Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Are You Ready for January's , Hundreds of Bargains from Regular
Cold Weather? Stock Among the January Outergarment
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound ol cure, especially where a cold is cofcerned. 1 lie
"ounce of prevention" is the outtiting in hosiery and underwear before the cold catches you un- A J- * C. TIT \ " \
prepared Our stocks are now at their best 1 t F3. C 1 10 H S lOf WO HI CII 3,flQ Ol T1 S
WOJFFIX'S HOSIERY Men's heavy ribbed shirts and drawers. Egyptian
Women's fast black fleece lined seamless hose, J lleecV lined union suits!00 Values of ail CXCCplioiial character Clltcr this Nc\\ Year clcarailCC of
Women's fast black cashmere seamless* hose. 250 Men s heavy natural wool shirts ami drawers, each. jft OUtergarilieiltS for WOllien and girls, SO YOU lliav COlllC tO-morrOW With tllC
Women's fast black cotton hose, fashioned feet: J.V, 81.00, sl..i», sl.t»o $1.75 aim »_.u« Tfc pvnortatinn of slnrinrr lhr honpfite tin I «".nnr> frnm i lif ivintnr cn-xinu'c m„ci
light, medium rind heavy weight 25c Boys' heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and drawers, ' Bfc CXpcCulilOll Ol Miarillg lllC DCllCntS lUcll COfllC troill t iIC WllliCl SCtlSOll S 1110SL
Women's fast black cashmere hose, fashioned feet, each 25c A SWCCpitlg reductions. '
30,. lSov.s' heavy cotton ribbed union suits oOc \A y /''ri . ~ ...
Children's fast black cotton seamless hose, 12Hc WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR ' A'/ Sa\ UlgS ailllOtlllCCU Oil SllltS, COatS, SKirtS ailtl I 1 111" CoatS tllC lull of
Children's fast black lisle hose, fashioned feet...2sc Women - s heavy cotton H bbed vests, bleached, ex- fi WM Ml. Special interest tO tllC WOllian Or llliss wllO.liaS bcCll awaiting January rcdIIC
MEN'S HOSIERY tra heavy fleecing. Drawers to match 39c 11 rff&fasf \\ tioilS.
Men's heavy blue wool seamless hose 25c \\ omen s white cotton ribbed vests, fleece lined, IT'': / v'
Men's heavy black wool hose, seamless 25c Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle drawers to match, |I,;J / I \ i \li $20.00 .Mannish Serge Suits, ill liavy and $35.00 fur-trimmed suits, closing at the
Men's black cotton 1 hose,^asViinere^. I !'.^Uo Women's heavy white cotton ribbed union suits, ||J / A \i' fj black. Reduced to $1;>.00 throat, with pointed back and cutaway
Mens heavy cotton hose, seamless":::::: ::i*3uc white Swiss ribbed "cotton - " union" Ufi / i \ I/J winter weight epoilge and UOV- front; sloping shoulders and pegtop
MEN'S AND BO\S* UNDKRWKAR higrh neck and long sleeves, low neck and elbow Bh\* \ mjl city cloth suits, in navy, brown and black. skirts. Reduced to $«5*0()
Men's heavy cotton fleece lined shirts and drawers. sleeves $1.50 g I iif Reduced to #20.00 $39.50 suits ill Russian blouse model,
«« h S9l " D,vcs - Pomoroy & Stewart-Street Floor. ' f£M $35 -°° Sl ! itS of diagonal cloths, in navy, with broadtail collar and culls; skirt is
~ | \ jjy brown and taupe; skirts arc beautifully draped; this is an attractive style in navy,
* ■" > P" r\ i~\ 1 ft* r\ i~\ f~\ y draped. Reduced to $35.00 green and mahogany. Reduced to #32.50
Men ss2s.ooands2B.ooovercoats , CoatS in Good Weights for Winter
