Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Comments on Several Letters Received Form the "Lovelorn/
and Good Advice
"Love, tls the
despair of philoso
phers and sages, the
rapture of poets, the
confusion of cynics,
and the warrior's
One who loves at
first slfcht writeß
me: "I am a young
lady twe nt y-one
years of age and
have money. I *m
Infatuated with a
young man of twen-
whom X have
met only twice. He
I .s very bashful. How
can i get oeucv acquainted with him
without letting him now it?"
Know what, my dear? That you are
Infatuated, or that you have money?
For aff impulsive young woman of
twenty-one, one will be as difficult as
the other, for money has a way of
making its presence Known, and Love
has to know more years than you
have known to be easily silenced.
Bashfulness is a good trait, partic
ularly commendable where the girl
has money. He at least Is not mer
cenary, or he would babble like a
brook to attract your attention. Ask
him to call and show him that you
are pleased with him. remembering
always, for your own safeguard, that
he is a comparative stranger, and
that the sentiment which you con
sider love may be only a passing,
childish attraction. Impulsiveness is
a fine trait, but may the ranks of
guardian angels be doubled around
the girl who yields to It!
"I am nineteen," writes Pat Carey
"and deeply in love with a girl named
Agnes, who is just eighteen. My
friend Tom is also in love with her
and keeps company with her. AVe i
Most Satisfactory Garment For
General Wear, Driving
and Motoring
8100 Coat with Kimono Sleeves for
Misses and Small Women,
16 and 18 years.
Girls who are fond of motoring and o!
winter tramps will find this coat a most
practical and useful one. It is warm and
cosy, and fashionable cloths are all light
of weight so that it does not become an
encumbrance. It takes extremely smart
lines and has the additional advantage of
being simple and easy to make. Both
fronts and back are plain and loose but
the back is laid in a box plait that is held
in place by means of a pointed strap and
the finish is an exceedingly smart one.
The sleeves are separate but, being joined
on the drooping line, there is the kimono
effect and every and every woman
knows that the kimono coat is a satis
factory one to wear over a nice gown for
its very looseness is a protection inas
much as it means no danger of rumpling.
Chinchilla cloth is a favorite material, ;
broch6 and other rough cloths are much
used and this model is well adapted to
the fur cloths that never before were so
For the 16 year size, the coat will re
quire 6 yards of material 27, 4®-$ yards
3H yards 44, or 52 inches wide, '
with yard 27 inches wide for the collar
and cuffs.
The pattern of the coat 8100 is cut in
rizes for girls of 16 and 18 years. It will
be mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt 0/
ten cents.
Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns.
Harrisburg Academy
Tuesday, January 6th
New Pupils Admitted
Phone op Write
P. O. Box 617
Bell Phone 1371 J.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
I have both told her we love her, but
he went to a dance, met her there
and dished me out. Do you think it
would be mean If I try to win her
away from him, as I cannot live with
out her?"
Not True
The idea of a man named Pat step
ping as ask such a question! He is
not a true Irishman, or he would not
stop to ask if he should try to win
the girl he loves from some other
man; even though the other man
"dished him out"!
It has always seemed to me that
the lover who doubts If he has a
right to win Ills sweetheart doesn't
love her very much. Instead of a
rival spurring him to action, he drops
beside the road and wonders if he has
a right to stay in the race!
Really, If the girl has any spirit in
her she will accept the man who
tights the longest for her, even though
she may love the other man the more.
One who hesitates foolishly writes:
"I am seventen and am employed in
a wholesale house where a young" man
is employed who loves me. He would!
like to marry me, but gets only sll
a week, and wants me to wait five
years. Another young man who gets
more wants to keep company with
me. I am not fickle, but want to do
the right thing."
It is never the "right thing" for a
girl of only seventen, too young to
know her own mind and heart, to be
bound to a promise to marry a man
five years hence. The chances are that
he may not be in a position financially
to marry at the end of that time, and
that both will find their love cooled
with the waiting. To accept the at
tentions of the other man is no proof
of fickleness. Fickleness exists only
where there is love or its pretense.
She lias never claimed either. She
m. x )m
eorrAtcrtr, n/j, or cw.ptu irtowi coftmjfY
Jackson laughed with rare delight.*
"Uncle's one of them. How it will pain
his fingern when he hands it out to
me! I'm going to demand! And I
want to start tomorrow. I want to
start tonight, but I am reasonable. : I
won't wake the old man up. But while
iyou go to get the money in the morn
ing, I'll get set at the town line, wait
ing for you to bring it to me, ready to
get, anyway, 60 yards out of the town
ship within 60 seconds. How I wish I
really could sprint!"
