Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1914, Image 1

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    lounded Mexicans Seek Aid on American
f- *
[Dollar Gas, New Year
Gift |>f Harrisburg Co.
to People of the City
New Rate Starts Today: Was Heretofore sl.lO Per 1,000
Cubic Feet; Cut Applies to Thousands of Consumers
in City and County; Under Schedule Bills Must Be
Paid Within Ten Days to Realize the Rebate; No
Change Allowed to Large Consumers.
■ A substantial new year's gift was
presented *o the people of Harrisburg ;
morn. •» by the Hafrr'shurg Gas j
Company in on announcement i
mM T at a reduction of rates. Oil and after 1
» to-day we shall have dollar gap. Here- !
p C '( tofore It has been sl.lO per cubic foot, f
I' • About a year ago there was a reduc- c
' * T tlon to largo consumers when there
■ was considerable con fi int by the
•flf jj thousands of small consumers. It is J
! stated by the. company, however, that | t
' [ It was not possible to m;.ke a reduc- j I
tif, .• tlon all along the line a year ago. | i
I although the reduction which takes i
I effect to-day was cortfn.plated when | i
... I the drop was allowed to the larger t
i' / consumers. , t
In the schedule announced to-day r
j there is no change in the rate allowed <
I to the large consumers of a year ago.
j hut the cut now applies to thousands i
:V In the city and county districts. De- \
: tails are printed in an official an- c
nouncement elsewhere In this paper.
A meeting of the directors of the
tompany was held late yesterday aft- i
'• ernoon and it was agroeil that on and <
after to-day all consumers of gas up r
I 1 to 10,000 feet should charged $1 1
4 per 1,000 cubic feet; for the next' t
I'l JO.ooo feet. 00 cents: for the next s
f IHAf YEAR'S if 15
m Mummers' Parade This Afternoon
I Adds Color to City's Wel
■ come to 1914
■ New \ ear s Da- ««•< poi" of sand- I
■ Klebtl between two big noises. The
H bigger slice was on the bottom—last
■ night was the loudest celebration the
town has ever seen. This afternoon
the mummers' parade added color to
tho noise.
■ Th< day Was celebrated as a holi
■ day in most sections of the city. Many
■ officer., shops and storis were closed,
■ as well as banks, schools and public
■ offices.
W Many clubs and organizations have
made this day the day for.open house,
i , All have planned receptions of some
sort. The Pennsylvania Railroad
■ Voting Men's Christian Association,
r*k the Young Men's <'hristlm Association.
Elks, Moose and other organizations
rContinued on I'ntfe !>]
United States Minister
Henry P. Fletcher Returns
To His Post in Chile
:i Sfc. M to The Tt (graph
"1 Chairiberaburg. Pa., Jan. 1. Henrv
Prattler Fletcher. of Greencastle and
,"M Chambers burg, sails in a few .lavs to
- I resume his initios as t'nlted States
ij, ( Minister to Chile. He is a former Rough
l t; Rider and a Republican.-<nd came homo
f from Santiago on » furlough, with the
ji presumption that it inigl-t be a very
i lengthy one. L'pon paying his respects
- to Secretary of State Bryan, Mr.
Fletcher was given instructions bear
!"g on future work and returns to con
tinue his services for Uncle Sam, pleas
ed. as arc Jiis friends, ii this proof of
confidence from President Wilson ami
his administration. Mr. Fletcher is a
( brother of ex-Sheriff j. ltowe Fletcher,
y of Harrisburg.
* '" " ~ ""
Late News Bulletins
Presidio, Texas, Jan. I.—The surrender of the
' , whole Mexican federal army to the United States
1 troops is expected momentarily.
j J ork. Jan. I.—John Purroy Mite he I, elected mayor on the
i fusion ticket, was inducted into office In the City Hall at noon to-day.
A 8 lie had already taken the oath, administered several days airo tlie
oeremoiies were simple. They consisted of an address of leave-taking bv
the retiring mayor, \dolpli K Kline, who succeeded the late Mavor
j C*aynor, and a brief inaugural address by the new executive.
