Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Lecturers and Demonstrators Are
Entertaining Agriculturists
at State College
Special to The Telegraph
State College. Pa. Jan. 2.—Farmers
at Pennsylvania State College had a
big program yesterday. Demonstra
tions and lectures combined to in
struct the farmers' wives present on
the latest and best methods In putting
up a good, substantial meal. Miss
Anne C. Perry was one of the lectur
ers on this subject.
"The Control of Tuberculosis in tat
tle," by C. ,T. Marshall, State Vet
erinarian, was a subject which brought
many to his lecture In the afternoon.
"Co-operation Among Vegetable
Growers" was the subject of Paul
Work, of the department of vegetable
gardening at Cornell University.
"Lime" was taken up by O. E.
Thome, of the Ohio experiment sta
tion, and the use of concrete on the
farm and the many uses to which it
can be put was dwelt upon by G. F.
Eckhard, assistant professor of struc
tural engineering at State College.
"Land Drainage" received due at
tention at the hands of R. U. Blas
ingame, of the department of agron
omy at State College.
H. R. Lewis, of the New Jersey ex
perimental station, took for his sub
-lect "Feeding for Egg Production."
W. R. Gorham, of the State College
agricultural extension department,
spoke on "Crop Rotation."
Chester J. Tyson, of Floradale, Ad
ams county, a practical fruit grower
and an expert in Ills line, also spoke
to a large crowd on his pet subject of
"Building Up the Old Apple Orchard."
Tyson told how. in Adams county, ho
took his father's old orchard and cut
back the. almost good-for-nothing
trunks and how in a few years he
practically made a new orchard out of
an old one.
Flower culture al.so came in for
E. L. Wilde, instructor
In horticulture at State College, spoke
on "The Twentieth Century Chrys
anthemum and Its Culture."
"Insect Pests of Farm Crops" also
was a subject which was lectured on
by W. H. Darst, of tho State College
department of agronomy. Tho ordi
nary potato beetle or bug, as it is
usually called, as well as the apple
moth and pear blight, came in for dis
cussion with appropriate formulas be
ing given for eradication.
Hogestown Institute For
Farmers on January 10
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 2. On
Saturday, January 10, the farmers' in
stitute of Cumberland county will be
held at Hogestown, under the auspices
of the Pennsylvania Agricultural So
ciety, beginning at 9 o'clock In the
■ morning. An invitation is extended to
the public, particularly the farmers, to
be present. The program follows:
Presiding officer, the Rev. T. J. Fer
guson; devotional exercises, conducted
by the Rev. T. J. Ferguson; "Apple
Growing and Spraying," Sheldon W.
| Funk; question box; 'The Building of
the Dairy Herd for Prollt," D. 11.
r Watt's; question box; adjournment.
1.15 p. m. —Music; "Corn Culture,"
H. M. Anderson; question box; report
of committee on stock show, Vance C.
McCormlck; music; "Economic Feed
ing of the Herd," D. H. Watts; ques
tion box; music; adjournment.
7.30 p. m.—Music; recitation; "Some
Wonders in Nature," Sheldon W.
Funk; 'Farm Building and Blunders,"
