Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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"Out upon It. I have loved
Three whole days together;
And am like to love three more,
If It proves fair weather."
" With woman. Love
is an event; with
man, it is an occur
rence. There are
many proofs that
men love more
lightly, more fre
quently, more criti
cally, more selfishly
than women. "None
of it," says Cupid,
displaying his stock
of Man's Love, "is
good and pure
and faithful and un
selfish as the love of
a woman, and there
is disillusion in store
for the girl who ex
pects it." As proof that men live light
ly. Somewhere, there are four girls
In love with the. same man. This is
the way he writes about it:
* "i am In love with four girls, and
they are In love with me. One is a
blonde who talks. Another has light
brown hair and cooks. One is dark
haired and is a musician, and the
f&urth is a brunette and dances.
Which of the four would be the mftst
economical one for me to marry?"
A strange question from one who
commits the extravagance of think
ing he loves four girls at once. There
can be no waste of bread and butter
after marriage more Inexcusable than
this waste of emotion before.
Doubtless each one of these four
girls thinks she is the one-love-for
life in this man's heart. For his part
he will not remember their names six
months. He is loving like a man.
They are loving as a woman loves.
Get a 10 cent package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders
and don't suffer
You can clear your head and relieve
a dull splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with a Dr.
James' Headache Powder. This old
time headache relief acts almost
magically. Send someone to the drug
store now for a dime package and a
few moments after you take a powder
you will wonder what became of the
headache, neuralgia and pain. Stop
suffering—it's needless. Be sure you
get what you ask for.—Advertisement.
Cough Syrups and other cold cures
containing habit-forming drugs such as
Opium, Morphine and Chloroform "dope"
the system. They give temporary relief
only. Avoid them. Always use GofFs
Cough Syrup the kind made wholly of
harmless herbs: the kind that has been
known and used for 40 years: the kind
rou can give your children with absolute
GofTs gets to the .source of trouble
and quickly and safely loosens and raises
the phlegm. For Hoarseness, Coughs,
severe or slight Colds, threatened Pneu
monia, Croup, Whooping Cough, Grippe
or Asthma, Goff's Cough Syrup has
proven its value through years of use. <
Keep a "25c or 50c bottle in the house.
SafeOuldr etv
& Bottle Today
Money Refunded
if not Satisfactory
Scratch Pads
I" .IE have a lot of scratch pads
lUrl P ut "I>. about 100 to a pack-
I I age, that we are selling for
60c per package. Just the
thing for office work, and you'd
better order NOW if you want
any as they won't last long at
that price.
Printing, Binding, Designing,
Photo Engraving
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November 30, 1911.
TRAINS leave Harrlsburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburg at
6:03, *7:62 a. m., *S:4O p. m.
for Hagerstown, Chatnbersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate
Stations at 5:03, *1:62, *11:63 a. m
•j740, 6:32, *7:40. *11:16 p. m. '
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburg at 9:4« a. m„ 2:18, 3:27,
6:30, 9:30 a. m.
For Dlllsburg at 6:03, *7:62 and
• 11:63 a m., 2:18. *3:40, 6:32 and 6:30
ate' ** •""fffiffifea-"'
J. n. TONOB. O. P. A.
Sixth and Kalkar Streats
Larfast establishment. Beat facilities. Near to
Too as your phone. Will go anywhere at your call.
Motor service. No funeral too small. None too
eiDMslv*. Cbapela, rooms, vault, etc.. used with
out charge. ,
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
HIK: _
Adrioe Wasted
Advice to such an extravagantly
emotional creature Is wasted, for the
reason that he has forgotten ere now
that he asked It. If he remembered
and accepted It, his love for the girl
suggested as "the most economical
one to marry," would not survive the
route from the engagement to the al
tar. He would not take advice, so
why give it, for not one of these girls
Is the girl for him. The man who
loves wastefully is the man who will
have to be sheltered inside the home
after marriage while his wife stands
outside and keeps the wolves away,
and not one of these girls seems to
be on the salaried basis that matri
mony with htm demands.
