Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Famous Artist Comments
on Beauty Lines of Hudson
A man, who WAS author and artist
combined, wrote a story. It is ap
pearing in a prominent publication. In
drawing an illustration for his story
he wanted to introduce a really high
grade, high-class motor car. The ar
tist was George Gihbs. I. W. 13111. I
local distributor of the Hudson car, I
t®ld this yesterday to a caller.
"An artist." said Mr. Dill, "hales*
anything that is ungraceful, or In-,
artistic. So Mr. Glbbs evidently was \
hard to please in selecting the motor !
car that should servo as his model.
Finally he found a car that just suited
his ideas of beauty of design and .
gracefulness in line. And the picture I
the hero and the heroine beside |
a new Hudson Six 10. Doubtless many |
have seen the illustration and rec
ognized the handsome lines of the
Hudson Six.
"The new stream line design offers :
least resistance to wind and air. Tt '
has no angles and recesses where dust j
and oil can gather. Its gently curving :
lines carry the arch principle of con- ]
struction into the motor car body. ]
All this appealed to the Hudson de- I
signers when they built the new car. j
And to have so eminent an artist as'
Mr. George Gtbbs endorse their jndg- |
ment by his portrayal of the Hudson j
in an important illustration is in- ,
tensely gratifying. '
A novel event has heen planned for '
New Tear's eve by (lie Wanderers' Mo
torcycle Club, of Toronto. Can. This
Is to lake the form of a midnight en- |
durance run through fbe snow The
destination Is Hamilton. Ont . and the!
motorcyclists of that city have pr
ranged a. big retention for the Toronto
rtflers on their arrival
Auto Storage ]
Agent for Stapler Stpamer Cara
\ * J
—ON— I
Used Automobiles
Here's e tip for you, Mr. Wide
awake. Do you know that real j
money held under s dealer's nose !
these dull winter days will buy more
automobile value, than can l>r had
when the Spring sun begins to peep
through the clouds. Ave have a
number of used oars that we will
lot go at interesting figures.
413-417 S. CAMERON ST.
v *
u Grip the Road Like a Cog-Wheel
$1,500 F. O. B. Factory
Is the price for this 3/$ ton truck. Body carrying
space Bby 4 feet. Equipped with a regular Overland
35 horse power motor. You can't beat it. Ask Sam
uel B. Reed, who uses one, for the Rapid Auto De
livery Co. Mr. Reed says it's the best light truck he
has ever seen. He is using it every day. Never held
up a minute.
Third and Boyd Streets
P. S.—For Sale, one used light truck at a big
bargain for quick buyer.
■ Have Your Car Equipped With Geissel's Converter.
I Enclosing Touring Cars and Runabouts with glass and
■ frames to answer the purpose of the Limousine.
To enter machine, give sliding window a push toward the rear end Ml
of machine, and open door In the regular way; the door and frame
above it being one part. No wind, snow or rain can «nter at any H|
crevice. It dispenses with the necessity for an extra Limousine body BH
or an extra car and permits the use of one vehicle all the year 'round. H|
There are many other advantages. We are licensed manufacturers for
this part of the Stnt°. Write for pamphlet. All types of bodies built H
t0 °l?epalnttng, reupholaterlrg, remodeling. Work called for If desired
or'«spenses paid to Lancaster.
■ Penn Auto & Car rage Co. I
432 Jf, di m STHEBT. I.A*CA*TIMt. PA. M
>First National Show Under One
Roof at Grand Central
When the gigantic automobile show
j opens this evening in N'ew York city.
I it will not be historic Madison Square
• Carden in the spot light this year, but
j Grand Central Palace will have the
; entire show under one roof for the
I first time, as ihe two automobile
I manufacturing divisions are now
I united in(o one trade organization.
I The Interior of the Grand Central
jPalace will be magnificent in appear
; anee, but there will be less profusion.
> more simplicity and more richness in
I the general scheme than have ever be-
I lore been seen. In point of beauty,
j area of floor space, convenience and
i safety the present home of the na
'tlonal show will shatter all precedent.
Although located on three levels the
! Palace exhibition hall, architecturally,
has the aspect of a spacious amphi
| theater. Near the center a large court
Irises to a height of forty feet through
j the second and third levels. The balu
| strade surrounding the court on the
i second floor, together with the mss-
I sive columns that rise to the third
level, gh os the effect of a mezzanine
i floor gallery.
i The New York show is really a na
tional manufacturers exposition where
I practically every motor car and now
[accessory |g shown, while many of the
(other shows in large cities are dealer's
| displays of the various models repre
sented in their respective territories.