) ■sM'Jgt""; •'«»• «—Queen Kleonora of Bulgaria tabled to Uic
Arnerlc.an R«HI Cross to-day askhip- relief for thousands of refugees left
destitute '>>.' he Balkan war. The queen's request, coupled with that of
many Americans there, rfays thousands arc homeless, shelterless starv
■ Europe Rin ~ln unusl " | Uy cold winter weather that lias swept
Itnv ", er .'. nos ®® c - il - — V| a N'osales. Ariz., Jan. I.)— The mu
j among themselves, to-day ended abruptly, ft was said the
at Gua>inas° r W internal strife, tiad decided to stay together
f MHumipolte, Minn., Jan. I.—Twelve <-olleges, hospitals and cliurit.
L- fw!LnI ,S V ,, v° ns Minnesota, nine of them in Minneapolis, are the re
m. IwHf* J. iJi" le " r s sift* aggregating *230.000 -from David D. Stew-
Bh ; \' bans - M .f" M,l ° Inherited Hie estate of tlie late Levi M.
rt of Minneapolis, a pioneer, who died here two years ago
~ "T~
20,000 feet, 80 cents, and all over I
SO,OOO feet 70 cents. Tills applies to [
all city consumers. In the county i
districts the rates will be $1.05 per
1,000 cubic feet up to 10,000 feet;
95 cents for the next 20,000, 85 cents
for the next 20,000 and 75 cents for
all over 50,000 feet.
The Minimum Charge
There will be a minimum charge of
SO cents per ineier per month, owing
to the fact that over 5,000 consumers
burn less than 30 cents' worth a
month. This chargn is made as low
as could be consistently done and
maintain the service. Elsewhere tlie
minimum charge is about 50 cents a
month, and in some cases sl. Moat
electric companeis have a minimum
charge of $1 per month.
It is provided under the new sched
ule that the new rate must be paid
within ten days afler the presentation
of the hill; otherwise the old rate
would prevail
Between eight and nine thousand
prepayment meters will have to he
changed in order to register the new
rate. This will take considerable time,
but. all consumers who pay the old
rate will be rebated tinder the new
1439 Marriage Licenses Were
Issued During Twelve
Months Just Passed
I "When Dan Cupid closed his ledger
fur the year and waved good-by to
! 1913 he might have smiled a cheerful
; smile; all iu all D. didn't do so badly.
| When one compares the number of
j marriage licenses issued and the num
ber of divorce proceedings heard,
listed tor hearing, instituted or closed,
there is room for cheer and for gloom.
I'heer for the optimistic folks yvho
believe the world isn't playing in such
tough luck after all for those who be
; lieve in one of Mr. Roosevelt's pet the
ories anent the race suicide problem.
For to date 1.439 marriage licenses
j have been issued 'since' January 1,
1913—and 221 divorce aetions have
been heard, listed for hearing, decided
: or preliminary proceedings instituted
| during 1913. During 1912, 1.410 li
! censes were issued. The monthly aver
age was 121 and 11? respectively.
The complete report will not be
1 Continued on Page 9]
"General" Jones and Her
Army on 175-mile March
<By Associated Press ,
New York, Jan. I.—"General" Rosa
lie Jones, the suffragist leader, veteran
of marches to Washington and Al
i lmny, marshalled her soldiers at New
York City's Northernmost boundary
early this morning and started on an
other foot journey to the State. Capi
tal. She plans to make the 175 mile
trip as the roads wind, in seven days
. or the rate of 23 miles a day. The
previous march, a year ago, occupied
two weeks. On her arrival she will de
j liver a message to Governor Glynn
I asking his support for the cause.
Gigantic Municipal Improvements j
Started During 1913 Near
ing Completion
City Entering Upon Still Larger)
Period of Growth and
j Development
The year Just closed was the most
important to IlarrisDurg In the history
of the city. Movements were started
which will have big future Influence.
Improvements that will complete a
ten-vear scheme were nearly complet
ed, and the name of Harrisburg: has
been more than ever recognized among
the cities of the East.
The biggest event of the year, per
haps. is the complete turn-about in
the method of conducting the city
government. A month of the new
system of commission government has
shown the city's ability to handle the
new system.
Public improvements for which
plans were made years ago had their
actual beginning this year. These im
provements actually begun include the
River Front wail nnd the river dam,
the monster Spring creek sewer, pro
gress on th« Paxton creek work and
the completion of the river interceptor
fContinued oil Page 9]
Si Commission Formally Begins Ser-|
vice in Advisory Capacity at i
Head's Request
''j Sarrlshurg's Board of lleaith to
I! day formally began its duties as the
'city's health commission under the
f | supervision of Commissioner of Public
■ j Safety Harry F. Bowman, yvho last
j' evening asked the members of the
j board to hold over and serve him in
3; an advisory a capacity.
