Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    crrrj TVS XT * M ighspire *
111 STEEp m:
Macedonians, Bulgarians and Serv
ians Celebrate Nativity
This Week
Steelton will celebrate Its second
Christinas of the year to-morrow. This
time it will be the Orthodox Christmas
of the Macedonians, Bulgarians and
Servians, over in the foreign colony. In
the West Side, and down In South Third
street elaborate preparations have been
made for the gala day to-morrow.
Christmas to the foreigner is an in
tensely religions holiday. Elaborate
services will be held In the Bulgarian-
Orthodox Church, Front and Franklin
streets, and in St. Nicholas Servian
Orthodox Church, South Second street.
During the celebration last year the
foreigners ereitcfl an illuminated arch
In Franklin street and held a big street
The "Week of Prayer" services to be
held In the borough churches will open
Monday evening In the First Baptist
Church. The Rev. Dr. M. P. Hocker,
pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church,
will deliver the sermon. His subject
will be "The Church Universal."
At a meeting. Wednesday evening,
the baseball committee of the Steelton
Athletic Association, completed its re
serve list of baseball players. This list
consists of fifteen players, and will lie
mado public at the next regular league
Plans will be completed at a meeting
this evening of Steelton I'amp, 5681»,
Modern Woodmen of America, for the
public installation of the recently elect
ed officers of the camp.
In default of bail Peter IJailey, col
ored, was hold for court by Squire
Gardner, last evening. He was charged
with shooting Joe Lockard at a dance
in the lower end of town on Christmas
l-OBERLIN - * ' -I
At the last meeting of Salem Lu
theran Sunday school the following of
ficers were elected: Superintendent,
P. T. Brehm; assistants,W. I. Eshenaur
and George Shaffer; secretary, Frank
llushour; treasurer, Edward Cassell;
assistant, Sari Brehm; organist, Miss
Eva Lingle; assistant, Mabel Hushour;
superintendent primary department.
Sirs. William Landls: assistants. Eflle
.Rupley, Mrs. Frank Hastings and Mrs.
.» Joseph Jansior.
Mr. and Mrs. John Etnoyer spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Beck in Ilarrisburg.
Professor and Mrs. Frank Hastings
are visiting relatives in Shippensburg.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Rupley
and daughters. Ruth and Grace, are
the guests of Mrs. Ralph Bergstresser,
Samuel Hoover, of Victor, Col., was
a visitor to friends here Wednesday.
Roy Turbey, of Palmyra, is spending
several days with M. G. Tobias.
Clara Litzel, of Elizabethville, and
Henry Landis, of Matanioras, have To-|
turned to their homes after a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. George Bressler.
Miss Maude Biddle, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
is the guest of' her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Munroe Miller.
Mrs. Harry Smollizer and daughter,
charlotte, of Etuda, spent Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bush, of 203
Sua tarn street, entertained a number
of little folks at their home, Thursday
afternoon, in honor of their daughter
Helen's birthday. The following little
folks were present: Ruth and Naomi
Kapp, Verna Shuler, Miriam Wilt,
Louise and Freda Clouser, ISthel Dong- i
lass, Mario Brown, Virginia lverson, I
Mary Gallagher, Catherine Brown, i
Elizabeth Sprow. Thelma Putt, Helen
Mowery, Myrtle Snell, Cecelia Tieniann,
Clara, Alta and Helen Bush.
MOTHER! fflElflilT
If tongue is coated, breath
bad, stomach sour,
don't hesitate!
Give "California Syrup of Figs" at
(Wice —a teaspoonful to-day often saves
a sick child to-morrow.
If your little one is out-of-sorts,
half-sick, isn't resting, eating and act
ing naturally—look. Mother! see if
tongue is coated. This is a sure sign
that it's little stomach, liver and bowels
are clogged with waste. When cross,
irritable, feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad or has stomach-ache, diar
rhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the con-
Btlpated poison, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
howels without griping, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this harmless "fruit laxative," because
it never fails to cleanse the little one's
liver and bowels and sweeten the
stomach and they dearly love its picas
ant taste. Full directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit lig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a 50-eent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs;" then
see that it is made by the "California
Fig Syrup Company." Don't be
fooled!— Advertisement.
