4 WOMEN S Extra Special > fVclflWcaf w 0 #% Women's Silk Hose J. Q r 3H"-fr haufmcuis Semi-Clnnual ' 1 Tr."^- Going for lUC ... rjj Iffiigga < ' jF thread silk hose, full fashion. Women's Fancy Neckwear. .•'* Sillilp ji £ ~~\ a I Made in black or colors. Silk gar- Value up to 50c. 1Q . HilH ' I l/)/lfl Md~) 3 ter top. Slightly imperfect, n® Fancy Neckwear. Lsi&CIUS J s *" " P " !!' s°- 5 °- Value up to SI.OO. OA. , I .u#f Clean Sweep JO Going for m%/C >.*»»>.—-i...„., r — T »«»«»iun l> i Tr Price....;. * **," * n * /I Store-Wide Clearing Out of All Merchandise at Enormous Reductions To-morrow the Big Day-Store Opens P. IW. I •"•"'• ••••••••••••••• •-» ••••••••••• •• •■ • *"""—■—■—— i Six B/g Specials For Saturday Broom [ Women's & Misses' s•■ .95 GIRLS' All WOOL $1 .95 ;; por Sat„£i&XttZft&X. !i I piece Serge Dresses I— WINTER COATS I— * '" ches ' on s- Former price $35.00. mer P nce $37.50. A — Worth .0 $3.50, for* *= = (Bring This With You) :: $15.00 °T I « Choice of Black or Blue, and all Size. «•>'«r„ a.i.K.i.ilta, Sl s I One size 36 brown marmot coat 48 • ° ne , slze " black pony sk.n coat 48 * to 14 J ears. I : n/ .k.0 cu:-.. . • ' inches long, brocaded satin lined. For ! I 5 Hours of Broom Selling Saturday ! inches long, Skinner satin lined. For- nrir _ %-c n n a/\ Women's & Misses' $0 95 HA " DSO " E $0.79 f p 8M , him : ckarSweepTice... $25.00 ctaSwM P w « - $25.00 : RAIN fOATS Marabou MUiiS / : JL nOHI 0.30 to 11 A. 18. : ° ne size 36 Hudson seal coat, One size 34 black pony skin coat, 42 t . La WnrtK f« «4«;ri : JH. : 48 inches long Skinner satin lined, mches long, Skinner satin lined. For- I Worth to $5.00, for -> *»' ortn l ® V'f U » , r A 4 1A A a i4A n m Former price $75.00. &OE? AA mer price $45.00. /\f| * Choice of Black or Navy, and all sizes ' OO J 6 ' " Natural. ° Ce ° f B,atk ° r ;; AfiU 2*oo tO 4*30 P. IW. ;; Clean Sweep Price... $25*00 Clean Sweep Price... «P 1 & a V/vl j One size 16 black pony skin coat, 48 One size 34 black pony skin coat, 48 I«r jo a/1* » oa HANDSOME * 4 ap fflillSslili 40c large size fine string *| It inches long, Skinner satin lined. For-1 inches long, brocaded satin lined. For- t I I Women S & Misses %•! M9*fl , c p*p | .Sjj ; FIIMIBII brooms for, each lUC ! mer price $45.00. r||% mer price $50.00. &OA AA \ WINTFR COATS / Marabou OCariS I f| MKmU Clean Sweep Price... 3> 1 p.UU Clean Sweep Price... 3>ZU.UU I__. . en. e w Worth to S"? SO for A MI I 1 ™llM Sold only to customers buying $1 . ® ne s ' ze ac k pony skin coat, 48 One size 36 black pony skin coat, 48 Worth to $4.50, for # Jjl llf I f , - . ~ inches long, Skinner's satin lined. For- inches long, brocaded satin lined For- Choice of Black or Navy, and all sizes 5 Btrand * Ch ° lce ; ill II S ill m « rchand^e or ° v er. Only m er price $37.50. AA mer price $55.00. '*OG'AA ■aaa .a a . ■■■■■. r . one to a customer. None to children. Clean Sweep Price... «P1 JtUU Clean Sweep Price (P^DtUU