✓lv P"* Afv -4 P"* <4 ¥** y""V IwPi \ \ $16.50 navy and brown double faced $20.00 finest quality astrakhan coats, in
I I §T\ I I I WW \ \ chinchilla coats, with velvet collar. Re- black, navy, taupe and brown, with seal-
V 10""v1U.0V/""s)10.0v XA ciit chin'chiila coats,* in
weaves of grey and blue. Reduced to ners satin. Reduced to $1 4.00
You, who need overcoats, will profit bv last j <?18 navv and black sercre and cheviot c , nm •, •„ • Eponge coats, m ,iav . v -
1 j oio-.u na\} ana dulk. ser b t ana ciie\lot chinchilla coats in navy, brown I brown, mahogany and black; box plaited
Pall's Warm weather which caused manufacturers ' length coats, lined through with yarn and taupe; elephant sleeves and belted. back and drop shoulders. Reduced to
_ ... ' dyed satin. Reduced to #15.00 Reduced to #15.00 #20.00
INjX to unload their stocks at big sacrifices. We bought i 1
hundreds of high-grade overcoats for men and F\lY -t IvCCIUCtIOriS
and young men at Unusual savings, which accounts $75.00 black full length lustrous 1W $52.00 and $55.00 black Pony skin coats; §225.00 Hudson seal coat. Reduced to
»V .'nnnmnnrnMa vo |. loc +l, oco . skin coats: sizes 36 and 40. Reduced to j s ' zc Reduced to #35.00 _ #175.00
r P alues dS tnese . #45 00 ! $75.00 near seal coat; size 38. Reduced $225.00 Persian Lamb coat. Reduced to
I SI.S V hpviot
I ISwfl 4?10 V.IICVIUI VVCIUUdIb, sizes 44. Reduced to #30.00 Ito #115.00 to #300.00
i"Tm • l|l Heavy grey cheviot overcoats, belted backs, 43 inches
[ Hi long', shawl collars: quarter Venetian lined, CIA AA
i; . .|j fancy plaid backs; $15.00 value, at SiU.VU rp< j o*ll P 1 1 F1" 1
|;- .l\ $25 Cheviot Overcoats, $16.50 The January Silk Sale Re veals Rich
Tig". | back - 43 ! Savingsmthe Fashionable Wide W eaves
ill II In ; j !T I,m " huu,der "' hand - t a'lo r «.d. 52.1.00 \alut }6.50 The new styles demand wide silks and this sale offers the fashionable weaves in advance
hH| lIMI 1 ' Spring shadings and patterns at substantial reductions. These are the desirable kinds that will
m 3mS y $28.00 Imported Worsted make this January Silk Sale one to be long remembered. j;
AA ! our Crepe Meteors, one of the season's leading 85c Foulards, 24 inches. January Sale Price, 73c
Overcoats, Jp 15.UU i fabr j cs ' 40inches widc - - ,anuar y Sale Price ' $1.79 yard e;--nv\••;• • in : <i"
iv v. v| y . y ar( j v * 51..i0 foulards, 40 inches. January Sale Price, QQf>
Imported worsted overcoats, brown and grev stripes, double- | $1.50 crepe de chine, 40 inches wide; navy, blue, tavgo. yard. ••••■••; •• ••••.• ■•••• •••• ••
breasted, shawl collars, belted backs, full lined, 45 inches long; $28.00 d» 1r AA brown; pn»ne, taupe and black; $1.19 j J 5173 I,oulards - 40 ind,eb - Januafy .ale 1 uce, Jj JQ
value, at SID.UU I Jam, £ r> . ,ce ' y '"nft'iillt'Vf'iine drabiiiff <fr 11A ! ' .^'i^lka'Dot FoulardV/i^YnchesVnavy ' and ' Q 7 // 2r
$1.69 crinkle crepe, a sott silk ol hne draping Ql 1Q , c . , . . J Ol' ZC
$28.00 Fancy Mixed Overcoats, $18.50 ; ">»% f J,.« j
Grev Scotch mixed Overcoats, 43 inches long, double-breasted, Clfi CA inches wide. January Sale 1 lice, sl-79 "5c Ilabutai, 30 inches. January Sale Price, E^Q(«
shawl collars, belted backs, full serge lined; $28.00 value, at ipiO.UU yard .' iiV ," \K- I yard
Canton crepes, 40inches wide, never sold tor less 0? 1 cQ .. , n . 1 o-..
