Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Year Ending at Midnight Was Next
to High Water Mark; De
cember a Big Month
At midnight, last niglit, the Penn
sylvania Railroad ended its second
best year for freight movement record-,
ed in seven years. Three trains pass
ed Denholm, tho point Ht which records
are tnken on the Middle Division, be
tween 11 o'clock and midnight, brought
the year's total car movement up to
2,162,465. . .... .
The best previous year wan in 190 i,
when 2,225,769 cars were moved. The |
total movement for December was l°o.- |
042. While not a record movement for
the last month in the year, it was a few |
cars less than last December, 1912, when (
the total movement was 180,86.>. In®
loaded car movement for December just ,
closed was 107,241 cars; empty, 17,801. |
Trains operated, 2,910. The loaded car
movement during December, 191„, was
Total Movement
The total movement for the present
year, passing Denholm, shows that high
tide was reached during January, when
193,525 cars were transported. The
fewest number of cars were recorded in
April, when the "temperature" dropped I
to 164,828 cars, nearly 30,000 less than |
the year's banner month. In tabulated !
form the movement during the twelve I
months was given out this afternoon
as follows:
Ileeord For the Year
January 193,635
February 175,314
March 185,011
April ' 164,828
May 186,376
June 170,799
July 180,113
August 184,762
September 171,154
October 188,706
November 177,815
December 185,042
The best year's record was in 1907, 1
when 2,225,769 cars were moved. The
year just closed was second best with
2,162,465. Last year was a record
twelve months, with 2,075,625. Other big ,
years showed 1,692,100 in 1908; 1,850,-
969 in 1909; 1,833,379 in 1910, and 1,880,-
723 in 1911.
Baldwin Plan Busy;
Broke AH Records
Special to The Telegraph
Philadelphia, Jan. I.—Showing a
substantial increase in every depart
ment, the Baldwin Locomotive Works
yesterday issued a report of the total
number of locomotives built during
the year 1913.
During the year 2,025 locomotives
were constructed, as against 1,613 for
1912. Of this number built, 1,791 were
steam locomotives and 229 electric lo
comotives. The product also included
gasoline and compressed air locomo
Employes of tlie Pennsylvania Rail-
Railroad throughout the entire system,
found a New Year greeting from the
general manager, Simon C. Dong, posted
on the bulletin boards. It occasioned
much favorable comment, and was as
"The strength of this railroad is its
"We are proud of the 150,000 men
who operate the Pennsylvania Rail
road. This railroad is what it is to
day because of the co-operation and
joint effort of two human generations
of officers and men who have made its
service their life work.
"All..mechanical aids that may he in
vented can never eliminate the ultimate
responsibility which rests upon the in
dividual man. Every man in the ser
vice has a duty to perform—a duty the
proper performance of which ig partly
its own reward—and upon lila, lidellty
depends a share of the succc>»!ful re
sult. It gives me the greatest pleasure
to express to the officers and employes
[Continued From I'nffc 1]
completed until the end of the year,
and this closes at high noon to-mor
row so far as the bureau's business is
concerned. But Recorder O. G. Wick
ersham and Marriago J.icenso Clerk
Houseman find something to grin
about to-day anyway; tho number of
licenses issued is already ahead of
last year's.
Eugenics Notwithstanding
And the new eugenics license not
"That eugenics law didn't have
nearly the effect on our business that
many folks predicted," said Mr. Wlck
ersham, smilingly. "We're consider
ably ahead now of last year's record—
and we've several days yet in which to
do business."
The last day of the old year was a
very big day at that, however; eight
licenses were issued, just one less than
the number handed out on the last
day of 1912.
Some of the applicants yesterday
were still in their 'teens. One pretty
bride-to-be was but 15, another groom
elect was only 16.
The first license of tho new year was
issued to-day to John Bacyann and
Katie Sabo, of Wllllamstown. They
smilingly said they knew no better
way to start the new year. Recorder
O. G. Wickersham was on the job for
awhllo to-day to accommodate just
that sort of thing.
All told 17 2marital couples decided
that the Law would have to step in
and untie the complicated matrimonial
knot. That many cases were listed
and most of them were heard by the
Dauphin County Court; about half of
the divorces handed down were lifted
by the complainants as a rule.
By A tsociated Press
New York, Jan. I.—New York city
leads London in population by 1,000,-
000 according to figures made public
by Dr. W. H. Guilfy, statistician of the
Board of Health. He fixes New York's
population at 5,876,966, a tctal based
In the city's presumptive growth since
the last count was made.
This comparison, however, does not
Include as part of London that city's
large suburban area. While New York
Is gaining rapidly in population, the
city and county of London is retrogres
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. I. In messages
summoning up the progress of their
respective movements —the National
American Woman Suffrage Associa
tion and the National Association Op
posed to Woman's Suffrage— Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw, president of the for
(MT *nd Mrs. Arthur Murray Dodge,
head of the latter organization, de
clare that the past year had been one
of the gratifying successes and each
predicted notable victories for tjje
causes in tho year starting.
