Lost | LOST Thursday evening, on Wal nut street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, small purse con taining $5. Keward if returned to 1728 Walnut street. . LOST Sliver mesh bag. Initials R. U engraved, coirtalning four one dol lar bills, between Capitol and Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart s on Fourth atreet Reward if returned to Dives, K>meroy & Stewart Art Department. LOST —Pair of nose glasses, shell rim, In black case. In smoking car of Cum berland Valley train leaving Harrls burg 7:52 A. M.. Friday. January 2. Re ward If returned to this office. LOST January 8. 1914, between 30 North Second street and Hit Market {treet. gold locket and chain. Initials L E. S. Reward If returned to either address. LOST On Market street, between Eleventh and Fourth streets, Lavalller. Reward If returned to IJOO North Elev enth street. FOUND Brlndle bull pup. Owner can have samo by applying at 119 Herr atreet and paying for this ad Help Wanted—Male A HUSTLING young man to Introduce And advertise our different Home Kerne dies and Extracts, among the families from Lewistown to Mlddletown. Per manent position. Salary penses paid. Address The Dill Medicine Co.. Norristown, Pa. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Ad dress G., 454, care of Telegraph. JANITOR for church. M«st xindor- Btand steam heat plant. Hoerner's, 316 Broad street. Bell phone 1165 R. » SALESMEN The Auto Heater Com pany wants capable men, with snia _ capital, as State and County Agents for their newly patented Auto Heater Heats from exhaust. Can be instaJle In twenty minutes. Sells for S.O. Every ( Automobile owner needs It. Demon stration Insures sale. Capable men can earn SI,OOO per month in- | vited. Address Sales Manager, Bedford avenue. Brooklyn, New torn. YOUNG man, with lots of hustle and ability, to assist manager in *> us > lice. Must have a good education, able to dictate letters and ha%e slight knowledge of machlnery. chance for advancement. Mate age ex perlence and salary K p ; strictly confidential. Address M . 4 & -» J care of Telegraph. ( Help Wanted—Female WOMAN to do light housework; one who can appreciate a■ Good wages paid. *or C * Q at or address Room 82, Lnion Trust (_o. Building. AN experienced w»m> n housework; no washing. »roning or sweeping; must be a good, Plain coolt. Apply evening, t to 9 o clock, -1- l in street. WHITE WOMAN to keep house for ■widower and small family. Call at 3-.4 North Sixth, Riverside. , WOMAN of energy and education for permanent position. Good income. Ap ply morning, Room 410 Patriot Build ing. . Help Wanted —Male and Female MEN AND WOMEN GET Jobs. $65 to $l5O month. Harrisburg Examinations soon. Write immedi ately for free Ist of positions now available and Spring Examination schedule. Frankling Institute. Dept. j 851 J. Rochester, N. | bituations Wanted —Male MALE stenographer and office man, | years' experience, excellent record, de sires permanent position. Address H. | J„ 453, care of Telegraph. | MARRIED man wishes position In j grocery store. Experienced as both ( proprietor and manager. Can furnish reference and bond if necessary. Call, J or address, 222 South Fifteenth street. ; YOUNG, married man, with ftv< years' experience at tiring boilers wishes position as rlromati, or at driv ing. S. C. A.. 442 North street. Situations Wanted—Female A LADY experienced in and general office work, desires posl tion: can furnish the best of reference Address E. J. S., care of Telegraph. BY experienced dressmaker, sewing *o do at home preferred, but will go ou> by day. Address D., 449, care of Tele graph. BY reliable white woman, washing U do at home. Apply 1518 Wallace street COLORED girl desires a place be tween school hours. Write, or call, 32( Calder. COLORED woman desires genera; housework. Address 1334 Now Kourth street. DRESSMAKING to do at home. Ad dress No. 413 Hummel. LADY stenographer and bookkeeper with six years' experience, desires po sition. Call Cameron's, 12U9 Nortl Third street. MIDDLE-AGED lady. with expert • ence, desires cases of maternity nurs ing. Call on, or address, 357 Soutl Eighteenth street. MIDDLE-AGED Woman desires posi tion as housekeeper for widower. Ap ply_l6ll_New Fifth street. Agents Wanted WIDE-AWAKE agents are coining money with our easily demonstrated Specialties. Write to-day for particu lars. and new Catalog. .Specialties Bales Co., 134 Caroline street, ogdena burg, N. Y. Business Opportunities A HUSTLER can make SSO to $75 a week and establish himself in a perma nent business of his own; a Arm manu facturing a standard line of merchan dise desires to secure a personal rep resentative in each town and will aid the fight man to build up a businesi furnishing employment to several men and which may be managed without interference with present occupation only a moderate investment required lor equipment, and this is amply safe guarded to investor. For personal in terview with representative of the firm address Manufacturer, care of Tele graph. f WILL purchase Picture Theater, Res taurant or other business. Must show otg profits. Stand close investigation Give full particulars and price. Ad dress A.. 451. