• > s f Kaufman's Greatest Clean Sweep Sale Now On jCome To-morrow, in Every No Other Sale Like Our Clean Sweep Sale J™ Broom Coupon No Other Event Offers Such Values JJk ; ________________V— —t Five Hours of Broom Selling ■ ean Sweep of e ~ of Woman's and! fIH|P From 8.30 till A. M. ■ x Misses' Coat Suits M And 2.00 to 4.30 P. M. for Women's and Misses' up to fcC AA for Women's and Misses' up to w/O ul ~ch s " string 10c $12.00 Coat Suits. yD.vV $9.50 Winter Coats. 1 Sold only to c stomers buying I I CQ A A for Women's and Misses' up to <*7 Cft f° r Women's and Misses' up to If 111 I! 1111 111 over - Only one to a customer.! I 03.UU SIB.OO Coat Suite. SI.JV $12.50 Winter Coats. iliiilUllUlU None to children. | | (10 AA for Women's and Misses' up to ■ * I-ot No. I—Women's newest neckwear. 1 m, f HATS, i v! l r£!.? \/ dH values up to 50 C . Sale price 1/C rHII HPFN'C irrnwrc Values BATH ROBES, WOMEN'S HAND BAGS WOMEN'S NECKWEAR One lot of c 1 Id "en's all-wool leggings, 1 | I $2.00 at l! "Mens SLSO fQ /IO or, L?fprLT .:39 c >lsc l I BATH ROBES, . . —' LADIES' UNDERWEAR j MM , «.r"7TX JA UMBRELLAS-SPECIAL WOMEN'S BRASSIERES One lot of k die.' fleece lined ribbed vests and I I .n I II Men S Jpb.UU U7*J j|Q One lot of men's and ladies' Gloria cloth A Q One lot of women's brassieres that sold 1"7 pants, mostly small sizes, 25» value. 1 A//* Y J ODD COATS, ... *P • umbrellas, steel rods; SI.OO value, for fr*7 C up to 35c. Sale price 1«C L price L£t/& C Men's $7.50 *A CA Boys'sl.so Cord- AA ' " GIRLS- DRESSES | WOMEN'S BLOUSES ' o„e lot of !!S , c GvfirCOdlt Jit nfOY Knickers fit One lot of girls all pure wool diesses, bize 6to One lot of women's white .ingerie blouses, high scarfs, 50c value. .Sale price lOC ii I . n »(MTL •s. mm* 14 years old. Values up to $5.00. Q £ or low necks, values up to SI.OO. Ofl N Men's $7.50 *AC A Boys $1 Chemt 39C < .NFANTS- COATS 1 Winter Suits KNICKERS at . . ***** N Just live infants' white corduroy d» | OA MFN'Q $1 Aft /»n Boys' $7.50 fhifl- (M in WOMEN'S PETTICOATS MEN'S SHIRTS coats, that sold for $3.50. Sale price, «J> 1 .«3%7 PANTS ai . . . OifC chillaOvercoats "qt 33c I BABY CAPS > Men's SIO.OO $C CA Boys' $4 Polo $ \ yJQ """ zj 1r" y . . ttat . 29 C Overcoats at yv.Uv Overcoats at 1. »•' | WOMEN'S KIMONOS ' MEN-S UNDERWEAR i i| Men's $5.00 Heavy D»R| NR ROYS' KNIT O AA r • fill KIM " NU2> Men's fleece lined underwear, shirts and draJrs, CHILDREN'S CAPS \/ UR "{/• omen s full length crepe kimonos. Q all sizes, 50c value. One lot of children's white wool knit -| Reefer Coats TOOUES at .. . / 00 ' Bup to? 2 -0 - Sale price, Sale-price &VC hats and caps, values up to sl. Sale price, lUC 1 mmmmmmmr ——— i - J INDIGESTION ENDED, ! STOMACH FEELS FINE "Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sour, j gassy, upset stomachs in five minutes Sour, sassy, upset stomach, indiges- | tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and | stubborn lumps; your head aches and j you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes all stomach mis ery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt —If you can't get it regulated— please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach —make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any dis tress —eat without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regu late weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales annually. Get a large flfty-eent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and ei're known. It. acts almost like magic f—it is a scientific, harmless and pleas ant. stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home.—Adv. SEIBERT-HOI/T WEDDING •Meadow Valley, Pa,, Jan. B.—Miss Anna Holt was married on Saturday to Levi F. Seibert, of Brunnerville, by the Rev. J. W. Bitner, of Lltltz, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Seibert. RUN-DOWN FOR YEARS Strength Restored by Vinol Strength and even Ill's Itself depends upon nourishment and proper assimi lation of food, and unless digestion is good the whole body suffers. Mrs. C. W. Busby, of Moundsville, W. Va.; says: "For years X was in a weakened, run-down condition, and 1 could not find anything that would help me. Vinol was recommended and T tried it. Before I finished the first bottle I was better. I continued its use and am as well as ever. I have gotten several neighbors to take Vinol with the same result." We know the great power of Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, in building up all weak ened, run-down persons, and for chronic coughs, colds and pulmonary trouble, and that is why we guarantee to return your money If it does not help you. George A. Gorgas, Drug gist, Harrisburg, Penna. Vinol Is sold In Steelton, Pa., by T. Prowell. JP. 8. —Our Saxo Salve is truly won derful for Eczema. We guarantee it. — Advertisement. MONDAY EVENING, ;SBJOO FIRE HUB ! j PEN-MAR BUILDINGS Bowling Alleys, Garage and Liv ery Stable Destroyed in Spectacular Blaze i ■Special to The Telegraph llagerstown, Md., Jan. s.