Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    Help Wanted —Male
YOUNG mun. with lot# of buttle and
. ability, to assist manager In busy of
nee. Must have a good
to dictate letters and have sngnt
knowledge of m * t state Vge ex
chance for advancement, state age, «
perlence and salary electee. Replies
atrlctly confidential. Address M., 452,
care of Telegraph.
Jobs® $65 to $l5O month. .MrrUburg
Pvamindtions soon. Write Irnmcot
atety for frle list of positions now
callable and Spring i-xamlnatlon
schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept.
2IIJ, Rochester, N. Y. •
AN experienced tinner Apply imme
diately. Samuel D. Enslnger. No. 600
Race street. _____
ED. No canvassing or
quired. Good Income assured. Address
National Co-Operatlve Realty Co., V
810, Mf r den Building, Washington, D- C.
MEN to sell our seed an £,„ nU tnrat
good commission: splendid °P p rorre"-
for "Live Wire." Keystone Corre
spondence School, Reading, Pa.
RAILWAY mail, post offlce clerks
and carriers. Thousands of J£ b*nfor
llfe account of parcel post- Free into
mation. Bureau of Instruction, o ,
Rochester, N. Y.
~ ATTENTION Would you H^e
New York.
to get. My free booklet, Y-372. Wis
how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl nop
kins, Washington. D. C. .
JANITOR for church. M T U"*
stand steam heat Sen phone
Hoerner's. 316 Broad street. Beu pnone
361 J. Rochester, N. Y.
$3,000-SIO,OOO YEARLY eaßUv made
Our system Insures success. Unparal
leled; become established. Book free.
Inters late Realty Co., Pittsburgh, Fa.
MEN prepared as Firemen, Brake
men, Electric Motormen, Colored i Sleep
ing Car Porters. Hundreds put o
$65 to $l5O month. No experience ne
essary. 500 more wanted, tlrst class
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and N e SL.lwav
roads. Steady work. Inter Rf u * a >.
Department 276, Indianapolis. Ind. )
I WILL START YOU earning $4 dally
at home In spare time, s llv ®r'" K h '" k _
rors; no capital; free instructive b
let, giving plans of .
Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mrfas.
thorough preparations. $5- Returned ir ,
Si. ™.,h.
ington, D. C. t
A HUSTLING young man to
and advertise our different Home Reme
dies and Extracts, among ''.tn i'er
from Lewistown to Mlddletown. I'er
manent position Salary and all ex
penses paid. Address The Dill Meoicine
Co., Norrlstown, Pa. _____
Help Wanted—Female
""ANY - ladv can earn SIO.OO weekly
cooving letters, spare time at
Booklet 10 cents In silver. Tells how.
American Copying Association, W ash
lngton, D. C.
LADIES, sewing at home.
furnished. No canvassing. Steads
work. Stamped envelope Particu
lars. Calumet Supply Co., Dept. P 6-,
Milwaukee, Wis. .
LADIES to stencil cards, permanent
home work evenings; sls weeKiy
strictlv legitimate; no experience, no
canvassing; excellent opportunity. En
close stamp. International Art Co.,
AN experienced woman for general
housework; no washing, i^9"J" 8 ' ( , 00 u
sweeping; must be a pfne
Apply evening, i to 9 o clock, 218 rine
WOMAN of energy and education for
permanent position. Good income. Ap
ply mqrnlng, Room 410 Patriot Build
ing. ___
EXPERIENCED girls, also learners,
for fitting room. Apply Harrlsburg
Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harus
bucg, Pa. _
Help Wanted—Male and Female
FOR general housework, man and
wife; good home and reasonable wages.
Apply at Harrlsburg Academy Office,
Monday, January 6.
Situations Wanted—Male
YOUNG, married man, with five
years' experience at firing boilers,
wishes position as fireman, or at driv
ing. S. C. A., 442 North street.
MARRIED man wishes position in
grocery store. Experienced as both
proprietor and manager. Can furnish
reference and bond If necessary. Call,
or address, 222 South Fifteenth street.
Situations Wanted —Female
COLORED girl desires a place be
tween school hours. Write, or call, 326
BY reliable white woman, washing to
do at home. Apply 1518 Wallace street.
LADY stenographer and bookkeeper,
with six years experience, desires po
sition. Call Cameron's, 1209 North
Third street.
MIDDLE-AGED woman desires posi
tion as housekeeper for widower. Ap
ply 1511 New Fifth street.
COLORED woman desires general
housework. Address 1334 New Fourth
REFINED widow desires position as
working housekeeper. Address W., 445,
care of Telegraph.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, with experi
ence, desires cases of maternity nurs
ing. Call on, or address, 357 South
Eighteenth street.
BY experienced dressmaker, sewing,
to do at home preferred, but will go out
by day. Address D., 449, care of Tele
MIDDLE-AGED woman would like
home In refined, Christian family,
where companionship and assistance In
light work would be accepted in lieu
of board. Address R., 4SI, care of Tele
graph. y.
