Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    f *4tJsaufman&_/ .
x Clean Sweep Sd/e | w
A Clean Sweep of All Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats |%
If W Pr,ccs Have Been C ul A /l> 1 /3, V 2, Off Former Low Prices |fp|
ItejA fr Men's $7.50 Value Overcoats at $4.50 Me "^e n4 ) $lO Value Suits row* $4.75 Jfeiil, -
li ill II llll\ I _ n , Ijl'wM I 1 Ill\ ■
111111 l Derby H " jT * va ' ues - ".2"™.": WINTER SUITS S* $7.75 4fjf|§p .
ens 10 Vabe Overcoats at $6.50 $16.5) Value Suits 71* $9.75 Jjjp
ON SALE AT /(( HI Men's It'll O* 7®* S2O value Hand Tai ored Suits 7l* $12,001 One hundred II
VI T- A\ nZlll B ' r Chinchl,la °vercoats at $8.75 and fifty new
B*3o !// U These coats are $15.00 values. L. and M. SYSTEM vIOIIICS will be sold at «Pi4.DU Suits for
?A £ NTs Co J duoy ... 89c \ I IBS Men's OVERCOATS at sl2 Young Men's Suits fcSS&SSS2.49 extra' /ton t
69c ,11 Men's Black Kercey Overcoats Mm. 12«, >22JO, «nj »25 " lnc '' u " I S2 °
II 11| I Overcoats ' s ;,„„ ,i $14.501 sl2s#
Young Winter 4*o CA I i
' i Remarkable Reductions in Boys' Winter Suits and
jrray fxforcl «>f nil wool material; I II M
feavy eassimere coats for suits j I
Boys* Polo Overcoats, | Boys' Long Overcoats,! Boys' Norfolk d*o /I AI Boys' Winter Caps,l A I
SUes " to 4a " Eg |H $3.00 Val- d»1 JA Values to dJO QC Suits at .. . 39c Values, at. I*>C MTfOBI ijp^
li.i, Utow Winter <r or* r 'lO IBfll ues, at .... «pi»*JJ $4.00, at . . «p£.%JO Two hundred fine eassimere suits! Pnll down inside fur band, all sixes V i|t 'el I
KfFRI JZ.95 II T,KW overcoats are made of heavy Overcoat* for boys 'fl to 10 years, **® " yCaP "' h"**"™ l * thte **• If M [*^4
Whese coats are made with large E IHIL cheviot, Polo style, button to tho neck, «l«* with convertible collar, full "" BoyS $7.50 Values, all f J 'lll
k»rm collars and retail at S« else- 11JH |U IV sizes 2Hito 10 years. length, the material of good cheviots. 11/ 1 r'U: U:ll» An M A \\'Wli\ fi lift
' m W Boys' Long Overcoats, Wool, Chinchilla fIJO JQ II W \ IMI
Men * $2.50 Value d»i F] Boy.' Knit Toque. C Boy.' Bloomer yj Value, to JO 4Q fJZ ff%
D a WTC i L .—L. at *#V> 1 antS at .... A • 3>/.50. at • • tjrV* bargains ever offered. They are lined m H (Bf'/■ 1 vSUmW^
t rAWI3 at J J M •••••••••• 7 I with all wool material. They have
I C- 00 tn A A l "/on fancv knit toones for These (Mints are 390 value. They One hundred flue long overcoats shawl and convertible collars. They W^vy!/ 1
bizes JZ to W I \» luk .. u v , l •> Sizes .0 17 years, made with have the new style belt bands. fiWUL
' F sl " a " * ><> y"- Values In this lot to 2ftc. >tlv small. w \ ( . (> || ar a „d belt. morrow at $3.49.
