Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 02, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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if We Begin Our Second Week of Sale With
M / ![% j Extraordinary Values At Less Than Half On Our |
■™ K )o / X HEresponsetoourunusualbargalnoffenngshasexceeded our ex P ectations - Scores of people were obliged to leave the first dav a* w, ki * H
\\ ® / them - Hundreds have g° ne home with s " its < coats and furs Purchased for half and less than half of what these garments cZd J Jrrll t0 ? n 5
_ 1 10 I But we have three floors and a basement filled with bargains just as good for the coming week. If we had room to stretch a clothes fine for am ? ordinarily JM
MJI O i WOuld SOOn take the smoke -fumes out of the garments. But you furnish the clothes line and we'll fill it with latest style clothing for one ha?f nri? ol ™ ore > w,nd 55
f fX \ ber that this stock is NOT damaged by water or fire, only slightly fumed by the smoke from fire next door * ciotnmg tor one half-price and less. Remem- H
M . wt 1 —— Eg
HL / \) Men's and Boy s'Specials * J
■ I S ial Lot of Values > Your Choice .... ous Latest Shades, Choice .... 95c 0
S WaUfc \<)r J R OtJSERS FOR MEN in Cor- AO DRESSES in Serge, Silk and *0 QA I
MS " 31SIS, oyc duroy and Worsteds, Your Choice UOCVelvets, Values to SIB.OO . . if AQ
H oJ^: s l 'L" Sail v ' MEN'S $15.00 and $17.00 SUITS, QA A A LADIES' SUITS up to $35.00 <flo AA AnKwk ßE 0
□ > Splendid Values, Choice . . . . Values, Your Choice . J12.90 MB M
(9 Trimmed and Untrim-1 MEN'S OVERCOATS, Regular sll QA Entire CI TOO Will Be f / n • ■
La me d Fall and Winter $25.00 Values, Choice at . . . Stock of TUIVJ Sold At IllCe
S Hats, choice 10c B °Y S ' NOR FOLK SUITS at <j;i qo LADIES' FULL LENGTH SERGE djo qa tjbE
0 Those L fcto a (Others at $2.98 and $3.90) «P*.30 COATS, All Sizes MWI «
ms. «£»s?Airis;s:-w rlsPl
MHA 8 S. FOURTH STREET Open Evenings * \m
Special to The Telegraph
Biglerville, Pa.. Jan. 2.—lt is esti
mated that 3,000 people yesterday
passed through the poultry show be
ing held here under the auspices of the
Riglervllle Agricultural and Poulrtv
Association. It Is one of the most suc
cessful shows ever v held in Adams
Kthel—So you prefer a long engage
ment. Well. I wouldn't.
Marie—You would if you liked flow
ers and candy and the theater as much
as I do. —Boston Transcript.
Bo~ttte of
Last Day of
Free Offer to Skin Sufferers
THIS is the Inst day of this Free
Offer. If you have held off, act now,
for this announcement will never appear
■gain in this locality.
No matter what skin disorder you
have—no matter whether it is merely a
slight eruption or a stubborn case of
eczema, you owe it to yourself to accept
thiß passing opportunity.
F.x-Zema-Fo is a colorless, odorless
liquid. It will not stain your clothing—
it's as clean to use »s water.
For years this famous remedy has been
sold in all parts of thecountry. And it
has always been sold with a written
guarantee. Yet we seldom hnvc a
On the contrary, we dally receive
letters from sufferers who had tried
everything else without avail and who
have been cured of t he worst forms of ecrema
and other sltin afflictions even more serious.
That is why we dare make this offer, we
know that Ex-Zema-Fo will do for you what
It. lias done for thousands of others. Mail the
coupon now —it's your lastcbanc.
■* ■*« Cut out this coupon and moll to
1 Norvold Chemical Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. I
J I never tried Ex-Zema-Fo. Plf-a-=<- '
J supply me with a 50c pai-lae-' I" ' '
I Name. 55J&.J ,
I |
I Addrfs* |
~ 1 City State j
Givtfuil address and nnte //«.- ) m MM J
For Sale By:
Keller's Drug Store.' 205 Market
street; Grundens Drug Store, 933 North
Sixth street; William F. Steever, Four
teenth and Walnut streets; John H.
Park, 621 Race street; Thompson's
Pharmacy, Sixth and Maclay streets;
Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, 1325 Deny
To be sure that the Cough Syrup you
give your child it harmless and free
from injurious opiates, be sure to get
Made from long-used herbs and con
tains no Opium, Chloroform, Codein,
Morphine or other harmful drug. Get
* 25c. or 50r. bottle today. Money
back by the dealer if it doesn't help
Biederwolf Evangelistic Meetings
at Waynesboro Will Begin
Next Sunday Evening
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 2. —The
tabernacle erected here with a seating
capacity of 5,000 persons for the
evangelistic meetings to be held un
der the personal direction of Dr.