Most of all th» local automobile
i dealers have signified their intentions
i of being present one or more days, and
.many other Harrisburg motor car
(owners and prospective buyers will no
!doubt avail themselves of this oppor- (
: tunity to see the world's newest cre
jatiors in motor vehicles.
| District Attorney Hannum, of Dela -
'ware county, Pennsylvania, has strong
i Iv advocated the establishing of a mo
j torevele patrol to protect the residents
I alone Bow and Darby creeks. For some
j time lawlessness has prevailed in this
I portion, and the one or two watchmen
detailed to the district have been un
i able to cope with the situation. Mr.
! Hannum believes that officers mounted
lon motorcycles can do much more ef
fective work
I There i« perhaps more wompn mem
bers in the Savannah (Ga.i Motorcycle
Club than in any other club in the
country. There are now about twenty
young women In Savannah who are en
thusiastic motorcyclists, and most of
these are members of the Savannah
Club. Climatic conditions in Georgia
are especially favorable for the woman
motorcyclist, the weather never get
ting too cold for the enthusiast to en
-1 jov a spin on her two-wheeler.
v - President
| < nntinuod From First Pat? |
no change in the policy of the Wash
ington administration toward Mexico,
and that no new plan or move in the
situation had been decided upon.
The, President referred to the con
ference as a "get together talk." ll>
explained that although Mr. Lind con
stantly had been sending full dis
patches, a conversation of a few hours
has been deemed worth more than
weeks of telegraphic communication,
with the added value of affording in
exchange of viewpoint regard the sit
President Wilson added that, there
had been no special occasion of Mr.
Kind's visit—no advices, excitement or
new questions.
When asked if ho was more hope
ful of a speedy settlement of the trou
ble. Mr. Wilson made it clear that his
personal view of the situation had not
changed, fie smiled when told of the
reports I hat Provisional President
Huerta or some high official of the
Huerta government was on hoard the
Chester, and said:
"Well, 1 didn't see them if they
were there."
General Bliss Tells
of Disarming Mexicans
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C„ Jan. 3.—Further
official explanation of the action of
the Texas border patrol in disarming
Mexicans and forcing them across the
Rio Grande was received to-day from
Brigadier General Bliss. He reported
that any other course would result in
the big Bend country being overrun
with small armed parties and empha
sized that all armed bands who cross
the border, except those seeking asy
lum, are "armed invaders of United
States territory."
Mother Not Permitted
to See Son on Cruiser
Pass Christian, Miss., Jan. 3.—The
President this morning took Mr. hind's
two sons. Normal Lind and John Lind,
Jr., eight miles in his automobile to
Ihe fiier. They hoarded the revenue
cutter Winona and went to the cruiser
Chester to bid their father good-by.
The Chester was scheduled to sail
for Vera Cruz before noon.
A touch of pathos was added to
the exchange of farewells between Air.
Lind and his sons, when Mrs. Pauline
Mezzisen, of Bay St. Louis, sought to
see her son George, a yeoman in the
nnvy aboard the cruiser Chester. Mrs.
•Mezzisen. when she learned that none
of the ship's crew was to come ashore,
went on board a tug which followed
j the Winona to the place where the
scout cruiser was anchored. The tug,
! however, was warned away by the
! Chester's officers and the little gra v
! hatred woman was forced to call her
i good-by to her son across the inter
-1 vening water.
President Wilson later in tlie morn
ing went to the golf course, where he
played eighteen holes. While there he
was told of Mrs. Mezzisen's efforts to
see her boy and apparently was deeply
touched by the incident, lie asked the
secret service men to investigate and
it was understood that be would write
to her explaining the exigency of the
occasion and expressing regret that
she could not go aboard the cruis.er.
President Wilson also took cogni
zance of the isolation of the Chester's
ere wand requested the secret service
men to secure all the newspapers they
could find and put them on board the
Rebels Demand Surrender
of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Mexico City, Jan. 3.—The surrender
jof Kan Luis Potosi has been de
manded by the rebels. The city Is
isolated from communication by rail
road. a,* the National Railway line has
been cut near San Felipe.
The branch of the National Bank of
San Luis Potosi is closed. The dis
turbed conditions in tlie city are given
as the cause for the suspension of
noTtini > < ■ .k: KQ.TSyi
Sheridan Brigg*. a young motor
cyclist. of Fresno, Cal., performed a
daring feat on his two-wheeler recent -
l.y, w hen he outran a team of frighten
ed horse? and succeeded in stopping
them before any serious damange had
been done. ,
Leake Bros., druggists, of Dixon, 111,,
use a motorcycle in their quick de
livery service.
