8 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH, Established ißsi PUBLISHED BT THE TEI.KGRAFH PRINTING CO. E. J. STACK POJ.E, Fres't and Treas r. F. R. OYSTER. Secretary. j OUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor. Published evei y evening (except s "" day), at the Telegraph Building. Federal Square. Eastern Office. Fifth Avenue Building. NVw York City. Hasbrook. Story & Office. 12S West Madison street, Chicago. 111.. Allen & Ward. __Hia_ _ Delivered by caTr,e " Mailed""" subscribers it $3.00 a year in advance. Entered at the Post OfTlce In Harrls burg as second class matter. ( iOjy The Association of Am*- 11 lifilSliean Advertisers has •*- I WmV a mined and certified to i \ the eircalatioa of this pub j lieation. The figures of circulation i } contained in the Association's re- 1 1 1 port only ere guaranteed. 1 , ? Association of American Advertisers ]• 0 . 2333 Whitehall Bldg. H. T. City Inora dally average for the month of December, 1913 4- 22,210 ★ Average for the year 1913—21.MT Average for the year 181S — Average for the year Average for the year 1910— 17.400 TELEPHON ES I Bell Private Branch Exchange No. 2040. United Business Office, 20S. Editorial Room 585. Job Dept. 203 L FRIDAY EVKMXG. JANUARY 2 «- " ' SVPPRKSSING VICE THOSE Who ha%« jndertaken the task of cleaning up Harrisburg with respect to its vice dens, liquor law violators and gam bling hells, will have the support of every right-thinking man and woman In the community. The most potent weapon in the hands of those who have undertaken this movement should he the reports of the police officers and constables, whose duty it is to report condi tions In their home districts to the courts. There is plenty of law for the wiping out of these places if those en trusted with keeping the order of the city can be made to observe it in spirit | as well as in letter. In a large ma-| « jority of oases the reports made by po-j lice officers and constables at each j quarter sessions are either deliberate sidestepuing of the facts as the officers know them, or the officers themselves are densely ignorant of the things in their respective districts concerning V" IPWoh it is tlielr duty to be fully in formed. There can be no excuse tor the con stable who tolls the court that he ••suspects" the existence v of resorts run in defiance of the law. It is his duty to bring to the court sufficient e* i dence to permit the prosecuting officer to proceed according to law. If the law as it stands to-day had been fully enforced in the past there would be little need of the present movement. The fact of the matter Is that the of ficers and constables have purposely glossed over conditions that were In flagrant violation of long existing statutes. Possibly apathy of press and public has been in part to blame. The dis position to wink at what used to be considered by many a "necessary evil" may have given these officers the im pression that they were doing quite the proper thing In shutting their eyes to the unquestionably large number of den keepers of whom the court and the prosecuting attorney have never heard. But this excuse can be no longer offered. The public Is arouseil. It Is determined to rid this cltv of com mercialized vice and its attendant evils. Constables and policemen have received fair warning that their re- j ports to the January sessions of crlni- ] k. _ i na j court are to be real reports, set ting forth the fa'-ts as they exist, and an guardians of the peace in the sev eral districts they are expected to know them. Doubtless, with these facts in mind and the possibility of embarassing questions by the court if ♦he new conditions are not recognized, k . the quarter sessions reports this month will be of more than usual breadth and interest. The Kind of public service that re duces trm price of gaa to the consumer at a time that prices of fuel and other commodities are generally on the in crease is worthy of the name. The ■Mpj-ricburf? Gaa Company Is to be com ■mended for its voluntary action in this respect. No doubt a grateful public will see to it that It loses nothing in the way of receipts. A cut In price will no doubt encourage a more gener ous use of gas for household and manufacturing purposes. HIDING MONEY THE murder of J. E. Bush, of this county, for the large sum of money he kept hidden about his home, has a sequel In California, less tragic, but Just as conclusive in ita proofs of the foolishness of hoard ing cash In easily-discovered places of concealment. The death of Bush and the experience of Mr. and Airs. H. R. Hankins, of Los Angeles, who lost all their savings by not deposit ing the money in a savings bank, ought to be a warning to anyone who is taking similar foolish chances. The savings of two years of mar ried life, the fruits of many privations and denials, which were to be used in paying for a little home, were taken away by the. ruthless hand of a thief. The savings amounted to *1,500, most ly in gold. The money