For Father, Mother,
Brother and Sister
It'a en*y to pleane member of
the family when you *ui?KPMt Lnx
Llnkn, the deltrloii* candy laxative, ex.
quinitely flavored with spearmint. They
pleane heoaune they are snf ' and posi
tive. Only way to keep well IN to avoid
conntlpatlon. That'* what Lax Links
will prevent. Get a box.
10c and 25c Boxe*. All DtnggisU
MAC DRltr CO.. Fhitedelohlr
Much Criticism of Chief Long
naker; More Officers
Are Needed
What may be the solution to the
Knott}' problem of how to Improve the
present inefficient police department
of Steelton was suggested by Council
man T. J. Nelly, chairman of the
police committee of council, in an in
terview this morning.
Lately there has been considerable
criticism heard from citizens of Chief
Hiram P. Longnaker's department.
Many flagrant violations of the law,
it is said, remain unchecked by the
present force. At the present time
there are several criminals who com
mitted murder here at liberty. Steve
Loncar, the latest murderer, is said to
have walked nonchalantly from the
scene of the crime to Second and
Chambers streets and then dis
appeared. Just last, evening a man
whom Chief Liongnaker attempted to
arrest slashed at him with a knife,
cut his clothes and escaped.
Friends of the police department
say that the inefficiency is caused by
not giving the patrolmen the proper
assistance. When a crime is com
mitted In one end of town there is no
way for a patrolman to summon help
from the patrolmen stationed in an
It is this phase of the matter that
Councilman Nelly would remedy, lie
suggested that it would pay the bor
ough to install a Gamcwell repeater
system, similar to the one now used
in Harrisbut'g.
"It would cost the borough onlj'
about S3OO to install one of these sys
tems," said he. "Then the patrolmen
would report to the man at the central
station, and if he needed help could
ask for it. The central station would
at once summon by lights the nearest
patrolman and send them to the aid
of the officer in need. By this system
the central station would also receive
all telephone calls and at once notify
the patrolman nearest the place where
an officer was needed."
There is little doubt that councils
will take some steps to increase the
efficiency of the police department,
but just what steps council will take
it is hard to say.
Burgess Wigfleld, it is understood,
is of the opinion that more officers are
needed. It is very unlikely, though,
that council would grant his request
for additional men if he were to make
it. Councilman Nelly's plan, in the
opinion ol' persons familiar with po
lice work, is far more practicable and
would entail much less expense.
Class No. G, Centenary United Breth
ren Sunday school, will hold a busi
ness meeting in the Sunday school
room this evening.
Mrs. John Ulrlch and daughter. Jen
nie, of Lincoln street, and Mrs. William i
Wiekey, of Ilarrisburg street, were
the guests of the Do Little Embroidery
Club, at the home of Mrs. Frank
Downey, Harrlsburg, Thursday even
Fred Byrod has returned to Philadel
phia after spending the holidays at
Ills home. here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and son.
who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Epb
riam Wright, Locust street, have re
turned to their homes, In Woodburv,
N. J.
Miss Marie Loy is the guest of Miss
Elsie Tliomus, in Philadelphia.
The Men's Bible Class, of the Metho
dist Church, held its annual banquet at
the parsonage last evening. The wives
and friends of the members were In at
tendance. The speaker of the evening
was the Rev. J. Edwin Grauley, pastor
of the First Methodist Church, Steel
ton. Miss Mar pa ret Palmer read a se
lection and the Orpheus Female Quar
tet and the Angel Male Quartet sang
several songs. Refreshments were
Charles M. Genthner, Miley T. Sheaf
fer, H. E. Force. John Brinser and
George L. Dailey will attend the an
nual banquet of the Wlneroft Stove
Company, In Philadelphia, Saturday.
Miss Ora B. Bachman, of Antivllle
is the guest of Miss Mary B. Nissley,
Pine street.
Mrs. D. M. Stalker, of Bogota, N. J.,
is visiting Mrs. T. M. Yost,
j Dr. and Mrs. Walter Yost, of Roches-
I ter, Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
: T. M. Yost.
! Leonard Rambler has returned to
! New York.
Harold McCrumb, of Wellsboro, is the
I guest of his uncle, the Rev. A. W Rid
i ington, in cnion street.
