Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Big January Clearance «f Ladies' Suits and Coats
Entire Stock at Sweeping Reductions
To-morrow we open our January clearance of ladies' Fall and Winter Coats
and Suits. Sweeping reductions have been put into effect and the opportunity pre
sented for purchasing a desirable garment at the prices now quoted is indeed ex
ceptional. Never have we presented such a large stock at such drastic price cuts,
and the advantage to you must make a strong appeal. Investigate.
All suits, embracing serges, plain and fancy, corded eponge, chiffon broad
cloth, basket weaves, honeycomb cloth, brocaded cloths, velvets and novelty cloths
of all kinds in plain and fancy models; worth sl2 to $37.50. In this sale
Extra in Plain Tailored Suits Coats^
All remaining coats in our stock, embracing
Strictly plain tailored suits in all wool man- series, chinchillas, astrakhan cloth, velours,
nish serge, blue and black, the most service- plushes, plain and brocaded, novelty cloths of
able garment for all occasions; Skinner's satin all descriptions and shades, in three-quarter
lined; worth $22.50. In this 4tIAQQ and full length models; worth $9 to $27.50.
• ; * 1 L"e th|g $2.98 to $14.98
Also sold In a full line of outsizes up to 53; ■»»——
worth $25.00. Special In this &1 O t\O O
<pi6.9o oerge Dresses
_____ A variety of models and shades in our stock
of all-wool serge dresses; worth $6 to sls, dur-
X th " $2.98 to $7.98
Skirts l
Corduroy and whipcord skirts; *•» Ar\
worth $3 to $4. In this sale «p 1.4«f OIIIV M ClllLOftlS ;
scotch piaid skirts; worth $5 and *9 QO Saturday Only 98c
' Jn this sale ip£.Zso Special lot of 45 messaline and taffeta silk
Other skirts in serges diagonals and other petticoats in assorted shades; worth $2.00; lot
fabrics, full range of styles and shades- worth wUI not last longi but we wUI P r °t ec t as much
$4 to $6. In I FI O L ,I,'O AO as Possible by limiting them one to a customer,
this sale >pl.jO lO «p«s.«sO Special for Saturday, until the lot is 9§C
Tne South Fourth St. 10-12 Numbf r ° r The
Callers Meet Her Guests, Miss
Selheimer and Miss
Lena Hibler
Mrs. Chris A. Hibler, of 162 4 North
Second street, entertained informally
at a 4 o'clock tea this afternoon in
compliment to her house guests. Mis*
Flora Selheimer, of Lewistown. and
Miss Lena Hibler, of Philadelphia.
Holiday decorations-prevailed through
out the house.
The tea table bore a< basket of scar
let geraniums, stevia and fern'in the
center. Mrs. Gilbert M. McCauley and
Mrs. George W. Mindil poured tea
and chocolate and assisting were Miss
Alary Williamson and Miss Margaret
Thirty ladies had the pleasure of
greeting Mrs. Hibler and her guests.
The marriage of Miss Jennie Mac-
Farlane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. MacFarlane, of Hamden, N. Y., to
Horace Lamb, of this city, was a
pretty event of New Year's Day at tho
bride's home. The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. Dr. Mitchell, of
the Delancey First Presbyterian
Church, in the presence of a large
gathering of relatives and friends.
The bride wore white crepe meteor
over satin and carried a shower of
roses and valley lilies. She Is the
granddaughter of Mrs. Horace Sea
man, whose father was one of the
pioneers of this countryside, he hav
ing cleared the ground for the estate
where the parents of the bride now
reside. The bride is a graduate of the
Teachers' Training School of Walton,
N. Y., class of 1910. and has been a
teacher in the Hamden schools. She
is a talented musician and has filled
the position of organist in the Pres
byterian Church of Hamden.
Harold Lamb is the son. of George
G. Umb. of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng
land, and the nephew of Mr and Mrs.
Robert Ternent, of Hamden, N. Y. He
is the chief draftsman of the Elllott-
Fisher Company.
Mr. Lamb is prominent in fraternal
affairs, being a member of Robert
Burns Lodge of Free Masons and a
thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Ma- j
son. He is also a Noble of the Mystic
Shrine and a member of the Engi
neers' Society.