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—Reasonable, an up-to ?&?, r ?> ark< '. t oin « a thirty-five Thousand dollar business yearlv, with real estate. Apply to Drelbil- P'g & Son, Mlllersburg. Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn gooi income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par- Ct"* PreßS Syndicate, 798, Lock port, w. Y. Heuses F»r Rent stvsarew • r - ai 717 Cowden St.. 3s. f !'' aiu i6S6 S. 13th St.. 2ft s. b., 7 r b Slit 303 6. 14th St.. 2tt s. f. 8 r & b" ll" 1009 N. Third St., 3 s. b, 7 r. & b #io 1631 Regina St., 3 s. b., 8 r 109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b.. . ss? 1100 Green St.. :< s. b , 8 r. & b Sax Market St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b. s. li.. ..So 106 Boas St., .1 s. b. and stucco tin 1527 N. Second St., 3 s. b SUTBJ! 2109 N. 3d St.. 3s. b., 10 r.'bV «ak N "ri!Jiie'. We " < 2V4-story Donaldson ApartmenVi^-ls'eVond.'nflar Locust St.. very desirable slng*£ I°°™* *"l, suite 3 two, three and four rooms. Miller Bros. & Baker Federal Square Opp. Po.« Offlre MONDAY EVENING, Business Opportunities I HADE $50,000 In Ave years in the mail order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Telia how. Hea cock. 356 Lockport. N. Y. Business Personals MR. ROSS O'BRINE will continue business at 137 Paxton street, and thanks his friends and patrons, and kindly solicits their continued patron age in the future. Rosa u'Brine, Plumber. H. H. PEFFKH EXPRESS. Baggage and Freight hauled and Parcela delivered. Piano and furniture Moving a specialty; storage; Furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1111 Montgomery street. „ . HAULING H. W. LATHIS, Boarding Stable and •Mnoaail Transfer . Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul. jff - w - Lathe. Manager, fifth and 2508R atraett. Bell phone No. FOR falling hair try Gross" Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa Telephone ojders given prompt attention. Bell. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our beat efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 220 Woodbine street. CUT this out for luck —Send birth date and 10 cents for wonderful horo scope of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, 499 Lexington avenue. New York. BIG LOT of unredeemed Overcoats for sale and masquerade suits for hire. Phone 1251 J. Wanted TO board and care for elderly lady or married couple at Enola. Terms rea sonable. Address Enola, No. 45C, care of Telegraph. WANTED, al once, nve tons of red clover hay. Address StoufTer Poultry Farm, P. O. Box 224. Harrisburg. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT Modern house? ' all conveniences, eight or ten rooms with some ground. North, Front or Sec- I ond street preferred. Two in family. I Address Box 446, care of Telegraph. | ? Rooms For Rent A LARGE, nicely furnished second floor front room; all conveniences; use of phone; located on Hill; man and wife preferred. Call 3217 J. Bell phone. TWO unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; also one furnished room, with privilege of doing light house keeping. Apply 1402 Market street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en site; all conveniences. Including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. TWO large furnished rooms, on sec ond floor, for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. 1100 North Sixth street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; all conveniences; bath and phone. 921 North Second street. NICELY furnished, front room: elec tric light and gas; steam heat. Inquire 1219 North Second street A FEW select furnished rooms In a quiet, private home. Rooms warm and use of phone. 117 Pine. NICELY furnished room; heat, light and use of Bell phone. 1529 North Third street. FIVE ROOMS and bath. J35, third floor. Apply 200 Pine street. 1 Boarders Wanted FURNISHED ROOM, with boarding, for gentlemen or man and wife, at 1420 Regina street, near Thirteenth and Mar ket. Terms reasonable. Real Estate For Sale BRICK HOUSE, valued at <3,200 practically new modernly equipped— located above Maclay street, is offered in exchange for downtown property balance in cash. Bell Realty Co., Ber ner Building. ) 409 KELKER ST. 3-story frame — 11 rooms, ba,th and furnace lot, 40x 83—driveway on rear. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 614 ROSS ST. 2'/4-story brick 7 rooms, bath and furnace fiont and i rear porches lot, 15x79. Brinton j Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. ! CITY steam-heated house for sale— near Market Square lO rooms and bath gas and electric light. Very little cash needed. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE On Carlisle trolley lO miles from Har risburg. House barn and outbuild ings in good repair. -I am leaving Har risburg; bargain to quick buyer. Ad dress F. L Kompff (owner), P. O. Box 788, Harrisburg, Pa. THREE-STORY brick dwelling; front and rear porches; all improvements' good condition. Possession at once owner leaving city. Call 1946 Green street. DESIRABLE Investment property for sale new brick houses with all mod ern conveniences now occupied and yielding over 8 per cent. net. Particu lars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. LOTS! LOTS OF LOTS!! THE biggest, the best, the cheapest 3048L mP rieights. Call Bell 'phone NEW houses, |1 600 to 16.000. Terms reasonable. See D. E. Brlghtbill, In surance and Real Estate. Both phones. $2,250 WILL BUY a brick house on Cumberland street, near Capital street. Also Herr street brick house nine rooms and bath. Price. $2,700. Bell Realty Co.. Bergnur Building. CORNER PROPERTY facing Capitol Park 12 rooms and bath gas and electric light city steam heat. Price and full particulars at Bell Realty Co Bergner Building. Real Estate For Rent 233 BOAS, 8 rooms and bath; all im provements; immediate possession. Ap ply 267 Cumberland street. 938 MYRTLE STREET, *ll.OO 2%- story brick. Inquire Dr. Ellenberger 922 North Third street. »«n..erger, BUSINESS PROPERTY, No. 402 Wat nut street, near Fourth street, three stories and basement, elevator service size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit able for most any business or manu facturlng, in heart of business section Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street Harrisburg. Pa. FOR REST No. 221 N. Fifteenth St 120 00 I-iarge house and two acres of land at Lawnton ">5 00 J. E. GIPPLE," ' NOW 6-room houses with stables near Twenty-third street, at Edgemont.' mile north of Penbrook, and to cars Rent. *6OO. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. Harrisburg, £a. THREE-STORY brick house. No. 2110 uerrv street; 8 rooms and bath; all I conveniences; back and side yards- P. I °,'! t PPa«h a «« nt Place in the East End! Call 2102 Derry street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE at $4,000, or For Rent at *2O. a two-story brick and slate resi dence and half acre. On Camp Hill Heights. Eight minutes' from trolley Porches, bath, steam and electricity Possession January 15. Call Beli phone 301SL. For Sale FOR SALE 1911 live-passenger Cadillac Touring Car, special paint, 1914 bodv design, nickel trimmings, tires new all around; mechanical and paint condition Al. Standard and extra equipment. Inquire 107 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa. 6 PER CENT. First Mortgage Guar anteed Real Estate Bonds on Pittsburg's largest department store building De nominations SIOO. SSOO, SI,OOO. $5 000 For information address A. S. Wlest Box 72, Harrlsburg, Pa. REO Touring Car. 1911 model, 7n excellent condition. Owner has no use for same. Will demonstrate. Apply to I owner, Levi Saul, Engineer at Russ Bros., Sixteenth and Walnut. $25.00, Near Sealskin Coat, three quarter length, size 44. in good condi tion; satin lining, as good as new cost $65.00. Address Near Sealskin Coat, care of Telegraph. LINOTYPE MATRICES FOR SALE—' One font of 10 *>t. O. S. with Antique, and one font of 12 pt. O. a with An tique; both fonts cut to run In lower magazine Model 4. and In drat-class condition. These fonts can be used in single magazine machines. The Tele graph Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa KINNELL Chain Bottom Emergency Shoes and Red Tip Neversllp Emerg ency Horse Shoes. Also a lawe line of Neverslip Red Tip Calks. Beware of the Icy streets. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply Co.. Corner Second and Chest nut. HARDWARE and Housefurnlshing Store, strictly up-to-date; good estab lished cash business, and a payer. Un less y° u mean business, don't answer this ad. Addres "Hardware." care of Daily Telegraph. CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY, with complete equipment, ftabllshed trade and reputation, desirably located, affording ideal proposition. Price right. Inquire C. Vernon Rettew, 1000 North Third street. RESTAURANT, good location, large established trade, doing* good business. O°od reason for selling. Address G., 448. care of Telegraph. AT GABLE'S, 111. 113 and 117 South Second street. Redtlps. Can't Slip, oure Grip, Rowe and- Always Sharp horseshoe calks, and emergency shoes. WALL, PAPER STORE, centrally , located, established more than fifteen years, can be. purchased cheap for cash °. r terms to suit buyer. Apply Robert A. Carl, 14 North Market Square. KSTEY five-reci only been used a short while; moving; must sell, ?Pi*. r h«*ap. Bell phone 760Y or i6b4J, or rail at Room 75, Union Trust. CHEAP, to quick buyer, one Detroit four-Burner Gas Ranee. Phone 2959R, or call 128 Sylvan TerVace. AN Aquarium, about 3 feet square, with table. Address A., 402. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent FOR RENT Desirable officer In the Telegraph Building. singly or en-sulte. Inquire at Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private -ooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer | chandlse. Low storage rates. South I St and Pern:-. R. R. STORAGE IX 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to (i. Dlener, Jeweler, 4U* Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to S3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 11l Broad street. Both phones. Financial MOI jSY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon anv terms to suit borrower. Address P O Box 1«4. Harrisburg, Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING I.OAX SOCIETV WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms: 6-7, 9 North Market fcquare. Furniture Packing "FURNITURE PACKING 5 1 A. H. SHRBNK, 1906 North Sixth ' street. Bell phone 399VV. experienced ! Packer and Lnpacker of Furniture China and Bric-a-brac. ' DieC CLENDENIN Frazer M. Cleridenln. on January 1, 1914, at National Sol diers Home, Hampton. Va. t. funeral on Tuesday, January 6, at 2 I. M., from the funeral parlors of F C Neely, 908 North Second. Burial Har risburg Cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. PICKERING Marion Edith Picker ing, on January 4, 1914, daughter ?J-°,S orKe E - and Priscilla Pickering 920 I'enn street, aged 17 years Funeral services on Wednesday night at 7 o clock, at 925 Penn. Body to be taken to Thursday morning. — pted Saturday night, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover, at the home of her daughter. Miss Kate Hoover, 2698 Main street, Penbrook, Pa., aped 7 r » years. , r c u "® ra , l services Thursday morning, at 8.30, from her late residence. The Rev. John Witmer and the Rev. Adam Shope will officiate. Further services X! ! . e D col ; d ucted at Hanoverdale Church. Burial at Hanoverdale, Rela tives and friends invited to attend without further notice. Legal Notices NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that on Mon day, January 12, 1914, at 10 o'clock A M„ In Court Room No. 1. of the Court House, at Harrisburg, pa., application will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County tot an order and decree that the BORuUrjH OF DAUPHIN, in said county, be made subject to the restrictions and possess i the powers and privileges conferred bv the Act of General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An Act reiu lating boroughs,' approved April a 1861, and the amendments and the sup plements thereto, and that the nrii visions of the former charter of said borough shall be annulled so ft «« i they are in conflict with the provisions ! of said Act. in accordance with the na tion of twenty-five qualified wectors and residents of said borou'n, present ed to said Court on September 26 1913 and by order of the Court fifed of 1 record to No. 234 V&, September Sessions 1913. LOCKWOOD B. WORDEN ! Clerk of said Court NOTICE letters of Administration on the Estate of Charles Van D« Bogart, late of the City of Harrleiiiirir Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having ' been granted to the undersigned r» i siding In Harrisburg, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and thna» having claims will present them for settlement, to EPHRAIM P. BRENNEMAN, Administrator 1006 Market Street, I Or Harrisburg p a DANIEL. S. SEITZ, *' ra ' ! Attorney. NOTICE THE MILLERS MUTUAL, FIRE INSFTR I ANCE COMPANY. OF HARRISBURG, I No. 27 SOUTH THIRD'STREET Harrisburg, Pa., December 16 I#I» NOTICE i» hereby given that'the An HARWBBURG TELEGRAPH HOPE GG. PRESIDENT . dimes nuns "Gus" Kreidler Will Be Toastmas ter at 100 th Anniversary Banquet To have a fully equipped company for the ane hundredth anniversary cele bration to-morrow, Augustus H. Kreid ler, president of the Hope Steam Fire Engine Company to-day announced the following appolninents: First assistant engineer, lienry Os man; second assistant engineer, F. B. Sterringur; first fireman, William Mc- Cord; second, William Harris; third, William Fessler; fourth. William Stan to. At the annual election of officers last Friday night A. H. Kreidler was re-elected president and he will be the toastmaster at the big dinner to-mor row night. N. A. Relnoehl was elected vice-president to succeed the late Charles F, Osier. Other officers elect ed were: A. J. Dewhlrst, secretary; J. C. Kindler, treasurer; George W. Shook, O. E. Osier, A. W. Kreidler, trustees; Ralph W McCord, librarian; the Rev. Hurry Nelson Bassler, chaplain; J. C. Kohler company engineer; H. A. Chayne, Nel son Relnoehl and E. C. Walden, auditors; William McCoy. Wiliam L. \V indsor. Jr., William