The Biggest Price Reduction Ever Made in MEN'S FURNISHINGS
I m^v}!v;;k k ": ®
One lot of mens merceri# 1, "'i.T 11 , 3 , ' K '.' size _ white One lot of men s percale dress Men's nne percale dress All of our best dress shirts, TOR /"C 1&0 men's blue clinmbray
neck mufflers, 25c value, ijfl hemstitched handkerchiefs. Be coat shirts, all sizes, value up shirts, SI.OO value, all sizes. value up to $1.25. Clean Sweep Men's blue flannel shirts, all working shirts with collar, alt
price r c . hale price J'/ a c to . sc. ( lean Sweep price, 33c Clean Sweep price 5Rc price 79c sizes, SI.OO value. Sale price, 79c sizes, 50c value. Sale price, 29c
■>. f > -J ———— «■ *
Ml :\'S AN l» J« »YS' 250 lQ c MKXS H<>SK 10C QVnC M 9VoC MKX'S HOSK, 15c 1-1 MEN'S ANT) BOYS' 15c C [MEN'S AND BOYS' GLOVKS.I MrM'C BATH Als.Tr»^
XKt'kWl'.AU I'OH ...J . 1 <>R '*• n,w. P K ', 'r , VALUti, FOR 11C SUSPKNDERS FOR ... «3C 25c VALUE, 1A„ MEN S BATH AND
on. lot ot men-! M.dJlw S.i »'«»» '»• ™J|°r Men. nn. h.ll ho.o. In all UK tot of men', and boy.' oSf lit' ii' m»''. mi bJyf LOUNGING ROBIS-
.^to^r"."" , :. 10c JUST ONE-half. |
eocl "°°" n 39c" HsFiirsjHiHEl
Clean Sweep pilJ 11 1 Sweep price JJC value. Clean Sweep price, price ~**OC j jr i ce .DDC $5.00 ROBES AT .. JpSJ.oO I
K+i ' SPECIAL! | ( SPECIAL ! % \
! I Men's red and blue handker- 1 Men ' s and b °y s ' heav y wcb P olicc a" d <"e- H
| I value. Sale price, each lC ~ | 4W|
.• 3? ■ ——l———^WflOßWaMamam
A. J. Drexel Bi<?e, Club
Man, Teetotaler
Sfraol to TT'l""*''
Philadelphia. Jr/ 2 — A - Drexe >
Fid,lK clubman. / ,ate M r b <>* er n,,d
7 , Iv. A fxfl Piddle Bible
founder of tn* /
riawes. b«an t/ Np *' le!,r by 1,,> -
tnmlnK a toetotf- Havinu arrivPfl
at th« a nian - pven
hou(tht 80ciaiiMf o " I,nent - ,iad bet,er
,eave liquor alo/ Mr - Kathered I
1 OUT ONLY RIPE ORANGES!" Officer Crumbine ■
■|^Hr << Eat oranges —eat them all the time, as many as you "I believe in youth-protracting and beauty-making'
can. They willsave you many a doctor's bill," said Dr. power of oranges," wrote Lina Cavalieri, famed singer.
Wiley, the world's leading authority on pure food. 'lf I could have but one fruit, it would be oranges. '
not oranges that have been picked green," re- Famous athletes use grapefruit juice freely when in
marked Dr. S.J. Crumbine, of the Kansas State Board training. It is almost as strengthening as it is dell
of Health. "The flavor,is poor and the pulp fibre soon cious—and its "tonic properties aid the appetite and
becomes woody and dry." improve digestion.
■ How to GetTree-Ripened, Sweet, I
■ Florida Oranges and Gr ■
The juice of ripe oranges and grape- The Florida Citrus Exchange—a co- No child labor is employed in the pack
/ fruit C ool the blood in the winter sea- operative body of growers formed to ing houses of the Exchange. Every
/ son when heavy foods overheat it and advance their interests by protecting worker v.-ears white gloves and no
/ ma t e the system sluggish. Only consumers against unripe, inferior hand touches the fruit. You can get
I tree-ripened oranges and grapefruit oranges and grapefruit—sends to the Exchange fruit sure to be good, for
/ should be used—they are filled markets only tree-ripened fruits, little if any more than you pay for
/ with sweet, delicious juice. Every The red mark of the Exchange inferior or mayl* good" fruit. Mm
/ family should use them freely, guarantees ripe, juicy, spicy fruit. Your grocer ceu supply you.
/ If you have any trouble in finding a dealer who will supply yoa, plaice write to
/ ./ W. H. Moody, 207 Trustee Bldg. y Harrlsburg, Pa
DISTRICT MANAGER, Florida Cltrum Exchange .
I his costly stock of sherries, madeiras,
i Uurgundles. champagne, I'ognars and
whiskies into a huge basket and threw
them away. The value of the con
tents of (he wine cellar at the Riddle
home, 2104 Walnut street. probably
ran into thousands of dollars.
Mr Diddle told of his resolution to
do away with his wine cellar at a meet
ing of his Bible class a few days ago
in Holy Trinity Church. He said he
had finally decided that a man is bet
ter off if he leaves liquor alone. Ho
I added that, he had no criticism to
make of men who do drink moder
The news of Mr. Riddle's decision
wlii be a shock to members of the
sporting fraternity, who have attended
1 the famous boxing matinees at. his
residence. On those occasions a table
in the dinlngroom would contain beer,
P'Mr 1 wine, whisky and other liquid
refreshment. Those gatherings
brought down a great deal of criticism
i upon Mr. Biddle from ministers, who
i wrote him stinging letters in which
they freely expressed their opinion of
i a Bible class leader who entertained
i In that fashion.