They will reside in Harrlsburg.
Mrs. Frank L. Cook, of the Etter
Apartments, was hostess to-day at a
luncheon of eight covers, in honor of
Miss Dorothy Wetherell, of Reading,
Mich., who l» visiting her sister, Mrs.
Samuel Claybaugh Todd.
Holiday appointments In the decora
tions and menu made the event a most
attractive one.
Miss Margaret Alice Maguire and
Solomon Adams Waltz, both of this city
were married Wednesday evening, De
cember 31, at. tho bride's home, 2152
North Seven'th street, by tho Rev. P.
Hummel Balsbaugh, pastor of Sixth
Ktreet Church, United Brethren in
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Steckley left
last evening for their home in Phila
delphia after a visit with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Irwin, 1812 Green street.
iH$» Strengthen Your Lungs
when contumption claims over 350 daily in the
United States. Neglected cold*, overwork, con•
fining duties and chronic disorders exert the
weakening influence which allows tutqr~
IJMPSJL cular germs the mastery.
n The greatest treatment that science affords is
courage, rest, sunshine and Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil
to clarify enrich the blood, strengthen the
lungs, rebuild wasted tissue and fortify the
Bk" \ \ resistive forces to throw off disease germs.
Strengthen YOUR lungs with a.
Scott's Emulsion—its benefits
too important to neglect.
WwiM Physicians everywhere proclaim its worth and |ljf/
Leave For Overbrook
to Attend Dinner Dance
I Sirs. John ICinley Tener. Mr. and
i Mrs. Samuel C. Todd and their house
: guest. Miss Dorothy Wetherell, of De
j troit, Mich., left this afternoon for
i Overbrook to be guests of Colonel and
j Mrs. Murphy. The party will attend a
I dinner dance at the Bellevue-Stratford
| and enjoy other pleasures while away.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bigler, of Pitts
burg-. are visiting Mrs. MeGerniagon, of
; Park and Prospect streets.
] Mr. and Mrs. John It. Rote, of 1705
| North Secon street, are entertaining;
| their son and daiiKhter-ln-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart B. Rote, of Pittsburgh.
William Boyson and John Boyson, of
1530 Walnut street, who have been the
| guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
I James 1.. Grimes, of Driftwood return
ed home yesterday.
Miss Florence Gates gave a pro
| gressive five hundred party at her
| home, 2022 Green street, on New
[ Year's Eve in honor of her house
: guest. Miss Harriet A. Smith, of Ev-
I erett. Pa.
The decorations were in keeping;
with the holiday season and at a late
I hour a dainty lunch was served.
| The guests celebrated the going out
of the old year and coming in of the I
new by shouting and dancing; The
prizes were won by Miss Mary Stark
and Paul Faunce.
The regular Thursday evening meet
! ing of the Literary Circle was held
! last evening at the home of Dr. G. A.
i Treiman, 710 North Sixth street. Dr.
| H. Broude read an excellent paper on
. the "Social Evil," which all present
j freely discussed. Discussion of citr
: rent events and the always acute fiues
tion of woman suffrage followed. The
| chief subject of the meeting was a
criticism and free discussion of
I. Zangwill's "Melting Pot." Follow
ing the meeting refreshments were
served to these guests; Dr. Levlnson,
of Columbia University; Miss Deborah
Harris, Leon Harris, Miss Ida Marcus,
Miss Lena Marcus. A. L. Sherman, of
State College; D. Warsaw, of Cornell
University; Miss Rose Sherman, Dr.
H. Broode. Dr. Kramer, Sam Heckert, 1
Miss Martha Treiman, B. Gurwitz, Dr.
and Mrs. G. A. Treiman.
Mrs. Frank Gemperllng. 1807 Penn I
street, entertained the Chelfea Em
broidery Club at her home on New
Year's Eve.
Mrs. -William C. Windsor was hostess
yesterday at her home, 334 Woodbine
street, for the card club of which she
is a member.
By Associated Press '
Reading, Pa., Jan. 2.—lt is an
nounced to-day that the mines of th?