"I know, judge, but let me tell you
why I hate Jonesville and how. You
knew my mother?"
"A splendid woman, Broadway."
"Everyone says that; but, you see, I
didn't know her. And my father died
when I was twelve."
"A magnificent man, Broadway."
"Yes. I guess he >*as the best liet in
the village."
"Poor chap! He never was the
same after your mother's death."
'Then Uncle Abner took me. He
couldn't absolutely boss me, for certain
moneys had been left with which spe
cific things were to be done for me. He
had to have me educated at the schools
and college which my father designat
"And he disapproved of them."
"I know he did. A sheepskin from
Jonesville academy is his idea of the
evidence of the higher education for a
Jones—along with side details on first
aid to a stick of chewing gum "
"He always wished to have you take
an interest in the gum business."
"I did, till another kid slipped me a
stick one day, when I was absent-mind
ed, and I began to chew it. Then and
there I made up my mind to devote
my life's endeavor to something which
would not; stick in your teeth. Judge
Spotswood, lobsters don't."
"My boy, I wißh you never had seen
New York!"
"No, you don't, Judge, you wish you
were going with me when I start."
"Are you going to stay away?"
"Uncle says that in these days each
man should have a specialty if he
would be successful. I'm going to
epecialize on staying out of Jonesville.
I'm hoping for success."
"Have you no friends here whom
you dislike to leave?"
"You and the Judgess, Judge, and
Clara. Til miss Josie, too. And there
are some down at the factory. Bill
Higglns, I like him. He used to enter
tain me when we went In swimming
and he got the cramps. Awfully funny
i when he had the cramps, Bill was;
peevish but very funny. I shall miss
Bill. But Jonesville, as a whole, Judge
—l'm not going to miss Jonesville, ex
cept the way a man may miss a tootb
that has been pulled for cause."
The judge sighed. "Well, I had to
tell you."
The young man looked at him with a
strange earnestness. "Judge, would
you get mad if I should kiss you?"
"And you are really going, right
"It's going to be the quickest get
away Connecticut ever heard of."
Almost as speedily as he had told
the judge he would, Broadway pre
pared to leave Jonesville. There was a
stormy session when the old lawyer
told Abner Jones that he had made the
revelation to the boy, but the old man t
is only seventeen, and has youth's di
vine right to accept the attentions
of any honorable young man. And
may Love, with its wonderful gift,
come to her some day, carrying with
his offering no grinding condition of
a five years' wait.
"I am seventeen," writes a little
girl who Is beginning to taste the
bitterness of love early, "and deeply
In loye with a young man of nine
teen. He said Tie loved me. but I see
him going out with other girls. It
makes me feel blue to see him go out
with other girls."
Of course it does. It always has. It
always will. The great tragedies of
fact and (lotion are evolved from that
very condition. It makes your little
heart ache, and no doubt you have
made your nose red and your pretty
eyes dim by shedding tears over his
Paying the Price
You are paying the price of Love,
little girl, all too soon. One should
not begin at seventeen to shed the
tears that are caused by a man's
fickleness. One should at that age be
merry and glad, and laugh, at Love
instead of weeping over him.
Don't say, "It makes me blue."
Don't take a woman's pains before
you reach woman's estate. Laugh and
be glad that you care so little for the
man who goes with other girls, and
you will find yourself caring less.
No matter what the perils and the
price. Love is worth all one endures,
all one pays. Let us have faith in it,
hope for it, welcome It. Let us regard
it with the simple faith of childhood
that led us to read with a sigh, and
close the book without a doubt, firmly
believing the gospel truth of the clos
ing lines:
"And they married and lived happily
ever afterward."
threats against him were quickly si
lenced when the Judge reminded him
that what he had proposed to him was
fraud and that an action for conspiracy
might be brought against him.
The car wheels sang to Broadway
as he journeyed west and southward.
He gave cigars to the conductor, to
the trainmen, to the engineer as soon
as the train waited long enough for
him to get to him. He bought all the
newsboy's papers, novels, magazines
and sent him through the cars to give
them to the ladles. Then, on his re
turn, alight with smiles, he bought the
last ounce of his candy and told him
to appropriate It to the use of his own
Arriving in New York a red-capped
station-porter saw him from afar and
recognized the strong financial candle
power of his expanding smile. Gal
vanized into extraordinary action he
rushed toward hiin, calling to two
friends to join him instantly and help
bim bear the two bags Broadway car
ried. The traveler had to give the
third negro his hat, so that he might
seem to earn his tip; but he did this
gladly. The taxi-cabman flew, scram
ling from his box, at the mere intona
tion of the porters' voices.
