Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 05, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Her Coming Out Party Will Be
the Brilliant Event of
the Week
- Miss Eleanor Townsend Darlington,
daughter of the Bishop of Ilarrlsburg
and Mrs. James Henry Darlington
will make her formal bow to society
on Wednesday afternoon at "the
Bishop's House." 321 North Front
qtreet, at a toa followed by a dinner
and ball. This will be one of the.
ihost brilliant social events in the an
lials of' Harrisburg, as well as the
most pretentious of this winter,
'j Miss Darlington, who has been
ipuch entertained in New York dur
ing the holidays will return to the
city to-morrow, bringing with her the
following guests: Miss 1.,0 is Cassatt,
of Philadelphia; Miss Caramal Car
roll, Miss Agnes Clatiin, Miss Eliza
beth Remsun Thompson and Miss
Dorothea Darlington, of New York
City, all of whom will be In tho re
ceiving party at the tea. Stanley
Smith, of Philadelphia; John Mur
ray, son of Bishop Murray, of Balti
more; George Burgess, son of Bishop
Burgess, of Long Island; the Rev.
Henry V. D. Darlington, Gilbert S.
Darlington, Elliot C. B. Darlington
4nd Clinton Pelham Darlington, of
New York City; Mrs. W. J. G. Beams
and Col. Asa Bird Gardner, of New
York and Charles P, Darlington, of
Philadelphia, will nlso be guests for
the festivities.
Harrisburgers Assist
In the receiving line with Mrs. Dar
lington, Miss Darlington and the
young ladles from out of town, will
be Miss Elizabeth Bailey and Miss
Myrvinne Leason, Harrisburg debut
antes. Presiding at the refreshment
tables will be Mrs. John Kinley Tener,
Mrs. Richard J. Haldeman, Mrs.
Henry McCormlck, Mrs. Robert A.
I Damberton and Mrs. George Douglass
Ramsay. Assisting will be Mrs. Wil
liam Elder Bailey, Mrs. Edgar Z.
Wallower, Miss Mary Emily Reily,
Miss Eleanor Boyd, Miss Frances
Bailey, Miss Emily Bailey, Miss Janet
Sawyer, Miss Elise Haldeman, Miss
Anne McCormick, Miss Sarah Fuller
ton Hastings and Miss Margaret
' Miss Lillian Miller, of Cottage Ridge,
visited Miss Ada Watrous at Washing
ton, D. C., during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Patterson,
Miss Jane Patterson and Kenneth Pat
terson, of South Thirteenth street, have
returned to the city after a holiday trip
.to Florida and Cuba.
Miss Etliel IClrkwood Calder leaves
to-morrow for Bryn Mawr. after visit-'
tng her sister, Mrs. Edgar Z. Wallower,
over the holidays.
Miss Ruth Craighead has gone hack
.to Swarthniore College after a holiday
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles C. Craighead, 204 Harris street.
Harry B. Montgomery, of Second and
Forßter streets, was a recent gest of
Dr. and Mrs. Reefer, at Wheeling, W.
. Miss Elizabeth Peale has returned
.home to New York City, after visiting
the Misses Bailey, of Cottage Ridge,
"j Mias Alice Le Compte, of the Itodear
mel apartments, returned to St. Joseph's
Academy, Philadelphia, to-day to take
up her school wo'k after vacation.
Miss Louise He'.cn, teacher of Domcs
... tie Silence in ne Connellsvllle public
scifo'ols, has resumed her teaching af
ter spending the holidays at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard Coch
ran, of Weßt State street, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cochran,
' Miss Pauline Wall, of 1124 North
■ Third street, leaves to-morrow for the
•Holy Angels Academy, Buffalo, N. Y„
after spending the holiday recess with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wall.
Meade D. Detweller, Jr., was a holi
day guest of Bertram Stone, at War
ren, Pa.