To-daj. to-morrow, matinee nnd night,
Edison's Talking Pictures. Friday.
Featuring John McGraw.
Monday, January B, matinee and night,
"The Old Homestead."
Tuesday, January 6, matinee and night, I
Burlesque, "The High Rollers."
Wednesday, January 7, matinee and
night, "Damaged Goods."
Thursday, January 8. Annie Russell, in
the old English comedy, "She Stoops
to Conquer.
Saturday, January 10, matinee and
night, "Within the Law."
Kdlson's Talking Pictures will be the
attraction at the Majestic Theater, to
day and to-morrow, afternoon and
. It is another of the marvels eminat
ing from the brain of the wizard of
]Manlo Park—Thomas A. Edison. He
makes tlie motion pictures talk, each
one with Its own tone, which apparent
ly is produced from the actor's mouth
as the words a.r spoken. The splendid
prog rain which will be given here by
the TaJking Pictures, comprises all new
subject. Including comedy, drama, vau-
Idevllle, opera, and four special big fea-
I tures. The delightful Comic Opera,
j Olivette in two acts, John J. McGraw,
' the captain of the New York Giants in
a baseball comedy, in two parts, "The
Deaf Mutes," a drama of Love and War,
by Rupert Hughes, author of "Excuse
Me," etc.; "Caught In the Act," a farce
comedy—Seymour, Dempsey, and Sey
mour, America's leading vaudevllla ar
tists in their latest singing, dancing
and comedy skit in two parts. The Mu
sical Sextette rendering all the latest
musical compositions and a dozen oth
er up-to-date Edison Talking Novel
"The Old Homestead," ever old and
ever new, is the attraction at the Ma-.
Jestic Theater, Monday, January B. mat
inee and night, and with It the ever
popular Uncle Josh, whose Joys and sor
rows, failures and success, so invari
ably interest an audience and arouse Its
sympathies. Joshua Whitcomb is the
New England farmer to the life, and
seeing him portrayed one loses sight
altogether of the Idea that It is a dra
matic counterfeit rather than the gen
uine Yankee, who apparently steps from
the hayfleld to the barnyard of the
Whitcomb homestead nestling amid the
New Hampshire hills.—Advertisements.
When "Damaged Goods" is presented I
in Harrlsburg at the Ma.lest|c Theater,
on Wednesday, January 7. matinee and
night, it will create a sensation per
haps among curiosity m-ekurs. but a
most profound Impression of truth
among all serious-minded citizens, for
the play Is a tremendous preachment In
behalf of th» movement for a health
certificate with every marriage license.
The story concerns a young man who,
In spite of his nhvslcsl unfitness, mar
ries ar. Innocent girl. The consequences
of his crime are shown In the visi
tation of a terrible blight upon their
child. With a great bllndlnrr flash of
truth, the play reveals the hideous pos
sibilltv of evil to the Innocent as well
as to the guilty, to pure women and lit
tle children yet unborn.—Advertise
i . i
JANUARY 2,1914.
Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears, Stuffed
Head, Heals Inflamed Air Passages
and You Breathe Freely.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway, just to
try It—Apply a little In the nostrils and
Instantly your clogged nose and frtop
ped-up air passages of the head will
open; you will breathe freely; dullness
and headache disappear. By morning!
the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal
sore throat-will be gene.
End such misery now! Get the
small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at
any drug store. This sweet, fragrant
gCbfe Let me send you FREE PERFUME
Write today for • testing bottle of
vjfflg Wr I The world's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet
uDUcSW T IMnr Jf the ,lvln <? blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath.
aiMSal \ / A9t I Fine after shaving. All the value is in the pcrfume-you-don't
BBflB?™! \r Ml S pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality is wonderful The
liMr iLSIj v s/FwkzL price only 75c. (6 oz ) Send 4c. for the Uttle bottle--«nouflh
H*r 7 lor 50 handkerchiefs. Write today.
\ 0 j/miW PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M.
Half Price Sale on all
329 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
balm dissolves by the heat of the no»-<
trlls; penetrates arid heals the ln-<
(iamed, swollen membrane which
lines the nose, head and throat; clears
the air passages; stops nasty dls-?
charges and a feeling of cleansing*
soothing relief comes immediately.
Don't lay awake to-night struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running nose, foul
nucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness is distressing but truly;
Put your faith —Just once—ln "Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or ca
tarrh will surely disapDear.—Adv.