—«•—■—~—•—■ -— l —■
■ .» "• J0- '
cordial appreciation of their loyalty and :
faithfulness during the year 1913, and j
to extend to them and their families
my best wishes for ' a Happy New
The Reading HuiHvay yesterday an
nounced the appointment of Gordon
Chambers as assistant real estate agent
and the appointment of Horace McCor
mick as auditor of disbursements. Both
appointments became effective to»day.
Oordon Chambers ha 3 been for some
years chief clerk in the real estate de
partment of the company. He began
work for the Reading in 1884, in the
office of the chief engineer of canals at
Reading. He was transferred to Phila
delphia in 1887.
Horace McCormick succeeds .1. E.
' Price, who retired on account of age.
He entered the service of the Reading i
as a messenger boy in 1872 in Potts
town. He came to Philadelphia in 1877
as a clerk in the office of the resident
engineer. Since 1892 he has been chief
| clerk to the auditor of disbursements.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division lO2 crow to
go first after 12.01 p. ill.: 101, 128, 129,
109, 117, 104, J3O, 121, 123, 113, 125, 106,
127, 119, 108.
1 Engineers for 106, 109, 113, 121.
' Firemen for 108, 109, 117, 119, 121.
Conductors for 101, 106, 109, 121, 127,
; 128.
1 Flagmen for 101, 108, 109, 118.
Brkemen for 106, 108, 109, 113, 117,.
119, 125, 127.
Engineers up: Speas ( Newcomer. ;
Besslnger, Howard, Madnford, May, I
Keane, Downs, Walker, Shaffer, Seiford.
Firemen up: W. J. Miller, Nelchinger,
Slattery, Tennant, Eckman, Cook,
1 Dytle, Emrick, Deck, Sliimp, Jackson,
| Walkagc, Killian, Rost.
Conductors up: Sadler, Myers, Rttpp.
! Flagmen up: Buyer, Garrett, Yeag
j cr, Hartman, Nophsker.
Brakemen up: Murry, Baltozer, R.
Collins, Busser, Wynn, Huston, Ranker,
Neff, Cox, Smith, Hubbard, Moore, Ker
stetter, Felg, Carroll, Preston, Dow
liower. Hill.
Middle Division—loß crew to go af
ter 2p. m.: 24, 17, 27.
Preference: 8.
Engineers for 24, 27.
Firemen for 17, 27.
Conductor for 17.
Flagman for 108.
Bralccman for 24.
Engineers up: Ulsh, Doede, Willis,
Ressler, Baker, Slmonton, Hertzler,
Kugler, Tettermcr. Bennett.
Firemen up: Malone, Whitesel, Hunt
er, Forsythe, Dukens, M. W. Z. Hoffman,
Knaub, Braseleman, Bruker, Paul, J. D.
Hoffman, Wagner, Mursay, Gunderman,
Mumper, Henderson, Ivline, Snyder,
i Grubb, Bortel, 10. E. Miller, Stober, C. E.
Conductor up: Muckler, Patrick.
Flagmen up: Finley, Shutt.
Brakcmen up: Williams, Adams,
Burd, Schmidt, Pipp, Sultzaberger, Walk.
Shearer, Trout, Monmiller, Dare, Mur
Ynrd Crew*
Engineers up: McMorris, Donnell,
Harter, Biever, Blosser, Rodgera, Sny
der, Lov, Houser, Meals, Stahl, Swab,
Crist, Saltzman, Kuhn, Brennemati,
Shaver, Dandis, Hoyler, Beck.
Firemen up: Klerner, Crawford,
Shiplev, Crow, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf,
Schelffer, Rauch, Welgle, Lackey, Cook
erly, Mayer, Sholter, Snell.
Engineers for 707, 14. 1368.
Firemen for 2800, 707, 1171, 14, 1699,
riiilndelnliiii Division 229 crow to
go first after 12.45 p. m.: 241, 250, 256,
248, 219, 224. 211. 260, 212, 245, 201, 216,
215, 243. 238, 235.
Engineers fo 21 2, 21 6, 243.
Firemen for 245, 249, 250.
Conductors for 215, 229, 238, 256.
Flagmen for 212, 229, 249.
Brakemen for 201, 207, 212, 241, 248.
Conductors up: Hinkle, Layman, Kel
Flagmen up: Krow, Hartman.
Brakemen up: May. Short, Gillet,
1 McDermott, Goudy, McCall, Doestler,
j Hutchison, Brownwell, Albright, Lutz,
McGovern, Felker.
Middle Division —102 crew to go first
12.01 p. m.: 101, 109. 106, 121, 115.