Harris, William Halbert and William Stewart, safety committee; J. C. Kohler, B. Levi Tittle and John W. Seegcr, delegates to Fire men s Union; John C. Kindler, dele gate to Firemen's Relief; Charles A oprucebank, Ralph W. McCord and George J. Shoemaker, Investigating committee; James H. Wolfe, Ralph McCord, Albert Mehaffle, Frank L. Kindler. Edward C. Walden. C. E. Maley. Charles A. Sprucebank, Wil liam Halbert, George Shoemaker and Harry Miller, directors; William Fest ler, driver of chemical wagon; L,uthor Kerns, driver of engine. CITY ZOH MEMBER DIES 111 Hill Veteran of the Civil War to Be Buried in This City by Wife's Side Frazer M. Clendenin, veteran of the | Civil War and a member of the First City Zouaves, will b« buried in this city I to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Clendenin [died on Friday at the National Saldier I Home at Hampton. Va. j Mr. Clendenin served in the war as Imomber of Company A. 127 th Pennsyl vanla volunteer Infantry. He was dis charged on May 8, 1863. but later re enllsted as a member of the 20th Penn sylvania volunteer cavalry. He was a corporal when discharged on July 13, 1565. He was one of the oldest mem bers of Post 58, being past eighty. His exact age Is not known by any one in this city. His onlv survivor is a daughter living at Coatesville, Pa. The body of the veteran arrived here at noon. Services will be held to-mor row afternoon at 2 o'clock at the par lars of Undertaker I«\ (\ Neelv. 908 North Second street. Burial will be ade by the side of his wife in the Har rlsburg Cemetery. Burgess Inaugurated and Council Organized at Mechairicsburg Today Special to The Telegraph Meclianicsburg. Pa.. Jan. 5. This morning, when council met and organ ized for the ensuing year, the speech of the new burgess. H. A. Mishler, was one of tiie most important and inter esting items of the session. That he is alive to the Interests and welfare of the community was apparent through out his discourse. In which lie brought out that "the services rendered by our public utilities are excellent and most satisfactory. Since the welfare of the community is dependent largely upon the services rendered by these com panies, and since the life of these com panies is dependent upon the com munity, there is a common interest that should define the course for each to pursue in adjusting differences. Be cause of a failure to adjust matters on the ground of mutual interest, two cases are now pending in our courts, one with the Mechanicsburg Gas and Water Company and the other with the Valley Traction Company." Council was organized by the election of Milton C. Karns as president, and Samuel S. Bailor, secretary. Other of ficers elected were: Treasurer. George E. Lloyd; borough attorney, Harry M. Zug: surveyor. Albert B. Rupp; street regulators. George Duey and James Bobb; chief of police. William Martin; ! assistant chief, Ed. S. Cockl.n: janitor,' Ed. S. Cocklin, and clock regulator, L ! Z. Cook. | EDUCATION FOR RAILROADERS ! | A meeting for the organiation of| an educational branch of the P. K. li.l Y. M. C. A. will be held to-night. It will be presided over by William B. McCaleb, superintendent of the Phila delphia division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It is the purpose to or ganize classes for the study of various! branches of Interest to employes of) the Pennsv. This meeting will also be for the purpose of boosting thej membership of the P. R. R. y, m. i C. A. Le v *l Notices nual Meeting of tne members of this Company will be held at its office on Thursday, January 10. 1914. A Board of Directors for the ensuing year will he elected-between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clockiP. M. on said day. R K HUNX2INger • _____ Secretary. i NOTICE IS hereby gtven that letters testamentary upon the lOstato of Cyrus I. Behney, late of Enhaut, Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned. AH persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will makl. them known to ! HANNAH S. C. BEHNKY, I Executrix. NOTICE ' THE Annual Meeting of The Tel« graph Printing Co.. for the election of Directors and transact on of other business that may Properly come before the meeting, will be held at the ofdoe of the company. 