Miss Pauline Brenner
Gives Midnight Supper
Miss Pauline Brenner entertained
at her home last night complimentary
to her guests, the Misses Sldonia and
Sara Bloom, of Mount Carmel, Pa.
Tho house was prettily decorated with
greens and flowers in a color scheme
of red and green. Music and dancing I
with a midnight supper were the fea
tures of the evening's entertainment.
The guests included the Misses
Sidonla and Sara Bloovn, Hose Cohen.
Rebecca Shulman, Sadye Cohen, Anna
Shulman, Bessie Kerston. Lena Flnkle-
Cecilia Shulman, Gertrude Kers
ton, Lena Klovinsky, Anna Gron/.lc,
Samuel Brenner, Joseph Brenner,
Henry Brenner, Benjamin Veaner,
Barney Gorovltz. Eft. Brenner, Harry
Yoffe, Philip Shulman, Maurice Flnkle
stein, Simon Brenner. Charles Cohen
and Joseph Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Cohen and Mr. and Mrs. M. Brenner.
Miss Jennie Black Nevin, daughter I
of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Nevln, of
Sunbury, and Harry Franklin Snyder,
of that city, were married Friday, Jan
uary 2, at the parsonage of the Re
formed Salem Church, with the pastor,
the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, officiat
ing. They will reside in Sunbury.
Herbert Wallower, William J. Calder
and Jay E. Neale loft yestorday for
Ithaca, N. Y„ to resume their studies
at Cornell University, after the holiday
vacation spent In this city.
Miss Margaret Jackson, of New Buff
alo, and Frederick Johnson, of Canada,
a former Harrisburger, were united in
marriage New Year's night, at the par
sonage of the Second Reformed Church
by the pastor, the Rev. Harrv N. Bass
ler. a cousin ot the bride, the couple
will reside at McCreary, Manitoba. Pan
ada, after a honeymoon spent in Atlan
tic City, Philadelphia and New York.
320 Market Str<»pt Second Moor. Bell Phone 2020W
marKei Oireet Upen Wed auU Evenings.
j Miss Elinor Walter Hostess at
New Years' Dance Satur
day Evening
Miss Grace Miller, of Wllliamsport,
and Miss Betty Pyle, of Virginia, wefe
guests of honor Saturday evening at a
charming little dance given by Miss
Elinor Walter at "New Ideul Hall,"
West Falrvlew.
Among the decorations of Southern
snillax, holly, mistletoe and pine, were
little Christmas trees twinkling with
bright colored lights. Refreshments
were served at intermission.
Jll the party were Mr. and Mrs. Jay
('. Saltzgiver, Miss Pyle, Miss Miller,
Miss Sara Lemer, Miss Edna Cart
wright, Miss Anna Koil, Miss Kuth
Haas, Miss Marie Melville, Miss Flor
ence Eckert. of Lancaster; Miss Jane
Scott, Miss Frances Corbett, Miss Anna
Flssel and Miss Elinor Walter.
Rodger Stewart, Jerry Hamilton,
Oren Weible, Warren Hall, Charles
Lippy, Mr. Watt, Thomas Gant, Lyn
wood Logan, Charles Simmers, Charles
Gorman, of Willlamsport; Mr. Weaver
and Mr. Wheeior.
Miss Josephine Lee Meek enter
tained a number of young folks at her
home in Thirteenth street in delightful
manner with games, music and a late
supper.- Enjoying Miss Meek's hospi
tality were Miss Catherine Andrews,
Miss Hermione Barker, Miss Adalene
Emerick, Miss Hope Swengle, Miss
Jean Allen, Mies Lucille Smucker, Miss
Ruth Miller, Miss Winifred Wilson and
Miss Ruth Forney.
Prior to taking a five months' trip
around the world, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Herr, of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting
at the home of Mr. Herr's sister, Mrs.
S. Wilt Kinter, 1430 North Second
Mrs. Frank S. LaChance. of 715
North Eighteenth street, has Issued in-1
vitations for a five hundred party, to'
be given at her home Tuesday after
noon, January 6.