: Miss Hazel Barnhart and Katharine
Fhrich. of Lebanon, are visiting Miss*
i Ruth Kline, in Emaus street.
Lorain Baumback. of Pottstown, is
j the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seid-
I ers, Union street.
ENHAUT- ■ - -1
The recent epidemic of contagious
| diseases in Swatara township has
caused the board of health to have
1 largo yellow cards posted throughout
; the township calling attention to the
i fact (hat all contagious diseases must
j be reported whether there is a physi- i
clan in attendance or not. Failure to
| comply with the board's order sub
jects the person to a penalty of $5 to
j The Rev. William S. Houek, of Phil-
I adelphia. will preach the sermon in
the Church of God on Sunday, both
morning and evening. His topic in
the evening will be "The Prodigal
A. H. Cooper has returned from a
visit to his home in Goldsboro.
Miss Sara Kreiner Is home from a
visit to Carlisle.
John McCahen, who has been em
ployed in Pittsburgh, has returned to
his home here.
Frank Barnes, of Midland, is the
guest of relatives here over the holi
Mrs. Charles Beshore is convales
cing from an illness of pneumonia at
her home in Front street.
Herbert Pattison, of La Grande,
Oregon, Is the guest of relatives here.
Percy Fackler, of Bressler, is visit
ing relatives in Berlin, Md.
Ruby Tluimma is the guest of rela
tives in Lancaster.
Ten Per Cent. Reduction
"n your suit or overcoat made to or
der. This offer is good for ten days
only. Call at our store and let us take
your measure. Every garment guar
anteed. The Quality Shop, furnisher
and hatter. Front and I>ocust streets.
i Steelton. —Advertisement
Gilbert Miller's Newest Combines
Tears and Laughter, Ser- j
iousness and Fun
Gilbert Miller's newest comedy,
"Marrying Money," which appeared at
the Majestic Theater, yesterday after
noon and evening, Is of that delightful
type which brings tears to the eyes be
fore the laugh has died away.
A Wall Street smash-up left a voting
debutante no alternative but to marry
a man of wealth. An ambitious mother
assisted her to catch a poor scton of a
rich and prominent family, who was
masquerading as a millionaire. Me, ;
too, was seeKing a mate with a full
lined purse. After a hasty elopement
the young people found they had not a
dollar between them and no prospects,
but the little god had done his work.
They decided they were willing to face
life together poor rather than annul
the marriage and try again.
The play was capitally ncted
throughout and tastefully mounted.
The work of .fames Bradbury, as the
bankrupt financier, was very real and
human. The methods of William Ro
selle, as the duped bridegroom, were a
constant reminder of Willie Collier's j
style of acting. Miss Nan Campbell,
the little Southern protege of Kitty I
Gordon, who played the fortune-hunt- I
lng bride, was all blushes and inno- '
cence, guided into the deep waters of
deceit and trickery by the force of clr- j
cumstances. She, with Mies Juliette !
Lay, In the character of a girl friend, j
shared the honors of largo bunches of
Killarney roses passed over the foot
lights after the second act.
All through, the play carried a humor
to be appreciated because any of us
might find ourselves in simlnalr pro- j
dlcaments at any time. Poor "Jimmy 1
Sweeney," done by Will Demmlng, was
a character we all know, the friend we
need to help us out of a scrape, whoso .
broad shoulders will stand any amount
of blame, but who always bobs up se- i
rene and happy in the end.
It Is a good, clean play, and deserves 1
[Continued From Page 1]
"Oh, yes, it can," just as promptly
returned Mr. Boyer.
And that is all the information the
directors would vouchsafe as to Mon
day's appointments. The report in
county circles, however, is that S. P.
Barber and Mrs. Barber will be stew
ard and matron at the almshouse and
that John Guyer. a newspaper man,
will be clerk to succeed W. A. Mcll
henn.v. Harry Walter, the other
Democratic member of the board, will
be president, it is said. Should the j
Democratic members force the elec
tion of Manning as clerk, it Is believed
that Mr. Boyer will force his election
as purchasing agent.
All told, there will be about forty
two physicians appointed by the board,
watchmen at the almshouse, nurses
and a special unrse for the insane
[Continued From Page 1]
the cutting out of free transportation
to members j>f railroad employes'
families, are those who have been de
creasing the high cost of living by
buying butter and eggs in the coun
try towns and the farmers and deal
ers who had a very profitable market
in this line.
