CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE."#' *&* -JF ioz^sssSm | * HARRISBURtt'S POPULAR D«BM»TI*MT •TORI I\ Attention Is Directed to a ► Limited Showing of ► . On display on the Second Floor —Bowman's. 4 MR! CLUB FOR NEW COMMERCE BODY President Musser Sends Letter Telling Why Organization Should, Be Formed Commendation of the proposed businessmen's organization is being re cei\ ed from all sides by tho temporary committee charged with the prelimi naries incident to the formation of tho association on Wednesday evening. A letter received by the committee from John S. Musser, president of the, Harrisburg Rotary Club, is in line with the. comments heard. The letter is as follows: •'Personally, the writer feels that Harrisburg would be taking a retro grade step and a very decided retro grade step, if it was not represented In a general and a decided way by such in organization as is planned. Fully realizing what advertising of our d|ty means, having experience through an other organization of which Harris nurg has obtained quite a little pub licity, we firmly believe that Harris burg should maintain a permanent and effective organization, under whatever name may be chosen, and Harrisburg Itself given every opportunity to real ize from the benefit of this advertising. It does not follow that each Individual will receive direct benefit from an or ganization of this kind, but we all, collectively, whether we live in Har risburg or its immediate vicinity, are affected very much by whatever move ment that may attain to Harrisburg HS a city. "I sincerely hope to see this organi zation started with a permanent and effective party of live-wires who are willing and able to do something for Harrisburg and you may count on the writer doing his share. "Wishing you all compliments of the season, I am. "Very truly yours, "JOHN S. MUSSER. President." The firms and organizations who will be Identified with the new body are: Manufacturers Adding machines. Burroughs Adding Machine Company; bags and boxes, Harrisburg Bag and Hox Company; bakers, Harrisburg Raking Company; brass foundry, Har risburg Brass and Bronze Foundry; confectionery, The D. Bacon Company; hosiery, New Idea Hosiery Company; iron and steel, Central Iron and Steel Company; nursery, Berryhlll Nursery Company; shoes, Devine & Yungel Shoe Company; steam engines, Har risburg Foundry and Machine Works; stone, Humriielstown Hrownstone Company; wheelbarrows, Jackson Manufacturing Company. Wholesalers—Cigars and tobacco, John C. Herman & Co.; confectionery. The D. Bacon Company; flour and feed, Paxton Flour and Feed Com pany; grocers, Evans-Burtnett Com pany, Witman-Schwarz Company; milk, Pennsylvania Milk Products Company; notions, Joseph Claster; paper, Donaldson Paper Company, Johnston Paper Company. Banks —Commonwealth Trust Com- Here's to You and Me and POSTUM —the pur© food-drink that meets the desire of young and old for a palatable table beverage which is wholesome and satisfying. Postum is made only of clean, hard wheat and a small per cent, of New Orleans molasses. It tastes much like the higher grades of Java, but is absolutely free from caffeine, the drug in coffee, which causes so much headache, sleeplessness, indigestion, nervousness and heart trouble. Coffee drinker* can learn something of value by a 10 days' change to Postum. Then, as the coffee poison is eliminated from the system, the brain works clear, nerves become steady, and the gradual return of peace and comfort will show plainly. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Postum now comes in two forms: Regular Posturo must be boiled 15 to 20 minutes. Instant Postum—is a soluble powder A scant teaspoonful stirred in a cup of hot water dissolves instantly. The convenience of Instant Postum is app irent. But, when prepared according to direc tions. botta kinds are exactly the same. The ost per cup is about equal. i —Grocer# everywhere sell both kinds. MONDAY EVENING, pany, Dauphin Deposit Trust Com pany, First National Bank, Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Union Trust Company of Penn . sylvanla. f Retailers—Books and stationery, D. I W. Cotterel; cigars, United Cigar I Stores Company; cloaks and suits, Wltmer, Balr & Witmer; confection ery, John S. Weaver; delicatessen, Samuel S. Rutherford; department ■ stores. Bowman & Co., Dives, Pomeroy a. Stewart, Kaufman's Underselling Store, Twenty-five