Reading Coal and Iron Company
which closed down last Wednesday
evening for the balance of the week,
will resume full handed on Mondav
morning. The cold weather has cre
nled considerable demand for anthra
By Associated Frets
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 2.—"lgnor
ance on the part of a missionary will
not long hold the intellectual respect
of the Orient student." declared Pro
fessor Charles R. Henderson of the
University of Chicago, in urging bet
ter training of missionaries iij social
study and actual social service before
the student volunteer convention for
foreign missions here to-day.
Entertain Officers of
Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Miller enter
' nfflot / officers and members of the
I ! „/°,' Ce ot the Ja<ks on Manufac
turing Company, this city, at their
I home In Dauphin on Tuesday evening.
I The house was decorated with Chrlst
| mas greens, holly and pine wreaths
i supper was served at 7 o'clock. The
| decorations were pink roses and fern
c«rri« m ?, We '', e P la JeJ. such as pool',
£' " durin * which Frank E
I fOrchner rendered several vocal se
j lections, assisted by Mrs. Miller.
I wiiiin T OWl ? g persons were present:
w *im Je " nln ? s ' John E. Coe. John
I W. Miller. 1' rank E. Kirchner, Joseph
H. Le\ an. H. H. Nissley, Mr. and Airs
| Harry C. Miller. .
Market Square Choir
to Repeat Cantata
choir of'Trwl 0 « many rcf ' llest s the
cr.oir or Market Square Church will
repeat Sunday evening the Christmas
ago The'ci T hl .° h U save two weeks
? *« choir is under the direction
Ruth"B Con kit R Harrls '
eVi ■ "hkling as organist The.
"The tN.Iv B MM.Iv, Program:. ogram: Pre| uJe.
il»e Holy Night." Dudley Ruck
caro :, ,'!? od Rest You Merrv Gentle'
Wo n rid-» ld o^ Kl^ h = hymn " "ioytTthe
carol ' "Thi Testament Scripture;
carol, Jhe Babe of Bethlehem "
Mroft? n: tWO oltl B °hemlan carols
a , r , ranßud '»>• Riodel, "Hail All
New T«t° me - ( A " Te Shepherds;"
Testament Scripture* carnl
"What Child is This?" traditional'
Mnnfv- 0 rt i ory .\o Chris tmMMußette,
\ifili 'v. a ■ Sons Of the Magi"
Miles hymn, "Hark! the Herald An
gels bing; address; a child's carol
Manger;" carol, "Three
w , Journeyed," Cornelius
' r! a , aCCO, "P anim ent by Wal-
win ' ard N ' Co °Per, of Camp
Hill, chaperoned a n«rtv , 1
dav^Jf VUed to , the Ornheuni yeate"*
ay afternoon by her daughter Miss
Sarah Elizabeth Cooper. In attend
vrT 6 ere , M ' s » Anne Katharine
Miss Sarah Denehey, Miss Art-L wn'
lams. Miss Katharine Etter Mlm
Kathanne Cooper, of Springlield m'
David Shotwell, Arthur Kunkel il^rr»;
IK""' "55TWSK
an £ rs ' R obert Pattison Cox
fea\e a chafing dish supper at th#>ir
home. 1720 North street Tew Year's
Eve with the following guests in at
tendance: Miss Elizabeth Walker
Bellefonte; Miss Grace Welsh River
side; Miss Florence Walker Viss Fll*"
w\ h r Kl " ,n * er ' Pearl Yahn
ter Hauff, Mrs. Early Karl , ®
Fred Cleckner, Mr. Sotlzer and Rnl
ert Pattison Cox. a '«u Rob-
VISIT AT >F\V|>ll|{A
risburg.Hand' l .\ir.''and Mrs"'^ 0
l>ome 0f jStV C fc ,B £™f"J
A. Cumbler Newport P-. B £'\ Mrs .' J '
their little son Leßoy Tf'
parents to Steelton his
almost a month in Newport, spendln *
Second street! frThoHd'av 201 North
M Mr S ai f d> A CumM a ° f
Mrs. Flora Qui ™ of'thU S? 0 "' " nd
%.^x A r u <^
Ohio, is spending the hnii^ arb<>rt ? n '
* na era
5.5& W'fcir.s, "Si;; i
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Peet, of 420
South Fourteenth street, announce the
birth of a son, Eugene Carter Peet
Wednesday, December 31, 1913. Pro
fessor Peet is a member of the Teehni"
cal High School faculty.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gramm. of 1631
Naudain street, announce the birth of
a daughter, Alice Virginia Gramm. Mrs
Gramm was formerly Miss Rutli
Graeff, of this city. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Look of
Rsysorvillc Heights. announce ' the
birth .if a daughter. Marian Bllrabeth
I,ook, Friday, December "15, mis
former's mother. Mrs. l,ouisa Uni
bciiicr. at 11 iimmelstown.