A very much worried girl tells of
another variety of man's love. She
and her sweetheart have been in love
with each other for two years, and
the only time he ever gives her Is
Sunday afternoon and evening, plead
ing in excuse that the ride to her
home which requires ati hour, is too
long. He is faithful, reliable and hon
orable; this is his only fault. Shall
she give him up?
By no means! That would mean to
lose him, and I don't want any girl
to lose a man's heart when it Is both
sound and whole. Mixed with his love
there is a grain of laziness and several
grains of possessive selfishness, which
means that he feels so secure of her
affection he doesn't think any effort is
needed to retain it. Nagging and en
treaties only confirm such a man in
his belief that, exertion is unnecessary,
and this little worried girl must try
Don't ask him to Increase the num
ber of his calls. Never mention the
subject again, but occasionally tell him
In the most innocent way of the gen
tlemen who call during the week. He
will not come in response to entreaties,
but he will come oftener to inquire
into your happiness. That is the way
a man loves.
Their Married Life j
j Warren's Brother Announces His En
gagement una Calls on Ills Fiancee
"Bo I have to call to-day? Oh,
I DO dread it so!"
"Got to go some time," shrugged
Warren. "Might as well have it over."
"Tell me what he said about her,"
pleaded Helen "He must have told
you more than that."
"Oh, he reeled off a lot of stuff—
(he sort of thing every man says
about the girl he's just engaged to.
She's a nico girl, all right, but I never
took much stock in her father. Puts
on a lot of side."
"But they're very rich, aren't
they?" conscious of a vague Jeul
ousy that Warren's brother should
be marrying a girl with a fortune.
"Yes, the old man's got monov.
Holds on to it, too. Miserly oid
"I wonder what I'd better wear,"
murmured Helen irrelevantly.
"We'll have to have them hero to
dinner," Warren 'always ignpred
Helen's question of clothes, "you
might as well invite her now."
"Oh, I know it's going to be dread
fully embarrassing. What shall I say
to her? What do people say when
they make such a call?"
"How do I know? Women are sup
posed to know about those things.
Say you're glad she's coming into the
family, you hope she and Bob'll be
happy—the usual stuff. Well," drain
ing his coffee cup and pushing back
his chair, "shall I phone Bob that
you'll call on her to-day?"
"Yes I—l suppose so," reluctantly,
following him out to the hall where
lie shrugged into his overcoat.
The rest of the morning Helen wor
ried about this call on her intended
sister-in-law. Not only had she never
met this young girl. Imt Bob himself,
who spent most of his time in the
Chicago office of his company, seemed
almost a stranger.
The engagement was not yet pub
licly announced, but Bob had told
Warren and the rest of the family last
week. Mrs. Curtis jind Carrie had al
ready called, and now Helen was to
go this afternoon.
It was half past four when she
started out. The address Warren had
given was a fashionable uptown
apartment. With a shrinking dread
of the ordeal before her, Helen left
the subway and walked toward the
Imposing marble-fronted structure.
A Big Bcntal
"Ten rooms and 3 baths —$4,500."
read a black, gilt-letter sign by the
entrance. Four thousand Ave hun
dred dollars! It was an extravagant
rental, and Helen knew Bob could
not afford to keep a wife in such an
Inside the hall was lavishly ornate
with car,ving and gilt. A uniformed,
white-gloved doorman announced her
on the telephone.
What should she say first? How
should she begin the conversation?
The big bronze elevator stopped at
the ninth floor.
A trim white-capped maid opened
the door and ushered her through
to a large, over-furnished over
decorated drawingroom. Everything
was expensive and aggressively new.
"More money than taste," was
Helen's first impression, and with a
glow of pardonable pride she thought
of her own simpler apartment with
its charming antiques.
Then Louise entered—a tall, slen
der, dark-haired girl, attractively
gowned In a soft blue frock.
Blushing vividly, she came for
ward. Helen saw that she was pain
fully embarrassed, and putting aside
her own self-consciousness she tried
to put the girl at ease.
