2 PBNHS YLVANM! Mrs. Sahm Prepares Banquet For Fcurteen For Sum of $1.32 Five-course Dinner Included Soup, Croquettes, Peaches, Potatoes, Celery, Oysters and Fruit Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Jan. s.—For the past ten years there has existed in the borough of Lititz. In this county, a Magazine Club which comprises five members. It has been a custom of the club to hold a banquet each year out of the funds collected by fines paid by members for keeping magazines overtime. These sums have been small, but the rule has been strictly observed, and this year the balance was $1.32, which was in the YOUNG MEN HELD FOR NEW YEARNS REVELRY Eleven Charged With Using Dyna mite in Celebrating at Dillsburg Special to The Tdigraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 6. —As the re- Bult of the revelry on New Year's eve when three heavy charges of dyna mite were set oIT, causing buildings to rock and break wmdowpanes and four of the street lights were dam aged by persons shooting into them with shotguns, fifteen young men and | boys were given a hearing before Bur gess W. H. Sidle on Friday night. This Is probably the largest num ber that was ever brought before the buvgess at one time in the history of tiae town. On account of the large numaer which could not be accommo dated in the burgess' private office, the opera house was used as a tem porary police court where nearly one hundred persons attended the hear ing. Each defendant was given a private examination, however, and as they were taken one at a time up 011 the stage, behind the curtain before Bur gess Sidle, High Constable William McWilliams and attorney for the bor ough, J. N. Logan, of York. Three of the young men were discharged and the other twelve were held over for further hearing later. Other arrests will doubtless be madfc as the hearing cleared up some of the facts concerning the dynamite. If the guilty ones wlio shot up the street lights are found, the Dillsburg Light, Heat and Power Company will take the charges Into court. Union County Churches to Plan Fight Against License Special to The Telegraph Beaver Springs, Pa.. Jan. 5.—A call has been issued for a convention of delegates from the churches of Union county to meet in the Presbyterian Church at Lewisbtirg on Tuesday, January 13, to consider and prepare to meet the license question and leg islative situation in Union county. Three sessions will be held. In the morning there will be a federation meeting to which representatives of the Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Sunday School are invited. Morning theme will be "Our County"; afternoon, "Our District," and the evsning ses sion will consider "The National Cause." Reports will be given by dele gates to the Columbus convention and to the Washington convention. The light against the license question next year promises to bo usually strong. Snyder county has published a small booklet containing the names of all signers for license, together with a resume of the remarks of Judge Albert W. Johnson, while sit ting in license court at Middleburg. SHOOTS RABBITS AT SEVENTY Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. s.—Market master Gans, a veteran of the Civi: War, is still a keen sportsman, de spite his more than seevnty years He enjoyed hunting for rabbits dur ing the season Just closed and suc ceeded in killing eleven "bunnies." I Facklcr's Semi-Annual Rug and Carpel Sale Begins With January 2,1914 Tide i* your opportunity to wcure a rug or carpet at little cost. We are going to make this sale the large** e ,n city. Remember Whittall's rags go In this great sacrifice, they are without a doubt, tile best rug manufactured in this country. The wool in from the Russian and Chinese sheep, the best wool grown and the colors are all absolutely the best obtainable. We also are putting In this sale other I makes of ruge and at prlees that will move them all quickly. Make your selection early, while the stock Is large. We must make room for our Incoming Spring stock. Although these are all discontinued patterns I they are all good and wear as well as the new patterns. Take advantage of this splendid offer at once. A II few prices we quote: J J WhittaU Rugs 1 ISS 5S3£ 58.53 aSwSS *»»»«»•» »«• >»«, „ M Anglo Persian. 