Engineers for 109, 106, 121.
Fireman 102.
Conductor for 109.
Flagman for 106.
llnrrlMhiirg Division—6 crew first to
i go after 4 p. m.: 24.
I Helpers' crews: Freed, Feme.
I East-bound, after 9:15 a. m.: 61, 64.
Conductor up: Kline.
Engineers up: Ferner, Bonawitz.
Brakemen up: Acks, Fleagle, Epley,
1 Billow, Dimler.
[Continued from First Page]
officer refused to take part in such a
transaction. Toward evening of the
i same day, according to the story of
Palmer, Hurley drove back to Anita
; I and the child disappeared from home.
_1 No word was received by the mother
'■ from the son until he returned a few
d.i.vs ago, a grown-up man. The
mother at the time of the disappear
ance of the child swore out a warrant
- for Hurley on the charge of kidnaping.
Ho refused to say anything about the
i whereabouts of the boy and the pro
t ceedlngs were dropped.
John James Hurley came home
- from South Bend. Wash., to be re
- united with his mother. In the years
> he was separated from her he trav
eled the length of the continent. He
i was given both a good education and
t religious instruction in several edu
i cational institutions in different States,
t Upon being abandoned by his ab
ductor, supposed to be his father, he
r was placed in the Washington State
r Training School at Chehalis. John
. remembers the dramatic things that
occurred from the time he was 6 until
9 he was 15 years old. According to the
j young man's story, his abductor at
. that time was a man of near 60 years
[ old. '
Ho remembers that after he was
taken from home they went to Chi
t cago, from there to Belt, Mont., then
back to Cresson, Pa.,- where he was
. placed in a Catholic school; from
there he was taken to Spokane, Wash.,
1 where he was placed on Conzaga Col
-1 lege. At the age of 15 years the boy
3 worked in the mines in the Far West.
! Tho young man in conversation says
J he has no complaint to make against
1 tho man. whether he was his father or
not. The only thing that he cannot
understand Is why he was placed in
the Washington State Training School
t when he was abandoned by the man,
as It is a school for Incorrigible boys.
It was while young Hurley was em-
Y ployed at South Bend, Wash., in a
- large baking plant, that he first got
c news of his home and tho mother
e back East. A Mrs. Floetke. who had
s moved from near Punxsutawney to
3 South Bend and opened a boarding
e house, remembered reading of the
kidnaping at the time It occurred,
t when she lived near the horpe of the
s boy's mother. She told young Hurley
It of this. The young man wrote East
e to Chief of Police Palmer, asking if he
- could give him any light on the case.
The chief, who well remembered the
incident, telegraphed the young man
and he came back to his mother, who
Is married to William Hughes, a
miner. It Is thought that Hurley had
s a confederate in the kidnaping of the
r boy.
il 1,682 BANKRUPTS IN 1913
i- 1 By Associated Press
a New York, Jan. 1. Petitions in
•- bankruptcy to the number of 1,682
5, were filed in the clerks office of the
i- United States District Court here ir
e 1913. This is 105 more than the year
h 1912 and the largest in several years
e but Is not quite up to the record oi
1,695 in 1899.
Pennsylvania Statutes Which Will
Have Wide Influence Are
Now Operative
Mine Station Conference Held at
the Department of Mines
gl Tn addition to
* the new public
A service company
, law reguliitlng
about thirty classes
lib corporations there
IvjHtiSSflt. w "' K ° inl °
ll in Pennsylvania
sfeH»ailUßoL_ to ~ l ' a >' anthra
cile coal tax, the
mM "pure seed,"
■rw'n'Trtir "commodities"and
automobile registration laws.
Hlanks have been issued to all pro
ducers of anthracite coal for report
ing to the State of the tonnage mined
and prepared for market during: 1913
| and these reports are to be sent to the
Auditor General's Department as soon
as possible so that the tax of 2V4 per
cent, on the value can be computed.
Tho "commodities" act establishes
standards for eighty-one articles of
foodstuffs and materials in daily use
and requires all vessels used in meas
uring to be stamped with capacity.
The seed law establishes standards
for grass seeds and penalties for the
sale of adulterated mixtures. The act
is especially designed to keep down
dodder and thistte. The act will be
enforced by inspection by State offi
Under the new automobile act there
are slight changes in fees and traction
engines, trailers and motor trucks are
classified. Half licenses will be issued
after July 1.
As the automobile act appropriates
all of the income from licenses to the
Highway Department for road im
provement, It is expected that steps
for an early test of the law will be
made, it being contended that it vio
lated the "specific appropriation" act
of 1909.
Capitol's Holiday.—All departments
on the "Hill" except the Highway,
Police and Health were closed to-day.
Most of the department heads went
home for the holiday.