was in a little box hid den In a bookcase. Often the husband had cautioned his wife to place the FRIDAY EVENING. money in a bank, but no one knew the money was there, she reasoned, not even her husband's parents, with whom they lived, and it was far safer. And so every week sl)e added a few pieces of gold to the hoard and visions of the little home grew brighter. Every morning when tlie couple awoke Mr. Hankins looked at the bookcase to see that everything was safe, line morning he discovered that the window was open, the books \sere lying on the floor and the money gone. • The matter was reported at once to the police, but detectives, who were assigned to the case have yet no clew to work upon. A reward of S3OO was authorized by the loser. The building on the little home is stopped, and unless the money Is re covered the house will be turned over to the builders. The couple both declared that thej had learned a dear lesson. They will now start to save again, but each week their savings will be recorded in a little bank book issued by one of the very large and strong savings banks for which Ivos Angeles is noted. Similar examples of the folly of dis trusting banks occur frequently in all parts of the country. None of '.iiem would occur if everybody realized that the number of depositors who have ever lost anything through a bank failure in the I'nited States, as com pared with the total number of de positors Is so inflniteslmally small that lit scarcely can be figured at all. DEMOCRATIC PROSPERITY RG. DUNN * CO. report 556 financial failures in Phlladel # pliia alone during 1913, the greatest number in years. Democratic prosperity! The Philadelphia Public Ledger re- j ports that steel orders fell off 31 per j cent, during 1913. More Democratic prosperity! The United States Chamber of Com merce announces that in Pennsylvania "mills are laying off a number of men ; and at present are only running from I 00 to "0 per cent, of their capacity, ; A further reduction is expected dur- I ing the winter months, probably down to 50 per cent." Still more Demo- I cratlc prosperity! "Shoe manufacturing is good at j present with a prospect of an advance j in prices." United States Chamber of ! Commerce report. One of the prom- ; ised Democratic low tariff benefits for j the common people, no doubt. The j cost of living is generally higher than j a year ago. A tliief robbed a Hazleton church ot ! Its contributions, using an ice-pick to i open the boxes. Cold-blooded wretch! i SCORN NOT THK SKUNK i 'ORX not the skunk. The cur-, Srent weekly letter of the United States Department of Agriculture j devotes several closely printed; columns to its virtues. Many people, the department expert concludes, do not know that the skunk possesses anything but a smell and a skin that can be dyed and sold for anything i from sea otter to Russian minx. He hastens to inform an ignorant public! of the fact that If it were not for the ' humble night-prowler named our corn! crops would be eaten from the roots' up by the white grub, our wheat would ! be ruined by the grasshopper and the: pestiferous catterpillar would kill our | fruit trees. This is interesting information. What an army of hungry, industrious little skunks there must be. In our imagination we see them sallying forth in myriads at sundown from their hiding places, hastening to the corn patches and wheat fields and working as industrially during the night for the welfare of the crops as the farmer does during the day. Some agriculturists may conclude that the benefit Is not worth the smell, but there Is one recommenda tion In the articlo mentioned that in all likelihood will be generally ac cepted. "Don't catch skunks." advises! the writer. Very well, then, we won't. Some men try to look as though they really enjoyed automobillng this kind of weather. ROYAIj ON APPOINTMENTS MAYOR ROYAT.. Is taking it very much to heart that two of hisi ( appointees are likely to lose j their places under a resolution 1 presented by Commissioner Lynch at the meeting of the City Council this ! week and which lies over until next j week for action. The Mayor's charge that politics is , playing a large part in the changes ! contemplated comes with ill grace ' from an official who has used his ap pointive powers from the very first for the reward of political favorites, who nominated men for the police force whom Councils, for the good of the city service, refused to confirm; who named inspectors whose incom petency made them the subjects of criticism from their first day of work, and who ripped Republicans out of office regardless of their fitness and substituted for them Democrats whose methods made the Royal adminis tration the costliest and most inefficient in the history of the city. Commissioner Lynch says that If anybody in Council "started" Inter ference with departmental affairs not immediately under his direction it was the Mayor himself when he declined to vote for the dismissal of a Demo cratic