216 federal Square Harrisburg. Pa., on Monday, January 12, 19H F- R. OYSTER. Secretary. KABHEBS' MAHKKT COMPANY A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Farmers Market Company, for the purpose of electing Five Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be presented, will be held at the office of the Company, Room No. 9 College Block, Tuesday, January 13,' 1914, between 10 and 11 o'clock AM DANIEL, M. DUlj* Secretary. THE Annual Meeting or the Stock holders of the Harrisburg National Bank, for the election of Directors to serve for the year 1914, will be held at their Banking House, No. 16 South Second Street, Tuesday, January 13 1914, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. M. W. 1* GORGAS, Cashier. RECORDER'S RECOOOS SHOW 810 BUSINESS Danner Was at His Desk Every Day, in All Kinds of Weather Annual statements of the receipts and expenditures of O. G. Wickersham and Roy C. Danner, county recorder, of deeds and register of wills respec tively, were completed to-day and turned over to the special auditor, Samuel H. Orwig. Recorder Wlckersham's report shows the greatest volume of business handled in many years: his expenses Incidentally were cut down wonder fully owing to the installation of a couple of book typeing machines for transcribing. The receipts of the re corder totaled $15,443.89, andtthe to tal expenditures exclusive ol' the re corder's salary of $2,000. amounted to $6,257.65, a total of $8,257.65, yeav ing a balance In excess fees of $7,186.- 24. Half of this of $3,593.12, goes to Mr. Wickersham and the remaining half goes to the county. During the year the recorder han dled 5,119 instruments, including mortgages, deeds, etc., 145 accounts from the register of wills, fifty com missions of notaries; 20 bonds, ten bonds of police constables, and four oaths of justices of the peace. During the year Mr. Danner who for years has been a cripple and who has to be carried from hts oltlco to his carriage, was at his desk every day, in all kinds of weather. The amount of fees received during the year totaled $3,956.91, and the ex penditures totaled $8,497.74 this included his own salary of $2,000. The excess fees amounted to 458.17, half of which went to Mr. Danner and the remainder went to the county cof fers. Tlie number of letters granted was 162: wills probated 26; letters of ad ministration 158, and accounts filed 145. DEMOCRATS OBJECT TO JOB EOII SOCIALIST Central Club President Protests When Guyer Is Forced on Poor Board by Boss fhere is a lively war on in the local Democratic camp over the selection of the clerk to the Directors of the ! Poor to-day. Saturday a delegation of the Central Democratic Club head ed by President Jones, who has Just been installed, called upon the boss of the local Democratic machine and vigorously protested against the choice of a Socialist for the position. It Is charged that John Guyer, a member of the Patriot staff, is registered as a Socialist, and the hungry Democrats take the position that a Democrat ought to have befn favored for the place. It Is understood that they got little satisfaction from the boss of the party machine and that they went away full of wrath and with a deter mination to do things hereafter- It Is also stated that there was an other outbreak at the business place of Harry A. Walter, i. director of the poor, during Saturday afternoon. President Jones carried his protest to Walter and when he arrived at the latter's store Is alleged to have found a conference under way between Walter and Boyer, the two Demo cratic directors, S. P. Barber, the new almshouse steward, and Air. Guyer. who were arranging the slate for to day. Not knowing Guyer, the irate president of the Central Democratic Club immediately let go a volley of oral pyrotechnics directed against the proposed action of the Democrats in giving a Socialist a good job Instead of a waiting Democrat. One of those present realizing the embarrassing sit uation tried to prevent a further ex plosion by mentioning the name of Mr. Guyer in the hope that Jones would suspend his more or less heated remarks, but he stopped only when he got through. It is reported to-day that Mr. Guy ler will hold his job as clerk of the j poor board for a few months only and then give way to Charles E. Dash i er, a former clerk to Mayor Royal. Deaths and Funerals riIEAI'HER'S D#l'GHTIiiR DEAD j Word was received in this city yes j terday of the death of Mrs. Grace Hol- I loway Eadle, wife of Arthur Elder 1 Eadie, in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Mrs. j Eadie was the eldest daughter of the | Rev. H. C. Holloway, of 1603 North j Second street. SIRS. HARRIET WEAVER Mrs. Harriet Weaver, aged 87, died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Reed, 1932 Fulton street. Funeral services will be held to-morrow ' afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the home jof her daughter. The Rev. Amos M. j Stamets. pastor of the Augsburg Lu j theran Church, will officiate. VIINBRAL OF MHS. >lll,l.Eft Funeral services of Mrs. E. J. Miller wife of Undertaker E. J. Miller, who died Thursday morning, at her home, 560 Race street, were held this after noon. The Rev. S. Winfleld Herman, pastor of the Zion Lutheran Church of ficiated. Burial was made In the Pax tang Cemetery. MRS WAGS EH'S FUNEKAL Funeral services of Mrs. Catherine Wagner, aged 70 who died Fridav af ternoon, were held this afternoon from the home of her brother, Joseph Gillett 1511% Logan street, fhe Rev. S Ed win Rupp, pastor of the Otterbein Unit ed Brethren Church, officiated. Burial vas made in the Harrisburg Cemetery Mrs. Wagner is survived by two broth ers and two sisters, .George Gillett. Jo seph Gillett, Mrs. Margaret Rose and Mrs. Sarah Peffley. MRS. ELIZABETH HOOVER Mrs. Elizabeth Hoover, aged 75, died Saturday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Hoover, 2508 Main street. Penbrook. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at. 8.30 o'clock. The Rev. John Witmer and the Rev. Adam Shope, will officiate. Burial will be made at Hanoverdale Church ceme tery. MRS. SHELLER Mrs. Rose Baish Sheller, wife of Frank Sheller, aged 40, died Satur day morning at her home In Grant ville. She was a former resident of this city. She is survived by her hus band and two children and the fol lowing sisters and brothers: John Baish, Rena Baish, Mrs. J. M. Shove, of this city; Mrs. J. M. Stairy and James Baish. of Dlllsburg. Funeral services will be held to-morrow aft ernoon at 1.30 o'clock at the Church town Church of God. Burial will be made in the Churchtown cemetery. JANUARY 5,1914. MARKETS DEVELOP STRONGER UNDERTONE People's Gas and Western Union Showed Gains of Two and Four Points During Day By Associated Press New- York, Jan. 6. Opening with some irregularity to-day's stock market soon developed a stronger undertone under the lead of the oil shares. Cali fornia Petroleum. Common and Prefer red, rose four and nine points, respec tively, in rumors that a highly produc tive well had burst forth on the com pany s property and Mexican petroleum was up over three points. Such specialties as People's Gas and v\ ostern Union showed gains of two to four points, while the market leaders recorded substantial fractions over the preceding week's close. Operations were on a light scale, however, with out Indications of more than norniul public interest. Money rates reflected last Saturday's favorable bank state ment. Bonds were firm. Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY, Arcade Building. New York, Jan. o. ~ , Open. 2.30 P.M. Alaska Gold Minos . 21 • 21 % Atnal. Copper 72% 72% American Beet Sugar 22 Ms 22% American Can 29% 29% American Can pfd.. 90 90 Am. C. & F 44% 43% Am. Ice Securities. .24 25 Am. 1 .locomotive ... 31% 32% American Smelting . 63% t>3Vi Am. T. & T 119 119% Anaconda 34 34 Atchison 93% 94 Baltimore & Ohio . . 93% 91% Brooklyn R. T 87% 87% California Petroleum 19% 21% Canadian Pacific ... 208% 208 Central Leather ... 27 27% Chesapeako & OHo. 69% tiO C., M. & St. P 100 100% Chicago & N. W 128% 128 Col. F. & 1 29 29 Consolidated Gas .. 129% 130% NO. 4—MARKETS I'-rle 27y 4 27% Brio Ist pfd .14% 44 Vi General Electric Co. 141 141 Goodrich, B. F 24 24 Great Nor. pfd 125% 126 Great Nor.Ore. subs. 83% 33% Interboro-Met 14% 15 Interboro-Met. pfd. . 60% 60% Lehigh Valley 149% 149% Mex. Petroleum ... 47 47 Missouri Pacific .. .. 24% 24% New Con. Copper .. 14% 14% New York Central . 91 % 91 N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 77 76% Norfolk & Western. 102% 102% Northern Pacific ... 109% 109% Pennn. R. R 109% 109% People's Gas & Cok» 121% 124% Ray Con. Copper .. 18% 18 Heading: 167% 168% Rep. Iron & Steel.. 20 19% Southern Pacific ... 88% 89% Southern Ry. pfd. . 75% 75% Tennessee Copper . 34 34 Texas & Pacific .... 13% 13% Texas Company ... 128 132% Union Pacific 164% 156% U. S. Rubber 58% 58 Hi u tcel 687 » Utah Copper 49% 49% Wabash pfd 7% 7% Western Union Tel. 60% 60% Westinghouse Mfg. .65 65% Woolworth 92% 92% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Prtss Chicago, 111., Jan. 6. Hogs Re ceipts. 44.000; slow. Bulk of sales, 18.10 light, $7.90(3)8.22 %; mixed, $7.90 (fi>B.3o; heavy, $7.90@8.36; rough, $7.90© , 8.00; pigs, $7.00(3)8.00. Cattle Receipts. 23,000; steadv to a shade lower. Beeves, $6.70@9.30; Texas steers, $6.90®?7.90; stockers and feed ers, $5.00®>7.45; o.ows and heifers, $3.50 @8.60; calves. $7.00@11.50. Sheep Heceipts, 33.000; slow, gen erally steady. Nf.tive, $4,750)6.10; year lings, $5.85ig>7.10; lambs, native, $6.70(3) 8.25. Federal Soldiers Will Remain at Their Posts By Associated Prtss Ojinaga. Mex., Jan. 5.