Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Sunday School Lesson Sets This
Forth in Graphic, Rather
Tragic Manner
The International Sunday School Trea
son FOP January 4 IN "Jesus and
the Children." Mark. 9:30-41;
(By William T. Kllis)
"What terrible loneliness.'" cried
Carlyle, after meeting Queen Vic
toria. A recent student of President
Wilson's character and work made
the same observation. The truth is
as old as the existence of ureal men
in great place: Kipling presents it
vividly in the poem of "Diego Val
dez. Lord High Admiral of Spain."
Our present Sunday School lesson,
the first in the year's series of the
Life of Christ, sets It forth graphi
cally and rather tragically.
Every observant person must have
been struck by the spectacle of a
great president, engrossed with vast
concerns of patriotism In a. critical
era, havihg to give his time and
thought to Ailing a multitude of
small offices, nnd being torn by the
chorus of contending aspirants.
Psuedo-great men. In like case, have
spurned the hungry horde, with
maledictions upon their smailness
and sordldnes.
Not so the greatest. To be pa
tient with petty people, to acquire
their viewpoint, to accept them as
they are, and gradually to help thorn
to become what they ought to be—
that is the Jesus way, as set forth in
this lesson. It is the program of the
true greatness, which Is forever tinged
with the compassionate f.-ither spirit.
When You Are Not Understood
Strong men do not often pour out
their souls, in search of sympathy.
To share the burden of one's spirit
with a sympathetic friend is. at
some time or other, the of
everybody. And that is one office of
friendship. So Jesus, after the trans
'lguratlon, opened the floodgates of
His innermost being to the little
group closest to Him. They were his
dearest friends. His intimates. Who
would deny Him this boon of friend
ship. the confessional of comrade
ship? Therefore He unveiled to
them the vision that was ever before
His own eyes, of Gethsemane, the
judgment hall. Golgotha and the
tomb. This was Ills passion, the su
preme and engrossing concern of
His life. He must share it with His
friends, for His own sake and for
theirs. The very deeps of that great
soul were opened up to the vision
of the twelve.
Rut they did not understand! This
was. indeed, treading the wine
press alone. In extremest degree,
then was repeated the experience of
all great spirits, when they speak on
one plane and are interpreted on an
other; when the finest that Is in
them Is received In the coarsest
fashion. Nothing Is commoner than
this experience of being mimsunder
stood. There Is no need to consider
one's self a martyr because of it.
Jesus, like all who have followed In
His train, plumbed the depths of
this ordeal.
Observe well how He behaved.
The overwhelming burden on His
soul, and the unappreclativeness of
His friends, did not embitter Jesus,
nor blind Him to the life about Him.
Our sorrows and our Joys may not be
permitted to eclipse our neighbor's
needs. Nothing can be an excuse for
forgetting other people. They are
not to be ignored, and they are to
be taken as they are.
Thr Squabbling Saints
If in all Capernaum that day
there was any really good society,
any spiritual perception, any Christ-
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A Poor Marksman
Is just as likely to hit the object he
iiims at as a person who goes to tho
•$5.00 for 11.00," or the eyes "examin
ed free" optician to properly fit
ted glasses. You cannot afford to take
chances with your eyes. I Rive you the
benefit of my 20 years' practical ex
perience and the best Quality of optical
service and goods for a moderate price.
Willi 11. ■ C. ClaMter. 3W: Market SI.
j likeness, we surely would expect to
, And it among the Twelve. Their
leaders were still under the spell of
the transfiguration. AH of them had
heard the agonized self-revelation of
their Leader, as lie had talked of His
approaching death and resurrection.
He turned to them for sympathy—
and found them squabbling over
their relative greatness! There are
few scenes in the New Testament
j more tragic than this.
! Analogies crowd upon our recol-
J lection. There was the unseemly
| strife In Washington, a few days
ago, among the temperance rorces as
to which should have the honor of
presenting a petition to Congress.