Highway Department employe "for the good of the service." So long as it means the retention of a Demo crat in office Mayor Royal is a strict advocate of nonpartisanism in com mission government. As soon as it happens to be a Republican for whom he is asked to vote in confirmation, he finds that "gang rule" Is being at tempted and that "politics is being i played." And yet, in face of the fact that Royal has been and still Is the strong est advocate of the "spoils system" that has occupied the Mayor's office for many years, hia_ apologist this morning has the temerity to assert that "he is for the best service icgard i less of persons or parties." ! Etening (Cltat I The vigor and variety with which 1 larrlsburg celebrated the advent of 1914 yesterday have caused a good many people to remark their surprise that some organized effort is not made to observe the high days and holidays in the capital of the State. Visitors rroin other cities have frequently re marked the sporadic character, so to speak, of the celebrations held here, lesterday was the first New Year's lJaj on which anything was done in the way of amusement for the thou- K 8I ?I . °' P e °P ,p who made the day a holiday, and while the opening; of the library was something which was an event, yet such occa sions do not come more than once in a generation. A couple of years ago the city had a Fourth of July cele •rution worth while because it was worked up, and wo all hoped that the c ®'" ni '^ tee which was so successful with that undertaking would trv it again, but it skipped 1913. Even'our Italian cousins passed up Columbus Day. and as for the other holidays the\ were without much worth talking about except the work horse parade on Labor Day and an athletic contest or so until Christmas, when we had the community tree and those very Pleasant exercises at Front and Market streets. The year 1914 started off with something to make the dav notable and perhaps it will serve as «r,»Ji nCe, «'Y e to those Interested in public affairs to commence to think about July 4 next. A friend has recalled, after reading references in this column to Jonas ; that we did not mention the -sreat autumn stunt of the late tip -sian. Jonas was a graduate of a country smithy and came to the city rroin somewhere in the vielnitv. It must have been the ponhauss' belt, because regularly, every fall, he would disappear about the time the countrv folks began to butcher. They used to! sa\ Jonas could sniff "mettiesuppes" i And thaf hls Peregrinations! in the country would yield him enough dainties to keep him in luscious pro a mon,h or so. At least court l ' ame time to open January State Zoologist H. A. Surface says hai People should take advantage of he comparatively open winter and save themselves trouble next year by i desttoeing remnants of garden plants! instead of leaving them In the gardens I ot fields until spring. Tf destroyed «?*«<>• of their pests are destroyed I with them; if allowed to remain until spring, many of these pests have op portunity to escape. The vines of po tatoes, cucumbers, squash, melons, etc., should be raked together and E°* n °" , dr > straw or brush and | bui ned. This gets rid of both the in- ; se« is and fungous diseases lurking: The old asparagus plants should be cut off and burned, and straw spread over the asparagus bed a ? d hurned thereon at once, to get rid of the asparagus beetles, and then the ! ' tainingr the asparagus roots can be well mulched with a cover or litter . to P rote ct them during tbatThl ♦' ii ,s , especially important j th» iJI ,1? . s ? f cab bage plants and the imperfect heads should be re nted and fed to swine or cattle, or to P T t J,".A tor^ e l ln a cold place t0 dunnß ' the Wnter. Even been o ? I ,*l°™ whkh heads bave should be removed from the hnrnorf as directed above, or 'T" ef - .Several kinds of pests are liable to be found upon these old stubs o! the leaves clinging thereto. The l est way to destroy them is to feed them to livestock or burn them. n rf ( ;-frM° U / Se ' p , rlde ourselves on our ad\anred methods and our ways of letting people know things from the housetops without going around and ringing doorbells. However, in an other part of this paper will be found an item from the Telegraph "of fifty jears ago which says that the red flag is flying over Brant's hall, tell ing people that there is good skating. To-day the flag is due to fly over the L n'on T rust building to give the same information about Wlldwood Park iskating. Branfs hall used to be where the Commonwealth Trust Com- I pany building stands and was the place where signals were displayed Just as the Park Commission displavs at the Union Trust. It may also be interesting to note that the tempera ture fifty years ago was one degree above zero. And they did not have steam heat in those days. People who attended the opening exercises of the Public Library yes terday and many of the hundreds who filed through the beautiful building expressed the regret