2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVA Robbers Leave Description For Arrest of Guilty Man Post Notice on Barn Offering SIO,OOO Reward For High wayman Without Arms and One Leg Cut Off Special to The T tie graft- tempted robbery of a house in the New Bloomfleld. Pa.. Jan. I.—Rob- P*> rk - f °r which a reward of S 10.000 v . . , _» «_ in. waa posted on the corner at Henney s beriea are becoming frequent in this i,arber shop, giving a description of community lately. Last week ex-Sheriff the robber, as follows: "A colored Johnson had thirty-five turkeys stolen man of medium build, weighing 130 at his farm in Center township and on pounds, hair thin and dark, both arms Sunday night it was reported that Wil- off at the elbows, one leg ofT at the 11am Bally was held up at Widow's ankle and walks on crutches." Up to run bridge by three highwaymen and this time no one has been seen in the robbed of $7. Another was the at- neighborhood of that description. Burgess Sidle Guest of Honor at Firemen's Banquet Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg. Pa., Jan. X. Tuesday evening the Citizens' Hose Company held Its annual election of officers with the following result: President. John S. Kapp; vice-presl £ dent, William P. Deardorft: recording secretary, Charles S. Smith; financial secretary, Ray Klugh; treasurer, Mil ton Deardorft"; host, Peter Spath: fore man, Harry Baish; assistant foreman, Walter I.erew: directors for three years. Waiter Dick, Harry Myers: safe-, tv committee, H. L. Miller, Henry Deardorff, Charles W. Gross, G. C. Fishel. Harry Enrich, John Baker; i fire chief. J. S. Kapp: assistant chief. W. B. Dick. President Kapp then made the following appointments: Plpesmen, W. P. Deardorff. Milton | Deardorff, G. C. Fishel and Alexander Lerew: plugsmen. George Seibert, Harry L. Miller and John Baker; ax- : men. Frank Spath and Harry Eurlch; I policemen. Henry Deardorff. C. K. j Weaver, Ray Klugh, Lloyd L. Bentz and Ira L. Heikes; auditors, Ray Klugh and Charles S. Smith. Following the election a supper was served, the company having as their I guests Burgess William Sidle and the . borough council, including both the ■ members who retire and those who go ; lln or Friday night when the council! HHkorganizes. President of the council.: Sidle, and others addressed the j I CASHIER OF NEWVILLE BANK Special to The Telegraph H New Bloomfleld. Pa., Jan. I.—James! ■ W. McKee. of New Bloomfleld. Pa., i B lias been elected cashier of the Farm ers* National Bank of Newville. Pa., j and began his duties to-day. He sue- ~ ceeds Percival S. Hill, who was elected i cashier of the Halifax National Bank i at Halifax. Pa. ji ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED special to The Telegraph | Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 1. David W. h 1 Boes'eh, of Dillsburg R. F. D. No. : i announces the engagement of his|i daughter. Miss Minnie Edna Boesch, j the Rev. C. E. Heflleger. of Dills-j pastor of the Dillsburg Reform-j<| Hd charge. J —r~~ bm ! S a££pFj J] h L D ,w«3Bfl5S! ARROW! ' i i Harrisburg Academy Reopens Tuesday, January 6th New Pupils Admitted 1 FOR CATALOGUE, RATES AND OENEKAI; INFORMATION Phone or Write I ARTHUR E. BROWN, HEADMASTER P. O. Box 017 Bell Phone 1371 J. Rupture The past year v.-e have applied 350 I Khauaman Spermatic Shield Trusses The result is 90 per cent, cured, includ- L ing.ft/ty railroad men cured, when we [ ey in hi ted at the Board of Trade "Made I in Harrisburg'' week, we received in two days, nineteen unsolicited testi l inonials from people we have cured. I A Farmer Saved From \d Operation A Siddonsburg. Pa.. Dec. 12th. 1913 ■ J. S. Siianaman & Son: it is a very foolish trick of a ■■n that is RUPTURED to so on the table, for it means Life or if hp can get so easily cured with SHANA.MA.VS Spermatic Shield and Treatment as I did. for I a bad case. When a person he Is a poor cripple, can't * ">] Pleasure. From the day the truss I suffered no pain inconvenienco until I was cured Yours GRANT KANN. TRUSSES—FREE are thinklngr of buying one B appliances from from Adains. New York, and New York. Drug Store or so-called shield trusses ap those Rupture Experts that city, we have a barrel full of and look them over, you one free of charge. We 'are these trusses from unfortunate people daily. Some are brand pHANAMAN'S 1 408 Market Street ■ Above JriTflry Store. If | Closing Out Our 1914 Line of I Calendars at Bargain Prices | ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED I MYERS MANUFACTUR I Third and Cumberland Streets ■ Above Miller's Shoe Store, w • V! pi* 5* m- : ; - tK THLRSDA\ EVENING, HARRISBURG frftifeil TELEGRAPH JANUARY 1, 1914. 