Biederwolf and a number of his as
sistants. has been completed and
everything is in readiness for the
opening of the special meeting Sun
day evening at 7.30 o'clock. Ten
large stoves have been placed along
the aisles of the tabernacle, while a
furnace has ben put in under the plat
form to I'c occupied by Dr. Hleder
wolf and his choir of 500 singers. The
chairs for the choir arrived yeaterday
and were put in place by twenty vol
unteer churchmen.
By .4.undated Frets
Lansing. Mich.. Jan.. 2. —Until Gov
ernor Ferris receives further infor
mation from John B. Densmore, so
licitor of the Department of Justice,
who is now in the Calumet copper
mine strike region, no action will bo
taken by the executive to cornmunl
rate with President Shaw, of the Calu
met and Hecla Mining Company, in
ari effort to obtain a basis of nego
tiations for a settlement of the labor
difficulties. This was announced at j
I the Governor's office to-day.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Jan. 2. Whether
Charles H. Mover, president of the
Western Federation of Miners, shares
the hope reported from the copper
region of Michigan that the strike will
soon be settled could not be learned
from him to-day, as he declined to see
reporters. Mciyer expects to leave the
hospital about the middle of next
week. It was learned that he re
ceived a number of telegrams to-day
and that they were engaging his at
I Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 2.—Arthur San
ders, of Northumberland, in twenty
| one minutes and ten seconds, covered
i a four-mile course of snow and ice
in a marathon race at Sunbury on New
Year's day and won a silver cup. Wil
liam Bachman, of Sunburv. was sec
ond. and Leo Swaboskie, of Mount Car
mel, third. There were ten runners.
In the afternoon a big Mummer's
street parade was held. There were
seven hands and over 1,000 marchers.
Five hundred dollars In prizes was dis
By Associated Press
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 2. —Impressive
ceremonies marked the inauguration
to-day of Dr. John Huston Finley. of
New York, as State Commissioner of
Education and president of the uni
versity of the State. Noted educators
from all parts of this country and
abroad participated.
Wilmington Firemen
Give Reily Hose Clock
Members of the Phoenix Fire Com
pany, of Wilmington, Del,, who are
touring Central Pennsylvania, last
night visited the Kelly Hose Company
and presented the company with a six
foot mahogany grandfather's clock. The
clock was given as a token of the ap
preciation of the Wilmington firemen |
for their treatment when entertained
by the Belly Hose when they visited
this city a year ago.
A dinner was served the delegation
at the Hoffman House. In the delega
tion from Wilmington are:
J. C. llyndman, chairman; G. Ward,
J. W. Porter, (J. Parrel. L. Sines, H.
Hem pel, R. Hauley, G. Donohau, S
Thompson and W. Parker. The local
committee consisted of Isaac Light,
chairman; Harry Stroh, W. H. Clay,
George Peters and Harry Hanlen.
First Daily Aeroplane
Service Begins Today)
By Associated Press
Tampa, Fla., Jan. 2. The first
daily aeroplane passenger and express)
service between two cities in the j
South, possibly In the country, was'
opened to-day with a successful (light
of a hydroaeroplane from St. Peters
burg across the bay to Tampa, an air
line distance of eighteen miles. A. C.
Phell, ex-Mayor of St. Petersburg, was
the passenger.
The flight was made in twenty-three
minutes, at an average height of eighty j
feet above the water. The return
flight was made at the same average
speed. A fare of $5 each way is
charged, or ten dollars for the round
trip. A small amount of baggage also
is carried at a specified pound rate.
The only limit fixed in the case of a
passenger is that lie or'she must not
weigh over 200 pounds; or if weighing
I more than that amount, an extra
charge of 5 cents per pound is made.
By Associated Press
Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 2. —Tho
Massachusetts ballot was used for the.
first time in this State at a charter
election in progress in Owego to-day.
A new State law prescribing this form
of ballot went into effect January 1.
Special to Tire Telegraph
Sunbury,. Pa., Jan. 2.—While fooling
with a revolver which he was using to
celebrate New Year, Wednesdav night
Lambert Inns, of Walnut street, shot
himsnlf In the groins. Fortunately the
bullet did not hit a vital spot aiid he
will live. He is In the Mary M. Pack
er hospital.
Special to The Telegraph
Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 2.—A very
pleasant birthday surprise party was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Harodei last evening in honor
of Mrs. Harodel's birthday.
Look for the signature of 15. W.
GROVE. Cures a Cold In One Dav,
Cures Grip in Two Days. 25c.—-Ad
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury. Pa., Jan. 2.—The Rescue
Hose Company, this week decided to
purchase a new automobile hose and
chemical truck. A committee was ap
pointed to secure estimates. This will
make the third nuto truck in the Sun
bury fire department.