Mrs. James I. Chamberlin and Miss
Jean Chamberlin, who are spending
the winter at Washington, D. C., were
holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hatfield Irons, Chestnut street.
Miss Julia Graydon and Miss Alice
Graydon spent part of the holidays
with friends in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stine, of 210
Pine street, spent the past week at
Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bailey, of
Cottage Ridge, gave a bowling party
and supper Saturday afternoon, at this
Country Club of Harrisburg fo!" their
son. Charles L. Bailey, 111.
Members of the Hebrew Historical
Society of Harrisburg were the guests
last evening at a social gathering held
last evening at the home of Max Bam
berger, 1307 Fulton street. Many
games were played after which re
freshments were served.
Among those present were Samuel
Handler, Charles Rosenberg, Phil
Snyder, Max Bamberger, Henry Co
hen, Harry Cohen, Louis Cohen, Harry
Schlffman, Louis Schlffmun, Miss Ruth
Long, Miss Anna Hamberger, and
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hamberger.
Animal Party For Two
Gingrich Youngsters
In honor of the birthdays of her two
sons. Carl, aged 8, and Blaine, aged
10, which fall this week, Mrs. Charles
Gingrich, of 1619 North Fifth street,
Saturday ufternoon gave an "animal
Animals were cut from magazines
by the hostess and the youngsters tried
to guess what they were. Knick-naeks,
portraying members of the animal
kingdom took a prominent place in
the table decorations. Those pres
ent in addition to the guests of honor
were: Vincent and Frank Stanford,
Clark Schilling, Herbert Lambert, Al
bert and Harry Lyter, Rusael Lippy,
Frank Ford and Charles Keller.
John Emerick's Birthday
Pleasantly Celebrated
Mrs. John W. Emerick arranged a
surprise party in celebration of hor
husband's birthday, with many friends
gathering at their residence, 1843
North street. Holiday decorations,
plants and ferns made the house most
Dancing and (tames were enjoyed
and after a buffet supper there was
music with Lester Goudy presiding at
the piano.
Among the gifts so lavishly show
ered on Mr. Emerick was a handsome
gold watch from his wife.
The guests were the Misses Claire
Lutz, Margaret Reed, Ruth Reed,
Margaret Comp, Martha Meade, Otto
Ribbons, Mrs. Clyde Bankes and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Reed, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Knoble, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Neal Carney, of Philadelphia; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Arnold, of Hummelstown;
Daniel Emerick, George H. Fox,
Charles Dotter, Lester Goudy and Mr.
and Mrs. John Emerick and Mrs.
Olive F. Gibbons.
"Peg 0' My Heart" Will Be Pre
seated by Miss Lillian
The noted Impersonator, Miss Lillian
Leighton Lamson, of New York, will
be the opening attraction in the. Young
Men's Christian Association entertain
ment course, Thursday evening, Janu
ary 8, in Fahnestock Hall at 8.15
By special request. Miss Lamson will
give "Peg o' My Heart," telling the
story complete, and impersonating all
of the characters in this most popular
piny. Miss bamson Is too well known
to Ilarrlshurgers to need comment;
she is one of the cleverest character
impersonators now before the public,
and her success here in "Peg o" My
Heart" is an assured fact. Doors will
open at 7.30 o'clock. Single admission
tickets may be purchased at the box
office on the evening of the entertain
Miss lamson will be followed Thurs
day evening, January 15, by Malcolm
Shackleford, also of New York, in a
miscellaneous program. Mr. Shackle
ford is known as one of the best hu
morists on the lyceum platform, and
an exceedingly clever entertainer.
The closing number In the course
will be Miss Mary Wall, the cele
brated harpist, accompanied by Miss
Edna Kimball, a talented singer.
The above makes a trio of first-class
attractions, and the course should
prove popular with all who are fond
of high class lyceum entertainments.