ffIeREM l* ™ 1 'i,/ k(Ron%Jfr
Girls Merrily Celebrate in Cathe
dral Hall With Songs
and Feast
The Second annual Now Year's sup
per of the St. Cecilia Girl's Club was
held last evenlrg In their rooms at
Cathedral Hall. Under the cliaperon
age of Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. H&rle,
Miss H. Coan and Miss Marie Delone,
the girls were entertained with vari
ous games and amusements In the
largo gymnasium, and at 8.15 they
were invited to the club rooms, which
were elaborately decorated in blue and
red, the club colors: a large table
filled with "good things" of every de
scription extended the entire length
of the rooms, and around it clustered
the sixty-live youngsters who made
up the evening party.
Selections and songs appropriate to
the season formed part of the al'ter
supper entertainment.
Anions; those present were the
Misses Marie Baum, Snowde Mac-
Laughlin, Margaret Boyle, Ilelen
Saunders, Elizabeth Buck,' Boretta
Sprucebank, Ida (Joan, Agnes Culhane,
Margaret Coan, Gertrude Culhane,
Margaret Cunningham, Irene Saund
ers, Marie Dowling, Mary Wall, Char
lotte Kelble, Claire Updegrove, Anna
Wall, Celeste Dowling, Agnes Wall,
Elizabeth Earnest, Margaret Schmidt,
Margaret Dunn, Genevieve Schmidt,
Mary Cempsey, Marie Elsheid. Gert
rude Wall, Sarah Maloney, Martina
Moeslein, Mary Fisher, Catharine
Forbes, Geraldine Fisher, Margaret
Gaffney, Alice Smith, Mary Smith, Mary
Hoover, Eouise Ivirby, Catharine
Ilarle, Beatrice Hilton, Mildred Hil
ton, Elizabeth St. Peter, Esther Swee
ney, Mary Herbert, Alice St. Peter,
Emma Sweeney, Anna Herbert, Gert
rude Hinnenkamp, Agnes Henry,
Martha Kelly, Mary Kerr, Mary
Smarsh, Alice Sullivan, Dorothy Kir
by, Mary Sariano, Eileen Maloney,
Leanora Sourbier, Elizabeth Maguire,
Margaret Moeslein, GerUude Meyers,
Margaret Moeslein, Bertha Meyers,
Rosa Ryan, Jessie Shorb, Josephine
Ryan, Mrs. O. J. Kelly, Mrs. E. Ma
guire, Miss Catharjne McGrath and
Mrs. C. S. Buck and Mrs. Murphy.
Successful Celebration of
New Year's at Y. M. C. A.
More than 2,000 people visited tho
butldlng of the Young Men's Christian
Association, Second and Locust streets,
yesterday at the fifty-ninth annual
celebration of New Year's Day. Tho
crowds commenced to come at It
o'clock and from that time until 5
p. m. the throng kept up. Men, women
and children, newsboys, messenger
boys, mail clerks, ministers and
friends from out of the city, mingled
with association members throughout
the day. It was a genuine social cele
bration. Refreshments, consisting of
sandwiches, coffee, ice cream and
cake, were served in abundance to all.
In the afternoon at 3 o'clock an at
tractive exhibition was given in the
gymnasium by the juniors and basket
ball games played from picked teams
in honor of the visitors.
At 8.15 o'clock in Fahnestock Hall
occurred the annual members' enter
tainment. The artist was Joseph Mezo,
of New York city, the well-known
humorist and singing monologuist, in i
a program that delighted everybody.