Coimtry produce can be purchased I
as in the past, but it will include an j
additional expense for shipment, as i
free travel is out of the question.
Hundreds of dollars were expended
each week in various towns along the
Pennsylvania Railroad by wives of
employes who found buying outside
the city a big saving.
Merit System Ultimate
Remedy For Municipal
Government, Says Taft
By Associated Press
Waterbury, Conn.. Jan. 2. The ul
timate remedy for the one foul spot in
American civil life—the conduction of
municipal government—lies In the
merit system, said former President
Taft. in speaking at a Chamber of
Commerce dinner last night.
The merit system, he said, was more
democratic in its essence than any
other system he could think of. The
only way to make It operate efficiently,
in his opinion, would be to make it dlf-»
ficult to get into office and easy to bd
put out —without having recourse to the
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services of Mrs. Henrietta
i Watson, who died Wednesday morn
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Fannie Brady, 124 Balm street, were
held this afternoon from the St. Paul's
Church of God. The Rev. Luther Cun
ningham officiated. Burial was made
In th* Lincoln Cemetery.
Mrs. Annie E. Arthur, aged 50 years,
wife of K. G. Arthur, died this morn-
I ing at her home, 1516 Green street,
, after an illness of five months. Mrs. Ar
thur was a member of the Silver Star
Council, 130, D. of L, and the Toadies'
Auxiliary of the B. R. T. She Is sur
vived by her husband and the follow
ing children, Mrs. M. A. Deshong, of
Harrlsburg. Jacob B. Arthur, of Sanan
nah, Ga„ John, Ira and Irene, at home.
The body will be taken to Baln
bridge on Monday morning by Under
' takers, T. M. Mauk & Son, where the
| funeral services will be held in the
i Church of God, conducted by the Rev.
:H. N. Bassler, pastor of the Second Re-
I formed Church.
I 1 1 11 .
The congregation of St. Peter's Luth
' eran Church will tender a reception to
I the Rev. F. C. Moyer, the new pastor,
| this evening. An elaborate program
| has been prepared, one of the features
of which will be an address by the Rev.
S. Wlnfleld Herman, Zion Lu
theran Church, of Harrlsburg. Re
! freshments will be served. The Rev.
j Mr. Moyer comes to Hlghspire from
Lyonsvllle, Pa., where he had a suc-
I cessful pastorate. He succeeds the
Rev. Mr. Hoover, who has resigned on
account of poor health.
C. B. Lerch entertained his college
friends at a ther.ter partly Tuesday af
ternoon. at the Orpheum Theater, after
which they returned to his home, In
Second street, Hlghspire, where they
enjoyed a turkey dinner. Thoso pres
ent were: Russel Gardner. Scranton,
! l'a.; Gernhoin Ellis. Avoka. Pa.; George
Henry, Lebanon, Pa.; Earl Donmo.ver,
l.ebanon, Pa.; Oher Wolf. Hlghspire,
Pa.; Dick Diamond. Cynwyd. Pa., the
present captain of Lafayette football
team, and Robert Davis, Easton, l'a.,
•11 of Lafayetto College.
150 Ladies' Suits. 125 Men's Suifs.
150 Ladies' Coats. g* UOMen'sOvcrcoats
J Tour choice for this sale y
to $22.00 Values to S2O. Price
"dresses fjM CASH CREDIT J«sKT
ioo for this sale. , lf „ BM _ bi /Btß Overcoats
Value $lO, Price $4 JB/Ku If Y Oil H3VB It If YOU Wflllf It Choice at $8
•f 50 Trimmed Hats. Price, 4WA| LWm HnnP (50 Boys' Overcoats. This &91
[SO Fur Muffs. Price, SI.OO UU,,C «r [ lot only. Price, sd\
' JBL Mitt ' lo ° Boys' SUItS crl
W Your choice at $9 1 m~ Y(nir cholcßi p,. lce V I
* i ——'
Open nights till ol I | _ f| SOUTH f Our customers I
Open ° ■ 111 111 Mr j£ 111 11 S MARKET become our friends
Saturday nights till 10 J Anl W lllgtHUII ® SQUARE for all times
[Continued From Page 1]
a steady increase In banking business
In the city.