'i The board consists of James M. I
" | Leiir, Martin G. Stoner and Ed. 11.
" I Schell and Drs. James Edward Dick
inson and George H. Wldder. with Dr.
s iJ. M. J. Raunlck, city health officer,
•| as secretary. It was legislated out of
; office, like till othor boards and rom-'
I missloners, by the provisions of the!
'jt'lark act oil December 1, but it, likef
"| the other cogs in the machinery of the'
" | city's government, held over for thirtv!
8 1 Weeks ago Commissioner Bowman
[Continued on Page 11 ]
Plays Wedding March
'i 700 Miles From Service
By Associated Pre i.<
.' sp . vv Jan. 1. An unusual
'division of a wedding ceremony took
■ place last night. While Miss Mary
\ I Virginia Saxon was being married to
' jJohn D. Hashagen, at the home of
' her parents in Augusta, Ga.. Dr. Wil
~ Mam G. Carl, organist of the old First
-'Presbyterian Church in Fifth avenue,
played the wedding music in New'
! j York, 700 miles away. A sister and
J friend of the bride were his audi
* en<-e.
1 Miss Saxon had asked Dr. f'arl whoi
had been her music teacher to cornel
to Augusta to play at her wedding. I
As the organist had to play for the I
. special New Year's service at his I
church this could not be done. The|
partition of the ceremony was tlie re-1
By Associated Press
Jerusalem, #an. I. General Fran-i
eois Xavier Bonnier, another French
aviator making the flight from Tails
to Cairo, landed near the Pool of
Siloam on New Year's eve. The ar
rival of General Bonnler's aeroplane,
the first ever seen by the inhabitants of
the llol.v City, created great excitement
The entire populace turned out to see
j the machine and welcome the airman.
By Associated Press
Pittsburgh, Jan 1. Andrew Miller,
a mill worker, this morning shot his
wife. Helen, five times and then tired a
bullet into his head. The woman was
fatally wounded, but at the hospital it
I was said Miller would recover. They
had quarreled.
Ice Dangerously Thin
skaters glided about
on the surfacefof Wild wood Lake
to-day for theflirst time this win
ter, although fark Superintendent
V. Grant Forrlr declared that tile
ice was so tiiia and treacherous as
to be, danger«us. From an inch
and a half to two inches of ice was
reported and tin; ice of real smooth
skating quality. Bui people are
being warned of the dangerous
places, however, by the park of
fices and by those who have super
vision of .he lake.
"We've bail hundreds of calls E
since early this morning as to con- '
ditions at Wildwuod," said Mr.
Fotrer. "and we've been warning
everybody that the Ice Is danger
j o*«. The red flag won't be flown,
j of course, until the ice is of such
I I thickness as to make skating ab
■ j f solutely safe."*
James Hurley Taken From
Mother's Home in Pennsyl
vania Finds Parent
; i
j Never Known Positively Who!
l Stole Lad and Placed Him
in Training School
Sfcctal to The Telegraph
Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 1. —John James !
Hurley and his mother, Mrs. William
Hughes, of Sagamore, Pa., are two of
the happiest people in that section at
present. The son has just returned to
his mother after being stolen away '
from her fourteen years ago. When
the lad was taken from her lie was
j 6 years old and now he is a well-built
young man of 20 and weighing about
185 pounds.
When the young man stepped from
a train at the little station on the
Buffalo. Rochester .and Pittsburgh!
railroad there was a woman there who |
anxiously scanned every face that j
alighted from the train. This woman
was Mrs. William Hughes, but when
the long lost son alighted from the i
train she failed at first to identify tn !
the sturdy-looking young man of 20 i
years of age the son that had been I
snatched from her fourteen years agu. i
John Hurley, father of the boy. left I
Anita, a little town near Sagamore, a
few weeks before the lad waa born. !