Wanted to Rent
WANTED TO RENT Modern house'
all conveniences, eight or ten rooms
with some ground. North, Front or Sec
ond street preferred. Two In family
Address Box 446, care of Telegraph.
Heuses For Rent
1908 Greenwood St., I *. f, I r, Sit
692 S. 20th St.. 6 r. ft b.. .*J2
717 Cowden St., 3 s. f Bin
1636 S. 13th St.. 214 s. b.. 7 r. b., 910
303 S. 14th St., 2 V 4 s. f„ 8 r. ft b„ sit
1009 N. Third St.. 3 s. b.. 7 r. ft b„ no
1631 Reglna St., 3 s. b., 8 r 930
109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b i2l
1100 Green St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. ft b.. Mas ,
Market St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b. s. h„ . .mo
106 Boas St., 3 s. b. and stucco, (40
1627 N. Second St., 3 s. b 547.n0
2109 N. 8d St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r. b.. ..V.fSX
North of West Falrvlnw—2^-storv
frame « ln
Donaldson Apartments —Second, near
Locust St.. very desirable single
rooms and suites of two, three and
four rooms.
Miller Bros. & Baker
Federal Square Opp. Post Office
Business Personals
it u BwsßirirsSH
EXPRESS, fa as sage and Freight
h&uled and Parcel* delivered. Piano
and Furniture Moving a specialty;
storage; Furniture packing. Bell phone
1684 J. Ill* Montgomery street.
H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and
National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers %nd general haul,
lng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine street*. Bell phone No.
2602 R.
FOK falling hair try Gross' Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross. the
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market
street, Harrlsburg, Pa Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell.
with best material and by expert help.
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Cluck, 220 Woodbine street.
CUT this out for luck—Send birth
data and 10 cents for wonderful horo
scope of your entire life. Pf°"'
Raphael, 499 Lexington avenue, New
Of all designs. Old floors made new.
Ask for catolog. J. M. Smith, 2219
Brookwood street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bell
phone 1391 L
Harrisburg Paste Works
120 N. Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS', billposters* book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. All paste guaranteed, liell
phone 1186 L
BIG LOT of unredeemed Overooats
for sale and masquerade suits for hire.
Phone 1261 J.
Real Estate For Sale
BRICK HOUSE, valued at $8,200
practically new modernly equipped
located above Maclay street, is offered
In exchange for downtown property
balance In cash. Bell Realty Co., Ber
ner Building. _
409 KELKER ST. —■ 3-story frame—
-11 rooms, bath and furnace lot, 40x
83—driveway on rear. Brlnton-Packer
Co., Second and Walnut streets.
614 ROSS ST. 2 %-story brick -%■ 7
rooms, bath and furnace f\ont and
rear porches lot, 16x79. Brlnton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets.
CITY steam-heated house for sale —
near Market Square lO rooms and
bath gas and electric light. \ery
little cash needed. Particulars at Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
Carlisle trolley lO miles from Har
rlsburg. House barn and outbuild
ings In good repair. lam leaving Har
risburg; bargain to quick buyer. Ad
dress F. L. Kompft (owner), P. O. Box
788, Harrisburg, Pa.
THREE-STORY brick dwelling; front
and rear porches; all Improvements;
good condition. Possession at once,
owner leaving city. Call 1946 Green
DESIRABLE Investment, property for
sale new brick houses with all mod
ern conveniences now occupied and
yielding over 8 per cent. net. Particu
lars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
THE biggest, the best, the cheapest
on Camp Hill Heights. Call Bell 'phone
3048 L.
NEW houses, $1,600 to $6,000. Terms
reasonable. See £>. E. Brlghtblll, In
surance and Real Estate. Both phones.
$2,260 WILL BUY a brick house on
Cumberland street, near Capital-street.
Also Herr street brick house nine
rooms and bath. Price. $2,700. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
ARE you Interested in buying a home
or making a 10 per cent, investment.
Seven two-story brick dwellings on
Boas near Fifteenth street, with Im
provements, about finished. I will be
on the premises 9 to 3 or by appoint
ment. Inquire E. O. Shaffner, 107 Boas
street. Bell phone 1296 R.
CORNER PROPERTY facing Capitol
Park l2 rooms and bath gas and
electric light city steam heat. Price
and full particulars at Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
Real Estate For Rent
233 BOAS, 8 rooms and bath: all im
provements; immediate possession. Ap
ply 267 Cumberland street.
ON even shares. 76-acre farm, eight
miles from city. Address F., 435, care
of Telegraph.
story brick. Inquire Dr. Ellenberger,
922 North Third street.
nut street, near Fourth street, three
stories and basement, elevator service,
size, 23x80. Lease for two years. Suit
able for most, any business or manu
facturing, In heart of business section.
Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street,
Harrlsburg. Pa.
No. 221 N. Fifteenth St $20.00
Large house and two acres of
land at Lawnton 25.00
1251 Market Street.
NEJW 6-room houses with stables,
near Twenty-third street, at Edgemont,
hi mile north of Penbrook, and to cars.
