Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1914, Image 4

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    ' :
Iv^ue. 6 priM. 2 c 0 g ' 2
: Mi Starts Tomorrow, Friday, Morning jj
mm @ Doors Will Open Promptly at 8.30 O'clock SI UlSslj
An Article la the Store Priee-Cmtinn Knllcl
A Clean Sweep of .411 «JBl j 25 00 Women's Blouses Goes in the Clean |
Men's and Boys' Winter at\ l <BR,NG ™ s OT) IT ! WCC P a ' c a * a ® rea * Sacritice-^Lrßear 8 ' i|
_ # mff\ l An Old Time Broom Sale 1 W fT r ens I "'"™ 1 '' r> °c Value ' 29 c wo" 1 " 1 ' 9810 69 8
SIIITC /Ifln llVPrrO/ltS /A?m I Not Necessary (o Make Any Purchase | >«'» m . a. n, u jj 0
140 c Four=StrinP Brooms 1 w zS,T^ lM ...69c
mi • WWw% H 2 Women's white blouses, embroidery j' Q
Is Prices Have Been m \lp or irwEach |SHSS£S?* , *s3Br».»ii|
II ///, Mr ' I £ VrE H M W A MJllti|| 2 A „ £i rn *■„_ /"» 350 women's handsome blouses, made ; A
/1„4 w , _ /W» ill J ' m I V/W ™" I !? ft $ i- 50 ' f ? r •:;;•;;•••• °? C , of chiffon wash and messallne Bilks, !! Q
I lit IA I/> 1/ lift ll .f J I | voiles, crepes, ® awns, e and° U ma S drS a High crepes and voile and lingerie cloth. All |[ Q
Former Prices I The nrsi 200 Ladies M =========: I
ON SAIE AT B. JO TO-MORROW '-W I and 1M Men m Udies' & Children's W#mpn v Np »k™JJ
Men's Corduroy Men's Odd rA
■ I I b" 1 be# ' Blve " 0 " t,cket entitling them to purdmse one of these*4oc | | H ' | | mW'Cul J g
Pants at OefC Coats at .
__7hese pants are $1.75 values. Heavy cassimere coats for £ None Sold to Children—Only One to a Customer. j 5 00 pairs ladles' and children's ' | flf I .PSS I RAH Hdl It PHCC S
oofduroj't made wilts that sold to $lO. Sizes 34 fast lllack seamless hosiery,
Men's Odd Pants fi A _ Men's Heavy Winter d»«95 r* S^S 5 Fancy Neckwear, Value up to 39c. Q
at . . . .Deft Reeiercoaisats£= | A Clean Sweep Sale of All I ■"£>,;»loc 2
These pants are good SI.OO These coats are made with f • Values up to 2Be. Clean 17 c
R T«^^ )me ln " orsteds !!;™ h : oUars antl retail f »/ff • 1 n ir, • 1 • i P P , Women's Fancy Neckwear. Value up to Q
at 86 i Mpn q and Rftvv Hirnichinnc i kv?. 75 c. o
Young Men's Hlnlermft 5Q n ' s §2.50 VaIUC • tUIU JJ T 111 IllSlllUy J | |^ y pr |^ e^.. c ! ean .2lc JOq ©
Overcoats at..s PcintS /|Q f' ~ Extra Special! Women' s fancy neckwear. Value up to jJ jv
These coats come in black and at • • • * • Js>fsCClßl • J U/nmotl'c Qllt HaCp IA a SI.OO. Going for *
l(rtX gray Oxford of all wool material • a „ A h1 „ 0 i Men's and Boy's heavy web police 3 TT UlUwll 311K lIU3C It W«* (If a *
IW sizes 30 to 35. Sizes 32 to 44 • Men s red and blue handker- 1 - a nd firemen suspenders, 25c 10f/, _ S Ut ZLC O
g chiefs, 5c value. Sale price each, * w value. Sale price I&>C • Values Up to »I.SO tor v «■ O