According to the story told by Chief j
of Policp Palmer, of Punxsutawney,
the father went to the gold fields of \
Nevada, struck it rich and came back ■
after about six years to get the lad. At!
the time be carried a satchel filled i
with gold. The mother refused to S
part with the son and following her j
refusal the father suggested to Officer j
Palmer that they steal the boy. The i
I Continued on Pa#r "I
I New Britain Woman First
to Profit by Law
By Associated Fie <v
New Britain, Conn., Jan. X.—Mrs. i
.lacob Detta, of this city, will prob- !
ably be the first person to benefit by j
the workmen's compensation law!
whiph went into effect in this State at
t Hit I«u«iiand TtTWlrtfiHtrt'
: tliis morning In a coal conveyor, of
which Frank It. Johnston, president
of the State Business Men's Associa
-1 tlon, Is the principal owner. Mr.
Johnson had Detta insured against
accident and death yesterday.
Detta was receiving 112 per week.
' Under the law his widow will receive !
i SIOO for funeral expenses and $6 a 1
week for six years.
Thousands of folks who have en
joyed free transportation privileges on i
railroad .and trolley lines, found it
necessary to pay tiieir fares to-day.!
i The loss of the annual courtesies came
|as a result of the recent act of the.
j Legislature. Railroad men themselves
lose no privileges, but they cannot al-!
low the passes to be used by their)
wives within the border lines of the i
i State.
s\\\ BODY l\ RIVER?
Trainmen and passengers on Cum-!
berland Valley train due in Harris-j
burg at 9.10 this morning reported a !
! | body, apparently that of a man, float-;
I ins down the river near the Cumber- i
I land shore. Colonel Hutchison was
■ notified and sent word to towns along
I the Susquehanna to be on the lookout!
•jfor the body.
| The municipal Christmas tree will!
Ibe illuminated to-night for the last |
J time and will be taken down to-mor- j
row following the removal of the;
[lights and wires.
I | ;
I By Associated Press
■ j Washington. I>. C., Jan. J. —Mrs.
il Carroll Smalley Page, wife of Senator
, | Page, of Vermont, died suddenly late |
| last night of heart failure at her i
[home. Hyde Park, Vermont. News of I
her death was received here to-day.
>— •
Looking Backward
In looking back over the year
Telegraph cannot refrain fr
preelation to its readers and
generous support which has
business growth during the p
More local advertising, niot
s more ilasslfied advertis
i Telegraph during 1913 than
raries. The patronage acco
to distance Its nearest comp
half million lines of advertisi
over 1912 greater than the c
v two papers.
The sworn daily average cit
during 1913 was 21,577. 1
than that which follows the
risburg paper, evidences th
constant efforts put forth to
risburg and vicinity a new
present the happenings of t
and entertaining way, but s
the development of a bigger,
At the Threshold of 1!
Tt is pledged to a continuant 1
public uplift and helpfulne
tinned good will of readers
j | We Thank You
For whatever part you have
' our achievements of 1913 we
we extend best wishes for u
prosperity, not only during 1
to come.
«- j\ :
—i ! i ————~l
Visitors Appear in Suburbs of
Cannes and Then Mysteriously
Sy .Associated Puss
! ('anues, France, Jan. 1. —A further
■ daring attempt at assassination was
i made early to-day by the criminals
i known as the "phantom bandits," who
i are infecting the country districts
(around I'annos. They fired two shots
! through a window of a large villa In
! the suburb of Ranguin, belonging to a
prominent Parisian banker and the
'bullets Just missed two ladies seated
at a table.
1 The bandits then disappeared and
no further trace of theni was discov
j ered although the district swarmed
' with detectives specially detailed from
j Paris and Marseilles.
The terror inspired by these mya
. teaJons niK''t .c.rjminuls .has atMamed
(■ucn proportions that nothing will in
duce the peasants to leave their houses
after dark. Doors and windows have
been heavily barricaded everywhere In
the vicinity and the prevailing fear Is
spreading even among foreign visitors
1 at this winter resort.
The police authorities believe the
j bandits are part of a gang which ter
rorized the district for years and
whose operations were stopped a year
ago by the arrest of several of their
! leaders who are awaiting trial.