that three men who had much to do with the crea tion of the building are no longer here. Robert Snodgrass and Levi B. Alricks, t,wo of the executors of Mrs Haldeman-Haly's will, who aided the o J n , many ways ' and Kflrmnn M. .Mitchell, whose enterprise brought about the adoption of the design of the building and who was a most zealous advocate of the library's interest have passed away. |ImI%IVOIW'PEMF~| —Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh has been re-elected head of the Philadel-! phia schools. David® J. Davis has been made Scranton city solicitor again. He is well-known here because of his ap pearance in cases and in the legisla tive committees. —lt. A. McCrady, justice of the peace at Edgewood Park, Allegheny [county, is the youngest justice in the State. He is twenty-one and no more. —Charles Steel, burgess of North umberland. paid oft the debt of the borough hook and ladder company yesterday. —H. S. Snyder, vice-president of the Bethlehem Steel Company, sailed for Europe, planning some new ore ship ment lines. —R. M. Gibson, one of the assistant federal attorneys In Pittsburgh, has become an assistant district attornev of Allegheny. HIS SUGGESTION By the restaurant pay desk stood the manager, greeting each outgoing and incoming guest with a seraphic, managerial smile. The smile grew broader, and. If possible, sweeter, as an elderly gen tleman, looking well fed and comfort able, approached to pay his bill. When he had collected his change he turned and noticed the beaming manager. "By the way," said he, "you say on your bllls-of-fare that you are always glad to receive suggestions from cus tomers as to any possible improve ments that occur to them." "That is so. sir—thta is so," an swered the smiling one. "Have you any suggestion you wish to make?" "Well—er—yes, I have. You state that you make your own sausages in this establishment, do you not?"' "That is correct, sir—we do." "Well. then. I would suggest that you let someone else do It. Good morning." AN EVENING THOUGHT The soul alone, like a neglected harp, Grows out of tune, and needs a hand divine; Dwell thou within it, tune and touch the chords. Till every note and string shall lanwser thine! —Harriet Beecher Stowe. HARRISBURG fjftlKV TELEGRAPH KIHIKEL FAVORED ! THROUGH STATE I Nomination For This Section Spoken of by People Inter- j ested in Campaign GREEVEY IS OUT FOR RYAN Late Candidate For Lieutenant Governor Outspoken in His j Advocacy, Too Owing to the fact that Senator Pen-J rose, a Philadelphlan, will be a can-j didate to succeed himself, and that the j Republican candidate for Governor J may be a man from that city, there are a good many people who are ( speaking favorably of President Judge George Kunkel, of this district, as a representative of the interior for the | vacancy on the Supreme Court bench that will he caused by the expiration of the term of Chief Justice Fell. Even if the nominee for Governor of the Republicans should come from Alle gheny or Erie or liackawnnna, and not from Philadelphia, the terri torial argument in favor of Dauphin county would hold good. The nomina tion will be nonpartisan. x • There are men being spoken of for the Judicial nomination in Philadel phia, Allegheny, Erie, liackawanna innd other counties In addition to the j Dauphin president Judge. Thomas M. Greevy. the Democratic leader of Rlair county and candidate for Lieutenant-Governor In 1910, inci dentally a man who stood up and fought and did not Greet)' Comes desert to Berry, is Out Strongly quoted in one of ••'or M. J. Ryan tne Philadelphia papers as declar ing that the candidacy of Michael J. Ryan is widely favored in the State.) lie said to Eugene C. Bonniwell. the] field marshal of the Ryan forces, that the western counties will he for the Philadelphia solicitor and that never) had he known a candidate to he so strongly endorsed. The congressional situation in Rerks county, where Congressman Rother mel is facing opposition for renotnina tlon, was further complicated yester- Rothermel's day by announcement Troubles in that Fred A. Marx, an a Pyramid attorney of Kutztown, would be a candidate for the nomination. Rothermel irritated "Doc" Krenip, the Palmer leader in Reading, by refusing to line up for him for postmaster. Herr Spatz. the Boyertown sage, also developed ambitions and now here is Mars. Over in Lehigh ex-Senator De wait is demanding the place on behalf of that county and making an active fight. Tt is probable that within the next few days an effort will be made to secure some court test of the county controller law for the counties having be tween 100,000 and Controller 150,000 population. Act Should In the dozen or more lie Tostcd counties, where such officials will take office on Monday, there are people who question the act. In Blair county County Solicitor ,T. Lee Plummer stirred up the animals by declaring the controller had no right to the office, but a court test has never been had. Many are anxious to get the test