Course tickets that remain unsold may
be purchased at the association build
ing. The issue Is limited to 600.
ihrman B. Mitchell, Edward Stack
pole, Jr., John C. Herman, I* R. Koons,
M. L. Koons, Milton Liemer and J. D.
Cooper, Jr., left to-day for New Haven
to resume their studies at Yale Univer
sity, after the holidays.
Miss Dora Wickershain Coe leaves
Wednesday for Brier-Cllffe-on-the-
Hudson, to resume her school work.
Miss Nancy E. Canan, of South Thir
teenth street. Is In town after a holiday
visit with relatives at Tyrone.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowman, of
18-10 Spencer street, entertained in
formally Saturday evening In honor of
Paul Dickson. Karl Wright and Melvln
Dickson, of Frederick, Md.
Mrs. Herbert Elder and son, Charles
bloom Elder, have gone home to Ken
sington, Md., after spending the holi
days among relatives and old friends
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. James Weir Fahnestock
and Miss Hanna H. Kahnestock left for
their Baltimore home, Saturday, after
visiting relatives here.
Miss Margaret Dale, of the Seller
School faculty, has returned from her
home, at Pittsfield, Mass., where she
spent the holiday recess.
Miss Elizabeth Knisely, of Front and
Maclay streets, has gone back to Stam
ford, Conn., to take up her studies at
Miss bowe's School.
Miss Mary Sponsler, 105 Chestnut
street, and her guest, Miss Sarah Eldon,
of Roaring Springs, left to-dav for liol
lidaysburg, to resume their studies at
Highland Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williamson have
gone home to Germantown, after spend
ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs
Harold Forster, of State street.
Miss Daisy Watterson and Miss
* el £!?£. Watterson left for their homo,
at Philadelphia, this morning, after
spending the holidays with their aunt,
Mrs. Horace bandls, of Market street.
George S. McCrone, of the Harrlsburj?
Post Office, spent the day at Union De
posit, Pa.
Mrs. Baker, Miss Lila Baker and J.
B. Looker, Jr., of 24 North Tenth
street, have returned to the city after
visiting relatives at Gloucester City,
jN. J., over New Year's.
On Tuesday the Current Events Ct. ss
under Mrs. Mabel Cronlae Jones will
meet In the Young Women's Christian
Association for the tlrst time since
tho Christmas holidays. There is no
class fee attached. Any member of
the Association may attend the class.
Those not members may easily become
so by paying the annual dues of |1 00
New members can join on Tuesday.'
There will be room for all.
Guests of Miss Hermolne Barker, at
her home, S3 Evergreen street, spent
a merry afternoon with various social
diversions, followed by a supper.
»r, ln a "f? dancfi were Mlps M J'ra Ebv,
Miss Mildred Thomas, Miss Esther
Brenneman, Miss Margaret Reigle
Miss Helen Greider, Miss Mary Roth'
Miss Adalene Emertck, Miss Ruth
Craighead, Miss Frances Spong Miss
Margaret Shilling, Miss Anna Mosey,
Miss Ella Little, Frances Ram
sey and Miss Ruth Parthemors.
Fun For Young Folks
at Miss Mathias* Home
Among the delightful New Year's
parties in this city, was that of Miss
Bernice Mathias of 1900 Fulton
street, who entertained a number of
[young people at her home.
Thore were games and contests to
amuse the guests, followed by music
and a supper.
lattendance were the Misses Zella
Rebuck, Marie Brown, Katherlne
S r «T n, « Kd ? a ott ' Adaiine Otstot,
Katharine Otstot, Valda Richards
Hannah Matchett, Florence MatchetV
Margaret Tomlinson, Pearl Browna
wel and Bernice Mathias, Albert
Foltz, Paul Horning, John Ream,
Emerson Beible, Henry Burd, Vance
Solfe??' r v nk , T^ Pery and Ko'andus
Scifert, of Jiork, Mrs. Maurice H. Sel
fert, Mrs. Lydla Stomer of York Mrs
Harry n Ma°thi^ r8 - * H " Koh,CI *' **
Has It outlived its usefulness? Whv
not use it In part payment for an An.
gelus, an Autotone or Plavotone
pricf. 1455 up. I,l!„ral term, J H
Band and orchestra every Tuesday
and Thursday evenings. Ten-piece
orchestra Saturday evenings.—Adver-
Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo
has removed his parlors from 9ia n
Third St. to 908 N. Second St.