eon HO nnrl dO SllltQ fit *KI4 than $2.00. January Sale Price, yard »P X. W Finest Quality Of bIaCK bilks
allU. a I j $125 brocade crepes, tine quality that will wash ifPieces- o •11 p • j • .1 i
\\ liite pin-striped black and blue worsted suits, two-button sacks with soft roll ar . v: large range ot wanted
culors .- 79 ppeciauy rrieea in rne oaie
. 1. 1 • 1 . . .r \ i:„„.i nnf „i, A « . . A lanuarv Sale Price, yard . Jhe very black silks that are in the height of fashion, lhe
lapels, lug l cut \es , e c ,1 1» > ' Sl4 50 I $3.00 heavy silk Matelasse coatings to match different i qualities are the best woven for we pick them with the greatest
pocket in coat; s—.3o \alue, at ▼ • | s i ia des of blue, grey and American Beauty dresses, CQ 1 care.
White striped black cassimere suits, two-buttoned sacks with soft CA 36 inches wide. January Sale Price, yard * , SI.OO black Peau de Soic, 36 inches wide. January
roll lapels, patch pockets, high cut vest; $20.00 value, at ..- «pl*t.OU fL |\l**w FrMil«rrlc Salc Pri - e ' yard , -VV
• . . .. IHe lNe\V 1 OlliarQS $1.2.1 black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide. January QO r
Tartan checked cassimere suits two-button sacks with sott roll JIJ CA This will be another great Foulard season, according to Sale Price, yard TOC
lapels, patch [lockets, high cut \est. 0-.U.UI) \alue, at ™ • fashion advices, and our January Silk Sale offers the latest styles SI.OO black Messaline, 36 inches wide. January
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, rtcar. anc j s ] la( j cs j n Cheney shower-proof weaves —Foulards noted for Sale Price, yard ....'
their quality and durability. $l5O black satin Majestic, 42 inches widc. Janu- <fr |
T . . XT , f > $2.00 Foulards, 44 inches. January Sale Price , 7Q ary Sale Price, yard "
The Woman Who Did Not j Remnants of Table
Get Long Gloves for Christmas 1 Liinen and White . - T T Q "IQI A 'i
Will be able to provide herself with an excellent quality _of Goods at Special 1 01X11X160. ilfltS Q.t JpTl.yO OpoCl3l DB.IO Ol I^^lllloo.
16-button length white kid gloves, regular $3.00 value, at $2.50 1 j
.rrf.gs j Reductions That Were Formerly SB.OO to $14.00 Goods and Sugar I omorrow
Women's one-clasp tan cape gloves, prix seams, SI.OO to Si.so j °
D., P. <fe S. two-clasp kid gloves in tan, black and white SI.OO Fourth Street Cross Aisle ! i i »• x 1 r C 17 11 i \\" 4 . t'- .t- < « ,
Cavalier one-clasp kid gloves in white, black and tan 51.25 [ lie blllclllCC Ol OUT StOCK Ol IlllCSl l clll 3,110 \\ llltCl With 20-pOUlld l)agS of 1* rank 11 11 granulated SUgar at sl.lO
Navarre two-clasp kid gloves, Paris point embroidered, black, white I . . . . . .
and tan *••••• •••—• ••• • • - • • dress hats. I licse arc all in ni st-class condition and in- t l headliner to this important announcement.
Centemen kid gloves, black, white and colors $1.20 to >2.00 m t , t t , f t,lv - v
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. J cltldc black plUSll liat V\ r lth TOSe DUGS and band Ol till*, y
- * T IJ Q • r taupe plush hat with goura and taupe ribbon, small c ' tar 9 e or orders for sugar at
Vxlo£min££ vJCIQ 1 3-irS Ol SoPClflls* Plush hat with ostrich fancy, black velvet sailor with £ r ice wtJJ be accented.