Cent Store; furni ture, Rothert Company; druggists, George A. Gorgas, E. Z. Gross, Croll Keller; grocers, S. 8. Pomeroy; hard ware, Henry Gilbert & Son; jewelry, Henry C. Claster, E. G. Hoover; men's 1 clothing, etc., Samuel Kuhn Clothing ; Company; mortor cars, Crlspen Motor Car Company; teas, coffee, etc., Grand • Union Tea Company; wines, etc., Han -1 len Bros. Real Estate lnvestors' Realty 1 Company, Miller Bros. & Baker, J. F. 1 ltohrer. Newspapers and Printing—The Pa -1 triot Company, The Telegraph Print ing Company, J. Horace McFarland Company, Evangelical Publishing Company. Electricity and Electrical Supplies— Dauphin Electric Supply Company, Harrisburg Electric Supply Company, Harrisburg Eight and Power Company. Street Railways—Harrisburg Rail ways Company. Theaters —VVilmer, Vincent & An pell. Contractors Central Construction and Supply Company, S. W. Shoe maker &• Sons. Individuals The following Indi vidual memberships are held in addi tion to tho firms named above with which they may be identified: M. R. Alleman, Insurance; Arthur H. Bailey, County Treasurer; Edward Bailey, Harrisburg National Bank; G. Irwin Beatty, retired; B. F. Blough, Blough Manufacturing Company; Charles S. 8011, Union Trust Company; H. H. Bowman, Bowman & Co.; J. k. Bowman, Bowman & Co.; J. W Bow man, Bowman & Co.; T. P. McCubbin, Bowman & Co.; Martin A. Brlnton, In surance; A. E. Buchanan, Pennsylva nia Railroad Company; W. B. Mc- Caleb, Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany; E. S. Neilson, Pennsylvania Railroad Company; J. H. Nixon, Penn sylvania Railroad Company; James F Bullitt, clergyman; C. C. Cocklin, ocu list; Henry C. Demming, chemist; J. A. Donaldson, Donaldson Paper Com pany; W. M. Donaldson, Donaldson Paper Company; S. S. Eberts, Bell Telephone Company; H. F. Hope, Bell Telephone Company; George S. Rein oehl, Bell Telephone Company; S. B. Watt, Bell Telephone Company; Wil liam S. Essick, insurance; P. F. Far quharson, insurance; Henderson Gil bert, Henry Gilbert & Son; Robert G Goldsborough, Highspire Distillery Company; Francis J. Hall, Central Iron and Steel Company; E. D. Hil leary, Philadelphia and Reading Rail way Company; Joseph S. Klinedinst Philadelphia and Reading Railwav Company; George IT. JefTers, Regal Umbrella Comuany: William Jennings Commonwealth Trust Company; W. M! Ogelsby, Commonwealth Trust Com pany; C. A. Kunkel, Mechanics' Bank; Robert W. Hoy, Harrisburg Light and Power Company; li. B. Lau, Harris burg Light and Power Company; George B. Tripp, Harrisburg Eight and Power Company; Edgar Z. Wal lower, Harrisburg Eight and Power Company: C. E. Long, builder; F. W. Long, with C. L. Long; Benjamin CALL f ' ' * ' ' "»»»'•«'"] CALLB9I-ANY "PHONE.*#* [TP fl 1 f CI • POPULAR DCMRTMIKT STOP* 1 o-morrow—bale of Skirts ; i > The Samples of One of New York's \ | I: /I °l\ Best Manufacturers—All at One Price < ! frl Sale Price ; 1 $8.50. SIO.OO and $12.50 Skirts ] i HP Ff y The lot includes some higher priced skirts. < ,/ ► ft \ 1 / Take your pick of them at $5.98 < ; Am ah the Newest winter Model. ; Advance Notice ' I \fr // Domestic and imported fabrics. A full range of colors. A T\ 5 jr : LJtJf Some sizes for stout women. Mostly regular sizes. ' J HOWfllClYl S J UtIUdVV ► THE ABOVE LOT INCLUDES ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SKIRTS. < > One lot of Bedford Cord Skirts, plain One lot of $5.00 Extra Size Skirts of < TJ /Zj*/v? /l lP ► tailored, black and navy. men's wear serge, black and navy. < fV lILLC O Ulv \ Sale Price Sale Price <| Will begin on Thursday, Jan 8 ' $5 - 00 » $6 ; 50 and $7 - 50 Skirt8 > 9g < An occasion °f interest t0 ever y \ of the Wider Models, at . . < woman in the community. Prepar- Wider models are not so much in fashion now, but many women prefer them to the narrow ntvles < \ . t s ' » > rn^oV°th:m f at n S2.»8 ateria,S Stapl * BtyleS - Colors are navy and black. Good skirts-take your p?ck o> < dtlOllS CM Mldcr fOT the pKSen 'On Sale on the Second Floor—Bowman's. ' < tation of very attractive values. ~ ' V Strouse, clothing; Donald McCormlck, Dauphin Deposit Trust Company; ltobert McCormlck, Dauphin Deposit Trust Company; Henry B. McCormlck, McCormlck Estate; Henry McCormlck. Jr., McCormlck Estate; Vance C. Mc- Cormlck, McCormlck Estate; Walter L. Montgomery, J. B. Montgomery & Co.; John P. Mellc.k, State Capitol Building and Loan Association; B. F. Meyers; Martin 