—A1l doubt as to the Intention of the Northern Divi -5 ? the Mexical Federal army to de feat the rebels or stay here until every soldier is dead was dispelled by General Francisco Castro, leader of the general rederal troops and General Ynez Sal azer commander of the Federal volun teers in interviews at headquarters to. day. x t • Retreat of federal soldiers across the border to the United States territory would be induced only by some unex pected event according to the two com. manders and even if all soldiers desert ed, the generals say they would remain to die at their posts. Dead soldiers lying unburled in the outer trenches and hundreds of living soldiers on duty for a week without sleep were some of the scenes witnessed to-day in an inspection of this frontier village. MAYOR WANTS INFORMATION Mayor Royal has asked several of the petitioners requesting police pro tection against alleged railroad spies who hide in doorways and private alleyways, in order to watch members of the various railroad brotherhoods, to give him a more complete explana tion as to the meaning of their re quest. A petition signad by forty residents of the western section of Hurrlsburg , mostly railroad men. waß received by Mayor Royal last night, stating that hired men of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company have been annoying the residents of the western sction of Harrisburg, and request re lief. Mayor Royal is of the opinion that the petition is vogue and wants more Information. MISS STOUT BURIED Funeral services of Miss Isabella Stout, who died Saturday morning In Philadelphia, were held this morning from the home of E. Pancake, 109 Boas street, this city. MONEY TO LOAN To WorkinjKnien and Housekeepers 910.00 and Upwards No Publicity At Legal Rates Strictly ronfldentlnl. Private room for ladles. EQUITABLE INVESTMEN ROOM 21, SPOOLER BI,D«, 4TH FLOOR Bell Phone 0 tf, Market Square Take Elevator Licensed by the State of Pennsylvania. MONEY TO LOAN If legal rates and easy terms, combined with HONEST METHODS, la what you are looking for. you have found the place. WE BOTH LOSE If you go elsewhere Let UB prove this to your satisfaction. And ran are assured of PROMPTNESS, PRIVACY, COURTESY and CONSIDER. ATION. We make food our promises. Come and see us. Write or phone to Pennsylvania Investment Company NO. 182 WALNUT STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. BELL PHONE. OKlee Hoarst BA. M. to 41 P. M. Saturday, 8 A. >l. to 8.80 P. M. 1 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE Fnratsbed by H. W. SNAVELY, Arcade Building. Chicago, 111., Jan. 5. Open. High. Low. Clot. Wheat— Ma.V 91% 92% 91% 91% July 87% 88 87% 88% Corn— May 67% 67% 67% July 66»4 66% 66% 66% Outs— I May 40% 40% 40% 40% I July 39% 39% 39% 39% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE j _ Philadelphia, Jan. 6. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export elevator, 94 @94'/4c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, 98>*®99V4c. K Corn Lower: new. No. 2, yelow, natural, local, 69@70c; do., kiln dried! local, 74®76c. Steady; No. 2, white, 45 Vi® Bran Market linn; winter, pe» ton. 126.0042)26.50; spring, per ton, $25.00@25.50. ' Kefined Sugars Market lower; powdered, 4.16 c; fine granulated, 4.06 c; confectioners' A, 3.95 c; Keystone, A, 3.95 c. Butter The Market in firm; western, creamery, extras, 36®38c; nearby prints, fancy, 42c. Kggs— The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $10.50 per case; western extras, firsts, free cases SIO.BO per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.60 per case. .Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 16® 17c; young chickens, 15®17cj broiling chickens, 15%®170; old roost* ers, 12@13c; ducks, 15@16c; do., spring ducks, 15®16c; geese, 14®16c; turkeys, 17@19c. Dressed Poultry Steady; (owls, western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do., medium'' sizes, 16®16e; do., light weights, 12® 14c; old roosters, 18o; roasting chickens,fancy.l9®l#%c;broil ing chickens, fancy, 20®230; do., fair 14@16c; turkeys, fancy. 23®26c; do., common, 18®20c- ducks, ll©19o; geese, 11® 18c. Potatoes—Higher; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 80®86c; New York, per bushel, 76@80c; Jersey, per basket. 20®50c. I'lour—The market Is steady; winter, clear, $3.76®4.00; straights, Penn sylvania. $4.15®4.30; western, $4.26® 4.50; patents. $4.50@4.86; Kansas, traight, Jute sacks. $4.10@4.80; spring, fists. clear. $4.00®4.20; straight,s4.2o@ 4.40; patents, $4.50®4.65. Hay The market is steady; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00®18.60; No. 1, medium bales. $17.50® 18.00; No. 2, $16.60®17.00; No. 3, $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $16.60® 17.00: No. 1, $15.60® 16.00; No. 2, $14.50 ® 15.60. • , < Frank R. Leib & Son Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 N. Third St. HARRISBTTBQ, PA. Offers tlio following property I For' Rent No. 217 Market street, de sirable location in center of business district for mercantile purposes. Further particulars upon re quest wmmt MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLB ■tad others upon their own name*# Cheap rates, easy payments, con Aden* tlal. Adama « Co.. IU 184, I If. Huktl •«. FOR RENT Apartment A very desirable apartment in Arcade Building, having four I*oo ins, bath and kitchenette-- steam heat and hot water. Rent $15.00 a month. Offices Desirable offices in Arcade Build, in# and Franklin Building, rent $14.00 and up a month. Union Real Estate Investment Company Room No. 403 Franklin Building 212 Locust Street V 13