Rent, $6.00. Address G. S. Hartman. 38
North Twelfth street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
THREE-STORY brick house, No. 2110
Derry street; 8 rooms and bath; all
conveniences; back and side yards;
most pleasant place in the East End.
Call 2102 Derry street.
New house; all Improvements; 8
rooms and bath; large lot; located at
3219 North Third. Call Bell phone
1452 L.
Reai Estate For Sale or Rent
FOR SALE at $4,000, or For Rent at
S2O, a two-story brick and slate resi
dence and half acre. On Camp Hill
Heights. Eight minutes' from trolley.
Porches, batli, steam and electriclt'v.
Possession January 15. Call Bell
phone 3048 L.
FOR SALE OR RENT, three-story
brick, nine rooms and bath, 262 Forster
street, corner Myrtle. Inquire George A.
Gorgaa. 16 North Third street.
For Sale
1911 five-passenger Cadillac Touring
Car, special paint, 1914 body design,
nickel trimmings, tires new all around;
mechanical and paint condition Al.
Standard and extra equipment. Inquire
107 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa.
FIRST MORTGAGE, Guaranteed Real
Estate Bonds on Pittsburgh's largest
department store building. Denomina
tions SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO, $5,000. For in
formation address A. S. Wiest, Box 72,
Harrlsburg, Pa.
REO Touting Car, 1811 model, in
excellent condition. Owner has no use
for same. Will demonstrate. Apply to
owner, Levi Saul, Engineer at Russ
Bros., Sixteenth and Walnut.
$25.00, Near Sealskin Coat, three
quarter length, size 44, in good condi
tion; satin lining, as good as new; cost
$65.00. Address Near Sealskin Coat,
care of Telegraph.
One font of 10 ipt. O. S. with Antique,
and one font of 12 pt. O. S. with An
tique; both fonts cut to run in lower
magazine Model 4. and in tirst-clas*
condition. These fonts can be used in
single magazine machines. The Tele
graph Printing Co., Harrlsburg, Pa.
KINNELL Chain Bottom Emergency
Shoes and Red Tip Neversllp Emerg
ency Horse Shoes. Also a large line
of Neversllp Red Tip Calks. Beware of
the icy streets. Harrlsburg Harness A
Supply Co., Corner Second and Chest
HARDWARE and Housefurnlshlng
Store, strictly up-to-date; good estab
lished cash business, and a payer. Un
less you mean business, don't answer
this ad. Addres "Hardware," care of
■ Dally Telegraph.
For Sale
with complete equipment, established
trade and reputation, desirably located,
affording ideal proposition. Price right.
Inquire C. Vernon Rettew, 1000 North
Thiri street.
RESTAURANT, good location, large
established trade, doing good business.
Good reason for selling. Address G.,
448. care of Telegraph.
I new, 22-lnch frame, Peerless coaster
brake. This Is a bargain. Come, look
it over at 1114 Captltal street, rear.
AT GABLE'S, 111, 113 and 117 South
Second street, Neverslip, Can't Slip,
Sure Grip, Rowe and Always Sharp
horseshoe calks.
located, established mora than fifteen
years, can be purchased cheap for cash
or terms to suit buyer. Apply Robert
A. Carl, 14 North Market Square.
EBTEY flve-reed Organ; only been
used a short while; moving; must Bell,
and will sell cheap. Bell phone 760Y or
1664J, or call at Room 76, Union Trust.
CHEAP, to quick buyer, one Detroit
four-Burner Gas Range. Phone 2959R,
or call 128 Sylvan Terrace.
AN Aquarium, about 8 feet square,
with table. Address A., 402, care of
„ FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
MILLER Died January 1, 1914, at 11
A. M„ Maine E. Miller, wife of Under
taker E. J. Miller, of 560 Race street.
Services Monday afternoon, at 2 P.
M., from her late residence. Relatives
and friends are invited to attend with
out further notice. Burial private.
LEHMAN Mr. S. C. Lehman died at
his late residence. No. 1408 State
street, of pneumonia, Friday evening,
at 7:46 o'clock, aged 57 years. He
leaves to survive him a widow, Mrs.
Maggie Snavely Lehman, and two
brothers. Willam, of Lancaster coun
ty, and D. Lawrence, of Erbana, Ohio.
Funeral service at his late residence
Tuesday afternoon, January 6, at 2
. . - sa
Salesmen Wanted
NEW powerful specialty for big men.
All retailers five hundred monthly.
Bird, lowa City, lowa.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary; easy
work, big pay. Write for largo list of
openings offering opportunities to earn
SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn;
position assured. Adress Dept. 417, Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association,
Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San
office specialties, exclusive or side lines.
No orders. Bin F. Newton, lowa.
carry line of cigars on road; SIOO per
month and expenses. Experience not
necessary. Continental Cigar Company,
Wichita, Kansas.
