man. who conducts a restaurant near the Square, opened his place of business yesterday morning lie found someone else hail been there llrst. Robbers effected an entrance by prying the lock on the front door and rifled a slot machine. It is not known how much money they secured from that source and nothing else was taken, but traces of the ma rauders were in evidence all over the place. It is thought they were fright ened away. NOT AFFECTED BY NEW LAW Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 6.—The prevailing discussion over the decline In mar riages does not apply to Lebanon county, according to the statistics for 1913. just issued by Marriage License Clerk Boger. During the past year 623 licenses were Issued, which is sev eral in advance of the previous year. Of this number 218 licenses were granted under the new Pennsylvania eugenics law. FARMERS ATTEND LECTURES Special to The Telegraph Annville. Pa.. Jan. 6.—The State Department of Agriculture is pleased with the interest taken in the two days' institute held here on January 2-3. Farmers from a radius of twenty miles attended the lectures, while tho townspeople crowded the auditorium of Eagle Ilali. The committee ar ranging for the institute consisted of Albert Rarnhardt, chairman, Alfred K. Mills, A. A. Snoke. M. D. Crumbein, S. W. Heilman, A. L. Risser and John A. Hershey. John I. Carr Youngest Register and Recorder JOHN I. CARR Special to The Telegraph Sunbury. Pa., Jan. 6.—John I. Carr, ! Sunbury. who was yesterday sworn | into office as register of wills, recorder of deeds and clerk of the orphans court of Northumberland county, is believed to be the youngest man who ever earned this important office. He is 3 6 years old. Mr. Carr succeeds Edward V. Nicely, Sunbury. His term is four years. Lloyd 1. Caldwell, Sun bury: Walter Kowaleski, Shamokin, j and Miss S. Elizabeth Bucher. River- , side, have been appointed clerks by the new official. Mr. Carr was born in Locust Gap and got his first education as a breaker boy about the mines. He early took an interest in politics and was ap pointed deputy register and recorder, lie won the nomination without oppo sition and defeated S. C. Wagenseller, of Shamokin. Veteran Minister Seriously Injured by Fall Down Stairs Special to The Telegraph Lewisburg, Pa.. Jan. 6.—On Sunday morning the Rev. A. R. Miller, pastor of the Beaver Memorial Methodist ] Church in this place, fell down a flight of stairs in the parsonage, sustaining | injuries of a serious nature. His left arm was badly broken, a shoulder blade dislocated and his lower limbs rendered powerless for some time. Ho is about 72 years old. a veteran chap lain of the Civil War and last March rounded out fifty years of service as a minister of the Methodist Church. MONEY FOR ORPHANAGES Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa.. Jan. 6.—ln the will of the late Mrs. Arnette Burger, of Lancaster, she bequeaths the follow ing: To St. Anthony's Church, $200; S2OO to Bishop Shanahan, to be di vided among the male and female orphanages: S2OO to the Rev. A. F. Kaul for masses and SSO to the Sacred | Heart Academy, Lancaster. JANUARY 6, 1914. r January Reduction Sales in all Departments. 1 > Midweek Special 45 Men's Overcoats At $15.75 Former Prices $. 5.00, $30.00, $35.00 Included are Overcoats made by I lirsh-'Wickwire Co. and the Fruhauf Co. concerns famous the world over for good clothes. The Coats offered are correct models in the newest fabrics—perfectly tailored — 28-30 and 32 A orth Third Street BIRTHDAY SLR I'll INK PARTY Special to The Tthgrafh ; Halifax, Pa.. Jan. 6.—A birthday surprise parly was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs jE. K. Fitting in Halifax township, In honor of their son, Leon. The even ing was spent pleasantly in parlor games and music, after which refresh ments were served to the following guests: Misses Lena Enders. Ma hie Stoneroad, Annie Forney, EthH Bow man. Mary Forney, Knth Hoffman, Esther Lentz. Annie Kocher. Mildred Lenker, Emma Kocher. Mary Wert*, Edna File. Mary Stoneroad and Daisy Wilbert, Mrs. E. E. -Fitting, William Forney, Joe Enders, Clarence Stone / V "A Perfect Woman Nobly Planned To Warn, to Comfort and Command" Nature never intended woman to be delicate, ailing, or a sufferer from "nerves." Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes." Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizziness, faintness, or bearing-down sensations. For a permanent relief from these distressing symptoms nothing is so good as DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION as a soothing and strengthening ncr- The "Favorite Prescription" vine—allays and subdues nervous excitability, Is known everywhere and for over 40 years as irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other f*® standard remedy for the disease of distressing symptoms commonly attendant j,.' „ , liquid or tablet form; oryou can send 50 one upon functional and organic diseases of the ccnt starrvps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's feminine organs. It Induces refreshing sleep Favorite iS-escrlption tablets. Address Dr. and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. v Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet* regulate and invigorate . stomach, liver and bowel*. Sugar-coated, tiny granule*. road, Pierce Hoitzman, E. E. Fitting, Samuel Smith, Earl Fitting, Clay Swab, Leon Fitting, Samuel Bowman, Harry Matter, Lester Fitting, Edward Fiiuber, Oscar Werlz, Marlon Fitting, llarry Lent/., Paul Fitting, Harry Wilbert, William Muntnery, Russet Fitting, Paul Lebo and Raymond Sel lers. VALVA&Lt) HORSE KILLED Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg. Pa., Jan. t>. —A valuable horse belonging to Wesley McOann had to be killed to relieve its suffer ing from lockjaw on Sunday. The ani mal. which was valued at had trod on a nail.