14 A The January White Sale Opens To-morrow II ® Presenting the Ne u) Fashions in French and American Lingerie W Lingerie styles have radically changed, and to-day they seem to have achieved the superlative degree of dainty grace and filmy charm. ffiSk JpTOi . Of such sheer materials as crepe de chine, net, silk muslin, softest nainsook and fine cambric are the garments fashioned, and exquisitely trimmed with Cluny Irish crochet Jfoflfsgf. \ alenciennes and shadow laces, batiste and cambric embroideries, embroidery and lace medallions and dainty ribbon. ' wK2* i an y novelties, so fascinating and chic, showing the influence of the French designers, make their appearance in this white sale, and introduce the new shoulder-strap o-owns tvSw TwiL 16 exqmsltc tou ? h of I,ttle rosebuds, the latest tlat trimmings, all lace and net slips—styles that are practical despite their decided novelty. ' ■ 'This Sale is a feast of ali the pretty things which women treasure so highly. style showing of French and Lingerie. mjk-Si CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS Corset Covers $1.50 LONG AND SHORT SKIRT* ■■M Pink crepe de chine gowns. Van Dyke points trim neck and sleeves, fin- , nn ., „ f , , , , Jhß ished with lace edge and pink chiffon roses 97.05 Drawers f ** skirts of cambric and nainsook, new flat trimmings or fancy, flounce sn.K DANCING PETTICOATS T T . * of lace or embroidery 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 to SIO.OO MRW White crepe tie chine dancing petticoats trimmed with fine pleated flounce iVlPlHp' Qfirl F mKrnirlprPrl Short skirts with plain cambric ruffle or lace or embroidery .trimmed side lacing of pink satin ribbon through silk crocheted rings $8.95 "IIU IJIIIUIUIUOICU 25 Ci to TrTJHL, SILK MUSLIN GOWNS Fr#=»n/~ Vl I • • CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS CvflUp IL- Dainty silk muslin gowns. Empire style, shirred net yoke, trimmed with rrencn lingerie Nainsook corset covers, tucks with lace or embroidery trimming, pink satin ribbon and pink; satini roses!•••■• •• •• $8.30 Naturally, the French who create the styles of the world should prove 1 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 to $3.95 sHOt 1 J)fcß-STBAP GOWNS master designers of lingerie fashions, and no White Sale would be complete Drawers in knickerbocker and straight styles, lace or embroidery trim- Nainsook gowns in empire style, V-neck, ribbon shoulder straps and lace without a representation of these beautiful undermuslins. We import every ming ROl , ,< nn sleeves «•* «\ garment n this class direct from France. i « , ~ . . ... , ~ * sm.uu 10 .>.&.».» WHITE SIILK COMBINATIONS Gowns St,tCh ha " d WOrk> both ln makin * and embroidering. bodices with ribbon shoulder straps $1.85 t o $2.05 White silk corset covers and drawers, neck and armli trimmed with $2.95 to .SIO.OO Misses' and ChilririWQ Si;™ P lace insertion and lace edge, lace insertion and lace edge trii*drawers . .$3.95 Chemise qq iiuuvo CAllva V/ltttUtVJit O Pink and white crepe de chine waist linings! kimono sleeves, lace edge combinations $2.95 to $7!»5 Gowns and Drawers mSP * ieck . and sleeve l UM ljong sk,rts $1.50 to $12.50 Misses' and Children's Princess slips, lace or embroidery trimmed, ' imtii Dainty Matching Sets for the Bride ÜBfci ISIAIIIIJ - Children s crepe and nainsook gowns, high and low necks 50c v SmKEcV artsi T fpi.-(0 to (PO.Ji) Children's knickerbocker drawers, embroidery trimmed 25c ana LyeDUranie WVELY NIGHT GOWN STYLES PARIS IDEAS EXPRESSED IN THESE WHITE SALE BLOUSES Exquisitely fashioned garments of softest nainsook and trimmed with fine Cambric and nainsook gowns, high and V-necks with long sleeves or low , , White novelties are depicted by these new blouse styles with their chic liatiste embroidery panels, lace insertion and ribbon. necks with three-quarter or novelty sleeves, beautifully trimmed with tucks drop shoulders and their fllmy trimmings. Here's a fashion show of new [V]BL| yvr/nT Sold separately or in sets. lace or embroidery 50c. 75c, SI.OO to $25 00 bl °"ses. Gowns $2.95 PRINCESS SUPS ; sleeves^^ith^trned"tecfc°Sfff ° U ! der :. V °'! trimmed Wlth P,eated ., ne -k -W Combinations () » Cambric and Nainsook Princess slips, lace embroidery and embroidered Crepe blouses with raglan shoulder, tucks trim front anil back YaVeVni Princess Slln, * P >. SI.OO. $1.50, $1.05 to $6.05 l*r. lace frill trims front, lace edge trims sleeves . ' $5 50 M&fl 1 rincess Slips $3.95 COMBINATIONS ]ar with drop shoulder, trimmed with Romn striped' silk col- - -"5 •^'."r„gr I 'aa b 'r lon^ c °".'\ ajg-ssa«„ 4 ££ss- W 25c S5SS35c' SSs' 1 9c ' 'SJr"2sc' S,"' 25c' W tig.lu-fitting—only 2to custo- Muslin skirts, cambric ruf- Neat cambric ruffle, hem- 50c value, tucks with lace Muslin drawers, bunch tucks Nainsook slips, embroidery Long nainsook skirts main mer and none exchanged. lie with hemstitched hem. stitched timifc ,, and plain hem: none exchang- , y on lf nainsook skirts, plain -r -JVi* — / v—4 1 J hem. or tmbroldery ruffle, ed; only 2 pair to customer. edge trims neck and sleeves. hem and bunch tucks. lit F ° Ur The Annual White Sale Discloses Rich Men's Shirts and M A " advance Spring styles in fashionable weaves. ! VflllXGS 111 Table LlfienS and White Goods eC^Weflr Attractively PrXCed $3.00 Matelasse coating and cloaking, beautiful dark ' In the White Sale MhL Jflrfj c ln^ns > - 25 c 10c White Goods, -- 5c Many lines from regular stock together with new $2.00 Bengaline suitings, extra weight for dresses rp. , , arrivals that were specially bought, go into the Jan -7! and suits ' 30 inches wide - white, blue and brown *" e y ear s most sterling Values in linens and white goods occur in uary White Sale at very interesting prices. Attrac- JT^T iySv hairline stripes in black ground- January Sale Price, tile Annual White Sale, and this year we have gathered values that tive savin & s are furnished in men's and boys' shirts, " a si.2s biack satin majestic, 40 inches* wide" January have not equaled in any similar event heretofore. swcaters ' pajamas ' wl,ite apro " s a " d nigl,t 5,1 . 1 ( L Prie ' c - > ard • • 98»(• CnJw* J , 1, • L J T c* i t~i ...» "litre our stanaaras oi quality were met we bought liberally and at tremendous price row plaits. Special 50e ni>in akers 50c Bradley Mufflers. Re- TOIL Uearancc Pnce Pomeroy Stewart—Men's Store Jiujjy = " MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 5,1914.