11. Nissley, Pennsyl vania Milk Products Company; B. M. Ogelsby, Harrisburg Telegraph; F. R. Oyster, Harrisburg Telegraph; W. E. Orth, City Star Laundry; Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent Public Grounds and Buildings; George W. Relly, Harrisburg Trust Company; William M. Koblson. Insurance; Ira D. Romberger, S. B. Rowiberger's Sons; John K. Royal, Mayor; Charles E. Schaup, hydraulic engineer; George A. Shreiner, builder; Frank A. Smith, Harrisburg Brokerage Company; F. Herbert Snow, State Department of Health; J. Henry Spicer, Harrisburg Burial Case Company; J. L. Slewart, contractor and builder; David E. Tracy, Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company; Joseph H. Wallazz, Dun & Co.; E. Z. Wallower; G. F. Watt, Elliott-Fisher Company John S. Weaver, retail confectioner; John Fox Weiss, lawyer; Albert A. Wert, Insur ance; John G. Young, International Harvester Company; Dick Oliver, in surance; William Strouse, clothing; Samuel Kunkel. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Halifax, Pa., Jan. s.—Yesterday the Bethel Sunday school of Matanioras, held Its annual election of officers and elected for the ensuing year: Super intendent, William O. Glace; assistant superintendent, Charles 1. Glace; sec retaries, Miss Esther Bailey and Curt Sweigard; organist. Miss Ivy E. Hoff man; assistant organist, Mrs. Ella ltyan Jury; treasurer, Mrs. Caroline Chubb; librarians, Esther Wagner and Pauline Sweigard; sexton, Louis Frank. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH KEYSTONE STATE LEADS IN MINK Remarkable Record Shown in Re port of Chief of Mines James E. Roderick Advance sheets of the report of James E. Roderick, State Chief of Mines, for the operations of 1912 show that the production of coal in Pennsyl vania broke all record in that year. The aggregate output touched 245,- 257,361 short tons, of which 160,830,- 492 were bituminous and 84,426,869 anthracite. This tonnage, says Mr. Roderick, is about one-half of the whole tonnage of the United States for that year and about one-fourth of the tonnage of the world. The best previous record was 235,615,459 tons, made in 1907. A striking comparison Is made of the output of 44,538,972 tons in 1880. The section of the report just made public deals chiefly with the soft coal. > Just 280 of the 458 mines in the State are in the bituminous belt and in the • year covered by the report Vesta No. 4 mine, of the Vesta Coal Company, led with 1,555,420 tons. The best anthra cite mine was Prospect of the t Valley Coal Company, with 1,152,690 tons, Woodward of the Lackawanna L being next with 1,012,329 tons. The , coal output wus worth $300,000,000 at j the mines and the consumers probably , paid $700,000,000. "in the bituminous trade there is the usual complaint regarding low ■ prices," says the Chief. "Put this is a condition that is unavoidable as long as the output is unrestricted and the present cut-throat methods are followed. Without some co-operation between the producers to stop cutting of prices no improvement in this re spect can be hoped for, and although the output may be very large the mon etary returns are frequently very un satisfactory. This condition does not apply to the anthracite region. The coal produced by the great anthracite corporations is regulated in quantity and price, with the result that the profits are large." The Chief says car shortage and in ability to obtain miners and helpers aided to keep down the output. The conditions of the two-year bituminous region contract, with the men will "probably increase somewhat the cost of production, but to offset this phase of the trade there will be two years of peace in the bituminous and four In the anthracite refelon." The Chief notes a big gain in the export trade and hopes that it will be permanent. He also says: "The question of safety of mines and the I protection of the employes, along with first aid training, took a prominent place among the incidents of the year." Tie declares that Pennsylvania has taken the lead in the matter of proposed mining legislation. Inci dentally he notes that the coke pro duction for 1912 aggregated 24,682,- 474 short tons and made a record. Mining institutes and vocational Rchools are highly commended for tho work they are doing to promote intel ligence among miners; the safety lamp development is praised, and in regard to accidents it is said: "If the acci dents resulting from carelessness and disobedience of rules could bo elimi nated, the fatalities in the mines would not. be greater than in many other vo cations in the cities. * * * So much has been written regarding the accidents in the coal mines of the Inited States that a foreigner might think we had no mining laws in this country or that if we had any they are not being enforced. A compari son of accidents In Pennsylvania with thos eof Great Britain, however, dis closes the fact that we are conducting our mining operations with as great care as they are in that country. The total number of fatalities In this coun try, while deplorably large, is not as large as In Great Britain," notwith standing the fact that we produce three times as much coal per em ploye." ROTARY CUTB MEETING The Harrisbtirg Rotary Club will meet at 6.30 to-morrow evening at Menger's restaurant in North Second street. Dinner will he served and reports on ladles' night plans made ! Letters to the Editor JUDGE KU\KEI, I'UH GOVURNOH | To the Editor of The Telegraph: | As a constant reader of your very in- Hmo . e ., PaPer ' W6 haVe noticc " fom 11. e ' nai "es suggested for the Republican nomination for Governor. , 1 Ol,e ve t mentioned that we have seen but that would rhake an Ideal can i date and If elected we believe an ad mirable official to preside over the destinies of this great State. We have many men in the Republican party who are very competent to fill this honored f P° s| tlon, but however good and efflci , ent they may be, we must not forget r that It will be necessary to select a man against whom the opposition can hurl their darts and have them fall from • him the same as If they were directed ■ against a granite wall. ' i*. 1 f rue t' 1 . 34 a man cannot be se i » " ,at ?! 1 escape entirely an as sault upon his good name and record but to get one as I say that the assault > wi I B J'°, W ,; is .'J 11 ,!® e(Tect as possible and Bh ° uld be tiie duty of those ' m!^»oi ni i en f °.will l»e largely instru ■ " fo<:u ß | »g the attention of the ; «^ p S n t . he man most Hkely to bo S!? ?i , n a " lists of names yet mentioned, • e have looked in vain for one whom we, in our humble Judg t*t think will meet this requirement r S feren P e to the Honorable ! President Judge of Dauphin County, George Kunkel. Those of us who re call the contest In which he was first 1 the bench, well remember i the attacks made upon his record as a Republican organization man. We re member how the people were told that ho was simply a servant of the "gang" and that as judge, he would be a pliant tool in their hands. We all recall with what feelings we awaited his decisions n the historic Capitol grafting cases: , how would he construe the law? Would .. fo A Ket his politics and rise to the situation and see that justice was meted out to the seemingly guilty ones? Would he permit any "invisible gov i ernment to dictate to him? The answer to all this is history, written in , the court dockets of Dauphin county. , Now, after ten years of faithful ser vice on the bench, the people of Dau phin county have again called him to preside in that honored position. This is not In the least surprising, but when we consider the attacks that were made upon him by the opposition at that time, and note the change in the estimate put upon his work and record of the past ten years, by the very men who then so bitterly assailed him, we may be pardoned for making the state ment that with no thought of disparag | ing the honorable gentlemen already mentioned for thi great honor, he stands pre-eminently the man for the occasion. That the Democratic organization of Dauphin county considered him a most admirable judge, was certainly evidenc ed when Mr. McCormlck's own organi zation placed him on their ticket at tiie last election. We wish to ask now In the light of all this, will it he pos sible for the Democratic organization of the State to make any dangerous at tack on him or his fitness, after one of Theb °* ill i# hlw SI Opal jar §ll inside Be sure to get II real Resinol If you want to get rid of eczema, pimples, or other distressing skin eruption, you will accept no "sub stitute" for Resinol. Preparations similar in name or appearance are not " just the same as Resinol." Although &few unscrupulous deal ers may offer them as or /or Res inol, they ar&often crudely made, of little healmg