Unceasing Warfare Waged Against
I Transmitter of Malaria and
Yellow Fever
By Willis J. Abbot, Author of "Pana
ma and the Canal in Picture and
Copyright, 1913, Syndicate Publishing
<"o., New York. All rights reserved.
The latest desire In the unceasing
warfare of the Sanitation Department ■
upon the mosquito of the Canal Zone
is a contraption which shows which I
way the 'skeeter flies, where he comes I
from and whither he is going. It is a I
small frame holding four glass plates i
«et at right angles, with each plate |
facing one point of the compass-
North, 1 South, East or West. All are!
properly coated with tanglefoot so j
that when the heedless mosquito
humps Into a plate in his flight, he]
stays permanently. This machine has
shown that the mosquitoes fly in the
early evening—something that most
of us have discovered without the aid
of mechanical contrivances—and make
their return flight in the early morn
ing hours. The practical advantage of
the device lies In the fact that It indi
cates the direction from which the
pestilential Insects came. If the plates
facing East and North, for example, i
are besprinkled with captured insects
the oil brigade and the germicide men
are dispatched In these directions to
look up the breeding places that, start
ed out the flying squadrons of pesti
Since the "mosquito theory" of the
methods of conveying malaria and
yellow fever ceased to he a theory
and became an established fact, no
pains are too great for the sanitation
force to take in fighting the insects.
In reality there is a certain humor
in this scientific bug hunting. You
are at afternoon tea with a hostess In
one of the charming tropical houses
which the commission supplies to
its workers. The eyes of your hos
tess suddenly become fixed In a ter
rified gaze.
"Goodness, gracious!" she exclaims,
"look there!"
"What? where?" you cry, bounding
from your seat In excitement. Per
haps a blast has just boomed on the
circumambient air and you have vis
ions of a fifty-pound rock about to fly
through the drawing-room window.
"There!" dramatically. "That mos
"I'll swat It," you cry valorously,
remembering the slogan of "Swat the
Fly" which breaks forth recurrently
in our newspapers every spring
though they are quite calm and un
perturbed about the places which
breed flies faster than they can be
"Goodness, no. I must telephone
the department."
Speechless with amazement you
wonder If the police or fire depart
ment is to be called out to cope with
this mosquito. In due time there ap
pears an official equipped with an
electric flash-light, a phial and a small
bottle of chloroform. The malefac
tor—no, the suspect for the anopheles
Malefactor does no evil despite his
sinister name —is mercifully chloro
formed and deposited in the phial for
a later post mortem. With his flash
light the inspector examines all the
dark places of the house to seek for
possible accomplices, and having
learned that nobody has been bitten
takes himself off.
It does seem a ridiculous amount of
fuss about a mosquito, doesn't it?
But since that sort of thing has been
done on the one death carts no lon
ger make their dismal rounds for the
night's quota of the dead, and the rav
ages of malaria are no longer so gen
eral or so deadly as they were.
When Colonel Gorgas came to the
Isthmus the two towns. Panama and
Colon, were well fitted to be breeding
places for pestilence. Neither had
sewers nor any drainage system. The
streets of Panama were paved after a
fashion with cobblestones and lined
with butters through which the liquid
refuse of the town trickled slowly or
stood still to fester and grow putres
cent under the glowing rays of the
tropic sun. Colon had no pavement
whatsoever. Neither town had wa
terworks, and the people gathered
and stored rainwater In cisterns and
pottery jars, which afforded fine
breeding places for the mosquito. As
a matter of fact the whole Isthmus,
not the towns alone, furnishes plenty
of homes for the mosquito. With a
rainy season lasting throughout eight
months In the year much of the soil
is waterlogged. The stagnant back
waters of small streams; pools left by
the rains, the footprints of cows and
other animals tilled up with rain water
quickly breed the wrigglers that ul
timately become mosquitoes. Air. A.