WW^^WWWA^A^WWW\iVdW«WAVaVA^WWWW^VdW«V/W I rt%W.VWVW. VJVW^. A"^.yj^n. , VV , .VJIV,VVV'. T ,\-yvv-ji.v,v%v. 000 • • | A Clean Sweep of Our Entire Stock of \ ;j A Clean Sweep of Our Entire atock of 1 1 A clean sweep J | Women's & Misses' Coat Suits j | Women's & Misses' Winter Coats H \Women's & Misses'(ft PA A Women's & Misses' J Women's & Misses' (ftHCn Women's & Misses' (ftPAA Sllin S \ Coat Suits akal—- Coat Suits IA J \Winter Coats Jb/_ Winter Coats t ! orth i $lO to sl2 Values, For. $lB to $22.50 Values, For. V " \ > $lO to $12.50 Values, For V ■ $8 to $9.50 Values, For. W*" F * F* F* iTff nr J s Assorted colors, but not all sizes Newest models, assorted colors 'i ?! styles, all colors and all sizes. Astrakhan coats, Mixture coats and chin- ? tXtra rine rFench Ts ,j < i ii • wwio j a chilla Coats. Assorted colors and sizes. £ f CI * UK It " C jof each color. and all J J J;! toney 3Kin Muffs .1= \ I «;»«•■ Mr j j ?r™wi"cTu Si 5 w $9-1 1 r\¥ a * s « «I i m £S,%£.JH- i., 1 «kiSL?" i a i. i i i ii A bier ranee of stvles all J 5 Salt s ural Lamb or Astrakhan sl .. ps Si a kvcs ■ - ? ( Assorted colors and all sizes. , U1 an sizes f J _ _ . . . s^ B - i £ Worth TTn tr> sn * >. 5 ______ and all colors. ? ? Coats. All sizes and newest styles. __—_ Jj, otnup to q>a.ou, t^or.. ? Women's & Misses' $ A Aft I F37Z Ci, g Zlj T Women ' s & Misses ' 10 7T TT T# ? | Coat Suits MfHH txfrs SIZ6 Suits and C Persianna Coats AI J i I*' 1- * !' 1 ,n ® fl?. 30 ' 1 $Q.75 5 J sls to $lB Values, For .For Extra Large Women, Sizes 37 to 53 $10.50 to $lB Values, For Y*" \ i toney a™ Neck p leces | A " in . o . l . udetll At clean s weep Prices __ sY,L to Si« 0 0 Vbm „ r \ I WT A Clean Sweep of All Silk, Cloth and Eve tfa/fl I f VVVA "- v ———— ——a———a ! A Clean Sweep Sale of All \ A CLEAN SWEEP OF j : A Clean Sweep Sale of All Women's, | Women's Silk & Cotton iPetticoats ! MILLINERY I G/r/s' Winter Coats | ! Men's and Children's Sweaters j Go in ihe Clean Sweep Sale | "j Girls' Winter Coats, 2.0y c '-« s -"p Pri « ° yc upwaso - C,M " p "« - 06c UIIiriHIIIICU liaia w 5 Assorted colors ami sizes 2to 14 vears. C \ 100 women and men s heavy shaker knit coat } Women's fast black petticoats with silk messaline Worth Up to $3.00, For J 1 S 1. sweaters in garnet red. $2.50 (f»| OQ f ruffle, in all colors, all lengths, a | Assorted Styles and Colors. S |jlf*|g Vy inter OoSltS OA > { value. Clean Sweep Price q/1 •J«/ I SI.OO value. Clean Sweep Price .TtOC Untnmmed Hsfs QC/% j $5.00 to $6.50 values for 5 ? ne ot of women sand men s wool coat sweaters in j I Women's handsome messaline and Jersey silk petti- || Tt a _ T,__ IWC S ABBWted c «»«« and sizes 2u» 14 years. 