- t * • •" * .. vfil . . y.V . .x.. - -J. ; ■ ■'» ■■ , ' ' ' /.It ■ ' 3 QOQOOOQOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ^KWffIOfiVK)OQCH^ffI^OftOftOOO ® Kaufman's sfmi -Hnnual J|\ j Clean - stueep s&lE* |K^!! VS iff' Starts Towrrow, Friday Morni S% M Over SIOO,OOO Worth of Th I JSL T Enfers This, Ou± Grea of ..All Safes Y | Women's and Misses' $f « Women's and Misses' sfl QJJ Women's & Misses'sf| QC Women's & Misses'sf| fiQ GIRLS' ALL WOOUf QC 1 Corduroy Dress Skirts 1 Piece Serge Dresses *(= RAIN COATS /'=- WINTER COATS WINTER COATS |== © Worth $2.50 for g Worth up to $3.50 for-> g Worth $5.00 foi —-> Worth $4.50 for—->> t Worth up to $3.50 for-> 'R G Choice «f Blue and Brown,, all sizes. Choice of Blaok or Blue, and all sizes. Choice of Black or Navy, and all sizes. Choloe of Blaok or Navy, and all sizes. Choice ol Blue & Grey Chinchilla. Sizes6tol4yrs a r.\ / ~ S A Clean Sweep of Our Entire Stock of A Clean Sweep of Our Entire Stock of A CICcW SWGGD 0 Women's and Misses' Coat Suits Women's and Misses' Winter Coats , aii Furs | Women's and Misses' 00 Womes's and Misses' (ft <4 A Women's and Misses' 50 Women's and Misses' (ft POO Man? fc"f.4s 8 Coat Suits s»=?■ Coat Suits Sl7 Winter Coats s7= Winter Coats s»= JH= 8 $lO to sl2 values for —— $18 to $22.50 values *■ $lO to $12.50 values for —mm ® $8 to $0.50 values Choice of Black or Brown X Assorted colors, but not all sb.es | Newest models, assorted colors and All stvles all colors arid all sizes Astrakhan Coats, Mixture Coats « . A' of each color. i all sizes. All st>les, all colors and all sizes. and Chinchilla Coats. Assorted col- EXIW FIM FfeilCh Coney $A 7* Q ______ I ors and sizes. „ .. ' y w Ji* O Jj | «, » ,«• . a— pa Omen's and Misses' (t»| P Women's and Misses' (MP Women's and Misses' (ft A.OO »onhss /o""? 5' V omen > and Muses Coat Suits Jh It| Finest Winter Coats A Winter Coats JsJln c "°"" B " ci or S| Coat Suits ptjj £ *22.50 to s2o values JL " $lB to saa..>o values fo $12.50 to sls values V jj , $12.50 to sls values V A big range of styles, all sizes and Salt's Ural Lamb or Astrakhan Astrakhan, Boucle and Chinchilla ™ C " Skill NeCK JJ C» Assorted colors and all sizes. j all colors. Coats. All sizes and newest styles. C°ats. All sizts. PI6C6S | Si ' - Women's and Misses' £4 A |! WOme Coat a slits M,SSeS SQ= Extra Size Suits & Coats Extra Fine French Goney g * V* For Extra Large Women, Sizes 37 to 53 w Cuffs! u, 3'" _3)o= R Assorted colors and all sizes. All Included At Clean Sweep Prices and all sizes. Worth up to $6.00 for w U \ * Assorted styles. Choice of Black or Brown. U A CLEAN-SWEEP OF ' 7Z. ... _ n ' ' A CLbAN SWfcSfciP OP ' A AU Fox Sets, AU Jap Mink Sets, Q| KRIS' WINTER COATS S?'.» S SC. DRESS SKIRTS | Girls' Winter Coats . S1 89 fit ' SKmr'to," ,tj 7ft 1 $3.00 to $3.50 Values for » UlltaOtd 10l SH .. fW ■ I#f __ , "7 « 5S Mndr of nil nooi maieiinin. .1 «„ m Q ne table of Women's and Choice of Serges and Plaids v Marabout Sets at Clean Sweep JjJ Girls' Winter Coats .•«? QQ K J4 :?« V $ t 50 DRESS Cft Second Floor. I HOO to $4.50 Values for sizes of each color. SKIRTS for /. lIH 1 X Girls' Winter Coats " I r EXTRA SPECIAL I EXTRA SPECIAL M $5.00 to $6.00 DRESS foCk AA A 103,11 OWCep O $5.00 to $6.50 Values f6r > B Silk Petticoats, values up House Dresses, values up SKIRTS for > \ /(I All 8 A.,0r«P,l .