Tlie Treasury.—The State Treasury
receipts during December amounted
to $1,489,478.80 and payments to
$2,649,368.62. Tho balance In the
Treasury at the end of the month was
$6,404,379.96 against $7,564,289.78 at
the end of November. The details of
operations was as follows: General
fund, receipts $1,485,818.30, expendi
tures $2,649,368.62, balance $5,601,-
947.18; sinking fund, receiptss3,66o.so,
balance $801,491.31; school fund, bal
ance uninvested, $941.47.
Inspection Order. General orders
are in preparation at the office of the
Adjutant General for the inspection of
the organizations of the National
Guard of Pennsylvania and it is the
plan to begin the inspections by Na
tional Guard officers the latter part of
this month. The inspection of the or
ganizations of the Guard will be made
by officers detailed from the regular
army, as heretofore, during the month
of April.
lUk Fees Paid.—Thousands of dol
lars have been paid into the Treasury
in the last thirty days as bonus on in
creases of stock of Pennsylvania cor
porations and as fees for charters and
mergers. Some of the increases of
stock, of which notice has been filed,
run into the millions and on one day
over $8 5,000 was received from this
source. On the mergers the State re
ceives a fee of $55 for recording and
$5 for each constituant company. One
merger from Western Pennsylvania
netted the State $5,500, being com
posed of 100 companies. Over 120
charters, mostly for electric com
panies, were Issued during December,
there being a rush to secure letters
patent before the public service law
takes effect.
Mine bullion—A meeting of the!
Commission created by the Legislature
of 1913 to co-operate wilth the Na
tional Bureau of Mines In the estab
lishment and conduct of a Mining
Experiment Station, at Pittsburgh,
met yesterday morning in the Depart
ment of Mines. The Commission is
c omposed of James E. Roderick, Chief
of Department of Mines; chairman,
Walter R. Calverley, Pittsburgh, vice
chairman, and Professor W. R. Crane,
dean, School of Mines, State College,
secretary. No definite action was
taken in regard to the Immediate
work of the Commission, but plans for
the co-operation of the two depart
ments were thoroughly discussed and
the department will work harmonious
ly in an effort to evolve and adopt
measures that will tend towards the
protection of life in the mines.
—The Public Service Commissioners
will meet Tuesday.
—Col. Lewis E. Reitler left last
night for Philadelphia after closing
the Gettysburg commission office.
—Prank E. Mekallek, Gllberton,,
and Luigl Fanelli, Pottsville, have been
appointed notaries public.
—-The Shohola Ealls Hydro-electric
Company has asked approval of plans
for a dam in Pike county.
—Bids will be opened at the State
Highway department on January 13
for equipment of a laboratory.
—Ex-Congressman B. K. Focht, of
Lewlsburg, was here yesterday.
—Health Commissioner Dixon re
turned to-day from Pittsburgh where
he attended the typhoid conference.
Complete Tie-up in Car
Service at Hazleton
Hazleton, Pa., Jan. 1, —All traffic
on the lines of the Lehigh Traction
Company road was completely tied up
to-day by a strike of the motormen
and conductors following- their Inabil
ity to come to an agreement with the
management on a new contract to
take the place of the one expiring at
midnight. No attempt is bein«r made
to run cars to-day. How the company
is to fill its obligations on the carrying
of mail to the nearby towns has not
yet been announced. Automobiles
were pressed into service by private
parties to bring people from surround
ing mining villages touched by the
electric system. Special traina will be
run by the Lehigh Valley Railroad to
carry Markle miners to and from their
work while the strike lasts.
Kittanning. Pa., Jan. i. Sixteen
hours after lie had held up and rob
i ed Herbert John, station agent of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, David McCol
lum, aged 2, of Wickboro, began to
serve a live year sentence on charges
of assault and battery with Intent to
kill, pointing lire arms, robbery, lar
cny, and carrying concealed weap
Magistrate in Fourth Ward For
Six Years Handled Capitol
Graft Cases
llSiillli jhkßm
At midnight Sunday. January 4, Wil
liam I* Windsor, Jr., will become a prl
vate citizen once more, his term as
Alderman of the Fourth Ward expiring
at that time. Edward
Hilton will assume his new duties Mon
day morning, January 5, having already
been sworn in.
With the retirement of Alderman
Windsor, llarrlsburg will lose a magis
trate who has won a reputation for fair
and square dealing. In the discharge
of his duties, Alderman Windsor has
been frequently commended by the
Court because of his wise judgment in
settling many cases out of court; not
only saving the county many thousands
of dollars in costs, but also in the col
lection of costs and fees for the county
when cases were settled.
Alderman Windsor began his alder
manic career in June, 1907, having been
appointed to fill a vacancy caused by
the death of the late Alderman Bates.