6-9x12 rug $50.75. this sale, ..$40.50 Velvet carpets $1.35 per yard, this sale sl.lO Anglo Persian, 9x9 rug $48.75, tbls sale .$30.00 , , . * , , .... Anglo Persian, 6x9 rug $36.50. this sale $29.25 Administer carpets sl.oo per yard, this sale, ..$1.15 Anglo Persian, 36x63 rug *9.50, t£' s sa ;e $7.00 Body brussel carpets $1.50 per yard, this sale, $1.30 Anglo Persian. 27x54 rug $6.2n, this uale $4.00 Royal Worcester, 9-3xlo-6 rug $41.25, this sale, $33.00 Tapestry brussel carpet sl.lO per yard, this sale, »0c Best grade body brussel 9x12 rug, $32.75, this sale, Tapestry brussel carpet SI.OO per yard, this sale, 80c Peerless body brussel 9x12 rug, $28.50 this sa* 2 ®" 25 Tape ' try Mussel carpet 85c per yard, this sale, 70c $23,25 A few remnants that we will close out at 50c per yard. These prices including laying, sewing and lin- Wilton Brussel Co. Rugs Remnants of oil cloth printed lineoleums and in- Royal Ke-shan 9x12 rug. $60.00, this sale, ..$45.00 Royai Wilton 9x12, rug, $38.50, this sale SBO.OO la'ds at prices which will move them quickly, space We have a number of other make of rugs that we does not permit us to go in details. Call and see the are closing out at a sacrifice, see these before you buy. many bargains. ItT A r*lfl CD' O THIRTEENTH AND IrM l/ALCn O; DERRY STREETS MONDAY EVENING, hands of Mrs. Elizabeth Sahm. in accordance with the rule she provided a banquet and there were nine guests besides the members, making fourteen persons in all. To these she served a five-course dinner, including soup, bread, butter, croquettes, peaches, po- , tatoes, celery, oysters and three or. four kinds of fruit, and did not spend i a cent over the amount in her hands j from the club fines. Her feat is re- j garded as a triumph of economical cookery. ~ ! Burgesses of Towns in j Central Pennsylvania i ' I WESLEY WITMER |— I LYKKNS j LLJUOT * willlllil llffrl mE J ' bHBm BF . i Wesley Witmer, the newly-elected burgess of Lykens, took office on the first of January, 1914. Mr. Witmer Is a. Republican and was elected by a good majority. lie is a saddler by trade and a progressive business man. Mr. Witmer believes in clean government and will stand for any reforms necessary to make Lykens an ideal town. He is also a veteran of the Civil War, having served in the Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry and in the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Emergency Infantry. He served in Sherman's army and participated in Sherman's famous raid, the march to the sea, and a number of battles. The townsmen bespeak for htKi their greetings and good will for th?? com ing year. SUNBURY MAN LOSES ikxj) Special to The Telegraph ' Sunbury, Pa., Jan. s.—Herman Keiser, of Sunbury, employed In a rubber manufacturing plant at Akron, Ohio, had his left hand torn off when he got the member caught in some machinery. He was brought back to Sunbury by his parents. GRANGE OFFICERS INSTALLED Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Jan. 5. Halifax Grange, No. 1,343, irstalled the fol lowing newly elected officers Saturday evening, January 3: Master, J. W Clemson; overseer, S. L. Sheetz; lec turer, Harvey Seiders; Steward, Mel vln Sheetz; assistant steward, Howard Pritz; chaplain, Mrs. Grant Proud foot; treasurer, Joseph Miller; secre tary, H. R. Brubaker: gatekeeper, Charles Miller; Ceus, Mary Clemson" Flora, Mrs. S. L. Sheetz; Pomona, Mrs. D. C. Sweigard; lady assistant steward, May Proudfoot. SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZED Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Jan. s.