High Cost of Auto Tires
Attacked in Convention
hy Associated Press
Atlanta, Ga„ .fan. t. —Educators, en
| tomolists, chemists, botanists and psy
chologists were among those for whom
i the program of to-day's session of the
1 American Society for the advancement
of Science was prepared. The speak
i ers included Br. Charles U Parsons,
! chief chemist of the United States
i Bureau of Mines, general secretary of
i the American Chemical Society and
; Kohert K. Duncan, University of Pitts
! burgh, known for the industrial fel
i lowships he originated. An attack on
j the coast of automobile tires was out
j lined by Charles P. Fox, of Akron,
| Ohio, who discussed the possibility of
1 holly furnishing a substitute for rub
| ber. Another possible use for cotton
seed, that of a food for mankind was
! Ihc subject of an address by C. A.
| Wells, of Experiment, Ga.
fiy Associated Press
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 1. —Exten-
jsion of mission study work in State
j universities and higher educational in
stitutions under government control,
| was urged in the report of the execu-
I live committee presented at to-day's
I session of the student volunteej con
tention by Dr. John U. Mott, its chair
rlfliu the management of the
rom expressing a word of ap
advertisfng patrons for the
contributed to its gratifying
past twelve months.
re foreign advertising and
sing was carried by the
n by either of its contempo
orded it enabled the Telegraph
petitor by approximately a
?ing and resulted in a growth
combined growth of the other
rculation of the Telegraph
This army of readers, greater
standard of any other TJar
he public's appreciation of the
provide for the homes of Har
vspaper that shall not only
the day in a clean, dependable
shall do its utmost to aid In
r, better Harrisburg.
ce of effort along the lines of
ess, that it may merit the con
and advertisers alike.
e played in making possible
e thank you. To you and to all
unmeasured huppjness and
1914, but throughout all timo
.! i 1
Homes on American Side of Border
in Line of Fire Hurriedly
By Associate J Press i
"j Laredo. Texas. Jan. I.—Mexican j
11 rebels renewed tticir skirmishing on
s i the outskirts of Nuevo an hour
>! before dawn. Several hundred shots
were fired. Preliminary fighting for
i possession of Ihe town, now garri
i ; soii(*l by about 2,000 federa-ls, had
| : begun soon after midnight. Lulls In
| t'ie tiring were frequent.
' | Soon after the beginning of hostili-
Ijties homes on the American side of
the border that might be within line'
11 of lire were deserted.
! Wounded Mexicans Plead
jj With American Soldiers
Fly Associated Press
, | Presidio, Texas, Jan. I.—The battle
! I of O.iinaga, Mexico, between the north-
Jen) division of the federal army and
, j rebels, continued this morning after
having been in progress all night. Five
. i or six hundred federals had already
I I [Continued on Page 11]
Wilson May Meet John
Lind on Board Cruiser
By Associated Press
| Pass Christian, Hiss., Jan. I.—-John
I Kind, personal representative of Presi
dent Wilson in Mexico, en route here
| from Vera Cruz on the scout cruiser
' ; Chester, had not arrived nt 3 o'clock
-1 this morning. The President, imme
-1 diately after breakfast was informed
■ [ that the Chester had not yet anchored
' at Ship island, eight miles south of
■ here, where the revenue cuter Winona
• | was to meet Mr. Lind.
5 The weather was perfect to-day and '
r | the President decide that he might go i
1 to sea on the Winona and meet his '
j envoy. While awaiting news of the 1
| Chester's arrival the President read
, scores of telegrams containing New '
I Year greetings.
j Americans Congratulate
S Sir Ernest Shackleton
By Associated Press
! New York, Jan. I.—Messages con
igatulating Sir Ernest Shackleton and
Indorsing the route selected by lilm for
I 11is proposed dawh across the great body
j of land between South America and the
South Pole, yesterday were sent to Lon
'■ don newspapers by officers of the Peary
■ Arctic Club, the American Geographical
, Society and tlie American Museum of
. Natural History. Supplementing these
, messages, several officials expressed
regret that American explorers had
" made no plans for such an expedition.
Dr. Mudge to Come to
t Pine St. Church Soon
mm 4
Who Will Become Pastor "ad Pine
Street Presbyterian Chtrreh
Within Several Weeks.
The Rev. Lewis S. Mudfce, D. 1 j
of Lancaster, will become pastor of
Pine Street Presbyterian Church within ;
several weeks. Soon after Dr. Mudge'sl
arrival in this otty a reception will i
be given in his honor. ' , j
Dr. Mudge Is one of /the , foremost i
men of the Presbyterian Church. |
, / . " JM '
Governor Tener, Mayor Royal and
President Boyer Participate
in Exercises
■ - —— "
j Tribute Paid to Her Civic Spirit—•
j Thousands Visit New Public
I :
Harrisburg's newest public building,
! the Library erected through the l>»-
j quests of Mrs. Sara J. Haldenian-Hal.v
i and occupying a portion nt the prop-
I erty which was her residence, wns
j formally opened to the people of this
| < lty and vicinity to-day. Hxerolstfl
: lasting half an hour took place in thu
j beautiful main library room and then
I the building was declared open bv
j Jasper Dull, president, of tho Boarrt
of Trustees. It was visited by thou
| sands of people.