H. Jennings, the entomologist of the
commission, has identified 125 varie
ties of the mosquitoe, of which how
ever, the anopheles and the stegompla
are the ones peculiarly obnoxious to
man. The others are merely the com-1
mon or summer resort variety of mos
quito with a fondness for ankles and l
the back of one's hand. A careful;
Study of literary authorities Indicates;
to me that at this point in the descrip
tion of the mosquito plague on the
Isthmus it is proper to Indulge in hu
morous reflections upon the fact that
the bite of the female only is danger
ous. But giving the fact the humor
ous applications seems so obvious that
the reader may be trusted to draw
them for himself —it would be Idle to
say "herself," for women will not see
anything humorous about It at all.
Be sure to get a copy of "Panama
and the Canal in Poetry and Prose."
Clip a coupon from the Telegraph
and present at office with SI.OO.
Plumber Harry S. Lutz
Entertains Employes
Harry. S. Lutz, a well-known i
plumber, of 211 Verbeke street, enter
tained his employes and their wives at ■
a turkey dinner on New Year's.
An pnjoyable evening was spent in
music and games, after the feasting.
In attendance were Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Whitmoyer, Mr. and Mrs. John
Straka. Mr. and Airs. Simon Lutz, Mr.
and Airs. Simon Brownawell, Alias
Helen Gerdes, Miss Hafielgh, Miss
Mory Lutz. Tryon Williams, Kenneth
Rineard, Harry Willis, John Hoyert,
Douglas Wicks, Robert Lutz. Henry
Lutz and Air. and Mrs. Harry Lutz.
Annie Gibson died Saturday morn
ing at the home of her parents. Air.
and Mrs. George Gibson, 1324 North
Front street. Funeral services will
be held to-morrow afternoon at 3
o'clock. The Rev. I. B. Turner will
officiate. Burial will be made in the
Lincoln Cemetery.
Miss "Alarion Edith Pickering,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E.
and Prlscllla Pickering, aged 17 years,
died last evening at the home of her
parents, 925 Penn street. She was a
member of the Becond Reformed
Church. Funeral services will be held
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The
Rev. Harry N. Bassler, pastor of the
Second Reformed Church, will offl- .
elate. Burial will be made in Sha-1
W., B. &W. | W.. B. &W. I W., B. & W 1
January Clearance Sale Opened Friday
With Crowds All Day
Saturday, rain all day, of course, check d the crowds—Yet many came out and
bought. Thousands of bargains for all, this week, in suits, coats, dresses, evening
gowns, wraps, waists, children's coats, etc. Bargains in both stores.
Main Store 292 Walnut Street-Witmer, Bair & Witmer
Annex 311 Walnut Street
; Stocks are double as large as last yeir. Both stores crowded. We have been
preparing for 4 weeks for this month's sale. We have been continually buying at
makers' overloaded prices, so we could cu; our regular stocks unmercifully and give
you the best bargains you ever bought.
The mild fall season, especially the hot November, brought about these conditions—
and you, the consumer, reap the benefit. Come Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, every
day—Remember it is a Clearance Sale. Every day the stocks grow less—and pick
ing not as choice.
Witmer, Bair & Witmer WALNUT 3 ST.
Airs. Mabel Cronlse Jones, Airs.