'Sunbury Elks Present Diamond Ring to Member I. CLYDE GASS Special to i he Telegraph I Sunbury, Pa., Jan. I.—Members of I Sunbury Lodge, No. 267. Benevolent j and Protective Order of Elks, at its ] monthly meeting presented I. Clyde Gass. president of the borough council, and past exalted ruler of the lodge, j with a handsome diamond ring. It I was given in recognition of his services r to the lodge, both as its exal.ted ruler i and as chairman of the house commit ! which has charge of many enter | tainments and the charities of the I order. | The presentation speech was made ; by George A. Buck, present grand ex- ■ alted ruler of Sunbury lodge. Mr. • rass. who is one of the best-known ; members of the order in Central Penn- , sylvania. was Sunbury lodge's choice 1 for president at the State meet held at : Milton last summer. • . Columbia Baker Works on With Broken Ribs Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa.. Jan. I.—John N'ikol, a well-known baker, has just gone un der a physician's care after a very remarkable experience following a fall in the "'i* liar way at his home two weeks ago. In stepping out into the yard in the darkness he fell to the bottom of the cellar steps and, as he i then supposed, sustained an injury to his right side. He continued at work until yesterday, when his condition became so alarming from the effects of the injury that he called in a phv- i slclan. who discovered that the ribs on the right side of his hodv were broken. These were at once sc-t and he was obliged to relinquish work. Traction Company Will Make Capital $1,000,000 Special to The Telegraph Columbia. Pa.. Jan. I.—The Conos toga Traction Company, which op erates all the electric lines and con- I trols the gas and electric light com- ! panies in 1-ancastcr county, has voted to increase its capital stock SI,OOO 000 This increase in capital was made i primarily for the purpose of provid inK an administration building in Uan- I caster on the site in Center Square whcli the company owns. The build in* will also provide suitable accom inodatoins for the ailed public service | corporations and will be an ornament I to the city's architecture. As at present planned the structure will be a modern skyscraper and will be provided with the most modern appointments. A portion of the increased capital will be used to improve the company's! I lines. | ROB CLEANING HOUSE Special to The Tcleeraph Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. I.—The dry 'cleaning house of "Doc" Fahrney, in I rear of his clothing and clothes clean- 1 j ins place of business in West Main i | street, was entered by robbers early | Wednesday morning and carried off■ j three suit of clothes, two coats, a pair ! i of trousers, all left there to be cleaned. ! | and 500 samples 9x»V± inches in sizes, i Chief of Police Staley is working on 1 | the case. MARRIED IN IOWA Special to The Telegraph * j Lewistown. Pa., Jan. I.—George R. i Peck, of this place, and Miss Fora H. Reimers, of Red Oak, lowa, have just i ; recently been united in marriage in ! that far western town. After Feb- i : ruary 1 they will reside here. The , following announcement has been re i reived here: "Mr. and Mrs. J. c. i Reimers announce the marriage of j their daughter, Fora H., to George R. ! Peck. Wednesday, December 24, at i Red Oak." George Peck is a son of | Lewis Peck, of North Wayne street I this city. tOASTEII l\Jl BKI) I Special to The Telegraph I Sunhury. Pa., .lan. I.