In the Spring of 1908 Alderman Wind
sor was elected to serve until May 1,
of the present year, but by reason of
the change in the laws his term was
extended until the first Monday in
January, 1914. While in office Alder
man Windsor has handled 2,771 cases,
including half of the Capitol graft
cases; four murder cases, and a number
of important criminal and civil suits.
In the six years and seven months Al
derman Windsor has been in office,
none of the cases he settled In his own
office has been appealed, and very few
cases returned to the court have been
[Continued From Pago 1]
are giving formal openings and re
In addition to the mummers' parade
the big affair of the day was the for
mal opening of the Public Library,
Front and Walnut streets. In the exer
cises of which Governor Tener and
members of the board of trustees of
the library took part. The library
was open all afternoon and will be
open this evening for Inspection.
Tins Mummers' Parade
The mummers' parade started from
Second and State streets at 1.30
o'clock this afternoon and followed
this route: Second to Market, to
Fourth, to Relly, to Third, to North,
to Front, to Market.
Chief Marshal Clarence Rackenstoss
and his aids, Jj iitrolnian Amos F.
Good and Samue/ Koen led, followed
by the Municipal Hand and the Kolo
nial Kids.
Next came other aids. Robert Buck,
W. E. Orr, H. W. Brooks. H, A. Gun
derson and George Shreffler, followed
by the Shamrock Fire Company's
Darktown Brigade and the Nlnety
niners. In the next division came the
Princes of Bagdad, No. 77; Octarora
Tribe, No. 91, of Red Men; Agoga
Drum Corps and minstrels. Next were
the Wauwauseum Tribe of Red Men,
Alexander's Ragtime Band. More than
a thousand men were In line.
Mummers' Parade in
Quaker City Greatest
Pageant Ever Witnessed
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Jan. I.—Philadelphia's
Ancient pnd Honorable Carnival of
Pompous Majesty and Fun, the parade
of Mummers, or "New Year's Slioot
i era," was held to-day and it surpassed
! all previous attempt to entertain the
people on the first day of the New
Year. Ten thousand men in fancy and
grotesque costumes, paraded over the
principal streets while hundreds of
thousands stood along the curb lines
and applauded their favorites. No
other city in Hie world has anything
like Philadelphia's parade of Mum
mers. The New Year's day event is as
distinctive of this city as the Mardl
Gras Is of New Orleans or the pageants
of continental Europe. In former times
i it was the custom to "shoot out the old
'year" hence the title of "New Year's
[Shooters" as applied to the fantastic
So keen has been the rivalry between
the various clubs or associations
which participated In the parade that
| some of them spent thousands of dol
i lars on gorgeous robes and costumes
lof satin and brocade. The city offered
! prizes aggregating $5,000 to be con
] tested for and associations of business
I men In various localities offered addi
tional prizes and many thousands of
! dollars. On a stand erected at City
llall. were seated the committee who
were to decide which clubs should win
the coveted prizes. All the old favor
ites among the marching clubs were
j In line.
Auto Licenses in
Tremendous Demand
The demand for automobile licenses
for 1914 kept the attaches of the
automobile division of the State High
way Department on the jump to-day
despite the fact that it was a holiday
and hundreds of tags were given out.
Scores of people lined the corridor of
the department seeking the plates.
For 1913 the total Issued was 80,179
and to noon to-day 22,000 havo been
[ issued lor 1914.
Rev. Mullock Is Dismissed From
Presbytery to Go to
—^The Rev. Harvey
Klaer was last
night installed «u>
pastor of Cove
nant Presbyterian
Church, Fifth and
«"A Peffer streets. The j
j' church was crowd
. ,t Kellog, moderator
kL.l^ l (Wrlf-* Presbytery, presid- ]
■MI .I LMcd at the lnstalla- j
lion services and 1
W] preached the ser-!
/V/vJ/f mon. A short song
l&BBr r i l service by the choir
preceded the'eeremonies.
The ltev. Frances H. Laird, pastor
of Olivet Presbyterian Church, gave
the charge to the congregation, and
the Rev. C. C. Bosserinan, a former
pastor of Covenant, now in Cleveland,
made the charge to the new pastor.
The installation pruyer was made by
the Rev. E. E. Curtis, pastor of West
minster Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Mr. Klaer was admitted
to the Carlisle Presbytery at a meet
ing in Covenant Church yesterday aft
The Rev. Edwin MeCord Mulock,
who has resigned as pastor of Paxton
Presbyterian Church, was dismissed
from the Carlisle Presbytery to the
Michigan Church, where he has been
I). P. Jerauld, president of the Alli
son Hill Men's Christian Association,
is going to reverse the usual order of
evangelistic speaking at the next
"Pleasant Sunday Afternoon" of the
association. Ordinarily, when Chris
tian duty is discussed at such meet
ings. salvation is the end sought, but
President Jerauld lias announced that
his topic will be "What ...ust I Do to
Be Lost?" Next Sunday will be ladies'
day at the Hill meeting, to be held in
Lenny's theater, 5 South Thirteenth
street. It will be the first time that
men have been privileged to bring
their "wimmen folks," and the man
agers are figuring on how to increase
the capacity of the theater for the
A special IVew Year's service, for
men only, will be held under the au
spices of tlie Young Men's Christian
Association. Second and Docust streets,
Sundav afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock. It
will be one of song and praise, with a
brief message appropriate to the occa
sion, from Evangelist John M. Warden,
assistant pastor of Pine Street Presby
terian Church.