"I've been wanting to come to see
you all week," Helen began bravely,
"ever since Robert told us, but I—I,"
striving desperately for an excuse,
"I felt you might not want callers
so soon."
"I'm very happy to meet all of
Bob's family, although," with a
deepening flush, 'it's a little em
"Oh, I know," sympathetically, "I
remember when I was engaged to
Warren how I dreaded meeting his
Helen Is Delighted
Delighted that the conversation
had taken so natural a turn, Helen
told Louise about her own engage
"I remember every detail of his
mother's first call, even to her dress
and her black handled parasol. It
was in the summer, she sat by a
window and the curtain blew out
against her face. I remember the
very gesture so like Warren's— with
which she kept brushing It back."
"What did you talk about?" Louise
leaned forward eagerly. "Mrs. Curtis
A Tightwad v
Sophia has been keeping steady I
company for six months with a man j
of good habits, of fine moral character, j
and who calls sometimes four evenings ■
a week. But his time Is all he spends
on her. When not calling on her, -he
is going to the theater, or other places
of amusement all by himself. He tells
her he loves her, and so far hasn't
shown proof In the jytice of a flower or
a gum drop. I
With the lamentations of wives of
penurious men ringing In my oars, I
can only urge, and almost command,
Sophia, to refuse to see this man again.
He loves In the way many men love,
and it is the variety that means the
greatest humiliation and privation for
its object.
Another girl writes:
"I am 20, very attractive to the op
posite sex, and this worries me because
so many men propose to me. One ot
these men is now threatening to kill
himself unless I reciprocate his affec
tions. What shall Ido to prevent the
Refuse him, of course! He will not
kill himself, and if he did he would be
doing you a greater kindness,than if
he compelled you, under such threats,
to marry him. As for your misfortune
in being so attractive, don't worry.
Little One; that Is an affliction that
Time will soon heal.
Another little girl wails that her
lover is Indifferent to her before folks.
She doesn't know that It. Is Rood sense
to confine demonstrations of affection
to moments when they are alone. She
says he is good, honorable, kind, re
liable, and her mother approves. With
so much In his favor, I hope she will
forget his fault. It is dangerous to
make too much of a little flaw.
"None of it," says Cupid, displaying
his stock of Man's Love, "is as good
and pure and unselfish as the love of
a woman, and there is disillusion in
store for the girl who expects it." |
was here yesterday, and I know I
must have seemed stupid."
Well, there hadn't been any rain
that summer and we talked about
that, but I felt all the time that I
was being 'appraised,' that she was
wondering whether I would make
Warren a good wife."
"That's exactly what I felt! And
when his sister called—oh, I was
even more embarrassed with her
than with his mother."
| "Yes, I can understand that. Car
rie is always a little formal." Then
tearing that miKht sound like a criti
cism. Helen added hastily, "but Cm
sure you'll like her when you know
her better."
They were getting along famously
now, the restraint and awkwardness
were wearing away. Helen liked this
girl, and felt instinctively that thev
were going to be friends.
Suddenly Louise turned to her with
an impulsive.
v '', The T re 'r something l want to ask
£ ... T hardly know how to put
IL'IIHI ™ BOB " 1 MEAN 'T's about
the little differences Bob and I have
1 know I'm quick tempered, but we're
constantly having—well, they're al
most quarrels. You sec Bob's so set
in his views about everything—and
I—T m not exactly pliable "
hli™'? pa "? ed ' as expecting
elen to make some comment, then
faugh "" W ' th " confus ed little
like' thiH de hJ f tW ?, pe °P ,e who clash
even though 'they Tove^lach"ther
» ">«>• wm h as
"I don't suppose there were ever
two people who always agreed " mur
mured Helen guardedly
The Canst*
course not, but if Bob
SHOULDN'T WllllnK t,lat
C a ß r ee—that T should
ha\e my opinions and he his! But
he insists on my always accepting
his \iews. For instance, last night
Unsolved' 10 U, ° h ' heator ' " Thp ProS
unsolved—perhaps you've seen it'"
Helen shook her head.