Then there are those ghastly paro
dies on the undershepherds of Christ,
the ecclesiastical politicians, con
suming the time of the church's as
semblies with their own petty
schemes and ambitions, while the
kingdom waits. There Is the wide
spread ambition for place In the
Church of Christ, repeating in mod
ern guise this ordeal of the Redeem
er. All that episode at Capernaum
and every Incident like It In our
own day—are traversities upon and
denials of the Gospel of Christ.
This is the supreme heresy of our
day. None of the doctrinal errors
with whloh the ancient church
councils dealt Is comparable to It A
layman or a minister of a church,
setting itself up to have the pre-emi
nence-—what else is this than the
repudiation of the life and words of
Jesus? No schism caused by belief
or disbelief is half so hurtful to the
kingdom. Thus to deny the sover
eignity of the Lord Jesus over our
own spirits is worse than to deny
Fits divinity. Those contentions, am
bitious, self-seeking, Christ-forget
ting disciples were the first expo
nents of 'religion's greatest heresy.
Getting a Grip on Greatness
To own an automobile and even
ing clothes; to know whether the
entree comes before the salad in a
course dinner; to see one's name
often in print; and to be able to
move without embarrassment in the
circles of the sophisticated—this is
not greatness, although It Is the
commonest substitute therefor. To
be "in the swim," to be wordly
wise and broken to social usages, to
be acclaimed a "somebody," and to
sit In the front seats, are the com
mon privileges of not a few fools
and knaves, as well ss of many
worthy persons.
Over against this common miscon
ception of greatness, let it be writ
ten clearly that the truly great
qualities are the simple ones. This
Is hard for soma persons to grasp.
Rut. consider for a minute the ut
terances of such men as Wilson,
Roosevelt, Lloyd Qeorge and Abra
ham Lincoln—are these the abstruse
and complex sophistries of cunning,
worldly-wise men? On the con
trary, all these show their greatness
by daring to stand for the funda
mental simplicities. Jesus stressed
these same virtues, flis gospel is so
plain that, a child may grap it. He
put a child into the midst of His
angry and ambitious followers, and
held up the child qualities, and the
idea of service, as the most desirable
In life.
A Prescription For Success
Nothing is more needed In a
democracy than these same Ideals of
Jesus. His counsel is fundamental:
"If any man would be first, he shall
be ••••**• servant to all." There
we have the soundest advice upon
"sucess" ever given. That teaching
works. In fact, like all the other
truths He sets forth, Jesus embodies
this In His own life before He put it
Into words. He proved it.
That door Is open to everybody.
There is literally nobody who can
not serve. We may "lift lame dogs
over stiles"—and get after those
who lame them. We may remove
banana peels from the sidewalk, and
help keep folks from throwing them
there. There are always the hungry
of body and spirit to be fed. I know
a man who always gives an extra
penny to the newsboy, and another
who is careful to write letters of
condolence. For a person with a pas
sion for service every day is full of
glorious opportunities. Never mind
about recognition; that was the mi
crobe that troubled the twelve. Just
to be helpful is to walk the wav
charted by Jesus, and hallowed by
His own footsteps.
Do we seriously mean that Jesus
here laid down a "program for life?
Nothing less than that. He counsels
His friends to be "the servants of
all." But surely He does not mean that
we are to serve the proud, the unde
serving. and the unappreciative?
"God fs kind to the evil and the un
thankful." What people think and
say does not affect the truth which
Jesus has indicated, that all who
follow Him should serve and serve
and serve—and die to serve, if op
portunity offers.