Preparatory »ervlce» will be held
Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.
The holy communion will be observed
next Sunday at the church.
[Continued From First Pagel
sewer. Front street is paved after
several years of bickering and argu
ment. These Improvements completed
or started this year moan the expendi
ture of thousands of dollars.
Improvements ahat will not be start
ed until next year, but which had their
Inception and final approval during
1913, outshine in monetary value even
the work of 1918. Millions will lie
expended as the result of plans laid
during the past year.
Among tliee§ improvements are the
million and a half freight station im
provement of the Pennsylvania Rail
road; the concrete bridge over the Sus
quehanna planned by the Cumberland
Valley Railroad; the passage of muni
cipal loans which will give the city
parks worth SIOO,OOO more, a comfort
station, more sewers and more paved
streets, better fire equipment, and the
rebuilding of wornout bridges over the
railroad tracks.
In transportation facilities the city
has been benefited during tho year.
Trolley lines on Allison Hill have been
changed so that more residents at
Twenty-first and Market streets are in
close touch with the line. Rockville
will have better service within a short
time, and in a few months It is expect
ed that Dauphin and this city will be
connected. The schedule of cars to
Oberlin and Steelton lias been
changed, giving better service to the
lower end. And a movement is under
way so that the traffic problem in tlie
city's center may be better handled by
running all cars in one direction In
the Square.
The city was benefited by asking the
Valley Traction Company, the cross
river trolley company, to pay an ade
quate sum for entering the city. The
increase totals SI,OOO a year under
i the present conditions.
Recognition of the city as a railroad
center of importance was shown this
! year when the Pennsylvania Railroad
land the Philadelphia and Reading
I Railway made this city one of the few
cities of these lines where stop-over
privileges of ten days are given.
The Gettysburg anniversary celebra
tion had Its advertising effect on the
city. Thousands of people from all over
'the country had to come to this city if
| they wanted to attend the big annlver
| sary. A safety first and Industrial ex-
I hibit held in this city through the ef
! forts of the State Department of
and Industry, brought big manufac
turers and dealers from all over the
East to this city, and gave Harrlsburg
favorable mention In all the industrial,
trade and technical Journals. The
Made in Harrlsburg Week held in the
Board of Trade had a like effect, al
though probably In a more restricted
| sense. Thousands of the hotne folks
'were shown for the first time how pro
ductive their home city Is.
Nearly two-thirds of the Eighth
Ward section of the city to be included
in the Capitol Park extension is in the
hands of the Park Commission as the
year closes.
Among the other real estate activi
ties of the year were the erection of
the new Mechanics' Bank building, the
Fourth Reformed Church, the Green
Street Church of God, the new Young
Women's Christian Association build
ing, the new Public Library, St. Mat
thew's Lutheran Church, and the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles.
The year did not, however, bring
forth several things the city wanted
and wanted badly In tho way of build
ings. The much-needed new hotel pro
position fell through at least for a
lime, and again the chance to build a
new high school was made impossible
at the last, election.
Tho community has been benefited
in other things than the plain mate
rial way. There has been a social and
moral change In tho spirit of the city.
A municipal Christmas tree drew the
city together for the first time in its
history on Christmas eve. An organ
ization of the churches of the city in
tho light for civic righteousness is
forming as the year dies, hotels where
vice flourished have been closed and
other hotels are considering early clos
, iug, at night. v
New Burgess and Council Will As
sume Reins of Government
in a Few Days
Nineteen thirteen brought many im
provements and changes to Steelton
both civic and industrial —but the
dawning of the new year brings with
it the promise of still better and
greater tilings.
During 1913 two big improvement
loans were floated by the corporate au
thorities of the borough. 165.000 by the
school board and $65,000 by the bor
ough counell. This money will be spent
during the coming year in improving
the sehools, paving additional streets,
laying new water mains and for build
ing a new sanitary hospital. When these
Improvements are completed. Steelton,
with its pure filtered water, c' 6""
streets and low taxation, will
take her place in the foremost rank of
boroughs in the United States.