Christian W. Lynch and Airs. Solomon i
Hiney, Jr., officers of Keystone chap
ter, United States Daughters of 1812,
are going to Philadelphia next week
to attend a State meeting of the or
ganization. They will be guests of
Miss Martha H. Mclnnes, State presi
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 5. Eighteen
young men from the sixteenth con
gressional district, took the examina
tions in Sunbury on Saturday as ap
plicants for the honor of being named
for either the West Point Alllitary
Academy or Annapolis Naval Acad
emy. Congressman John V. Lesher
of Sunbury, will give the honor to
those making the highest figure of
merit in the examination.
Janitors of the schools of the city
received their pay this morning.
Somebody is always writing some
thing in the newspapers about James
Hamilton Lewis. United States Sena
tor from Illinois. And this is only
natural, for Air. Lewis is famous for
two distinct reasons. In the first place,
he Is the most picturesque and artistic
dresser in Congress, being the only
man who can handle lavender socks
as if they really belonged. Secondly
he takes a most active part in national'
But the limit was reached last July,
when a newspaper correspondent
wired out a story about a speech the
Illinois Senator had made regarding
woman suffrage. Among other thin la
this dispatch slated: '
"Mr. Lewis liad noted, he said, dur
ing his lifetime that in most instances
and as a very general rule, the niater
Call and See
V. • •
% Mere words cannot describe it—an illustration
d such as is herein presented cannot pbrtray its
H ||| beauties. The French would call it an "Edi- I
JL JL JL JL O ** on ux e." We have no phrase so\ fitting. a
As the size of your ■ | * J
compares with your hand, so ■ | |
this illustration compares with JL JL
the size of the book.
Home With You
No novel could be more interesting—no text book is more instruc
tive. It is indeed the acknowledged standard reference work of
the great Canal Zone in which every man, woman and child must ■
be interested. k
SEE CERTIFICATE A , . _. . „ _ .
PPTMTTrn nw explained in the Certificate printed daily in these
columns, this handsome volume is distributed at
ANOTHER PAGE SI.OO for this $4 book (see illustration.)
ByThe Harrisburg Telegraph
JANUARY 5, 1914.
I nal instinct was stronger In women!
| than in men." —Tho Popular Magazine, j
Captain Henry Swartz, 110 Cumber- 1
land street, the truant officer of the I
Harrisburg school district, is confined !
to his home 011 account of illness.
lhe Moment You Rub the Pain
and Soreness Is Gone
Get a Small Trial Bottle Now and i
Go to Work Without Suffer
ing Any Pain
j Count fifty! Pain gone.
Rheumatism is "pain only." Not 1
one case in tifty requires'internal
treatment. Stop drugging! Kub 1
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs <
Oil" directly upon the "tender spot," !
and relief comes Instantly. "St. Ja- '
cobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
cure ;vhich never disappoints and can I
not burn or discolor the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get j
a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs
Oil," from any drug store and i
In just a moment you'll be I
free from rheumatic pain, soreness,
stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer!
Relief artd a cure awaits you. "St. i
Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of 1
rheumatism sufferers In the last half 1
century, and is just as good for
sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back
ache and sprains.—Advertisement. I
! 2,800 Yards of
9c and 10c
Outing Flannel i
5c and 6%c yd.
Fleecy on both sides. Stripes and
plaids. Tho 5c lot Is in remnant
; lengths.
12V£c Twilled Ql/
Drapery, yd., . 0/2 C
I different patterns. Full pieces
| 28 Inches wide. For comforts, box
coverings, curtains, etc. Oriental and
! floral patterns.
Four Other Dry
Goods Specials
pieces, soiled a little 1 n
I along the edge. I //»
"8c SHEETING in remnants, suit
able for pillow cases, XI
Inches wide, on sale at. I
yard * vi.
i 25c AND 35c FLANNELS—in plaids
| and stripes, nearly all _ „
wool, in full pieces, IOC
to 20-yard pieces, many im , .
patterns, on sale at. / 1/1%
I yard « /2t-
On Halo on the Main Floor, Roar
V " P
' Try Telegraph Want Ads,