-olor, „nd J(o 11 >rsr,. tO $3.00, f OF 08c tO $1.50, for 4»C 3 IVIIV 1 O lUr " /j If Jg tffe a 100 Ladies' Silk Messa- 100 Ladies' Percale and Assorted Colors and Styles V S &J I®£^L-i.54.89 1 ®£^L-i.54.89 SiS S6. SOto S7.SODRESS a. 0 A MILLINERY 1 ——————— worth up to $3.00. (.'lean and are worth up to $1.50. CU ID for r ■ VI ' ■ • www O Girls' Winter Ccats .. $6 89 no Assorted Co .ors ands« y ies Untrimmed Hats 25c 8 ' if, f ,°M * ' @SC 40c Extra Size Skirts for Extra Large Ladies Worthup^to^.,W,£or—g M ————A Women's Silk & Cotton Petticoats GIRL'S DRESSES in the a ci.an Swoop Sai« of wom.n's' o d fo ?f 59c | Goes in the Clean Sweep Sale Clean Sweep Sale for Silk and Cotton Kimonos nnfrimmeH Hatt ftC/j 1 at Remarkable Big Savings NEARLY HALF PRICE w" ££* worthu P to s4.oo, "»C | Women's Petticoats, 19c Girls' Dresses, 37c Trimmed Hats KM 1 JZssstx se «» o..„„»• w-i. *=?-„ "ZSrg* Tt w™7«»•..Sfs « g t ,i o • 1 »/C i rrc JL M flfl Women S KimonOS, values up to Assorted styles and colors. 3? Clean Sweep Price, sizes 6to 14, fast colors,/5e value. * J $1.50, for _. . J U * A M PflttiPflJlta Y*S* to . Clean Sweep Price, Women's full length Flowered TtltlltTl C Q li3TS }kV K IVUIIIeII 5 reTTIGUaIS) $1.50, ,, ® «i« i< n Va'ue ud to $1 50 na Cre P e and Flannelette 4V«P Worth up to $5.00, for > 9 W omens Black and Colored Petticoats, Hyde- GIHS OfGSSSS. < 89C Kimonos, all colors, all Ik 1%/) Assorted styles and colors. I x grade jiikl sati'cu, soino with silk ruffle, values QQ a * sizes* values un to $l5O aII A TLI if"" A/v Q up to $1.50. Clean Sweep Price &5C 350 Girls' Washable Dresses, made of * Clean Sweep Pnce V OnG TaWfi Of FSIICifiS I|)p O ... . tiftftvc'i.M MW Percale, Gingham and Galatea Cloth, , p ' , Worthunto7sc for l Q Won] 2el S Petticoats, for——4sc nicely made and trimmed; all sizes 6to 14; Women s Kimonos, values up to P ' , 8 nuiHBU « I CUWUCia, for > I.H, values up to $1.50. Clean Sweep Price, UWV $2.50, for $1.59 One Tabe of Fances Q Homen's tast Black Petticoats with silk messa- ( Women's full lene+h Cronft anr! W IOUIB Ul I OiiblßO * Uue rafflo. in all «olon of raffle, alt leugUn, 4g c Cj r Je> llri»g«g_ V,lu? up to $3 ' S 3 Flannelette silk ribbon Worth up to $1.25, for ► m g >I.OO \alue. ( lean Sueep 1 ncc, J lor y trimmed, values up AkjM CA flno Tahlo 111 Plnuiore Ofia 0 fc 9B L !s fl A4!«« a Ae Value $3.00, 1 1 CQ One lot of Girls' Handsome Wash frA gQ tos2 50. 01.59 UHe 13016 Ol rlOWefS X fimm S t BTTiCOaiS, for >y ■ ibU Dresses, in all colors and sizes Jrom V ■ Clean Sweep A I Worth up to $1.50, for > Women's Messaline Silk Petticoats in every shade, ® are worth up to $3.50. wj - Price «■■■■Q eut tulh th-ep raffle, s:i.oo value. $1.69 clea n Sweep Price, Women's Kimonos, $5.00 value, WOMS HOUSE OieSSeS, *7Q/-» n Clean bweep Price. .PA.UiJ Qj-I-I n rß0 qr $2.95 v.7u" unto $1.50 tot '"C S Women's Petticoats. ? 4 $2 69 ,„: , ' fo . r > *:'®' . Women's full length Japanese Silk Women's House Dresses, made of g ... ' ~o r T u ... -n 6 -° I.l° , Wool Serge d*A Q5 £2? SIZ6S ' AA Gingham and Percales, Mendels Bro. S \\ omen s Handsome Messalme Jersey Sjdk Petti- Dresses m black, garnet and brown, \ flEl &-<*> vaJue - \ f l' W makes, in all sizes and colors; values ft coats in every shade, cut full, deep ruffle, CHt{3HiJtiM^K3Cii^UOOOOOOOOOOOOO