—The Fisher vllle Lutheran Sunday school was re organized on Sunday. The following officers were elected: Superintendent, H. Batdorf; assistant superintendent, E. J. Blxler; secretary, F. Louder milch; assistant secretary, N. C. Mat ter; organists, S. E. Zearing and Marthj. Laudermilch; librarians, A. J. Nohlet and C. M. Bowerman. her ® ■"* «l° Be becan«e prices are lower, bat became qualities are »»«■#♦«———————^_ OUR JANUARY WHITE SALE BEGINS TO-MORROW 0 Presenting Everything in White That Is to Be Found in the Modern Department Store™ An Achievement Worth Noting and Profiting by Sale Starts Promptly To-morrow Morning at 9 O'clock t Bright, Fresh NewVrider muslins m*. &de of ungd.au, n^iTl T iCa " Make * " UnU ' Ual Savin ? P j rice », . India Lino™, Muslins, Damask, ToweU, Ladies Drawers Ladies' Skirts T .. p .„ _ ' _ * CAMBRIC NREWER. WITH RUIRIE AND H«.IN.TITCI.C,I I SC ,J ""* " nd ■ hort *"*«■ «"•» '•<* »°<» HE.U.TITCHED RUME, 25C 1 oweling, rillow Cases, Sheets, Fancy White Cambric Drawers with lace and embroidery trimmed 20c Children's Drawers p..J. r. r ,1 . , m T . *%!uMe Wer * wlu ' fln «* embroidery lace and hemstitched Plain and lace trimmed 10c V»OOaS, Ltc. Lverything 18 NeW and First Bitn Kits briirsN Sj° Embroidery and lace trimmed, 2to 12-year slies !!.!'. izVic r\ XT c l Circular IJrnwcrs »£i I! I 1" Hemstitched Drawer* for Children, 12Vic. 15c nnd t»c Quality—No SeCOnds Skirt Drn'™« Children'. Special Kuibroldered Trimmed Drawers l»c ' „ , ~ Knickerbocker biiwm f,? Embroidered Knickerbocker Drawers for Children, , n „ F! r ? Good Department—Second Floor, Hear.) New Bloomcr Dniwrr » £ c !»<• and 25c 10c «»*«»«» Loa B clotl. 7%e Mi..e.' Drawers* with hemstitched ruffle !' 25c vn"l«l Kmbro,d< ' ry , rlmln ed Drawers for Children, special »S%c En K llsh I.oußclolh 10e % ° ,Ue AV.V,':" " • J' • oV ill 15c Kngllsh tongcloth _ i a %c Ladies' Corset Covers ... Children s Skirts English LoaKciotk ._ is t . Children's Lace, Embroidery Trimmed and Hemstitched ruffle 25c English Lougcloth . jn c Plain tight fitting corset covers, high and low neck Oe „ . ■/ ••; 25c 12V&C French \nlnMiu>L * * ""' * Lace Edge Trimmed Corset Cover. 10c Princess Style Skirts for children, lace trimmed, hemstitched alnsook - 10c Plain Corset Covers with hemstitched ruffle '.'iaVie and tuck " 25c French Nainsook 12% c I.ace trimmed Cors< t Covers 15c ChllHrPn , s RrtHipc 10c French Nainsook ... lse s.H.. rawerßM \ e i:. 2!,?1 Trimmed Cornet Covers, 20 style, to choose from .. . 25c Bcat ft""" 4 *" Knitted Bodies 10c, 15c and 25c 40-Inch White Voile l»%c Ladies' Brassieres chiidren-s Gown, SltnlmL^y^e 3 25.. Riul>ro! _ tlH , oi 180 ,|„.. k IWc Lot fl-lneh Edge. 7c Swiss Embroidery Flouncing. ... 15c, 20c and 25c Lot 15c 'll.rkl.li Towel's .7 "" ■ (1 . s und iti-iiioli PIILTI-N i«... * Cotton lorclion I.aces, yard , . „„ , "TIC !!. ? " , , ! . ,r, ,Mt < o "° n ■»«» Torchon Laces, yard 1.: '' ot - o,r Towels 17c Lot of 18-Inch Cnmbrlc flouncing Jse L.»t Wide Cotton and Linen Torchou Laces, yard . §« Lot Pillow Cases 10 . Lot of IS-lneh Swiss and \aln.ook Flouncing. 20c f Lol 15c I'lllow Ca.c. ' "• '' C Lot of 27-lneh St. «all Swi.. Flouncing. 25c <2n#>rial T ,ot 1u « P»'"« Case. . Lot of All-over Kuibr«>lderleN i»sf OJJCLIdI OlidUOW i-/dCC l,ot 25e Kxtra Mice Pillow Cime* " to^ New De.l«n. iu Corset Cover Embrolilerlc., New lot of Shadow Lace Corset Cover Em- I'O'" S?'."''! o? w *. 125 c 12V.C. 15c, 20«r aud 25c yd. u -j I®«* »«-lnch Bleached Mu.lln s< . l.arKC assortment of New Swiss InNcrtfou., broidery . . JJS(S ' 10c. 12V.C. 15c. 2IN- and "5c V " 15c IW-lnch Cniulirlc Blii.lln V '' ■ a»d V V 38c value 9-4 aud 10-4 Bleached Sheetiiii ..: : J?" —^> t JANUARY CLEARANCE OF BROKEN LINES OF MERCHANDISE REMAINING FROM HOLIDAY BUSINESS MARKED ESPECIALLY LOW FOR QUICK DISPOoAL. Also many odd lots of general merchandise throughout the store, so numerous that space will not perrfiit mention, all go at special sale prices. Special—Flouncing lie to 25c Department St re I Special New Voiles ~1 I 27-inch Shadow Fencing, extra va!ue. half where £v . ry " Lol of 45 . inch plain and crepe VoileSi _ [ 1215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse " esiens '" a ""' spec!a ' at half y " d - Heirs of Wm. Wohlsen Give $5,000 For Church Organ Columbia, Pa., Jan. 5. —Heirs of the late William Wohlsen, who was president of the Union Trust Com pany, of Lancaster, announced at a congregational meeting in the Zion Lutheran church in Lancaster that they will give $5,000 for the pur chase of an organ for the church as a memorial to their father, who was for many years a prominent official of the church. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE FRIDAY Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 5.—A teachers' sub-local institute will be held in Hogestown on Friday, January 9, to which the public is invited. This program will be given at 1:15 p. m. with devotional exercises by the Rev. T. ,T. Ferguson; "Composition Work." Miss Grace Lindsay and Robert Gutshall; "Advantages and Disadvan tages of a Country School," Miss Mir iam Loudon and A. L. Brubaker; "Delinquencies, Causes and Cures," Mervin E. Falty and A. P. Folf; 7 p. m., music, orchestra; "The Central Township School," Professor J. Kelso Green; reading, Miss Helen Lins. • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MEETING OF HOUSE Hi MULE SOCIETY Allen and East Pennsboro Organi zation Names Riders and Elects Officers ipecial to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. s.—Not withstanding the downpour of rain on I Saturday, the farmers came "to town in large numbers to attend the an l nual meeting of the Allen and East Pennsboro Society for the Recovery of Stolen Horses and Mules, and the Detection of Thieves, which was held in Franklin Hall. The list of riders for the year 1914 follows: V. C. Bren neman, A. E. Seiber, S. D. Stone, John H. Zeamer, E. H. Bitner, J. H. Koller, Nailor. G. C. Strickler, D. P. Williams, John S. Cocklin, John Sv/artz, J. B. iMusser, Benjamin Erb, J. W. Hertzler. The officers for 1914 are: A. G. Eber ly, president; the Rev. T. J. Ferguson, vice-president; A. B. Harnlsh, secre tary; H. B. Markley, assistant secre tary, and S. M. Hertzler, treasurer. The board of managers ingjude J. J. Zarharias. one year; J. L. Rife, one year; A. E. Seiber, one year; C. Her man Devenney, two years; F. H. Good hart, two years; W. H. Reigle, two years. The auditing committee con sists of J. L. Rife and F. H. Good-I hart. Reports from the financial com mittee showed the society in a flour ishing condition. IMPORTANT VICTROLA ANNOUNCEMENT Fifty more Victrolas will be sold on our liberal "Club Plan" between now and January 15. All styles. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market I Square.—Advertisement. Girl Accidentally Shot by Boy Companion Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Pa.. Jan. s.—Word has been received here of the accldentlal (hooting of 13-year-old Annie Koner, • of Mt. Union, daughter of an Italian ■>( that place, oil Saturday. The girl uid a boy companion were engaged in •licking coal along the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The boy pull ed a revolver from his pocket, and taking aim at the bucket, fired, but the bullet went wild of its mark, strik ng the girl in the stomach. She was -lurried to the Huntingdon hospital where her wound is thought to be a very serious nature, possibly a fatal one. : C ASTORIA For Infant* and Children, The Kind You Kate Always Bought , I | WEST SHORE NEWS CHURCH OFFICERS ELECTED Klection of officers for the ensuing year in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Marysville was held on Sunday morning. J. E. White was re-elected superintendent of the Sun day school. This is the beginning of his fifth year as superintendent of the Sunday school. He has also attended Sunday school every Sunday for six years. The election of the other offi cers resulted as follows: Assistant superintendent, Mrs. Theophilus Shake speare; secretary, Mrs. S. D. Mellster; treasurer. Miss