Pennsylvania Co. Grants Privilege
That Will Please Mt. Gretna j
Cottagers and Travelers
Special to The Telegraph
Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 2. —Lebanon'
patrons of the Cornwall and Lebanon
Railroad, and lit. Gretna cottage own
ers who reside at Harrlsburg, Lancas
ter and elsewhere, will be delighted to
learn that on and after February 1,
i J ennsy 1 v;inia mileage will be good on
the Cornwall and Lebanon line. The
announcement to-day that the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company has made
the concession may well be considered
a public New Year gift in this region,
as the agitation has covered a period
of probably ten years, and every pres
sure and influence that could be mus
tered to get a grant of this convenience
has been utilized, but without, success
until now.
Willi (lie new order of things, bag-!
gage may be checked at Harrlsburg
and other points on Pennsylvania sys
tem on mileage books, and the bag
gage will go right through on the
Cornwall and Lebanon by virtue of
that same checking. It is boon which
Ihe commercial travelers understand
very well, and which will save them
endless inconveniences and consider
able expense as well.
Mastodon Skeleton Is
Found in Virginia
By Associated Press
I.lue Ridge Springe, Va., Janii 2. —
This little village has been thrown in
to !i fevor of excitement as the result
of the unearthing of what is declared
to be the skeleton of a huge mastodon.
The discovery was made near here yes
terday by S. D. Taliaferro, of Salem,
Va., superintendent of a crushing
plant, and the skeleton will be offer
ed to the Smithsonian institute at
The skeleton measured thirty feet
in length with a jaw four feet tn
width, ribs six inches wide, teeth five
Incheft in width and tusks five feet In
length. The find of the massive bones
was made in limestone country and
was buried 20 feet below the surface
of the earth. When clearing away the
earth above a ledge of limestone rock,
workmen were able to trace the entire
outline of the huge bulk. It took
wagons to bring the bones here.
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh, Jan. 2.—Michael Kelly,
aged 18, of Port Perry, Allegheny
county, was killed lart night w'nen a
sled he was riding crashed into a
wagon, it was the first fatal sledding
accident of the winter In Western
Special to The Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 2. The
holy communion service will be observ
ed in a number of churches In this place
on Sunday morning, which are tho
Methodist Kplacopal, Trlndle Springs
Lutheran.' Trinity Lutheran and St.
Paul's Reformed church. Preparatory
services will be held in the. two latter
churches this evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
Wants More Inspections and Acci
dents Reduced by at Least
Fifty Per Cent.
Letters have been sent to the gen-1
eral superintendents and general man- |
agers of every coal company in the j
State by James E. Roderick, State
Chief of Mines, urging them to take
measures to reduce by 50 per cent, the
number of accidents, it being appar
ent, he says, that additional safeguards
arc essential. In the same mail the
chief has sent letters to the mine in
spectors of the State service notifying
them of the dispatch of the letter and
directing them to notify the depart
ment at once if they find that sugges
tions for safety are not being followed
out. In case of persistenCviolation of
directions for safety the inspectors
are directed to institute suits.
In his letter to the mining officers
Chief Roderick says: "The most pro*
llflc causes of accidents inside the
mines are falls, cars, blasts, gas, fall
ing into shafts or slopes, suffocation
and explosives. During the first eleven
months of 1013 510 lives were lost In
side (he mines as against 4•>3 for the
first /eleven months of 1912. If acci
dents inside the mines arc to be re
duced. and they should he reduced by
one-half, special care and attention
must be given .to the causes enu
merated. In all mines, but especially
in mines where the pitch of the seam
is less than 35 degrees, accidents front
falls must be given the greatest con
The letter contains numerous sug
gestions for reduction of the number
of accidents front each cause.
The mine inspectors are notified
that they will be held responsible by
the Department of Mines for any neg
lect on their part to enforce compli
ance with Instructions given.
To Establish Banks For
Aid of Small Borrowers
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 2.—Confirmation of
reports from Berlin that ."ulius Ro
senwald, of Chicago, who is at present
investigating European banking sys
tems for financing men of small means,
would soon establish in this country a
chain of banks in an effort to aid
small borrowers who are unable to
obtain loans from ordinary financial
Institutions, was given here last night
by Dr. Edwin R. L. Gould.
Mr. Rosenwald is co-operating with
Andrew Carnegie and Vincent Astor
and others, Dr. Gould said. It is prob
able that Dr. Gould will be head of
the system of banks, the first of which
I Is to be established in Chicago with
a capital of several hundred thousand
By Associated Press
Washington, Jan. 2.—No longer will
Joseph W. Folk, solicitor of the State
Department, blow blue rings from his
favorite cigar. He has sworn off from
smoking. In doing so. he hopes, as he
expresses It to set a good example
for the American youth. His dally
consumption of cigar« averages from
fifto«n to twenty,
JANUARY 2 1914.