over. I mmcAL s —The chopping of heads seems to have struck the Philadelphia police department, too. —Judge Garman's boom for United States Senator does not attract much commendation in Market Square. —lt is not r happy new year fori the banded bosses of the reorganized Democracy. —Mayor Armstrong seems to have been very successful in his selection of men for the new cabinet. —The southeastern counties seem to be having a real lively local option time and it will be reflected in the campaign this year. —Northampton Democrats are scrapping over post office appoint ments. —Friends of Joe Totten and Fisk Goodyear are matching pennies over the Carlisle post office. —James M. .Tones has been elected sealer of weights and measures of Montour county. —llazleton's new postmaster Is to be named this week and there are a score of hopefuls. —Just suppose the majority of the City Council was Democratic. How long would it be before heads would fall in departments which happen to be Republican. And the Patriot would hall it as an act of civic duty. —lt all depends upon whose ox Isj gored. —lt is said that behind the Phila delphia Post Office congestion may lurk some Democratic investigation schemes and removals. —Ex-Judge J. H. R. Wilson, of Clarion, has removed to Philadelphia, where he will practice. —District Attorney Rotan will make some changes In his staff In Philadel phia. A SINGING GAMK "How many miles to Babylon?" "Three score years and ten." "Can we get there by candle light?" "Yes, and back again." Children on the burning street, L*>ng lines dancing In the sun, Fad*d drosses, grimy feet— "How many miles to Babylon?" Far, too far to go to-day— To Babylon, or high romance— And hard to find, the fragrant way. For all save children In a dance. "Can we get there by candle-light?" No, for the toll is never done. And life's long candle-light comes on, And still they're far from Babylon. For candle-lighting time will come In cottages along the road, But still the ogre factories hum. And still the worker lifts hi* load. 'Tis three score miles and ten, they say. Ah. more then that the way must run, For tenement and rumbling dray Have blocked the road to Babylon. "Open the gates and let us through!" Cry men and women In the gloom. While weary hands their work renew At swift machine and clanging loom. Within those gleaming walls they And Ufe welded !n a joyous whole; Through skillful hands and eager mind, A dream of beauty in the soul. Fling wide the gates of golden hours. Fling wide the gat«s. and hinder none. That all may see the shining towera. And enter happy Babylon. —Bv Hilda W. Smith in The Survey. Clearance Sale $16.50 Hart & Marx PI Worsted Suits, COME of you like to see the actual figures in big type before I you; you re inclned to judge the value on the price basis. You shouidn t —its not how little you pay; but how much you get. Consider the quality of these: "Money-Saving" Specials $25 Blue Serge Society Brand d* *1 C sls to S2O Uothcraft all-wool (t»1 A Suits, this sale and this is a reading age. The masses are educated and in fluenced by the mighty power of the, '"There is no middle ground as regards | influence —It either helps 01 hinders, lifts up or pushes down. We thank the Telegraph for the re cent splendid editorials and foi its de- I cfslon to eliminate liquor advertising from its columns. ,-mv In the hands of this peaceful armj for the overthrow of our country s ( worst enemy, we consider the Telegraph ii strong weapon In printing nearer the day of final triumph. c T y BACK TO THE UIBLK Certain of our wise men of to-day . have shaded away sin till it becomes an expression of temperament. Thej I tell us that we sin because our grand father sinned, and because our home | is situated In the wrong block. These : are clever words of clever comforters, j and surely they ought to wipe away I forever the tears from our eyes. But , they do not speak to human need. They leave the life blighted and the , heart ashamed. They leave the sin- j nlng one to continue in despair. He i does not ask that his sin shall be ex- j plained away. He wishes forgiveness and a fresh start. In the Book, which ; is not read as once it was, there are i no soft words about sin. But the way | out is shown. And not only is for glveness offered In this Book, but man's need of comfort is met. There i is comfort in plenty. These writers knew the human heart. They saw man broken by his toil and his grief. And for this, too. they had the an swer. They told of a Being of love, hidden just back of this rude and tem porary universe. This love, they said, is conscious of how the littlest child and the old man are sick at heart or one to come close to their loneliness. When again will any company of writers say the things they know in such telling words, such pictures of humble life: —the body far away from the faces of his home and far gone In shame —such true stories of lowly de votion breaking through into beauty Much is swept away between us and