power, and some may even be dangerous to use. ' Buy in the original blue package. Resinol is never sold in bulk Rcttool hu been prescribed by doctors for more than 18 years. All drnggfita «ell Resinol Ointment hi opal Jan (80c. and $1.00). and Reelnol Soap (18c.). For trial ■lza of each free, writ* to Dept. 19-g, Reelnol. Baltimore, Md. JANUARY 5, 1914. their recognized State leaders was instru mental In having him placed on their ticket at the last election? What could they say? Tas he not disproved by Ills work every charge they made against him in tho first campaign? Have they not acknowledged that ho Is a man that cannot be swerved from his high ideals? This then being the case it seems to .esolve itself into a very simple proposition and that is—nomi nate him for Governor and he will be : triumphantly elected. A PENNSYLVANIAN. LETTER TO HI D FISHER Mr. Bud Fisher, Ca? e of Harrisburg Telegraph, City. Dear, Atud; The Debating Society of Engine Housip No. 2, resolved that you should turn pver a new leaf and make a reso- j lution giving poor Jeff a chance—not giving him a black eye every night in the Telegraph-—as we think it no more than fair to allow little Jeff to get a jab at Mutt and turn the tables on him. It has been called to our attention time and time again that we should notify you to let up on Little Jeff and soak Big Mutt good and hard. We hope you will give this matter your full consideration. yours very truly, MAITZY, Acting Secretary. Harrisburg. Pa., January 2, 1914. 50 MORE VICT KOLAS .ILIST RECEIVED Including all styles. Up to January 15 you may have your choice on our l very liberal "Club Plan.' Come in, we'ell gladly explain. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square. 1 —Advertisement. i I AMUBBMBNT9 AMUSEMENTS ' * ■ i —— MAJESTIC THEATER, " "™ L TO-NIGHT—LAST TIME—T UK PLAY nKAR TO 111 r,I,IONS. MR FHANK THOMPSON PRESENTS DENMAN THOMPSON'S THE OLD HOMESTEAD In All It* Original Excellence Incl iklliik Celebrated Double Male Uuartet, Grand Choir, Grace Church, IV. V., 20 Voices, Etc. PRICES 2Be, BOc, "Be, (1.00 -- ■' lAIARV 7, MATINEE AND NIGHT, RICHARD BB*» Nfc/1 AND ORIGINAL N. Y. OAST OF CO-WORKERS IN DAMAGED GOODS ie play nklrk overthrow* the conspiracy of sllenee about the kl((Mt ot aex problem*. Prlceni Night. BOc to R.M| Mat., BOc to 91.00; Seat Sal* Opcna Monday. a'HL'RSUAt EVENING. JAN. B—AFTER A BRILLIANT NEW YORK SEA* SON, POSITIVELY THE ORIGINAL NEW YORK COMPANY Annie Russell And Her / Comedy / "Sh» \ Company / I3UC \ / Goldsmith'* loops lo \ / C 0£573 Conquer" \/ "The President is most appreciative of Miss Russell's effort* in gladdaa ing our stage again with the master works of English comedy." From a letter by Mr. Joseph P. Tumulty, Secretary to PRESIDENT WILSON. PRICES) BOc, 73c. »1.00, *1.50, #2.00. SEAT SALE TOMORROW. \... mmtj TllCTPlfWl f Clark and Hamilton miss jessie southerland UTJJT - " 'The Mermaid Venus' Annie versary Acta Wilmer A Vincent's 13th birthday ® L. i J * Havt Yoor Favorite Magariac* Bound in Attractive Form By lb Telegraph Bindery ' Reyburn was brought to Philadelphia last night. Commonwealth Band Officers Are Elected The Commonwealth band at its regu lar meeting elected the following of ficers for the year: President, H. H. Etter; vice-presi dent, William Looser; secretary and manager, E. E. Eshenour; treasurer, (J. B. Shope; band master, W. Fred Weber; assistant bandmaster, H. R. Loestfr; trustees, L, H. Smith, C. V. Bush, Wil jliard Ijoeser; examining board, W. Fred Weber, E. M. Peters. C\ D. Folk. | FORMER MAYOR REYBURN DIKS Special to The Telegraph ' Philadelphia, Jan. 5. —John Edgar j Reyburn, ex-Mayor of Philadelphia I and a former member of Congress, j died unexpectedly at his Washington ! residence at 1 o'clock yesterday morn [ ing. Death came as a result of an attack of heart disease. He was al most 69 years old. The body of Mr. GO A-FISHING Harrisburg's quartet of tourists and hunters, W. Stanley Ray, William Russ, Ross Oenslager and Hugo Schutzenbach, will leave New York by boat on January 27, for St. Augustine, Florida, where they will spend some time fishing and hunting and will go to Havana for a sojourn. AMUSEMENTS J EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAT 1 VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY I Grandmother's I,nmp—3 Acta. I Kate's Roundup. I Parudo Prodigal. I I The Prisoner of the Mountains. I I ADMISSION Be I I 3