SALESMAN for house paint to prop
erty owners. Profitable employment
and exclusive territory for successful
salesmen. Address the Puritan Oil &
Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Legal Notices
NOTICE IS hereby given that on Mon.
day, January 12, 1914, at 10 o'clock A.
M.. in Court Room No. 1, of the Court
House, at Harrlsburg Pa., application
will be made to the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Dauphin County for an
order and decree that the BOROUGH
OF DAUPHIN, in said county, be made
subject to the restrictions and possess
the powers and privileges conferred bv
the Act of General Assembly of this
Commonwealth, entitled An Act regu
lating boroughs, approved April 3
1851, and the amendments and the sup
plements thereto, and that the pro
visions of the former charter of said
borough shall be annulled so ti as
they are In conflict with the provisions
of said Act. in accordance with the pe
tlon of twenty-five qualified electors
and residents of said borou-n. present
ed to said Court on September 26, 1913
and by order of the Court filed oi
record to No. 234 September Sessions
Clerk of said Court
THE Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders of the Great Southern Lumber
Company will be held at the Company's
Office, No. 5 North Third Street, Har
rlsburg, Pennsylvania, on Monday,
January 12, A. D. 1914, at 11:30 o'clock
A. M., for the purpose of electing a
Board of Directors for the ensuing
year, for the consideration of the pro
posed amendment of the Company's by
laws so as to provide for a Third Vice-
President with such powers and duties
as the Board of Directors may, from
time to time, determine, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before the meeting.
llariisburg. Pa., December 27, 1913.
THE Stockholders of the Dauphin
County Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany are hereby notified that a meeting
for the election of officers for the en
suing yesi' will be held at the Eagle
Hotel. Linglestown, Monday, January
5, 1913, from 10:00 A. M„ to 3:00 P. M.
By order of the president.
THE! Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders for the election of Directors
for the ensuing year, and such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting, will be held In the Di
rectors' Room, Commonwealth Trust
Company, 222 Market Street, Harrls
burg, Pa... on Tuesday, January 27, 1914,
at 2 o'clock P. M.
December 26. 1913.
large brtck warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private -ooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Penr". R. R.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to *B. Wagons, 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Broad street. Both
For Rent
FOR RENT Desirable officer In the
Telegraph Building, singly or en-aolte.
Inquire at Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
Office. <
Rooms For Rent
FIVE ROOMS and bath. $35~ third
floor. Apply 200 Pine street.
TWO large furnished rooms on sec
ond floor, for light housekeeping, with
all conveniences. 1100 North Sixth
A FEW select furnished rooms In a
quiet, private home. Rooms warm and
use of phone. 117 Pine.
FURNISHED ROOM, with boarding
for gentlemen or man and wife, at 1420
Reglna street, nesr Thirteenth and Mar
ket. Terms reasonable.
FURNISHED ROOMB, single or en
site; all conveniences, including phone'
reference required. Apply 1016 North
Front street.
for light housekeeping. Stoves fur
nished free Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. Also Janltress service.
Bishop Building, 429 Broad street.
NICELY furnished, front room; elec
tric light and gas; steam heat. Inquire
1210 North Second street
Pimples removed quick and easy by my
Complexion Tablets. Send 2c for lib
eral sample. Particulars FREE. Dept.
C-67, Aldlnger Distributing Co., 1123
East Twentieth street, Baltimore, Md.
NOTICE The Annual Meeting of
the East Harrisburg Cemetery Com
pany, for the election of Six Directors,
will be held at the office of the ceme
tery, on Tuesday, the 20th day of Janu
ary, 1914, between the hours of 1 and 2
P. M.
NOTICE Letters of Administration
d. b. n. c. t. a. on the Estate of Regina
C. Mitchell, late of Harrisburg, Pa., de
ceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned. all persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make Immedi
ate payment, and those having claims
will present them for settlement.
Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a.
THE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of the Harrisburg Bridge Com
pany will be held at the Board of
Trade, in the City of Harrisburg, on
Monday, January 5, 1914. between the
hours of 1 and 3 P. M., when thoy will
elect a President, Secretary and Treas
urer and twelve Directors to serve for
the ensuing year.
Secretary and Treasurer.
Business Opportunities
A HUSTLER can make SSO to $76 a
week and establish himself in a perma
nent business of his own; a firm manu
facturing a standard llrte of merchan
dise desires to secure a personal rep
resentative in each town and will aid
the right man to build up a business
furnishing employment to several men,
and which may be managed without
Interference with present occupation;
only a moderate Investment required
for equipment, and this Is amply safe
guarded to investor. For personal in
terview with representative of the firm,
address Manufacturer, care of Tele
WILL purchase Picture Theater, Res
taurant or other business. Must show
big profits. Stand close investigation.
Give full particulars and price. Ad
dress A., 451, care of Telegraph.
time at home. Mail order business
don't worry about capital. Boyd H.
Brown, Omaha, Neb.
ANT Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE 950,000 In five years in the
mail order business, began with $5.
Send tor free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y.