5 all col ° rs '. Pl f! n fancy weaves, value -| 7 Q coats in every shade> cut mde ruffl Worth Up to $4.00, For o. . , _ A f tup to $3.00. Clean Sweep Price 1«# V \ Clean Sweep Price &£.bi) Assorted Styles and colors. SCllHs Winter CoatS, QO ! One lot of boys' and girls' wool coat sweaters, value J , u Trimmed Hats h 7S< >t.s9.oovaiue.fo, . . X e "hade a ,lTTui l X B P r°um J e! rßeys,^ et % 0^ Worth Up to $4 00 For * i Girl*' Winter P„oto d>/» OA i Clean Sweep Price... , $4.00 value. Clean Sweep Price $2.69 Assorted styles and Coio'rs. j Winter LoatS, Sifi XQ f One lot of womens and men s fine wool coat sweat- LT_ : .... ... .. ? y • lij . (!>» aa "i *9-50 to $12.50 Values for Y>/ • V-/ i/ } 1 rs ,high or low necks, value up [Ja I 111 ill HI OUIS3 TS * J»"" J Assorted colors and sizes 6to 14 years. ?t to $4.00. Clean Sweep Price * " " ■■ " ' Worth Up to $5.00, For " fllvlc 9 /l ¥ A rmr ! Assorted Styles and Colors. fI f 3 ll^l 1^331^3 worl T up b tl e 7^For BCieS lOc ) 25°0 Wemen's Bioiises Go in the | A Clean Sweep Sale of Women's j in fh Sweep Sal. A XLI f P • AM 1 OWSCP uaie at a sacrifice 1 I 'lf V - _ One lot of girls' washable dresses, all sizes 6to 14, - So«h Uo hi 25 For CICS 2Sc Sa| e Rloor Rear S #llo Z WOrtn Up tO «pI.Z3, ror. ... I 200 women's percales and madras, high necks, all qq I " _ _ ' . nf FlniA7AV*a OC 1 « value. Chan Suop puce TJF *350 gi r l s ' washable dresses, made of percale, ging- Une 1 able ot r lowers /5r w vXS" c\z . 69c iv ItTlOtlOS ham and e alatea cioth > and trimmed; an Worth Up to $1.50, For... . l, . i v j I sizes 6to 14; values up to Qf\ I i ■■ ■ ■ «"«t inadraa me Hlgh W and 0 10w o ne^s. in^alue f up oto 0 to *i < B0 PeS ' 'oa B '' i Women's full length crepe kimonos, all colors, all $1.50. Clean Sweep Price.u Ot/ O % Clean Sweep price 8»C sizes; SI.OO value.' Q » FWOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES. nf\ ~l 1 2V° Z onu : n 'l ,n week .U.d shadow lace, crepe 1 Clean Sweep Price /jC One lot of girls'handsome wash dresses, in all colors Valuea Up to $1.50 for . . 79C f $1.79. — .... and sues from 6to 14, that are worth up q. -|; | Women's House Dresses, made of Ging- I SM e ,.|„ o „ „ a>h I;; length flowered crepe and flannelette .. to $3.50. Clean Sweep Price 91 .0» | ham and Percales, Mendels Bro. makes, in ■ n-ssaiine siiKs, crepes ami votie and lingerie cloth, ah jt kimonos, all colors, all sizes, values QCp One lot of eirls'wool serte dresses in black parnet all sizes and colors- values uo to ba C *" "" ' ' w '°°- c "' an Swoep t7 fiQ I nP U to s l - sc - Clean Sweep Price t/DC lot ot .B ,rl ® w °° ! Ber « e Jesses in black, garnet •7en 1 ~ olors ' ®"P 1 7Qr 1 Jp/.oyy and brown, sizes Bto 14 years old; values d»0 Afi t ,^ll—Women's full length crepe and flannelette kimonos, up to $5.00. Clean Sweep Price ■> | silk ribbon trimmed, values up to d* f d\ ]' -■——— ■ F H l—g g^Fy^r=! P^Fg WOMEN'S CORSETS, AC„ ; $2.50, Clean Sweep Sale $ 1 .017 paeamMMgaayi 1 m mum ■ ipi ■ I ITlf mlWirmT' V Women ' s new « ha Pe« winter style cor- ♦ Women's fuU len § th J a P anesf silk kimonos.all sizes, I P \ $2.95- I Jiff < n.m* ynWf HIM! FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 2, 1914.