Plan Conference on
Direct Primary For
Election of President
fi.v Associated Press
Jan. 2.—Representa
tive liinebaugh, of Illinois, (Progres
sive) who has introduced several bills
relating to national legislation for di
rect primaries, plans to have a con
ference at the White House with Pres
ident Wilson soon after the President's
return from Pass Christian. Mr. liine
baugh is anxious that Congress enact
some legislation along this line and
expressed the hope to-day that the
President would continue urging the
passage of a presidential primary law.
Representative Rucker, of Missouri,
chairman of the House committee on
election of President and Vice-presi
dent, expects to frame a bill to meet
the views the President expressed In
his message ut the opening of the De-
Icember session.
Exclusion of Plumage
Puts Crimp in Feather
Markets of Europe
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 2.—European feath
er markets have been demoralized by
the exclusion of wild bird plumage
I from this country, according to W. T.
Hornaday, director of the New York
Zoological Tark, who has taken a
I leading part in the light to preserve
| wild bird life.
, Within ten days after the adoption
I of the tariff bill containing the feather
| exclusion provision, Mr. Hornaday said
I the Ijondon feather market suffered a
slump. He added that 368 or 1,174
lots of plumage offered on the market
were withdrawn.
Rub Backache or Lumbago Away
in a Moment
No Waiting For Relief Get a
Small Trial Bottle and Lim
ber Right Up
Back hurt you? Can't straighten
up without feeling sudden pains, sharp
aches and twinges? Now listen!
That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe
from il strain, and you'll get blessed
relief the moment you rub your back
with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Oil." Nothing else takes out sore
ness, lameness and stiffness so quickly.
You simply rub It on and out comes
the pain. It Is perfectly harmless and
doesn't burn or discolor the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a
small trial bottle from any drug store,
and after using it Just once, you'll
forget that you ever had backache,
lumbago or sciatica, because your back
will never hurt or cause any more
misery. It never disappoints and lias
been recommended for 60 years.—Ad
fly Associated Vrcss
New York, Jan. 2.—A general strike
of coal bargemen, it was announced
yesterday following a meeting of the
Bargemen's Union, would begin to
day. The coal bargemen demand an
increase in wages from SSO to stio a
month. It is estimated that a general
strike of the coal bargemen would tie
up 3,500 coal barges and cut off the
supply of the electric light and street
railway powerhouses and other com
panies which handle barge coal.
Thousands Experience Bad After
Effects From This Danger
ous Drug
A Safe \>Ketul>le Substitute In Dr.
Ednnrrts' Olive Tablets for the Liver.
I3r. F. M. Edwards, a prominent phy
sician of Ohio, has discovered a laxa
tive and liver toner in a combination
of vegetable materials mixed with olive
oil, which is in effect almost exactly
like calomel, except tliat there aru
none of the bad after effects.
l>r. Edwards has long been a foe of
calomel, though he recognized its value
along with Its dangers.
Ills distrust of the uncertain drug
eventually started him. years ago,
towards experiments with the view oC
discovering a substitute, and he ban
been for several years In possession of
the long-sought-for •otnbination,
which is In the sliap* nf » little sugar
coated, olive-colored tablet.
The results of 17 vcars' experience
and practice nre embodied In these
marvelous little tnblcte.
They are called IJI\ ISdwards' Olive
Tablets. And their effect on the liver
lias been the means of relief to many
of Dr. Edwards' regular patients as
well as to thousands of others who
have suffered and were afraid of calo
There is no necessity, when you take
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, by follow
ing them up with nasty, sickening,
griping salts, or castor oil, as vou do
after taking calomel. Try them, lib;
and 25c per box. The Olive Tablet Com
pany, Columbus, O. At all druggists.—
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November 30. 1913.
TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martlnsburg at
6:03, *7:52 a. m., *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Meehanicsburg and Intermediate
stations at 5:03, *7:52, *11:63 a. m.,
•3:40, 6:32, *7:40, •11:15 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanicsburg at 9:40 a. in..- 2:18, 3:27,
5:30, 9:30 a. m.
For DlUsburg at 5:03, *7:62 and
•11:53 a. m., 2:18, *3:40, 6:32 and 6:30
p. in.
•Daily. All other trains dally except
Sunday. 11. A. RIDDLE,
3. H. TONGE. Q. P. A.
| Scratch Pads
I . I E have a lot of scratch pads
! \\Al\ put up, about 100 to a pack-
I I age, that we are selling for
. 50c per package. JuSt the
thing for office work, and you'd
better order NOW If you want
any as they won't last 16ng at
that price.
Printing, Minding, Designing,
1 Photo Engraving
HAlUtlftßinG. PA.