Within the past year the new $60,000
Post Office Building was dedicated, the
old Young Men's Christian Association
Building was remodeled and turned in
to a lodge hall and a new hall was
erected and dedicated by the members
of the German Quartet Club, one of the
borough's foremost German organiza
Before another twelve months have
passed the enormous improvement
scheme of the Pennsylvania Steel
Company will be completed and the
local steel plant will take its place as
the most modern steel making plant In
the world. This company has appro
priated $4,000,000 to be spent In Im
proving the local plant. Already the
new office building, at Front and Swat
ara streets, Is nearlng completion, and
before many months will be occupied
by the general office force of the big
steel plant. The various other Im
provements about the great plant are
boing rushed.
Just at present conditions at the big
plant upon which the living of the
greater part of the borough's popula
tion depends, are not as good as they
might be. Big corporations will want
to build this year, It Is believed, and
more steel materials will be n'eeded —
and that means prosperity In Steelton.
Within the past few weeks a new
organization, from which great things
arc expected, was born here. The Good
Citizenship Deague already has nearly
100 earnest, enthusiastic members. It
is this league, it Is believed, that will
improve the living conditions here.
Violations of the Sunday laws, the
liquor laws and the laws relating to
the social evil will be stopped through
the efforts of this league, which will
not prescute to attain Its alms, but
will edueate.
A new burgess and a new council
will assume tlie reins of government
held by the present administration,
within a few days. These men, it is
believed, will make Steelton's streets
clean, improve the present execrable
sanitary conditions in the lower end
of the borough and give the citizens a
police department that will, indeed,
protect. Instead of the present Ineffici
ent department which alows even the
crime of murder to be committed with
out bringing the guilty ones to pun
If Steelton gets these things from
the men whom it has placed in charge
of her government, a.id the present
Improvement plans are consummated,
then the year 1914 will, indeed, be a
prosperous, happy one for this bor
Vanderbilt Cup Racer's
Brother Speeds Up and
Down Steelton Street
After a speedy chase in an automo
bile from Harrisburg to Middletown,
Detective Joseph lbach placed Leopold
Strang under arrest on a charge of
taking an automobile from the garage
of Charles Ensminger. Green and Cum
berland streets. Harrisburg, where he
works, for a little "joy ride." Strang,
a mechanic at the garage, is a brother
of Louis Strang, the race, who was kill
ed at the Vanderbilt Cup races last
year in a sensational smasli-up.
Strang took the car last night and
went for a ride. All night be ran the
car lip and down Front and Seconct
streets, Steelton. This morning he
called at a garage in Steelton, got live
gallons of gasoline and asked that it
be charged to Charles Ensminger, his
employer. Ensminger was notified of
the whereabouts of his car and me
chanic and a chase began. Strang
will be given a hearing to-morrow
Wigfield Sworn in
as Steelton Burgess
At noon to-day the oath of offioe was
admitted to Frank Wigfield, Steelton's
new burgess, by Justice of the Peace
Thomas V. Gardner. The ceremony was
witnessed by a large number of citi
zens, including fellow employes of Bur
gess Wlgileld from the time keeper's
office of the Pennsylvania Steel Com
pany. In his inaugural address Bur
gess Wigileld said inpart:
"1 wish above all things to be con
sistent with you. When you serve the
people, you serve all classes. Usually
those classes are made up of men that
have different ideas and opinions.
"Personally I think there is only.one
motto for public officials—that is to
servo the people and the office faith
fully. That is my motto, gentlemen."
Burgess Wigfield succeeds T. T. Mc-
Entee, a Democrat. The new burgess
was elected by a big majority at the
recent election.
Members of the Baldwin Hose Com-j
pany entertained a number of guests
at a pigroast in their parlors In South
Front street last evening.
Miss Machael Darby entertained a
number of friends at a dance at her
home. Fourth and Pine streets last
Miss Amy Walker entertained a
number of her friends at a Now Year's
party nt her home, 165 South Second
street, last evening. The rooms were
tastefully decorated with holly and
ferns. Refreshments were served.
Among the guests were Misses Amy
Walker, Miriam Haines. Margaret
Haines. Ada Sponsler, Hazel Wilt,
Mary Gardner. Edythe Snell, Sara
Allen, of Harrisburg. and Margaret
Souders, of Middletown: James Clancy,
Charles Henderson. Charles Mutza
baugh, Carl Fagley and Robert
Michaels, all of Harrisburg; John
Brandt and Harry Walters.
Miss Marie 13. Loy, 40 South Fourth
street, is visiting in Philadelphia as
the gu<'St of Miss Elsie M Thomas.
The committee In charge of the Red
Cross Christmas stamp sale here re
ports that 13,052 stamps were dispos
ed of here during the campaign. This
Is the high water mark for the sale of
these little stickers here.
Charged with stealing some chick
ens from a henhouse near Lochlel,
Raymond Moore, Frank Robinson and
Joseph Moore were arraigned before
Squire Dickinson last evening. The
latter two were dismissed, but Ray
mond Moore was held for court in
default of ball.