"Where to, sir?" he inquired.
"Is this New York?" his fare asked,
smiling gently in a way which made
the chauffeur think he was a wan
derer, returned unto his own, and wish
ful of facetiousnees.
"You bet it is; Just little old New
"I thought so. It seems so familiar.
Well, I want to go to Broadway."
"What part of Broadway, sir?" (Ob
serve that this Grand Central taxi-cab
man persistently said "sir." It was a
tribute; Broadway knew it was a trib
ute and it warned his heart.)
"Oh, all of it."
"Take you to all of Broadway?"
Even the taxi-cabman was astonished.
"I want to look it over, for I'm going
to buy It if I like it as much as I al
ways have."
The cabman eyed him shrewdly, do
elded that he was quite aane and
sober, resolved to tie to him with a
tenacity which never could be shakes
off, climbed to his narrow sea* be\
neaCh its narrow hood and yanked
down the flag upon the taximeter.
"My name is Gridley, sir," he voluni
i ii mr ■ il
"Yon may Are when ready,
Broadway answered, and then Gridley
pulled the lever.
Before the day was over Jftcksoq
Jones had bought a forty-horsepower
limousine, a sixty-horsepower touring
car and a runabout. Gridley had
turned in his resignation to his com-,
pany and been measured for five suits
of livery; of expensive cloth, exclusive
cut, extraordinary color. Having done
this he had asked a girl to marry him,
had been accepted, had taken sixteen
drinks and gone to see her mother, bad
then been thrown out a jilted man and
had returned to Broadway Jones, de
termined to live single and attached
to him forever. The episodes had so
bered him and he was quite himself
when Broadway asked him what apart
ment he would recommend for living
"Quiet place?" he asked.
"Not for your new employer," Broad
way answered. "I want it to be on
Jcy street, between Happy boulevard
and Don't Care alley. The noisier the
f Starts Saturday, Jan. 3
The Gigantic Yearly Selling Event. You Can
Select From Our Stocks of Wearing Aonarel and
llsMMWMiEBiftiM TMk
No Red Tape—Everything Marked in Plain Figures—
Select What You Want and Pay Only One-Half
HIS event is held annually, so we may clean up all Winter
I Merchandise and be in shape to receive our Spring
lines. We do not carry our merchandise from one
season to another, so, regardless of the loss entailed, we
A Backward Season Has Left Us With Heavier
Stocks Than Usual, and This Gives You the
Opportunity to Select From Complete Lines.
Everything in Wearing Apparel.
Lower Prices for Credit, Than You Ever
Men's Suits Men's Overcoats wJM
Were $17.50, n0w. 58.75 Were $17.50, n0w. 58.75
Were 20.00, now. 10.00 Were 20.00, now. 10.00 4^Ps|fpP
Were 25.00, now. 12.50 Were 25.00, now. 12.50
Were 30.00, now. 15.00 Were 30.00, now. 15.00 v
Were 32.50, now., 16.25 Wje.re $2. 50, now.. 16.25
' Wonren's Splits Coats
Were 32.50, now. 16.25 Were 27.50, now. 13.75
Were 35.00, now. 17.50 Were 30.00, now. 15.00
better if the noise is always laughter.
I want It named The Smile and I want
It furnished in bright red. Take me
somewhere where they'll sell me a
good butler—fancy brand, no matter
what the price. I want a butler who
can go and buy a home for me—a
home that glitters and is glad. Throw
on the high-speed clutch."
Gridley took him. in his brand-new
car (which ran as smoothly and as
noiselessly and swiftly as a pickerel
swims), to an employment agency
which he had heard about, and there
Broadway signed the lease for an ex
traordinary person, principally named
Rankin. He looked like a bishop,
talked like a British lord, walked like
a major-general, bowed like a diplo
mat, never smiled, always said "Yes,
sir," and "thank you, sir," whenevei
there was room for these impressive
words, was ready to be measured fo*
as many suits of livery as had been
ordered for the chautTeur and assured
his new employer that it would give
him pleasure both to find and furnish
an apartment for him.
"When will you have It ready to*
"Tomorrow morning, sir."