Too Much Powder and Paint
One who travels extensively notes
that there seems to be altogether
too much powder and paint used on
women's faces; too much dining at
restaurants and too little hospitality
in homes; too much attention to
clothes and too little to raising
children; too much "smartness" and
"up-to-dateness," and too little re
gard for the old-fashioned conven
tions, such as the sanctity of the Ten
Commandments, for instance. In a
word, there Is too little of the child
heart munlfest among men and wom
Even In our garish and glittering
times we perceive that the simple
hearted, unsophisticated, home-keep
ing folk are the best ones to live
with. Even uttermost worldliness
cannot help paying this tribute to
the child heart, which Jesus set up
as the standard of His kingdom. For
it is not by cunning, and not by
worldly wisdom, but by child-like
ness that we Inherit what Jesus left
for His friends. Sincerity and sim
plicity, truth and teachableness, are
the kingdom qualities.
The Indignation of Hollnesn
Let nobody suppose that the sim
plicity and gentleness of the ideals
of Jesus mark Him as a weakling In
this lesson we find that the gentle
Jesus, whose patience seemed limit
less, and who could endure neglect
and even insults to Himself, flamed
forth and "was moved with indigna
tion" when He saw His stupid dis
ciples turning children away from
Him. Look out for the holy wrath of
a great, saint. Jesus opened the vials
of His intense feeling, and poured
them upon the heads of His blunder
ing friends.
Then it was that He declared in
deathless terms, the fundamental
law of His kingdom: "Suffer the Lit
tle Children to come unto Me; forbid
them notf for to such belongs the
kingdom of God. Verily J say unto
you. Whosoever shall not receive the
kingdom of God as a little child, he
shall In nowise enter therein. And
He took them in His arms, and blessed
tliem, laying His hands upon them "
That law still runs. The child's
kingdom is coming. We can hear it
still in the echo of the Christmas
bells. The pre-eminence of our
schools, and the multiplicity of laws
attuned to child welfare and the
marvelous growth of the Sunday-
School, all are indications of the
present fulfillment of the words of
Jesus. The parent and the Sunda.v
School teacher have a great and
noble part in working out this
Christ-Ideal. They are factors in the
kingdom of heaven and in the king
doms of earth for they are dealing
with the stuff of which states are
S*° re Opens Saturday Morning at 9 Store Opens Saturday Horning at 9
The Climax in Women's Coat Values at $lO
K An achievement in the garment trade of Harrisburg that must attract the attention of everv woman of the community, '<
► who is looking for a stylish coat at a modest price. '
;! We Have Never Had Such a Collection at $lO ?
► Embracing even* wanted material of the season, in every fashionable model, in all sizes, this is the premier coat offer •
; of the winter. Be sure to select your coat early to-morrow, while the assortment is at its best. r
Ji ' :
► #|ll 4.711 —which means your pick of any of the Suits that were .nil Vli <
' priced $25, S3O, $35 and up to $55. The latest models -
' Misses' and Women's Suits About One Hundred Suits Blue and Black Serge Suits <
► Spring Models of Fall Fabrics Were $16.50, $18.50, $20.00 Were $12.50 to $16.50 <
: $13.98 $11.98 $8.98 :
► REGULAR PRICES WOULD BE UP TO $30.00. The as- STVI.ISH AND WELL TAILORED SUITS of poplins, serge, SIZES FOR WOMEN AND MlSSES.—material is pure wool <