Margaret Ellenberger; pianist, Miss Jennie Flickinger; assist ant pianist, Miss Emma Dicee. At a recent election of officers of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Trinity Reformed Church the following organization was effected: President, Scott S. Leiby; vice-president, James Roberts; secre tary, Miss Louise Corl; treasurer, Miss Emma Roberts; pianists, Miss Kath erine Roberts and Miss Carrie Smith. MESS CARS HANDLED Business in the Marysville prefer ence freight yards is suffering fur ther depression. Last week 4,535 less cars were handled than in the cor responding weok of the previous year. Last week's record was 707 trains and 20.718 cars and the record of the same week in the preceding year was 25,253 cars. CIVIC CLUB WIIL MEET Marysville Civic Club will hold its regular monthly meeting in Diamond Ilall this evening, when officers for the ensuing year will be elected. NEW PICTURE THEATER Arrangements have been made by A. M. Fisher, Marysville, for the re modeling of the South Main street school building for a motion, picture theater. Work will begin some time this week. PASTOR GETS PURSE Halifax, Pa., Jan. s.—Members of the four congregations of the Fisher vllle Lutheran pastorate presented' their pastor, the Rev. J. F. Stabley, with a purse containing $56 as a Christmas gift. FUNERAL OF MRS. SUSANNA BELL The. funeral of Mrs. Susanna B. Bell, who died at her home, about eight miles from Marysville, on Tuesday, was held on Saturday afternoon from her late residence. The funeral ser vices were in charge of the Rev. I. Potter Hayes, of the Presbyterian Church of New Bloomfleld. Burial i was made in Griers Point Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended by many of Mrs. Bell's friends. EN OLA BAND AT CARLISLE Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. band, under the leadership of Professor James Rielly Wheelock, with forty eight pieces, will give a concert in the Carlisle Opera House on February 5. Miss Sara Lemer, violinist, and Miss Edna Spahr, soprano, will accompany the band and render several selections. BUILDING NEW WHOP Orumleigh Brothers, of Duncannon, will erect a new building on their ground at Enola to take care of their large tinning businesß. JANUARY 5,1914. Pleasant Surprise For Men's Bible Class Teacher About one hundred of the members and friends of the men's Bible class, taught by the Rev. J. V. Adams, pas tor of Baughman Memorial Methodist I Church at New Cumberland, planned a pleasant surprise for their teacher on Friday night. He was summoned from the study about 8.30 o'clock to the Sunday school room, where he was told a meeting was being held where his services were desired. On reach ing that room of the church the lights were turned on revealing to Mr. Ad ams the class standing and giving him the Chautauqua salute. The Rev. A. O. Stone, a former pastor, presided and a meeting in which addresses appreciative of the Rev. Adams and his ministry were made and the Emer son Glee Club sang several pleasing se lections. The chairman then address ed Mr. Adams and in the name of the class, presented him with a handsome silk and linen umbrella mounted with silver and suitably engraved. After an address of appreciation by the Rev. s Mr. Adams refreshments were served. ATTENDED SISTER'S FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweigert and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Arthur, Mr. Sweigert's sister, which was held at Bainbrldge to-day. PUTTING UP LIGHT POLES The United Electric Company has a force of men at work erecting electric light poles and wire to the new addi tion to Enola being developed by Ira E. Shaull. FUNERAk OF WM. G. GARNER The funeral of William G. Garner, of 122 Susquehanna avenue, Enola, ■was held on Saturday afternoon and was attended by a large number of friends. Burial was made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. RETURNED FROM TRENTON Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Young have returned to their home in Trenton, N. J., after spending the holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mi's. M. J. Bard, Columbia road, Enola. CANTATA BY SCHOOL On Friday evening the Marysville high and grammar schools rendered the feuitata, "A Search for Santa Claus," very successfully for the sec ond time. The features of the enter tainment were the chorus work of the schools and the part of IjUclnda, played by Miss Margaret Ellenberger. Body of Jessie McCann Washed Up on Beach ■Sfecial to Tht Ttlegrafli New York, Jan. 6.