—Fire of mysterious origin destroyed the large skating rink, including bowling alleys and a garage, owned by Owen D. Shorley, of this city, and the livery stable in the roar of the Park View Hotel, owned by Benjamin Shockey, after midnight at Pen Mar Park, caus ing a loss of between $7,000 and SB,- 000. Both buildings were of frame construction, and when the fire was discovered the flames had reached such a stage as to render the possi bility unbury, its industries, railroads and citizens and that cßl jzens had no right to complain that I God was 'oming into their town and trying to run it. He said he would root out all evil and expoße view. MIAN DEMOCRAT SLASHES THE BOSSES Bitter Attack Made by Smethport Editor on the Democratic Machine Democrats throughout the State were amazed on Saturday at an editor ial broadside fired at Vance C. Mc- Cormick. and his associates in the Democratic State machine by the Me- Kean County Democrat, of Smethport. RlcKean county was one of the first counties to line up for the reorgani zation cause and the editor of the paper, S. R. Lindsey, has been one of the standard bearers. Evidently the Smethport man has joined the rapidly growing faction of the Democracy that wants another change. The Democrat, which is looked up to by many members of the party along the Northern tier, says: "Vance McCormick, of Ilarrisburg, who has assumed the role of Demo cratic boss of Pennsylvania, and a most Intolerant one at that, as he has done little else during the past three | years aside from that of trying to 'read out of the Democratic party bet- Iter Democrats than he (McCormick). ever thought of being, simply because) they positively refused to bow to this insolent boss, who at best is only a thorn in the side of the Democratic party of Pennsylvania, will certainly not assist In the proposed get together movement of the Democratic factions of this State. "It has been charged, and we have never heard the charge successfully contradicted, that McCormick has been entrusted with the O. K. seal for all Pennsylvania Federal appoint ments, and it is a notable fact that thus far only one faction of the party has received recognition in the parcel ing out of the offices, and that faction the one that bolted Hon. Webster Grim in 1010. "To bring the matter down locally the Federal appointments, what few have already been made in this coun ty, and the promises made for fu ture appointments in McKcan county all go to show that nearly if not quite one-half of the Democratic party is to be totally ignored by the oflice brok ers now in control of the Democratic organization in this State. Democrats who stood just as loyally for the elec tion of Woodrow Wilson as any of the reorganization bunch, seemingly, are to be shoved into the rear while the reorganizers are allowed to carry off all the offices. "This high handed way of doing business does not squint very strong ly toward a getting together of the party for this year's Important elec tion. It has more of the appearance of an effort on the part of the State organization to punish those Demo crats who voted for Hon. Webster Grim In J 910 in preference to that .political renegade. William H. Berry, JANUARY 5, 1914. "Send Us Another Load of Coal" just like the last order. "That Wilkes-Barre furnace coal you de livered to me certainly was dandy. It gives lots of heat and what I like, it burns to a fine white ash." This is one of the expressions we hear daily from our customers. . Buying from us insures good coal, prompt delivery and courteous treatment. Try us for your next order. United Ice & Coal Co. Fomtrr & Cowden S(«. Third A Boaa St«. 15th & chestnut Sts. and Ilummcl and Mulberry Sts. Also Steelton, Pa. —_ 1 who injected himself into that cam • paign for the sole object of defeating (the regular Democratic nominee for governor, and for the purpose of dis rupting the party. "This being the true condition of political affairs in Pennsylvania, Dem ocratically speaking, at this writing, the Democrat is sorry to say that it does not view the outlook in this State with the same optimistic eyes as do some of our more or less esteemed re organization friends who are corralling all the otfices, and riding rough shod over the other half of the Democratic party of this Commonwealth. "Again we say, it i« none too early to begin the work of rehabilitating the Democratic party in this State, which as yet has not been done, and is hardly possible so long as Vance Mc- Cormick has full swing in his work of trying to humiliate Democrats who do not agree with his policy of ostracizing life-long Democrats, who were Demo crats before the Harrisburg gentle man was born. It is certainly hoped that the Democratic leaders may see the light before it is too late." ELEVEN DEATHS IN YEAR Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 6.—During the year 1913, eleven deaths occurred among the residents of the borough, as follows: George W. Knaub, Janu ary 18; Hypacia January 28; Pauline Gochenour, February 5; Mrs. CASTCRIA For Infants and Children, Bears the the Kind You Have Always Bought J =q Edward Dick, March 31; John Smith, April 11; Sarah A. Miller, April 27; Caleb Livingston, September 1; Mrs, Carl, October 15; Annie Harboid, No vember 10; George W. Evans, Novem*- ber 24; James M. Porter, Decembet 17. CEMETERY ASSOCIATION ELECTS Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. s.—Officers oi the Dillsburg Cemetery Association have been elected for the year: * Presi dent, D. W. Beitzel; secretary, S. H Klugh; treasurer, George E. Selbert directors, Noah Arnold, James Heikea George Selbert, S. H. Klugh, D. W Beitzol, N. R. Bailey and C- W. Gal latin; caretaker, Lewis Arnold. i 11 YOU DESIRE A PIANO | Or Player-piano—the power of ou organization can change that deslri into realized possession. Investigate J. H. Troup Music House, 16 Soutl Market Square.—Advertisement. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Jan. s.— The engage ment of Norman Matter, a banket and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mattff of this place, and Miss Mae F. Holmes of Millers burg, has just been id . nounced. I 5