sortment includes matelasses, velours, boucles and nov- whipcord, mixtures, novelties. Clearaway price, $11.98, serge. Coats lined with guaranteed satin. Many are \
elties. Short coats and peg top Bkirts. Coats are lined to reduce stocks quickly. Be. prompt. First choice is plain tailored. Recently arrived models —all new and
► with Skinner's satin. always the best. 1 sniaii, and right in fashion. A
► T"—!^!"!"! ,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — 'T~ ——————_________ _—^
l fashionable FDRS f Overcoat Clearance .Jh
;| OF TRUSTWORTHY QUALITY Starts on Saturday (To-morrow, fTh '■
• I Attractive Values for Saturday | New Winter Overcoats That Were «« m
► I LEOPARD CONEY SETS—An i- I BELGIAN LYNX SETS—large I ™ lnicr VJVerCOaiS 1 fiat Were 0A P#| <
K mal scarf, large pillow muff, I scarf and pillow muff, satin g $9.90 and $12.50, RedllCed tO . . <
► I Ind $U 2 oo! $9,98 riif'vaiuo? tiio" $8.981 as early in the morning as you can. The best <
► I at. set v Bet | f* always goes first. You can judge for yourself /liWv\ <
► a PITCH OPOSSUM SETS —don- j IMITATION BLUE vvoiaF SETS | that, this sale will be extraordinary—because the f/ll|2| | •*
► | ! >le anin jal scarf and largo pil- —large scarf and pillow muff. |§ COats are Jill NEW. W(' liaVC all 110W gOO(ls eacll SCaSOII. >BB^MUll\\dl 11A
► 5 $22.50 sr rs,. $4,981 CHINCHILLAS KERSEYS
„ I s3o, at.set, urdayat .... cassimeres cheviots '
► SETS double neck j NATURAL CAT LYNX SETS— H Flain and belted backs, shawl and convertible collars and notch collars, ''lUftiini<
► i ,ndJo,,Mcbre " lad Wmawmm 1 '
: I $22.50 $19.981 $15.00 and $1&50 Suits. Clear- *l4 «e MjyMill !
On Sale on the Second Floor, Bowman's. i ance . . .V I ygjjr l&l 1 11| |]/ $ A
t E )'. cr ' V suit in this sale ia an exceptional value. Clearance price gives ' ■ uMl'llf
p. t||(l Qltv to buy your suit, at a saving. You can wear it six * .© IH| I|n\ 1 \\\\\Hi ' *
► _ ,— — - - _ . - m . ' months from now on and it will be the proper weight. Be early on Sahir l(®) IB l\\\\\\\\«l i
► Several Hundred Pairs of Winter j&j" -™J or T o t n er and°yo e ll n the wanted " ,ld mw9t faßhionab,e Iflß
► Shoes Reduced 0,1 Sa '° ° n tho Bowman's. ,*■ i
: About 300 pahTof ti»t > 200 Boys' Overcoats at Reduced Prices :
„ were $1.50 and s2.oo—in gun metal, pat- j i $1.98 Overcoats, $1.25 <
, eut colt; tan Russian calf, vici kid. Prac- QOp $4.50 Overcoats, $3.25
, tically odds and ends from our stock but 7Uv *cno 4
k if your size is iu the lot you will get a j IpO.yo UvercoatS, $4.50 -^
great value here on Haturday at J lloxv season. Simply have more overcoats than we i
► w™n o Ti'« tafift flhr>M I Women'r «3 0O sw7 tl)iuk V ll be s s! d this season 011 account of the mild weather "
Popular Leathers vZullr Leathers Up , Ulltll "T* But there ' s of winter ahead for your boy <
► Popular Leathers Leatheis and a good overcoat will "see liini through in good shape.'" "
► . $2.90 j $1.90 Shawl collars > convertible coUars, beHed and piain haefcs.
► Misses' $2.50 Tan Women's $4.00 Stylish BoyS Winter Suits Reduced
► Jockey Boots Gaby
oo 5 ' PPPjI S * so Suits > • I $3.98 Suits, . $2.25 |
► J-j y Norfolk and double-breasted and single-breasted models
; Boys' moStorrn
I Calf Shoes Popular Leathers ges A
$1.95 $1.69 Boys' Fancy Cassimere Knee Pants, 6to 17 years; or '
► tpAtVa « regular price 50c. Saturday at OOC 1
L Women's 30c Rubbers. Special, 30c | Men's 4-Buckle Arctics at SI.OO JS4OO *- _ '_l_LL i
[ M "' s 85c E " bta " Arctic .. «1.00 . <_ on lh . e ,„ nd Bowmnu'i ,<
JANUARY 2, 1914.