D. H. Watts; adjournment.
fn five minutes! Time it! No
indigestion, gas, sourness,
"Really does" put bad stomachs in
order—"really does" overcome indi
gestion. dyspepsia, gas. heartburn anil
sourness in five minutes —that—just
that—makes Pape's Diapepsln the
largest selling stomach regulator in
the world. If what you eat ferments
into stubborn lumps, you belch gas
and eructato sour, undigested food
and acid; head is dizzy and aches;
breath foul; tongue coated; your in
Faekler's Semi-Annual Rug and
Carpet Sale Begins Willi
January 2,1914
This Is yoor opportunity to secure a rn R or carpet at Utile cost. We are going to make this sale the
largest ever held In this city. Remember Ajkittall's rugs go in this great sacrifice. they are without n
flonbt, the best rug manufactured in this;«Jb. The wool is from the Russian ami Chinese sheep, the
beat wool grown and.the arc all absoWcly the best obtainable. We also are putting in this sale other
makes of rugs and at prices that wlll«hio\e them all quii-kiy. Make your selection earlv, while the stock is
large. We must make room for our incoming Spring „ t ock. Although these are all discontinued patterns
, tliey are all good and wear as well as the new patterns. Take advantage of this splendid offer at once. A
few prices we quote:
- " Whittall Rugs Carpets
Anglo Persian, 9x12 rug $60.00, this sale $17.25 , A . _
Anglo Persian, 8-3xlo-6 rug *53.76, this sale. $43.00 Wilton carpets 51.60 per yard, this sale $1.25
Anglo Persian, 6-9x12 rug $50.76, this sale. ..$40.50 Velvet carpets $1.35 per yard, this sale sl.lO
Anglo Persian, 9x9 rug $48.75, this sale, ....$30.00
Anglo Persian, 6x9 rug $36.50, this sale $20.25 Axminister carpets $1.60 per yard, this sale, ..$1.16
Anglo Persian, 36x63 rug <9-50, this sale $7.00 Body brussel carpets $1.50 per yard, this sale, $1.30
Anglo Persian, 27x54 rug $6.25, this sale $4.00
Royal Worcester, 9-3xlo-6 rug $41.25, this sale, $33.00 Tapestry brussel carpet sl.lO per yard, this sale, »0c
Beat grade body brussel 9x12 rug, $32.75, this sale. Tapestry brussel carpet SI.OO per yard, this sale, 80c
Peerless body brussel 9x12 rug, $28.50 this sal^°' 25 Ta ? e " try bru "*» "fP* 85c * ard ' thls Bal °- 70c
$23.25 A * ew remnants that we will close out at 50c per
yard. These prices including laying, sewing and lln-
Wilton Brussel Co. Rugs "*•
Jtemnants of oil cloth printed llneoleums and in-
Royal Ke-shan 9x12 rug, $60.00, this sale, ..$45.00 . , )
Royal Wilton 9x12, rug, $38.50, this sale $30.00 lalds at prices which will move them quickly, space
We have a number of other make of rugs that we does not permit us to go ln details. Call and see the
arc closing out at a sacrifice, see these before you
buy. many bargains.
r> a i/- 1 CD t © THIRTEENTH AND
Burgesses of Towns in I
Central Pennsylvania |
Daniel A. Andre, the newly-elected
chief burgess of Ellzabethville, Pa.,
WHS born and reared In this section.
His father being a miller by trade,
young Andre assisted in the business
unt 11 he married Miss Kummel, of
1 Enterllne, when he became a resident
lof this place. He learned the buggy
;uid carriage building trade, under the
[tutorship of Aaron Swab, and has be
! come a partner In the business. He i
lives in Broad street and is an active)
member of the Reformed Church i
Being an enterprising citizen, and al- !
ways ready to assist in what Is best
I'or the community, he was chosen as
head of the municipal government of
this borough.
Old Man Seriously Injured
and Many Bruised in Bar-
Room Fight at Selinsgrove
Special to The Telegraph
Selinsgrove, Pa., Jan. 2.—One man
lies at tho point of death In a hotel
here and several others are seriously
cut and : " tlsed as the result of a bar
room 1 ■ yesterday afternoon, which
luter < . .nued in the street.
<5, Spald, an aged resident of
SelinugriM'e, entered a. hotel in com
pany with several friends. They had
barely reached Hie bar when Harvey
Wills, a farmer of Snyder county, on
some pretext started a light with tho
aged man, who, though he made an
eftort to defend himself, soon suc
cumbed under a rain of blows by beer
bottles and brass-knuckled fists wield
ed by Willis and his father-in-law,
George Kratzer and Kratzer's sons.
The brawl had been quieted down
and the victim removed when a grand
son of Spald's who, having been in
formed of tlie assault, endeavored to
avenge the wrong by trouncing the
perpetrators of the assault, only to be
cut and beaten by them. This further
incited the crowd and a bloody fight
occurred in the street.