The hall was crowded with members
and friends. It was a fitting close to
a pleasant day that will linger long in
the memory of the members and
friends of the Young Men's Christian
Association and will go down into his
tory as one of the most successful
social events ever given by the asso
Herbert E. Lynch Sends
Greeting to Old Friends
Herbert E. Lynch, of St. Louis, for
merly connected with old Lyceum and
the Majestic Theaters of this city, has
sent the following greeting to his old
friends in this city:
"We will soon be on the threshold
of another year, and my thoughts are
of you and yours. The old year Is
almost gone, with all its cares and
worries; may you forget its many vex
ations and its disappointments, if you
have had any, and look cheerfully for- i
word to the new year, bright with the
promise of better things to come. May!
health, happiness and prosperity be
with you through the coming year,
and may each day be happier than the
last, is my earnest New Year's wish
to you."
Miss Charlotte Haldeman
Marries Naval Officer
Miss Charlotte R. Haldeman, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Halde
man, formerly of Philadelphia, whose
English homo is the Rookery, Downe,
Kent, was married yesterday in St.
Margaret's Church, Westminster, to
Lieutenant Victor Mayrett, Royal
Navy. After the reception at Claridge's
the couplo left for a honeymoon in
Miss Haldeman, a charming young
woman, visited in Lancaster several
years ago and came to this city for a
stay with her relatives, Mrs. Richard J.
Haldeman and Miss Hliso Haldeman.
Quite a number of social events were
arranged for Miss Haldeman during
her stay In this city.
Mrs. Mabel Cronlse Jones, president
of the Central Pennsylvania Woman
Suffrage Association Is going to Co
lumbia to-morrow to speak before the
Woman's Club of that town. Mrs. Jones
will stop at Lancaster for a luncheon
with Mrs. J. H. Happer, on the way.
Harrisburg Man Will Be an As
sistant to Dr. Maitland
Ti;<! Rev. Henry Blaine Slrock, of
this city, who has bsen minister of the
First Presbyterian Church at Allen
town, N. J., for nearly two years, has
accepted a call to the Fifst Presby
terian Church of Pittsburgh as an as
sistant to the Rev. Dr. -laltland Alex
ander. the pastor.
It is in this church that "Billy"
Sunday will begin a campaign next
week and the Rev. Mr. Strock will
assume his duties at once.
lie is a son of Squire Strock. of
Allison lliil, a graduate of the Cen
tral High School, Pennsylvania Col
lege, Gettysburg, and Princeton Theo
logical Seminary. In June, 1912, Miss
Katharine Reilcy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James McKendree Reiley, of this
city, and the Rev. Mr. Strock were
married in the Grace Methodist
Church, going at once to housekeeping
at the manse in Allentown.
Sirs. Strock and their small son,
John Henry Strock, arrive in the city
to-morrow to remain for two weeks
with Mrs. Charles Hannan, Mrs.
Strock's aunt, at Second and Pine
J. H. Troup Music House
Employes at Banquet
As a fitting close to the greatest
business year of the J. H. Troup Music
House the entire force of employes
were guests of tho founder, J. H.
Troup, at a banquet held at the Sen
ate New Year's Eve.
In attendance were J. H. Troup,
Robert W. Troup, Charles S. Troup,
Harry Troup, E. E. Stroininger, C. L
Enck, J. Frank Slike, W. H. Slike, J.
L. Grooine, J. O. Nickey, J. B. Can
non, D. F. Onunert, Walter Pentz,
Earl Knier, E. Heikes, A. F. Eby,
Oscar Steager. Joe Sirclr R. H. Ton'i
linson, A. P. Fortenbaugh, I. C. Mes
ner, Joe Fry, J. W. Miller, Harry Fry,
N. Kohler, Curtis Julius, Benjamin
Parson, Harry Parson and Claud
As a climax to the old and an in
centive to the new year the employes
before leaving the banquet hall com
pleted the sale of a piano to W. K.
Conley, head waiter of the Senate.
Addresses were made by J. H. Troup,
R. W. Troup, the sales manager, and
nine other speakers.