—The heavy surf that Saturday night battered the beach at Seaside Park, Coney Island, washed ashore the body of Miss Jessie Evelyn McCann, Brooklyn Sunday School teacher and settlement worker, who disappeared from her home ex actly one month ago. Examination of the body by physi cians at the Coney Island hospital re vealed no evidence of violence. The police are convinced that the young woman committed suicide by leaping Into the ocean from the Breakwater Jutting out from the park. Two Republican Burgesses Installed in Office Today Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Jan. s.—Dr. H. T. Keiser, of Sunbury, Republican chief burgess, and Thad Freeburn, of North umberland, Republican chief burgess, as well at: the counciltnen elected at the last election, were .-orn Into olflce in their respective city this morning. Councils in both to ns ef fected reorganizations. The Northumberland county court house also saw a number of changes. Register and Recorder John I. Carr and Prothonotary Edgar Summers took the oath of office and Controller Aaron Raker and Jury Commissioners T. Davis and Charles Klinger assum ed office. They announced their ap pointments for the year, as did the county commissioners, who effected a reorganization to-day. EARLE'S FRIENDS INTERVENE TO BRING ON SETTLEMENT Special to The Telegraph Christiana, Norway, Jan. 6. Friends have offered their good of fices to bring about a settlement of the domestic troubles of Ferdinand Pinney Earle, the American painter, and his first wife, Marie Emilia Fisoh bacher, the mother of the boy Har old, whom Earle is accused of abdust ing from school. Earle Bays he is quite ready to sub mit to arbitration and Is awaiting word from Mme. Flachbacher. Blood Outbreaks— AVOlD Their Return by Giving Your Blood a Good Searching Bath If you should »Mt anyone varnish ing a blood outbreak) with greasy: ointment, your best advice would be to quit such thing' and attend to the blood. To successfully light any blood trouble, some eruptive skin affliction —call it eczema, lupus, psoriasis, ma laria or what you will —there is but one sure, safe way to get rid of it. Ask at any drug store for a bottle of 8. S. S. and you are then on the road to health. If we are to believe the students of solence the action of this remarkable remedy is Just as direct, just as positive, just as certain in its influence as that the sun rises i» the east. It Is one of those rare medical forces which act in the blood with the same degree of certainty that Is found In all natural tendencies. Qjit through every skin pore acids tad other blood impurities are forced In the form of In visible rapor. The lungs breathe it oat, the liver is stimulated to consume a great propor tion of Impurities, the stomach and Intestines cease to OOOTCJ Into the' blood stream the catar rhal, malarial germs; the bowels, kidneys, bladder and all emunctorles of the body are marshalled Into a fighting force to eapel erery vestige of skin eruption. There la scarcely a community anywhere but what has Its bale and hearty example of the results of 8. 8. 8. Oet a bottle of this famous remedy to-day, and If your case Is stubborn or peculiar, write to The Swift Bpecillc Co., 800 Bwlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Do not permit anyone to talk yon lata some •aelees compound they put up as a substitute tor B. 8, 8, No honest druggist will do this.