Fireman Presented With
Chair For Winning Race
Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 2. George
Boynton has been presented with a
large easy chair by the Henderson
Hose Company, of which organization
he is a member. Mr. Boynton is the
yoillife man that drove the Henderson
auto truck on firemen's day, when this
company won the truck race.
sides filled with bile and indigestible
waste, remember the moment. Pape's
Diapepsln comes in contact witli the
stomach all distress vanishes. It's
truly astonishing—almost marvelous,
and the joy is its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsln will give you a hundred dol
lars' worth of satisfaction, or your
druggist hands you your money back.
It's worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs in your
home—should always be kept handy
In case of a sick, sour, upset stomach
during the day or at night. It's the
quickest, surest and most harmless
stomach doctor in the world.—Adver
Program For Farmers'
Institute, January 12-13
A farmers' institute will be held in
the Junior Hall at New Cumberland
I January 12-13. The program will be
aa follows:
Opening session, Monday afternoon,
January IS, 1.30 o'clock. Presiding
officer, tho Rev. T. J. Ferguson, D. D.
Open exercise; "Potato Culture," M. M.
Anderson: "Soil and Plant Nutrition,"
D. M. Watts; question box; adjourn
Monday eVening, January 12, 7.30
o'clock: Singing by men's chorus of
the United Brethren Church; "Modern
Peach Culture," Sheldon W. Funk;
"The Chick From Shell to Maturity,"
C. M. Barnltz, illustrated by lantern
slides: question box; adjournment.
Tuesday morning, January 13, 9
o'clock: "Starting a Young Apple Or
chard," Sheldon W. Funk; "Building
Up a Dairy Herd," D. M. Watts; ques
tion box; adjournment.
Tuesday afternoon, January 13, 1.30
o'clock: "Corn Culture," H. M. An
derson; "Economic Feeding of Herd,"
question box; adjournment.
Tuesday evening, January 13, 7.30
o'clock: Singing, Emerson Glee Club;
"Control of Soil Mixture," M. H. An
derson; "Common Diseases of Poul
try," C. M. Barnitz, illustrated by lan
tern slides; question box; adjourn
| ment.
"Everybody-at-Church-Day" will be
observed by the churches of Worm
leysburg on Sunday, January 4. Cards
have been distributed through the
town, and ample provisions made to
convey any to the services that are
physically unable to attend. Able
speakers, Interesting sermons and ad
dresses and special music will charac
terize every service.
The funeral of Mrs. Susan Bell, of
Marysville, who died on Tuesday aft
ernoon, will be held on Saturday after
noon, at 2 o'clock from her late resi
dence. The funeral wiU be in charge
of the Rev. R. Sherman, pastor of the
Keystone United Evangelical Church.
Burial will be made In the Keystone
Norman Nichman, who is employed
at J. W. Wright's butcher shop, In
Third street. New Cumberland, has
been unable to work for several days
on account of having his knee badly
S. A. Williams, of Market street,
New Cumberland, has a lemon tree
which is bearing some fine fruit. Sev
eral of the lemons measure 12'/fcxl3
George Porter died of dropsy at the
home of his son at New Market yes
terday morning. Mr. Porter was 75
years old and was born in England,
lie had been very ill the past eight
weeks, but his death was unexpected.
The funeral arrangements have not
yet been made.
The Steam Dye and Bleach Works
at. New Cumberland was closed down
yesterday on account of stock being
Miss Emma Snoke, of Reno street,
I New Cumberland, entertained the
Trinity Sunday school doss of which
she is a member on Tuesday night.
James Garver, of Lafayette, Ind., is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baugh
man in Bridge street, New Cumber
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grimes Miley spent
Tuesday in New York city.