A number of the younger girls had
the pleasure of meeting Miss Marian
Pratt, of Baltimore, yesterday after
noon at an informal tea given by Miss
Mildred Buttorff, of Cottage Ridge.
Appointmeuts of yellow prevailed in
the tea room, where Miss Anna Marga
ret Miller and Miss Marjorie Mercer
presided. Assisting were, Miss Eleanor
Rutherford Elder, of Kensington, Md.,
and Miss Isabelle Adrian Ryder.
Mrs Charles Rumps and daughter,
| Mrs. J. Edward Stott. of 8 North Cam
eron street, are visiting in Philadelphia
and Norristown.
C. L. Scott, of Barberton. Ohio, is
spending the week-end with relatives
and friends In the city.
Miss liertha A. Herry, of 421 Peffer
street, is home after a visit among
friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. J. E. Poster has removed from
Columbia to 1703 North Fourth street,
this city.
Mrs. S. O. Devenney and daughter,
Miss Sarah Hayes, of 808 East street
have returned from a trip to Philadel
Mrs. Aaron Miller and daughter,
Maude, of 536 South Sixteenth street,
have returned from Philadelphia, where
they have been visiting.
The entertainment course to be given
by the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, Second and Locust streets, in
Fahnestock Hall, will consist of three
numbers. The first will be Miss Lillian
Leighton Lamson, of New York, the
well-known character impersonator, in
the masterpiece, "Peg o' My Heart,"
Thursday evening, January 8.
The second attraction will be Mal
colm Shackleford, also of New York,
the clover humorist, known as the fun
niest man on the platform, in songs
and stories. The press of the Metrop
olis has endorsed this entertainer most
highly. Ho comes Thursday evenly,
January 15. The closing number will
be Miss Mary Wall, harpist, and Miss
Edna Kimball, vocalist and reciter,
two young women who have made for
themselves an enviable reputation in
the musical and dramatic world,
Thursday evening, January 22.
The issue of tickets has been limited
to 500, which is approximately the
capacity of the hall. "
Second Series of Dances
at the Colonial Club
Miss Katlireen Westbrook's dancing
class at the Colonial Country Club will
start the second series of dances for
the season at the clubhouse Monday
evening, January 5.
These dances have proved most de
lightful as an attendance of thirty or
forty members proves. Guests are
requested to take the car leaving Mar
ket Square at 7.40 o'clock.
_ '
Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo
JANUARY 2, 1914. '
I W„ B.&W. | B. & ill
Annual January Clearaie
i Sale Began To=day
| Great Preparations Have Be*\
|j| Made— Thousands of Garmen s
jj Properly Priced - Both Stores
-202 and 311 Walnut Street j
Come when you can, but the earlier the
better for your comfort. \ !|
Witmer, Balr & Witmer
! . Open BA.M.
j I as Usual J 202 and ||
Chocolate Opera Balls vs\
1 Saturday Special 29c Regularly Sc rgp j
\\ 215 Wairxut 3f. /)
Private Instruction
Prof. M&thenatics Lehigh University
Governor and Mrs. Teller's recep
tion yesterday afternoon was larMy
attended and the New Year greeting)
were most cordial. Mrs. Tener
assisted l>y Mrs. Philip T. Meredith
Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs. Frank
Payne, Mrs. Frank D. Carney and Mrs.
J. V. W. Reynders.
Seven thousand cigars of the best
tobacco hidden back or a chimney for
nearly twenty years were yesterday
discovered in an old house town down
A Stirring Sale of Wanted J
Merchandise to Start New Year f
| With a view to getting you acquaint at the very start of 1
the New Year with the wonderful barges offered here at all I
times, and to win you as a steady patron f this store, we have I
selected for to-morrow's selling at greati reduced prices the I
things most wanted now. Read. \ E
Women's and misses 1 long win- Ladies' aA children's tw hi„„i, I
ter coats, worth SIO.OO. tfjC CQ hose, 10c vl a 'X"Li a v at^ lack I
Saturday, special lng saleSiu us£ s - Saturday mom. |
Women's and misses' $lO and sl2 1 p. ni nj
sport coats, all colors, mixed Men's fleegt. underwear worth I
cloth and chin- $4 QQ 50c. Saturdaj SD 'cfa, a V I
chiila. Saturday salo price .. f f pe^al 24c |
Women's percale and gingham Men's heavj\ep r °pH „„V',
house dresses, worth up to $1.50. extra value.