The total clearings month by month
in 1913 and 1912 follows:
1913 1912
Jan $6,881,019.28 $5,801,362.25
B'eb 6,022,901.44 5,012,857.130
March ... 6,572,119.31 5,241,051.53
April ...-. 7,196,593.15 5,994,502.85
May 6,789,974.84 5,635,659.17
June 6,720,933.59 5,759,946.40
July 7,526,737.96 5,980.950.71
August .. 6,733.738.41 5,524.833.41
Oct 7,838,604.53 6,637,815.05
Oct 7,838,604.53 0.673,815.05
I Nov 7,21 9,263.26 6,113,698.45
! Dec 7,654,974.06 6,463,383.59
Total . . $84,346,822.13 $70,220,673.81
The record for the past six years:
1908 $54,325,4 42.59
1909 $64,247,131.92
1910 $83,597,285.28
1911 $67,590,392.15
1912 $70,220-,673.81
1913 $84,346,833.13
[Continued Froin Page 1]
save life. In other words, it is not
expected to force people back to Mexi
can side if they are liable to be shot
or otherwise injured on their return.
Co-operate fully with Red Cross. You
are not expected to turn supplies over
to Red Cross, but to co-operate with
them in their work to such extent as
may be necessary to meet, urgent needs
of the situation with reference to car
ing for wounded."
Discusses Conditions
Discussing conditions at Ojinaga,
Secretary Garrison to-day said:
"When the lighting first took place
on the Mexican side and the soldiers
of the defeated party began coming
across the border, we, without regard
to technical questions of law, and In
the interest of humanity, took in as
refugees all those who came unarmed.
We kept them so long as conditions on
the other side were such that we felt it
would be inhuman to turn them back.
In a general way, we kept them until
they could be safely allowed to filter
back across the border into their own
country. Those orders have never
been changed and, if properly inter
preted, the men who have been fight
ing on the other side of the border
and who come over unarmed, are
treated as refugees and are allowed to
stay on our side of the line rather than
be turned back to practically certain
death. Armed men who come over
are, of course, disarmed: the arms are
held by our people and the men them
selves received as other refugees.
AU Will He Received
"With regard to what will happen if
a very large number attempt to come
over I can only say that unless the or
ders are changed (which, of course,
they may be if an exigency calls for a
I change), these men will be treated as
I have stated: that Is, they will bo
treated as refugees. How long they
i will be permitted to stay and all other
I hypothetical questions, I am unable
i to answer."
Federals Unable to
Hold Oat Much Longer
Marfa, Texas, Jan. 2 —General Orte
gas' 6,000 rebels besieging Ojinaga,
Mexico, had approached nearer to the
fortifications before daylight to-day
and apparently the federals could not
hold out much longer against a forced
retreat across the United States bor
der at Presidio. The last word re
ceived from Major McNamee, com
manding the United States border pa
trol at Presidio, was that the deser
tions from the federal army had slack
ened. The federals received some of
their back pay. Major McNamee said,
and this had discouraged further de
Major McNamee had the situation
will in hand in preparing for an ex
pected flight of the entire federal army
across the border. The danger of the
federals drawing the rebel fire to the
border In case of (light was consider
ed, but the border patrol had received
the promise of General Ortega that
the fire would be directed away from
the river. General Villa lias more
Harrisburg Man Writes Interesting i
Letter to Public Service
Alvln S. Williams, 2237 North Sixth
street, this city, in a letter to the
Public Service Commission to-day pre
sents the argument that, inasmuch as
the age when a boy may work Is regu
lated by the State and that that age is
fixed high up in the teens, it would bt
well for the State, through the com
mission, to protect the parents of
larger families by making it possible
for them to occasionally travel with
out a cost beyond their ability to pay.
Ills contention is that no child accom
panied by a parent ought to bo asked
to pay faro on the railroads before the
child is 8 years old. and that no youth
might to bo asked for car fare more
than a half rate until ho can labor in
a mill or shop without special cer
tificate. If this arrangement can be
made, there should be, he thinks, a
special rate granted to a man with
family who, at times, must travel from
one city to another.