Special to The Telegraph
Terre Hill, Pa., Jan. 2. Frank
Wissler is in a critical condition, hav
ing been trampled yesterday by a
horse. Hearing a noise, he went to
the barn ,and upon entering the ani
mal kicked him, felling him, break
ing several ribs, and he lay uncon
scious for an hour before he was
Special to The Telegraph
Dauphin, Pa., Jan. 2.—Festoons of
1 electric lights which have illuminated
Dauphin's Main street since December
10 will be taken down at tho end
of the week. The light has been given
free by the Harrisburg Light and
Power Company as a demonstration)
to the borough.
(~~~ ————
At the right—as you enter—is the Men's Store —
separate from the Ladies' Department
V /
Special Sale of f\
Men's Slits and Overcoats
' Men who know anything about clothes values
don't need to be told twice about this sale. The models
are all new—patterns received this Fall—Every gar
ment up to high standard of JP . *k - ff?
At Regular Prices these clothes are unapproach
able values at these reductions they offer wonderful
opportunity for economy.
% Less Than Former Price
Suits and Overcoats
That were $20.10 are now $15.00
That were $25.00 are now $18.75
That were $30.60 are now $22.50
That were $35.00 are now $26.25
That were $40.00 are now $30.00
r \
All "Schleisner $15.00 Special" Suits, are of
fered in this sale at $11.75 —Suits whose equal
you will not find under $20.00 in most other
v J
Boys' Suits—Boys' Overcoats
Reduced 25 per cent.
A generous assortment of styles and qualities to
select from.
28-30 and 32 North Third Street
Prison Inspectors Reorganize; No
Changes Made in the
Request for $2,920.70 was made of
the County Commissioners this after
noon by two county boards that closed
their year's accounts to-day in order
to lilt deficits in the year's expenses.
The Board of Poor directors asked
for $2,000 in addition to the original
requisition of $58,000. The tot&l ex
penses of the. Poor Board during the
year wore $62,504.10. Agent Manning
received $2,600 for farm products at
the Almshouse.
The Board of Prison Inspectors at
its annual meeting this morning reor-I
ganized with the same officers, and!
made no changes in employes. It was
found necessary to ask for $930.70 in!
addition to the original requisition of
The requisition asked for by the
Poor Directors was needed because the
fire insurance policies ran out and $3,-
140 had to he paid out as premiums
for the renewals. In addition $420
was paid for printing Mils contracted
in 1912 which could not be paid dur
ing that year because of the delay of
the auditors' report. This morning
the year's bills were closed by the
payment of $2,985.96 of bills due.
These bills were usually left over until
the new year, but as Mr. Coleman re
tires, he was desirous of having every
thing closed.
"If my mother wrote a letter to the
Governor, would that help to get me a
pardon, or perhaps a new trial?" Pascal
Hall, the youthful negro murderer now'
awaiting to be hanged, asked that
question yesterday of his counsel, W.
J. Carter. Mr. Carter advised against
Some affidavits as to the insanity
strain in the Hail family blood arrived
from hie North Carolina home yester
Stolen Dynamite Used to
Give Welcome to New Year
Special lo The Telegraph
| Dilisburg. Pa., Jan. 2.—The new
' year was ushered in in Dillsburg by
one of the noisiest demonstrations in
many years by the ringing of bells,
shooting and a parade over tho streets
at. midnight. Three espocially heavy
blasts were set off which caused
houses to shake and broke some win
dow panes in the house of Edward
I Bowman. An investigation this morn
ing revealed that the powder house
of R. L. Nesbit, hardware dealer, was
broken open and three cases of dyna
mite were taken.
Severe Bronchial Cough
Doctors Feared Lung Trouble,
Restored to Health by Vinol
I The medical profession does not
' believe that lung troubles are in
; herited, but a person may inherit a
! weakness or tendency to them.
I Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield,
Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was
I in a very bad run-down condition, and
I the physician told me I had consump
! tion. I tried another physician, and
. he told me I had ulcers on my right
i lung. I quit tho physicians and started
lon 'Vinol.' To-day I am perfectly
healthy, and that is why I recom
mend 'Vinol'."
Vinol soothes and heals the In
llamed surfaces and allays the cough.
Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens
the digestive organs and gives the
patient strength to throw off incipient
pulmonary diseases.