lo ' S * 1 | 325 pairs of women's ail pure Women's Fancy Neckwear. Value up to
| Every Man's Overcoat Will be I M Zr Mufflers26c 10c SsSSs s
$ Marked at the Lowest Price {^s?sr"- j i»c 8
0 • price price «I7C S Q
A Ever Quoted in HarriSbUFQ I Men's 5c Handkerchiefs n JUMen's Work Shirts, 50c OQ S Wnmpn'c MlKllll jtlld Wnmon'c 0
'a Men's WSH ftvarrnnk at ei cn I for • /2c value,for 29C j nomeil S ITIUMIH dliu ~C rcai:y WOHien S g
In 1 IT IVII O wliliu UYWlvUdlu ul • U lallv S 250 men's large size white hemstitched 150 men's blue chambray working shirts S 1; QHr|olOT*o I !inOPIA7I>SIP Reduced f¥ __ 1 tf'S
__ . . w _ • handkerchiefs, 6c value. Sale Olbf* with collar, all sizes, 50c value. OQ _ n f iClllllvldiiv UilUvl If vtSl Prices IlOllO" A
■ 5 Mens SIO.OO Overcoats at . $6.50 | grt " HC> i b hl f %
1 a ■> a AM *A A i i _ _ I Men's Shirts, Value Up to 00_ Men's and Bovs' 25c Neck- Ir\ 2 Women's good quality muslin gowns, some embroidery ftCl l/lllvli3 rj
'5 Men's $12.50 Overcoats at . $8.75 i ? Jc ~**?*r?.loc\ §
'5 ■> • A.A . R?»«« m vain» P «n tr*" 6 * •*S* at ° ne lot of men's and boys' silk four- Z Women's muslin and crepe gowns, cut high or low necks, F,«
5 Mens $lB and S2O Overcoats at $12.00 I 69c «p «• •»«= g
I 9 f 5 S Women's muslin and crepe gowns, best workman- QQq M a rt
Wen's $25.(10 4 s22overciiag at 814.50 j 55c 5c I y&iißß&v3Z®S**m ~®! s g
ilk —aa——i-J S Men's fine percale dress shirts, SI.OO 5 -ar rwiiicnat fast colors 35c value OO OnelotofWomeni V 3
* value, all sizes. Clean Sweeo ce r 250 pair of men's fast color and seam- X Women s flannelette petticoat, fast c lors, " 22c Wkit* Hand- tfll
X v S nrice *>«> C less hose, 10c value. Sale Z C!lean Sweep price " " . , JK
* V ■ w P ' price OC 1 Wemen's flannelette petticoat in blue, white and JC- kercWcf., .lightly
la IVIOO S WiniPr HI S f .pink, 75c value. Clean Sweep price M iied from beln C on
I S • Mens Shirts, Value Up to f 101/ */ 1 a Women's good quality muslin corset cover, embrold- 1 C/> show. Value uj» to
X no S $1.25, for 4VC Mens Hose, 12«/ 2 c Value, q#/ 2 ery trimmed, 2Be value, sale price AJ > C 10c . Cle .„ Bwcep g
( 2 (ireal tSIQ UCdllCtlOnS I All of our M an. value for U'l<iCl W° T ' 3 muslin corset I Sw'een Ttf" 1 PH«. C
0 UVUUVtIUIIJ • up t0 ,1.25. Clean Sweep 7Q 300 pair of men's heavy cotton f coyer. 35c value. Sale 2\ C | Jjfwers. Clean Sweep 45 Q S
13 1 U>f/| AA C *1 J. /t» a wmm 2 prl ° e h n lf Jl»t e ' and « col ° r ' 9'/2C • - j Women's muslin petticoats, i n .q.L
) Mens Up to SIO.OO Suits at $4 75 : « p • | r^. c,e,nBw " p .... 15c i sacrs.i".?.s..4ceacn §
>M> II f nn . f ,ZL z ' | SL. VS r '. Mc . , " a '-. . a " n :29c Men's Hose, 15. Value, q | » ' C