Regarding a complaint made by A.
It. Houclc. of Lebanon, as to the dan
gerous practice of school children us
ing the tracks of the Philadelphia and
Reading as a public thoroughfare, the
railroad company claims It is impos
sible to do anything effective because
the laws for the punishment of tres
passers aro not as adequate as they
should be. As It Is, the tracks are not
only used as a thoroughfare, in the city
of Lebanon, but practically every
where else. The company doubts if it
could get a magistrate anywhere to
lock up anyone for simply trespassing
on the tracks. A special officer, how
ever. has been placed at Lebanon as
a matter of protection.
W. D. Matheson, 11. 11. Shellen
berg<?r, IT. W. Myers, S. Cameron
Young and K. 1,. Croll, of Middle
town, through their attorneys, Fox <!fc
Geyer, to-day filed a complaint with
the commission against the Middle
town and Swatara Consolidated Water
Company. It is claimed that, the rates
charged by the respondent are unjust
and inequitable; that the returns from
the rates are unreasonable and that
there is a discrimination in rates be
tween the general public and certain
individual consumers. It is also al
leged that the rates at which water is
furnished in the borough of Middle
town aro unreasonable and unjustly in
advance of the rates charged in other
districts in which the company op
ammunition on tne way T'oni Chihua
hua in the hope of replenishing the
rebel supply at Ojinaga before it is
The federals have no way of renew
ing their supplies.
The federal wounded at Presidio
have all been removed to the mission
church there in care of the Red Cross.
The federal commander requ sted Ma
jor McNamee to permit the removel of
the wounded to Cludad Forflrio Diaz,
Mexico, opposite Eagle Pass, Texas,
I but the request was refused.
Mystery Surrounds
Visit of John Lind
Pass Christian. Miss., Jan. 2. —Mys-
tery enveloping the visit here of John
Lind, President Wilson's special envoy
to Mexico, ever since his coming was
announced, continued to-day with the
refusal of all information as to when
or where the President would see him.
Mr. Lind remained aboard the scout
cruiser Chester early to-day, having
arrived off Ship Island, eight miles be
low here last night. The revenue cut
ter Winona was waiting to transfer
Mr. Lind but up to 9 o'clock no movo
had been made.
Reason for the secrecy maintained
with regard to every phase of Mr.
Lind's visit nothwithstandlng an
nouncement by the President's envoy
himself as to his coming, Is puzzllnr
the correspondents here.
Laredo, Texas, Jan. 2.—Fighting be-'
tween constitutionalists attacking Nu
evo Laredo, Mexico, and the Federal
garrison was renewed to-day. There
was only occasional firing during the
night. Constitutionalist reinforce
ments arrived last night.
CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ® ears "*
fbi Kind You Have Alwajs Bought
JANUARY 2,1914.
[Continued From Pago 1]
trance last night, Lents says, are not
the same men and he has no idea who
they are. He has asked the county
authorities to help him locate the
wounded man.
Lent/, Hears the Burglars
According to Mr. Lentz's story, he
was sitting in his store about 11.30
last night when ho heard some one
come cautiously to the front of the
store. Through the window Mr. Lent-/, ]
saw a man sit down on the concrete
step in front of the store. The fellow
wore a cap. He seemed to bo young.
For half an hour the man sat as
though waiting for some one. Mr.
Lent* kept perfectly quiet, waiting for
Shortly after 12 o'clock a man wear
ing a derby liat, a little taller than
the first, sneaked around the corner
and joined the waiting youth. After a
whispered consultation they approach
ed the door of the store. The door
had been "jimmied" open five weeks
ago and a glass in It was broken by
the ilrst marauders. A wooden panel
had been inserted temporarily.
As the burglars worked at the
wooden panel Mr. Lentz tiptoed from
the rear of the store, revolver in his
hand and took his stand on the left of
the door. The burglars did not hear
him. They had succeeded in pushing
the wooden panel partly in when Mr.
Lenta placed his pistol close to the
door opposite where the men seemed
to be working and fired. Almost in
stantly thero was an answering shot
from the man on the other sido of the
door. It passed within a few Inches
of Mr. Lentz's arm.
In the half light Mr. Lentz saw that
the younger man had fallen. His com
panion grabbed him by the arm, and
half dragged him from the porch,
where he had fallen.