The Library will remain open until
| late to-night and to-morrow will bo
I an inspection day for those unable tg
visit it to-ilay and for young |i«opn
and children, for whom there will biv
special hours from 11 to 7 o'clock.
Saturday the free book service will be
gin. The only requirement necessary
i to obtain books is to register name anil
address. Hundreds of names were en
jtered up to an early hour this after-
I noon. Governor John K. Tener. Stat«
I Librarian Thomas Lynch Montgomery,
I Mayor John K. Royal. President Har
ry A. Boyer, of the .School Board, B.
M. Mead, who made the historical ad
i dross to-day, and lion. B. F. Meyers,
heading tho registration list. Many
I prominent men and women of tho
State's Capital City, and its suburbs
entered their names.
Tho exercises were attended bv peo
ple of all walks of life In Harrisbuig
and popular appreciation of the bene
factions by Mrs. Haly to the associa
tion established years ago was express
ed by every speaker Just beside. the
speakers stand was placed a portrait!
by Sully of Mrs. Haly, showing her ail
I the beautiful young brldo of WillianJ
[ Continued on Page 1J ] A
j Secretary and Mrs. Bryan A
Entertain Diplomsl
By Astociattd Press
Washington, I"). C\, Jan. 1. —,\e\«
\ears Day IJI the capital pressed oven
without a White House reception for
tiie first time in more than a century
—for the llrst time since the day <>'f
President. Monroe.
In the absence of President Wilson,
taking n holiday vacation In the Hbuth,
a breakfast to tho diplomatic fvirps
by Secretary and Mrs. Bryan was tho
principal social function of the&lay.
More than 300 guests gathered Mvitli
tho Secretary of State at hln hr.inc.
I Practically all the ambassadors, min
isters and members of the embassv
and legation staffs, with the womem of
their families, were present.
The breakfast was given In buffet
style. Pineapple and grape iulce
punches were served and there were
no wines.
By Associated Prtss
Seattle, Wash., Jan. I.—Eight hun
jdred and forty miners employed In th«
Black Diamond mines of the Paclfta
Coast foal Company refused to go to
work yesterday alleging that they w«p»
lngs ProPe safeguarded in the work*
For llarrisburg Hi>d vicinity. Part,
ly rloudyi Friday .-loiiuj aß( |
warmer; moderate wind*.
For Eastern Pennsylvania. IJnaet
t led to-night and Friday) no*
in neb chHiige In temperature!
moderate variable nlnda.
No material rhnngri vrllj emn
river staves or lee conditions.
Gen ""»l '"ondltloaa
l, "' n *">"al rise of 3
to IN degrees In temperature >»»r
..early nil the eonntry
the Mississippi river. It In ft Ikj
12 degrees eolder In the
InTd" " Northern New En^H
Temperaturei 8 a. in.. 38.
Hun. Rises, 7.38 a.m., sets. 4.
Moon. New moon, first
January 4.
River Stage. 2.fl frrt ahova
water mark.
W >w<her ■
Highest tfinprraturr. 3d,
l.owest temperature, 24V.
Mean temperature, SO.
Normal temperature, 30.
i ———
Readv to
Tutu Over / I
A New Leaf? j
On New Year's—th«*.day of new
rast.lyps suggestions are of
""XMirse in order.
Here Is the. best one you have
heard yet!
begin turning over your new
leaf right now wljile you hav« J
this newsbj>her In your hands. ']
To b» specific. tprn over to ths I
pages that contain the advertls- I
ing. i;i»nre-th;-ough y. If It 4M84 I
not interest .you; dont read IfeSfes ■
But begin the habit flow I
start'yourself on the road to liew ■
and better things. " J ■
This advertising Is the u«Ws of H
the world's progress and your In- ■
vltation to cogie and share In It. ■
•lust resolve that yon are not ■
i gotug to let any good things ■
escape you In the year 1914. 11
I* 1 i" '■