A new motorcycle club lias been or
ganised in Michigan City. Ind.
•"hlef of Police Henry \V. Dunn ha*
asked for additional motorcycle officers
in his department.
The Kast St. l/ouis (Mo.) Motorcvrle
Club recently staged a 227-mlle endur
ance run to Springfield, 111., and re
Street Commissioner Fester, of Waco,
Tex., has asked to be provided with a
motorcycle. He eays that he thinks a
motorcycle would be much- more effici
ent in his work than an automobile.
The Public Safety Department, of Co
lumbus. Ohio, has added eight motor
cycles to its equipment.
City Commissioner Hummel, of
Omaha. Neb., lias put In an application
for a motorcycle for the boulevard po-
Motorcyclists of Ohio are planning a
inidYi Inter run to New York, to attend
the motorcycle show which will be held
thrre January .1 to 10.
The department store of W. T. M all
Company Is the first concern In
' ai io. 111., to use a motorcycle for the
quick delivery of packages.
A moving picture (Mm is to b» made
i>f the Wisconsin motorcycle endurance
run, which Is to take place soon.
Secretary and General Manager
Wilmer ami Vincent, who, with Na
than Appel, control al of the larger
theaters in Harrisburg, will set out.
on Monday for a week's celebration of
their thirteenth anniversar\ as theatri
cal managers. It was just thirteen
years ago that these young men. then
very young, indeed, to enter upon such
a venture, leased an assembly hall In
iJtica, N. Y., and turned it into a thea
ter. 7'roni the meager start they have
grown steadily until they now control
twenty- three theaters in nearly a
score of different cities reaching all the
olrl Central New York to Georgia.
>v inner and Vincent's advent into
uarrishursf theatricals came six vears
ago, when they took over the old
ijyceum and-made it into the Orpheum
f. 0 . 1 ' I l . he Presentation of their vaudeville.
\Vhile the first season required some
thing of an effort to make tile newer
entertainment popular, it wasn't long
petore the Orpheum was on a firm foot
ing and slated for permanent success.
A little over a year ago Wiltner and
\ Incent surprised the town bv an
nouncing that they would have' built
ror them a new theater on the site of
the Uochiel Hotel, at Market and Third
streets—probably one of the most
■ valuable corners in town. The theater
, was built, and contrary to the expecta
tions of many doubting citizens, it Is a
big success. Uefore that theater was
more than.seven months old Wilmer and
Vincent took over The M. Iteis interest
i? fie Majeiitic. and since they did so
Hairisburg has seen more first-class
road attractions than any other citv In
mf. u late , ou t sidp of Philadelphia 'and
„„ T " t, he way that this firm has
pushed ahead In Harrisburg" it lias
prospered in other cities. It now main
tains large executive offices in .ew
.I,° ' Waiter Vincent is president of
the company, and Eugene T,. Koneke
who in the early days was assistant
manager of the Orphei.ni Theater
Ltlca. tinder Mr. Vincent—when tlie cir
cuit consisted of one theater—is now
l 7': e }*P: and general manager. Wilmer.
\ incent and Koneke are frequent vlsl
'arr'shursr and have many -.-r
--sona! friends here.
Converts Ordinary Car
Into a Limousine
It is now possible to convert the
a\erase touring car or roadster into a
cosed car so that passengers are en
tirely protected from rain, snow and
cold without the view being shut oft at
a .'? 5 . Pp'nt. This has been made pos
sible by GeUsel's Improved Convert
i ei, described in detail in the announce
ment of the Penn Auto and Carriage
| ( ompany, of Lancaster, elsewhere In
tins issue.
Between the rail of the open body!
and the top of the car there is built I
a structure having sliding frames.!
fitted with French crystal plate glass |
making the interior much lighter tliani
an o nil nary limousine. On the outside*
the attachment greatly enhances the'
appearance of the car. The invention!
gives the owner two distinct types of
cars an open touring car and a
limousine, at but little more than the'
cost of the open car.
In a collision this morning between i
the delivery automobiles of the Itussl
Rros. ice cream manufacturers of Six
teenth and Walnut street*, and the'
Rtiss l'isli Market, of .Market Square,!
at the western approach of the Mul
berry street bridge, both machines!
were damaged but the drivers escaped l
Mrs. i.'nbecca Koses gave a dinner
of nine covers at her I'axtonia bun
gaiow on New Year's day. In honor
of Mrs. Harry Crist, of lr.Ofi l'cnn
street, this city.
1 U loc CIGARS If\
Can you afford to smoke 10c Cigars?
Is it extravagance to indulge in some
thing that gives you a fuP return in
pleasure and satisfaction.