Ijentz Takes Another Shot
While Mr. Lentz was trying to get
the door of tho store open, the two
turned down the alley which runs
along the eastern side of the store.
The door was hard to open, and when
Mr. Lentz got into the alley the rob
bers wero running down an alley
which runs back of the store. As ho
reached this intersection Mr. Lentz 1
took another shot, but doesn't think
it hit.
This morning there was no trace of
blood in the alley or in front of the
store, but the two bullet holes in the
panel of the front door tell the story
of the battle.
This is the fourth time burglars
have visited the little store. Twice
before Mr. Lentz bought the store, a
year or more ago, tho burglars got
away with groceries and money. Five
weeks ago they got no money but from
twenty to twenty-flve dollars' worth
of groceries.
Entrance to the store was made last
November by jimmying open tho door
and brea'klng the glass. Thero is no
houso nearby and the burglars had an
easy getaway.
Two Men Plan Raid
After the first robbery Mr. Lentz was
told that two men were overheard
planning the raid on his store in a local
cigar and poll shop, but no attempt
was made to arrest these men. Mr.
Lentz decided to wait for thed, so that
if they came again he would be pre
pared to get the evidence.
Hut last night another gang came,
he thinks. He will try to locate this
gang by the wounded man. None of
the Penbrook doctors said they had
treated a bullet wound when asked by
Mr. Lentz this morning. At the Har
risburg Hospital no wounded man had
been treated.
Countv Detective Walters was noti
fied to-day, and he will make an In
By Associated Press
Washlngto; , Jan. 2.—The conserva
tive citizens of Rockville, Md„ the so
called "gretna green" for Washing
ton, Maryland and Virginia, do not
i relish the fact that so many eloping
' couples are being married there. They
,are up in arms, it is said, because
some of the ministers boast that they
i married 266 elopers In 1913. They
want a stop put to It. During the
year Just closed 495 marriage licenses
were issued in Rockville.
Says He Will Take Steps to Bring
Association Before the
in order to prove his assertion made
last night during his address at the
dedication banquet of tho Sha:.irock
Home Company, that the Under
writers' Association of New York, was
a gigantic trust and subject to prose- t
cution under tho Sherman act, Cojgr ]
nel Henry C. Demming will tako ar- "v
tive steps to have this question settled
by the ooifrts as soon as his health
Colonel Demming referred to the re
cent report sent to Harrisb.irg by the
Underwriters' Association claiming
that, llarrisburg's flro department was
Inadequate, and pointing out certain
improvements badly needed. The
Colonel said:
"in the Ilrst. place they did not tell
the truth; and they also In their re
port desire to show reasons for In
creasing insurance rates which are
already too high for this city. The
association is a gigantic trust in re
straint of trade, against the interests
of the people and should be looked
after, ilarrlsburg has a fire record
that warrants greatly reduced insur
ance rates." It was after the meet
ing that Colonel Demming announced
his intention to take up legal proceed
ings in the near future as soon as he
was able to resume active duties.
Runaway Accident Along
West Shore Injures Horses
Marysville. Pa., Jan. 2. —Yesterday
afternoon while Liveryman John D.
Albright, of Marysville. was driving
to Ilarrlsburg In a two-horse carrlftgo
an accident happened to the team
between West Fairvlcw and Worm
leysburg. in the straight stretch of
road where it is paralleled by the
trolley lino the horses bolted and
while running rapidly one of the ani
mals fell and the other was thrown
over him. None of the men was In
jured, but the pole of the carriage was
broken and both horses were very
badly cut and bruised.
Bowmansvllle, Pa., Jan. 2. —Edward
B. Lorrah, a retired business man, 8t
years old, died yesterday. He was a
member of the Reformed Church, and
lived in Lancaster county all his life.
His wife, seven children, scleral grand
children, two brothers and a ulster,,
survive. V
Big After Holiday Sale of '
Our holiday trade on
ladies' felt juliets is over.
Just a few are left in a
large variety of colors and
nearly all sizes in some
To clean them all up
quick, we will sell Satur
day, your choice at
A few of the 98c grade
are left They are yours
20th Century Shoe Co.
Shoes That Wear—Market So.