"Then you know what apartment
you are going to take?"
"Not yet, sir. Breakfast at, say,
ten, sir?"
"Rankin, you will do. Make it elev
en. Engage a cook and pecond-man."
"I have already telephoned for them,
"I have raised youi wages, Rankin,
for long and faithful service. Let me
see—you've been with me forty Min
utes. See to it that you do as well
in future."
"I shall, sir; and I hope you'll do
the same, sir."
"Find Mr. Robert Wallace in the tel
ephone book. He's in the advertising
A moment later Rankin turned back
frcra the little table at the side of the
large parisr which supplied headquar>
tcrs fcr the ex-Jonesvilllan for the
time being. '7 have htm on the wire,
sir." r
"HI talk to him."
Broadway took the telephone re
ceiver from his butler's hand and cried
into the mouthpiece: "Hello! Is that
you, Robert Wallace? . . , Well,
this is Jackson Jones. . . . Yes;
the same you met in Jonesville when
they pinched you, that reckless night
when you were driving at four mile*
an hour. . . . No; I've come down
to stay. I'm asking you to dine with
me tomorrow evening. . . . Can you
come? . . , Qood. I'll telephone
again, or have my butler telephone,
and let you know just where . . i
All right. Fine! . . . Good by."
[To Be Continued.]
Blx—Can you lend me $5 for a
month, old boy?
Dix —What the deuce does a month
old boy want with $5? —Boston Tran
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Sulzer Is Boomed For
New York Governorship
Special to The Telegraph
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 2.—Chester C
Piatt, of Batavia, who was secretary to
ox-Governor Sulzer, is here to or
ganize a movement looking to the re
election of Sulzer as governor. He
hopes to have his plans in such shape
by the day of the primary election that
the deposed governor will be a candi
date unless, as Mr. Piatt expressed it,
John A. Hennessy should prove to be
a stronger candidate.
Sulzer's dearest wish, according to
his ex-secretary, is to sit in the gover
nor's chair on January 1, 1915, and
again to occupy the Executive) Man
sion, calling It "The People's House."
The first formal announcement, Mr.
Piatt said, would be at a dinner in Al
bany, with covers laid for 1,200 or
1,500 persons.
One of Sulzer's first acts as Assem
blyman, according to Mr. Piatt, will be
to introduce a resolution providing for
a continuation of the graft investiga
tions started by Hennessy.
John S. Williams May
Have Place on Board
Special to The Telegraph
New York, Jan. 2.—The New York
American to-day prints the following
from Washington:
John Skelton Williams is to be
| chairman of the Federal Board of Con
! trol of the new banking system. That
is accepted here in administration and
Congressional circles. Behind Mr.
I Williams on the board are to be Col.
K. M. House, of New York; H. H. For-
I gan, Chicago; H. Parker Willis, New
York, and James J. Hill. Mr. Wil
' Hams Is now the Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury.
It Is stated that Mr. Williams ac
cepted the office of Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury that he might be in a
position to meet a fight waged against
him in the private banking business in
Richmond. Va., and Baltimore, Md.,
by the Morgan interests. Mr. Williams
has fought financially with both Mor
gan & Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Brush This Through Faded, 1/ifeilees
l.wks and They Become Dark,
(.lossy, Youthful
Hair that loses its color and lu3tre,
or when it fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur
in the hair. Our grandmother made
up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur
to keep her locks dark and beautiful,
and thousands of women and men who
value that even color, that beautiful
dark shade of hair which is so attrac
tive, use only this old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mix
ture by asking at any drug store for a
50 cent bottle ot "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy," which dark
ens the hair so naturally, so evenly,
that nobody can possibly tell It has
been applied. Besides, It takes off
dandruff; stops scalp Itching and fall
ing hair. You just dampen a sponge
or soft brtfsh with it aud draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. By morning the gray
hair disappears; but what delights
the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sul
j phur is that, besides beautifully dark-
I cnlng the hair after a few applica
tions, It also brings back the gloss and
I lustre and gives it an appearance of
I abundance.—Advertisement.
JANUARY 2, 1914.
Horses on York Road
Engage in Tango Dance
f Special to The Telegraph
Jenklntown, Pa., Jan. 2. —Scores of
horses passing over the York road to
day through Ogontz did a tango or
turkey trot as they approached a cer
tain spot. L. A. Nagle, Ogonta busi
ness man, watched them for a time,
and was as bewildered as the drivers
of the teams.