—Scott Treon a I youthful coaster, while going rapidlv 'down a hill here on his sled, collided with another coaster. He had several teeth knocked out. Was rut In the head and legs and was severely hurt. NIA I ■— j I WEST SHORE NEWS I I FORESTERS ELECT OFFICERS £ n ? la ' No - 450s - of tl >e lnde ' ?»T * . r °' FV> r P»ters, has elect ed following officers: 1 „h«w l de P ut >". Roy H. Holmes; court ' h . s n ; Dr - E - Oarl Wei rick; junior | i/ angor ' J " c " Strieker; chief Roaenbu ry: vice-chief; [ail t' m's tireen: recording secre- 1 1 up r ' Gruver; financial secretary.' ! nrnfnr' pT U treasurer. J. H. Roth; • of Kowman; superintendent or .tuienile court. J. w. Reigel; senior ward F rt H ' Bpers: Junior wood h «!; » ' ? ,urra »" senior beadle. C.! 1 n" , , er; • illl,lor beadle, C. i„ Cock-: W.H. ' am U P,Bher aml | CHURCH OFFICERS CHOSEN Last evening the following officers Z pv. 1 !, f °, r lhp coming year fori a Church and Sunday , i school at i-emoyne: R^ nd -r 5 ® ch ° ol superintendent, J. i hojo Trostle: assistant, C. L. Ebv I secretary, William Klmmel; assistant.! Crnwi er ! Itcr: treasurer. Ralph; Pianist. Katharine Eby; libra-' iwi w M ' Bakcr «nd Mervln j ei ho '«e department. J. W. t w°S' er: prlmarv department, Mrs.! v\. Tompson; assistant, Mrs. Miles' \tll e ' of cradle roll. • Mrs. Ralph Crow; trustee of the church, J. o. Erb; treasurer of the if" 1 Kimel - The Christian Endeavor officers are: Alma Trostle. | president; Lewis P. Markley. vice- L s ' J ®nnie Crowl. treas i Boyd Trostle, secretary, and Ethel Wagner, pianist. GREATEST NEW YEAR S EVE , Yea l' s Eve was fittingly ob \v« .. , Marj ' sville lns t evening. , 1 P'sht services were held in sev -o,iurs'hesr s' hes - One of the main j attractions of the evening was the big ■New 1 ear s Eve dance and five hun dred party, given by the Marysvllle u„n Ph<^ nj Orchestra in Diamond Hal . Over forty couples were In at tendance. «rt£t e . n h«» eSlde ' Bureoss F - w - I-entz's edict that no person would be allowed iin the streets in disguise, was with- i an(l the niummers were out in < lull force. •T he . n n t 0 ra P t,ie climax, at 12 i jo clock to - the dot engine whistles, i : bells and the firing of firearms began i to ring out on the cool night air, to i welcome the New Tear in. in the opinion of many it was the greatest . New \ ear s Eve ever known in Marys- i vine. j P. o. S. OF A. OFFICERS FOR YEAR ! Washington Camp, No. 680, Patri otic Order Sons of America has chosen the following officers: Junior past president, C. R. Mc- Beth: president. H. H. Minnicli; vice presideht, O. W. Seitz; master of forms, C. C. Coble: recording tary, William Ij. Fisher; financial sec -1 e tar>. Dr. E. Carl Weiricli; treasurer J. B. Troup; conductor, Leslie S. Web ster; inspector. P. F. Heckard; guard, t>. Haul Bloser; assistant recording secretary. Philip Fordney; sentinels. Ueorge C. Eshelman and C. A. Shope | chaplain, the Rev. W. R. Hartzell. DEATH OP W. O. GARNER l?" Gartier. of Susquehanna ave- In ' died on Wednesday after an illness of about a month. Mr. Gar net h as been ill for about a year and was to Atlantic City during the early sunnner, where lie rapldlv gained in strength, returning in September, lie resumed his position as l.rakcman In *i 1 * w about four weeks ago. He served in the volunteer armv dur ing Vr h r?, a V, i f h , war - hoth I" Port Rico and the Pliillippines. and on his return home accepted a position with the rail road company. he was a member of tii» Pennsylvania Railroad Relief and Blue Mountain L.ulgn of Rrothr-rhood of Railroad Trainmen, at Marvsvillo Thp funeral will In- held from his lat..'home on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock nn.i burial will be made in the East H«r risburg Cemetery. CLASS MEETINGS AT LEMOYNE Mothers' class of the Evangelical Church will meet at the home of Mrs. John Bentz to-morrow afternoon The Women's Christian Temperance 1 nion met at the home of Mrs. Harrv M ark ley yesterday afternoon. Ladies' Mite Society of the Evangel ical Church met at the home of Mrs Ralph Crow Tuesday afternoon. The Fidelity class of the Evangeli cal Church met at the home of their teacher, Mrs. Wilson Slothotver, on Monday evening. C. E. SOCIETY OFFICERS Christian Endeavor Society of the Evangelical Church, Lemoyne, has elected the following officers: Alma Trostle, president; Lewis Markley, vice-president: Boyd Trostle secretary; Mrs. Jennie Crowl, treas urer; Ethel Wagner, pianist. CANTATA TO BE REPEATED The cantata "At the Heights of Glory," which was rendered by the Evangelical Sunday school at Lemovne on Christmas night, will be repeated on Thursday evening. TAKEN' TO MONT ALTO Lee Martin, a clerk in the New Cumberland National Bank, went to the sanatorium at Mt. Alto for treat l ment on Monday. ' \\ 11.1. ENTERTAIN DORCAS CLUB j The Dorcas Club, composed of Mrs Chandler's Sunday school class of the : Methodist Church, New Cumberland ; will entertain their friends in the so cial room of the church th,s evening. HANDSOME CHRISTMAS TREE One of the handsomest Christmas trees in New Cumberland is at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Osier in Market Square. Deaths and Funerals l -\UEKTAKBR'S WIFE DKAU Mrs. Mame K. Miller, wife of Undcr t Ti Miller, died this morning shortly after 11 o'clock at her home. 560 Race street, she Is survived bv her husband and one son. Paul. Funeral services,will be held Monday afternoon at .. o clock. Tb«> S. Winfield Herman pastor oi the Zlon Lutheran Church' will have charge of the services. Burial will be made in the Pax tang Cemetery. DEM, FI .XKHAI, Funeral services of William H. Dell, who died Monday at his home, HOC Green steet, will be held to-morrow af ternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Elllas V Krenier, pastor of tlie Salem Re formed Church, will officiate. Burial terv mado in the Harrisburg Ceme- PKkACHKIt'S WIFE DIES Mrs. A. I. Collum. wife of the' Rev. iV ,V Solium, pastor of the Coxestown Methodist Episcopul Church at Coxes- ~ town. Pa., died tljls morning at the home of her son-in-law, D. M. Fleck » Pa j ''" l, neral service*! will b 0 held Saturday afternoon at 2 o clock at the home of her son-in-law. | . -BIG I'ARCKI.H MAII.KI) | With the introduction of changes in I parofcl post rates, in effect all over the united States to-day, increasing the ! weight limit In the first and second atones from twenty to fifty pounds a I number of big packages came to the i local Post Office to-day, but none ex- ' ceeded twenty-five pounds. In the oolnion of Postmaster Frank C. Sites the public will take advantage of the new rates in clue time TELEGIUni FIMILY ! ileum club; i More Than Hundred Are Gnests of j the "Head of the House" i . , "DINNER SPECIAL" DELIVERED Everybody Gets Crack Over the Knuckles From the Devil Up i The Telegraph Family, to the num ;bcr of more than one hundred, was 1 entertained at the Colonial Country | flub last evening by E. J. Stackpole, i president of the Telegraph Printing (Company. The guests went to the ;clubhouse aboard two special trollev cars and returned shortly before the I old year expired and the new was . ushered in. 1 The function was by far the most | largely attended and enjoyable of a j Jong line of such pleasant gatherings., I It Is a part of the life of the Telegraph i l-'amily to get together in a social way j two or three times of the year and it has been by long established custom! that one of these times shall be New Vear's eve as the guests of the "head; of the house." Supper was served in the big assem-' bly room of the clubhouse on the first floor and while it was occupying the attention of the guests "Wag" Hoff man. the hustling young man who passes out Telegraphs by the hundred every evening on the Post Office cor ner. appeared suddenly on the scene with a six page "Dinner Special" un der his arm. copies of which were ' disposed of as rapidly as if they had contained news of a declaration of war with Mexico. Chief Is the Galley Boy The "Dinner Special" was the sec ond of its kind issued by the Telegraph family. "Sam" Jones' name appeared 1 at the head of the editorial column as editor-in-chief and down at the end of | the list of the long line of contributing editors—from snake to matrimonial appeared the name of E. J. Stackpole as galley boy. Not the least entertain ing feature of this rather remarkable i newspaper were the splendid cartoons 1 of Warlow, the Telegraph artist, de- i picting various heads of departments in characteristic attitudes. If any i regular subscriber had by mistake re- I ceived a copy of the "extra" he would | 1 probably have concluded that the staff J 1 as a whole had suddenly gone crazy, I ' but the guests enjoyed the Jokes and ' ' personalities to the utmost. Nobody was spared and everybody received j 1 mention, from devil to proprietor and j comment was made without fear or favor. Quite a number of the guests ap-j peared in carnival dress, in keeping' with the holiday occasion, and add- [ ed much to the merriment of the j t evening with their capering and pos- ! \ ing. There was plenty of amusement j t ; of all kinds, the ci-'bhouse being given ! t over entirely to the use of the family.! u Everybody took a try at the bowling j t alleys and four prizes were awarded. , v • Ralph Shields and Miss Mary Mader i j had the highest scores and Ed. H.! t j Welgle and Miss Wlldred KaufTman 1 received the consolation prizes for low j « i scores. •[ Pool, cards and dancing followed thej supper until a late haur, Frank Hoff-' man, of the. job room, being in j charge of the dancing and giving dur-i !ng the evening several demonstrations! of difficult and fancy steps. Sale of Hotel Russ Is Denied by Eckinger A widely circulated report that lie-! gotlation* had been closed for the transfer of the license of Harrv F. j Eckinger, proprietor of Hotel Hues to Fred Aldinger, was given an emphatic denial by Mr. Kckinger at noon to-day. I Mr. Aldinger who was a former pro- I prietor of Hotel Aldlne has been en- I gaged in the real estate business and ( could not be seen. Mr. Eckinger said: j "Humors of this kind have caused i me considerable annoyance. When I i •sell out it will be when 1 get my price : and there will be no delay In announc- ! tng the sale. To date 110 satisfactory arrangements have been made." The report about Mr. Aldinger's pur- I chase of Hotel Russ followed the an nouncement that he had sold the Stan ley apartment building in Market street near Front to 1,. W. Cook, pro-1 prietor of the department store at Third and Verbeke streets; and the i Aldine Hotel property in Alar- | ket street to Gideon C. Feeser, of 1 Linglestown. The sale of the two prop erties was confirmed but no price was given. Mr. Aldinger will be home to night when he is expected to give out more facts. CAll HITS MAX Daniel Crozier, of 19 South Cameron street, was badly injured when he was run down by an Oberlln ear at Tenth and Market streets, last night. He was knocked fifteen feet when he attempted to cross in front of the car. At the Harrisburg Hospital he was found to have a fractured skull, broken collar bone and many lacerations and bruises. He may recover No Dirt and Dust in the coal you buy from us. Uetore it is loaded in the wagons the coal runs over a large screen which takes out all the fine particles of coal and dirt. Now that is the reason some people get better results from their coal. It is not filled with "stufl that choke up the lire and splutter and make cinders, etc. \ ou will be pleased with the coal you get from us. United Ice & Coal Co. I Forater A Conrtrn Third A BOM I 15th A Chnliat liummrl & Mulberry [ ALSO STEELTON, PA. Mathematics & i Private Instruction J. W. MILLER, Ph.D. I Prof. Mathematics Lehigh University I CALL 306 CHESTNUT ST. ; JOHN T. BRADY 6IKES Hi BBEIKFSSI (Over Three-score Prominent Men • Guests at New Year's Function at Harrisburg Club J ~ JOHN T. Bit ADY John T. Brady gave liis annual New Year's breakfast at the Harrisburg Club to-day. Between sixty and sev enty guests were present, including prominent State and city officials, well-known business and professional men, bankers, linanciers and leading men of all walks of life. Governor Tener was one of those at table. Mr. Brady's New Year's breakfasts have become an institution at the Harrisburg Club. They began about twelve years ago with six or eight of his close personal friends as guests and have grown until to-day Mr. Brady found himself host to more than three score. Mr. Brady is one of the leading members of the Harrisburg Club. He is prominent as an attorney and has had a large part in the development of Harrisburg's park system, having been a member of the Park Board since its formation. Labor Unions Trying to Settle Copper Strike By Associated Press Lansing, Mich., Jan. I.—Representa tives of State labor unions were still working to-day on a plan whereby they hoped to effect a settlement of the strike in the copper country. At a long session last night they "failed to complete a draft of the scheme which they want Governor Ferris to present to President Shaw, of the Cal umet and Heela Mining Company. You Have Decided to See the 81a) Panama Canal jig West Indies 11 It is just a question now as to what ship you will take. You Ksn have read much about the KjSj " Grosser Kurfuerit" of the Hub NORTH 1 GERMAN H LLOYDH It is especially steady at sea. MSA has broad promenade decks. InH large, roomy cabins and cuisine RMS that has made the Lloyd world- EsQfl famous. The West Indies are now in all their tropical glory— BBaBI the Canal practically complete. EoaH The dates of the cruises are: feflfV Jan. 14, 22 Days, $l6O up B&jfl Feb. 12, 29 Days, $175 up ral Mar. 19, 21 Days, $l6O up Hfl Which Crnlse Do Yoa Choose T HH| Write for Booklet. Hhbß "To the Canal and Caribbean." MQJ Oelrlcha A Co., Gen. Agents, jM 5 Broadway. New York HaH Or Local Agent*. r Woman's Danger Signals=n Hot flashes—dizziness, fainting spells, headache, bearing-down feeling and ills of a kindred nature—are nature's danger signals. The female disturbance or irregularity badk of these calls for help, should have immediate care and attention. Otherwise the delicate female constitution soon breaks down. ! R— Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for more than 40 years has been lending its health restoring aid to thou ■ sands of women year after year throughout iu long life. II This wonderfully successful, •smedy imparts strenfctlHo tho'tit?;. particularly to the organs distinctly feminine. Nerves are refresh*] The overworked business woman, the run-down house-wife, and the w rv ' mother of a family—all will gain strength from this famous prvserintion which 40 years has demonstrated its effectiveness—in liquid or tablet forn". SOLD BY DEALERS IN MEDICINES. Jf r, ' f J- Pierce'» Specialists at the invalid* * Wo{«/. Correspondence Strictly Confidential—and no charge. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach. liver and bowels. Sngar-ooated tiny grannies—easy to take as Candy* ———— 'mmm ————> - srmß~rm—i _ _Sjmon{ c The only preparation which removes absolutely s 5 Chapping, Roughness and Redness, ) and protects the bands and face against the winter winds, r ( SIMON'S P 2 wdor I M » urio «tEVT, sole U.S..Agent, ( ~ Soap j 15-17. Weat 38th B', NEW YORK 5 BIHfIWN ENDORSES i SWP»s«£ Below are a few of the objects NEW TIIIIIF RIM Haa.-Hr«S IIU.II llinUL UUL'I H p, P |n K each other by co-oper- ation. D n . ... A ,dln * ln matters of public wel- Fennsy Passenger Agent Addresses fare. Clever and Forceful Letter to Reaching out for new enterprise?. Committee in Charffe Readiness to embrace business op • portunities. Jndustry, not indifference. A. K. Buchanau. division passenger S J ' s^onla *'° publicity, agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Roosting the cltv all the time, wth headquarters In the Telegraph Unllßual attractlonß and facllttleß . building, has adressed r letter of en- << , dorsement to the committee in charge R a advanttlßeß ""surpassed, of the preliminary plans for the or- G o,ld P ' ace to 1!ve " ganization of the new commercial Very truly. b "a>" that is to supercede the Board ~ . A - E - BUCHANAN, of Trade. The committee is meeting Division Passengor Agent. daily during the luncheon hour at the TKIED POIgON nni'Tt.' Engineers Club and Mr. Buchanan s poison hoi rii. tf'«,fri! tlnS forth < the . Kreat advan * When her lover left her without the nosed will hi . or ff nizaUon as 's pro- usual good-night kiss, early this morn posed will be to the city, was read at lr "?- Esther Stansfleld. of 120 Crooked yesterday s session. avenue, tried to kill herself with poi- The letter, which is as follows con- f on ' ?, he admitted to the Harris eludes with a clever acrostic making sSI S iD i Sp l ?M rtly after midnight. Play on the word Harrisburg: bhe is ln n "-Itlcal condition. proposed' ° Harrisburg'' Comnierclal EXPECT HGHT FOR VESSELS Organization, the success of which * understand, is already assured. ' By Associated Press "i seems to me that all Harris- ... . , burg business and professional men Washington, Jan. 1. —With the re should give this cause their financial convening of Congress January ?"« support, because it Is friends of the Revenue Cutter' Ser pens The new orMniy«H ltGd f CIt J" vico oxpect t0 make a hard fight to for a progressive and DrosnprnMß Be<-ure au appropriation for three city, which must inevitably lead to 1,iß,1tI ,iß,lt