Several New Year Shooters Ne
glected to Use Blanks; Houses
Resemble Sieve
Down in" the foreign section ot
Steelton. in the lower part of South
Third street, some foreigners cele
brated the birth of the new year last
night In a manner that will likely land
some of them in jail.
Along about midnight a fusilade of
shots, which, according to Kaslmir
Posega. the interpreter, had one of
the battles of the Balkan war beaten
a mile for noise, startled the residents
from their sleep. The shooters, some
how or other, neglected to use blank
cartridges. As a result many of the
homes in South Third street this
morning resembled a sieve.
Abram Barische, a merchant, 7SO
South Third street, appealed to Squire
Gardner for redreßS. His house was
shot full of holes. When the squlr©
said he couldn't help him unless he
knew the names of the shooters,
Barisch employed a detective.
With three serious charges against
him, Peter Dalley, colored, will be
given R hen ring before Squire Gardner
this evening. - lie is charged with
felonious assault with intent to kill,
carrying concealed deadly weapons
and pointing firearms. These charges
are the outgrowth of a little Chrlsmas
Evo shooting affray in "Georgetown,"
the lower end of Steelton, in which
Joseph Eockward, colored, was shot,
in the right hip. Yockward is still in
the Harrisburg Hospital.
Again Steve Eoncar, fugitive wife
murderer, has been heard from. Thin
time Constable C. K. Weaver, of Dills- ■
burg, is the man who knows where I
Steve is. He Is hiding in a shanty in I
the woods near Dlllsburg—maybe,
The Steelton police are thinking of H
sending someone up to Dillsburff to H
see whether it really is Steve. H
Four Hungarians, charged with felo- H
nlous assault and battery on Mrs. Mary
Sterk, a boardinghouse mistress, at 104 H
Frederick street, will be given a hear- B
Infe before Squire Gardner to-night. H
They gave their names are Steve Bro- ■
deric, Ivan Horn, Steve Gosonolick and ■
Bloz IJkonic. ■
They were arrested by Detective
Gore and Constable James Haines, after
the woman had called at the Squire's
office and showed two badly cut hands
and a badly bruised face. The for
eigners also upset a stove, pulled down
a Christmas tree and tore up the furni
ture in general.
KIjECT officers
At a meeting last evening the fol
lowing officers were elected to serve !
for the ensuing year by the members
of Grace United Evangelical Sunday
School: Superintendent, W. F. McGin- I
nis; assistant superintendent, Maurice "
Reigert; secretary, Solan V. Rarr; as
sistant secretary, James Houdeshell; I
treasurer. B. C. Blosser; librarians,
Roy Bloser, Raymond llartman. Clar
ence Moyer and Fred Ulrich; organ
ist, Mrs. William Breinizer; assistant
organist, Mrs. William Nearhood; su
perintendent of the infant departmenlfcj
Mrs. Edward Hershey; assistant,
. J. P. Schlesman; superintendent
, the home department, Mrs. James
i Thompson: superintendent cradle roll, V
r Mrs. W. F. McGinnis; treasurer build-
! ing fund, J. S. Hummel. "
Tho high school basketball team
left this morning- for a three days'
playing trip to Lancaster, Reading and
Tamaqua, The following players are
taking the trip: Boyles, Krout, Cru
mo, Gardner, Keini and Duyhoff.
Members of the Liberty Fire Com
pany held their annual banquet In the
lire house last evening. More than
100 members and their friends were
present. Speeches were mad 3 by John
R. Geyer, H. J. Wlekey, C. 8. Prizer
and C. E. Leber. Music was furnished
by a male quartet.
A meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society
of the Church of God will be held Fri
day evening at the homo of MTB. A. A.
Markley, Main street.
The Woman's Club will hold Its
annual reception to-day at the homo
of Mrs. T. C. McCarr^.!l.
Miss Elizabeth Young, daughter of '
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Young, enter
tained forty guests at her home. A
luncheon was served.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. —A commission '
to investigate typhoid lever, appointed j|
by George W. Guthrie when he wan J
mayor of Pittsburgh, in 1908, met 1
here to-day. Mr. Guthrie Is now )
United States ambassador to Japan.
When the commission was appointed
typhoid fever was epidemic in this
city. The report of the commission
will not be made public for several
Keeping Warm
How to keep comfortable ..iu
cold weather —burn Kelley's Coal.^
It has the quality to produce
great heat intensity, and it is all
pure coal and has no dirt to inter
fere with its free burning.
Just try Kelley's Wilkes-Barre
Egg or Stove in your furnace and
you will get satisfactory results.
These two sizes of hard fuel are
heating hundreds of homes this
Wilkes-Barre Egg, .$6.45
Wilkes-Barre Stove, $6.70
1 N. Third St.
10th and State Streets.