Saturday, 77r euch \ 39c
sale prlco " C Men's black U' colored hnw
Girls' washable dresses, sizes up worth 15c. Thls.i e nose,
to 14 years. Saturday's Price . Jjg
sale price, each OOC GJr , s , winter 1— '
Girls' all wool serge dresses, 8 14 years. Satur(£ ' J, - p I?
to 14 years, navy and brown, worth special, each . . ..* $1.89
up to $5.00. Saturday's d»0 OQ one lot nercahi. .
sale price, each &Z.S9 8 '
Girls' washable dresses, G to 14 cial Saturday ... . A 49c
sKjxsjL 10 go" , l Kr«a , »«s
P rl «< skirts. Saturday ~\ $1.77
Women's full length corsets, Saturday special, , n
worth 75c, with 4 hose support- value. Scotch wool,\" t ,,°
ers. Saturday AA p sUir ts, with and wlthX ~, ,„T
special ItC ton tl .|m m ed, Satur- * li"!"
Boys' Norfolk suits, fine cassl- day, each \ipl.9B
mer and worsted, sizes up to 17 Large sine. $3 00 l'hlT
years. This sale QO gkin fur lu f, rfs . Sat . co "^'
price «p 1 ti/O ur( j a y special '»1«43
Boys' overcoats, worth up to $5.00. Large $3.50 value Frl
Saturday's special $1 QQ f ur neck pieces. Satur
sale, each «p1.170 dav special \1.89
Men's tan and colored hose, Extra special, white IcL , ,
worth 10c. Saturdays o\L C fu «" sets, worth $12.98,
special, pair /2*' price and less. Jf
Men's fancy color seamless hose, Saturday s *.98
worth 10c. Saturday, Al/oC Women's and misses'
P air ' * waists, the newest Freno\.„v„
Men's blue chambray work and sleeve, worth up to V\ '
shirts, worth 50c. Satur- 2Qf» S l - 50, each 9c
day's sale price Lad | es - blouse silk waists,.,,..
Men's 5c large white hemstitched and low neck, new French
handkerchiefs, special. Sat- O and sleeve, all silk messallne, vfcu
urday's sale price $3.00 and $3.50. Satur- L
Men's 25c and s"!c silk mufflers. day sale price
This sale price, Ql/ _ Women's muslin pettlcol
ea( .j, O /2C worth 75c. Saturday spe-
Men's red and blue handker- P " '' '' ',5,
chiefs another chance to get full „ omen s deep cmbrold<\
r„ t,o Saturday's sale 1 flounu<| , mercerized ,4q
5c value, haturuaj s sale, pettlcoatg wortl , $ , 00 <lach
eiu '" , j Women's long black coats, wort\
Men's police suspenders. Satur- $7.50. Saturday special ioj
day's special sale Q gaie prlco * «p<6. / 2
price Women's sample coats, formerly
Boys' suspenders. Saturday $12.98 to $16.98. Saturday's!
special, pair special sale d»C Af|l
Women's blouse waists, worth price 1
50c, high neck, stripes and plain. Women's and suits, .
Saturday sale OA » worth sl6 to $lB. nf! I
price B&tv day «PO. / O I
Store Open Tilt 9 O'clock—Saturday Till 11 O'clock I
CMITU'Q 412 Market St. I
oril in a Harrisbirg I
near Dlllsburg the other dav. Tho
cigars were presented to Harrj \
Walters, of Relly street, by Willia'n II
Color, of Marysville. It is said l h.>
cigars were hidden in the house b a
clgarmaker who feared the cigrs
would be stolen. When he died tl»y
were forgotten.
„ Child labor day will be observed i
5 he churches of the city on Sunday
gnuary 25. A request has been mad.
; j> the national child labor commit
t<\ to the local pastors to preach ser
' "ins against the exploitation of chil
-1 flr h in mills and factories.