Finally he called for the repair wa
gon of an electric firm supplying
power in that section, and an investi
gation revealed a defective insulation
on a heavily charged wire.
The current was passing directly to
the highway and reached the horses
through the iron shoea on their feet.
Motorists with rubber-tired machines,
were not affected.
Special to The Telegraph
Bradford, Pa., Jaji. 2.—Whilo danc
ing at the Knights of Columbus New
Year's ball here last night. Mack J.
Healy, aged 50, a well-known mer
chant here, fell to the floor and was
dead when other dancers rushed to
his side. Mrs. Healy was dancing with
I ll II t I I I| i
H }carnb«en
■ kinds of
■ a ehronta
■ up tho nose; you will
■ foci like a new creators.
■ It loosena the passages, 111
■ has a soothing, sanitary, I ■ ■ ■■
■ healing effect, and is nuar*
■ anteed harmUt* BOc and
M 25c tubas. At drag-
■ & u ; or write for % V
I Get the Best '
of a r
Before it gets the best of you.
A cough, if allowed to "run, will
easily and Invariably terminate in
some more serious sickness.
Keep on hand
Tar, Tolu and White Pine
Cough Syrup
Forney's Drug Store
"We Serve You Wherever Yon Arc' -
Merchant* A Mlnera Trana. Oat
Direct Route
Savannah and Jacksonville
Through ticket* to principal point*
Including meals and atateroom accom
modation* on steamers. Best route to
Florida, Cuba and the South. Fine
steamer*. Best servl. • l.ow fares
Marconi wireless. Auton carried.
Rooms de l.uxc. Bath.*-. .or booklet
call on local ticket agent cr address,
City Ticket Office, 105 S. Uth St., Pblla.
W, P. Turner, P. T. M_ Baltimore, Hi
Dropsy Treated Free
By Dr. Mllea, the (treat Sppolnllnl, Who
Will No ml a Men SCt.Tr. Trout -
nirnt Free
Jinny Have Been Cured After Doctors
At first no disease is apparently more
harmless than dropsy; a little swelling
of the eyelids, hands, feet, ankles or
abdomen. Finally there is great short
ness of breath, cough, faint spoils,
sometimes nausea and vomiting, even
bursting of the Jimbs and a lingering
and wretched death if the dropsy is not
Dr. Miles has been known as a lead
ing specialist in these diseases for an
years. His liberal offer of a $3.75
Treatment free to all sufferers, la cer
tainly worthy of serious consideration.
You may never have such an oppor
tunity again.
The Grand Dropsy Treatment con
sists of four dropsy remedies in one.
also Tonic Tablets and Pura-Tjaxa. for
removing the water. This treat-merit
Is specially prepared for each pattenß
and is ten times ns successful as thai
of most physicians It usually re
lieves the first day. and removes swell
ing in six days In most cases. Delay-
Is dangerous. Send for ItemarkaMn
Cures In Your State.
AH afflicted readers may have t?o0k.
Examination Chart, Opinion, Ad vie a
and a Two-Pound Treatment free.
Write at once. Decrihe your case. Ad
dress, Dr. Franklin Miles. Dept. DA.,
525 to 535 Main Street, Elkhart. Tnd:
If your Backhurts or Bladder
bothers you, drink lots
of water.
When your kidneys hurt and youi«
back feels sore, don't get scared and
proceed to load your stomach with a
lot of drugs that excite the kidneys
and Irritate the enire urinary tract.
Keep your kidneys clean like you keep
your bowels clean, by flushing them
with a mild, harmless salts which re
moves the body's urinous waste and
stimulates them to their normal activ
ity. The function of the kidneys is to
filter the blood. In 24 hours they
strain from It 500 grains of acid and
waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the
kidneys active.
Drink lots of water —you can't drink
too much; also get. from any pharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts:
take a tableapoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast each morning
for a few days and your kidneys will •
act fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lfemon
juice, combined with lithta. and has
been used for generations to clean and
stimulate clogged kidneys; also to
neutralize the acids In urine so it no
longer is a source if irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep
their kidneys clean and active. Try
this, also keep up the water drinking,
and no doubt you will wonder what
became of your kidney trouble and
backache. —Advertisement. ,
Day and Night Sessions
IK S. Market Square, Ilarrlsburg, Pa.
Fall Term. Taeaday. Sept. *, I WIS.
Individual instruction Civil Servls*.
flth Tear. 820 Market St.. llarrUbuim
fa J B- OABSEH. frliclMl,