] S P Ul ' s 3 5>7.50 I jr-cfirwr 4 Women's Corsets, 4g c | 'All Women's & Children's] 1
!l Men's Up to $16.50 Suits at $975 I - r c | ml, Kid & Cashmere Gloves I
(S t * S si.oo n vliue eeC ciean e sweep e price, r . Men's and Boys' 15c Sus- r> I with h ® Be supporter.. All sizes, c (jQCS il thfi SfllC C
1 Mens Up to $20.00 Suits at $|?!flO I »>* . pendeK f°: c ! ' ' women's seca*. 17 i
8 <PI£«VV I suits 75c value. Clean Sweep pe^ rs ; o t a^e ru" "oT'c. Saie price 5c • ' ~, ... T\ Gloves for i/C <S
I Men's Un to X 22 sft Suits at tIiCA I " ? A Clean Sweep Sale of all Women's, !S«'Vsss\r%s: 1
51 lIICII d up IU dl MI.OIII t M en 's 7 bbed , un,or «, lte . u.° o Men's and Bovs'Gloves 25c Tn t I( .. . . r - -hi' * V™ *«V.* "* S
8 Vnnntr Mpn'cllntnM qo<s„itc J<t* ha 1 t ' ValuMor ! Men's and Children's Sweaters w Zr S 8 "; I
s ioung men sup to w.3» suits at | | Men , 9 Sw e. ter , SI.OO v.iue, t« sk c
1 W ffl„T«fi Lo# .. Kid 6 : i9c S
' <" Clcan Sweep e .'l-.' , fiQ , 200 pairs of ladies' kid gloves, X
J Remarkable Reductions in Boys' Winter Suils and Winter I
m- n v, 1 o , Mnn d,« « Women's and Men's $3.50 Sweaters for $1.39. women's kid gloves that sold Si
PD Boys Polo Overcoats $3.00 Boys' Long Overcoats, Values Ait A «/ja«?p in lliin C\ F/I M CU/CCD too women's and men's heavy shaker knit ooat in , ?r u . 2 j. g, le prlce 89c f
O Values, d>t A Q to $4.00, An QC OVCFCOaiS 111 tlllS tLtAN-bWfcLr garnet red. $2.50 value. Clean price . sl.3° W KW Gkyvea> $3.00 2J
A at 01 *rr%/ at _ Women's and Mens Up to $3.00 Sweaters, for $1.79. Value, th f f\E?
Q These overcoats are made of Overcoats for boys 6to 16 years SALE PlUn* '"ViUue 'up to ßt
X heavy cheviot. Polo style, button made wirh conve?tible colHr fnli Plain and fancy weaves, vai v $1.79 Women's 16 button length kid >
©to the neck. ~,e 2* to io years. length, made of good cheviota Boys' Norfolk QAQ Boys' Winter Caps in Boy*'" and Girltf Sweaters, $2.00 Value, for $1.20. S
2K Boys' Knit Toques Boys' Bloomer Pants f*7 Suits at ,Trif 39c Values, at .. 1%/ C one lot of boys'and girls'wool coat sweaters, value up to sam Children's Gloves, 25c t[f
f-f '' a f '' ' ' " Two hundred fine casslmere all^sizes^ln^Ui
inside fur band. s Vaiue Up to $4.00, ifor $2.59. Value, for IO C £
V Fifty dozen fancy knit toques These pants aro i9c value. They suits for boys 6to 17 years, all sizes In this lot. One ,ot of women's and men's Hne wool coat sweaters, high or Children's golf and cashmere -|a
f% for small bojs. \ alues in this lot are made of heavy cheviots. Sizes handsomely made and trimmed. Boys' $7.50 Value, All Wool, low necks value up to $4.00.. Clean Sweep price, $2.59 gloves, 25c value. Sale price, 15c if
W to 25c. mostly small. . v , ... ' _ ' *" w ' 1 » > —•^4
O S ' L vercoa^B Vad- ~ ■— |,