FOR SALE—-Reasonable, an up-to
date meat market doing a thirty-five
thousand dollar business yearly, with
or without real estate. Apply to Drelbll
bis & Son, Millersburg, Pa.
TO board and cure for elderly lady or
married couple at Enola. Terms rea
sonable. Address Enola, No. 450, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED, at. once, nve tons of red
clover hay. Address Stouffer Poultry
Farm, P. O Box' 224. Harrisburg.
LOST Thursday evening, on Wal
nut street, between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth streets, small purse con
taining $5. Reward if returned to 1728
Walnut street.
LOST Silver mesh bag, initials R.
L. engraved, containing four one dol
lar bills, between Capitol anel Dives,
Pomeroy & Stewart's Store, on Fourth
street. Reward if returned to Dives,
Pomeroy & Stewart Art Department.
Money to Loan
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
«ad others upon their own names.
Cheap rate*, easy payments, confiden
H»m» 4k Co.. It. aO4. B in. Market %%.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS—Stop Canvassing, Advertise
Dr. Hall's "Sexual Knowledge, and see
the dollars come in every mall. We re
ceived 896 orders. SI.OO orders, $896
cash from one advertisement. Let. us
show you bow to get some of these
dollars. We furnish electros and cir
culars with your name and address. Get.
our new plan for agents and Mail
Order dealers. International Bible
House. Dept. 0., Sixteenth and Chest
nut, Philadelphia, Pa.
WIDE-AWAKE agents are coining
money with m.v easily demonstrated
Specialties. Write to-day for particu
lars. and new Catalog. Malcolm M.
Scott. Box 230, New London,' Conn.
DEAL with responsible corporation. We
manufacture ami distribute best sellers.
Factory prices. Classy proposition.
Start spare time. Quick returns. Small
capital. Absolutely no fake scheme.
Write for free prospectus.
AGENTS In every town; best selling
article known; $25 to sf,o n week; suc
cess assured, investigate to-day. Pros
pect Specialty Co., Box 63A, Willow
Grove. Pa.
SOAP AGENTS Our Sanitary Skin
Soap has everything beat for profits;
we protect you in territory; sample and
£remium list free. Daley Mfg. Co., St.
outs, Mo.
Rooms Wanted
WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms,
with bath, for light housekeeping. Cen
tral location preferred. State price and
location. Address R„ 447, care of Tele
SIO.OO Buys Puts or Calls on 10.000
bushels of wheat. No Farther Rlak. A
movement of Bo from price gives you
chance to take $600.00; 4c $400.00; 3c
$300.00, etc Write for particulars.
Park Bids., Cleveland. O.
r ~\
For Sale
For Rent
Furnished Rooms
Unfurnished Rooms
Cards Neatly and
Attractively Printed
Can Be Secured at
The Telegraph
Business Office
216 Federal Squa
* I
In Main, Sentiment Inclined Towards Greater Cheerful
ness in Stock Market
By 1? fociated Press
New York, Jan. 3.—The end of the
old year and the beginning of the new
In the stock market witnessed some
irregularity of movement, although
the average was toward a higher level,
with some increase of activity. In the
main sentiment inclined toward greater
cheerfulness, this condition finding re
flection in the higher prices for stock
exchange seats, as well as the more
encouraging trade advices. In this
last quarter, however, there were neu
tralizing factors, such as receivership
proceedings against large department
store interests in this city and Boston
and the note of caution sounded by
the head of the United States Steel
Another event, the significance of
which may grow with the passing
Furnished by H. W. SXAVRLY,
Arcade Building.
New York, Jan. 3.
Open. Clos.
Amai. Copper 73 72%
American Can 29% 29',4
American Can pfd.. 89 89
Am. Locomotive ... 31% 32%
American Smelting . 63 , / 4 63%
American Sugar ... 107% 107%
Am. T. & T 117% 118%
Anaconda 83% 34
Atchison 93% 93%
Baltimore A- Ohio . . 92 % 92
Brooklyn R. T 87% 87%
Canadian Pacific ... 208% 208%
Central Leather ... 2 7 27
Chesapeake & Ohio. 60 59%
C., M. & St. P 99% 99y 4
Chino Con. Copper . 39 33%
Consolidated Gas .. 129% 129%
Erie 27% 27%
Erie Ist pfd 44 43%
General Electric Co. 146% 140
Goodrich, B. F. ... 23% 23%
Great Nor. pfd 126 125%
Great Nor. Ore subs. 34 33%
Interboro-Met 14% 14%
Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 60
Lehigh Valley 148% 147%
Louisville & Nash. . 133% 133%
Missouri Pacific ... 24 24
New York Central . 90% 90%
N. Y„ N. H. &H. . . 76 76%
Norfolk & Western. 102% 102%
Northern Pacific ... 109% 109%
Penna. R. R 109 .109%
People's Gas & Coke 120% 120%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 70% 70%
Ray Con. Copper . 18% 18
Reading 168% 167%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 20 20
Rock Island 13 J3%
Rock Island pfd. .. 20% 20%
Southern Pacific ... 88% SB%
Southern Railway . 23% 22%
Southern Ry. pfd. . 76 76
Tennessee Copper . 34% 34%
Union Pacific 155 154
U. S. Rubber 57% 57%
U. S. Steel 58% 57%
Utah Copper 50% 49%
Western Union Tel.. 59% 59%
Westinghouse Mfg. . 64 64
Woohvorth 92% 92%
Furnished by H. W. SNAVBLV,
Arcade Building.