"Well, on the way home Bob be
came incensed because T wouldn't
agree with his criticism of the wom
an s character. Of course it wasn't
of any importance, but he insists on
tr«Av^; VS T y J e i . nK mv opinion—and
VI don 1 soe why I should "
do°you?" Y ° U d 0" 1 think 1 shoul(| —
Helen faltered a confused "Why no
—no, of course not."
"Mr. Curtis—Warren— doesn't al
ways expect you to yield in such
™ ng ": d V ps he? " Persisted Louise.
J f ° rerlve me ' as Helen flushed,
I don t mean to be personal, but at
times Bobs disposition almost fright
ens me. If I yield to him now—l feel
:J , alw ?I 8 have to - And I don't
think either of us would be happy
that way—do you?"
"Mo," there was a suppressed tre
mor in Helen s voice, "a wife should
not allow her husband to wholly
dominate her. Yet it's a woman's na
ture to yield—particularly when she
loves a great deal."
"I do love Bob a great deal, more
than I ever thought T could love any
one. But I'm not always going to
give in to him! I don't think It would
be good for either of us."
H«I?n longed t0 cry out u > a t she
was right! As she valued her happi
ness, she must not begin by submit
ting to Bob s domineering nature. She
must never allow her own Individual
ity to become submerged in that of
her husband.
That this had been her own mis
take, Helen knew. From the begin
ning she had allowed Warren's mas
terfulness to dominate her She
wanted to tell Louise this and a great
deal more—but her sense of loyalty
to Warren kept her silent.
Helen Has Regrets
She felt Louise's disappointment at
her evasive, guarded replies And
now, as though regretting her im
pulsiveness to which Helen had not
seemed to respond, the girl became
more restrained and quickly turned
the conversation to a less personal
It was not until after Helen had
left that she realized how almost
cowardly had been her evasion. This
young girl, frank, earnest, sincere *
had come to her with straightfor
ward questions of a problem which
she rightly sensed might afreet her
whole life—and Helen had not had
the courage her.
For the moment Helen felt an
overwhelming sense of responsibility
She was almost tempted to go back
to tell Louise just what her own life
that if she married Bob; to warn her
that if she married Bom, above every
thing else she must cling to her own
individuality. Never must she make
Classes Now Beginning
School of
15 South Market Square
We are now enrolling new 'Students in If you'll call, you will see an intensely
Stenotypy, called by some, "Shorthand by interested class learning to take dictation
Machine." this way.
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millions now write on the typewriter. how easily you can operate it.
What Stenotypy Is
Stenotypy is unlike other systems of them as fast—well, the Stenotype has no
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It employs none of the characters of You can read them a year after
the usual shorthand. were written as easily as the day they
Instead—22 keys on a simple machine, . were taken down. \ou can read them
plainly stamped with letters of the alpha- as when written at topmost speed
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lish spelling with only the silent letters every day from such notes. And that is TL^
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Mr. W. S. Ireland, the inventor, an So Stenotypists at the start are getting CTC NT/^IHTYPF
expert Court Stenographer, spent nine larger salaries than are usually paid to * I—4 X \ J 111 l>i
years on this system before he perfected beginners. Th e Fastest Writing Machine in the World
it. Now thousands of graduated Steno
typists are getting excellent salaries in We Help You SeeUsTodav I
business. And Stenotypy is taught in ™ —— _
315 Leading Business Colleges through- in Getting PlsiCCu There is no obligation in asking us
out the country. ——— to demonstrate the Stenotype.
Better Salaries greater now than the available supply. m °* cr or w , ,th yo V ™:,
————. c- . j. c* i . We are glad to show what Stenotypists
So graduate Stenotypists make easy con- can do an | wc want you t0 see a d^s at
Because of its simplicity, Stenotypy is nections in business. work. We want you to see what these
the most accurate as well as the fastest But we help you secure the best po- students can do with the Stenotype.
writing system known, and the easiest to sitions. Don't put it off. New students are
learn, to write, and to read. Busine« „ c now enrollin &- And the sooner y° u start '
e constantly asking us t^ c sooner y OU w jn be earning a salary.