Moja 10c Quality Is Worth the Price
Made by Jcshn C. Herman & Co.
British Columbia Land Speculator
Wins in a Thrilling
Side by side, two automobiles stood
waiting where the Kamloops wagon
road ends on the bank of the Barriere
i river In British Columbia. Two chauf
feurs stood a few feet away, keeping a
close watch on the opposite shore. The
motors of both cars were idling silent
ly. Now and then one of the drivers
would return to Ills car to speed the
motor or test some part, of the running
I gear.
I Against the opposite bank rested two
canoes, the Indian paddlers of which
also were In an attitude of expectancy.
Suddenly the Indians sprang Into mo-
IHon. Rotli canoes were pushed off the
| ill tie beach. Along the leafy isle of the
forest trail appeared a man spurring a
froth-covered horse. The man slid off
I the horse and leaped into one. of the ca
j noes. The Indians shot the little boat
I into the swift stream and began pad
dling like (lends for the opposite bank.
Hardly had the first canoe left the
shore when a second horseman arriv
ed. He fairly threw himself into the
second canoe which started in hot pur
George Borthwick the leader, leaped
I squarely over the Indian in the bow of
; his canoe and scrambled up the bank
I twenty-five yards in Ihe lead. He
[sprang into the smaller automobile
a Sturlebaker—which almost immedi
ately disappeared in the distance, .lohn
| Scarlett, running a close second,
breathlessly boarded the other car and
continued the pursuit.
For forty-four miles both cars were
pushed to the limit. They bounded over
rocks and stumps; they plowed through
! Bortliwick rode with his chin on his
shoulder. When he pulled into Kam
loops he gave one more glance to the
rear and rushed into the Provincial
i-and Office where he filed claim to a
!quarter section of land in the Barriere
district. which had been opened to
claimants at 9 o'clock that morning.
The land was the prize for which
Bortliwick and Scarlett had been rac
Each man had arranged every detail
of the race in advance. The loser had
secured a big high powered car and
had considered his race 119 good as won.
He reached Karnloops however forty
five minutes after Bortliwick.
A t,os Angeles moving picture house
is now on the ground, securing a repe
tition of the whole race and its at
tendant features.
The unidentified body of a prema
turely born male child was found at
1 250 this afternoon lying along the
river bank at Front and Maelay streets
by Samuel Khrhart. He immediately
reported the case to the police depart
rn >nt. and Coroner Jacob Ecklnger is
making an investigation.
Reo Truck
VA to 2 Ton
New Price (Chassis)
Loadening Space
10 to 12 Feet
Chase Truck
Pleasure Cars
Auto Co.
Third and Hamilton Street
JANUARY 3, 1914.
Is Your Business Held
Back By Horses?
You are not treating your iws.ness fairly, if you are
still depending on the slow, uncertain, limited-area deliver
ing by horse power.
Reo Motor Trucks not only mean cheaper delivery,
but more business and better business. They will enable you
to do mo** business, and greatly widen your field of operations:
The Wil«on Transfer Company, Wilson, N. C., wrote recently;
"Your Model "H" is doing all our heavy hauling; as much every day
M two of our biggest double teams, with an average running expense
of one hone team Most of our work is outside the paved district."
Interested? To talk with u» will open »our eye*. Phone ID
for an appointment
II \KRlsm iu;
r NG / MODEL H X -
ISMLbe. 750 ||
Here's the Way One
Maker Expressed It:
"Well, the Cadillac forced us all to tlie Electric Starter. If their
two-speed axle makes good, I suppose we will have to come to it."
('ndlllac u«fr» will tell you whether If linn "made good."
improvements and progressive engineering developments in the
Cadillac are followed by othe makers the next year.
More than any two or three other high grade cars combined is
the record of 1914 Cadillac sales.
Doesn't this mean something to you?
413-417 South Cameron Street.
i \ "Thirty-six" (4 and 5-passenger) $1,775 K
| V "Six" (6-passenger) $2,275 M
i \ "Six" (2 and 4-passengir) $2,175 B
\ 4-Cylinder, five-pas- SIOSO
\ 6-Cylinder, seven pas- C*7 C B
\ senger SIO # O mm
\ 1019-25 Market Street B
Will exhibit at New York Auto Show January ii to 10th; Philadelphia
Show, broad and Wallace streete, Jan 10th to 17th. You are cordially In
vited to call arvd inspect the, various model*, which will be shown at both
shows. Our lcm.l salesman, Mr. W. B. Nlcolal, will be In attendance and
«rled to serve you.
s b f 1. W. DILL "Te'nT'
Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads.
- - . ' ... , / . , , , . \