Chicago, Hi., Jan. 3.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
May ; 91% 91%
July 87% 87%
May 68% 68%
July 68% 67%
May 50% 40%
July 39% 39%
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Jan. 3. Hogs Re
ceipts, 15,000, strong. Bulk of sales,
$8.00(3 8.15; light, $7.80@8.15; mixed,
$7.80®8.20; heavy, $7.80®8.25; rough,
$7.80(87.90; pigs, $7.00@7.80.
Cattle Receipts, 200; steady,
i Beeves, $3.70® 9.40; Texas steers, $6.90
@7.90; stockers and feeders, $5.00®".45;
cows and heifers, $3.60@8.60; calves,
$7.00@ 11.40.
Cheep Receipts, 2,500; slow. Na
tive. $4.70(g>6.10: yearlings, $5.55@7.10:
lambs, native, $6.70@8.20.
Philadelphia. Jan. 3. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red. export elevator, 94
@94%c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export.
Corn Steady; new, No. 2, yellow,
natural, local, 70@71c; do., kiln dried,
local, 74©>75c.
Oats—Steady; No. 2, white, 45% @
| 46c.
Bran Market firm; winter, per
ton, $26.00#26.60; spring, per ton,
Refined Sugars Market weak;
powdered, 4.20 c; fine granulated, 4.15 c;
confectioners' A, 4.05 c; Keystone, A,
4.05 c.
Butter The Market Is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 36®38c;
nearby prints, fancy, 42c.
Eggs The market is steady;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $10.50 per case;
western extras, firsts, free cases SIO.BO
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.50
per case.
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 15®
17c; young chickens, 15®17c;
broiling chickens. 15%@17c; old roost
ers, !2@l3c; ducks, 14®15c- do., spring
ducks. 15@16c; geese, 14@lT>c; turkeys,
17 ® 19c.
Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls,
western, fancy. heavy, 18c; do.,
medium sizes, 15@17c; do., light
weights, 12@14e; old roosters, 13c;
roasting chickens,fancy, 19@ 19% c; broil
. Ing chickens, fancy 17(ffil8c <in f«l
--14® 16c; turkeys, fancy, 23(fi>25c; do.,
common, 18®20c; ducks, ll@19c; geese,
11® 18c.
Potatoes—Steady; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 7f>®Boc; New York, per bushel,
70®76c; Jersey, per basket, 20@50c.
Flour—The market is steady; winter,
clear, $3.76(6)4.00: straights. Penn
sylvania. $4.18®4.30; western, $4.25®
4.BO; patents, $4.60@4.85; Kansas,
traight, jute sacks, $4.10®4.30; spring,
!i sts. clear. $4.00®4.20; straight,s4.SOiy
4.40; patents, $4.60®4.65.
Hay The market is steady; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00018.50;
No. 1, medium bales, $17.50(0)18.00; No.
2, $16.50® 17.00; No. 3, $14.00(816.00.
Clover mixed: Light mixed, $16.60®
17.00; No. 1, $15.50® 16.00; No. 2. $14.50
® 16.60.
By Associated Press
New Tork, Jan. 3. The statement
of the actual condition of Clearing
House Banks and Trust Companies for
the week (five days), shows that they
hold reserve In excess of le
gal requirements. This Is an increase
of $2,816,800 from last week.
Loans, $1,881,989,000; increase, $16,-
•Specie, $822,730,000; Increase, $9,628,-
Legal-tenders, $82,351,000; increase.
Increase, $2,168,000.
Net deposits, $1,736,813,000; Increase,
Circulation, $45,261,000; increase,
Banks' cash reserve in vault, $341,-
Trust Companies' cash reserve In
vault, $63,787,000.
Aggregate cash reserve. $405,081,000.
Excess lawful reserve, $12,189,550; in
crease, $2,816,800.
Trust Companies' reserve with Clear
ing House members carrying 25 per
cent, cash reserve. $54,076,000.
\ I 130 LOCUST ST. HBG, PA. If
Furniture Packing
A. H. SHRENK. 190# North Sixth
street, Bel! phone 399W, experienced
Packer and unpacker or Furniture,
China and Bric-a-brac.
• JANUARY 3, 1914.
days, was the announcement of J. P.
Morgan & Co.'s retirement from many
boards of directors with which the
firm's name had long been promi
nently identified. These withdrawals
were associated with the attitude of
the federal administration in the mat
ter of so-called trust legislation anJ
paved the way for much discussion
of a problematical character.
Time and call loans were inclined to
harden in this market, and while noth
ing approaching stringent corfditlons
is apprehended it is the opinion of
students of local monetary conditions
that rates are likely to remain firm for
the next few weeks.
Some disappointment is expressed
at the absence of the investment de
mand which formerly followed the
release of the larger year-end interest
and dividend disbursements.
Says Congress Forced to Conclu
sion; Two Much Agitated
and Fought Over Questions
Spicial to The Telegraph
New York, Jan. 3.—Bradstreet'e
says to-day:
Nineteen h indred and thirteen was
a year of disquiet and disappointment
alike In foreign and domestic finance,
trade and industry. The disquiet was
world-wide, though until the' latter
part of this year not so much in evi
dence at. home as abroad. Disappoint
ment was keen with those who were
hopeful that the exceptionally strong
position of this country's producing
anrl consuming interests would render
>is partially independent of, if not en
tirely immune to, the play of thi large
financial forces dominating the world
in the year just closed and making for
depression in finance and trade. Re
view of last year's events would prove
incomplete if sight were loßt of the
many resemblances it bore to 1902
and 1903, just ten years ago, when the
so-called "rich man's" or "silent panic"
Tt has been frequently and with
Justice said that the Balkan war and
its attendant evils did not causo but
rather precipitated and revealed the
world-wide financial strain of 1913.
Actions of Congress
The world's financial difficulties
bulked large in our list of problems,
but there was no lack of Items of do
mestic concern. In a session of Con
gress remarkable for its length, two
much agitated and frequently fought
over questions were forced to a con
clusion. The tariff was revised, but its
enactment, by the way, was coinci
dent with a shrinkage instead of the
predicted enlargement in our import
trade, and coincldently an Income tax
law was put in operation for the llrst
time since the civil war period. The
currency measure, designed to take the
place of an outworn and often dis
credited system, also became a law.
Much needed support to trade and
finance was given at a critical time,
early In June, by the Secretary of the
Treasury's announcement as to the
possible use of emergency and the
placing of government money In the
banks In the surplus crop-producing
areas. The then good crop outlook
was of course helpful, but with the
realization of the drought's damage in
the West and Southwest in August and
September, business in large lines
quieted down.
The year's failure record was a full
one, exceeding that for 1912 by 4.9
per cent, and that for 1908 by 3 per
cent., while liabilities increased S3
per cent, over 1912, though falling 7
per cent, below 1908. Half of the ex
cess in liabilities over 1912 was ex
plained by unsafe banking, a. good
part of the balance being contributed
by large dealers In rubber, in automo
bile, iron and lumber manufacturing
and coal mining.
Looking Forward
The best judgment seems to support
the view that money, the great de
sideratum in finance and trade, will
he both cheaper and easier to obtain
in 1914 than in 1918. The passage of
the currency bill in expected to be an
aid in this respect, whatever may be
thought of ultimate effects of the pos
sible inflation feature of the new meas
ure, which has supplanted a seriously
defective system. Of course, any ill
considered rise like that of 189 5, with
its aftermath of deep depression, Is
to he avoided, and the possibilities of
Europe endeavoring to further liqui
date its burdens in American mar
kets are to be considered in this con
nection, though our immense credit
balance may help us in this respect.
Money, however, should bo plenty for
legitimate trade and industry in 191-1,
and the absence of burdensome stocks,
owing to long continued hand-to
mouth buying, should be helpful.
Oklahoma Moose Are
Returning to Party Fold
l*rogressives l)o Not 1 toward Them
selves as Party Bolters
Sfecial la The Telegraph
Oklahoma City, Jan. 3.—indications
ore that the invitation extended by the
Republican State central committee to
the Progressives to come back home
will be accepted by those in Oklohoma
who voted for Roosevelt a year ago.
Such action was made easy through
the reorganization plan adopted by the
State committee when it provided for
the issuance of a call for precinct pri
maries. county conventions and a
State convention to select new party
machinery from the "grass roots" up
to chairman of the State central com
Bull Moose and even dissatisfied
Democrats are lnvlt :.l into the pre
cinct primaries to capture the party
organlatlon if they can and Join un
der the name of a rejuvenated Repub
lican party in Oklahoma In ousting the
Democratic party from power. The
Bull Moose of two counties. Garfield
and Noble, held joint meetings with
the Republican organizations and ex
pressed their Intention of going back
Into the fold.
Chances for reuniting the Republi
cans In Oklamoha are more favorable
than In any other States, as there was
no Progressive party ticket In the last
State election and no separate set of
Progressive electors, the State election
laws not permitting such action.