Stenotype notes are clear typewritten to recommend efficient stenographers. You will want to take Stenotypy when
notes. \ou can read them as quickly as Get our diploma. It means much to you know what it means to you.
you can write them and you caa write business men. Call at this school and see.
School of Commerce
15 South Market Square Harrisburg Pa.
the mistake of merging her person
ality into his!
It had all been so different from,
what Helen had expected—this call,
Louise herself, and the things they
had talked about. Instead of the
merely pretty and shallow girl, that
for some reason she had pictured, she
had found a strong, sweet personality,
a prirl with the ability to think for
Although Helen had seen little of
Bob. she knew he had much of War
ren's masterfulness, much of his
forceful but selfish egotism. And this
proud, high-spirited girl—what would
marriage with Bob mean for her?
Would she, too, be crushed Into an
abject servility, a colorless reflection
or her husband's dominant nature?
Or would she. have the courage to re
tain and wholesomely assert, her own
Recent Deaths in
Mifflinburg. George A. Miller, a
prominent citizen, residing a few miles
east of Mifflinburg, died at the home of
his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. George Hassenplug. at Cowan,
after an Illness of several months,
death being due to a serious accident
that befell him while at work on the
new State road, between Mifflinburg
and Vlcksburg. Tie was 62 years old.
and surviving him are his wife and
these children: Annie, wife of Georgo
A. Mlneemoyer, of Renovo; Mary, wife
bf the Rev. Floyd E. Fisher, of Hills
boro. Ore.; Nora Maude, wife of George
R. Hassenplug, of Cowan; James M.
Miller, of Mifflinburg.
Washlngtonboro. Ellas B. Smith,
54 years old. died yesterday from
typhoid fever, af'er a short illness. He
was a clgarmaker and besides Ills wife,
there survive throe children and a
Columbia. Dr. Richard Vaux L.
Raub, one of the prominent physicians
in Lancaster county, died at his home,
in Quarryvllle, after an Illness of one
Millersburg. Mrs. Kate Knouff, 83
years old, died at the home of her son,
Frank Knouff, on Thursday night of
diseases Incident to old age. Mrs.
Knouff, while a native of Millersburg,
lived In Harrlsburg for a number of
years, where she conducted a stand In
a markethouse, retiring from business
only a few years ago. She was a mem
ber of the United Brethren Church.
Funeral services will be held at her
son's home, 011 Sunday afternoon, ths
Rev. Mr. Heaseler officiating.
Rapho. Christian Sheetz, a retired
farmer and gardener, 60 years old, died
yesterday after a long Illness. He Is
survived by his wife, three children
and a number of sisters and brothers.
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. S:—A horse of
John Engle, a dairyman, ran away
yesterday morning. It dashed Into an
other dairyman's team and the latter's
horse ran away. The first horse scaled
a fence, and was badly Injured. The
wagon was demolished and one hun
dred dollars' worth of cream destroy
ed The other wagon was wrecked,
but the horses were captured before
they injured themselves.
As the result of collections made by
the Salvation Army on the street cor
ners during the holiday rush, sixty
baskets were distributed to poor and
worthy families In Harrisburg, In ad*
dltlon to medical aid for the sick. 6
Young Girl's Frock in Stylish
Model For School
Sioi Girl's Dress, 8 to 14 year*.
For the 12 year size, the dress will re
quire yd#, of material 27, 2% yds. 36,
2)4 yds. 44 in. wide, with *4 yd. 27 in.
wide for the collar and cuffs, yd. for the
belt, collar and cuffs.
The pattern of the dress 8101 is cut in
sizes for girls from 8 to 14 years of age.
It will be mailed to any address by tn«
Fashion Department of thi* paper, on
receipt of ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
JANUARY 3, 1914.
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Winter Term Begins Monday, January 5
Stenotype Bookkeeping
Shorthand Typewriting
A Business Education is the best fortune parents can give
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We have trained and placed hundreds of young men and
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Day and Evening Sessions
Ask for Illustrated Catalogue
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I 15 South Market Square Harrisburg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph Want Ads.