Ckt Half m * fur band and white gardenias, black velvet hat with CANNED GOODS NEW chemes-
e r brand nd 2so
Srim, net, Nottingham and ruffled muslin curains, one and wreath of rosebuds and violets, small black velvet hat Plke LakP ~rand •: " Jt° Hawaiian Pineapple—
■ two pair of a kind, SI.OO to $3.00 values. Special. 30<! to -Mixed candy, chocolates, .. , „ c , u . .. •, .. f Grafton & Johnson brand Libbys B iiced, 25c value aoc
»4 c r u.i K flt ' iI with cociue feathers, lilack velvet sailor with wreath of 2 for m ' r:jf. Kvaporated Miik—
sl.so. Some slightly soiled. gums, jellies, etc., ISC value, at . M , , M , Niana Telephone Brand tSr Carnflt)on | >ralnl | O ,.
fancy curtain muslin in plai nand striped styles at, 100 violets and band ol fill and a score or moie of othci 2 tor " ' 12 tor.. sl.lO
yard 100 Chocolate caramels, 25c Stylish models. • / Silver Hill Brand ,0c °l2 for aU .. sl.lO
25c half sash curtains, ruffled edge, 36 inches long, vard. value, at 190 v s 'vn,v ***' br f nd - 3 i" r 25"
«■ I,# 98. to $1.49 untrimmed Felt Hats in £„XJ^ZZZZ
Assorted chocolates, lb., JJSO shapes New Peaches— h'rn'nW
T .1 T "P 'A D„ P. &S. Basement. I , Cherokee brand s»£ Jfor.
111. tne IS.lJl\Aar\' iUrn.ll IXIO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewar—Millinery, Second Floor, Front. Pennant brand, sliced lßc C,u I r / .®'i e( dt l lends
J " Tomato Soup— Bl Tf« r
Cloaranco Calondars conn A cann p + . "vM Sa 4 t for'v.'.v.'.'.v.v.*.".'.'lit
$29.60 mahogany beds, two only. Reduced to $19.50 T*} 1 A - o K nt ?" a V, 8 ?!?
$29.50 walnut bed, one only. Reduced to 518.50 ft 11 White Star Brand 10c 6 ror »1.50
$46.00 mahogany bed, one only. Reduced to 535.00 * wv * v * v/v/v * yt» « (* 3 for 25c GROCERIES
$19.50 brass bed. one only. Reduced to 812.95 QT 1 fJ L Forge brand 10c
$15.75 golden oak dresser, one only. Reduced to 512.95 1914 Calendars at half price. | _ 2**#<Tj 3 for 1... 25c Mothers Rolled Oats, 10c, or 3
$15.75 golden oak chiffonier, one only. Reduced to 512.95 j 1914 Excelsior diaries and 1914 Sugar Corn — for ; • • 25c
$29,00 mahogany dresser, one only. Reduced to 825.0(1 Standard diaries 15c to $1.50 „ . ... _,, Bridal brand 13c Queen Brand Olives, 19c bottle
$26.00 mahogany chifTonier, one only. Reduced to 819.00 1 Llne-a-day books, diaries good Special Saturday offering of Isemo Self-RedltCing and Reil- 2 for 25c at T • • • ; 15c
$8.50 fumed oak settee, one only. Reduced to 81.25 j for nve years "5o to $2.50 o„it CnrtLfts. DO and <R4OO valiips Snerial 184 HTI Woodsboro brand 10c _ (Te ™ e Macaroni ........12c
$19.50 mahogany tea table, one only. Reduced to $12.50 Pllouket's notes on the Sunday go Belt Corsets, Ijsi.UU and S4.UU \ alues. Special 3 fQr 25c Grapefruit 5c and 10c
$19.50 fireside chair, one only. Reduced to 89.75 school lessons for 1914 81.00 75c Coutil Corsets, low bust and long hips. Special, 590 New Pears— Florida Oranges, dozen 35c
$6.50 Willow chairs; six only. Reduced to S3.tr» j Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second ' niv»« p n „,» r nv *• stowart strrot Finor 1 Home Brand Bartlets 20c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Base-
Dives'. Pomeroy & Stewart—Third floor. Kloor Rear . mcs ' ™ niero > *■ Blewarl . Btrcet j Brlda i Brand BartieU 20c ment.
JANUARY 2, 1914.