them, but not one accent of Naomi's voice is lost to us, and still the Turn again, my daughters." is as wistful as when it breathed through the alien corn. What richer consolation are we hungry for that we turn from Judea? Has the human heart changed under the wear of the centuries, to that sin no longer seeks forgiveness, and grief has no need of a comforter? Have our ships sailed so far that they have revealed to us a braver continent than the fields where pain once reigned? Is our science so acut that it has banished failure from man's life; Is man's heart at last self-sufficient and all suffering,—Colliers. OLDEST SETTLEMENT OS THE PIiANET [From the Chicago rterald.J At last we are set down In the midst of Damascus, a city that can claim life without a break from Its founding back In the dim dawn of the world's his tory When Abram crossed the desert from Haran 4,000 years ago, this city was standing. (See Oen. xlv, 15 and xv, » ) She dates back to the time of the Pharaohs In Egypt; in fact, she was old when Greece and Rome were strip lings in years. Rome may be termed the "Eternal City," but Damascus Is twice as ond, and though her streets have run red with blood of battle and rapine many times, she has not been overthrown. , .. . , "Babvlon Is an heap in the desert and Tyre a ruin on the shore," but Damas cus remains. . Was there ever such a place to see the nations of the earth parading to gether? Here In the market-place are motley crowds of Persians. Moors, Af ghans. Indians. Egyptians. Sudanese, Jews Bedouins, Druses, Turks, Euro peans. The streets —so crooked, so narrow, so dirty, so full of life, with that strange spell of the desert upon them! The residences as seen from the street are ugly and disappointing enough, yet like old barns and tumble down mills at. home, are fascinating , and picturesque. JANUARY 2. 1914. EDITORIALS y* y: CONTTOFOI^(IEJ HARDLY WOIITH MENTIONING (Chicago Record-Herald.] "A Strong Man's Faith" was produced i at the Adelphi Theater last evening.! Tlie cast was good but the play was too j decent to deserve attention. VILLA'S THE CONSTITUTION' [New York World.l If Villa shoots his own men for loot- 1 ing. there is some hint of reason: "The! right to confiscate property shall rest ! only with the Constitutionalist govern-1 ment.' SOLI. IS MARCHING ON [Springfield Republican.) Horace Vose is no more, but his! Rhode Island turkeys may still continue their annual trips to the White House. ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS r Boston Globe] Champ Clark can point to the rise in i the stock market Saturday as a quick' proof of the truth of his statement that j as soon as the currency bill was passed] conditions would improve. ( haner to Talk Anyhun [From the Albany Journal.] • j Vice-President Marshall Is going to | lecture, but It remains to be seen how j many people will go to hear him. | A LITTLE NONSENSE | j "A rolling stone gathers no mo.'S," said the philosopher. "Yes," replied Mrs. Corntossel. "but; I that's no excuse for a man devotin' all, 'his time to settin" In a rockln' chair, i raisin' whiskers."—Washington Star. I "■Pa had the last word in an argu ment with nm as usual last night." I "The last word as usual?" "Yes. He apologized again." De troit Free Press. I MEN! ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL WINTER WOOLENS Come here now and choose from a large stock of desirable winter woolens, embracing plain and fancy i Tweeds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Serges and Worsteds Your garment will be tailored over your own measurements with "full price" care as to designing, draping and construction, but the prices during this two weeks' stock reduction instead of beit>g S3O to SSO will be just One-third Less Figure out for yourself the saving you can effect. m SIMMS 22 N. Fourth Street ! I NEWS DISPATCHES ~ I OF THE CIVIL WAR [From the Telegraph of Jan. 2. 1911] Attacks Reeves The following dispatch was received |on Monday night at General Fisk's j headquarters in St. Louis-. ! Pilot Knob, Dec. 28. ITo General Fisk: ! Official dispatches from Major Wil son inform me that he attacked j Reeves seventeen miles southwest | from Dauphin. Ripley county. M 0... i about three O'clock on Christmas Day. i and killed and wounded thirtv-flve i of the enemy. R. G. WOODSON, • 'olonel Commanding. Colored Folk Celebrate Fortress Monroe. Jan. 2. —The col- I ored inhabitants of Norfolk and vi ! einity celebrated, to-day, the first an ! niversary of their freedom, as given ! them under the President's proclama j tion of one year ago. IN HARRISBURG FIFTY YEARS AGO TO-DAY | [From the Telegraph of Jan. 2, 1864] Rod Flag Flic* The red flag has been floating over Brant's hall during the day—in dicating that the ice is in fine condi j tion for skating. 1 Above Zero The self registering thermometer | shows the temperature last night was j down to 1 degree above zero. , _ - lIEADQIj A HTEH9 VOII SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES