Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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The Dives, Pomeroy &_> Sfewart January Silk Sale
■T T— Featuring the Wide, Clinging Fabrics of Finest
I-—— Quality and Foremost in Fashion at Savings That
Command Every Woman's Attention
"S Z XT iMkx WSk \ +l, This bei " K a / ime r. hen Fash i°" dictates wide fabrics of soft, draping qualities, we gathered only those silks that meet
and because of the superfine qualities and rich patterns at marked reductions, the absence of the narrow
JS widths that sold at 39c and 49c in past sales will not be missed this January. The tUt
I f| jF appeal to discriminating dressers, and the newest cre£e effects are Profusely displayed.
l A,l o " r .s Crepe Meteors, one of the season's $1.25 Brocade Crepes, fine quality that will wash $1.75 Foulards, 40 inches. January <|» -| OA
buT}' iTf ciiF 'i 1110 S w J anuar y 1 "TQ if necessary, large range of wanted colors. Sale Price, yard $ 1 .39
, ll) Vw ) d C <Rl^r» e r yar 4n* i, h # m J anu ary Sale Price, yard fa/C 59c Florentine Silks—a rich dull finish Foulard, 24
r V> nltr «.„ ,'*'Q 'l'Tv; ?1,5 ° Crepc de Ch,nc > 40 inches wide; navy, blue, $3.00 heavy Silk Matclasse Coatings to match dif- inches wide. January Sale Price O*7 #/
(1 flrlr Sml iimlTOfflHßn ll IN II Till tango, brown, prune, taupe and black. <f» -l 1A ferent shades of blue, grev and American beauty yard ... ' O / '/tfC
1 ] - JiirW /I )' 'IIl" 11 January Sale Price, yard &L. IV dresses 36 inches wide. January Sale $ gQ 75c Habutai,*3C) inches.' 'january"' Sale 1-fV
/yx I J 11 _ ll I). $1.69 Crinkle Crepes, a soft silk of fine draping Price, yard JL Price, yard Oc/C
$2.00 Brocade Crepes, medium size brocade pat- I his will be another great Foulard season, ac- C'lK. C "11 D " J " *-l- C 1
L # tern, 40 inches wide. January Sale Price, Aft cording to fashion advices, and our January Silk Sale OpeCldlly r HCed 111 1116 Oale
n ' \ . offers the and shades in Cheney shower- The very black silks that arc in the height of
f~ * ~— our $2 00 charmeuse, many shades to select proof weaves—Foulards noted for their quality and fashion. The qualities are the best woven for we pick
from, 40 inches wide. January Sale A<a durability. them with the greatest care.
MO Ml -|-k i-<y . Price, yard .. *. tP A«» a/ $2.00 Foulards, 44 inches. January dfc SI.OO black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide. OA
Silk" |\f :v 11l inncf Canton Crepes, 40 inches wide, never sold for less Sale Price, yard SJL• / I 7 January Sale Price, yard Oi/C
OlllV I\Clllliaills LJUllllg than $2.00. January Sale Price, £ /j Q 85c Foulards, 24 inches. January Sale $1.25 black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide. XO
y ard *027 Price, yard f January Sale Price, yard J/QC
4 O 1 T T 1/" T"l * $2.00 Bengaline Suitings of a texture suitable for $1.50 Foulards, 40 inches. January Sale rf> © SI.OO black Messaline, 36 inches wide OA
the Dale at Hall rnce tailored suits as well as dresses, black ground with Price, yard £7©C January Sale Price, yard Oi7C
hail line stripes in white, blue and brown, 30 inches 59c Polka Dot Foulards, 24 inches, navy and $1.50 black Satin Majestic, 42 inches dj f 1 A
wide. January Sale Price, C|C*r» black. January Sale Price, BJ- wide. January Sale Price, yard JL aJL
v— j yard yard C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front.
January Clearance of Colored and January Clearance of Discontinued Patterns of
Black Dress Goods Whittall Rugs at Substantial Savings
thousands of yards of desirable dress fabrics are marked for a quick clearance. It's the an-
nual clean-up time for all odds and ends in the dress goods section. Fhis important sale, opening so early in the New Year, offers many choice rugs
&0c whipcord, 36 Inchr* wide, good range <»fr« SILK AND WOOli FABRICS n ( j .1 . 1 1 , , . . ™ MmlWi !«M'
colors. January Clearance price, yard &QQ $1.25 silk poplin, 40 inches, street and v quality at reclUctlons tllilt clie Ollly possible Oil SUCII Special occasions. I lie IllmSf/h
50c Bedford cord. 36 inches wide; plenty nr,. evening shades. January Clearance Price, in , ... , . .... sfflSBW
of navy. January Clearance Price, vard yard jpi. I u selection is unusually large and the values exceptionally interesting. •awfJSBS TtF
kii , ~ ~ ,11. _ $1.60 allk and wool sclntella, 48 Inches; ° It
JfttfMSSKASS ZS?....Uc Anglo-Persian Rugs Teprac Wilton Rugs
39<: wool challls, 28 Inches, ten good pat- nr„ $2.60 Brocaded Silk Poplin, 43 Inches, T„r,„ = ..„ tiMS? »
terns. January Clearance Price, yard go od shades. January Clearance Price, Um qcj Januaiy January f -fiodßßS' ..
50c dlagonalß, 36 Inches, navy. January ofr,, yard <pi.*fO Price. II A in
Clearance Price, yard OOC $2.00 Bordered Silk Poplin, 40 Inches. qo„ «rn nn n v n 11 iSI
75c shepherd checks, 42 Inches wide, three in January Clearance Price, yard »OC SOO.OO rugs, 9xl. feet $49.00 $37.50 rugs, 9x12 feet $31.50
sizes.. January Clearance Price, yard 4irC BIiACK DRESS GOODS $54.00 rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $46.00 $34.00 rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet S2B 75 |vk[ H
75c wool challls, borders and rosebud A(\ n 76c black mistral crepe, 44 inches, QfiTo $9.50 rugs, 36x63 inches $7.90 111 „ 1
designs. January Clearance Price, yard 4-wC yard *S rkiUnmn U„J, f U „ 1,, ll JSSm/ \\ Jl
85c serge, 48 inches wide, many shades. - n « 5c Wack
January Clearance Price, yard .Ot)C 3a ™ ••• •' • " ' Anrrl/-» T«>/-li.in 1? , 1r ,,. T Is IP
$1.25 serge, 65 inches wide; navy, garnet on , 7 Jc black Imported fancy granite, 42 AnglO-lnaiail IVllgS January TV
and brown. January Clearance Price, vard. ... oyC luohes, yard I'iTC Januarv Price
*o nn An c . . . $1.25 black worsted suiting, 54 inches, wn„ January i rice. ~
$2.00 and $3.00 wool ratine, 54 inches; yard /9C t>*i n. $32 76 rutra 9x12 feet ok w
navy, taupe, Copenhagen, and mahogany. n/r~ $1 26 black serjre 52 inches Price. * •<> itet $-7..5 "
January Clearance Price, yard 95C yard ' " ' 89C $50.00 rugs, 9x12 feet $42.00 $29.75 rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $21.75
style. oo jXa?y g Clearance h prlce Wl yard .. SI.OO black Diagonal; V 2 ' inches. 95c $50.00 Durham rugs, 9x12 feet $42.00 p i R 1 D rnw ,_ R„„ c
C°eami^c(f U pricef'yard!? C ' le ?. .. 95c J\ As .° blaCk . br ° ad $1.19 Royal Worster Wilton RugS ' Y RUgS , ITj^
Inches. January Clearance Price, yard |h49 J, p!" y J *pZ y ! Body Brussels Rugs
$3.00 coatings, o4 inches wide, diag- $125 black Panama 54 inches Price. rice. fe
onals and chinchilla. January Clearance A-j jrj yard'... . . .95C $45.00 rugs, 9x12 feet $37.75 $29.00 rugs, 9x12 feet $25.00 January
cloth,'' 54"' inches; ' good'" " ac\ Btrlped Wonted." BO"incheß. qo $41.50 rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $34.50 $26.50 rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $23.00 * ™ce.
■hades, January Clearance Price yard SI.4J $2.00 black ratinV,'s4 inches,' * 2B - 25 ru ss. 6x9 feet $23.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor rUBS ' f eet ,27 - 00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. yard 95C tT 7K rnlr <, .„„ r ' * 29 - 00 ru S a . 9j£ l2 foot $25.00
y ■ *'- 75 rugs> 36x63 lnches ?6 - 35 Three Elevators. 127.50 rugs, 9x12 feet $21.00
The New Year's First Offering of Friday Specials
Sh rr Kand I ' l ' JoW I ~' aSCS Short Knitted Skirts Jewelry and Silverware Toilet Goods Slippers and Shoes Men's Neckwear
widt" May oS .. - 25c velvet and silk four-in-hand
25c, 50x36 bleached pillow cases. _ " spoons, trench grey. Friday only, only ; 14£ pers, velvet bound with leather ties. Odd styles. Friday only, 90;
Friday only 20$ CrOWIIS 3.11(1 KimOllOS 330 19c Sanitol tooth paste, l'riday soles. Friday only 750 or 3 for 250
22c, 45x36 bleached pillow cases. Cambric, nainsook and crepe 2.5 c white celluloid photo frames. only 130 Men's $2.50 tan elkskin shoes, sq c combination suspender and
Friday only 180 gowns, high and low necks, slight- Friday only 100 25c real bristle hair brushes. Fri-. bljicher style, made on broad toe pad oarterg Friday only 33^
10c light and dark outing cloth. ly soiled. Limit, one to a customer. . ]9c gold p]atcd j ewel boxes silk day only 1 3 <! lasts with heavy solid oak leather b " ' in l''' A + -
Friday only, yard 8c None exchanged, 75c and SI.OO ., r „-. . ' I , , soles. Friday only ...$1.95 Boys fancy knit four-m-hand ties.
.. _ „ . „., , _ lined. Friday onlv, 130, or 2 for loc cake iinipress shampoo soap. ~, , , FTrirliv nnlv •nr 1 fnr via
D., p. &a. street Floor. Rear. t ■ values. Friday only 500 ' t Women s $2.50 patent colt but- riday only, WO, or o tor
Long crepe and cotton challis ki- . . F"day only 90 j on shoes, medium narrow toe lasts Boys' antique ivory watch fobs.
Corsets and Brassieres monos, lavender, navy, red, pink ?0c , lodgC eniblem and in^ tial Aluminum collapsible drinking with C uban heels. Not all sizes. Friday only 90
. , , ( . ar, d light blue, SI.OO value. Friday watch fobs. 1 riday only .... 0 cups, 5c and 10c vaules. Friday Friday only $1.75 D., P. & s.. Men's store, street noor, Rear.
to fwrrr,;vrrrr- ° niy , r, °* W w» ««
ing Warner s Rust Proof and Ren- D., P. & s., Second Floor. day only J{J)O 4.1 t• 1 1 L. J t• 1 X 1
go Belt corsets, $2.50 value. Friday »" p. a B «. c™«, AH, 50c Canthrox. Fr.day only, 33* shoes, made on high toe lasts with Hosiery and Underwear
only $1 25c white pine and tar cough heavy stitched soles and high heels. " wed.
B. &J. Brassieres, sizes 32 and Furniture syrup. Friday only 100 Friday only • $1.90 Women's SI.OO white cotton rib
-46 only, $1.50 value. Friday only, $4 . 50 wi n ow chairs'. Friday only. Marabou Pieces ! 50c Beef, Wine and Iron. Friday Women's 60c storm cut rubbers bed union suits. Friday only .. 500
_ _. „ _ Marabou stoics. 2 yards long in only, 350; or 3 bottles for. ..SI.OO to fit high or low heels. Friday only, Men's black and trrey mixed fleece
p., P. & S., Second Floor. <ti ns --..j ~li T- • j , ' . _ . ° J
sl.At caid tables. I'riday only, natural and black. Worth $3.98. Jergen s Benzoin and almond lo- 390 lined shirts and drawers 50c aualitv
rancy Liinens jUT orr Marabou stoles, 2 yards long, fine only 230 shoes, welted and stitched soles. Not ,
mi -i j i , j. - ... , ~ , , , tr , ■>- r> ii i- • . <i • j i Women s 50c fast black silk lisle
All soiled and mussed tancy $22.50 brass beds. Friday only quality in natural and black. Worth Purity cold cream, rriday all sizes, hriday only 750
linens including scarfs, shams, cen- $15.95 $4.98. Friday only $2.98 only 190 Children's SI.OO gun metal calf but- hose, fashioned feet. Friday only,
terpieces, lunch cloths and doilies. 49c tabourets. Friday only. 290 Marabou muffs in natural and Two-grain quinine pills, bottle of ton shoes, Goodyear stitched soles. pair, 390; 3 pair for SI.OO
-5c to $4.00 Friday only $4.95 umbrella stands. Friday black. Worth $6.50. Friday only, 100 Friday only 170 Sizes sto Friday only .... 750 Ch ldren's 50c black cashmere
D. p. * a..w ,1 • ° y ' p.; p.- a a.' tmm n m , d„ p. aa. »« K. p. a hose, fashioned feet. Friday only,
p. j __ . 1 Men's Handkerchiefs Linens and Towels D " v ' & s " strcet Floor '
Cotton L-)rGSS Vj'OOCiS IvGCIUOOCi Men's linen handkerchiefs, 50c bleached table damask, 58 _
89c ratine is i,„.i, c , i counter mussed. Friday only, 90; inches wide, good quality and de- PleatingS and Ribbons
illcheß . "»ade of silk fiber. 10 65c to $1.25 embroidered batiste, colored it oi-J • • , , .
25c t' oh"'ti •••••••• Iyc siiu figures. Special, ywd : ZoC or J for signs. Friday only, yard ... .250 Shadow lace pleatings, assorted
navy erromids, dots tind stripes, 'spe'- ioV r> Specialfyard™^ 64 . .! re . P . e .'..??!' d .. ...29c 25c plain colored silk mixed Ilc bleached Turkish bath towels,. patterns. Worth 25c. Friday only,
C S 39c silk and ' cotton'' corduroy!' Special,' yJird 1 "'. f.®™ 1 . 1 "f o .™! .. .4%C handkerchiefs. Friday only, 90; or heavy quality. Friday only, 3 for ,
ya *i JA V-Vi." "a V'l ...19C 1214 c dross gingham. Speclai ' nl/„ 3 for ' 25# 25<!
Sp |6^rtijr"muslin 'aoiid iJdl'' ? 0 12-^c'Fianneiettes.'' Special, J} Men's 12>/ 2 c cambric initial hand- 15c white cotton crepc for under-* Silk tattea ribbon, 4to 5 inches
yßrd b'li' "p ■' ■ I'l /2C ,a^d c chaillß,' js'lnc'hVa fancVittrlpM aiid' kerchiefs. Odd initials. Friday wear, 32 inches wide. Friday only, wide, in black and colois, values up
Divea Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Bo™, de.to,. 5„«1.,, y.rd f... 7V4c ony, 90; or 3 for yard ..10* to 25c. Friday only, yard 13*<
D., P. * S., Men's Store, Street Floor. D„ P. & S., Street Floor, Rear. D., P. & S., Street Floor.
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