The Bull Moose In Oklahoma there
fore feel that they have never In fact
left the Republican party, as in the
last national election they voted for
Republican electors, although as a
matter of fact half of them were
pledged to vote for Taft and the other
half for Roosevelt. The feeling that
they are not party bolters has made
their return to the Republican partv
less difficult and their welcome more
Says He Lost Job Because Justin
Had "Personal Grudge"
Against Him
Suit for $5,000 damages was begun
to-day by Frank Cline, Camp Hill, a
foreman for the Stucker Brothers'
Construction company, river wall con
tractors. against Joel D. Justin, prin
cipal engineer in charge of improve
ment work for the Board of Public
The action was begun to-day and
includes a demand for SI,OOO bail to
guard against the engineer's departure
from tlie county. The statement filed
to-day by Attorney Robert Rosenberg,
names "Joel D. Judson" as the de
fendant, evidently through a typical
The specific charge according to
Cline's statement is that he was dis
missed from the wall job on Decem
ber 13, 1913, not because, as he al
leges, lie isn't a capable man and well
able and familiar with his duties, but
because of a "personal grudge" he
contends the engineer holds ag&tnßt
By the summary dismissal Cline
contends that lie was thrown out of
employment and that his means of
livelihood for himself and family were
consequently lost; all of which he In.
slsts has injured his feelings to the
extent of $5,000.
Justin Won't Discuss Matter
Mr. Justin when aßked as to the
meaning of the action said he had not
known of such proceeding. "This Is
the first I've head of it," said he, "and
X can hardly discuss the matter unless
I know something of it"
"IB it true that Cline was discharged
December 13, 1913?"
"Oh, yes, that's true enough. His
discharged wan asked for because he
violated the Instructions of the engi
neer and because of his conduct with
the inspectors of the Board of Publlo
Works whose duties were to see that
the work was properly done for the
Ceorge Stucker of the Stucker
Brothers' firm, said he had heard of
Cline's threatened action but he had
not known that the matter had reach
ed the point of a suit to-day.
John Bonadio Who Eloped With
Washington Matron Willing
to Plead For Her
says he is willing to
friends to elope
with him, and who is now In jail on
charges of bigamy and perjury—pre
ferred by Bonadio.
Bonadio was arrested some weeks
ago on charges of "Illegally marrying
a married woman" and larceny, both
having been instituted by Mrs. Hard
est)' following a quarrel on their stolen
honeymoon. The story of how the
woman had agreed upon accompany
ing Bonadio provided he accepted her
four children along with her was told
in the Telegraph some time ago. Bo
nadio agreed and the elopers trailed
through half a dozen cities before they
got Into the law's limelight here. Then
Bonadlo's arrest followed; a few dayH
ago he was released on bail and his
decision to go Into court and help
plead the woman's cause was arrived
at yesterday afternoon following a con
ference with his counsel, W. h. L,oeser.
Bonadio says there is nothing to
the charges preferred by Mrs. Hard
esty so far as he is concerned and he
is willing and ready to stand trial.
To Tit* port oil Water Rights—Febru
ary 10 has been fixed as the date for
the return to the Dauphin county of the
report of the viewers to consider the
damages and benefits that may accrue
for the taking over of water right*
and right of way by the Williams Val
ley Company. Joseph W. Umberger
was to-day appointed to succeed Wll-
Jiain Sheesloy on the board of viewer*,
because of the latter's 111 health. The
other viewers are Paul G. Smith, city,
and Harry C. Wright, Steelton.
To-«la> n limit y Transaction*—J. A.
rtonibcrKCr to W. R. Snyder, Ellzabeth
vllle, $300; C. Graupp, to .T. A. Romberg
er, I'.llzabethville, $300; Sarah A. Potte-
Icher to C. C. Potteicher, Wayne town-*
ship, $620.
May Content Bid Award—When the
< ounty Commissioners act finally on
the bids for filing cases for County.
< 'ontroller-elect Gough's offices, Mon
day, It is Just possible that W. S. Tunis
will raise the question as to the award
for mot a I cases. Ed. Halbert, Tunis'
chief clerk, declared to-day that his
firm's bid was $143 lower than any of
the others and that If the award was
not given to the lowest bidder, court
proceedings would be begun.
To Plead Guilty Monday—Eight pleas
of guilty for criminal offenses ana two
for nonsupport and desertion will be
Wcard by the D'auphln countv court
Monday, as follows: Daniel Carmlchael,
forgery; Charles W. SwartK, Ross
Dlckoy, .Tames Belford, Paul Mlckovick
and John H. Dlnkle, larceny; Frank
Wright, assault and battery, and George
Tice Kdleblutte, felonous entry.
e=! L - =S—HBBSSrti
Farms Near Hershey
For Sale
3 miles from Hummelstqwn, <
miles from llarrisburg, on kershey
milk route.
No. I—sa acres, 7-room house and
summer house, large barn, hog pen,
chicken house, gralnery, wagon
shed, wood shed, etc., 2 acres orch
ard, 7 grape arbors, running water
In all fields, 2 acres timber. Near
store and blacksmltly shop. Pos
session April 1.
PRICE, n.uino.
No. 2—22 acres. New 7-room house
with slate roof. New barn 38x48
painted. 2 new wagon sheds. New
and old orchard. Running water in
fields. Possession April 1.
PRICE, (2,700
Might exchange for city property.
Call at office and see photographs
on these bargains.
Other fsrms and suburban home*
64 city properties.
_ J