Try a bottle of Vinol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned if it does not help you.
George A. Gorgas, Druggist, Harris
burg, Penna. Vinol is sold in Steelton
by T. Proweil.
P. S.—For any skin trouble try our
Saxo Salve. We guarantee it.—Adver
Supreme Court Begins
Sessions Next Week
Washington, D. C„ Jan. 2.—The Su
premo Court of the United States will
begin the new year on Monday next,
its lirst meeting day of the year, with
an amount of work that promises to
make a record for the ensuing twelve
One of the most interesting of these
involves the liability of the owners of
the ill-fated Titanic, which went down
after striking an Iceberg on April 14,
1912. The owner of the vessel is seek
ing to have its liability for the million
dollars worth of claims lodged against
it. for tho loss of life and property lim
ited to $90,000. The contempt cases
against Samuel Gompers, John Mit
chell and Frank Morrison, of the
American Federation of Labor, will
be considered again by the court.
Revelers See Unemployed
March Through Chicago
Chicago, Jan. 2.—Entering restau
rants and demanding food, breaking
windows and puncturing automobile
tires, a crowd of nearly 500 unemploy
ed men early to-day marched through
Chicago's business district. They fur
nished a strange contrast to the New
Tear revelers who were leaving the
cafes and restaurants.
The men marched in State street,
four abreast, and carried a banner
that read: "We demand work, not
charity." The army halted street cars
and chied to passengers that they
wanted work. At Van Buron street
tho police halted the marchers, but
they soon reformed their line farther
down the street.
"You are drunk and we are hun
gry." said one of the leaders to the
revelers. The band Anally broke up
Into small groups.
Lancaster County Barns
Burned by Incendiaries
Special to The Telegraph
Maytown, Pa., Jan. 2.—A large barn
on tho "farm of Frank Fletcher was
burned to the ground to-day with a
large quantity of tobacco, wagons, Ini
| ploments and other material. A tramp
is suspected of having fired the struc
ture. He had 1 called at tho homestead
to stay over the night, but was re
fused. The loss is heavy and Is in
sured in the Donegal and Couoy town
ship company.
New Danville, Pa., Jan. 2.—Fire of
Incendiary origin destroyed the large
bank barn on the Henry liarnish farm
last night, entailing a loss of $3,000.
All the summer's crops, farming im
plements, tobacco and wagons were
consumed. Mr. Harnish has owned
the farm only since November and the
barn destroyed was only recently built,
being a new structure.
Young Women Hostesses
at Waynesboro Dance
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 2.—On Wed
nesday evening the second formal
dance of the season was given in the
Niedentohl Academy with the young
women as hostess. The dance was
probably the most elaborate affair of
the season. The academy presented
a beautiful appearance. Red and
green formed the color scheme and
electric lamps shaded with crepe pa
por of these two colors, together with
a cluster of bulbs in the center of the
academy, and with the orchestra gal
lery banked with pine trees, compris
ed the decorations. The women were
all attired in beautiful costumes. A
buffet luncheon was served at inter
This week certainly has anything
passed in the way of motion pictures.
Because the best features and first
run pictures are the only kind shown.
A Great Northern Feature heads tho
program to-day and It is a dandy. The
patrons of this theater will see a pic
ture made by the best motion picture
manufacturers in the business. "Her
Father's Story," in two acts, Is a beau
tiful picture of home life. "A Bad
Game is a laugh from start to finish,
for it is a Keystone. This is not Key
stone day, but by special request one
of these comic pictures will be shown
| The annual meeting of the Hope Fire
Engine Company will be held this
evening. Plans for the coming celebra
tion of the one hundredth anniversary
will be completed. The committee ex
pects to announce their complete pro
cram on Monday. (
JANUARY 2,1914.,
1 Reduced Prices—The order of the dayl
[ in every department I
28-30 and 32 N. Third Street
Special Sale
To-morrow and Monday
25 Mourning Dresses at $1250
Values $18.50 to $23.50.
Appropriate models of Crepe de Chine, Crepe
Meteor and other correct Mourning
40 Young Women's Silts at sll9O
Values $25.00 to $37.50.
These suits are as notable for their superior
quality as for the correctness of the style.
One of kind—in nearly all shades.
Misses 9 ami Women's Slits at S2SJO
Values, $35.00 and $39.50.
introducing several new advance models—The
Coats are cut along decidedly new lines—
The minaret skirt predominates, t
Misses' aid Women's Coats at $13.50
Values $18.50 to $25.00.
Plush and Persianna Cloth, all are the
most recent models.
Plush Wraps at $22.50
Values $32.50 to $49.50.
Wraps for evening, street and motor v°ar —and
every other occasion.
f ——————^
Advance showing
Afternoon Dresses at $18.50
Smart Frocks of soft Chiffon Taffeta in
all shades that arc now popular—
The modes are forerunners of
the coming season. tj
v /
Mid-Winter Millinery, $3.95
Values $7.50 to SIO.OO.
Hats offered in this sale are enjoying the highest
favor with fashionable women. They are
fresh from our workrooms—are true
in style, beauty and quality.
Children's Mats, $1.95
Values $3.95 and $5.95.
Modish Hats for little tots and young girls in
correct mid season style.
Hundreds See the New Building
and Register Their Names
For Books
The Public Library will be open
for inspection until 6 o'clock.
Free service of books to the people
of Harrisburg and vicinity will begin
to-morrow, when the library will be
open from 9 to 9. Books can be ob
tained without any charge.
Regular library hours will begin
on Monday. They will be 11 to 9 and
11 to 6 for children.
Over 4,000 people visited the library
yesterday on the day of its formal
opening, and to-day was children's
dav, hundreds of school children and
young folks being among those who
visited the building. Many registra
tions were made.
The registration of people desiring
to take out books can be made at any
time within library hours and hun
dreds have put down their names.
Many more have taken registration
blanks and it is expected that by the
middle of next week there will be
several thousand names registered
from Harrisburg and vicinity.
The handsome new building has
been greatly admired by visitors and
the large number of people who in
spected It yesterday indicates that it
will be a popular institution.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 2.—A mahog
any "skin" in two thicknesses will be
used, it was announced to-day, instead
of bronze or steel, to cover the hull
of the Defiance, the yacht to be built
at Bath, Maine, for a syndicate of New
York, Philadelphia and Boston men
as a candidate for the defense of the
America's cup.
* 1
Closing Out Our 1914 Line of
Calendars at Bargain Prices
Third and Cumberland Streets
Above Miller's Shoe Btore.
Hazleton, Pa., Jan. 2.—No attempt
was made to-day to run cars of the
Lehigh Traction Company line whose
trolleymen are on strike. The com
pany is using automobiles to carry the
United States mails from its terminals
to the outlying towns.
Atlanta, Ga., April 24, 1913.—"When
I received the samples of Resinol Soap
and Resinol Ointment my face was
covered with pimples which defied
other creams, soaps and cosmetics.
They were a source of constant humil
iation to me, coming in contact, with
many strangers as I do, as a business
"By the time I had finished a cake
of Resinol Soap and half a jar of
Resinol Ointment, my skin was soft as
velvet, and as smooth. My friends
were stunned, and everyone asked me
what I had done. When I told them,
I think they hardly believed it, tor the
transformation was simply wonderful.
"Since then I have been using Resi
nol Soap and shall never be without it
again, for I have learned the delights
of a clear, "soft, beautiful complexion
that may be attained by its constant
use." (Signed) Miss E. P. Gaddls, 284
South Pryor St.
Resinol Ointment (50c and $1.00),
and Resinol Soap (26c), stop itching
instantly and speedily heal eczema, and
other skin humors, dandruff, sores,
burns and plies. Sold by every drug
gist. Avoid "substitutes" for Resinol
offered by a few unscrupulous dealer*.
For free trial, write to Dept. 38-R,
Resinol, Baltimore, Md.—Advertise